BRITISH STANDARD Specification for Road vehicle safety glass BS AU 178a: 1992 BS AU 178a:1992 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Automobile Standards Policy Committee (AUE/- ) to Technical Committee AUE/1 0, upon which the following bodies were represented: Association of British Glass Repair Operators Automobile Association British Plastics Federation British Railways Board Department of Transport Department of Transport (Transport and Road Research Laboratory) Flat Glass Manufacturers’ Association Glass and Glazing Federation National Caravan Council Ltd Society of Motor Manufacturers’ and Traders Ltd Windscreen and Glass Repairer’s Association Windscreen Repair Equipment Manufacturers’ and Suppliers’ Association This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Automobile Standards Policy Committee, was published under the authority of the Standards Board and comes into effect on 28 February 992 Amendments issued since publication © BSI 04- 999 First published November 980 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference AUE/1 Draft for comment 90/77370 DC ISBN 580 19947 Amd No Date Comments BS AU 178a:1992 Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover Foreword iii Scope Definitions Glazing characteristics General requirements and application 5 Particular requirements Purpose of the tests Detailed schedule of tests for safety glass Application for approval and procedure on any subsequent modification of the product Marking Appendix A General test conditions Appendix B Toughened glass windscreens 21 Appendix C Toughened glass windows other than windscreens 23 Appendix D Ordinary laminated glass windscreens 25 Appendix E Ordinary laminated glass windows other than windscreens 28 Appendix F Treated laminated glass windscreens 29 Appendix G Windscreen grouping 30 Appendix H Thicknesses of glass available to the United Kingdom automobile industry 31 Appendix J Application for approval and procedure on any subsequent modification of the product 31 Appendix K Classification of vehicles according to the Commission of the European Communities (EEC/Brussels) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN- ECE/Geneva) 33 Appendix L Plastics- coated safety glazing 33 Figure — Maximum height of segments, A — B, measured approximately normal to the glass Figure — Specified points of impact for windscreens Figure — Specified points of impact for toughened glass windows other than windscreens 10 Figure — Support for ball tests 11 Figure — Support for samples (head form test) 12 Figure — Support for test pieces (head form test) 12 Figure — Head form 13 Figure — Diagram of abrading instrument 14 Figure — Equipment for measuring scattered light (hazemeter) 15 Figure — Deviation at point M on the inner surface of the ! 17 Figure 1 — Optical distortion: position of zone 18 Figure — Vision zone “A” 19 Figure — Vision zone “B” 19 windscreen denoted by Figure — Example of combustion chamber with © BSI 04- 999 sample holder and drip tray 34 Figure — Sample 35 i BS AU 78a: 992 Page Table — Secondary characteristics Table — Tests specified for the categories of glass defined in 2.4 and 2.5 Table — Readings required for abrasion resistance test 15 Table — The minimum number of products required for a full set of approval tests Publication(s) referred to ii 32 Inside back cover © BSI 04- 999 BS AU 8a: 992 Fore word This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Automobile Standards Policy Committee It supersedes BS AU 78: 980 which is withdrawn This new edition of BS AU 78 has been produced to align the standard with ECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) Regulation 43 This edition introduces technical changes but it does not reflect a full review or revision of the standard, which will be undertaken in due course Differences in the text between this edition and BS AU 78: 980 are indicated by a line in the margin A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application C o mp liance with a British S tandard doe s not o f itse lf confe r immunity fro m le gal ob ligations S ummary o f p age s This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv, pages to 36, an inside back cover and a back cover This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front cover © BSI 04- 999 iii iv blank BS AU 78a: 992 Gro up of windscre e ns S cop e This British Standard specifies requirements for Windscreens of different sizes and shapes that can safety glass for installation either as windscreens or be considered to have the same characteristics for as other windows or as partitions in motor vehicles mechanical properties, fragmentation and and trailers (see resistance to the environment tests 2.1 and ) This standard also specifies test requirements NOTE flat windscre e n The titles of the publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover D e finitions a windscreen with no curvature For the purposes of this British Standard the curve d windscre e n following definitions apply a windscreen that is curved in at least one direction Motor ve hicle 2.7 A mechanically propelled vehicle intended or adapted for use on roads (Road Traffic Act 972) a characteristic that substantially changes the optical and/or mechanical properties of a safety 2.1 m p rincip al characte ristic glass with regard to its application to a vehicle The ve hicle trade name or mark of the manufacturer is also a a vehicle used for the carriage of passengers and principal characteristic (see 3.2) comprising no more than seats in addition to the 2.8 driver’s seat se condary characte ristic NOTE A list of EEC and UN- ECE vehicle categories with definitions is given for information in Appendix K a characteristic that significantly but not 2.2 substantially changes the optical and/or mechanical properties of a safety glass with regard to its traile r a vehicle drawn by a motor vehicle (Road Traffic Act 972) application to a vehicle (see difficulty (see 2.3 3.3) The significance of the change is j udged in relation to the indices of 9) 2.9 slow moving ve hicle indice s of difficulty an industrial or agricultural tractor capable of a speed not exceeding 30 km/h on level ground a two- stage grading applying to the variation in practice of each secondary characteristic 2.4 Table shows the characteristics to which the toughe ne d glass indices relate; a change from index (1 ) to index (2) a glass consisting of a single layer that has been requires additional testing subj ected to special treatment to increase its 2.1 mechanical strength and to condition fragmentation de ve lo p e d are a of a windscre e n after shattering the minimum rectangular area of glass from which Laminate d glass a windscreen can be developed A glass consisting of two or more layers held 2.1 together by one or more interlayers of plastics inclinati on angle o f a wind scre e n material Laminated glass may be either ordinary (see 2.5.1 ) or treated (see ) the angle included between a vertical line and the straight line passing through the top and bottom 2.5.1 edges of the windscreen, these lines being defined in ordinary laminate d glass a vertical plane containing the longitudinal axis of laminated glass in which none of the layers of glass of which it is composed has been treated the vehicle NOTE Measurement of the inclination angle is based on a vehicle standing on level ground; the vehicle is in running order, 2.5.2 complete with fuel, coolant, lubricant, tools and spare wheel (if tre ate d laminate d glass provided as standard equipment by the vehicle manufacturer) including the mass of a driver and, in the case of passenger cars, laminated glass in which at least one of the layers of of one front seat passenger (taking 75 + 0, –1 kg per passenger) glass of which it is composed has been specially NOTE treated to increase the mechanical strength and to pneumatic suspension or a device for automatic levelling condition fragmentation after shattering © BSI 04- 999 Vehicles equipped with hydropneumatic, hydraulic or according to load should be tested in the normal running condition specified by the manufacturer Light transmission (1 ) (2) Clear Tinted No test Resistance to radiation No test involved High temperature involved characteristics not impact of the head (1 ) (1 ) (1 ) (2) Tinted glass e laminated windscreens Clear glass e As for ordinary laminated windscreens As for ordinary laminated windscreens As for ordinary Clear interlayers e (1 ) (2) Clear glass As for ordinary laminated windscreens Tinted interlayere (2) (1 ) Tinted glass Tinted interlayer (2) Clear interlayer Tinted interlayere (2) Clear interlayer Secondary e characteristics not Secondary Behaviour under involved As for ordinary laminated windscreens characteristics not windscreens a As for toughened Treated laminated Secondary No test plastics-coated laminated Ordinary laminated and Windscreens No tests approval for plate identical — separate Float and sheet Nature of material ah Toughened Mechanical strength Fragmentation a Test prescribed Toughened Tinted Clear No test No test (1 ) (2) windscreens laminated As for ordinary windscreens laminated As for ordinary windscreens laminated As for ordinary windscreens As for ordinary laminated As for toughened (2) Tinted windscreens laminated As for ordinary No test Laminated windscreens d (1 ) Clear (2) Float or sheet (1 ) windscreens a As for toughened Plate Windows other than windscreens Table — Secondary characteristics (showing indices of difficulty (1 ) and (2) where appropriate) BS AU 78a:1 992 © BSI 04- 999 © BSI 04- 999 Sheet Sheet a Where a change is made from float or sheet glass to plate glass, or vice versa, the fragmentation tests shall be repeated c h g f e d laminated windscreens As for ordinary Toughened No test No test f f (1 ) Tinted interlayer (2) Clear interlayer Dependent on material g g g Laminated Windows other than windscreens When considing a group of windscreens, representative windscreens shall be chosen for test that have the greatest rate change of curvature and are intended for mounting at the Shade or obscuration bands other than painted As for ordinary laminated windscreens if E.6 is applicable As for toughened windscreens if C is applicable Shade and/or obscuration bands (1 ) not included; (2) included Test required for double- glazed units only The abrasion test may be carried out when the material forming the outer surface of the windscreen is changed greatest rake angle b Tinted interlayer (2) (1 ) No test Humidity Clear interlayer Dependent on material Dependent on material No test As for ordinary Abrasion test c Each type of tint Type of vehicle laminated windscreens As for ordinary laminated windscreens As for ordinary Treated laminated laminated windscreens Each type of tint Type of vehicle (2) Plate and float (1 ) (2) Sheet Type of vehicle b Plate and float (1 ) Type of vehicle b (2) Plate and float (1 ) (2) Sheet plastics-coated laminated Ordinary laminated and Windscreens Plate and float (1 ) Toughened colours Identification of Secondary image Optical distortion Test prescribed Table — Secondary characteristics (showing indices of difficulty (1 ) and (2) where appropriate) BS AU 78a:1 992 BS AU 78a: 992 Figure — Maximum he ight of segme nts, A–B, me asure d approximate ly normal to the glass 2.1 2.1 he ight of se gment sample the maximum dimension to the inner surface of the a safety glass product, selected as representative of glass from a plane contacting the glass extremities, a production batch, and submitted for test measured approximately normal to the glass (see Figure ) 2.1 te st piece 2.1 an article, subj ected to a test procedure, which may minimum radius of curvature either be specially prepared for the purpose or cut the approximate value of the smallest radius of from a sample; in appropriate cases a complete windscreen arc measured in the most curved area of safety glass product may serve as a test piece the windscreen 2.1 2.1 daylight ope ning type of safe ty glass safety glass, as defined in the clear and unobstructed aperture in the body of a 2.4 and 2.5 , not exhibiting any essential differences of a kind relating, in particular, to the principal and secondary characteristics listed in clause vehicle into which a safety glass is fitted 2.1 se condary image se paration the angular distance between the apparent 2.1 positions of the primary image and of the secondary se condary image image a spurious or ghost image, usually seen at night when the obj ect being viewed is very bright in relation to its surroundings, e g the headlights of an approaching vehicle © BSI 04- 999 BS AU 78a: 992 C Fragme ntation te st C.2.1 Point Selection of samples C.2.1 in the geometric centre of the glass; Point this point applies to curved glass only Samples of each category of shape and each and shall be selected on the longest category of thickness that are difficult to produce median in that part of the glass where shall be selected for testing according to the the radius of curvature is smallest following criteria: a) for flat glass windows corresponding to an application for approval in conformity with C.1 c) ), two sets of samples shall be supplied corresponding to: between the two adj acent sides less than 30° b) for curved and flat windows corresponding to an application for approval in conformity c) 2), three sets of samples shall be supplied corresponding to: conditions specified in C C 6.1 to C 6.1 The number of fragments included in any 50 mm × 50 mm square traced on the glass shall not be less than 40 and not more than 400 or, if the glass does not exceed a thickness of mm, the number of fragments in the square shall not be less than 40 and not more than 450 ) the largest developed surface; C For the purposes of this count, particles cut 2) the window having the smallest angle by the sides of the 50 mm × 50 mm square shall be between two adj acent sides less than 30°; counted as half 3) the largest height of segment of more than 00 mm The height of segment of the window subj ected to the test shall be recorded in the test report C.2.1 C The samples shall be selected from among the manufacturer actually produces or plans to produce If the criteria in C.2.1 above cannot be complied with, special test pieces may be produced which represents the frame of the glass, or within a C Particles with an area of more than 300 mm defined in C 6.1 are not permitted except in the area C 6.1 A few fragments of elongated shape are permitted provided that: C Numb e r of samp le s a) their ends are not knife- edged; The number of samples in each group shall be as b) if they extend to the edge of the glass pane they follows, according to the category of shape defined C.1.1 Fragmentation shall not be checked in a strip 20 mm wide all round the edge of the samples, radius of 75 mm around the point of impact the range of windows other than windscreens that in The test shall be deemed to have given a satisfactory result if fragmentation fulfils the ) the largest surface area; C.1 Only one test shall be carried out at each C Inte rp re tation of re sults C 2) the window having the smallest angle with C.5.2 prescribed point of impact not form an angle of more than 45° with it, and c) their length does not exceed 75 mm C ate go ry o f shap e Nu mb e r o f samp le s i n e ach se t C 6.2 A set of samples submitted for approval shall be considered satisfactory from the point of view of Flat (2 sets) fragmentation if at least one of the conditions Curved (1 , or sets) in C C 6.2.1 C Te st me tho d C.5.1 C 6.2 impact prescribed in The method used shall be that described in C Points o f imp act to A (see Figure 3) The points of impact for flat windows are represented in Figure 3(a) and Figure 3(b) , and, for C 6.2.2 is fulfilled All tests carried out using the points of C.5 give a positive result One test among all those carried out using the points of impact specified in C.5 has given an unsatisfactory result, taking account of deviations which not exceed the following limits: curved windows, in Figure 3(c) a) not more than fragments between 60 mm These points of impact shall be: and 75 mm long; Point 30 mm from the edges of the glass in the part where the radius of curvature of the contour is smallest; Point 30 mm from the edges of one of the medians, selecting the side of the glass b) not more than fragments between 75 mm and 00 mm long; and is repeated on a new sample which either complies with C 6.2 or presents deviations within the limits specified in a) and b) bearing the tong marks, if any; 24 © BSI 04- 999 BS AU 78a:1 992 C.6.2.3 Two tests among all the tests carried out using the points of impact specified in C.5 have given an unsatisfactory result, taking account of deviations not exceeding the limits specified in C.6.2.2 and a further series of tests carried out on a new set of samples complies with C.6.1 or not C.1 The height of drop is m + 0, – 25 mm C.1 Interpretation of results C.1 2.1 The head form test on double- glazed windows shall be deemed to have given a satisfactory result if both components break more than two samples in the new set present C.1 2.2 A set of test pieces submitted for approval deviations within the specified limits in C.6.2.2 shall be considered satisfactory from the point of C.6.3 If the deviations described in C.6.2.2 are found, they shall be mentioned in the test report and view of the head form test if at least one of the following conditions is fulfilled: photographs of the relevant parts of the glass pane a) all the tests have given a satisfactory result; shall be attached to the report b) all the tests have given satisfactory results C.7 Mechanical strength: 227 g ball test C.7.1 Test pieces the glass components remaining unbroken Six test pieces measuring 300 mm × 300 mm shall be submitted for testing for each category of Test method apply to windows that are necessary to comply with C.7.2.1 The test method used shall be that described in A.2 The ball shall weigh 227 ± g C.7.2.2 The height of drop (from the lower part of the ball to the upper surface of the sample) shall be as indicated in the following table, according to the nominal thickness of the glass Nominal thickness of the Height of drop glass( e ) # 5 < e any requirements concerning the driver’s field of view in all directions Appendix D Ordinary laminated glass windscreens D.1 Definition of type Ordinary laminated glass windscreens shall be considered to belong to different types if they differ in at least one of the principal or secondary mm e C.1 Optical qualities The provisions concerning optical qualities in shall thickness as defined in C.1 d) C.7.2 with the exception of not more than two tests having given unsatisfactory results with one of characteristics given in D.1 and D.1 m – 0, + mm m – 0, + mm D.1 Principal characteristics The principal characteristics are as follows: C.8 Interpretation of results a) the trade name or mark of the manufacturer; C.8.1 The ball impact test shall be deemed to have b) the shape and dimensions; given a positive result if the test piece does not break C.8.2 A set of test pieces submitted for approval shall be considered satisfactory as regards mechanical strength if at least one of the following conditions is fulfilled: a) not more than one test gives a negative result; b) two tests having given a negative result, a further series of tests carried out on a new set of six test pieces does not give any negative results c) the number of layers of glass; d) the nominal thickness, e, of the windscreen, a manufacturing tolerance of n mm being allowed on either side of the nominal value, n being the number of layers of glass in the windscreen; e) the nominal thickness of the interlayer(s) ; f) the nature and type of the interlayer(s), e g PVB or other plastics interlayer Ordinary laminated glass windscreens shall be C.9 Head form test considered as being part of one group for mechanical The head form test applies solely to double windows properties and resistance to the environment tests and double- glazed units intended for use in side D.1 windows of buses and coaches C.1 Number of test pieces Secondary characteristics The secondary characteristics are as given in Table , column Ten test pieces measuring 1 00 + 5, – mm × 500 + 5, – mm shall be submitted for testing for each category of thickness defined in C.1 d) C.1 Test method C.1 1 The test method used shall be that described in A.3 © BSI 04- 999 25 BS AU 78a:1 992 D.2 General D.3.3.2 A set of samples submitted for approval D.2.1 For ordinary laminated windscreens, the shall be considered satisfactory as regards tests, except for those on the head form test in D.3 and optical qualities, shall be conducted on flat test behaviour under impact of the head if either of the following conditions is fulfilled: pieces that are either cut from actual windscreens or a) all the tests give a positive result; or specially made In either case the test pieces shall, b) one test having given a negative result, a in all respects, be rigorously representative of the production windscreens for which approval is sought further series of tests carried out on a new set of samples all give positive results D.2.2 Before each test, the test pieces shall be stored for at least h at a temperature of 23 ± °C The tests shall take place as soon as possible after the test pieces have been taken out of the container in which they were stored D.2.3 The head form tests and the test with the 26 kg ball shall be conducted on the glass surface corresponding to the inside of the windscreen The test with the 227 g ball shall be conducted on the glass surface corresponding to the outside of the windscreen D.3 Head form test (windscreens) D.3.1 Samples Four samples from the smallest developed area series and four samples from the largest developed area series selected in accordance with Appendix G shall be tested D.3.2 Test method D.3.2.1 The method used shall be that described in A.3 D.3.2.2 The height of drop shall be m + 0, – mm D.3.3 Interpretation of results D.3.3.1 The head form test shall be deemed to have given a satisfactory result if all the conditions given in D.3.3.1 to D.3.3.1 are fulfilled D.3.3.1 The sample breaks displaying numerous circular cracks centred approximately on the point of impact, the nearest cracks being not more than 80 mm from the point of impact D.3.3.1 The glass fragments remain attached (except as defined in D.3.3.1 ) to the plastics interlayer Partial separation from the interlayer within a distance of mm on either side of a crack is permitted Within a 60 mm diameter circle centred on the point of impact, partial separation is permitted beyond a distance of mm on either side of a crack D.3.3.1 On the side of the impact not more than 000 mm of interlayer is exposed D.3.3.1 A split in the interlayer does not exceed 35 mm in length 26 © BSI 04- 999 BS AU 78a:1 992 D.4 Head form test (flat test pieces) D.4.1 a) all the tests give a satisfactory result; Number of test pieces b) one test having given an unsatisfactory result, Six flat test pieces of the a further series of tests carried out on a new set dimensions 1 00 + 5, – mm × 500 + 5, – mm of samples gives satisfactory results shall be submitted for testing D.4.2 Test method The method used shall be that described in A.3 The height of drop shall be m + 25, – mm D.4.3 Interpretation of results ball test Number of test pieces D.5.2 227 g D.5.2.1 Twenty square test pieces shall be submitted for testing with dimensions of 300 mm + 0, – mm per side Test method D.4.3.1 This test shall be deemed to have given a D.5.2.2 satisfactory result if the following conditions are D. The method used shall be that described fulfilled: in A.2 The ball used shall have a mass of 227 ± g a) the test piece yields and breaks, displaying and a diameter of approximately 38 mm Ten numerous circular cracks centred approximately specimens shall be tested at + 40 ± °C and ten on the point of impact; at – 20 ± °C b) tears in the interlayer may occur but the head D. The height of fall for thickness categories form does not pass through; and the mass of detached fragments are as follows: Thickness of c) no large fragments of glass become detached sheet from the interlayer + 40 ° C Height of fall D.4.3.2 A set of test pieces submitted for approval shall be considered satisfactory from the point of view of the head form test if either of the following conditions is fulfilled: a) all the tests give satisfactory results; or b) one test having given an unsatisfactory result, a further series of tests carried out on a new set mm # 5 < e # 5 5 < e # e e of test pieces gives satisfactory results D.5 Ball impact test for mechanical strength ball test Number of test pieces D.5.1 2.26 kg D.5.1 Six square test pieces shall be submitted for testing with dimensions of 300 mm + 0, – mm per side D.5.1 Test method D.5.1 2.1 The method used shall be that described in A.2 The ball used shall have a mass of 2260 ± 20 g and a diameter of approximately 82 mm D.5.1 2.2 The height of drop (from the lower part of the ball to the upper surface of the sample) shall be m + 25, – mm D.5.1 Interpretation of results D.5.1 3.1 The ball impact test shall be deemed to have given a satisfactory result if the ball does not pass through the glass within the s following the impact D.5.1 3.2 A set of samples submitted for approval shall be considered satisfactory from the point of view of mechanical strength if either of the following conditions is fulfilled: © BSI 04- 999 a > m – 20 ° C Maximum allowed mass of fragments a g Height of fall m Maximum allowed mass of fragments a g 12 12 10 15 15 11 20 20 12 25 10 25 Tolerance of + 25, – mm shall be applicable to the height of fall D.5.2.3 Interpretation of results D. The ball impact test shall be deemed to have given a satisfactory result if: a) the ball does not pass through the glass within s following the impact; b) where the interlayer is not torn, the mass of fragments detached from the opposite side of the glass from that impacted does not exceed the appropriate values specified in D. D. A set of samples submitted for approval shall be considered satisfactory from the point of view of mechanical strength if either of the following two conditions is fulfilled: a) not less than eight tests at each test temperature give a satisfactory result; or b) more than two tests at each test temperature having given an unsatisfactory result, a further series of tests carried out on a new set of samples gives satisfactory results 27 BS AU 78a: 992 High temperature test D.6.1 D.6.1 n, n is the number of layers in the glass, is A manufacturing tolerance of ± mm × D Re sistance to he at and light where Test pieces of samples permitted for each category c) the nominal thickness of the interlayer(s); The test shall be carried out on three samples or test d) the nature (foil or air gap) and type of pieces measuring not less than 300 mm × 300 mm taken by the laboratory from three windscreens and interlayer(s), e g PVB or other plastics bounded on one side by the upper edge of the interlayer; windscreen e) any special treatment that one of the layers of D.6.1 glass may have undergone Test method and interpretation of results The provisions of A and A shall apply D Test for resistance to radiation (light stability test) D.6.2 Test pieces E.1 Secondary characteristics The secondary characteristics are as shown in Table , column E Ge ne ral te st co nd itio ns The test shall be carried out on three test pieces measuring 300 mm × 300 mm which may be E.2.1 For ordinary laminated windows other than windscreens the tests shall be conducted on flat test specially prepared or cut by the laboratory from the pieces that are either cut from actual windows or are upper part of three windscreens, so that the upper specially made In either case the test pieces shall, edge of the test pieces is constituted by the upper in all respects, be rigorously representative of the boundary of the zone in which the regular production windows for which approval is sought transmission is to be determined in accordance E.2.2 with glass shall be stored for not less than h at a A D.6.2 Test method and interpretation of results The provisions of A and A shall apply D O p tical qualitie s The requirements concerning optical qualities set out in A shall apply shall apply The test load shall be 500 g and the test continued for 000 cycles The requirements concerning humidity set out A E H e ad fo rm te st E.3.1 E.3.2 Number of test pieces The test method used shall be that described A E.3.2.2 E.3.3 shall apply Test method E.3.2.1 in D H umidi ty in taken out of the container in which they were stored 500 + 5, – mm shall be submitted for testing The requirements concerning abrasion set out A temperature of 23 ± °C The tests shall take place as soon as possible after the test pieces have been Six flat test pieces measuring 1 00 + 5, – mm × D Ab rasio n in Before each test, the test pieces of laminated The height of drop is m + 25, – mm Interpretation of results E.3.3.1 This test shall be deemed to have given a Ap p e ndix E O rdinary laminated glass satisfactory result if the following conditions are windows othe r than windscree ns fulfilled: a) the test piece yields and breaks, displaying E D e finition of typ e numerous circular cracks centred approximately Ordinary laminated glass products other than on the point of impact; windscreens shall be considered to belong to b) tears in the interlayer may occur but the head different types if they differ in at least one of the form does not pass through; principal and secondary characteristics given in E.1 E.1 and E.1 Principal characteristics The principal characteristics are as follows: from the interlayer E.3.3.2 A set of test pieces submitted for approval shall be considered satisfactory from the point of a) the trade name or mark of the manufacturer; view of behaviour under impact of the head if either b) the category of thickness of the glass, defined of the following two conditions is fulfilled: e, as follows: e # 5 mm 5 mm < e # mm mm < e by the nominal thickness, Category I Category II Category III 28 c) no large fragments of glass become detached a) all the tests give positive results; or b) one test having given a negative result, a further series of tests carried out on a new set of test pieces does not give any negative result © BSI 04- 999 BS AU 78a:1 992 E.5.2 Test for resistance to radiation (light stability test) E.4 Mechanical strength E.4.1 Number of test pieces Test pieces Four flat test pieces measuring 300 + 0, – mm E.5.2.1 × 300 mm + 0, – mm, specially prepared or cut Three flat test pieces measuring not less from four samples, shall be submitted for each than 300 m × 300 mm shall be submitted for each category of glass thickness and for each thickness of category of glass thickness and for each thickness of interlayer interlayer E.4.2 Test method E.5.2.2 Test method and interpretation of results E.4.2.1 The method used shall be that described The provisions of A.6.1 and A.6.2 shall apply in A.2 The mass of the ball shall be 227 ± g E.6 Optical qualities E.4.2.2 The height of drop (from the lower part of The provisions concerning optical qualities in A.8 the ball to the upper surface of the test piece) shall shall apply to windows which are necessary to be as indicated in the following table, according to comply with any requirements concerning the the nominal thickness of the glass product driver’s field of view in all directions Nominal thickness of the Height of drop e glass product ( ) The requirements concerning abrasion set out mm e # 5 5 < e # 6 < e E.4.3 E.7 Abrasion in A.4 shall apply The test load shall be 500 g and m + 25, – mm the test continued for 000 cycles m + 25, – mm E.8 Humidity m + 25, – mm Interpretation of results E.4.3.1 The ball impact test shall be deemed to have given a satisfactory result if both of the following conditions are fulfilled: a) the ball does not pass through the test piece; b) the interlayer not being torn, the total mass of fragments produced on the side opposite the point of impact does not exceed g E.4.3.2 A set of test pieces or samples submitted for approval shall be considered satisfactory as regards mechanical strength if either of the following conditions is fulfilled: a) all the tests give a positive result; or The requirements concerning humidity set out in A.7 shall apply Appendix F Treated laminated glass windscreens F.1 Definition of type Treated laminated glass windscreens shall be considered to belong to different types if they differ in at ] east one of the principal or secondary characteristics given in F.1 and F.1 F.1 Principal characteristics The principal characteristics are as follows: a) the trade name or mark of the manufacturer; b) the shape and dimensions (length, width); b) not more than two tests having given a c) the number of layers of glass; negative result, a further series of tests carried d) the nominal thickness, out on a new set of test pieces all give positive manufacturing tolerance of ± results allowed, where E.5 Resistance to heat and light E.5.1 High temperature test E.5.1 Test pieces Three flat test pieces measuring 300 mm × 300 mm shall be submitted for each category of glass thickness and for each thickness of interlayer E.5.1 Test method and interpretation of results The provisions of A.5.1 and A.5.2 shall apply e, of the windscreen, a n mm being n is the number of layers of glass in the windscreen; e) any special treatment that one or more layers of glass may have undergone; f) the nominal thickness of the interlayer(s); g) the nature and type of the interlayer(s), e g PVB or other plastics interlayer F.1 Secondary characteristics The secondary characteristics are shown in Table , column © BSI 04- 999 29 BS AU 78a: 992 F Ge ne ral Ap pe ndix G Windscre en group ing For treated laminated windscreens the tests, except those on the optical qualities, shall be conducted on flat test pieces that are specially made The features to be considered are as follows: However, the test pieces shall in all respects be rigorously representative of the production a) the developed area of the windscreen as windscreens for which approval is sought defined in ; Before each test, the test pieces shall be stored b) the height of segment; for at least h at a temperature of 23 ± °C The c) the radius of curvature tests shall take place as soon as possible after the A group is defined by a thickness class and test pieces have been taken out of the container in combination which they were stored Classification is defined according to the increasing of the developed areas of the Treated laminated windscreens shall be submitted windscreensvalue as defined in to the following tests The five largest and the five smallest shall be The tests specified in Appendix D for ordinary selected and noted: laminated windscreens; the head form test shall be for the largest for the smallest conducted on the glass surface corresponding to the inside of the windscreen; the ball tests shall be for the next smallest for the next largest conducted on the glass surface corresponding to the for the next in for the next in outside of the windscreen decreasing order increasing order The fragmentation test described in for the next in for the next in decreasing order increasing order Sample for the next in for the next in One test piece measuring 100 + 25, – mm × 500 decreasing order increasing order + 25, – mm for each point of impact shall be submitted for testing Within the two previously defined series, the height of segment values shall be designated as Test method follows: The method used shall be that described in for the largest Point(s) of impact for the next smallest The glass shall be struck on each of the outer treated sheets in the centre of the test piece for the next in decreasing order, etc Interpretation of results each of the series previously defined For each point of impact, the fragmentation in Within , radius of curvature values shall be noted test shall be deemed to have given a satisfactory as follows: result if the total surface area of fragments with a surface area of more than 200 mm2 represents not for the smallest less than 15 % of a 200 mm × 500 mm area of the for the next largest test piece for the next in increasing order, etc The test piece(s) submitted for approval shall be considered satisfactory from the point of For every windscreen in the two series defined view of fragmentation if either of the following in , the indexing numbers shall be added conditions is fulfilled: together and the windscreen with the smallest total a) the test gives a satisfactory result for each shall be selected for testing, both from the five point of impact; or largest and from the five smallest b) the test having been repeated on a fresh set of Additional windscreens having significantly four test pieces for each point of impact for which different parameters of shape and/or radius of it had originally given an unsatisfactory result, curvature from the extremes of the selected the four new tests, using the same points of grouping may also be tested at the discretion of the impact, all give satisfactory results test authority conducting the test if it considers that those features are likely to introduce appreciable adverse effects F G Gro up ing o f windscre e ns fo r ap p roval te sting G 2.1 F G G F Te sts sp e cifie d 2.1 F F F F Fragme ntation F G F A F F F G G F G G G 30 © BSI 04-1999 BS AU 78a: 992 G Windscreen developed areas establish the limits of the group Where a subsequent windscreen is submitted for type approval and its developed area is outside of the approved limit Ap p e ndix H Thickne sse s of glass availab le to the United Kingdom automob ile industry and/or its height of segment is significantly greater or radius of curvature significantly smaller it shall No minal thi ckne ss be considered a new type and additional tests will be mm required if the test authority deems it technically necessary having regard to the information already in its possession on the product and material G If any other windscreen model is manufactured afterwards by a manufacturer to whom approval has already been granted concerning an approval thickness class: a) it shall be ascertained whether such a model can be included among the five largest or the five Limits o f thickne ss ± mm smallest ones selected for approval of the NOTE examined group; and appropriate interlayers to produce a range of laminated glasses The thinner glasses can be combined with the suitable for use in road vehicles b) numerical indexation shall be performed once more, according to G G , G and G If the sum of indexing numbers assigned to the windscreen compared with the five largest or the five smallest is: Ap p e ndix J Ap p lication for ap p roval and procedure on any sub sequent modification of the p roduct The application for approval of a type of glass a) the least, a complete series of approval tests J shall be performed; shall be submitted by the manufacturer of the safety b) not the least, the tests shall only consist of glass or by his duly accredited representative For each type of safety glass the applications those prescribed to characterize the windscreen J intended for a particular vehicle, i e : shall be accompanied by the undermentioned ) toughened windscreen: i) fragmentation test; ii) optical distortion test; iii) secondary image separation test; 2) ordinary laminated windscreen: documents and by the particulars given in and J J J in triplicate A technical description comprising all principal and secondary characteristics J In the case of windscreens only, the following additional information: i) optical distortion test; a) a list of windscreens for which approval is ii) secondary image separation test; sought, together with details of the types and 3) treated laminated windscreens: i) fragmentation test, if required; ii) optical distortion test; iii) secondary image separation test categories of the vehicles to which they are to be fitted; b) drawings and diagrams (or data) of the windscreens and their installation in the vehicle in sufficient detail to show: ) the position of the windscreen relative to the “R” point 9) of the driver’s seat (see Figure and Figure 3) ; 2) the inclination angle of the windscreen, measured from the vertical; 3) the position and size of the zones for checking the optical qualities and areas of different toughening if applicable; 4) the windscreen developed area; 9) The R point or seat reference point of a vehicle is the manufacturer’s design point that establishes the rearmost normal position of each seat provided by the vehicle manufacturers, and is defined in Directive 77/649/EEC © BSI 04- 999 31 BS AU 78a: 992 5) the windscreen maximum height of J segment; modification of the type of safety glass Every type 6) the windscreen minimum radius of modification of the safety glass or in the case of curvature (for windscreen grouping purposes windscreens every addition to the group of windscreens shall be notified to the administrative only); department which approved the type of safety glass 7) the type of interlayer when the windscreen The department may then either: is laminated J Reapproval procedures shall follow a a) consider that the modifications made are In addition, the applicant for approval shall unlikely to have an appreciable adverse effect submit a sufficient number of samples and test and, in the case of windscreens, the new type pieces of the finished class of models agreed if comes within the approved group of windscreens necessary with the test authority (see Table 4) and that, in any case, the safety glass still satisfies the requirements; or b) require a further test report from the technical service responsible for conducting the tests Tab le — The minimum numb e r of p roducts re quire d fo r a full se t of ap p ro val te sts Te st Wi nd scre e ns O the r than w ind scre e ns f Z o ne Unifo rmly O rd i nary to u ghe ne d to u ghe ne d lami nate d Tre ate d b Flat Fragmentation test 6b Angle b To u ghe ne d Lami nate d lami nate d b Flat Nil c b Angle Curved b Nil Curved Ball impact test for mechanical strength 227 g Nil 6d 20 d 20 d 26 kg Nil Nil 6d 6d Nil Nil b b b b Nil Nil Head form test (samples) Head form test or or c c (test pieces) Abrasion test Nil 4 and 6d 4d and c 6c Nil a 6c Nil 3e 3e Nil 3e d d Nil 3d 6 High temperature test Nil Nil Resistance to radiation Nil Nil 3d 3d Nil 3d Nil Nil 3d 3d Nil 3d Samples Samples Samples Samples used before used before used before used before conducting conducting conducting conducting above tests above tests above tests above tests test Humidity test Light transmission test Optical distortion test Secondary image test Identification of colours test See C.1 See E.6 NOTE If test samples are used then an extra sample will be required for a support in the fragmentation test NOTE The number stated is for one full set of approval tests only, and it is recommended that additional samples to cover retests, breakages, etc should be delivered to the test authority NOTE a b c d e f Uniformly toughened windscreens are applicable to slow moving vehicles as defined in 2.3 In the case of double- glazed units, test pieces are required Samples Test pieces 1 00 mm × 500 mm Test pieces 300 mm × 300 mm Test pieces 00 mm × 00 mm Additional samples will be required for testing the plastics coating, where applicable, in accordance with the requirements of Appendix L 32 © BSI 04- 999 BS AU 78a:1 992 Appendix K Classification of vehicles according to the Commission of the European Communities (EEC/Brussels) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE/Geneva) Category L Motor vehicles with less than four wheels Category L1 Two- wheeled vehicles with an engine cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cm and a maximum design speed not exceeding 40 km/h Category L2 Three- wheeled vehicles with an engine cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cm and a maximum design speed not exceeding 40 km/h Category L3 Two- wheeled vehicles with an engine cylinder capacity exceeding 50 cm or a design Category N2 Vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum mass (weight) exceeding but not exceeding tonnes Category N3 Vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum mass (weight) exceeding tonnes Category O Trailers (including semi-trailers) Category O Single- axled trailers, other than semi- trailers, with a maximum mass (weight) not exceeding 75 tonne Category O Trailers with a maximum mass (weight) not exceeding tonnes, other than trailers of category O Category O Trailers with a maximum mass (weight) exceeding tonnes but not exceeding tonnes speed exceeding 40 km/h Category O Trailers with a maximum mass Category L4 Vehicles with three wheels (weight) exceeding tonnes asymmetrically arranged in relation to the longitudinal median axis, with an engine cylinder capacity exceeding 50 cm or a design speed Appendix L Plastics-coated safety glazing exceeding 40 km/h (motor cycles with sidecar) L.1 General Category L5 Vehicles with three wheels L.1 The following tests are applicable to soft symmetrically arranged in relation to the longitudinal median axis, with a maximum mass elastic polyurethane films bonded on to the inner (weight) not exceeding 000 kg and either an surface of a safety glazing material to provide engine cylinder capacity exceeding 50 cm or a design speed exceeding 40 km/h Category M Power-driven vehicles having at least four wheels or having three wheels when the maximum mass (weight) exceeds tonne, and used for the carriage of passengers 0) Category M Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers and comprising not more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat Category M2 Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers, comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat, and having a maximum mass (weight) not exceeding tonnes Category M3 Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers, comprising more than eight seats in improved passenger protection The tests are not applicable to other types of organic polymeric films or coatings which might be applied to the inner surface of a safety glazing material for the same purpose L.1 Safety glazing materials, as defined in Appendix B to Appendix F, if coated on the inner face with a layer of plastics material, shall be designated as “plastics- coated safety glazing” L.1 Before each test, the test piece shall be stored for at least h at a temperature of 23 ± °C The tests shall take place as soon as possible after the pieces have been taken out of the container in which they were stored L.2 Tests prescribed addition to the driver’s seat, and having a maximum Plastics- coated safety glazing shall comply not only mass (weight) exceeding tonnes with the requirements of the appropriate Category N Power-driven vehicles having at least four wheels or having three wheels when the maximum mass (weight) exceeds tonne, and used for the carriage of goods Appendix B to Appendix F, but also with the Category N1 Vehicles used for carriage of goods and subj ected to a test in accordance with the method requirements in L.3 , L.4 and L.5 L.3 Abrasion test L.3.1 Test meth o d The plastics coating shall be having a maximum mass (weight) not specified in A.4 The test shall be continued exceeding tonnes for 00 cycles 0) Articulated vehicles comprising two non- separable but articulated units shall be considered as single vehicles © BSI 04- 999 33 BS AU 78a: 992 Figure — E xamp le of co mb ustio n chamb e r w ith samp le ho ld e r and drip tray The bottom of the chamber has vent holes, and the top has a vent slot all around The combustion chamber is placed on four feet, 10 mm high The chamber may have a hole at one end for the introduction of the sample holder containing the sample; in the opposite end, a hole is provided for the gas line Melted material is caught in a pan is placed on the bottom of the chamber A resistance to humidity test shall be conducted in which between vent holes without covering any vent hole accordance with the method specified in area Consists of two U-shaped The test shall be considered satisfactory if no metal plates or frames of corrosion-proof material substantial irreversible change is observed in the lower plate is equipped with pins, the upper one test piece after a period of 48 h at prevalent ambient The with corresponding holes in order to ensure a conditions consistent holding of the sample The pins also serve as the measuring points at the beginning and end of the burning distance A sample is held horizontally in a U-shaped holder A support shall be provided in the form of wires and is exposed to the action of a defined low-energy spanning the frame at 25 mm intervals flame for 15 s in a combustion chamber, the flame The small ignition source is acting on the free end of the sample The test provided by a Bunsen burner having an inside determines if and when the flame extinguishes or diameter of 9.5 mm It is located in the test cabinet the time in which the flame passes a measured so that the centre of its nozzle is 19 mm below the distance centre of the bottom edge of the open end of the sample (Figure 14), preferably of stainless steel The front of the chamber contains a flame-resistant observation window, which may cover the front and which can be constructed as an access panel L.3.2 The plastics coating shall be considered satisfactory from the point of view of abrasion resistance if the light scattered as a result of the abrasion of the test piece does not exceed % In terp reta tio n o f resu lts L H umi dity te st L Test m etho d A L In terp reta ti on of resu lts L The sam p le ho lder L Flammab ility te st L Pri n c i p le L Gas b urner L Ap p a tu s L 34 Com b ustio n cham b er © BSI 04-1999 BS AU 78a: 992 Figure — S amp le L Test gas The gas supplied to the burner shall have a calorific value near 38 MJ/m gas) L 3 (e g natural Shape and dimensions of samples The shape and dimensions of samples are given in Figure The thickness of the sample corresponds to the thickness of the product to be tested It shall not be more than mm When taking the sample permits, the sample shall have a constant section over its entire length L Sampling L At least five samples shall be taken from the L Measurement of burning time is completed when the flame has come to the last measuring point or when the flame extinguishes before coming to the last measuring point If the flame does not reach the last measuring point, measure the burnt distance up to the point where the flame extinguished Burnt distance is the decomposed part of the sample which is destroyed on its surface or in the interior by burning L In so far as the sample does not ignite or does not continue burning after the burner has been extinguished, or when the flame extinguishes before reaching the first measuring point, so that no material under test In materials having different burning time is measured, note in the test report burning rates in different material directions that the burning rate is mm/min (preliminary tests will show this) the five (or more) samples are to be taken and placed in the test apparatus so that the highest burning rate will be measured L Composite materials shall be tested as if they were of uniform construction L Procedure L Place the sample in the sample holder so that the exposed side is downwards of the flame L burner being closed Before starting the first test, the flame shall burn for at least for stabilization Push the sample holder into the combustion chamber so that the end of the sample is exposed to the flame, and after s cut off the gas flow L The measurement of the burning time starts at the moment when the foot of the flame passes the When running a series of tests or repeat tests, ensure that the combustion chamber and sample holder have a maximum temperature of 30 °C before starting the next test L Calculation of burning rate The burning rate, B, in millimetres per minute, is given by the formula s × 60 t B = Adj ust the gas flame to a height of 38 mm using the mark in the chamber, the air intake of the L L where s t is the burn distance (in mm) ; is the time (in s) to burn distance s L Interpretation of results Plastics- coated safety glazing shall be considered satisfactory from the point of view of flammability if the burning rate, NOTE B, does not exceed 250 mm/min It should be noted that this test does not necessarily bear first measuring point Observe the flame a relationship to likely hazard and does not give an indication of propagation on the side burning faster than the probable behaviour Care should be taken in applying the results other (upper or lower side) © BSI 04- 999 to practical circumstances 35 36 blank BS AU 78a:1 992 Publication(s) referred to ISO 3537, Road vehicles — Safety glasses — Tes t m etho ds for m echanical p ro p erties ISO 3538, Road vehicles — Safety glasses — Test m ethods fo r o p tical p ro p erties ISO 391 7, Road v ehicles — Safety glass es — Test m etho ds fo r resistance to radiation, high tem p erature, hum idity and fire EEC Directive 78/31 7/EEC, — Defro sting and dem isting sys tem s o f glazed s urfaces o f m o to r v ehicles EEC Directive 77/649/EEC, — Field of v is io n of m oto r v ehicle driv ers Publication CIE No (E- ) 971 — Colorimetry — Official recommendations of the International Commission of Illumination Proceedings of the 931 meeting of the International Commission of Illumination (CIE) © BSI 04- 999 BS AU 178a: 1992 BSI — British Standards Institution BS I is the indep endent national b ody res p ons ib le for p rep aring Britis h S tandards It p res ents the UK view on s tandards in E urop e and at the international level It is incorp orated b y Royal C harter Revisions Britis h S tandards are up dated b y 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