BRITISH STANDARD AUTOMOBILE SERIES BS AU 217 2 1989 Maximum road speed limiters for motor vehicles — Part 2 Specification for system and component requirements UDC 629 11 585 7 Reproduced by IHS under[.]
BRITISH STANDARD AUTOMOBILE SERIES Maximum road speed limiters for motor vehicles — Part 2: Specification for system and component requirements UD C 62 1 - 585 Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy BS AU 21 7-2: 989 BS AU 21 7-2:1 989 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Automobile Standards Policy Committee (AUE/- ) to Technical Committee AUE/1 3, upon which the following bodies were represented: British Railways Board Bus and Coach Council Department of Transport (Highways) Department of Transport (TRRL) Freight Transport Association Health and Safety Executive Institute of Road Transport Engineers (Incorporated) London Regional Transport Ministry of Defence Road Haulage Association Ltd Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Limited This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Automobile Standards Policy Committee, was published under the authority of the Board of BSI and comes into effect on Amendments issued since publication 28 February 990 © BSI 02- 2000 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference AUE/1 Draft for comment 87/75795 DC ISBN 80 7249 X Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy Amd No Date of issue Comments BS AU 21 7-2:1 989 Contents Page Committees responsible Foreword Inside front cover ii Scope Definitions Durability and environmental performance Marking Appendix A System durability test Appendix B Time and temperature stability test Appendix C Transient voltage test severity levels Appendix D Sinusoidal vibration test Appendix E Additional tests Figure — Test layout Figure — Driving rain test: test cabinet nozzle arrangement (6 nozzles: angled, horizontal) Table — Maximum supply line interference levels Table — Transient voltage test severity levels Publications referred to © BSI 02- 2000 Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy Inside back cover i BS AU 21 7-2:1 989 Foreword This Part of BS AU 21 has been prepared under the direction of the Automobile Standards Policy Committee Part of this standard deals with the requirements relating to the performance of the assembled system making up the speed limiter device when installed in a vehicle A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages to 8, an inside back cover and a back cover This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front cover ii Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy © BSI 02- 2000 BS AU 21 7-2:1 989 3.2 Time and temperature stability Scope This Part of BS AU 21 specifies requirements for The system, in a condition equivalent to new, shall the performance of systems and components be tested in accordance with Appendix B During designed to form part of a speed limiter intended to the procedures in B.1 to B.7 and B.9 the sensed limit the maximum road speed of motor vehicles by speed shall not differ from the set speed by more control of engine power than mile/h Appendix A gives a system durability test, 3.3 Electrical power supply Appendix B, a time and temperature stability test, 3.3.1 Appendix C shows transient voltage test severity levels, Appendix D a sinusoidal vibration test and Appendix E gives additional tests which systems manufacturers may wish to include in their own 3.3.1 The system shall function normally when connected to a power supply in the range 20 V to 30 V (1 V to V) d c 3.3.1 The system shall be tested at V specifications NOTE Steady state voltage Not all the requirements given will necessarily apply and 40 V (5 V and 20 V) d c , for a period of to every speed limiter system For example, some are of a at each, with a sweep between these maximum and mechanical nature and therefore electrical characteristics will minimum values The change from nominal voltage not be applicable NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover NOTE All voltages are quoted for nominal 24 V systems and, in brackets, for V systems i e 24(1 2) to each extreme and from each extreme to nominal voltage shall take place over a time interval of ms The system may fail to function but it shall not be permanently damaged and shall return to normal Definitions function when the power supply is returned to For the purposes of this Part of BS AU 21 the normal definitions given in BS AU 21 7- apply, together 3.3.2 with the following not be affected by regular or irregular variations in 2.1 voltage about the prevailing supply level (excluding permanent damage transients) not exceeding V (2 V) peak to peak in damage sustained by a component or system which Rip p le Normal operation of the system shall the range Hz to kHz The system may fail to renders it inoperative For the purpose of this 3.3.3 definition the rupture of a fuse or the operation of function but it shall not be permanently damaged other user serviceable circuit protection devices is when subj ected to a reversal of polarity of the supply not taken to be permanent damage referred to in 3.3.1 for and shall return to Rev erse p olarity normal function when the power supply is returned 2.2 to normal normal function functioning in accordance with the requirements of Part of this standard 3.3.4 Transients Tests for immunity to transients shall be conducted in accordance with ISO 7637- for V systems and ISO 7637- for 24 V systems 2.3 Transient voltage test severity levels are given in failure to function Appendix C functioning outside the requirements of Part of 3.3.5 this standard but not suffering any permanent damage Input/output protection Each output in turn shall withstand connection to earth for duration, without 2.4 permanent damage, with the system operating and nominal voltage shall return to normal function when the connection a voltage of 28(1 4) ±1 V d c is removed Each input in turn shall withstand a Durability and environmental performance 3.1 System durability connection to earth and to supply for min, without permanent damage, with the system operating and shall return to normal function when the connection is removed The system, in a condition equivalent to new, shall be tested in accordance with Appendix A and, after completion of the test, shall comply with the manufacturer’s specification © BSI 02- 2000 Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy BS AU 21 7-2:1 989 3.3.6 Electromagnetic compatibility Sup p ly line interference When tested in accordance with BS 3G 00- 2: 980 (civil 3.4.2 Low temperature storage test in accordance with BS 201 - A at a temperature of: a) – 25 ° C for cab mounted components; applications), the system shall operate correctly b) – 40 ° C for engine and chassis mounted with V r m s interference, at any frequency in the components range Mhz to 50 Mhz, superimposed on either battery supply line with respect to a reference ground plane Electro m agnetic em issions Using the test procedure described in paragraph of DIN 57879- 3: 981 and with the values of electromagnetic emissions measured on the output port of a 50 line impedance stabilizing network The period for this test shall be 96 h after the component has reached the required temperature Return the component to ± °C at a rate not exceeding °C/min and test 3.4.3 Using the component tested under 3.4.2 , carry out a high temperature storage test in accordance with BS 201 - B at temperature of: using a CISPR quasi- peak measuring receiver a) + 80 ° C for cab mounted components; (both of which shall meet the requirements of b) + 40 ° C for engine mounted components; BS 727), the system under test shall not cause interference in the supply line exceeding the values c) + 00 ° C for chassis mounted components shown in Table , or their equivalent if other The period for this test shall be 96 h after the equipment is used component has reached the required temperature Table — Maximum supply line interference levels Frequency band Measured level relative to microvolt in (+ dB) Return the component to ± °C at a rate not exceeding °C/min and test 3.4.4 Using the component tested under 3.4.3 carry out a humidity storage test in accordance with BS 201 - Z/AD and test after the drying period MHz 3.4.5 Using the component tested under 3.4.4 carry to 29 70 level 30 to 90 60 level 00 to 29 50 level 3.4.6 Submit engine and chassis mounted 30 to 08 slope 50 to 30 components tested under 3.4.5 to a salt mist test in RF field sus cep tib ility out a sinusoidal vibration test as given in Appendix D, and after, test for normal function accordance with BS 201 - Ka, for a period of 96 h When tested in and after test for normal operation accordance with the procedure described in DEF NOTE STAN 59- 41 , Part 3, Issue 2: 986 (DRSO2 radiated manufacturers are described in Appendix E susceptibility) the system shall function normally Additional tests which may also be considered by when subj ected to an R F field of 40 dB Marking above Each control unit and actuator shall be marked with 4V/m (1 V/m) over a frequency range of Mhz to 220 Mhz the following: 3.4 Environmental protection a) the number of this British Standard, 3.4.1 Components of the system shall be subj ected to i e BS AU 21 7- the following tests, after each of which they shall b) the name, trade mark or other means of continue to function normally identification of the manufacturer; 1) ; c) a part number 1) Marking BS AU 21 7- on or in relation to a product represents a manufacturer’s declaration of conformity, i e a claim by or on behalf of the manufacturer that the product meets the requirements of the standard The accuracy of the claim is therefore solely the responsibility of the person making the claim Such a declaration is not to be confused with third party certification of conformity, which may also be desirable Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy © BSI 02- 2000 BS AU 21 7-2:1 989 Appendix A System durability test A.1 Connect the components of a system in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and where necessary adj ust to simulate maximum load/travel conditions (worst case) Connect a 24 V (1 V) battery with the charge maintained at 28 (1 4) ± V d c A.2 Activate the system through the following test cycle: a) drive to a full range travel (t1 ); b) reverse to zero output (t2); c) drive to a mean position (t3); d) control at mean output for × (t1 + t2 + t3); e) reverse to zero output; where t is the time required to complete each individual operation A.3 Repeat this test cycle for 250 000 cycles Appendix B Time and temperature stability test B.1 Connect up the system in a test chamber at ± ° C (see Figure ) to a supply of 28 (1 4) ± V d c , complete with simulation of components of the loop between the throttle actuator and speed (i e engine and transmission) outside of the test chamber B.2 Set simulated throttle demand to maximum B.3 Adj ust the set speed of the system where appropriate B.4 Activate the system and the recorder Throughout the test, B.5 to B.7 , record the maximum deviation from the set speed B.5 Allow the system to operate for h B.6 Reduce the test chamber temperature to – 20 ± ° C After the temperature of the test chamber has stabilized, operate the system for a further 30 B.7 Increase the test chamber temperature to 60 ± ° C After the temperature of the test chamber has stabilized, operate the system for a further 30 B.8 Increase the test chamber temperature to 80 ± ° C After the temperature of the test chamber has stabilized, operate the system for a further 30 The system shall continue to function but the accuracy may be degraded B.9 Reduce the test chamber temperature to 60 ± ° C After the temperature of the test chamber has stabilized, operate the system for a further 30 Record the maximum deviation from the set speed Figure — Test layout © BSI 02- 2000 Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy BS AU 21 7-2:1 989 Appendix C Transient voltage test severity levels Normal function A Fail but recover C Table — Transient voltage test severity levels Test pulse Test level Number of pulses Functional status or test time Remarks V – 50 (– 75) C 000 + 50 (+ 75) C 000 3(a) – 50 (– 75) A h 3(b) + 50 (+ 75) A h – (– 6) C pulses + 80 (+ 80) C pulse Not applicable Not applicable NOTE between pulses These values are for use in conj unction with ISO 7637- or ISO 7637- as appropriate Appendix D Sinusoidal vibration test D.1 Chassis and cab mounted components D.1 General Subj ect the component to be tested, mounted on its normal mount, complete with its ancillary components, to a resonance search in all three planes using a sinusoidal wave form under the conditions given in D.1 followed by an endurance test under the conditions given in D.1 D.1 Resonance search Frequency range Hz to 250 Hz g Input Sweep time Duration Long enough to establish resonant frequency D.1 n Endurance test at resonance frequency Frequency range dB below peak for each resonance g Input Sweep rate Hz/s Duration h n If there is no resonance, carry out a broad sweep endurance test under the following conditions: Frequency range Hz to 250 Hz g Input Sweep rate Hz/s Duration 30 h/plane n D.2 Engine mounted components D.2.1 General Subj ect the component to be tested, mounted on its normal mount, complete with its ancillary components to a resonance search in all three planes using a sinusoidal wave form under the conditions given in D.2.2 followed by an endurance test under the conditions given in D.2.3 Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy © BSI 02- 2000 BS AU 21 7-2:1 989 D.2.2 Resonance search Frequency range 40 Hz to 000 Hz g Input Sweep time Duration Long enough to establish resonant frequencies D.2.3 n Endurance test at resonance ranges Frequency range dB below peak for each resonance in the ranges 40 Hz to 200 Hz and 200 Hz to 000 Hz g g Input 12 Sweep time Hz/s Duration reversals at resonant frequency n n Hz/s If there is no resonance, carry out a broad sweep endurance test under the following conditions: Frequency range 40 Hz to 200 Hz g 200 Hz to 000 Hz g Input 12 Sweep rate Hz/s Hz/s Duration h/plane h/plane n n Appendix E Additional tests E.1 General The tests given in E.2 to E.6 may be considered by system component manufacturers E.2 Change of temperature (thermal shock) Mount the component in its normal operating attitude and test in accordance with test Na of BS 201 - N using the following minimum and maximum temperatures: a) – 20 ° C to + 65 ° C for cab mounted components; b) – 40 ° C to + 20 ° C for engine mounted components; c) – 40 ° C to + 85 ° C for chassis mounted components Subj ect the component to 20 cycles and use an exposure time at each temperature of h Return the component to ± ° C at a rate not exceeding ° C/min and test for normal operation E.3 Resistance to dust E.3.1 Locate the component in a box 900 mm cube internally, in its normal operating attitude, on a pedestal raising it 50 mm above the base of the box, and positioned at least 50 mm from any wall of the box Introduce on the floor of the box a mixture of kg of fine powdered cement complying with BS and agitate by proj ecting blasts of air for s pointed in a downward direction in such a way that the mixture is uniformly diffused within the box Repeat the cycle every over a period of h E.3.2 Conduct the test in accordance with Appendix A for 25 000 cycles and test for normal operation E.4 Contamination Mount the component in its normal operating attitude and test in accordance with test Rb of BS 201 - R by applying a spray, using the following materials at the temperatures stated: a) At 20 ± ° C: ) , , - trichloroethane (BS 580); 2) white spirit (BS 245) ; 3) leaded petrol (BS 4040) ; 4) unleaded petrol (BS 7070); 5) methanol (BS 506- ) © BSI 02- 2000 Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy BS AU 21 7-2:1 989 b) At 70 ± °C: 1) diesel fuel (class A1) (BS 2869-1); 2) engine oil (BS 903-A16, Annex A No oil); 3) auto-gearbox/power steering oil (BS 903-A16, Annex A, No oil); 4) manual gearbox/hypoid oil (BS 903-A16, Annex A, No oil); 5) grease: lithium soap based; 6) brake/clutch fluid; 7) hydraulic power brake fluid; 8) ethylene glycol anti-freeze (50 % solution) Visually inspect the component for surface deterioration and test for normal operation E.5 Driving rain: chassis mounted components The test chamber shall have the dimensions and nozzle arrangement as shown in Figure Each nozzle includes a jet which shall emit a solid cone spray (a solid cone spray is defined as one where the water within the spray is evenly distributed) Each nozzle shall pass UKgal/h to 10 UKgal/h of water (455 mL/min to 758 mL/min) Mount the component in the test chamber in its normal operating attitude, positioned so that the centre of the unit is approximately in (152 mm) above the centre of the test chamber floor and so that the spray from all the angled jets impinges upon the component Leave any drain holes open and fit all appropriate electrical leads and grommets Where applicable, protect mounting and mechanical connections to simulate normal service conditions Subject the component to continuous water spraying (maximum water temperature 40 °C) for a period of 25 h Allow the test unit to drain for h At the conclusion of the preceding test, test the component for normal operation The component shall have passed the test unless small globules of water are present in the enclosure in such aggregate quantity as to be detrimental to the life or operation of the component Materials used for the enclosure, including gaskets, if any shall be unaffected by water NOTE The component may subsequently be subjected to a prolonged storage and/or endurance test Any such test requirements should be stated in the product specification NOTE A practical evaluation technique is to remove the component after completing the above procedure and whilst maintaining the same mounting attitude, transferring to a low temperature environment to cause water freezing, and then test for normal operation E.6 Mycological Test in accordance with BS 2011-2.1J as follows: Wash the exterior of the component and the spraying equipment with a % solution of liquid detergent, rinse in clean water and thoroughly dry Position the component together with any relevant ancilliary equipment in its vehicle attitude with all its connections made, in an environmental chamber for 24 h Maintain the test chamber at a temperature of 32 °C with relative humidity of not less than 95 % without precipitation Spray the component with a suitably labelled aqueous solution of fungus spores from the following list It is sufficient that each part be wetted with solution Maintain the component in the environmental conditions detailed above in darkness for a period of 28 days Test the component for normal operation The following fungus spores are required in aqueous solutions, as specified2) : a) b) c) d) e) Aspergillus niger; Aspergillus amstelodami; Paecilomyces variotii; Stachybotrys atra; Chaetomium globsum; 2) NOTE For information on the availability of the fungus spores, apply to the Enquiry Section, British Standards Institution, Linford Wood, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope for reply Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy © BSI 02-2000 BS AU 21 7-2:1 989 f) g) Penicillium b rev ico m p actum ; Penicillium cyclop ium Figure — Driving rain test: test cabinet nozzle arrangement (6 nozzles, angled, horizontal) © BSI 02 - 000 Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy blank BS AU 21 7-2:1 989 Publications referred to BS 2, Specification for ordinary and rapid hardening Portland cement Specification for mineral solvents (white spirit and related hydrocarbon solvents) for paints and other purposes BS 245, BS 506, Methanol for industrial use Specification for methanol BS 506- , BS 580, Specification for trichloroethylene BS 727, Specification for radio-interference measuring apparatus BS 903, Methods of testing vulcanized rubber Determination of the effect of liquids BS 903- A1 6, BS 201 , Basic environmental testing procedures BS 201 - A, Tests A Cold BS 201 - B, Tests B Dry heat BS 201 - J, Test J Mould growth BS 201 - Ka, Test Ka Salt mist BS 201 - N, Test N Change of temperature BS 201 - R, Test R Resistance to fluids BS 201 - Z/AD, BS 2869, Test Z/AD Composite temperature/humidity cyclic test Fuel oils for non-marine use BS 2869- , Specification for automotive diesel fuel (class A1) BS 4040, Specification for leaded petrol (gasoline) for motor vehicles BS 7070, Specification for unleaded petrol (gasoline) for motor vehicles BS AU 21 7, Maximum road speed limiters for motor vehicles BS AU 21 7- , BS 3G 00, Specification for installed requirements Specification for general requirements for equipment for use in aircraft BS 3G 00- 4, Electrical equipment BS 3G 00- 2, Electromagnetic interference at radio and audio frequencies ISO 7637, Road vehicles — Electrical interference by conduction and coupling ISO 7637- , lines only3) ISO 7637- 2, only3) Vehicles with nominal 12 V supply voltage — Electrical transient conduction along supply Vehicles with nominal 24 V supply voltage — Electrical transient conduction along supply lines DEF STAN 59- 41 , Electromagnetic compatibility DEF STAN 59- 41 - (issue 2) DRSO2, Radiated susceptibility DIN 57879: 981 , Radio interference suppression for motor vehicles, vehicle equipment and internal combustion engines DIN 57879: 981 - 3, 3) In preparation © BSI 02- 2000 Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - U n trol l ed Copy Measurements of vehicle equipment BS AU 21 7-2: 989 BSI — British Standards Institution BS I is the indep endent national b ody res p ons ib le for p rep aring Britis h S tandards It p res ents the UK view on s tandards in E urop e and at the international level It is incorp orated b y Royal C harter Revisions Britis h S tandards are up dated b y amendment or revis ion Us ers of Britis h S tandards should make s ure that they p oss es s the latest amendments or editions It is the constant aim of BS I to imp rove the quality of our p roducts and services We would b e grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or amb iguity while us ing this Britis h S tandard would inform the S ecretary of the technical committee res p ons ib le, the identity of which can b e found on the inside front cover Tel: 02 89 96 90 00 Fax: 02 89 96 40 BS I offers memb ers an individual up dating s ervice called PLUS which ens ures that s ub s crib ers automatically receive the lates t editions of s tandards Buying standards O rders for all BS I, international and foreign s tandards p ub lications s hould b e addres s ed to C us tomer S ervices Tel: 899 00 Fax: 899 7001 In res p ons e to orders for international standards , it is BS I p olicy to sup p ly the BS I imp lementation of thos e that have b een p ub lis hed as Britis h S tandards, unless otherwis e requested Information on standards BS I p rovides a wide range of information on national, E urop ean and international standards through its Lib rary and its Technical H elp to E xp orters S ervice Various BS I electronic information s ervices are also availab le which give details on all its p roducts and s ervices C ontact the Information C entre Tel: 02 89 96 71 1 Fax: 02 89 96 048 S ub s crib ing memb ers of BS I are kep t up to date with s tandards develop ments and receive sub s tantial discounts on the p urchase p rice of s tandards For details of thes e and other b enefits contact Memb ership Adminis tration Tel: 02 89 96 70 02 Fax: 02 89 96 00 Copyright C op yright s ub s is ts in all BS I p ub lications BS I als o holds the cop yright, in the UK, of the p ub lications of the international s tandardization b odies E xcep t as p ermitted under the C op yright, D es igns and Patents Act 988 no extract may b e rep roduced, s tored in a retrieval s ystem or transmitted in any form or b y any means – electronic, p hotocop ying, recording or otherwis e – without p rior written p ermis s ion from BS I This does not p reclude the free us e, in the cours e of imp lementing the standard, of necess ary details such as s ymb ols, and size, typ e or grade designations If thes e details are to b e used for any other p urp os e than imp lementation then the p rior written p ermiss ion of BS I must b e ob tained If p ermis sion is granted, the terms may include royalty p ayments or a licensing agreement D etails and advice can b e ob tained from the C op yright Manager BS I 89 C his wick H igh Road London W4 4AL Reprodu ced by I H S u n d er l i cen se wi th BSI - 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