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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 16891 First edition 01 6-01 -1 Test methods for evaluating degradation of characteristics of cleanable filter media Méthodes d’essais pour l’évaluation de la dégradation des propriétés des medias filtrants décolmatables Reference number ISO 6891 : 01 6(E) © ISO 01 ISO 16891:2 016(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2016, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved Unless otherwise speci fied, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester ISO copyright office Ch de Blandonnet • CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 copyright@iso.org www.iso.org ii © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 16891:2 016(E) Contents Page Foreword iv Introduction v Scope Normative references Terms and de finitions Symbols and abbreviated terms Principle Test specimen, equipment and test procedure 6.1 General 6.2 Preparation of sheets for gas exposure 6.2 Shape and size of tensile specimen 6.2 Sample sheet for exposure 6.2 Filter media for exposure 6.2.3 6.3 Sample preparation 6.4 Exposure conditions and procedures 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3 Exposure system Heating system 1 Test gas supply system 1 Gas analyzer 1 Gas treatment device 6.4.1 Exposure conditions 6.4.2 Exposure period and number of exposure 6.4.4 Implementation of the exposure 6.4.3 Selection of sample sheet through air permeability measurement Attachment of filter sample sheets in the sample case Tensile strength measurement of exposed specimen 14 7.1 Tensile test device 7.2 Preparation of a tensile test specimen 7.3 Method of tensile test 7.4 Characterization of the degradation Test report 16 Annex A (informative) Causes and results of degradation of fabrics 17 Annex B (informative) Possible evaluation method for characteristic change of fabrics 18 Annex C (informative) Theoretical consideration of degradation mechanism 19 Annex D (informative) Determination of specimen size 2 Annex E (informative) Experimental setup for gas exposure Annex F (informative) Service temperature of filter materials Annex G (informative) Examples of measured data of fabric at different circumstances Annex H (informative) Example of test report Bibliography 41 © ISO 01 – All rights reserved iii ISO 16891:2 016(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part (see www.iso.org/directives) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights Details of any patent rights identi fied during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents) Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation on the meaning of ISO speci fic terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TB T) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 142 , iv Cleaning equipment for air and other gases © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 16891:2 016(E) Introduction The main purpose of using cleanable filter is, of course, to separate dust particles from dirty gases They are usually designed to be usable for as long as two years to four years However, it is very hard to design and/or select filter media properly, since their important characteristics of collection performance and residual pressure drop change with operation time Physical and chemical properties of filter media, such as degradation in tensile strength, tenacity and so on, also change with time Those changes can damage filter media and this can result in the breakage of bag filters and leakage of dust to the atmosphere Hence the evaluation of these performances is also important for the rational design and the selection of appropriate filter media ISO 11057:2011 has been published to meet the demand for the evaluation of filtration characteristics Changes in physical and chemical properties of filter media are caused by many factors, such as heat, corrosive gases, and mechanical reasons like clogging weave openings and increasing size of weave openings, the combination of those factors and so on (see Annex A) These changes are mostly adverse effects to filter media Degradation proceeds very slowly, and thus, it takes a long time before recognizable and/or measurable change appears Furthermore, the appearance of change depends on the combination of causes and fibre material These facts are the main reason why mechanism of property changes has not been well understood despite its practical importance [1] -[1 3] Hence, the characterization or evaluation methods for filter media have not been established yet[14] [15 ] (see Annex B) Nevertheless, there are demands for the establishment of a guideline for systematic characterization and evaluation of property change of filter media with respect to their relevant long-time operation not only from manufacturers of filter media, but also from producers and users of filter installations, especially the users treating combustion exhaust gases To evaluate degradation of filter media in a laboratory, it is important that experiment can be done in a relatively short time period by using controllable single or a small number of variables, i.e causes of change Furthermore, it is important that the resulting effects are measureable From this point of view, heat intensity is controllable by changing heating temperature and the intensity of corrosive gas is also controllable by changing gas concentration Thus, their effect is expected to be accelerated Of course, the effects can be evaluated by the degradation of tensile stress Evaluation of property change of filter media by corrosive gases can be done by contacting filter media with those corrosive materials in any phases, i.e gas, liquid and solid state Testing by dipping filter media into a solution of corrosive materials is easy and the resulting effects are expected to be obtained in a short period of time Chinese Standard, GB/T 6719:2009 adopts this method [16] Solid state testing can be carried out by hard contact of filter media but it will take a long time and it is very hard to control the intensity of corrosiveness Testing under the gaseous state takes much longer than a liquid type test but the intensity of corrosiveness is controllable and it is much easier than the test under the solid state Furthermore, test temperature and gas conditions except corrosive gas concentrations, are similar to the actual operation condition of filtration, which is suitable (see Annex B) Hence, in this International Standard, test methods for evaluating degradation characteristics of cleanable unwoven filter media with synthetic fibre by heat and corrosive gases are standardized because they are most widely used for bag filtration The major objective of this International Standard is to specify the testing method to assess the relative change of physical performances of new and used cleanable filter media for industrial application, by exposing it in hot and/or corrosive gas conditions © ISO 01 – All rights reserved [17 ] [18] v INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 16891:2 016(E) Test methods for evaluating degradation of characteristics of cleanable filter media Scope This International Standard speci fies a standard reference test method useful to assess the relative degradation characteristics of cleanable filter media for industrial applications under standardized simulated tes t conditions T he main purpose of tes ting is to obtain the information about relative change of properties of filter media due to exposure to the simulated gas conditions for a long time The main target of this International Standard is the property change of nonwoven fabric filters because they are frequently used under similar circumstances to the test gas conditions described in this I nternational Standard The results obtained from this tes t method are not intended for predicting the absolute properties of full scale filter facilities However, they are helpful for the design of a bag filter and selection and development of appropriate cleanable filter media, and for the identi fication of suitable operating parameters Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for the application of this document For dated references, only the edition cited applies For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies I SO 460 6, Textile glass — Woven fabrics — Determination of tensile breaking force and elongation at breaking by strip method Textiles — Tensile properties of fabrics — Part 1: Determination of maximum force and elongation at maximum force using the strip method I SO 93 -1 , 1) I SO 46 4: 011 , Cleaning equipment for air and other gases — Terminology Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and de finitions given in following apply I S O 46 4: 011 and the aged filter sheet filter sheet exposed under simulated hot and corrosive gas conditions for a preset period of time to evaluate the change of filter properties air permeability gas volume flow rate per unit filtration area at pressure drop of 124,5 Pa 3 average gas concentration mean concentration of tes t gases during the expos ure 1) This International Standard replaced I SO 81 , and elongation (Strip method) © ISO – All rights reserved Textiles — Woven fabrics — Determination of breaking strength ISO 16891:2 016(E) batch type exposure chamber chamber in which filter sheets are exposed to stationary test gas mixture chemical degradation degradation of chemical properties of filter media by the interaction with test gases cleanable filter filter designed to enable the removal of collected dust by appropriate technique [SOURC E: I SO 46 4: 011 ; 77 ] continuous- flow-method exposing method of filter sheet, which is exposed in a continuous flow of test gas mixture corrosive gas chemicals which react with filter media and change its chemical and physical properties degradation change in physical and chemical performances of filter media by the interaction with corrosive gases 10 elongation incremental change in length of test specimen by tensile test 11 elongation at maximum load incremental change in length of tes t s p ecimen at ma ximum lo ad in tens i le tes t 12 elongation ratio ratio of elongation of tes t s p ecimen to its initial length between holders or its p ercentage 13 elongation ratio at maximum load ratio of elongation of tes t s p ecimen at ma ximum lo ad in tens i le tes t to its initial length between holders 14 exposure chamber chamber to expose test filter sheet to corrosive gases 15 filter media material separating particulate matter from gases and characterized by its separating structure and its s truc tural and/or textile -technological characteris tics 16 flow-through type replacement method to replace test gas in the batch type exposure chamber by introducing test gas continuously to the chamb er 17 initial load initial lo ad applied on the tes t s pecimen at the s tar t of tens i le tes t © I SO – All rights reserved ISO 16891:2 016(E) 18 length between holders le n g th b e t we e n ho lde r s o f to p a nd b o t to m ho ld i n g chucks p o s i tio ne d at the s t a r t o f the te n s i le te s t Note to entry: See Fi g u re 19 load te n s i le s tre n g th o f te s t s p e c i me n o b s e r ve d i n the te n s i le te s t 20 non-continuous- flow-method exposing method of filter sheet, which is exposed in still test gas mixture 21 nonwoven fabric f ilter media using fabric made from long fibres, bonded together with each other by chemical, me ch a n i c a l , he at o r s o l ve n t tre atme nt 22 number of replacement nu mb e r o f te s t ga s re p l ac e me n t fo r who le he ati n g s p ace vo lu me o f the te s t ch a mb e r 23 replacement of gas e xc h a n ge ga s to m a i n ta i n te s t ga s co nce n tratio n w i th i n ce r t a i n c o nc e n trati o n n ge retention of tensile strength ratio of tensile strength of the test specimen subjected to thermal and/or acid gas exposure to that of the te s t s p e c i me n w i tho u t the e x p o s u re 25 strip method me tho d o f i mp le me nti n g te n s i le te s t w i th ho ld i n g who le w idth o f the te s t s p e c i me n w i th a ho ld i n g de vice 26 tensile speed s p e e d to p u l l a te s t s p e c i me n i n te n s i le te s t 27 tensile strength value of the maximum load divided by the width of test specimen 28 test gas gas which may cause changes in physical propertied of filter media to be used for tensile test 29 vacuum replacement method to replace test gas in the batch type exposure chamber by the use of vacuum 30 thermal exposure expose filter media at an elevated temperature to accelerate the change of its physical properties 31 woven fabric f ilter media using a fabric formed by weaving © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d ISO 16891:2 016(E) Symbols and abbreviated terms A total surface area in a filter media APA nonwoven fabric with Aromatic Polyamide fibres C gas concentration F(A) constant related to total surface area of filter media Glass fabric with Glass fibres K k L1 L2 L3 MD P Pmax p PI PPS PTFE effective reaction constant reaction constant length of specimen length between holders length of holder machine direction load maximum load pressure low rate of test gas air permeability of filter t V w δ δmax ε εmax τ (N) (N) (Pa) nonwoven fabric with Polytetra fluoroethylene q TD (s−1) (m3 •mg−1•s−1) (mm) (mm) (mm) nonwoven fabric with Polyphenylene Sul fide f T (mg•m−3 ) (N•mm−1) nonwoven fabric with Polyimide Q S (m2 ) tensile speed temperature transverse direction exposure time volume of the exposure chamber width of holder elongation elongation at maximum load elongation ratio maximum elongation ratio tensile strength (l•min−1) [(cm3 •s−1) •cm−2 ] (mm•min−1) (°C) (s),(h) (l) (mm) (mm) (mm) (%) (%) (Nãmm1) â ISO 2016 All rights reserved ISO 16891:2 016(E) Annex F (informative) Service temperature of filter materials The service temperature of bag filters depends not only on material used, but also on physical and chemical properties of dust and surrounding gas Furthermore, it also depends on the country and area used Hence, appropriate values were determined based on a literature survey[19] [2 0] [21] and by hearing from suppliers of fibre materials and they are summarized in Table F.1 Table F.1 — Service temperature and Test temperature Temperature Fibre material Polypropylene 30 Service temperature (°C) Recommendation for test (°C) 95 Polyamide 110 Homo polymer Acrilic 130 45 Polyester 150 60 Polyphenylene Sulϐide 90 220 Aromatic Polyamide 00 220 Polytetraϐluoroethylene 60 60 Polyimide 60 80 © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 16891:2 016(E) Annex G (informative) Examples of measured data of fabric at different circumstances G.1 General The thermal property of the materials used for bag filters is one of the key factors in fluencing the lifetime of bag filters operating at a high temperature [7 ] The change or degradation of mechanical properties of the filter media under thermal exposure is characterized to estimate the thermal durability of the bag filter Therefore, the method for laboratory test characterizing mechanical property of filter media exposed thermally was studied to standardize the testing method for thermal durability G.2 Effect of temperature on tensile strength of virgin media Figure G.1 shows the tensile strengths of the virgin material for machine (MD) and trans verse (TD) directions without the heat exposure, when the tensile test was performed at a prescribed temperature in the air The width of test piece was 20 mm The tensile strength of all samples decreased as the test temperature of the tensile test increased Especially, strength of the glass fibre fabrics measured at 150 C decreased to about 1/5 to 1/4 of measured strength at room temperature The degradation by heat was remarkable in the glass fibre fabrics and the strength decreased drastically a) b) Key T temperature at which tensile tests were carried out (°C) PPS τ tensile strength (N• mm −1 ) PI a) MD APA b) TD PTFE NO TE Filter media without thermal exposure Figure G.1 — Tensile strength of virgin filter media at different test temperature © ISO 01 – All rights reserved 31 ISO 16891:2 016(E) Figure G.2 shows the elongation at different temperature The elongation for MD seems to decrease slightly with temperature but the tendency is not clear The temperature dependency of elongation is small a) Key b) temperature at which tensile tests were carried out (°C) εmax maximum elongation ratio (%) a) MD b) TD error bar of the measurement NOTE Filter media without thermal exposure NOTE Error bar of the εmax measurements means standard deviation T PPS PI APA PTFE Figure G.2 — Elongation of virgin filter media at different test temperature G.3 Effect of exposure time on mechanical properties measured at room temperature Figure G.3 shows the changes in tensile strength of the filter materials exposed at different temperatures 150 °C, 200 °C and 250 °C and different periods The tensile tests after high temperature exposure were carried out at a room temperature The exposure time dependence is obviously different with the materials and the exposing temperature That is, the strength decreased with the exposure time and the rate of decrease at a higher exposing temperature was larger The strength rise was observed in APA (Aromatic polyamide) and PI (Polyimide, not shown) This result seems to have the contradictory trend against the strength at the test temperature shown in Figure G.1 It is thought that difference of the tensile test temperature causes the variation of the strength in polymer felts As for the polymer felts exposed at a high temperature for about 100 h, the strength is 32 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 16891:2 016(E) thought to recover when it cools down to the room temperature Therefore, the temperature of the tensile test is extremely important in the evaluation of the heat degradation characteristic a) b) c) d) Key t exposure time (h) a) APA τ tensile strength (N• mm −1 ) b) PI exposure at 50°C c) PTFE exposure at 00°C d) glass fabric exposure at 50°C NOTE Tensile tests of filter media after thermal exposure were carried out at a room temperature Figure G.3 — Relation between tensile strength of filter materials measured at room temperature and exposing time at high temperature (=Δ L/L2 ) with the exposure time t at temperatures of 250 °C The elongation ratios of polymer felts were almost constant, whereas those of Figure G.4 shows the variation of the maximum elongation ε max © ISO 01 – All rights reserved 33 ISO 16891:2 016(E) glass fabrics decreased The mechanical properties of the glass fabrics were in fluenced more by the exposed temperature in comparison with the polymer felts a) Key t εmax a) b) NOTE exposure time (h) maximum elongation ratio (%) polymer felts glass fabrics b) PPS PI APA glass fabric A glass fabric B Tensile tests of filter media exposed at 250 °C for given duration were done at a room temperature Figure G.4 — Variation of tensile strain with exposing time G.4 Effect of exposure time on mechanical properties measured at high temperature Figure G.5 shows variation of the tensile strength measured with exposure temperature As shown in the figure, behaviours to the exposure time are mostly similar Especially, the strengths of the glass fabrics and PTFE did not change with exposure time at every temperature But the strengths of plastics 34 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 16891:2 016(E) (APA and PI) at 250 °C were slightly different and gradually decreased with the exposing time This relates to the difference of the melting points among polymers a) b) c) d) Key t exposure time (h) a) APA τ tensile strength (N• mm −1 ) b) PI exposure at 50 °C c) PTFE exposure at 00 °C d) glass fabric exposure at 50 °C NO TE Tensile strengths were measured at a same temperature as thermal exposure Figure G.5 — Effect of exposure time at various temperatures on MD tensile strength of filter media © ISO 01 – All rights reserved 35 ISO 16891:2 016(E) G.5 Degradation by temperature and acid gas Figure G.6 shows how the tensile strength ratio varies with the strength at zero exposure time when exposure temperatures and acid gases are used Figure G.6 temperature and Figure G.6 b) by acid gas a) a) shows the change by exposure b) Key t exposure time (h) y tensile strength ratio a) degradation by exposed in high temperature (in air) degradation by exposed to acid gas at 200 °C b) °C τ/ τ0 (-) 80 °C °C 40 °C NO 00 ppm HCl 000 ppm SO 000 ppm Figure G.6 — Experimental degradation of PPS fabric in machine direction with different temperatures and acid gases 36 © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 16891:2 016(E) Annex H (informative) Example of test report Test results shall be reported with suitable format An example of test results is given as follows: a) References Tes t reference number: Date of issue: ****/**/** Location and name of laboratory: ******** Name of operator: ********* b) Filter media Name of filter:*** lot number: *** Type of media: *** material (web: PPS scrim: PPS ) Properties of filter media given from manufacture Mass per unit area of media 552 (g·m −2 ) Manufacture: **** Thickness: , (mm) Air permeability: 14, (cm · cm−2 · s−1) c) Selection of sample sheets for gas exposure Sheet no Measured permeability (cm · cm −2 · s −1 ) E xposed sheet no Sheet no Measured permeability 14,0 15 , ,7 14,0 13 ,9 14, 14, 14,1 0M1–2 x T1–2 50M1 50M2 0M3 50M4 50 T1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 13 ,9 14, 14,1 12 ,5 14,0 14, 13 ,7 14,0 T2 50 T3 T4 x 10 0M1 10 0M2 10 0M3 10 0M4 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 14, ,4 14,0 14, 14,0 ,9 14, 14,1 10 T1 x 10 T2 10 T3 10 T4 150M1 150M2 150M3 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 13,8 14,0 13 ,9 13 ,9 14,1 14, 13 ,7 14,0 15 0M4 150 T1 150 T2 150 T3 150 T4 20 0M1 20 0M2 20 0M3 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 14,1 14,0 15 ,6 13 ,9 14,1 14,0 20 0M4 00 T1 x 20 T2 20 T3 20 T4 (cm · −2 · s −1 ) E xposed sheet no Sheet no Measured permeability (cm · −2 · s −1 ) E xposed sheet no Sheet no Measured permeability (cm · −2 · s −1 ) E xposed sheet no Sheet no Measured permeability (cm · cm −2 · s −1 ) E xposed sheet no © ISO 01 – All rights reserved 37 ISO 16891:2 016(E) d) Gas exposure Experimental conditions (exposure) Gas composition: NO : 0,1 %, O2 : 10 %, N : Balance gas flow rate: 1,0 l/min Exposure temperature: 200 °C Exposure time: h, 50 h, 100 h, 200 h e) Results Exposure time (h) Direction MD or TD MD TD MD 50 TD MD Specimen ID 0M1-1 0M2-2 Average 0T1-1 0T2-1 Average 50M1-2 50M2-1 50M3-1 50M4-1 Average 50T1-1 50T2-1 50T3-1 50T4-2 Average Tensile strength (N mm-1 ) 22,74 22,17 22,45 34,56 34,90 34,73 16,67 16,56 16,85 16,69 16,69 27,97 28,84 28,23 27,88 28,23 Ratio (%) 100,0 100,0 74,3 81,3 Elongation (mm) 30,95 31,74 31,35 38,70 39,23 38,97 20,26 20,28 19,03 19,86 19,86 18,56 17,06 17,65 17,32 17,65 0 M1 -1 ,9 ,69 0 M2 -2 ,9 ,1 0 M3 -2 ,3 8 ,0 0 M4-1 6,3 Ave ge ,9 0 T1 - ,8 6.1 0 T2 - ,46 ,2 0 T3 - ,5 ,3 0 T4 - ,9 Ave ge ,46 0 M1 -2 ,8 1 ,3 0 M2 -2 ,2 ,47 0 M3 -1 ,6 ,9 Ratio (%) 100,0 100,0 63,4 45,3 ,5 7 ,8 ,1 ,7 100 TD MD 0 M4-1 Ave ge ,3 ,3 ,6 ,1 6,2 41 ,7 4,46 ,3 ,8 ,5 200 TD 0 T1 - 1 ,69 ,8 0 T2 - ,0 ,8 ,3 4,8 0 T3 - 0 T4 - Ave ge 38 ,8 9 ,9 ,42 ,6 ,49 ,8 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 16891:2 016(E) Key t exposure time (h) τ tensile strength (N•mm −1 ) MD TD Figure H.1 — Tensile strength vs exposure time Key t exposure time (h) δ elongation (mm) MD TD Figure H — Elongation vs exposure time © ISO 01 – All rights reserved 39 ISO 16891:2 016(E) Key t exposure time (h) y dτ/dt ((N• mm −1 ) • h −1 ) MD TD Figure H — Tensile strength vs exposure time Key t exposure time (h) y dδ/dt (mm • h −1 ) MD TD Figure H.4 — Elongation vs exposure time f) Comment From Figure H and Figure H 4, logarithms of relative decrease of tensile strength and elongation decrease with exposure time showing that degradation of filter media is expressive with Formula (2) and Formula (3) 40 © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 16891:2 016(E) Bibliography [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] D akin T.W Electrical Insulation Deterioration Treated as a Chemical Rate Phenomenon 1948, p 113 Altenhofen W.C., & Z ahnh U Basic studies on the 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