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The darging syn i,sawhlessystemdathncáonsodargedPbaney anaccurent POértotheentiRel| syRnwhen the ergne rynning. |erž sVqemg i a car euie e6lwÑc o woe opsimaly, a the haging em ptodes all We elic wrreM demas. The chargíng system.s flrst functlon is to supply large amouns of electric current wt,en the engíne starts As previously explained, |e battery can store the electric current generated by the altemalor when the engine is wnnjng. Wen the engíne does mot work (lurns of), all aectricíty are supp,líed by the electric current generated by the altemalor when the engine is wnnjng. Wen the engíne does mot work (lurns of), all aectricíty are supp,líed by the b8neryTccunRrt inisbanystandPineivaiIPmortart.menarequia b8neryTccunRrt inisbanystandPineivaiIPmortart.menarequia aant of ectric cuo9ent w o roatedegie. eofthe Qnc rrrms useto acúvatethe ul systn, iMluttPne computel and ltsO . Afte the engine s1arts and wns, trP battery wlll charge to stDre 1he alternators electnc curren computel and ltsO . Afte the engine s1arts and wns, trP battery wlll charge to stDre 1he alternators electnc curren rme second ruralcion or e crmargng éysterm o pooide eecric curen djng engne unnng and paa loads Wloen operatíng a eta engíne wíh standard electric current Pequïrenenls, thís role wll car out ly by thg aernas, whjch funcolns a4 a power ,, The alternator wíll upply all he electrc electric current Pequïrenenls, thís role wll car out ly by thg aernas, whjch funcolns a4 a power ,, The alternator wíll upply all he electrc electric current Pequïrenenls, thís role wll car out ly by thg aernas, whjch funcolns a4 a power ,, The alternator wíll upply all he electrc cr.rent needed to the vehicle while the engine ís rulníng. aer tle erre electrilGal operation is entering the peak load O h whích is where all the cr.rent needed to the vehicle while the engine ís rulníng. aer tle erre electrilGal operation is entering the peak load O h whích is where all the cr.rent needed to the vehicle while the engine ís rulníng. aer tle erre electrilGal operation is entering the peak load O h whích is where all the dhe nls n he car areumed ON fo exarmpe at njgmt when all he lïghts are | proPíde the electríc cu7rent for al eleIlical compomeAts jn the vehiIe. The functjon of thle thrd chrgjnq system ís to ch,rge amd store the eecao¿e chrge n the btte., es, he btteV ís se jn the chrgng sVstem to slore the curret an elect6lc charge qenerte bp the aíter,nator vhle the englne ls runnlng. So, as lonq als fhe enqlne s Fging and rotlnq, hle alternalor wllD wolrQ o supplV enfiG culront so allil e|ea mpon,ents in the aar an a,r the eleRric charae iRto tm , So as lon as tAe enqíne aW,ator is rking supplV enfiG culront so allil e|ea mpon,ents in the aar an a,r the eleRric charae iRto tm , So as lon as tAe enqíne aW,ator is rking the battery vill get a supplly of electr.ic current frn the alternator whîch will be stored into the battery and when the alternatar ís not wkíng. For the battery vill get a supplly of electr.ic current frn the alternator whîch will be stored into the battery and when the alternatar ís not wkíng. For exampe, em rP ene s ofQ he ateraor n,rlo povae an eecác culrrgn TI2erefe me bae ll rela,ce lhe aleonaeors electrjc current ín the vehícle so that the suPpty of electljc current remaíns avaílable even though he alternator is not workíng This text was recognized by the builtin Ocrad engine. A better transcription may be attained by right clicking on the selection and changing the OCR engine to Tesseract (under the Language menu). This message can be removed in the future by unchecking OCR Disclaimer (under the Options menu). More info: http:projectnaptha.comocrad


Ngày đăng: 09/04/2023, 20:50

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