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© ISO 2015 Graphic technology — Requirements for colour soft proofing systems Technologie graphique — Exigences pour les systèmes d’épreuve à l’écran couleur INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 14861 First edi[.]

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 14861 First edition 2015-0 -15 Graphic technology — Requirements for colour soft proo fing systems Technologie graphique — Exigences pour les systèmes d’épreuve l’écran couleur Reference number ISO 14861:2015(E) © ISO 2015 ISO 14861:2015(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2015, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part o f this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country o f the requester ISO copyright o ffice Ch de Blandonnet • CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 copyright@iso.org www.iso.org ii © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 14861:2015(E) Contents Page Foreword iv Introduction v Scope Normative references Terms and de finitions Requirements 4.3 Viewing condition requirements 4.3.1 General 4.4.1 General f 4.4.3 Testing of the simulation 4.4.4 Visual Annex A (informative) Reference set of RGB triplets Annex B (normative) Test patches for display driving and simulation requirements Bibliography 10 D ata delivery D is p lay requirements 4 D is p lays to b e us ed alo ne D is p lay driving and s imulatio n requirements 4 Tes ting o © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved dis p lay driving iii ISO 14861:2015(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part In particular the different approval criteria needed for the di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted This document was dra fted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part (see www.iso.org/directives) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identi fying any or all such patent rights Details o f any patent rights identified during the development o f the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents) Any trade name used in this document is in formation given for the convenience o f users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation on the meaning o f ISO specific terms and expressions related to formity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary in formation The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 130, Graphic technology iv © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 14861:2015(E) Introduction The use o f images displayed on a colour monitor is increasingly being used in the graphic arts industry for colour evaluation and colour acceptance (commonly re ferred to as “so ft” proofing) This requires that the colour display and its associated viewing environment be able to simulate the appearance o f the final printed image viewed under standard graphic arts viewing conditions The major components required to accomplish this are assembled to create a so ft proofing system which is usually comprised o f a monitor, colour measurement device, driving so ftware (for calibration, profiling the monitor, and displaying the data), and a viewing cabinet The overall design and calibration has to control and take into account the influence o f ambient lighting As the use o f so ft proofing increases, the need for an objective and vendor neutral assessment o f so ft proofing systems is steadily increasing This International Standard specifies requirements for systems that are used to produce, from digital data, images on electronic displays that are intended to simulate a characterized printing condition defined by a set o f characterization data and spot colours defined by a physical re ference This International Standard builds on the monitor requirements defined in ISO 12646, the viewing cabinet defined in ISO 3664, and the requirements for contract hard copy proofing defined in ISO 12647-7 Three common so ft proo f scenarios are typically encountered In the first scenario, a so ft proo f is displayed on a monitor without an associated viewing cabinet In the second scenario, a viewing cabinet is associated with the monitor In the third, the monitor is a part of, and built-into, a viewing cabinet To test how closely the displayed image simulates the encoded colorimetric data o f the original, there is no need to di fferentiate between these three scenarios However, to assess the similarity o f the so ft proo f reproduction (as described in this standard) to a reference print, a viewing cabinet or controlled room lighting is required The objective assessment o f a so ft proofing display system is carried out in three steps First, the monitor and the viewing cabinet are tested to ensure that these components are capable of achieving the results needed to produce a high quality so ft proo f Second, the capability o f the combination o f the monitor and the display driving so ftware is tested Third, the simulation o f an output condition, usually a characterized printing condition, is assessed With respect to the data handling and display driving so ftware, a separation is made between the driving o f the display and the simulation o f a given colorimetric re ference, termed simulation The primary focus o f the display driving so ftware lies in the accurate characterization o f the display This is typically accomplished by a contact measurement device Once the display device itsel f is evaluated, the integration o f the display and any associated viewing cabinet (or a room lighting setup to function as a viewing cabinet) and the effect of ambient lighting has to be evaluated The simulation of an intended characterized printing condition represents the colorimetry o f the display as seen from the viewer position For that reason, telespectroradiometric readings are required at this stage of evaluation The use o f a display and an associated viewing cabinet and/or the display integrated into a hard copy viewing cabinet often occurs in situations where a printed product, like a newspaper or offset print, is being evaluated with respect to the so ft copy proo f in the absence o f a hard copy proo f In this case, there is active research as to how a concrete document can be shown reliably in order to facilitate it as a contract proof or reference in disputes of colour difference The use o f a standalone display in uncontrolled ambient lighting is not subject o f this International Standard because the final visual appearance o f a so ft proo f on a display cannot be judged without taking into account the influence o f the ambient light, even when the so ft proo f is viewed alone, without comparison to a physical object like a proo f print, production print, or product sample Obtaining a good so ft proo f simulation o f a re ference is not simple and to be fully accurate requires care ful control o f many aspects o f the process The primary purpose o f this International Standard is to establish the criteria and tolerances needed to evaluate a complete so ft proofing system © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved v INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 14861:2015(E) Graphic technology — Requirements for colour soft proo fing systems Scope This International Standard specifies requirements for systems that are used to produce, from digital data, images on electronic displays that are intended to simulate a characterized printing condition defined by a set o f characterization data and spot colours defined by a physical re ference Recommendations are provided with regard to equipment selection, setup, operating, and environmental conditions Appropriate test methods associated with these requirements are specified Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively re ferenced in this document and are indispensable for its application For dated re ferences, only the edition cited applies For undated re ferences, the latest edition o f the re ferenced document (including any amendments) applies ISO 3664, Graphic technology and photography — Viewing conditions ISO 12639, Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange — Tag image file format for image technology (TIFF/IT) ISO 12646, Graphic technology — Displays for colour proofing — Characteristics and viewing conditions ISO 12647-7, Graphic technology — Process control for the production ofhalf-tone colour separations, proof and production prints — Part 7: Proofing processes working directly from digital data ISO 15930, Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange using PDF Terms and de finitions For the purposes o f this document, the following terms and definitions apply 3.1 display electronic device capable o f visibly communicating in formation 3.2 characterized printing condition printing condition for which process control aims are defined and for which the relationship between input data (printing-tone values, usually CMYK) and the colorimetry o f the printed image is documented [SOURCE: ISO 15930-8:2010, 3.1] 3.3 power off condition in which the display (3.1) is switched off 3.4 soft proof visualization of colour image data using a display (3.1) with the intent o f synthesizing the colour appearance under a defined illumination and viewing condition © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 14861:2015(E) 3.5 soft proo fing system system o f hardware and so ftware components used to reproduce the colour appearance for a specific viewing condition 3.6 spectroradiometer instrument for measuring radiometric quantities in narrow wavelength intervals over a given spectral region [SOURCE: IEC 60050-845:1987 17.4] 3.7 telespectroradiometer spectroradiometer ) that (3.6 uses an optical relay component to allow measurements to be made at a distance from the specimen [SOURCE: ISO 13655:2009, 3.12] Note to entry: The measurement o f spectral radiance is independent o f the distance from the source, but the area that is imaged will not produce constant results unless the source is per fectly uni form The sur face o f most (3.1) are not uniform enough for the radiance from a 25 mm diameter area to produce the same results noted in the report displays as the radiance from a 10 mm diameter area The distance to the display face and the cone hal f angle needs to be Note to entry: While some instruments o f this type have obvious external input optics such as lenses and apertures (telescopic optics), many simpler, portable instruments used in graphic reproduction have such input optics inside the instrument housing and may have the ability to be used as a non-contact spectroradiometer with full formance with this definition 3.8 surround area adjacent to the border o f an image which, upon viewing the image, can a ffect the local state o f adaptation o f the eye 3.9 viewing cabinet area o f controlled illumination (usually enclosed on the sides and back) intended to provide a specified intensity and spectral power distribution to allow consistency viewing o f a specimen 4.1 Requirements Data delivery So ft copy proofing systems shall accept digital data delivered as PDF/X data files as defined in ISO 15930 or shall accept digital data delivered as TIFF/IT files as defined in ISO 12639 Where TIFF/IT files are used, colour in formation shall be included using tag 34675 or tag 34029 as defined in ISO 12639 NOTE PDF/X-1a requires that the intended printing condition be indicated Where the intended printing condition is included in the registry o f characterizations maintained by the International Color Consortium (ICC) and the digital data are cyan-magenta-yellow-key (black) (CMYK), the name used in the ICC registry is usually used for identification in lieu o f including an ICC output profile I f the intended printing condition is not included in the said registry, PDF/X-1a requires that an ICC output profile be included 4.2 Display requirements The displays used for so ft proofing shall meet either the class A or class B requirements o f ISO 12646 © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 14861:2015(E) 4.3 Viewing condition requirements 4.3.1 General The visual environment should be designed to minimize interference with the viewing task It is i mp or ta nt to el i m i nate e xtrane ou s cond ition s that a ffe c t the appra i s a l o f i mage s on the d i s play and pri nts i n the viewi ng c abi ne t T here are m any p o tentia l vari ation s p o s s ible i n s o ft pro o fi ng s e tup s To m i n i m i z e va ri ation s , s p e c i fic re qu i rements a re ne e de d I n th i s I nternationa l Standard, the fi na l colou r s ti mu lu s wi l l b e j udge d b y i n s tru menta l me a s u rements with s p e ci fic re qu i rements For th i s re as on, no add itiona l normative re qu i rements a re provide d for the p o s ition o f the d i s play P ri nc ip a l ly, there are two d i fferent s e tup s T he fi rs t envi ron ment s i s ts o f a d i s play s ituate d ne xt to ( but no t i n s ide) a de d ic ate d viewi ng cabi ne t H ere, the ambient s l l b e control le d s o that s tray l ight i s no t h avi ng a s igni fica nt i mp ac t on the d i s playe d i mage or its s u rround I n th i s s ituation, the i l lum i nance level i n s ide the viewi ng c abi ne t c an b e adj u s te d with the aid o f a tele s p e c tropho tome ter s o that the refle c te d lu m i na nce from a s he e t o f p ap er ( p o s s ibly contai n i ng a s i mu lation o f the i ntende d p ap er) wi l l match the d i s pl aye d s i mu lation o f the i ntende d p ap er I f an i l lu m i nance level i s ne e de d that d i ffers from P1 or P2 , th i s level shou ld b e u s e d i n the I S O 6 eva luation te s t (i n add ition to the defi ne d level s P1 or P2) T he s e cond envi ron ment i nclude s s e tup s where i l lu m i nation up on the d i s play i s i ntende d or u navoidable T h i s i s the c as e, for example, when a d i s play i s place d i n a viewi ng c abi ne t nex t to a pri nti ng pre s s Here, the view b o o th i l lu m i nation up on the d i s play s cre en s hou ld b e m i n i m i ze d a s much a s p o s s ible u s i ng for d i s play ho o d s , e xa mple For s uch s ys tem s , the c abi ne t i l lu m i nance, agai n, may no t b e with i n the l i m its s p e ci fie d i n I S O 6 when comp en s ation i s provide d to ach ieve a match i n lu m i na nce level and u ni form ity match b e twe en pri nt a nd d i s play When there i s no de d ic ate d viewi ng c abi ne t to b e te s te d b y the manu fac tu rer i n a dark ro om, a l l c riteri a defi ne d i n I S O 6 s l l b e appl ie d (o f the obj e c ts to b e s o ft pro o fe d) 4.3.2 Displays to be used alone T he fol lowi ng a) the lu m i nance o f a p er fe c tly refle c ti ng d i ffu s er place d at the p o s ition o f the cabinet: gu idel i ne s shou ld b e u s e d for c as e s where a d i s play i s u s e d i ndep endently o f a viewi ng faceplate o f the d i s play (and b eh i nd a ny a nti-refle c tion s h ield s) with the d i s play s witche d o ff ( p ower o ff ) s hou ld no t b e gre ater th an /4 o f the d i s play wh ite p oi nt lu m i nance (R = G = B = 5 NO TE for -bit d i s plays) ; T h i s co rrel ate s to a colou r ch a n ge due to the adde d d i s p l ay re fle c tion o f ab out D E 0 = fo r a typic a l c u r rent fl at p a nel d i s p l ay b) the d i s play fra me, the s urround o f the d i s pl ay, de s ks , wa l l s , and ever yth i ng i n the field o f view shou ld be near neutral to ensure that no saturated chromatic elements affect the chromatic adaptation of the ob s er ver For the d i s play fra me, u s e d Si lver or a lu m i nium d i s pl ay grey wou ld b e the b e s t colou r, but black or wh ite c an a l s o b e frame s a re no t s u ite d b e cau s e o f the glare For wa l l s and de s ks , a neutra l grey wou ld a l s o b e b e s t, but wh ite c an a l s o b e u s e d; c) d i s pl ay ho o d s shou ld b e u s e d to m i n i m i z e the i n fluence b y s u rround i ng i l lu m i nation refle c ti ng on the d i s play s u r face T he ho o d s hou ld cover the d i s play d) face from top a nd b o th s ide s; the de s ktop and the keyb o ard s hou ld b e neutra l coloure d and have a low refle c tance T he top ho o d s hou ld b e re a s onably de ep, from d i s play face to the front e dge, but no t b e oppre s s ive T he colori me tric d i fference b e twe en the charac teri z ation pri nti ng cond ition a nd the me a s u re d d i s play b y u s i ng p atches compl iant to I S O 47-7 control s trip sh a l l b e with i n the tolerance s s tipu late d i n Table © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 14861:2015(E) 4.4 Display driving and simulation requirements 4.4.1 General First, a calibration shall be conducted in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements A visual fine-tuning o f the so ft proofing system may be applied For each characterization printing condition to be tested, only the patches listed in Annex B, in addition to any desired spot colour patches, shall be printed These patches shall be printed with a minimal patch size o f 10 cm by 10 cm These prints are subject for sequential presentation and measurement in the centre o f the intended viewing plane for the scrutiny o f the simulation accuracy In case spot colours are to be reproduced, they shall be defined by uni form print samples They will be presented and measured the same way as the prints be fore Printed patches shall meet a tighter tolerance than that specified in ISO 12647-7, i.e patches simulating a characterization print conditions shall have ∆E 00 avg ≤ 2, ∆E 00 max ≤ with respect to the re ference characterization data and each spot colour patch shall have ∆E 00 ≤ 1,5 NOTE 4.4.2 For many so ft proofing systems, an A4 sheet size is practical and easy to handle for the measurements Testing of display driving General A so ft copy proofing system shall adjust incoming image content data so that the display colour, as measured with a spectroradiometer, displays the colorimetry defined by the characterization colour characterization data associated with the content data file The colours shall be displayed and measured at the centre o f the display sequentially The centre is defined as the area which is at least 1/4 o f the length o f the display from the inside border including the innermost 1/4 o f the display To test display driving, the measurement device (spectroradiometer or colorimeter, both in contact or distance) used to calibrate and profile the system shall be used I f a system specific calibration is used, the corrected measurement (matched to a re ference measurement device to reflect variations among normal sighted observer) values shall be recorded instead of the raw measurement data NOTE Displays with a built-in colorimeter which measures o ff the centre o f the display may be used providing that the colorimeter has been correlated to the measurement at the centre o f display with reliable equipment and a means of re-correlation is provided NOTE A system specific calibration re fers to a correction that is applicable for a defined type o f monitor and/or measurement device (to compensate for systematic e ffects) This is used by so ft proofing systems such as those from KODAK or remote director Colorimetric accuracy The colorimetric accuracy is evaluated by how well the display to be tested is characterized by its ICC display profile or other means o f colour trans formation It consists o f two tests First, the 318 RGB patches defined in Annex A should be directly displayed and measured The colour di fferences between the measurements and values predicted by the profile (absolute colorimetric rendering) should form to the tolerances defined in Table Colours identified to be in gamut for the re ference printing condition should be displayed and measured and should form to ∆E 00 ≤ 2,5 Table — Tolerances for pro file accuracy based on the RGB set de fined in Criteria Profile accuracy RGB code values All Annex A Tolerance Mean ∆E 00 ≤ 2,5 99 Percentile ∆E 00 ≤ 4,5 © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 14861:2015(E) S e cond, for e ach re ference pri nti ng cond ition to b e te s te d, the s o - c a l le d outer gamut p atche s defi ne d i n I S O 47-7 wi l l b e d i s playe d and me a s u re d at the d i s play s e quenti a l ly T he tolerance s are s p e c i fie d i n Table Table — Tolerances for outer gamut patches de fined in ISO 12647‑7 Criteria a Tone value patches Gamut Tolerance 00 2 outer ga mut p atche s de fi ne d i n I S O 47-7 M a xi mu m ∆ E ≤ ,5 a I f the co lo u r d i ffe rence s e xce e d the to lera nce s , the s o ft p ro o fi n g ap p l ic atio n s ho u ld h ave a n o p tio n to s ho w a p i xe l- b a s e d gamut-warning Te s ts o f c a l ib ratio n (a l s o known a s d ri vi ng acc u rac y) acc u rac y a re no t nor m ative s i nce on l y the p ro fi le NO TE acc u rac y i s d i re c tl y contrib uti ng to the p er fo r m a nce o f a s o ft p ro o fi ng s ys tem I ts acc u rac y m ay b e te s te d a nd rep o r te d b e c au s e a s p e c i fic d i s p l ay c a l ibration c a n b e b ene fic i a l fo r s ome s o ft p ro o fi ng s ys tem s Uniformity evaluation General T he u n i form ity o f a s o ft pro o fi ng s ys tem i s vita l a nd b e che cke d for s ol id colou rs and for tona l ity (gradation) ch ange s o f the s c re en I t sha l l b e rep or te d a nd i f h ardware b a s e d, lo ok up table d i s play corrections are turned on (if present) Evaluation of tone uniformity The CIELAB values of a uniform × grid are calculated using the measurement of the centre patch at values being greater than 100 24 readings are compared with the centre colour for three different ma xi mum d rivi ng as the re ference wh ite i l lu m i nant No te that th i s me tho d may re s u lt i n s ome C I E L* d rivi ng level s na mely wh ite at the ma xi mu m d rivi ng level (R = G = B = 5 ab out l f ma xi mum d rivi ng level (R = G = B = o f ma xi mu m d rivi ng level (R = G = B = for formulae [2] than four and should be equal or less than two for for -bit d i s plays) , grey at -bit d i s plays) , and dark grey at ab out one fou r th -bit d i s plays) b y me an s o f the D E 0 colou r d i fference For the wh ite and the grey d rivi ng level s , the DE 0 colou r d i fference s s l l b e e qua l or le s s Tonality evaluation (uniformity) Utilizing luminance (cd/m2 f ) me as u rements o grey at h a l f ma xi mu m d rivi ng level (R = G = B = -bit d i s plays) and wh ite at ma x d rivi ng level (R = G = B = 5 for for -bit d i s plays) , the grey/wh ite ratio shall be calculated for the 25 regions For the non-central regions, new ratios, Ti Ri f the centre, Rc, and subtracting one and calculating the absolute value of the number This measure of the , with i = {1 , , 4} s l l b e compute d b y d ivid i ng the i nd ividua l grey/wh ite ratio s , deviation from u n i form tona l ity sh a l l b e le s s tha n 10 % , i e ma x ( T = abs R R − i ( i / c ) , (i To te s t Ti ) , i = {1 , , 4} s l l b e le s s than ,10 (1) = , , 4) T he un i form ity o f tona l ity de term i ne d a s ma x ( 4.4.3 , with i = {1 , , 4} by the grey/wh ite ratio o Ti ) with i = {1 , , 4} sh a l l b e le s s th an ,1 Testing of the simulation the repro duc tion (s i mu lation) qua l ity, me as u rements s l l be made with either a tele s p e c tropho tome ter or with a contac t s p e c tropho tome ter where the i n fluence o f ambient l ight i s ta ken i nto accou nt I n the latter c as e, the mo del for s tray l ight (fl are) and as s o c iate d u ncer tai nty sh a l l be reported The receiving aperture of the sensing cone of a telespectrophotometer shall conform to ISO 12646 Table B.1) shall be D i s playe d p atche s (repres ente d as i mage content with the tone va lue s defi ne d i n s e quentia l ly d i s pl aye d and © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved me a s u re d at the centre o f the d i s play T hen, pri nte d p atche s sh a l l be ISO 14861:2015(E) sequentially placed and measured at the intended viewing plane This procedure shall be conducted for all 72 patches (see Annex B) A visual match might be present, but the CIEXYZ values may not be identical There are many reasons for such a mismatch reported in the literature [7] [8] [10] [13] In the case of an instrumental mismatch, the telespectroradiometer readings o f the display shall be corrected utilizing a suitable correction method This correction shall only be applied when the colour di fference between the print white patch and the simulated white is smaller than DE00 ≤ and the luminance di fference is smaller than 15 % The percentage di fference shall be computed by dividing the larger value by the smaller one When either o f the di fferences exceeds the tolerances and there are no options to adjust, the system shall be deemed not to satis fy the requirements o f this Clause The so ft copy display and the printed sheets shall achieve the (simulation) colorimetric accuracy specified in Table between the measured data of the print samples and the measured data of the monitor A typical correction method is the scaling o f the CIEXYZ values o f the corresponding white points The exact method used shall be reported To calculate the CIELAB values o f the readings, the CIEXYZ values [1] [5] o f the printed white patch (CMYK = 0,0,0,0) shall be used as the white re ference for normalizing the tristimulus values both for the display readings and for the printed re ference patches Table shows the colorimetric requirements that shall be attained in terms of computed DE00 colour differences A possible lack o f uni formity within the viewing cabinet shall be addressed by averaging the measurements from nine equally spaced locations on the printed patches The CIEY* contrast ratio between the paper white patch and the black patch (CMYK = 0,0,0,100) o f the contract proo f and o f the so ft proo f shall be calculated and reported The ratio of the two contrast ratios shall be between 0,5 and 2,0 Table — Colorimetric accuracy: DE00 tolerances between reference prints and soft proof reproduction Mean Maximum Maximum (primaries) Composed grey patches ΔE 00 ≤ ΔE 00 ≤ 6,5 ΔE 00 ≤ ΔE 00 ≤ In case of spot colour reproductions, this International Standard is limited to isotropic spot colours being used as solids in contrast to tint values or overprints with other colours The reference shall be a physical sample such as a swatch book The reproduction o f solid spot colours shall be within a colour di fference o f ΔE 00 ≤ 2,5 where the spot colour is achievable within the colour gamut o f the so ft proofing display 4.4.4 Visual In addition to the objective evaluation o f the device driving and the simulation, a visual-based assessment should be conducted Here, appropriate test forms such as the images and vignettes defined in ISO 12640 or provided by research institutes should be used for checking the overall appearance simulation [9] The visual scrutiny should be made with respect to smoothness, white point, uni formity and the visual match with a reference print NOTE The tonal gradation o f a display is important and can be checked visually When new methods are developed, this is subjective to become a normative criteria with measurable tolerances NOTE Test images are available and free of charge from some research institutes [7] © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 14861:2015(E) Annex A (informative) Reference set of RGB triplets File ISO 14861_AnnexA.txt tabulates a set of 318 RGB triplets that can be used as described in to evaluate colorimetric accuracy and the smooth rendition o f vignettes This Annex is provided as an electronic file according to ISO 28178 because these data are intended for use in preparing files to be used to test display driving o f a display and as such, are required as electronic data More in formation on the used set of RGB values can be found in Reference [11] © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 14861:2015(E) Annex B (normative) Test patches for display driving and simulation requirements The patches listed in Table B.1 4.4.1 f f requirements The patches represent a subset of ISO 12642-2 and conform to ISO 12647-7 requirements for a control wedge are u s e d as defi ne d i n or eva luation o d i s play d rivi ng and s i mu lation Table B.1 — Patches for display driving and simulation Patch # 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 C 100 70 40 20 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 70 40 20 10 0 M 0 0 100 70 40 20 10 0 0 0 0 0 100 70 100 70 40 20 10 100 70 Y 0 0 0 0 0 100 70 40 20 10 0 0 0 70 70 0 0 100 70 K 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 20 40 60 80 100 100 60 80 0 0 0 Patch # 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 C 40 20 10 10 20 40 60 80 100 100 20 70 100 70 40 20 10 20 40 40 40 40 100 100 100 10 0 40 40 100 M 0 12 27 45 65 85 100 100 70 40 20 10 70 70 100 100 40 40 40 100 40 40 100 100 0 Y 40 20 10 12 27 45 65 85 70 70 100 70 40 20 10 70 70 100 40 100 100 40 40 40 100 40 100 40 K 0 0 0 0 100 60 80 0 0 0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0 0 0 © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 14861:2015(E) Table B.1 (continued) Patch # 32 33 34 35 36 C 0 100 70 © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved M 40 20 10 0 Y 40 20 10 100 70 K 0 0 Patch # 68 69 70 71 72 C 100 0 70 M 40 0 70 Y 0 100 0 K 0 100 60 80 ISO 14861:2015(E) Bibliography [1] [2] [3] ISO 11664-3, Colorimetry — Part 3: CIE tristimulus values ISO 11664-6, Colorimetry — Part 6: CIEDE2000 Colour Difference Formula ISO 12640-1, Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange — Part 1: CMYK standard colour [4] ISO 12642-2, Graphic technology — Input data for characterization of 4-colour process printing — [5] ISO 13655, Graphic technology — Spectral measurement and colorimetric computation for graphic [6] ISO 28178, Graphic technology — Exchange format for colour and process control data using XML or ASCII text [7] JSPST-2008, Illumination and viewing conditions for colour comparison o f images on reflection print and monitor display, [8] Kraush aar Andreas Why colours sometimes fail to match visually when they match instrumentally?, Fogra News Nr and 6, 2009 [9] CIE Publication No 159, A Colour Appearance Model for Colour Management Systems: CIECAM02 image data (CMYK/SCID) Part 2: Expanded data set arts images [10] E dge C Method for Optimizing the Human Observer, Sixteenth Color Imaging Con ference: Color Science and Engineering Systems, Technologies, and Applications Portland, Oregon; November 2008; p 12-15 [11] K arp P Extended RGB Data set Available php?menuid=559&downloadid=645&reporeid=0> at

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 16:12