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© ISO 2017 Interior air of road vehicles — Part 7 Odour determination in interior air of road vehicles and test chamber air of trim components by olfactory measurements Air intérieur des véhicules rou[.]

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 2 9-7 First edition 2017-02 Interior air of road vehicles — Part 7: Odour determination in interior air of road vehicles and test chamber air of trim components by olfactory measurements Air intérieur des véhicules routiers — Partie 7: Détermination des odeurs dans l’air intérieur des véhicules routiers et dans les chambres d’essai d’air des composants de finition par des mesurages olfactifs Reference number ISO 12219-7:2017(E) © ISO 2017 ISO 2 9-7: 01 7(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2017, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part o f this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country o f the requester ISO copyright o ffice Ch de Blandonnet • CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 copyright@iso.org www.iso.org ii © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 2 9-7: 01 7(E) Page Contents iv Introduction v Scope Normative references Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms Principle 5 Test facilities 5.1 General 5.2 Odour test equipment 5.2.1 Air sampling bag 5.2.2 Odour sampling device 5.2.3 Odour presentation device f 5.3.1 Panel selection Foreword O l acto ry p anel B ehavio ur o f the p anel memb ers 5.3.3 Test conditions 6.1 6.2 6.3 Test procedure Assessment 10 8.1 8.2 o l facto ry training s es s io ns General Requirements related to the operation of the whole vehicle test chamber 6.2.1 General 6.2.2 Ambient air mode 6.2.3 Parking mode Requirements related to the operation of the emission test chamber 7.1 fo r and assessments Panel members performance follow-up Sampling 7.1.1 General 7.1.2 Sampling from the interior air of road vehicles 7.1.3 Sampling from emission test chamber air of trim components Presentation of odour samples 10 Odour assessment 10 Quality control Test report Annex A (informative) Description of a possible sampling and presentation device for Annex B (informative) Dilution device Annex C (informative) Intensity assessment Annex D (informative) Further odour evaluation assessments Annex E (informative) Panel selection using sni ffing sticks Annex F (informative) Panel selection using olfactometry Annex G (informative) Panel selection using five standard odorants Bibliography air samples © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved iii ISO 2 9-7: 01 7(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part In particular the different approval criteria needed for the di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted This document was dra fted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part (see www.iso org/directives) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identi fying any or all such patent rights Details o f any patent rights identified during the development o f the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso org/patents) Any trade name used in this document is in formation given for the convenience o f users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation on the meaning o f ISO specific terms and expressions related to formity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: www.iso.org/iso/foreword.html The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 146, Air quality, Subcommittee SC 6, Indoor air A list of all the parts in the ISO 12219 series can be found on the ISO website iv © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 2 9-7: 01 7(E) Introduction Volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) are widely used in industry and may be emitted by many everyday products and materials They have attracted attention in recent years because o f their impact on indoor air quality A fter homes and workplaces, people spend a lot o f time in their vehicles It is important to determine the material emissions of interior parts and to reduce them to an acceptable level, i f required There fore, it is necessary to obtain comprehensive and reliable in formation about the types o f organic compounds in the indoor air o f vehicles and their concentrations as well as an odour impression Since ol factory assessment is based on very subjective impressions, it is necessary to make this subjectivity comparable by means o f a standardized procedure This document describes a controlled ol factory examination o f the interior air o f road vehicles and the chamber air o f trim components This document adopts the general requirements already specified in the International Standards o f the ISO 16000 series which deal with the determination of odour emissions from building products using test chambers (see ISO 16000-28) and with sensory testing o f indoor air (see ISO 16000-30), but uses di fferent odour evaluation schemes developed for the automotive industry A risk assessment should be carried out to clari fy that no harm ful compounds are present in the room In some countries, an ethics committee may require this © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved v INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 2 9-7: 01 7(E) Interior air of road vehicles — Part 7: Odour determination in interior air of road vehicles and test chamber air of trim components by olfactory measurements Scope T h i s c u ment s p e c i fie s a s tand ard i ze d and obj e c tive pro ce s s to ana lys e and de term i ne the ol fac tor y b ehaviour o f comp onents , s em i-fi ni s he d pro duc ts and materi a l s fitte d i n the i nterior o f ro ad veh icle s T he o dou r de term i nation i s either p er forme d b y u s i ng s ample s or from from the i nterior r o f ro ad veh icle s em i s s ion te s t cha mb er r T h i s c u ment de s crib e s a n ol fac tor y s c re en i ng me tho d b as e d on d i fferent s c a le s for the ol fac tor y as s e s s ment wh ich are de s crib e d i n the a n nexe s O ther ol fac tor y assessments, e.g according to ISO 16000-28, are also possible but are not the focus of this document T he Normative references fol lowi ng c u ments are re ferre d to i n the tex t i n s uch a way th at s ome or a l l o f thei r content s titute s re qu i rements o f th i s c u ment For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition cite d appl ie s For u ndate d re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d c ument (i nclud i ng a ny amend ments) appl ie s ISO 8589, ISO 12219-1, Interior air ofroad vehicles — Part 1: Whole vehicle test chamber — Specification and method Sen sory an alysis — Gen eral guidan ce for th e design of test room s for th e determin ation of volatile organic compoun ds in cabin interiors ISO 12219-4:2013, Interior air of road vehicles — Part 4: Meth od for th e determ in ation of th e em ission s of volatile organ ic compoun ds from veh icle interior parts an d m aterials — Sm all ch am ber m eth od ISO 16000-28:2012, In door air — Part 28: Determin ation of odour emission s from buildin g products usin g test ch am bers Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms 3.1 Terms and definitions For the pu rp o s e s o f th i s I S O 16 0 -2 a nd the c u ment, fol lowi ng the term s and defi nition s given in ISO 2 19 -1 , ISO 2 19 - 4, apply ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia org/ — ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso org/obp © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 2 9-7: 01 7(E) 1 odour ple a s ant or unple as a nt s mel l c au s e d b y chem ic a l comp ou nd s em itti ng to i ndo or r product or material, automotive part or whole vehicle interior from a bui ld i ng [S O U RC E : I S O 16 0 -2 : 01 , 1 , mo d i fie d — T he ph s e “automo tive p a r t or whole veh icle i nterior ” has been added.] sensory odour panel group o f trai ne d or u ntrai ne d as s e s s ors p er form i ng the s en s or y a s s e s s ment o f the o dou r em i s s ion building products or materials, automotive parts or whole vehicle interior from [S O U RC E : I S O 16 0 -2 : 01 , 9, mo d i fie d — T he ph ras e “automo tive p a r ts or whole veh icle i nterior ” has been added.] panel member person who is accepted to assess the [SOURCE: ISO 16000-28:2012, 3.1.11] odours (3.1.1) panel leader p ers on who s e pri mar y dutie s are to ma nage p anel ac ti vitie s a nd re cru it, trai n a nd mon itor the a s s e s s ors [SOURCE: ISO 16000-28:2012, 3.1.10] panel selection pro ce dure to de term i ne wh ich p ers on s a re qua l i fie d to s er ve a s pan el m embers [SOURCE: ISO 16000-28:2012, 3.1.5] (3.1.3) sensory adaptation temp orar y mo d i fic ation o f the s en s itivity o f a s en s e organ due to conti nue d and/or rep e ate d s ti mu lation, which is reversible [S O U RC E : I S O 49 : 0 , , mo d i fie d — T he ph ras e “wh ich i s revers ible” s b e en adde d ] sensory fatigue form of (3.1.6 [SOURCE: ISO 16000-28:2012, 3.1.6] sen sory adaptation ) i n wh ich a de c re a s e i n s en s itivity o cc urs anosmia lack o f s en s itivity to s ome ol fac tor y s ti mu lu s due to phys iolo gic a l de fe c ts , wh ich i s no t revers ible [S O U RC E : I S O 49 : 0 , , mo d i fie d] clean air odourless air [SOURCE: ISO 16000-28:2012, 3.1.23] © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 2 9-7: 01 7(E) 10 odourlessness (3.1.1 [SOURCE: ISO 16000-28:2012, 3.1.29] odour ) as s e s s e d b y the p a nel a s b ei ng b elow the re qu i re d va lue 11 (3.1.24) (or group of volatile organic compounds) measured in the small chamber outlet or the whole vehicle test chamber [SOURCE: ISO 12219 been added.] b a c k g r o u n d c o n c e n t r a t i o n concentration o f a s p e ci fic volatile organic compoun d - 4: , , mo d i fie d — T he p h s e “o r the who le veh icle te s t ch a mb er ” h a s 1 sampled air air collected for subsequent measurement 13 air exchange rate ratio of the volume of (3.1.9) brought into the chamber volume measured in identical units [SOURCE: ISO 16000-28:2012, 3.1.14] clean air test ch am ber (3.1.20 ) hou rly and the fre e te s t 14 air volume per time at the chamber outlet o u t l e t a i r f l o w r a t e N o te to entr y: T he o utle t a i r flow rate i s e xpre s s e d a s volu me p er s e cond [SOURCE: ISO 16000-28:2012, 3.1.15] 15 air velocity air speed over the surface of the [SOURCE: ISO 16000-28:2012, 3.1.16] test specim en (3.1.23) 16 supply air s um o f a l l gas e ou s volume flows conduc te d i nto the s ma l l ch amb er [S OU RC E : I S O 2 19 - 4: 01 , , mo d i fie d — No te to entr y s b e en dele te d ] 17 a r e a s p e c i f i c a i r f l o w r a t e ratio b e twe en the s upply r flow rate and the are a o f the test specim en [SOURCE: ISO 16000-28:2012, 3.1.17] (3.1.23) 18 air mi xing thorough intermingling of the air volume to be investigated 19 trim component component produced for incorporation in a vehicle cabin © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 2 9-7: 01 7(E) test chamber enclosure with controlled operational parameters for the determination of (3.1.24) and (3.1.1) emitted from (3.1.23) prepared from building products, automotive parts or whole vehicle interior volatile organic compoun ds odours test specim en s [SOURCE: ISO 16000-28:2012, 3.1.21, modified — The phrase “automotive parts or whole vehicle interior” has been added.] 21 test room room where the (3.1.1) test takes place [SOURCE: ISO 16000-28:2012, 3.1.22] odour 2 product loading factor ratio of exposed surface area of the [SOURCE: ISO 16000-28:2012, 3.1.24] test specim en (3.1.23) and the free test chamber volume test specimen part o f the sample specially prepared for emission testing in a test ch am ber (3.1.20) in order to simulate the odour emission behaviour of the material or product being tested [SOURCE: ISO 16000-28:2012, 3.1.27] odour sample air sample collected from the test chamber outlet in containers and being tested for its odour (3.1.1) Note to entry: An example o f a container is a flexible bag [SOURCE: ISO 16000-28:2012, 3.1.28] 25 volatile organic compound VOC organic compound that is emitted from the vehicle interior trim or from the all those detected in the interior air of road vehicles or in the chamber air of test specim en (3.1.23) and (3.1.19) trim compon ents [SOURCE: ISO 16000-9:2006, 3.15, modified] olfactory reference material homogeneous, stable and well-defined preparation o f a chemical odorous compound (with unique CAS number) used for the training and calibration of the pan el m em bers (3.1.3) Note to entry: For example, di fferent concentrations o f butanol or acetone can be used to train the panel members or to assess odour intensity FEP PVF Abbreviated terms tetrafluoroethylene hexafluoropropylene copolymer polyvinyl fluoride © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 2 9-7: 01 7(E) be traceable to a re ference standard according to the quality assurance and quality control schemes The general requirements incorporate: — temperature and relative humidity in the test chamber; — supply air quality and VOC background concentration in the test chamber; — air velocity in the test chamber; — air exchange rate in the test chamber; — test chamber airtightness; — e fficiency o f the internal test chamber air mixing; — ambient parameters (T, RH) o f the sensory test 6.2 6.2 Requirements related to the operation of the whole vehicle test chamber General Requirements concerning the whole vehicle test chamber, the test vehicle, the measurement procedures and the standard test procedures are given in ISO 12219-1 and shall be met For the purposes of this document, the odour determination in the interior air of road vehicles is performed using the whole vehicle test chamber operated in the ambient mode and the parking mode The whole vehicle test chamber shall be odourless 6.2 Ambient air mode The test conditions are specified in ISO 12219-1 The ol factory sample is taken a fter the optional sampling o f VOCs and carbonyl compounds The sampling positions are specified in ISO 12219-1 6.2.3 Parking mode The test conditions are specified in ISO 12219-1 The ol factory sample is taken a fter the optional sampling o f VOCs and carbonyl compounds The sampling positions are specified in ISO 12219-1 6.3 Requirements related to the operation of the emission test chamber Requirements concerning the emission test chamber, the test specimen, the measurement procedures and the standard test procedure are given in ISO 12219-4 and shall be met The exhaust air at the chamber outlet shall be used for taking the ol factory sample directly prior to the optional sampling o f VOCs and carbonyl compounds Pre-dilution of the stream of odorous gases shall be applied when there is a risk of condensation of the gas sample when stored at ambient conditions Dynamic pre-dilution during sampling is done by mixing a flow o f sample gas with a flow o f neutral gas (e.g nitrogen) The equipment for dynamic pre-dilution while sampling odours is described in Annex B The dynamic pre-dilution device shall be regularly calibrated so that the pre-dilution factor is known This procedure should take into account that the dilution factor shall remain stable during the sampling period A calibration procedure should be based on the measurement o f oxygen or CO at the inlet and outlet of the pre-dilution probe, if nitrogen is used as the dilution span gas The dilution factor is then calculated from the following ratio of the tracer gas: C inlet/C outlet where C inlet is concentration at the inlet and C outlet is the concentration at the outlet © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 2 9-7: 01 7(E) Test procedure 7.1 Sampling 7.1 General Sampling is performed using a sample container meeting the requirements outlined in 5.2.1 An example for an odour sampling and presentation device meeting the requirements of ISO 16000-28 is described in Annex A The minimum sampling volume is l to 10 l per bag The panel leader should be aware that several bags may be necessary to make the di fferent odour assessments according to Annex C or Annex D The sample container exactly corresponds to the sampling volume to avoid any unaccounted dilution effects and shall be evacuated before sampling Samples shall not be exposed to direct sunlight or strong daylight to minimize (photo)chemical reactions (see EN 13725) The closed container with the sampling air shall be transferred to a processing apparatus (example given in Annex A) 7.1 Sampling from the interior air of road vehicles In the case o f odour determination in interior air o f road vehicles, the analysis comprises two samples The odour samples are assessed without further dilution One ol factory sample is taken just a fter the conditioning o f the whole vehicle test chamber at (23 ± 2) °C and 50 % RH ± 10 % RH as specified by ISO 12219-1 Another sample is taken at the end o f the parking mode, a fter sampling for carbonyls and before beginning of the driving-mode 7.1 Sampling from emission test chamber air of trim components Samples taken from the emission test chamber may be diluted be fore an odour assessment is per formed, depending on the aim of the test (e.g correlation with the testing of car cabin air) If dilution is needed, a factor shall be determined (considering the exact volume of the vehicle cabin if this is known) If it is not known, an approximate factor shall be applied (an average cabin volume is between 1,5 m3 and 3,5 m3 , depending of the size of the vehicle) In order to perform a controlled pre-dilution of the sample, two different methods can be applied: — Static pre-dilution during sampling is done by filling the sample bag with a known volume o f dry odour- free air or nitrogen be fore the sampling o f the odorous air The bag should not be filled above 50 % o f its maximal capacity with the clean gas The bag is then filled with a known volume o f the gas stream at the outlet of the emission chamber The volume of gas sampled depends on the a factor is required When using static pre-dilution, heated sample tubes shall be used to ensure that no condensation occurs before the sample enters the bag where the actual dilution takes place Dynamic pre-dilution probe can be placed directly at the outlet o f the emission chamber (see 6.3) It should be used even for larger pre-dilution factors expected dilution factor to apply This technique should not be used when a pre-dilution larger than — The ol factory sample from the emission test chamber is taken directly prior to the optional sampling o f VOCs and carbonyl compounds Dilution is required in case of high RH and/or high VOC concentrations The dilution rate shall be recorded in the protocol Assessment For the ol factory testing, an odourless room shall be used that exhibits constant temperature and ventilation conditions and does not impair the concentration of the sensory odour panel member by noise or the like Prior to the odour assessment, the panel member should have stayed in the test room for approximately Samples shall be analysed as soon as possible a fter sampling, at the latest 24 h a fter sampling Odour assessment is carried out by at least five sensory odour panel members for each sample © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 2 9-7: 01 7(E) 8.1 Presentation of odour samples Two samples, stored at a controlled temperature o f (23 ± ) °C, are presented to the ol factory panel members One bag contains the clean air, the other contains the air sample The panel members approach the odour presentation device successively and at first sni ff clean air and then the air sample Per run, each panel member sniffs the air for s to s (clean air or the air sample) 8.2 Odour assessment The odour assessment is performed according to one of Annexes C to D Other odour assessments are also allowed, e.g perceived intensity, hedonic tone and acceptability as described in ISO 16000-28 The assessment method finally chosen for the odour determination shall be defined by the client and consignee prior to the assessment For any rating o f the odour sample, each panel member shall smell the odour twice, the first presentation to vote on the form and the second to confirm or adjust the vote The panel member shall provide only one value for the characterization If different kinds of rating shall be performed on the same sample, it is better to organize the rating on each scale in separate sessions or to provide enough time to let the panel vote successively on the different scales (considered as different trials) Test report The test report shall contain the following data: — chosen odour evaluation method; — name and address o f the test laboratory; — name and address o f the customer; — unambiguous designation(s) for identification o f the test specimen/component; — testing and sampling conditions (testing period, temperature, dilution); ambient conditions o f the testing room (temperature); — time, type and duration o f sampling; — brie f description o f the analysis method and o f the evaluation criteria; — participating sensory odour panel members; — types o f submission sample volumes (sample containers); — a re ference to this document, i.e ISO 12219-7; — deviations from the standard and particularities occurring during the test; — individual results o f the participating sensory odour panel members; — overall result o f the ol factory test; — date and signature Quality control An appropriate level o f quality control shall be employed, including verification that: — the room for the sensory test is compliant to the requirements in terms o f background odour and ambient conditions [(23 ± 2) °C]; 10 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 2 9-7: 01 7(E) — the p anel memb ers know a nd approve the co de o f r u le s; — the s en s itivity te s t re s u lts are c umente d for a l l the p anel memb ers; — the performance results of the panel member shall be recorded according to 5.3.3 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 11 ISO 2 9-7: 01 7(E) Annex A (informative) Description of a possible sampling and presentation device for air samples Key sampling bag funnel with on/off valve clean air inlet cylinder Figure A.1 — Schematic illustration of an odour sampling and presentation device NO TE I n I S O 16 0 -2 : 01 , D , a n e xa mp le o f a cle a n i ng p ro ce du re i s provide d , u s i ng a s p e c i fic p ol y vi nyl fluor ide , i e Te d l a r 1) Tedlar® ®1) For further information on this procedure, see ISO 16000-28 is an examp le o f a s uitab le p ro duct availab le co mmercially This in fo rmatio n is given fo r the co nvenience o f the us ers o f this cument and es no t co ns titute an endo rs ement by I S O o f this p ro duct E quivalent p ro ducts may b e us ed i f they can b e s hown to lead to the s ame res ults 12 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 2 9-7: 01 7(E) Annex B (informative) Dilution device Key outlet for diluted air to the air sampler pressure compensation to sampling point f outlet for excess air inlet for nitrogen or neutral gas inlet for sample air gas j et p ump meas urement p o int F i g u r e B — E x a m o r s amp le vo lume flo w p l e o f a d i l u t i o n d e v i c e u s e d t o m a k e a n o n l i n e - c o n t r o l l e d d i l u t i o n d u r i n g sampling © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 13 ISO 2 9-7: 01 7(E) Annex C (informative) Intensity assessment C.1 Preparation of the odour intensity scale The range consists in a six-level scale from (no odour) to (unbearable odour) The description of each level is behavioural to determine an acceptability limit To avoid a natural discrepancy between panel members and/or panels, cultures, etc., a set of aqueous 1-butanol solutions correspond to the different odorous grades See Table C.1 Table C — Odour intensity scale Concentration of aqueous a Grades Solution S1 a 1-butanol solution ml/l 0,01 0,05 0,5 2,5 10 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 Instead o f S1, 10 ml o f demineralized and odourless water is directly used to spike the 10 l bag for grade The di fferent solutions are prepared in flasks with the appropriate volume o f (1-butanol) completed with demineralized and odourless water Inject 10 ml o f a solution (e.g S3) into a clean 10 l bag, with a syringe for example, for the corresponding grade (e.g grade 3) The bag is filled with additional inert gas (nitrogen or clean air) The equilibrium between the liquid and gas phase is reached by keeping the bag at the control room temperature for a minimum of h I f not used directly, store all standard solutions in tightly capped containers in a re frigerator and protected from light Allow them to equilibrate to room temperature be fore use They should be replaced after weeks C.2 Panel selection and training The use o f re ference materials with known intensity values allows panel members to be selected objectively based on per formance criteria A new candidate shall be able to assess the right intensity level with 80 % success (i.e they assign the correct intensity level four times out o f five) During the initial training, the di fferent intensity levels are presented to the candidate with the corresponding value (supervised) In a second step, six di fferent bags o f the intensity standards (one at each level) are presented to the candidate Then the candidate shall order them from the weakest to the strongest At the end of the initial training and during the regular training sessions, each panel member should be asked to assess at least two di fferent scale levels blindly (unsupervised) The presentation o f the intensity grades to the panel shall be per formed according to the same procedure used for samples and by using the same presentation device (see 5.2.3) 14 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 16:08
