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© ISO 2016 Graphic technology — Process control for the production of halftone colour separations, proof and production prints — Part 7 Proofing processes working directly from digital data Technologi[.]

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 12647-7 Third edition 2016-11-15 Graphic technology — Process control for the production of halftone colour separations, proof and production prints — Part 7: Proofing processes working directly from digital data Technologie graphique — Contrôle des processus de confection de sélections couleurs tramées, d’épreuves et de tirages — Partie 7: Processus d’épreuve travaillant directement partir de données numériques Reference number ISO 12647-7:2016(E) © ISO 2016 ISO 12647-7:2016(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2016, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part o f this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country o f the requester ISO copyright o ffice Ch de Blandonnet • CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 copyright@iso.org www.iso.org ii © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 12647-7:2016(E) Page Contents Foreword iv Introduction v Scope Normative references Terms and definitions Requirements 4.1 4.3 Colour difference measurements f f 4.2.3 Screen angle 4.2.4 Dot shape 4.2.5 Halftone proofs screening Proof print 4.3.1 General 4.3.3 Colouration of printed parts 4.3.4 Gamut f f f 4.3.7 Colourant rub resistance 4.3.8 Ink set gloss 4.3.9 Tone value reproduction limits 4.3.10 Reproduction of vignettes 4.3.11 Image register and resolving power 4.3.12 Margin information D ata files , s imulatio n o s creens D ata delivery S creen Pro o fing s ub s trate co lo ur and glo s s Permanence o Rep eatab ility o requency p ro o fing s ub s trate and p rinted p arts p ro o p rinting Test methods 5.1 5.2 5.3 Viewing conditions Control strip Additional test objects 5.3.1 Resolution 5.3.3 Resolving power f 5.4 Colour measurement 5.5 Measurement of gloss 10 5.6 Visual appraisal of proof-press-print matches 10 Annex A (normative) Technical requirements for proofing formity 11 Annex B (normative) Rub resistance of the proof colourant 15 Annex C (normative) Outer gamut patches 18 Annex D (informative) Organizational certification routines for visual appraisal o f proo f5 Primary and s eco ndary p ro ces s co lo urs Uni o rmity print press-print matches 21 Bibliography 23 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved iii ISO 647-7: 01 6(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part In particular the different approval criteria needed for the di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted This document was dra fted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part (see www.iso.org/directives) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identi fying any or all such patent rights Details o f any patent rights identified during the development o f the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents) Any trade name used in this document is in formation given for the convenience o f users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation on the meaning o f ISO specific terms and expressions related to formity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: www.iso.org/iso/foreword.html The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 130, Graphic technology This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 12647-7:2013), which has been technically revised with the following changes: — a number o f anomalies identified by industry experts have been addressed; — substrate selection and measurement specification has been modified to reflect industry practice; — approximately equivalent CIEDE2000 colour di fference values have been added; — basic support for spot inks has been added; — wording has been updated to reflect current terminology and industry thinking A list of all parts in the ISO 12647 series can be found on the ISO website iv © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 12647-7:2016(E) Introduction I S O 47-1 s er ve s to provide defi n ition s , the genera l pri ncip le s , the genera l order, the materia l to b e covere d i n I S O 47-2 to I S O 47- , the defi n ition o f the d ata, the me as u rement cond ition s , and the rep or ti ng s tyle T h i s c ument relate s to the s ubj e c t o f d igita l pro o fi ng a nd e s tabl i s he s pro o fi ng re qui rements most demanding part of the printing and publishing market T h i s c ument s p e c i fie s m va lue s (or s e ts o f m va lue s) and tolera nce s s p e ci fie d i n I S O 47-1 for for for the the pri ma r y p ara me ters d igita l pro o f pri nti ng P ri mar y p arame ters that defi ne a pri nti ng cond ition include screening parameters (where applicable), the colours of the solids, the colour of the print f methods for those properties of digital proof prints and their substrates that are considered relevant s ub s trate, colou rs o for i nterme d iate ti nt va lue s and the tone c u r ve T h i s c ument a l s o s p e ci fie s te s t s table and rel iable pro o fi ng cond ition s , and thu s for a cer ti fic ation pro ce du re T he graph ic te ch nolo g y i ndu s tr y ma ke s e xten s ive u s e o f pro o fi ng to pre d ic t the renderi ng o f d igita l data fi le s b y a wide varie ty o f h igh- defi n ition, h igh- qua l ity o ff-pre s s pri nti ng pro ce s s e s and appl ic ation s E ach pre d ic tion i s b a s e d on a cha rac teri z ation d ata s e t that defi ne s a p a r tic u l ar pri nti ng cond ition Typic a l ly, the s p e c i fie d pri nti ng cond ition i s defi ne d th rough a n I nternationa l C olor C on s or tiu m (I C C ) pro fi le or the a s s o ci ate d ch arac teri z ation data s e t, b o th o f wh ich relate s ou rce data and colori me tric va lue s o f the pri nte d colour Such data may b e derive d from pri nti ng cond ition s form i ng to the p er ti nent pro ce s s s ta ndard o f the I S O 47 s erie s b y i ndu s tr y trade group s or i nd ividua l s T he pur p o s e o f a pro o f pri nt i s to s i mu late the vi s ua l charac teri s tics o f the fi n i she d pro duc tion pri nt pro duc t as clo s ely as p o s s ible I n order to vi s ua l ly match a p a r tic u lar pri nti ng cond ition, pro o fi ng pro ce s s e s re qu i re a s e t o f p a rame ters to b e s p e ci fie d that a re no t ne ce s s ari ly identic a l to tho s e put for ward i n I S O 47-1 or ano ther p a r t o f I S O 47 T h i s i s c au s e d by d i fference s i n colou nt s p e c tra or phenomena s uch as glo s s , l ight s c atter (with i n the pri nt s ub s trate or the colou rant) , a nd tran s p a renc y I n s uch c a s e s , it i s a l s o found that s p e c tro colori me tr y ta ke s pre ce dence over den s itome tr y Another problem area is the matching of a double-sided production print on a lightweight printing substrate, such as often used in heat-set web and publication gravure printing, to a digital proof on f f measurements with white backing, there will be an unavoidable visual and measurable difference between the proof on the one hand and the production print placed on black on the other hand A f in the pertinent parts of ISO 12647 The possible occurrence of such differences needs to be well communicated, in advance, to all parties concerned a ne arly op aque s ub s trate I black b acki ng i s re qu i re d the pro o wa s pro duce d u s i ng a colour ma nagement pro fi le b as e d on or double - s ide d pro duc tion pri nti ng on non- op aque pri nts , as s p e ci fie d H i s toric a l ly, there h as b e en no s i s tenc y i n the way th at either the cha rac teri z ation data or the criteri a and l i m its for a s ati s fac tor y match have b e en provide d T h i s s le d to s ign i fic a nt re du nda nc y and i ncon s i s tencie s i n the eva luation o f pro o fi ng s ys tem s for d i fferent, but s i m i la r, appl ic ation s , and a co s t and ti me bu rden on the i ndu s tr y T h i s c u ment there fore attemp ts to provide gu ida nce i n th i s are a b y provid i ng s p e ci fic ation s and a s s o ci ate d te s ti ng pro ce du re s Annex A s u m mari z e s the re qu i rements for the d igita l pro o f pri nts l i s te d i n the mai n b o dy o f th i s c u ment; the s e are weighte d with re s p e c t to thei r releva nce i n th re e typic a l s ituation s: — re qu i rements with wh ich a pro o f pri nt, made for a p ar tic u la r pri nti ng cond ition, mu s t comply i f it i s to b e re ference d i n a contrac t b e twe en the pri nter and the provider o f the d igita l data (C er ti fie d P ro o f C re ation) ; — re qu i rements with wh ich a vendor ’s pro o fi ng s ys tem, compri s i ng hardware and s o ftware, mu s t comply i f it i s to b e s idere d c ap able o f rel i ably pro duci ng d igita l contrac t pro o fs for a p a r tic u lar pri nti ng cond ition (C er ti fie d P ro o fi ng Sys tem) ; — re qu i rements with wh ich a pro o f pri nt made for a p ar tic u lar pri nti ng cond ition mu s t comply when te s te d i n the field u s i ng on ly a control we dge (C er ti fie d Field P ro o f ) © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved v ISO 647-7: 01 6(E) for I S O 47- defi ne s re qui rements va l idation pri nts B e c au s e data a re exchange d ele c tron ic a l ly and vi s ua l i z ation s o f tho s e data a re pro duce d at mu ltiple s ite s , there i s a marke t ne e d re qu i rements for va l idation pri nts to promo te a de gre e o f s i s tenc y for th roughout the defi ne d workflow Va l idation pri nts are i ntende d to b e u s e d at e arly s tage s o f the pri nt pro duc tion workflow, p a r tic u larly at the c u ment de s ign s tage a nd have le s s s tri ngent re qu i rements , p ar tic u larly on colou r fidel ity, to a l low thei r pro duc tion on le s s el ab orate a nd le s s co s tly device s th an are re qui re d Va l idation pre d ic ti ng pri nts colou r are on no t i ntende d pro duc tion to replace pri nti ng “contrac t pro o fs ” device s It is as e xp e c te d s p e ci fie d that the for in contrac t pro o fs th i s c ument mo d i fic ation s of for the requirements for both contract proofs and validation prints, along with the requirements for contract pro o fs , wi l l conti nue i n the vi future as i ndu s tr y re qu i rements and i magi ng te ch nolo gie s develop © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 12647-7:2016(E) Graphic technology — Process control for the production of halftone colour separations, proof and production prints — Part 7: Proofing processes working directly from digital data Scope This c ument pro o f pri nts s p e ci fie s i ntende d to re qu i rements s i mu late a for s ys tem s pri nti ng th at cond ition are used defi ne d by to a pro duce set hard- cop y d igita l o f ch arac teri z ation data Recommendations are provided with regard to appropriate test methods associated with these requirements Normative references T he fol lowi ng c u ments are re ferre d to i n the tex t i n s uch a way th at s ome or a l l o f thei r content s titute s re qu i rements o f th i s c u ment For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition cite d app l ie s For u ndate d re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d c ument (i nclud i ng a ny amend ments) appl ie s ISO 187, Paper, board and pulps — Standard atmosphere for conditioning and testing and procedure for monitoring the atmosphere and conditioning of samples ISO 2813, Paints and varnishes — Determination of gloss value at 20°, 60° and 85° ISO 3664, Graphic technology and photography — Viewing conditions ISO 8254-1, Paper and board — Measurement ofspecular gloss — Part 1: 75° gloss with a converging beam, TAPPI method ISO 12040, Graphic technology — Prints and printing inks — Assessment of light fastness using filtered xenon arc light ISO 12639, Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange — Tag image file format for image technology (TIFF/IT) ISO 12640-1, Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange — Part 1: CMYK standard colour image data (CMYK/SCID) ISO 12642-2, Graphic technology — Input data for characterization of 4-colour process printing — Part 2: Expanded data set ISO 13655, Graphic technology — Spectral measurement and colorimetric computation arts images for graphic ISO 15397:2014, Graphic technology — Communication of graphic paper properties Terms and definitions For the purpo ses o f this cument, the terms and definitions given in © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 12647-1 and the fol lowing apply ISO 12647-7:2016(E) ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/ — ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp 3.1 chromatic primaries c ya n, magenta and yel low pro ce s s i n ks 3.2 CIELAB chromaticness difference Δ Ch d i fference b e twe en two colours o f approxi mately the s ame l ightne s s proj e c te d onto a s ta nt l ightne s s plane in the CIELAB colour space N o te to entr y: T h i s i s c a lc u l ate d a s ∆C h = ) ( CIE a − CIE a ) +( CIE b1 − CIE b2 ) 3.3 digital proof s o ft- cop y pro o f or rd- cop y pro o f pro duce d d i re c tly from d igita l data, on a d i s p lay or a s ub s trate, re s p e c tively 3.4 digital proof print digital hard-copy proof digital proof ) pro duce d a s (3.3 a refle c tion copy on a proo fing substrate (3.5) 3.5 proofing substrate pri nti ng s ub s trate u s e d for rd- cop y pro o fi ng pro ce s s e s 3.6 halftone proof pro o f pri nt made u s i ng the s ame s c re en i ng te ch nolo g y ( genera l ly centre -weighte d h a l ftone ts) a s the intended production printing N o te to entr y: T h i s i s done to attemp t to pro duce (a nd there fo re che ck fo r the e xi s tence o f ) the s a me s c re en i n g artefacts, such as rosettes, moiré, or aliasing patterns, as expected in the corresponding production print One p o s s ibi l ity i s to b a s e p ro o fi n g o n the b itm ap p ro duce d o n the p ro duc tion p l ate or fi l m s e tter 3.7 primaries s e t o f pro ce s s i n ks: c yan, magenta, yel low a nd black 3.8 print stabilization period time elapsed since the production of a proof print until a stable colour is achieved N o te to entr y: T h i s pro p er ty i s to b e s p e c i fie d b y the m a nu fac tu rer 3.9 spot colour inks inks which are not part of the set of process inks N o te to entr y: Sp o t colou r i n ks a re o ften u s e d when pr i nti n g b nd co lo u rs © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 12647-7:2016(E) Requirements 4.1 Colour difference measurements In previous revisions o f this document, CIELAB 1976 colour di fference measurements (Δ E*ab) used as detailed in ISO 13655 for normative colour difference measurements were Con formance with this document requires the reporting o f all colour di fferences as CIEDE2000 (Δ E00 ) The relationship o f Δ E*ab to Δ E00 varies throughout the colour space and there is no simple correlation between the two metrics Users are advised that some proofs that are in conformance with ISO 12647-7:2013 NOTE may not be in formance with this document and that some proo fs that are in formance with this document may not be in formance with ISO 12647-7:2013 4.2 4.2.1 Data files, simulation o f screens Data delivery Digital proofing systems should accept digital data delivered as PDF/X data files as defined in ISO 15930 (all parts) or TIFF/IT files as defined in ISO 12639 Where TIFF/IT files are used, colour in formation shall be included using tag 34675 or tag 34029 as defined in ISO 12639 PDF/X requires that the intended printing condition be indicated Where the intended printing condition is included in the registry o f characterizations maintained by the International Color Consortium (ICC) and the digital data are cyan-magenta-yellow-black (CMYK), the name used in the ICC registry is usually used for identification in lieu o f including an ICC output profile I f the intended printing condition is not included in said registry, PDF/X requires that an ICC output profile be included I f the data are other than CMYK, the data are required to be defined colorimetrically using an ICC input profile or another mechanism and an ICC CMYK output profile is required to be included; the rendering intent to be used with the output profile is required to be communicated 4.2.2 Screen frequency Halftone proofs should have the same screen frequencies (screen rulings) as the production press print to be simulated within a tolerance of ±3/cm 4.2.3 Screen angle Halftone proofs should have the same screen angles (with a tolerance of ±3°) as the production print to be simulated 4.2.4 Dot shape Halftone proofs should have the same general dot shape as the production print to be simulated 4.2.5 Halftone proofs screening Where hal ftone proo fs are used and the screen frequency, screen angle or dot shape are di fferent from that of the production press to be simulated, these differences shall be reported 4.3 Proof print 4.3.1 General When evaluating and communicating proofing substrate properties, the list o f required criteria for communication described in ISO 15397 should be followed © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 12647-7:2016(E) 4.3.2 Proofing substrate colour and gloss In an ideal situation, the digital proofing substrate should be the same as the substrate to be used for production printing As this ideal situation is seldom possible, the digital proofing substrate shall fulfil all of the following criteria a) The gloss level o f both the printing substrate and proofing substrates shall be estimated as one o f matte, semi-matte or glossy either by the substrate manu facturer or by measuring as described in 5.5 Matte proofing substrates shall not be used to make proofs for glossy printing substrates and glossy proofing substrates shall not be used to make proo fs for matte printing substrates b) The white point o f the unprinted proofing substrate shall allow a colorimetric match o f the substrate of the intended printing condition to be simulated with a colour difference of less than or equal to 3,0 Δ E00 units when measured according to ISO 13655 To assure a white point match, the proofing substrate should have a CIEL* value that is higher than the substrate of the printing condition to be simulated c) The proofing substrate should belong to the same fluorescence classification as the production paper Fluorescence classification in four levels o f faint, low, moderate, and high shall be made using the testing procedures described in ISO 15397:2014, 5.12 NOTE Fluorescence as defined in ISO 15397 is calculated by measuring D65 brightness evaluated as per ISO 2470-2 with UV included (UV) and UV excluded (UVex) and taking the ratio UV/UVex (see ISO 15397 for details) Usual categories for fluorescence are faint, low, moderate and high In practice, it is o ften use ful to add an OBA free category in which case the faint category is split into OBA free and faint The categories and ranges for each are shown in Table Table — Fluorescence categories and ranges Category name OBA free Faint Low Moderate High 4.3.3 Range ≤ OBA free ≤ 1 < faint ≤ 4 < low ≤ 8 < moderate ≤ 14 14 < high ≤ 25 Colouration of printed parts The measurement conditions shall be as specified in 5.4; the digital control strip specified in 5.2 and an ISO 12642-2 compliant chart shall be used The CIELAB colour coordinates of the process colour solids shall agree with the pertinent aim values o f the printing condition to be simulated as given by the data (see 4.2.1), within 3,0 Δ E00 units The CIELAB metric hue di fference for CMY shall not exceed 2,5 The variability o f the colouration across the proo f print format is limited by the provision that the colours o f nine measurement locations evenly spaced on the test objects (see 5.3.4), which have been printed without prior modification in view o f the printing condition, shall have the following: — a standard deviation of less than 0,5 each for values of L*, a *, and b*; — a maximum o f 2,0 Δ E00 units between the average value and any one point The CIELAB colour coordinates o f the control patches, defined in 5.2 or ISO 12642-2, shall agree with the pertinent aim values o f the printing condition to be simulated as given by the data (see 4.2.1) within the tolerances specified in Table © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 12647-7:2016(E) Black or white backing shall be selected based on the opacity o f the proofing substrate Black and white backing shall be in accordance with ISO 13655 All colour measurements and computed colour di fferences shall be reported, accompanied by an associated total uncertainty (using the coverage factor k = as defined in ISO 15790) In addition, it should include an estimate of the variation between different measurement instruments The value may be extracted from the manu facturer’s specification or from a certificate o f calibration from the manufacturer All colour measurements shall be rounded with the same precision as the defined tolerance value NOTE A colour di fference o f ∆E 00 = 5,4 is rounded to i f the tolerance is defined as ∆E 00 ≤ and will be in formance The same colour di fference is not in formance when the tolerance is stipulated as ∆E 00 ≤ 5,0 5.5 Measurement of gloss The gloss of the substrate or ink set single ink solid areas should be measured with an incidence angle o f 75° as specified in ISO 8254-1 or 60° as specified in ISO 2813 and shall be classified into categories o f “matte”, “semi-matte” or “glossy” as follows: a) 75° (see ISO 8254-1): Matte: 60 GU; b) 60° (see ISO 2813): Matte: 20 GU NOTE The correspondence between the categories a) and b) is based on Re ference [11] Other gloss measurement methods specified in ISO 15397 may be used as long as it can be demonstrated that the substrate categories that result from such a measurement are approximately equivalent to those specified in a) or b) 5.6 Visual appraisal of proof-press-print matches See Annex D for a typical set of guidelines used for visual evaluations NOTE Although the industry is struggling to develop metrologically based techniques for the evaluation o f the quality o f proo f-to-print matches, un fortunately, most industry trade groups still rely on visual comparisons It is recognized that these evaluations are highly dependent on both the subject matter chosen and on the observers participating 10 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 12647-7:2016(E) Annex A (normative) Technical requirements for proofing formity A.1 Certified proo f (field certification) D igita l pro o fs may b e s idere d to b e “field cer ti fie d” for a cho s en pri nti ng cond ition i n forma nce with this document if the proof print conforms to the requirements listed in A.1.1 for the chosen printing condition A.1.1 All proofs All proofs shall conform to the following requirements of Clause 4: — colouration of printed parts (see 4.3.3), except the light fastness, the 24 h colour fading tests and the p atche s from the I S O 42 char ts; — margin information (see 4.3.12) A.2 Certified contract proo fs A.2.1 General provisions P ro duc tion s ite s for d igita l pro o fs may b e s idere d c ap able o f del iveri ng cer ti fie d contrac t pro o fs for a cho s en pri nti ng cond ition i n formance with th i s c u ment i f it c an b e rel iably demon s trate d th at the proof prints conform to the requirements listed in A.2.2 or A.2.3 for the chosen printing condition A.2.2 All proofs All proofs shall conform to the following requirements of Clause 4: 4.3.2), conformance to Table f — colouration of printed parts (see 4.3.3 — gamut (see 4.3.4 — reproduction of vignettes (see 4.3.10 — image register and resolving power (see 4.3.11 — margin information (see 4.3.12) — pro o fi ng s ub s trate colou r and glo s s (s e e ) , e xcep t the l ight i s the on ly re qu i rement; as tne s s and h colou r fad i ng te s ts; ); ); ); A.2.3 Halftone proofs Halftone proofs shall conform to all requirements of A.2.2 and the following requirements of Clause 4: f 4.2.2 — screen angle (see 4.2.3 — dot shape (see 4.2.4) — s c re en re quenc y (s e e ); ); © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved 11 ISO 12647-7:2016(E) A.3 Production systems capable o f delivering certified contract proo fs A.3.1 General provisions P ro duc tion s ys tem s for d igita l pro o fi ng provide d b y vendors may b e s idere d c ap able o f del iveri ng cer ti fie d contrac t pro o fs for a given pri nti ng cond ition i n formance with th i s c u ment i f it c an b e rel i ably demon s trate d that the pro o fi ng s ys tem, compri s i ng hardware and workflow comp onents , i f te s te d u nder the envi ronmenta l cond ition s s p e ci fie d b y the vendor, form s to the re qui rements listed in A.3.2 or A.3.3 f or s aid pri nti ng cond ition I n add ition, the s ys tem sha l l b e c ap able o f accep ti ng and pro ce s s i ng data fi le s form i ng to 4.2.1 Where pro o fi ng s ys tem s are i ntende d to s upp or t pro o fi ng o f s p o t i n ks , a repre s entative s e t o f s p o t colours should be included in the assessment A.3.2 All proofs All proofs shall conform to the following requirements of Clause 4: 4.3.2), conformance to Table — colouration of printed parts (see 4.3.3 f f f 4.3.6 — colourant rub resistance (see 4.3.7 — tone value reproduction limits(see 4.3.9 — reproduction of vignettes (see 4.3.10 — image register and resolving power (see 4.3.11 — margin information (see 4.3.12 the proof — pro o fi ng s ub s trate colou r and glo s s (s e e ) , excep t the l ight — rep e atabi l ity o pro o pri nti ng (s e e i s the on ly re qu i rement; a s tne s s a nd h colour fad i ng te s ts; ); ); ); ); ); ) wh ich s hou ld b e adde d b y the s a me ma rki ng engi ne that c re ate d A.3.3 Halftone proofs Halftone proofs shall conform to all requirements of A.3.2 and the following additional requirements of Clause 4: f 4.2.2 — screen angle (see 4.2.3 — halftone dot shape (see 4.2.4) — s c re en re quenc y (s e e ); ); A.4 Tables of aim values and tolerances Tables A.1 and A.2 are provided as a guide to implementers of this document Full details of each requirement are provided in the section indicated 12 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 12647-7:2016(E) Table A.1 — Technical requirements for contract proofs Requirement Tolerance Reference Maximum proof to production print difference for substrate 3,0 Δ E00 4.3.2 4.3.3 Maximum proof to printing condition difference for process colour solids Maximum variation across the sheet 3,0 Δ E00 4.3.3 2,0 Δ E00 4.3.3 4.3.3 Table 4.3.3 Table 4.3.3 Table 4.3.3 Table 4.3.3 Table 4.3.3 Table 4.3.3 Table (9 patch grey charts) Maximum proof to printing condition difference for all patches in 5.2 except spot colour inks Average proof to printing condition difference for all patches in 5.2 except spot colour inks 5,0 Δ E00 2,5 Δ E00 Maximum for CMY neutral scale 3,5 ΔCh Average for CMY neutral scale 2,0 Δ Ch Average proof to printing condition difference for all patches of ISO 12642-2 95 % percentile of proof to printing condition difference for all patches of ISO 12642-2 Maximum proof to printing condition difference for spot colour ink solid patches of 5.2 Average proof to printing condition difference for outer gamut patches of ISO 12642-2 Maximum error for spot colour solids and 50 % tints Maximum change in substrate and chromatic (CMYRGB) solids and midtones following permanence tests (shall) Maximum change in substrate and chromatic (CMYRGB) solids and midtones following permanence tests (should) Maximum variation o f primary and secondary solids and midtones from day to day © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved 2,5 Δ E00 5,0 Δ E00 2,5 Δ E00 Additional constraints Only applies i f the proo f substrate is overprinted Gloss and fluorescence levels should be similar between proof and print CIELAB metric hue difference shall not exceed 2,5 Standard deviation of less than 0,5 for each of L*, a *, and b * — — — — — — — 2,5 Δ E00 4.3.4 — 2,5 Δ E00 4.3.4 — 2,5 Δ E00 4.3.5 For matte substrates 4,0 Δ E00 2,0 Δ E00 4.3.5 For matte substrates 4,0 Δ E00 2,0 Δ E00 4.3.6 — 13 ISO 12647-7:2016(E) Table A.2 — Technical requirements for certified field proo fs Requirement Maximum proof to production print difference for substrate Maximum proof to printing condition difference for process colour solids Maximum proof to printing condition difference for all patches in 5.2 except spot colour inks Average proof to printing condition difference for all patches in 5.2 except spot colour inks Maximum proof to printing condition difference for spot colour ink solid patches of 5.2 14 Tolerance ,0 Δ E00 ,0 Δ E00 ,0 Δ E00 2,5 Δ E00 2,5 Δ E00 Reference 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.3 4.3.3 Table 4.3.3 Table 4.3.3 Table Additional constraints O n l y ap p l ie s i f the p ro o f s ub s trate i s overprinted Glo s s a nd fluo re s cence le vel s s hou ld be similar between proof and print CIELAB metric hue difference shall not exceed 2,5 — — — © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 16:08