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Date of preparation 2/4/2023 Date of teaching 5/4/2023 UNIT 10 ENERGY SOURCES PERIOD 86th LOOKING BACK+ PROJECT I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, students will be able to 1 Knowledge 1 1 Review v[.]

Date of preparation: 2/4/2023 Date of teaching:5/4/2023 UNIT 10: ENERGY SOURCES PERIOD 86th : LOOKING BACK+ PROJECT I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Knowledge: 1.1 Review vocabulary and combination words about “Energy sources” 1.2 Review the present continuous tense Competence: 2.1 Use combinations words & words to exercises (Ex 1, 2) 2.2 Use the knowledge about the present continuous tense to exercises ( Ex 3,4) 2.3 Discuss in pair and group work and receive feedback after their own sharing/ presentaion 2.4 Do some further practice exercises using all the advanced knowledge they’ve learn in the unit Quality: 3.1.Have the good attitude to work in groups, individual work, pairwork, cooperative learning and working, self-study, self-solving problem 3.2 Be eager for learning about types of energy sources II TEACHING AIDS: - Textbook, laptop, projector, sachmem.vn III PROCEDURES: Activities Contents Organization (1’) - Greettings - How are you today? - Total: 7A: 7B: - Who’s absent today? Warm up (3’) - T asks Ss to think of what they have learnt already in Unit 10 New lesson (36’) a Activity (12’) I LOOKING BACK * Vocabulary Ex1 (1.1); (2.1) Ex1: Match the adjectives in A with the - T has Ss work individually nouns in B to make phrases - Ss this activity individually, then compare their answers with their partners - T asks for Ss’ answers - T confirms the correct ones and asks Ss to make sentences using the phrases Answer keys: e a d b c Ex2: Complete the sentences, using the Ex2 (1.1); (2.1) (2.3) - T has Ss work individually - Ss this activity then compare their answers with their partners - T asks for Ss’ answers - T confirms the correct ones b Activity (14’) Ex3 (1.2); (2.2) (2.3) - T asks Ss to recall the structures of “The present continuous”, and tell them to Ex in the book - Ss the exercise individually and swap with their partners - T calls some Ss to check their answer - T confirms the correct answer Ex4 (1.2); (2.2) - T asks Ss to the task - Ss work individually to the task - T calls Ss to give out their answers - T checks and confirms their answer phrases in Answer keys: low energy light bulbs electrical applicances renewable energy sources solar energy hot water * Grammar Ex3: Complete the sentences by using the correct form of the present continuous or present simple of the verbs in brackets Answer keys: 1- is raining 2- start 3- is walking 4- does 5- am writing Ex4: Find ONE mistake in each sentence and correct it Answer keys: -> are doing explain -> explaining is -> are use -> using look -> are looking II PROJECT Discussion: Which tips can be applied in your school c Activity (10’) * Project (2.3) - T asks Ss to dicuss in groups of 4-6 - T also has Ss spend some time to make their brainstorm, narrow down the ideas, make a poster out of these ideas and practise presenting within their groups - Ss discuss with their group members - Some Ss raise their ideas and Poster presentation: How to save explain their answers among groups energy in your school - T asks Ss to work in groups of – to stick their posters onto the classroom’s wall and present about them in the next Communication lesson - Ss work in group to the task at home Feedback (2’) - T asks students to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson Homework (3’) - Guide Ss to - Ss take notes * Homework: - Review all vocabulary about energy sources and the present continous tense - Prepare: Unit 11 - Getting started + Find out new words + Read the dialogue in Ex1 + Use pencils to exercises in the text books Date of preparation: 3/3/2023 Date of teaching: 6/3/2023 UNIT 11: TRAVELLING IN THE FUTURE Period 87th : Getting started I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Knowledge: 1.1 Memorize the words related to the future means of transports and understand the context for introductory text Competence: 2.1 Read for specific information about the conversation; to exercises (Ex1,2,3) 2.2 Use the words and phrases that describe the mean of transports (Ex4) 2.3 Practice the dialogue in group work, discuss in pair and receive feedback after their own sharing/ presentation 2.4 Write more types of future means of transport and the Ex5 Quality: 3.1.Have the good attitude to work in groups, individual work, pairwork, cooperative learning and working, self-study, creative, self-solving problem 3.2 Be hard- working, be awareness of traffic laws II TEACHING AIDS Ss’ books, text books, projector, computer, wifi, soft documentary III PROCEDURES: Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Contents Organization (1’) - Greetings - Total: 7A: 7B: 2.Warm up (4’) * Brainstorming: - Set the context for the listening and reading text + How you people travel every day? + What you think about the traffic in the picture? + How about traffic in the future? -Teacher calls on some Ss to give their ideas about it -Teacher listens, comments, then leads Ss to the new lesson Teacher says: “In the lesson today we are going to learn a new unit about “Travelling in the future” Let’s start to see and find out more information related to our new topic” 3-New lesson a, Activity (15’) Ex1: 1.1 2.1 - T asks Sts to open the book, page 114 - T plays the recording twice for Ss to listen and find out some new words - T explains the meaning of the new words - Guide ss read new words - Ask ss to read newwords in chorus then call some ss to practice - Check their pronunciation - Checking: Rub out and Remember - Invite some pairs of Ss to read the dialogue aloud b, Activity (20’) Ex2: 1.1 2.1 - Have Ss look at the statements in this activity Tell them how to it Give them some strategies to the exercise (e.g reading the statements, underlining the key words, reading the text paying attention to the key words) - Ss to the activity independently in 1’, then share their answers in pairs Invite some pairs to give their answers - Checks and corrects Ex3: 1.1, 2.1 2.3 - Teacher asks Ss to work in pairs in 3’ to Sts answers Ex1 Listen and read * Vocabulary eco – friendly (a) /ˈiː.kəʊ ˌfrend.li/: thân thiện với môi trường fume (n) /fjuːm/: khói hyperloop (n) /ˈhaɪ.pərluːp/: hệ thống giao thơng tốc độ cao teleporter (n) /ˈtel.ɪ.pɔː.tər/: phương tiện di chuyển tức thời campsite (n) /ˈkæmp.saɪt/: địa điểm cắm trại EX 2: What are Ann and Minh talking about? Answer key: B Read the conversation again read the conversation again and underline the key words in each sentence -Ss work in pairs to the task -Ss answer and point out where in the conversation they find the information for their answers - Teacher checks the answers as a class Ex4: 1.1, 2.2 2.3 -Teacher asks Ss to work in pairs in 3’ to read the conversation again and to underline the words / phrases that describe means of transport: hyperloop and teleporter -Ss work in pairs to pick out words / phrases they have found to write down in the correct column -Teacher asks some Ss to read out words / phrases they have found in the conversation to put into each column - Teacher checks the answers as a class Ex5: 2.4 - Explains the ex and ask good ss to ex Feedback (3’) - Ask one or two Ss to tell the class what they have learnt Ask Ss to say some words they remember from the lesson Home work : (2’) - Give out the homework and guide ss to prepare for the new lesson and tick True (T) / Flase (F) T F F T T Find the words and phrases that discrible the meaning of transport in the conversation and write them in the correct collumns Game: Quiz Answer keys: bicycle / bike car train sailing boat rocket / spaceship * Homework: - Read the conversation again, and remember the new words - Prepare: Unit 11 – A closer look 1: Use pencils to ex 1,2,3 in page 116

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 15:27

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