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Tiêu chuẩn iso 10256 3 2016

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© ISO 2016 Protective equipment for use in ice hockey — Part 3 Face protectors for skaters Équipements de protection destinés à être utilisés en hockey sur glace — Partie 3 Protections faciales pour l[.]

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 10256-3 First edition 2016-12-01 Protective equipment for use in ice hockey — Part 3: Face protectors for skaters Équipements de protection destinés être utilisés en hockey sur glace — Partie 3: Protections faciales pour les skateurs Reference number ISO 10256-3:2016(E) I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © ISO 2016 ISO 10256-3:2016(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2016, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part o f this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country o f the requester ISO copyright o ffice Ch de Blandonnet • CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 copyright@iso.org www.iso.org ii I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n ISO 10256-3:2016(E) Contents Page Foreword v Introduction vi Scope Normative references Terms and definitions Types of face protectors 5 Requirements Innocuousness Ergonomics Attachment 5.5.1 Visual inspection 5.5.2 Test requirements 5.6 Field of vision 5.7 Penetration (Test blade) 5.8 Puck impact resistance 5.9 Design 5.10 Protected area f 5.1 5.2 5.3 S ize and mas s res trictio n (Typ e B o nly) 5 O p tical quality Typ es B , B 8.2 Typ e C 9.1 Typ es B , B 9.2 Typ e C 0.1 Typ e B and B — Full- ace p ro tecto rs 0.2 Typ e C — Vis o rs Test methods 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 8.1 Sampling 6.1.3 Face-protector/helmet combination Tolerances Inspection and determination of mass (for helmet/B2 face protector combinations f Conditioning Positioning 6.5.1 Determination of helmet-positioning index (HPI) 6.5.2 Positioning of helmets with full face protectors 6.5.3 Positioning of helmets with visors 10 f f f 10 f 10 f 10 Determination of penetration 10 6.7.1 Test apparatus 10 6.7.2 Procedures 10 f 11 6.8.1 Equipment 11 6.8.2 Procedures 11 6.1 Typ es 6.1 Quantity fitting E N 60 head o rm s ize 5 o r s maller) D eterminatio n o vis io n quality or ace p ro tecto rs 6.6.1 O p tical quality within the field o 6.6.2 Perip heral field o D eterminatio n o vis io n vis io n p uck imp act res is tance — Face p ro tecto rs Test report 12 Permanent marking 12 Information for users 12 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n iii ISO 10256-3:2016(E) Annex A (normative) Optical quality test methods 21 Annex B (normative) P u c k s p e c i f i c a t i o n s 26 Bibliography 28 iv I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n ISO 10256-3:2016(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part In particular the different approval criteria needed for the di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted This document was dra fted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part (see www.iso.org/directives) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identi fying any or all such patent rights Details o f any patent rights identified during the development o f the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents) Any trade name used in this document is in formation given for the convenience o f users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation on the meaning o f ISO specific terms and expressions related to formity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: www.iso.org/iso/foreword.html The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 83, Sports and other recreational facilities and equipment, Subcommittee SC 5, Ice hockey equipment and facilities This first edition o f ISO 10256-3, together with ISO 10256-1, ISO 10256-2, ISO 10256-4, ISO 10256-5, and ISO 10256-6 cancels and replaces the ISO 10256:2003, which has been technically revised ISO 10256 consists of the following parts, under the general title Protective equipment for use in ice hockey: — Part 1: General requirements — Part 2: Head protection for skaters — Part 3: Face protectors for skaters — Part 4: Head and face protection for goalkeepers — Part 5: Neck laceration protection for ice hockey players — Part 6: Lower leg protectors for ice hockey players The following parts are under preparation: © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n v ISO 10256-3:2016(E) Introduction I ce ho ckey i s a h igh s p e e d, col l i s ion s p or t i n wh ich there i s a ri s k o f i nj u r y T he obj e c t o f th i s p ar t o f I S O 102 i s to s p e ci fy re qu i rements for face pro te c tors , ta ki ng i nto account the ri s ks i n herent i n p ar tic ip ati ng i n the s p or t, ma ny o f wh ich c an no t b e el i m i nate d b y pro te c tive e qu ipment B y pl ayi ng th i s s p or t, p a r ticip ants accep t the ri s k o f s eriou s i nj u r y, p a lys i s , or de ath T he i ntention o f face pro te c tion i s to re duce the he ad and th at p a r t o f the force from face fre quenc y a nd s everity o f lo c a l i ze d i nj urie s to the s urrou nde d b y the pro te c tor T he pro te c tive fu nc tion i s s uch that the i mp ac ts aga i n s t the pro te c tor i s d i s tribute d and da mp ene d a nd the p ene tration o f obj e c ts i s counteracted Face pro te c tors ca n s i s t o f eye pro te c tors (vi s ors) or fu l l face pro te c tors T hey are a lways worn i n conj u nc tion with an ice ho ckey hel me t Face pro te c tors are te s te d and a s s e s s e d to ge ther with the helmet or helmets for which the face protector is intended To ach ieve the p er formance o f wh ich it i s c ap able, and to en s ure s tabi l ity on the he ad, a hel me t and as s o c iate d face pro te c tor i s i ntende d to b e a s clo s ely fitti ng a s p o s s ible s i s tent with com for t I n u s e it i s e s s enti a l that the hel me t a nd as s o c i ate d face pro te c tor a re s e c u rely or ne ck s trap adj u s te d accord i ng to ma nu fac turer ’s i n s truc tion s vi I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n fas tene d , with any ch i n s trap INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 10256-3:2016(E) Protective equipment for use in ice hockey — Part 3: Face protectors for skaters Scope This p ar t o f I S O (i nclud i ng vi s ors) 102 for s p e ci fie s p er forma nce re qui rements and te s t me tho d s for face pro te c tors u s e i n ice ho ckey a nd i s i ntende d to b e u s e d i n conj unc tion with I S O 102 -1 Requirements and the corresponding test methods, where appropriate, are given for the following: a) construction and area of coverage; b) resistance to puck impact; c) penetration; d) field o f vi s ion; e) ge ome tric (vi s ua l) op tics a nd ac u ity; f) transmittance and haze; g) marking and information T h i s p a r t o f I S O 10 appl ie s to face pro te c tors worn by — pl ayers o ther tha n go a l ke ep ers , and — cer tai n fu nc tiona rie s (e g re fere e s) NO TE T he re qu i rements o f a C l au s e ta ke p re ce dent over a figu re NO TE T he i n te n t i s to r e duc e th e r i s k o f i n j u r y to the the game fac e w i tho u t c o mp r o m i s i n g the fo r m o r ap p e a l o f Normative references T he fol lowi ng i nd i s p en s able c u ments , i n whole or i n p ar t, are normatively re ference d i n th i s c u ment a nd are for its appl ic ation For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition cite d appl ie s For u ndate d re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d c u ment (i nclud i ng any amend ments) appl ie s ISO 10256-1:2016, Protective equipment for use in ice hockey — Part 1: General requirements ISO 10256-2:2016, Protective equipment for use in ice hockey — Part 2: Head protection for skaters EN 960, Headforms for use in the testing of protective helmets ASTM D 1003, Standard Test Method for Haze and Luminous Transmittance of Transparent Plastics CSA Z262.6-14, Specifications for facially featured headforms Terms and definitions For the pu r p o s e s o f th i s c u ment, the © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n fol lowi ng term s and defi n ition s apply ISO 10256-3:2016(E) 3.1 CIE standard illuminants illuminants A and D65 defined by the CIE in terms o f relative spectral power distributions Note to entry: See ISO 11664-2 developed with the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) 3.2 chin cup protective component which covers the load bearing area Note to entry: As defined in Figure 3.3 chip readily visible particle missing from the protector with an area bigger than mm 3.4 collimated light source ratio o f the visible light (380 nm to 780 nm) transmitted by a medium to the incident light Note to entry: As re ferenced to CIE Standard Illuminant A and a standard photopic observer 3.5 combination combined unit o f a full- face protector or visor placed on a hockey helmet with which it is designed to be used 3.6 dioptre unit of focusing power, expressed in reciprocal metres (m-1), of a lens or surface, or of the vergence (re fractive index divided by the radius) o f a wave front 3.7 face protector protector, specially adapted to a helmet that is designed to protect the wearer’s face against injury 3.7.1 full-face protector device intended to reduce the risk o f injury to the face o f ice hockey participants Note to entry: As defined in 5.9.1 3.7.2 visor device intended to reduce the risk o f injury to the eyes o f ice hockey participants Note to entry: As defined in 5.9.2 3.8 field o f vision extent o f vision through the mounted protector in the “as worn” position measured with re ference to the entrance pupil o f the stationary eye when the protector is placed on the appropriate headform Note to entry: See Figure A.1 3.9 field o f vision directions 3.9.1 inferior downward angle in the vertical plane measured downwards from the horizontal I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n ISO 10256-3:2016(E) 3.9.2 nasally angle i n the hori z onta l plane me as u re d and from from the pri mar y p o s ition o f ga z e to the le ft the pri mar y p o s ition o f ga ze to the right for for the right eye for the right eye the le ft eye 3.9.3 superior upward angle in the vertical plane measured upwards from the horizontal 3.9.4 temporally angle i n the hori zonta l pl ane me a s u re d and from from the pri mar y p o s ition o f ga z e to the right the pri mar y p o s ition o f ga ze to the le ft for the le ft eye 3.10 fracture full thickness crack, breaking, or complete separation of material 3.11 glabella mo s t prom i nent m id l i ne p oi nt b e twe en the eyebrows identic a l to the b ony glab el la o f the fronta l b one 3.12 goniometer positioning device that moves the headform such that the angular rotation and movement in reference to the corne a l eye p oi nt i n b o th the hori z onta l and ver tica l d i re c tion s c an b e re corde d 3.13 haze < wide a ngle s c atter> p ercentage o f tran s m itte d l ight th at, i n p as s i ng th rough the s p e ci men, deviate s from the i ncident b e am b y for ward s c atteri ng (to ta l a ngle) as c au s e d b y i mp er fe c tion s i n the o c u lar that re duce cla rity o f vi s ion 3.14 impact sites for testing face protectors 3.14.1 impact site eye p oi nt i n the hori z onta l pl ane ° N o te to entr y: S e e from the me d i an pl ane and i n the d i re c tion o f the eye Figure 3.14.2 impact site mouth point in the intersection between the horizontal plane and the median plane in the direction of the center of the mouth in the horizontal plane N o te to entr y: S e e Figure 3.14.3 impact site side p oi nt h a l fway b e twe en the mouth level and the eye level i n the hori z onta l pla ne, ° plane, and in the direction of the central vertical axis N o te to entr y: S e e from the me d i an Figure 3.15 interpupillary distance IPD d i s tance i n m i l l i me tre s b e twe en the centre s o f the pupi l s o f b o th eye s on the © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n fac ia l ly fe atu re d he ad form ISO 10256-3:2016(E) 3.16 laser vi s ible coherent l ight s ource typ e wh ich c an b e uti l i ze d a s a col l i mate d l ight s ou rce 3.17 luminous transmittance ratio o f the (vi s ible) l ight tran s m itte d b y a me d iu m to the (vi s ib le) i nc ident l ight 3.18 menton lowe s t p oi nt on the mand ibu la r s ymphys i s 3.19 no-contact zone designated zone of the headform in which contact is not permitted during the puck impact resistance test N o te to entr y: S e e 5.8 and Figure 3.20 optical clarity sharpness of an image 3.21 orbitale lower most point on the inferior margin of the orbit (infraorbital margin) 3.22 photosensor s en s or m m i n d ia me ter centre d i n the pupi l s o f the he ad form covere d b y a m m tran s lucent len s o f mm radius of curvature, convex forward N o te to entr y: Pho to s en s ors a re co s i ne cor re c te d , fo r e xa mp le , pro vide d with d i ffu s i ng covers th at a re a me a n s of correcting the light-sensitive surface for wide angles of incidence Light contact with the sensors produces an electrical signal that is fed into a computer interface 3.23 primary position of gaze PPG line running forward from the centre of the pupils as forward looking parallel to the median and horizontal planes 3.24 prism dioptre unit used in measuring the deviating power of a prism N o te to entr y: Power i n p r i s m d io p tre s i s 10 × the ta ngent o f the a ngle o f de vi atio n o f a ray o f l ight 3.25 prism imbalance when the d i re c tion o f l ight p as s i ng th rough a len s and enteri ng one eye devi ate s from the d i re c tion o f l ight p as s i ng th rough the len s and enteri ng the o ther eye 3.26 puck accelerator device wh ich c an give a ho ckey puck a s p e ci fic velo c ity, d i re c tion, a nd with m i n i ma l ro tation N o te to entr y: S e e Figure 3.27 resolution abi l ity o f an op tica l s ys tem to d i s ti ngui s h two p oi nts at thei r m i n i mu m s ep aration I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 14:41

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