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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 85 8-1 First edition 01 6-05-1 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets — Part : Safety Groupes électrogènes courant alternatif entrnés par moteurs alternatifs combustion interne — Partie 3: Sécurité Reference number ISO 85 8-1 : 01 6(E) © ISO 01 ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2016, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved Unless otherwise speci fied, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester ISO copyright office Ch de Blandonnet • CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 copyright@iso.org www.iso.org ii © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) Contents Foreword Page Scope Normative references Terms and definitions General Hazards Safety requirements and tests 6.1 6.2 Starting system 6.2.2 6.4.2 6.6 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 6.7.2 6.1 Veri fication Veri fication Design, safety and mechanical strength Identi fication Accessibility Re q u i re m e n ts Veri fication Re q u i re m e n ts Veri fication G e n e ral 6.8.2 G u ard i n g agai n s t m e ch an i cal h az ard s 6.8.3 G u ard i n g agai n s t h o t s u rface s 6.9 N o t i n o p e rati o n 6.9 I n o p e rati o n Stability for low power generating sets 14 L i gh ti n g Re q u i re m e n ts 15 H an d l i n g Re q u i re m e n ts 16 M e ch an i cal s tre n gth 6.1 Re q u i re m e n ts 6.12.2 Veri fication 16 F i re p ro te cti o n 6.1 G e n e ral 6.1 Re q u i re m e n ts 6.13.3 Veri fication 17 H o s e s , p i p e s an d e l e ctri cal h arn e s s e s o f th e RI C e n gi n e Re q u i re m e n ts 6.14.2 Veri fication 6.1 Re q u i re m e n ts 6.11.2 Veri fication 6.1 6.8.1 6.1 1 6.1 Re q u i re m e n ts 6.10.2 Veri fication 6.1 G u ard i n g 6.1 0.1 6.1 Warn i n g d evi ce s 6.7.1 6.9 M o n i to ri n g d evi ce s 6.6.2 6.8 C o n tro l d evi ce s 6.6.1 6.7 Re q u i re m e n ts 6.3.2 Veri fication Emergency stopping 6.5 S to p p i n g 6.3 6.4 G e n e ral 6.2 6.3 v 18 E l e ctri cal e q u i p m e n t 6.1 G e n e rati n g s e ts © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d iii ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) 6.1 6.1 6.17 6.1 6.1 6.1 Requirements 6.1 7.1 Requirements 6.16.2 Veri fication Access systems 6.17.2 Veri fication Access to service points 6.1 8.1 6.1 Requirements 6.18.2 Veri fication Gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions 6.1 9.1 6.2 Other electrical equipment Noise Requirements 6.19.2 Veri fication Drainage 6.2 0.1 Requirements 6.20.2 Veri fication Operating and maintenance instructions 7.1 7.2 Veri fication 2 Safety labels 2 8.1 8.2 Requirements Requirements 2 Veri fication Marking 9.1 9.2 Requirements Veri fication Annex A (normative) List of hazards Annex B (normative) Application of IEC 602 04-1:2 009 for generating sets Annex C (normative) Instruction manual — Safety guide additional requirements for lowpower generating sets for use by laymen Bibliography 41 iv © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part (see www.iso.org/directives) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights Details of any patent rights identi fied during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents) Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation on the meaning of ISO speci fic terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 70, In tern a l co m b u stio n ISO 852 consists of the following parts, under the general title driven — — — — — — — — — — — — a ltern a tin g cu rren t g en era tin g sets Pa rt : A p p lica tio n , Pa rt 2: En gin e s Pa rt 3: A ltern a tin g Pa rt 4: Co n tro lg ea r a n d switch g ea r Pa rt 5: Gen era tin g Pa rt 6: T e st m eth o ds en gin es Recip ro ca tin g in tern a l co m b u stio n en gin e : tin g s a n d p erf o rm a n ce cu rren t g en era to rs f o r g en era tin g sets sets Part 7: Technical declarations for specification and design Pa rt 8: Requ irem en ts a n d te sts f o r lo w-p o wer g en era tin g Pa rt 9: Mea su rem en t a n d e va lu a tio n sets o f m ech a n ica l vib tio n s Pa rt 0: Mea su rem en t o f a irb o rn e n o ise b y th e en velo p in g Pa rt 2: Em erg en c y p o wer su p p ly to Pa rt 3: Sa f ety © ISO 01 – All rights reserved su rf a ce m eth o d sa f ety service s v INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets — Part : Safety Scope This part of ISO 8528 speci fies the safety requirements for reciprocating internal combustion (RIC) engine driven generating sets up to 00 V consisting of an RIC engine, an alternating current (AC ) generator including the additional equipment required for operating, e.g controlgear, switchgear, auxiliary equipment It is applicable to generating sets for land and marine use (domestic, recreational and industrial application) It is not applicable to generating sets used on board of seagoing vessels and mobile offshore units as well as on aircraft or to propel road vehicles and locomotives NOTE This part of ISO 8528 does not apply to arc welding equipment (IEC 60974 series) The special requirements needed to cover operation in potentially explosive atmospheres are not covered in this part of ISO 852 The hazards relevant to RIC engine driven generating sets are identi fied in Annex A This part of ISO 8528 deals with the special requirements of test and safety design which should be observed in addition to the de finitions and requirements in ISO 8528-1, ISO 8528-2, ISO 8528-3, ISO 8528-4, ISO 8528-5 and ISO 8528-6, where applicable It speci fies safety requirements in order to protect the user from danger Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application For dated references, only the edition cited applies For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies ISO 261, directio n Recip ro ca tin g in tern a l co m b u stio n en g in e s — Ha n d- o p era ted co n tro l de vices — Sta n da rd o f m o tio n ISO 2710 -1, Recip ro ca tin g in tern a l co m b u stio n en g in e s — V o ca b u la ry — Pa rt 1: T erm s f or en g in e desig n a n d o p era tio n ISO 2710 -2 , Recip ro ca tin g in tern a l co m b u stio n en g in e s — V o ca b u la ry — Pa rt 2: T erm s f or en gin e m a in ten a n ce ISO 3046-1, Recipro catin g in tern al com bu stion a n d lu brica tin g oil sum p tion s, ISO 30 46 - 6, ISO 4871, Recip ro ca tin g en gin es — Perf o rm a n ce — Pa rt : D ecla ration s of p ower, f u el an d test m eth o ds — A ddition al requirem en ts f or en gin es f o r gen era l u se in tern a l co m b u stio n en gin es — Perf o rm a n ce — Pa rt 6: O versp eed p ro tectio n Acoustics — Declaration and verification of noise emission values of machinery and equipment ISO 6826:1997, ISO 7967-1, Recip ro ca tin g in tern a l co m b u stio n Recip ro ca tin g in tern a l co m b u stio n en g in e s — Fire p ro tectio n en g in e s — V o ca b u la ry o f co m p o n en ts a n d s ystem s — Pa rt : Stru ctu re a n d extern a l covers © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) ISO 67-2 , Pa rt 2: ISO ISO Recip ro ca tin g en gin e s — V o ca b u la ry of co m p o n en ts an d s ystem s — in tern a l co m b u stio n en gin e s — V o ca b u la ry of co m p o n en ts an d s ystem s — — V o ca b u la ry of co m p o n en ts an d s ystem s — in tern a l m ech a n ism s co m b u stio n en gin e s a n d a ir/ exh a u st g a s du ctin g Recip ro ca tin g Sta rtin g 67- 9, Pa rt 9: co m b u stio n ca m sh a f t drive s a n d a ctu a tin g Pre ssu re ch a rgin g 67- , Pa rt 8: in tern a l g ea r Recip ro ca tin g V a lve s, 67- , Pa rt 4: ISO ru n n in g 67- , Pa rt 3: ISO Recip ro ca tin g Ma in in tern a l co m b u stio n en g in e s — V o ca b u la ry of co m p o n en ts an d s ystem s — in tern a l co m b u stio n en g in e s — V o ca b u la ry of co m p o n en ts an d s ystem s — s ystem s Recip ro ca tin g Co n tro l a n d m o n ito rin g s ystem s I S O 8 -1 : 0 , Recip ro ca tin g in tern a l co m b u stio n Pa rt : ISO A p p lica tio n , 8 -2 , Pa rt 2: s ystem s en gin e driven a ltern a tin g cu rren t g en era tin g sets — tin g s a n d p erf o rm a n ce Recip ro ca tin g in tern a l co m b u stio n en g in e driven a ltern a tin g cu rren t g en era tin g sets — En gin e s I S O 8 - , Recip ro ca tin g in tern a l co m b u stio n en g in e driven a ltern a tin g cu rren t g en era tin g sets — Pa rt 3: A ltern a tin g cu rren t g en era to rs f o r g en era tin g sets I S O 8 - : 0 , Recip ro ca tin g in tern a l co m b u stio n en gin e driven a ltern a tin g cu rren t g en era tin g sets — Pa rt 4: Co n tro lg ea r a n d s witch g ea r I S O 8 - : , Recip ro ca tin g in tern a l co m b u stio n Pa rt 5: Gen era tin g en gin e driven a ltern a tin g cu rren t g en era tin g sets — sets I S O 8 - , Recip ro ca tin g in tern a l co m b u stio n en g in e driven a ltern a tin g cu rren t g en era tin g sets — Pa rt 6: T e st m eth o ds I S O 8 -7, Recip ro ca tin g in tern a l co m b u stio n en gin e driven a ltern a tin g cu rren t g en era tin g sets — Pa rt 7: Technical declarations for specification and design ISO 8 - : 016 , Pa rt 8: Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets ― Req u irem en ts a n d te sts f o r lo w- g en era tin g sets I S O 8 - , Recip ro ca tin g in tern a l co m b u stio n en gin e driven a ltern a tin g cu rren t g en era tin g sets - - Pa rt 9: Mea su rem en t a n d e va lu a tio n o f m ech a n ica l vib tio n s I S O 9 : 0 , Recip ro ca tin g in tern a l co m b u stio n en g in e s — Gra p h ica l s ym b o ls ISO 1 -1 , Recip ro ca tin g in tern a l co m b u stio n en gin e s — Ha n dle sta rtin g eq u ip m en t — Pa rt 1: Sa f ety req u irem en ts a n d tests ISO 1 -2 , o f testin g Recip ro ca tin g in tern a l co m b u stio n en gin es — Ha n dle sta rtin g equ ip m en t — Pa rt 2: Meth o d th e a n gle o f disen g a g em en t I S O 142 , Erg o n o m ics — System o f a u dito ry a n d visu a l da n g er a n d in f o rm a tio n sign a ls I S O 1 : 19 , Tra cto rs, m a ch in ery f o r a gricu ltu re a n d f o re stry, p o wered la wn a n d g a rden eq u ip m en t — Sa f ety sig n s a n d h a za rd p icto ria ls — Gen era l p rin cip le s I S O 0 : , Sa f ety o f m a ch in ery — Gen era l p rin cip le s f o r de sig n — Risk a sse ssm en t a n d risk redu ctio n I S O -1 , Erg o n o m ics o f th e th erm a l en viro n m en t — Meth o ds f o r th e a sse ssm en t o f h u m a n resp o n se s to co n ta ct with su rf a ce s — Pa rt : Ho t su rf a ce s I S O , Sa f ety o f m a ch in ery — Em erg en c y sto p — Prin cip le s f o r de sign © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) I S O 7: 0 , Sa f ety o f m a ch in ery — Sa f ety dista n ce s to p re ven t h a za rd zo n e s b ein g rea ch ed b y u p p er a n d lo wer lim b s ISO 141 2 -2 : 0 , Sa f ety o f m a ch in ery — Perm a n en t m ea n s o f a cce ss to m a ch in ery — Pa rt 2: W o rkin g p la tf o rm s a n d wa lkwa ys ISO 143 14 : 0 , Recip ro ca l in tern a l co m b u stio n en g in e s — Reco il sta rtin g eq u ip m en t — Gen era l sa f ety req u irem en ts ISO 5 -2 , Erg o n o m ic de sign f or th e sa f ety of m a ch in ery — Pa rt 2: Prin cip le s f or determ in in g th e dim en sio n s req u ired f o r a cce ss o p en in g s I E C 0 -1 : , Rotating electrical machines ― Part 1: Rating and performance Rotating electrical machines ― Part 5: Degrees of protection provided by the integral design of rotating electrical machines (IP code) — Classification IEC 0 -5 : 0 , I E C 45 - , Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V ― Part 4: Cords and flexible cables I E C -1 : 0 , Sa f ety o f m a ch in ery — Electrica l equ ip m en t o f m a ch in e — Pa rt : Gen era l requ irem en ts I E C 3 -1 : , Household and similar electrical appliances ― Safety ― Part 1: General requirements Low-voltage electrical installations ― Part 1: Fundamental principles, assessment of general characteristics, definitions IEC IEC 6 -1 , 6 - - 41 , Low-voltage electrical installations ― Part 4-41: Protection for safety ― Protection a g a in st electric sh o ck I E C 0 -2 -7 , En viro n m en ta l te stin g - Pa rt 2-75: Te sts - Te st Eh : Ha m m er te sts IEC 60 073 , Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification — Coding p rin cip le s f o r in dica to rs a n d a ctu a to rs I E C 61 -1 , Sa f ety o f m a ch in ery — In dica tio n , m a rkin g a n d a ctu a tio n — Pa rt : Req u irem en ts f o r visu a l, a co u stic a n d ta ctile sig n a ls I E C 61 -2 , Sa f ety o f m a ch in ery — In dica tio n , m a rkin g a n d a ctu a tio n — Pa rt 2: Req u irem en ts f o r m a rkin g 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and de finitions given in ISO 2710-1, ISO 2710-2, ISO 3046-1, ISO 46 - , ISO 8 -2 , ISO ISO 67-1 , ISO 67-2 , ISO 67- , ISO 67- , ISO 67- , 8 -3 , ISO 8 - 4, ISO 8 -5 , ISO 852 - 6, ISO 8 -7, ISO ISO 67- , ISO 8 -1 , 852 - , ISO 8 - 9, ISO 8528-10, ISO 12100, IEC 60364-1 and the following apply layman person who does not necessarily recognize potential danger resulting from electricity, moving parts or ho t p a r ts Note to entry: The layman has normally a lack of training, knowledge and experience close proximity 30 mm space immediately around the operating and adjusting controls and carrying handles, including the i r who le mo ve me n t n ge © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) 3.3 rated power electric power assigned by the manufacturer according to ISO 8528-1:2005, Clause 13 (COP, PRP, LTP, ESP) , except for low power generating sets to ISO 852 8-8: 2016, (COP) low power generating sets power generating sets for the purpose of this part of ISO 8528 which are determined by the following special features: — low power is taken to mean rated power of a magnitude up to 10 kW/50 Hz, 12 kW/60 Hz; — users normally are laymen; — complete generating set is usually transportable, or mobile; — electrical output is connected by means of plugs, sockets and screwed terminal except for extra low voltages; — generating set is ready for use without any additional installation work by the user [SOURCE: ISO 852 8-8: 2016, Clause 1] frame contour outmost of low power generating sets, consisting of robust parts such as, the frame made of pipe, the fuel tank, the handle, the control box, etc operator interface means by which information is communicated between a human operator(s) and the SIS (for example, CRTs, indicating lights, push-buttons, horns, alarms) Note to entry: The operator interface is sometimes referred to as the human-machine interface (HMI) control device device connected into the control circuit (circuit used for the control, including monitoring) and used for controlling the operation of the machine (ex relay, contactor, position sensor,…) controlgear switching device and its combination with associated control, measuring, protective and regulating equipment, intended in principle for the control of electrical energy consuming equipment electrical operating area room or location for electrical equipment to which access is intended to be restricted to skilled or instructed persons (1) (2), by the opening of a door or the removal of a barrier without the use of a key or tool, and which is clearly marked by appropriate warnings signs Note to entry: Persons (1) and (2) are de fined as follows: (1) person with relevant education and experience to enable him or her to perceive risks and to avoid hazards which electricity can create; (2) person adequately advised or supervised by electrically skilled persons to enable him or her to perceive risks and to avoid hazards which electricity can create © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) Table B.1 (continued) ISO 8528-13:2016, Annex B Application for generating sets A: applicable IEC 60204-1:2009 R: replacement N/A: not applicable Clause Subclause 4.4.4 4.4 4.4.7 Title G enerating s ets excep t Low-p ower generating low-p ower generating sets s ets A Humidity Altitude R N/A A B R N/A B x x C ontaminants x x Ioni zing and non-ioniz ing x x radiation 4.4 Vibration, sho ck, and bump x x Trans p ortation and s torage x x P rovis ions for handling x x 4.7 I ns tal lation x x Incoming supply conductor terminations and devices for di sconnec ting and s witching off Incoming supply conductor terminations B 4.1 B 4.1 B B B B B 4.4 B Termi na l for connec tion to 5.2 5.3 the externa l pro tec tive ear th- ing system Supply disconnecting (isolating) device D evices for s witching off for prevention of unexp ec ted s tart-up 5.5 D evices for dis connec ting x x x x x x elec trical equipment P rotec tion agains t unau- 5.6 thori zed, inadvertent and/or mis taken connec tion P rotec tion agains t elec tric sho ck NOTE 28 General Clauses applicable in totality are not detailed by subclauses © ISO – All rights reserved ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) Table B.1 (continued) ISO 852 8-13:2016, Annex B Application for generating sets A: applicable IEC 60204-1:2009 R: replacement N/A: not applicable Clause Subclause 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 Title Generati ng s ets excep t Low-p ower generati ng low-p ower generati ng se ts sets A R N/A A R N/A P rotec tion agai ns t di re c t contac t General Protection by enclosures Protection by insulation of l ive p ar ts P rotec tion agai ns t res idual voltages Protection by barriers Protection by placing out of reach or protection by B 1 B 1 x x x x x x x x x x o b s tacle s 6.3 6.3.2 P rotec tion agai ns t i ndi re c t contac t General B B P revention of the o ccurrence of a touch voltage General Protection by provision of class II equipment or by equiv- x x x x alent i n s u lation 6.3 6.3 NOTE Protection by electrical separation Protection by automatic dis connection of supply B 1 B 1 B B Clauses applicable in totality are not detailed by subclauses © I SO – All rights reserved 29 ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) Table B.1 (continued) ISO 8528-13:2016, Annex B Application for generating sets A: appl icable IEC 60204-1:2009 R: replacement N/A: not applicable Clause Subclause Title G enerati ng s ets excep t Low-p ower generati ng low-p ower generati ng sets s ets A R N/A A R N/A Protection by automatic di sconnec tion-for low p ower B B generati ng s ets Protection by the use of PELV x x x x P rotec tion of e quipment 7.1 General O vercurrent protec tion 7.4 P rotec tion of motors agai ns t x x x x x overheating Abnormal temp erature pro te c tion Protection against supply in7 x x x x x terruption or voltage reduction and subsequent res toration 7.7 Motor overs p e ed protec tion E ar th fau lt/res idual current prote c tion Phase se quence prote c tion x x x x x x x x P rotec tion agai ns t over-volt7.9 ages due to l ightni ng and to s witchi ng s u rges NOTE 30 E quip otential b ondi ng General 8.2 P rotec tive b ondi ng ci rcu it General 8.2 P rotec tive conduc tors B 1 x B 1 x Clauses applicable in totality are not detailed by subclauses © I SO – All rights reserved ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) Table B.1 (continued) ISO 852 8-13:2016, Annex B Application for generating sets A: ap p l i c ab l e IEC 60204-1:2009 R: r e p l ac e me n t N/A: n o t ap p l i c ab l e Clause Subclause 8.2 Title Continuity of the protective G e n e r a ti n g s e t s e xc e p t L o w- p o we r ge n e r ati n g l o w- p o we r ge n e r a ti n g s e ts s e ts A R N/A A x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x R N/A b o nd i n g c i rc u i t E xc l u s i o n o f s w i tc h i n g d e v i c e s fr o m t h e p r o te c t i ve b o nd i n g c i rc u i t P a r t s th a t n e e d n o t b e 8.2 c o n n e c te d to th e p r o te c ti ve b o nd i n g c i rc u it P r o te c ti ve c o n duc to r c o n n e c t8.2 i n g p o i nts M o b i l e m ac h i n e s Add i ti o n a l p r o te c ti ve b o n d i n g r e qu i r e m e n t s fo r e l e c tr i c a l 8.2 e q u i p m e n t h av i n g e a r th l e a ka ge c u r r e n t s h i gh e r th a n 10 m A a c or d c 8.3 F u n c ti o n a l b o n d i n g M e a s u r e s to l i m i t the e ffe c t s o f h i g h l e a ka ge c u r r e n t C o n tr o l c i r c u i t s a n d c o n tr o l fu n c tio n s C o n tr o l c i r c u i t s x x C o n tr o l fu nc ti o n s x x P r o te c ti ve i n te rl o c k s x x x x x x C o n tr o l fu nc ti o n s i n th e e ve n t 9.4 o f fa i l u r e 9.4.1 G e n e r a l r e qu i r e m e n t s M e a s u r e s to m i n i m i z e r i s k i n the e ve n t o f fa i l u r e P r o te c ti o n a ga i n s t m a l o p e r ati o n du e to e a r th fau l t s , 9.4 x x vo l ta ge i n te r r up ti o n s a n d l o s s of circuit continuity NOTE Clauses applicable in totality are not detailed by subclauses © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d 31 ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) Table B.1 (continued) ISO 8528-13:2016, Annex B Application for generating sets A: ap p l i c ab l e IEC 60204-1:2009 R: r e p l ac e m e n t N/A: n o t ap p l i c ab l e Clause Subclause Title G e n e r ati n g s e ts e xc e p t L o w- p o we r ge n e r a ti n g l o w- p o we r ge n e r a ti n g s e t s s e ts A R N/A A R N/A O p e rato r i n te r face a n d m a10 ch i ne - mo u nte d co n tro l de v ice s 10 G enera l 10 P u s h- b u t to n s 10 10 10 10 10 Indicator lights and displays I l l u m i n ate d p u s h- b u t to n s Rotary control devices x x x x x x x x x x S ta r t de v i c e s x Emergency stop devices Emergency switching off x B x x x de v ic e s E n ab l i n g c o n tr o l de v i c e x x C o n tr o l ge a r: l o c ati o n , mo u n t11 i n g , a nd enclo s u re s 11 G e n e r a l r e qu i r e me n t s x x 11 L o c a ti o n a n d mo u n ti n g x x 11 D e g r e e s o f p r o te c ti o n x x E nc l o s u r e s , o r s a n d o p e n11 x x Ac c e s s to c o n tr o l ge a r x x 12 C o n du c to r s a n d c ab l e s x x 13 Wi r i n g p r ac tic e s x x x x i n gs 11 13.2 13 NOTE 32 C o n ne c ti o n s a n d r o u ti n g Identi fication of conductors Wi r i n g i n s id e e n c l o s u r e s B B Clauses applicable in totality are not detailed by subclauses © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) Table B.1 (continued) ISO 852 8-13:2016, Annex B Application for generating sets A: applicable IEC 60204-1:2009 R: replacement N/A: not applicable Clause Subclause 13 13.5 sets A Wiring outside enclosures x x x x x x Ducts, connection boxes and other boxes ed equipment 15 Low-power generating Title E lectric motors and associat- 14 Generating sets except low-power generating sets Accessories and lighting Marking, warning signs and 16 reference designations 17 Technical documentation 18 Veri fication Annex A (normative) B (informative) C (informative) Protection against indirect contact in TN-systems Enquiry form for the electrical equipment of machines E xamples of machines covered by this part of IEC 60204 R N/A A R N/A x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Current-carrying capacity D and overcurrent protection (informa- of conductors and cables in tive) the electrical equipment of machines E (informative) F (informative) G (informative) NOTE B.2 Explanation of emergency operation functions Guide for the use of this part of IEC 6020 Comparison of typical conductor cross-sectional areas Clauses applicable in totality are not detailed by subclauses Scope IEC 6020 4-1: 2009, Clause is replaced as follows This part of IEC 6020 is applicable to the electrical equipment or parts of the electrical equipment that operate with nominal supply voltages not exceeding 000 V for alternating current (a.c.) and not exceeding 500 V for direct current (d.c.), and with nominal supply frequencies not exceeding 200 Hz B.3 General requirements IEC 6020 4-1: 2009, Clause is replaced as follows: © ISO 01 – All rights reserved 33 ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) It is impracticable for manufacturers of generating sets to specify the type of system earthing on the load side The following shows the types of system earthling (TN, TT, IT) and the corresponding types of system earthing for generating sets Types of system earthing (Generating sets & Load) TN system TT system IT system Types of system earthing (Generating sets only) N e u tr a l b o n de d N e u tr a l u n b o n d e d/ N e u tr a l h i gh - i mp e d a nc e b o n d e d NOTE Requirements for types of system earthing covered by this standard are applicable only to generating sets of the corresponding types of system earthling B.3 B.3 1.1 Selection of equipment General I E C -1 : 0 , i s re p l ace d a s fo l lo ws : E le c tr ic a l co mp o ne n ts a nd de vi ce s s h a l l — b e s u i tab le fo r the i r i n te nde d u s e , a nd — electrical components important to safety (for example receptacle, circuit protector, conducting wire) shall comply with the safety requirements stipulated in the applicable ISO, IEC or national s ta n d a rd s B.3 Electrical supply I E C -1 : 0 , i s re p l ac e d a s fo l lo ws : Contrary to IEC 60204-1, the following requirements apply to generating sets Electrical equipment of generating sets, which is supplied by the generator of the generating sets itself, shall work without any failure under the rated conditions of the generating sets according to I S O 8 -1 : 0 , C l au s e a n d I S O 8 - : , C l au s e Fo r lo w p o we r ge ne r ati n g s e ts , I S O 8 - : , C l au s e ap p l i e s If not otherwise agreed, the electrical equipment which is not supplied by the generator of the ge ne r ati n g s e t s h a l l me e t the re qu i re me n ts acco rd i n g I E C -1 : 0 , In case the generator supplies electrical equipment of machinery, the supply requirements according to IEC 60204-1:2009, 4.3.1 apply The requirements shall be agreed between user and manufacturer especially in view of the transient behaviour during load changes B.3 B.3 Physical environment and operating conditions Humidity I E C -1 : 0 , i s re p l ace d a s fo l lo ws : I n s te ad o f the va lue s g i ve n i n I E C -1 : 0 , ge ne rati n g s e ts s h a l l me e t the l i m i t va lue s acc o rd i n g to I S O 8 -1 : 0 , C l au s e s a n d 1 L o w p o we r ge ne rati n g s e ts s h a l l me e t the l i m i t va lue s acco rd i n g I S O 8 - : , C l au s e D e vi atio n s fro m tho s e va lue s s h a l l b e a g re e d b e t we e n m a nu fac tu re r a n d u s e r D e v i atio n s fro m tho s e va lue s s h a l l b e a g re e d b e t we e n m a nu fac tu re r a nd u s e r 34 © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) B.4 Incoming supply conductor terminations and devices for disconnecting and switching off B.4.1 Incoming supply conductor terminations I E C -1 : 0 9, i s re p l ac e d a s fo l lo ws : Contrary to IEC 60204-1 for generating sets, dependent from the demanded protection measure, a connection between neutral conductor and protective bonding circuit may be required If generating sets are used as standby-to-mains-units, an electrical and/or mechanical interlocking system is necessary to avoid parallel operation (see ISO 8528-4) If generating sets are operating parallel to the mains or other generating sets, additional equipment for synchronising and protection including any controls or instrumentation shall be provide if needed (see ISO 8528-4) B.4.2 Terminal for connection to the external protective earthling system I E C -1 : 0 9, i s re p l ace d a s fo l lo ws : T he ge ne rati n g s e ts shall h ave a te r m i n a l a n d/o r a fu nc ti o n a l g ro u n d i n g ne a r the the ge ne rati n g s e t fra me T he fo r the c o n ne c ti o n a s s o c i ate d p h a s e re qu i re me n ts fo r th i s of an e x te r n a l co nduc to r te r m i n a l , te r m i n a l shall be p ro te c ti ve c o n duc to r o r o n a s u i tab le acc o rd i n g to IEC p l ace at -1 : 0 , 5.2 If the use of this terminal at delivery of the generating sets is unknown, it shall be delivered and marked with the symbol 5019 of IEC 60417-DB-12M:2002 B.4.3 Supply disconnecting (isolating) device I E C -1 : 0 9, i s re p l ace d a s fo l lo ws : For generating sets in single operation, which provide power supply to various electrical equipment through a plug-type device, the electrical disconnection through the plug-type device up to 32 A or a p ro te c tio n s w i tch ab o ve A at the ge ne rati n g s e ts w i th m a nu a l o p e ratio n i s p e r m i t te d Fo r ge ne rati n g sets in single operation, standby-to mains operation or parallel-to mains operation, which provides p o we r to a c o n s u me r ne t, I S O 8 - : 0 , ap p l ie s Electrical equipment which is necessary for the operation of the generating set and which is not only supplied by the generator shall be equipped with a separate disconnecting device For generating sets used for stand-by operation a separate disconnecting device for secondary machines should be necessary B.4.4 Devices for switching off for prevention of unexpected start-up I E C -1 : 0 9, i s re p l ace d a s fo l lo ws : Such devices are only necessary for generating sets with a remote starting device or an automatic starting device if there is any danger of an unexpected start An emergency stop button should be used a s s uch a de vi ce B.5 Protection against electric shock B.5.1 Protection against direct contact B.5.1.1 General I E C -1 : 0 9, i s re p l ac e d a s fo l lo ws : Fo r e ach c i rc u i t or p art o f the e le c tr ic a l e qu i p me n t, the me a s u re s o f e i the r or a nd , whe re ap p l ic ab le , I E C -1 : 0 , s h a l l b e ap p l ie d © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d 35 ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) Exception: where those measures are not appropriate, other measures for protection against direct contact (for example by using barriers, by placing out of reach, using obstacles, using construction or installation techniques that prevent access) as de fined in IEC 60364-4-41 shall be applied (see IEC 6020 4-1: 20 09, and 6) B.5.2 Protection against indirect contact B.5.2 General IEC 6020 4-1: 20 09, is replaced as follows: For each circuit or part of the generating set, at least one of the measures as prescribed in B 1 and B shall be applied — measures to prevent the occurrence of a touch voltage (B 1); — automatic disconnection of the supply before the duration of contact with a touch voltage can become hazardous (B 2) B.5.2 1.1 Protection by electrical separation IEC 6020 4-1: 20 09, is replaced as follows: Electrical separation of an individual circuit is intended to prevent a touch voltage through contact with exposed conductive parts that can be energized by a fault in the basic insulation of the live parts of that circuit For this type of protection, the requirement of IEC 60364-4-41:2005, 413 apply B.5.2 1.2 Protection by automatic disconnection of supply IEC 6020 4-1: 20 09, is replaced as follows: This measure consists of the interruption of one or more of the line conductors by the automatic operation of a protective device in case of a fault This interruption shall occur within a sufficiently short time to limit the duration of a touch voltage to a time within which the touch voltage is not hazardous Interruption times are given in IEC 6020 4-1: 2009, Annex A This measure necessitates co-ordination between the following: — the type of supply and earthling system; — the impedance values of the different elements of the protective bonding system; — the characteristics of the protective devices that detect insulation fault(s) Automatic disconnection of the supply of any circuit affected by an insulation fault is intended to prevent a hazardous situation resulting from a touch voltage This protective measure comprises both — protective bonding of exposed conductive parts (see IEC 6020 4-1: 2009, 3) — and either: one of the following solutions (a or b) a) for neutral bonded generating sets, residual current protective device and overcurrent protective devices for the automatic disconnection of the supply on detection of an insulation fault In case the generating set is intended to use for TN-C system, the residual current protective devise is not required b) for neutral unbonded/neutral high-impedance bonded generating sets, insulation monitoring device and overcurrent protective devices for the automatic disconnection of the supply on detection of an insulation fault 36 © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) The insulation monitoring device shall, in the case where the supply is not interrupted in the event of the first earth fault, initiate an audible and/or visual signal which shall continue as long as the first earth fault persists Insulation monitoring devices are not required for generating sets not intended to be fixed installed for continuous use of the power supply NOTE In large machines, the provision of an earth fault location system can facilitate maintenance Residual current protective device and Insulation monitoring device shall correspond to ISO 852 8- 4: 2005, 7 O vercurrent protective devices, residual current protective devices and insulation monitoring devices may not be integrated by the manufacturer in generating sets provided, however, that information on characteristics of these devices and their installation by the user (grounding of neutral, connection distance to the generating set) shall be included in the use and instructions manual When a protection by differential current is needed or imposed as complementary protection, only residual differential devices not exceeding 30 m A shall be used Overcurrent protective devices to initiate automatic disconnection of the supply on detection of an insulation fault shall be those correctly sized taking into account the impedance of the generator and the short circuit behaviour of the generating sets; the fuses are not allowed The overcurrent protective device shall cause a reduction of voltage to a value lower or equal to 50 V in a time complying with values of IEC 60204-1:2009, Annex A or a disconnection of supply For polyphase generators, this requirement shall be veri fied in case of short-circuit between two phase conductors and between a phase conduct and an eventual neutral conductor For low power generating sets, this requirement shall be veri fied by a test of a short-circuiting with a resistance of 1,5 Ω behind the outputs of the generating set These requirements shall be veri fied by visual checking, operation test and control of use and instructions manual B.6 Equipotential bonding B.6.1 B.6.1.1 Protective bonding circuit General IEC 6020 4-1: 2009, is replaced as follows: The protective bonding circuit consists of the following: — PE terminal(s) (see B 2); — the protective conductors in the equipment of the machine including sliding contacts where they are part of the circuit; — the exposed conductive parts and conductive structural parts of the electrical equipment; — those extraneous conductive parts which form the structure of the machine All parts of the protective bonding circuit shall be so designed that they are capable of withstanding the highest thermal and mechanical stresses that can be caused by earth-fault currents that could flow in that part of the protective bonding circuit © ISO 01 – All rights reserved 37 ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) Where the conductance of s tructural parts of the electrical equipment or of the machine is les s than that of the smallest protective conductor connected to the exposed conductive parts, a supplementary bonding conductor shall be provided This supplementary bonding conductor shall have a crosssectional area not less than half that of the corres ponding protective conductor Except for low power generating sets, if an IT distribution system is used, the machine structure shall be part of the protective bonding circuit and ins ulation monitoring shall be provided See B 2b) E xposed conductive parts of equipment in accordance with B 1 shall not be connected to the protective bonding circuit B.7 Operator interface and machine mounted control devices See I EC 602 -1 : 0 9, C lause 10 B.7.1 Emergency stop devices See I EC 602 -1 : 0 9, 10 Only applicable if an emergency stopping is provided B.8 Wiring practices B.8.1 Wiring inside enclosures See I EC 602 -1 : 0 9, F lame-retardant cable ducts are not required 38 © ISO – All rights reserved ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) Annex C (normative) Instruction manual — Safety guide additional requirements for low-power generating sets for use by laymen A generating set may cause hazards that are not recognized by the lay man and especially not recognized by children Safe operation is possible with sufficient knowledge of the function of the generating set In the operation manual, the following information on safety, operation and maintenance requirements should be considered as a minimum practise a) General safety information This shall include identi fication and explanation of warning labels that appear on the generating set The following directives shall be mentioned 1) Protect children by keeping them at a safe distance from the generating set 2) Fuel is combustible and easily ignited Do not refuel during operation Do not refuel while smoking or near naked flames Do not spill fuel 3) Some parts of the internal combustion engine are hot and may cause burns Pay attention to the warnings on the generating set 4) Engine exhaust gases are toxic Do not operate the generating set in unventilated rooms When installed in ventilated rooms, additional requirements for fire and explosion protection shall be observed b) Electrical safety The following directives shall be mentioned 1) Before use, the generating set and its electrical equipment (including lines and plug connections) should be checked to ensure that they are not defective 2) The generating set shall not be connected to other power sources, such as the power company supply mains In special cases where stand-by connection to existing electrical systems is intended, it shall only be performed by a quali fied electrician who has to consider the differences between operating equipment using the public electrical network and operating the generating set In accordance with this part of ISO 852 8, the differences shall be stated in the instruction manual 3) Protection against electrical shock depends on circuit breakers specially matched to the generating set If the circuit breakers require replacement, they should be replaced with a circuit breaker having identical ratings and performances characteristics 4) Due to high mechanical stresses, only tough rubber-sheathed flexible cable (in accordance with IEC 60245 - 4) or the equivalent should be used 5) If the generating set complies with the protection feature “protection by electrical separation” in accordance with Annex B, B 1, earthing of the generator is not required 6) When using extension lines or mobile distribution networks the resistance value shall not exceed 1,5 Ω For reference, the total length of lines for a cross section of 1,5 mm should not exceed 60 m; for a cross section of , mm , this should not exceed 10 m (except the case © ISO 01 – All rights reserved 39 ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) the generating set complies with the protection feature “protection by electrical separation” in accordance with Annex B, B 1) 7) The choice of protection arrangement to be carried out depending on characteristic of the generator, running conditions and scheme of grounded liaisons determined by the user, the instructions and operation and instructions manual shall contain all information needed to the user to carry out correctly these protective measures according to the user (information for grounded, allowable lengths of connection cables, devices of complementary protection, etc.) — A warning reminding the user that he shall conform to regulations of electrical safety applicable to the place where the generating sets are used — A warning on the requirements and the precautions to be respected by the user in the case of resupply by generating sets of an installation, depending on existing protective measures in this installation and applicable regulations c) Before start-up Safe operation requires sufficient operator knowledge of the functions and positions of the controls and indicators or meters 1) A description of the location, functions and positions of the controls and indicators or meters 2) A pictorial representation of the labels on the generating set and further explanation of their meaning if necessary should be supplied 3) Notes about necessary pre-operation checks, including the positioning of the generating set, shall be supplied d) Starting the RIC engine 1) Special guidance should be given regarding the use of readily evaporating fuels as starting aids if their use is appropriate 2) Engines with manual starting equipment (e.g handle starting equipment, recoil starter) should have notices warning against the dangers of injury caused by the sudden change of rotation direction of the engine e) Using the generating set Generating sets should only be loaded up to their rated power under the rated ambient conditions If generating set use is under conditions which not conform to the reference conditions as stipulated in ISO 852 8-8: 2016, 7.1 and if cooling of the engine or alternator is impaired, e.g as a result of operation in restricted areas, a reduction in power is necessary Information should be provided to inform the user of the necessary reduction in power due to use in higher temperatures, altitude and humidity than those given in the reference conditions f) Maintenance Prior to commencing maintenance work it shall be ensured that untimely start-up is not possible A schedule for routine and extended maintenance should be provided The schedule should indicate which items can be performed by the layman and which items require the expertise of professional service personnel Speci fications should be given for the material necessary to perform maintenance that can be carried out by the layman g) 40 Instructions for transporting and storage © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) Bibliography [1] ISO Reciprocating internal combustion engines — Performance — Part 3: Test -3 : 0 , measurements Acoustics — Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and equipment — Part 1: Planning [2 ] I S O/ T R 1 8 -1 : 19 , [3 ] I E C - : 19 , [4] I E C 417- D B -1 M : 0 , [5 ] I E C 43 -1 : 0 , [6 ] I E C -1 : 0 , [7 ] I E C 47-2 : 0 9, Electrical installations of buildings — Part 3: Assessment of general characteristics Graphic symbols for use on equipment — 2-month subscription to online database comprising all graphical symbols published in IEC 60417 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies — Part 1: Requirements for type- tested and partially type-tested assemblies Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear — Part 2: Circuit breakers © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d 41 ISO 852 8-13 :2 016(E) ICS 27.020; 29.160.40 Price based on 41 pages © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved

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