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Tiêu chuẩn iso 07946 1985 scan

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Nội dung

International Standard INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION~MEX~YHAPOAHAR Woodworking Nomenclature a bois - Machines First edition UDC - Mortaiseuses OPI-AHM3AUMR f-l0 CTAHAAPTM3A~~M.ORGANISATiON machines - Slot mortising and acceptance conditions A mkche simples - Nomencla ture et conditions machines DE NORMALISATION - de r&ep tion 1985-06-15 674.05 : 621.952 Descriptors INTERNATIONALE : machine tools, woodworking Ref No machinery, slotting machines, nomenclature, tests, measurement, ISO 7946-1985 (E) accuracy Price based on pages Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bedies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Esch member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take patt in the work Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting International Machine Standard ISO 7946 was prepared by Technical Committee tools International Organkation Printed in Switzerland for Standardkation, 1985 e ISO/TC 39, INTERNATIONAL Woodworking Nomenclature Scope and field machines - Slot mortising and acceptance conditions of application This International Standard specifies the nomenclature appropriate to each part of the machine and, with reference to ISO/R 230, the geometrical tests for slot mortising machines, and gives the corresponding permissible deviations which apply to machines for general purpose use and normal accuracy NOTE - In addkion to terms used in two of the three official ISO languages (English and French), this International Standard gives in the annex the equivalent terms in German, Spanish, Italian and Swedish; these have been included at the request of Technical Committee ISO/TC 39 and are published under the responsibility of the member bodies for Germany, F.R (DIN), Spain (IRANOR), Italy (UNI) and Sweden (SIS) However, only the terms and definitions given in the official languages tan be considered as ISO terms and definitions This International Standard deals only with the verification of accuracy of the machine It does not apply to the testing of the running of the machine (vibrations, abnormal noises, stick-slip motion of the components, etc.), nor to its characteristics (Speeds, feeds, etc.) which should generally be checked before testing accuracy This International Standard does not impose any practical test For slot mortising machines, practical tests should be exceptions and have to be stated in a previous agreement between the Producer and the User ISO 79464985 STANDARD Reference ISO/R 230, Test Code for machine tools Preliminary machines (E) - remarks 3.1 In this International Standard all dimensions and permissible deviations are expressed in millimetres 3.2 To apply this International Standard, reference should be made to ISO/R 230, especially for installation of the machine before testing, the warming up of the main spindle and other moving Parts, and description of measuring methods The measuring instruments shall not permit errors over 1/3 of the checked tolerantes 3.3 The sequence in which the geometrical tests are given is related to the sub-assemblies of the machine and this in no way defines the practical Order of testing In Order to make mounting of instruments or gauging easier, tests may be applied in any Order 3.4 When inspecting a machine, it is not always possible or necessary to carry out all the tests given in this International Standard 3.5 lt is up to the user to choose, in agreement with the manufacturer, those tests relating to the properties which are of interest to him, but these tests are to be clearly stated when ordering a machine 3.6 A movement is longitudinal working direction of the piece when it takes place in the 3.7 When establishing the tolerante for a measuring range different from that given in this International Standard (sec 2.311 in ISO/R 230), it should be taken into consideration that the minimum value of the tolerante is 0,Ol mm Iso 7946-1985 (El Nomenclature 51 71 32 4.6 7.2 4.5 61 41 e 101 42 IO*.2 43 IO 44 10*4 ISO 7946-1985 French English Ieference Slot mortising machine IVlortaiseuse meche simple Ossature Bati Framework Vlain frame Deplacement des pieces et/ou outils Glissiere de deplacement vertical de Ia tete porte-outils Glissiere de deplacement horizontal de Ia tete porte-outils 2.1 %ed of workpiece and/or Jertical adjustment slide 2.2 nfeed slide Workpiece 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Ta ble Workpiece clamp End stop Front fence Depth stop Support, maintien et guidage des pieces Ta ble Presseur Guide lateral Guide longitudinal Butee de profondeur de mortaise 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Toolholders Mortise bit Boring bit Counterbore Countersink Chuck Spindle Porte-outils et outils Outil de mortaisage Outil de pertage Meche etagee Meche conique Mandrin Brache 5.1 Workheads and tool drives Cutterhead motor Unite de travail Moteur 6.1 6.2 Controls Stop/start switch Handwheel for vertical adjustment 6.3 Vertical adjustment leck 6.4 Vertical adjustment scale 6.5 6.6 Cross traverse lever Infeed lever Commandes Commutateur Commande de reglage vertical du porte-outils Commande de verrouillage du reglage vertical du porte-outils Regle graduee du reglage vertical du porte-outils Levier de course transversale Levier de penetration 7.1 7.2 Safety devices (examples Cutterhead guard Chuck guard Dispositifs de securite Capot du moteur Protecteur de mandrin Miscellaneous Divers Free Libre Examples of work Slot mortising Boring Counter boring Counter sinking Exemples de travail Mortaisage Pertage Pertage etage Pertage conique 10 10.1 10.2 30.3 10.4 (El support tools clamp and guide and tools et son entrainement (exemples) ISO 7946-1985 s : z I0 L ?ii E 0) I r II0 CI Im > Q) u a Iz E z e u c Co f I0 I i Q e, a m (El G3 NO Diagram I’ I I I I I mu$G’ a-m- J -‘, 4F w Checking of squareness of the axis of the spindle to the table longitudinal motion Measuring of run-out of spindle Object deviation 0,30/400” for D = 150 0,30 Permissible Dial gauge, Square, test mandrel, and straig htedge Dial gauge and test mandrel Measuring instruments * Distance E Place straightedge parallel to the relative motion of the table to the spindle, at the spindle level Fix the dial gauge against the Square stylus touching the straightedge Note the reading and turn the spindle 180° Clause 5.5223 Clause 5.611.3 Observations and references in test code ISO/R 230 ISO 7946-1985 (El 6.5 6.6 7.1 7.2 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 6.4 6.3 6.1 6.2 5.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 2.2 von Werkstück und/oder Schlittenführung zur Höhenverstellung des Fräsmotors Schlittenführung zur Seitenverstellung des Fräsmotors Werkstückauflage, -Halterung und -Führung Werkstückauflagetisch Werkstückspanner Werkstückqueranschlag Werkstücklängsanschlag Verstellbarer Anschlag für Frästiefe Werkzeugträger und Werkzeug Langlochfräser Bohrer Stufenbohrer Senker Bohrfutter Spindel Einbauteile und Teile für den Werkzeugantrieb Elektromotor Bedienungs- und ÜberwachungsOrgane Elektrischer Schalter (Motorschutzschalter) Handrad für Höhenverstellung des Fräsmotors Feststeller für Höhenverstellung des Fräsmotors Skala für Höhenverstellung des Fräsmotors Hebel für Frästiefe Hebel für Fräslänge Sicherheitseinrichtungen (Beispiele) Motorabdeckung Schutzhülse für Bohrfutter Verschiedenes Frei Arbeitsbeispiele Langlochfräsen Bohren Stufenbohren Senken Vorschub Conmutador Mando de reglaje vertical del portaherramienta Mando de blocaje del reglaje vertical del porta-herramienta Regla graduada del reglaje vertical del porta-herramienta Palanca de curso transversal Palanca de penetracion Dispositivos de seguridad (ejemplos) Cubierta del motor Protector del mandril Diversos Libre Ejemplos de trabajo Escopleado Taladrado Taladrado escalonado Taladrado conico Motor Mandos Desplazamiento de las piezas y/o de las herramientas Guia de desplazamiento vertical del cabezal porta-herramienta Guia de desplazamiento horizontal del cabezal porta-herramienta Soporte, sujecion y guia de las piezas Mesa Prensores Guia lateral Guia longitudinal Tope de profundidad de escopleado Porta-herramienta y herramientas Herramienta de escopleado Herramienta de taladrado Broca escalonada Broca conica Mandril Husillo Unidad de trabajo y su transmision dei pezzi e/o degli Commutatore Comando di regolazione verticale del portautensili Leva di bloccaggio della regolazione verticale del portautensili Scala graduata della regolazione verticale del portautensili Leva di corsa trasversale Scala di penetrazione Dispositivi di sicurezza (esempi) Coperchio del motore Protezione del mandrin0 Varie Libero Esempi di lavorazione Mortasatura Foratura Foratura a piani Foratura conica Motore Comandi Tavola Pressore Guida laterale Guida longitudinale Arrest0 di profondita di cava Portautensili ed utensili Utensile di mortasatura Utensile di foratura Punta a piani Punta conica Mandrin0 Mandrin0 Unita operatrice e suo azionamento Guida di spostamento verticale della testa portautensili Guida di spostamento orizzontale della testa portautensili Supporto, fissaggio e guida dei pezzi Spostamento Annex Equivalent terms av arbetsstycke av arbetsstycke och/eller Spak för tvärmatning Spak för djupmatning Säkerhetsanordningar Motorkaps Skydd för chuck Diverse Vakant Bearbetningsexempel Langhalsborrning Borrning Planförsänkning Försänkning Skala för vertikalrörelse Lasning av vertikalrörelse Strömställare Ratt för vertikalrörelse Motor Manöverorgan (exempel) Bord Fastspänningsanordning Ändstopp Styrlinjal Stopp för borrdjup Verktygshallare ach verktyg Lang halsf räs Borr Ansatsborr Försänkningsborr Chuck Spindel Bearbetningsenheter ach drivsystem Styrning Slid för inmatningsrörelsen Matning This page intentionally lef%blank This page intentionally left blank This page intentionally left blank

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 14:32


