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Tiêu chuẩn iso 02586 1985 scan

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I n te rn ati o n al I N TERN ATI ON AL ORGAN I ZATI ON Sh el l en d M etri c FOR S tan d ard STAN DARDI ZATI ON *M E~ ~ YH APO~ H AR mills wi th pl n OPrAH M AtWR bore @ 2586 *4@ 4! ! @ flOCTAH AAPTH 3AU tlM*ORGAN lSATlON an d ten on I N TERN ATI ON ALE d ri ve DE N ORMALl SATlON - seri es Fraises cylindriques tailles, B al&age lisse, t) entrainement par tenons - Shrie rnhtrique Second G U DC ii Descri ptors edition - 999-09-01 Ref 621 91 4.2 : tool s, cu tti n g tool s, milling cu tters, en d m i l l s, No IS0 2599-1 995 (E) d i m en si on s z (v Pri ce based on pages Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council They are approved in accordance with IS0 procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting International Standard IS0 2586 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 29, Small tools IS0 2596 was first published in 1973 This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition: tolerances on L and I given in the table have been altered International Organization for Standardization, 1985 Printed in Switzerland INTERNATIONAL Sh el l en d M etri c IS0 STANDARD mills wi th pl n bore an d ten on d ri ve References en d m i l l s wi th pl n bore an d ten on d ri ve i n ten ded for fi tti n g to IS0 240, Milling cutters - th e en ds of cu tter arbors cutter arbors or cutter mandrels Scope Th i s - seri es 2586-1 985 (E) and In tern ati on al fi el d of applicati on Stan d ard speci fi es th e d im ensi ons of sh el l Interchangeability dimensions for - Metric series and inch series I t appl i es to metri c seri es mi l l s I t rel ates on l y to sol i d cutters, i n steel Th e d i men si on al featu res of th i s type of cu tter ei th er wi th sol i d steel i nserted bl ades or wi th brazed ti ps or wi th serts wil l form the su bj ect of fu rth er i n dexabl e i n - In tern ati on al IS0 523, Milling cutters - Recommended Stan dard s 2780, Milling cutters with tenon drive - Th e ran g e of ou tsi de d i ameters of th ese cu tters i s taken from I S0 IS0 523 dimensions with cutter arbors - 1) At presen t at th e stag e of d raft (Revi si on of I S0 range of outside diameters Interchangeability Metric series ‘) 2780-1 973.) IS0 2586-1 985 (E) Dimensions 0, Di m en si on s D 1) 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 A L H7 k1 16 32 18 22 36 27 27 tol eran ces I +1 in m i l l i m etres -3-L- -, n rrn ?a?, +: -r CL , , , b ^ : - d5’ ) min 23 33 Th ese cu tters are wi th 20 30 41 l eft 40 22 38 49 45 22 38 49 32 50 25 45 59 40 56 28 56 71 50 63 31 67 91 backi n g -off l en g th of 0,5 mm on th e rear face i s opti on al ” ^^^_ A^_^^ - : -I - AL - ne m IV, I OG~ CII 9~ J I l a81UC:II I CI I; C; OI u arl l ; a worn m e is1 t an d d mm I of IS0 -A mern c senes 240 hel i coi dal teeth ang l ed to th e ri g h t or

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 09:34


