PREFACE This is the first edition of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics for the 21st Century (as “century” is officially defined). Few would dispute that the 20th Century was the century of science; major paradigm shifts took place first in physics and chemistry and, in the second half of the century, in biology. The “Rubber Handbook”, so- called after the original name of its publisher, the Chemical Rubber Company, was a fixture for almost all of that eventful century. When the first edition appeared in 1913, the electron had been known for only 17 years, there were 81 elements, and the Bohr theory of the hydrogen atom was still in press. The Handbook was a significant innovation. While systematic compilation of data from the chemistry and physics literature had begun earlier, especially in Germany, the massive tomes that were published by Beilstein, Gmelin, and Landolt-Börnstein were strictly for libraries. The Rubber Handbook appears to have been the first compact, low-price volume of reference data suitable for students and individual researchers to keep on their desk or laboratory bench. It quickly became a standard and grew from its original 116 pages to the present size of over 2500 pages. Generations of students have relied on the CRC Handbook as a resource in their studies, but the impact has been much broader. Senior research scientists, engineers, and workers in other fields have used the book extensively. Linus Pauling, perhaps the most influential chemist of the 20th century, made the following comments a few years before his death: “People who have interviewed me have commented on the extensive knowledge that I have about the properties of substances, especially inorganic compounds, including minerals. I attribute this knowledge in part to the fact that I possessed the Rubber Handbook. I remember clearly the five summers, beginning in 1919, when I worked as a paving-plant inspector, supervising the laying of bituminous pavement in the mountainous region of southern Oregon. For much of the time I was free to read, just keeping an eye on the operation of the paving plant. I remember the book that I read over and over was the Rubber Handbook. I puzzled over the tables of properties - hardness, color, melting and boiling point, density, magnetic properties, and others - trying to think of reasonable explanations of the empirical data. Only in the 1920s and 1930s did I have some success in this effort.” Pauling’s “success” was the first step in our ability to relate the physical and chemical behavior of bulk materials to their molecular structure in a quantitative manner. One factor in the success of the Handbook has been its annual revisions. This practice, followed throughout the century except for a few wartime years, permitted the replacement of old data with new and more accurate values, as well as the introduction of new topics that became important as science moved forward. This policy has helped the Handbook meet the needs of the scientific community in a timely fashion. The 82nd Edition continues the tradition of updates and improvements. The major change is a revised and expanded table of Physical Constants of Inorganic Compounds. The number of compounds has been increased by 12%, the format improved, and the constants updated. In addition, quantitative data on solubility in water are now included in the table, and a formula index has been added. Other tables that have been expanded and updated include: • Critical Constants • Aqueous Solubility and Henry’s Law Constants of Organic Compounds • Chemical Carcinogens • Threshold Limits for Airborne Contaminants • Nomenclature for Organic Polymers • Standard Atomic Weights • Atomic Masses and Abundances • Table of the Isotopes New topics covered in this edition include: • Surface Tension of Aqueous Mixtures • Viscosity of Carbon Dioxide along the Saturation Line • Gibbs Energy of Formation for Important Biological Species • Optical Properties of Inorganic and Organic Solids • Interstellar Molecules • Allocation of Frequencies in the Radio Spectrum • Units for Magnetic Properties This electronic version of the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics contains all the material from the print version of the 82nd Edition, as well as some additional data that could not be accommodated in the printed book. Powerful search capabilities, which are explained in the Help messages, greatly facilitate the task of locating the data. The Editor will appreciate suggestions on new topics for the Handbook and notification of any errors. Address all comments to Editor, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, CRC Press, Inc., 2000 Corporate Blvd. N. W., Boca Raton, FL 33431. Comments may also be sent by electronic mail to The Handbook of Chemistry and Physics is dependent on the efforts of many contributors throughout the world. I appreciate the valuable suggestions that have come from the Editorial Advisory Board and from many users. I should also like to thank Susan Fox and the rest of the production team at CRC Press for their excellent support. David R. Lide January 1, 2001 This Edition is Dedicated to the Memory of David Reynolds Lide (1901-1976) and Kate Simmons Lide (1896-1991) This work contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot accept responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of their use. © Copyright CRC Press LLC 2002 FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICAL CONSTANTS Peter J. Mohr and Barry N. Taylor These tables give the 1998 self-consistent set of values of the basic constants and conversion factors of physics and chemistry recommended by the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) for international use. The 1998 set replaces the previous set of constants recommended by CODATA in 1986; assigned uncertainties have been reduced by a factor of 1/5 to 1/12 (and sometimes even greater) relative to the 1986 uncertainties. The recommended set is based on a least-squares adjustment involving all of the relevant experimental and theoretical data available through December 31, 1998. Full details of the input data and the adjustment procedure are given in Reference 1. The 1998 adjustment was carried out by P. J. Mohr and B. N. Taylor of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) under the auspices of the CODATA Task Group on Fundamental Constants. The Task Group was established in 1969 with the aim of periodically providing the scientific and technological communities with a self-consistent set of internationally recommended values of the fundamental physical constants based on all applicable information available at a given point in time. The first set was published in 1973 and was followed by a revised set first published in 1986; the current 1998 set first appeared in 1999. In the future, the CODATA Task Group plans to take advantage of the high level of automation developed for the current set in order to issue a new set of recommended values at least every four years. At the time of completion of the 1998 adjustment, the membership of the Task Group was as follows: F. Cabiati, Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale “Galileo Ferraris,” Italy E. R. Cohen, Science Center, Rockwell International (retired), United States of America T. Endo, Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan R. Liu, National Institute of Metrology, China (People’s Republic of) B. A. Mamyrin, A. F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russian Federation P. J. Mohr, National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States of America F. Nez, Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, France B. W. Petley, National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom T. J. Quinn, Bureau International des Poids et Mesures B. N. Taylor, National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States of America V. S. Tuninsky, D. I. Mendeleyev All-Russian Research Institute for Metrology, Russian Federation W. Wöger, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany B. M. Wood, National Research Council, Canada REFERENCES 1. Mohr, Peter J., and Taylor, Barry N., J. Phys Chem. Ref. Data 28, 1713, 1999; Rev. Mod. Phys. 72, 351, 2000. The 1998 set of recommended values is also available at the Web site of the Fundamental Constants Data Center of the NIST Physics Laboratory: Fundamental Physical Constants Relative std. Quantity Symbol Value Unit uncert. u r UNIVERSAL speed of light in vacuum c, c 0 299 792458 m s −1 (exact) magnetic constant µ 0 4π ×10 −7 NA −2 = 12.566 370614 ×10 −7 NA −2 (exact) electric constant 1/µ 0 c 2 ε 0 8.854187 817 × 10 −12 Fm −1 (exact) characteristic impedance of vacuum √ µ 0 / 0 = µ 0 cZ 0 376.730313 461 (exact) Newtonian constant of gravitation G 6.673(10) ×10 −11 m 3 kg −1 s −2 1.5 ×10 −3 G/c 6.707(10) ×10 −39 (GeV/c 2 ) −2 1.5 ×10 −3 Planck constant h 6.626 068 76(52) × 10 −34 Js 7.8 ×10 −8 in eV s 4.135 667 27(16) × 10 −15 eV s 3.9 ×10 −8 h/2π 1.054571 596(82) × 10 −34 Js 7.8 ×10 −8 in eV s 6.582118 89(26) × 10 −16 eV s 3.9 ×10 −8 Planck mass (c/G) 1/2 m P 2.1767(16) × 10 −8 kg 7.5 ×10 −4 Planck length /m P c = (G/c 3 ) 1/2 l P 1.6160(12) × 10 −35 m7.5 ×10 −4 Planck time l P /c = (G/c 5 ) 1/2 t P 5.3906(40) × 10 −44 s7.5 ×10 −4 ELECTROMAGNETIC elementary charge e 1.602176 462(63) × 10 −19 C3.9 ×10 −8 e/h 2.417 989 491(95) × 10 14 AJ −1 3.9 ×10 −8 magnetic flux quantum h/2e 0 2.067 833 636(81) × 10 −15 Wb 3.9 × 10 −8 conductance quantum 2e 2 /hG 0 7.748 091 696(28) × 10 −5 S3.7 ×10 −9 inverse of conductance quantum G −1 0 12906.403 786(47) 3.7 ×10 −9 Josephson constant a 2e/hK J 483 597.898(19) × 10 9 Hz V −1 3.9 ×10 −8 von Klitzing constant b h/e 2 = µ 0 c/2α R K 25 812.807 572(95) 3.7 ×10 −9 Bohr magneton e/2m e µ B 927.400899(37) ×10 −26 JT −1 4.0 × 10 −8 in eV T −1 5.788 381 749(43) × 10 −5 eV T −1 7.3 ×10 −9 µ B /h 13.996 246 24(56) × 10 9 Hz T −1 4.0 × 10 −8 µ B /hc 46.686 4521(19) m −1 T −1 4.0 × 10 −8 µ B /k 0.671 7131(12) KT −1 1.7 ×10 −6 nuclear magneton e/2m p µ N 5.050783 17(20) × 10 −27 JT −1 4.0 × 10 −8 in eV T −1 3.152451 238(24) × 10 −8 eV T −1 7.6 ×10 −9 µ N /h 7.622593 96(31) MHz T −1 4.0 × 10 −8 µ N /hc 2.542623 66(10) ×10 −2 m −1 T −1 4.0 × 10 −8 µ N /k 3.658 2638(64) × 10 −4 KT −1 1.7 ×10 −6 ATOMIC AND NUCLEAR General fine-structure constant e 2 /4π 0 c α 7.297 352533(27) ×10 −3 3.7 ×10 −9 inverse fine-structure constant α −1 137.035 999 76(50) 3.7 ×10 −9 Fundamental Physical Constants Relative std. Quantity Symbol Value Unit uncert. u r Rydberg constant α 2 m e c/2hR ∞ 10 973 731.568 549(83) m −1 7.6 ×10 −12 R ∞ c 3.289 841 960368(25) × 10 15 Hz 7.6 ×10 −12 R ∞ hc 2.179871 90(17) × 10 −18 J7.8 ×10 −8 R ∞ hc in eV 13.605 691 72(53) eV 3.9 ×10 −8 Bohr radius α/4π R ∞ = 4π 0 2 /m e e 2 a 0 0.529 177 2083(19) × 10 −10 m3.7 ×10 −9 Hartree energy e 2 /4πε 0 a 0 = 2R ∞ hc = α 2 m e c 2 E h 4.359 743 81(34) × 10 −18 J7.8 ×10 −8 in eV 27.211 3834(11) eV 3.9 ×10 −8 quantum of circulation h/2m e 3.636 947 516(27) × 10 −4 m 2 s −1 7.3 ×10 −9 h/m e 7.273 895 032(53) × 10 −4 m 2 s −1 7.3 ×10 −9 Electroweak Fermi coupling constant c G F /(c) 3 1.166 39(1) × 10 −5 GeV −2 8.6 ×10 −6 weak mixing angle d θ W (on-shell scheme) sin 2 θ W = s 2 W ≡ 1 −(m W /m Z ) 2 sin 2 θ W 0.2224(19) 8.7 ×10 −3 Electron, e − electron mass m e 9.109 381 88(72) × 10 −31 kg 7.9 ×10 −8 in u, m e = A r (e) u (electron relative atomic mass times u) 5.485 799 110(12) × 10 −4 u2.1 ×10 −9 energy equivalent m e c 2 8.187 10414(64) ×10 −14 J7.9 ×10 −8 in MeV 0.510 998 902(21) MeV 4.0 ×10 −8 electron-muon mass ratio m e /m µ 4.836 33210(15) ×10 −3 3.0 ×10 −8 electron-tau mass ratio m e /m τ 2.875 55(47) × 10 −4 1.6 ×10 −4 electron-proton mass ratio m e /m p 5.446 170232(12) ×10 −4 2.1 ×10 −9 electron-neutron mass ratio m e /m n 5.438 673 462(12) × 10 −4 2.2 ×10 −9 electron-deuteron mass ratio m e /m d 2.724437 1170(58) × 10 −4 2.1 ×10 −9 electron to alpha particle mass ratio m e /m α 1.370933 5611(29) × 10 −4 2.1 ×10 −9 electron charge to mass quotient −e/m e −1.758 820174(71) ×10 11 Ckg −1 4.0 ×10 −8 electron molar mass N A m e M(e), M e 5.485 799 110(12) × 10 −7 kg mol −1 2.1 ×10 −9 Compton wavelength h/m e c λ C 2.426 310215(18) ×10 −12 m7.3 ×10 −9 λ C /2π = αa 0 = α 2 /4π R ∞ C 386.159 2642(28) × 10 −15 m7.3 ×10 −9 classical electron radius α 2 a 0 r e 2.817 940285(31) ×10 −15 m1.1 ×10 −8 Thomson cross section (8π/3)r 2 e σ e 0.665 245 854(15) × 10 −28 m 2 2.2 ×10 −8 electron magnetic moment µ e −928.476 362(37) × 10 −26 JT −1 4.0 ×10 −8 to Bohr magneton ratio µ e /µ B −1.001 159 6521869(41) 4.1 ×10 −12 to nuclear magneton ratio µ e /µ N −1 838.281 9660(39) 2.1 ×10 −9 electron magnetic moment anomaly |µ e |/µ B − 1 a e 1.159 6521869(41) ×10 −3 3.5 ×10 −9 electron g-factor −2(1 +a e ) g e −2.002319 3043737(82) 4.1 × 10 −12 electron-muon magnetic moment ratio µ e /µ µ 206.766 9720(63) 3.0 ×10 −8 Fundamental Physical Constants Relative std. Quantity Symbol Value Unit uncert. u r electron-proton magnetic moment ratio µ e /µ p −658.2106875(66) 1.0 ×10 −8 electron to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio µ e /µ p −658.227 5954(71) 1.1 × 10 −8 (H 2 O, sphere, 25 ◦ C) electron-neutron magnetic moment ratio µ e /µ n 960.92050(23) 2.4 × 10 −7 electron-deuteron magnetic moment ratio µ e /µ d −2143.923 498(23) 1.1 × 10 −8 electron to shielded helion e magnetic moment ratio µ e /µ h 864.058 255(10) 1.2 × 10 −8 (gas, sphere, 25 ◦ C) electron gyromagnetic ratio 2|µ e |/ γ e 1.760859 794(71) × 10 11 s −1 T −1 4.0 × 10 −8 γ e /2π 28024.9540(11) MHz T −1 4.0 × 10 −8 Muon, µ − muon mass m µ 1.883 531 09(16) × 10 −28 kg 8.4 ×10 −8 in u, m µ = A r (µ) u (muon relative atomic mass times u) 0.113428 9168(34) u3.0 × 10 −8 energy equivalent m µ c 2 1.692833 32(14) ×10 −11 J8.4 × 10 −8 in MeV 105.658 3568(52) MeV 4.9 × 10 −8 muon-electron mass ratio m µ /m e 206.768 2657(63) 3.0 × 10 −8 muon-tau mass ratio m µ /m τ 5.945 72(97) × 10 −2 1.6 × 10 −4 muon-proton mass ratio m µ /m p 0.112609 5173(34) 3.0 × 10 −8 muon-neutron mass ratio m µ /m n 0.112454 5079(34) 3.0 × 10 −8 muon molar mass N A m µ M(µ), M µ 0.113 428 9168(34) × 10 −3 kg mol −1 3.0 × 10 −8 muon Compton wavelength h/m µ c λ C,µ 11.734441 97(35) × 10 −15 m2.9 × 10 −8 λ C,µ /2π C,µ 1.867 594444(55) ×10 −15 m2.9 × 10 −8 muon magnetic moment µ µ −4.490448 13(22) ×10 −26 JT −1 4.9 × 10 −8 to Bohr magneton ratio µ µ /µ B −4.841 97085(15) ×10 −3 3.0 × 10 −8 to nuclear magneton ratio µ µ /µ N −8.890597 70(27) 3.0 × 10 −8 muon magnetic moment anomaly |µ µ |/(e/2m µ ) − 1 a µ 1.165 916 02(64) × 10 −3 5.5 × 10 −7 muon g-factor −2(1 +a µ ) g µ −2.002331 8320(13) 6.4 × 10 −10 muon-proton magnetic moment ratio µ µ /µ p −3.183 345 39(10) 3.2 × 10 −8 Tau, τ − tau mass f m τ 3.167 88(52) × 10 −27 kg 1.6 ×10 −4 in u, m τ = A r (τ) u(tau relative atomic mass times u) 1.90774(31) u1.6 × 10 −4 energy equivalent m τ c 2 2.847 15(46) × 10 −10 J1.6 × 10 −4 in MeV 1 777.05(29) MeV 1.6 ×10 −4 Fundamental Physical Constants Relative std. Quantity Symbol Value Unit uncert. u r tau-electron mass ratio m τ /m e 3 477.60(57) 1.6 × 10 −4 tau-muon mass ratio m τ /m µ 16.8188(27) 1.6 × 10 −4 tau-proton mass ratio m τ /m p 1.893 96(31) 1.6 ×10 −4 tau-neutron mass ratio m τ /m n 1.891 35(31) 1.6 ×10 −4 tau molar mass N A m τ M(τ), M τ 1.907 74(31) × 10 −3 kg mol −1 1.6 × 10 −4 tau Compton wavelength h/m τ c λ C,τ 0.697 70(11) × 10 −15 m1.6 ×10 −4 λ C,τ /2π C,τ 0.111 042(18) × 10 −15 m1.6 ×10 −4 Proton, p proton mass m p 1.672621 58(13) ×10 −27 kg 7.9 ×10 −8 in u, m p = A r (p) u (proton relative atomic mass times u) 1.007 276 466 88(13) u1.3 ×10 −10 energy equivalent m p c 2 1.503 277 31(12) × 10 −10 J7.9 ×10 −8 in MeV 938.271 998(38) MeV 4.0 ×10 −8 proton-electron mass ratio m p /m e 1 836.1526675(39) 2.1 × 10 −9 proton-muon mass ratio m p /m µ 8.88024408(27) 3.0 × 10 −8 proton-tau mass ratio m p /m τ 0.527 994(86) 1.6 ×10 −4 proton-neutron mass ratio m p /m n 0.998 623 478 55(58) 5.8 ×10 −10 proton charge to mass quotient e/m p 9.578 83408(38) ×10 7 Ckg −1 4.0 × 10 −8 proton molar mass N A m p M(p), M p 1.007 276 466 88(13) × 10 −3 kg mol −1 1.3 × 10 −10 proton Compton wavelength h/m p c λ C,p 1.321 409 847(10) ×10 −15 m7.6 ×10 −9 λ C,p /2π C,p 0.210308 9089(16) ×10 −15 m7.6 ×10 −9 proton magnetic moment µ p 1.410606 633(58) ×10 −26 JT −1 4.1 × 10 −8 to Bohr magneton ratio µ p /µ B 1.521 032203(15) ×10 −3 1.0 × 10 −8 to nuclear magneton ratio µ p /µ N 2.792847 337(29) 1.0 ×10 −8 proton g-factor 2µ p /µ N g p 5.585 694675(57) 1.0 ×10 −8 proton-neutron magnetic moment ratio µ p /µ n −1.459 898 05(34) 2.4 × 10 −7 shielded proton magnetic moment µ p 1.410570399(59) ×10 −26 JT −1 4.2 × 10 −8 (H 2 O, sphere, 25 ◦ C) to Bohr magneton ratio µ p /µ B 1.520993 132(16) × 10 −3 1.1 × 10 −8 to nuclear magneton ratio µ p /µ N 2.792775 597(31) 1.1 ×10 −8 proton magnetic shielding correction 1 − µ p /µ p σ p 25.687(15) × 10 −6 5.7 × 10 −4 (H 2 O, sphere, 25 ◦ C) proton gyromagnetic ratio 2µ p / γ p 2.675 22212(11) ×10 8 s −1 T −1 4.1 × 10 −8 γ p /2π 42.577 4825(18) MHz T −1 4.1 × 10 −8 shielded proton gyromagnetic ratio 2µ p / γ p 2.675 153 41(11) × 10 8 s −1 T −1 4.2 × 10 −8 (H 2 O, sphere, 25 ◦ C) γ p /2π 42.576 3888(18) MHz T −1 4.2 × 10 −8 Neutron, n Fundamental Physical Constants Relative std. Quantity Symbol Value Unit uncert. u r neutron mass m n 1.674927 16(13) × 10 −27 kg 7.9 ×10 −8 in u, m n = A r (n) u (neutron relative atomic mass times u) 1.008 664915 78(55) u5.4 × 10 −10 energy equivalent m n c 2 1.505 349 46(12) × 10 −10 J7.9 ×10 −8 in MeV 939.565 330(38) MeV 4.0 ×10 −8 neutron-electron mass ratio m n /m e 1 838.683 6550(40) 2.2 ×10 −9 neutron-muon mass ratio m n /m µ 8.892484 78(27) 3.0 ×10 −8 neutron-tau mass ratio m n /m τ 0.528 722(86) 1.6 ×10 −4 neutron-proton mass ratio m n /m p 1.001 378 418 87(58) 5.8 ×10 −10 neutron molar mass N A m n M(n), M n 1.008 664915 78(55) × 10 −3 kg mol −1 5.4 ×10 −10 neutron Compton wavelength h/m n c λ C,n 1.319 590898(10) ×10 −15 m7.6 ×10 −9 λ C,n /2π C,n 0.210019 4142(16) × 10 −15 m7.6 ×10 −9 neutron magnetic moment µ n −0.966 236 40(23) × 10 −26 JT −1 2.4 ×10 −7 to Bohr magneton ratio µ n /µ B −1.041 875 63(25) × 10 −3 2.4 ×10 −7 to nuclear magneton ratio µ n /µ N −1.913 04272(45) 2.4 ×10 −7 neutron g-factor 2µ n /µ N g n −3.826 085 45(90) 2.4 ×10 −7 neutron-electron magnetic moment ratio µ n /µ e 1.040668 82(25) × 10 −3 2.4 ×10 −7 neutron-proton magnetic moment ratio µ n /µ p −0.684979 34(16) 2.4 ×10 −7 neutron to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio µ n /µ p −0.684996 94(16) 2.4 ×10 −7 (H 2 O, sphere, 25 ◦ C) neutron gyromagnetic ratio 2|µ n |/ γ n 1.832471 88(44) × 10 8 s −1 T −1 2.4 ×10 −7 γ n /2π 29.1646958(70) MHz T −1 2.4 ×10 −7 Deuteron, d deuteron mass m d 3.343 583 09(26) × 10 −27 kg 7.9 ×10 −8 in u, m d = A r (d) u (deuteron relative atomic mass times u) 2.013 553 21271(35) u1.7 ×10 −10 energy equivalent m d c 2 3.005 06262(24) ×10 −10 J7.9 ×10 −8 in MeV 1 875.612762(75) MeV 4.0 ×10 −8 deuteron-electron mass ratio m d /m e 3 670.4829550(78) 2.1 ×10 −9 deuteron-proton mass ratio m d /m p 1.999 007 50083(41) 2.0 × 10 −10 deuteron molar mass N A m d M(d), M d 2.013 553 21271(35) ×10 −3 kg mol −1 1.7 ×10 −10 deuteron magnetic moment µ d 0.433 073 457(18) × 10 −26 JT −1 4.2 ×10 −8 to Bohr magneton ratio µ d /µ B 0.466 975 4556(50) × 10 −3 1.1 ×10 −8 to nuclear magneton ratio µ d /µ N 0.857 438 2284(94) 1.1 ×10 −8 deuteron-electron magnetic moment ratio µ d /µ e −4.664345 537(50) × 10 −4 1.1 ×10 −8 deuteron-proton magnetic moment ratio µ d /µ p 0.307 0122083(45) 1.5 ×10 −8 Fundamental Physical Constants Relative std. Quantity Symbol Value Unit uncert. u r deuteron-neutron magnetic moment ratio µ d /µ n −0.448 206 52(11) 2.4 ×10 −7 Helion, h helion mass e m h 5.006 411 74(39) × 10 −27 kg 7.9 ×10 −8 in u, m h = A r (h) u (helion relative atomic mass times u) 3.014932 23469(86) u2.8 ×10 −10 energy equivalent m h c 2 4.499 538 48(35) × 10 −10 J7.9 ×10 −8 in MeV 2 808.391 32(11) MeV 4.0 ×10 −8 helion-electron mass ratio m h /m e 5 495.885 238(12) 2.1 ×10 −9 helion-proton mass ratio m h /m p 2.993 152658 50(93) 3.1 ×10 −10 helion molar mass N A m h M(h), M h 3.014932 23469(86) ×10 −3 kg mol −1 2.8 ×10 −10 shielded helion magnetic moment µ h −1.074552 967(45) × 10 −26 JT −1 4.2 ×10 −8 (gas, sphere, 25 ◦ C) to Bohr magneton ratio µ h /µ B −1.158 671 474(14) × 10 −3 1.2 ×10 −8 to nuclear magneton ratio µ h /µ N −2.127 497 718(25) 1.2 ×10 −8 shielded helion to proton magnetic moment ratio µ h /µ p −0.761 766 563(12) 1.5 ×10 −8 (gas, sphere, 25 ◦ C) shielded helion to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio µ h /µ p −0.761 786 1313(33) 4.3 ×10 −9 (gas/H 2 O, spheres, 25 ◦ C) shielded helion gyromagnetic ratio 2|µ h |/ γ h 2.037 894764(85) ×10 8 s −1 T −1 4.2 ×10 −8 (gas, sphere, 25 ◦ C) γ h /2π 32.4341025(14) MHz T −1 4.2 ×10 −8 Alpha particle, α alpha particle mass m α 6.644655 98(52) × 10 −27 kg 7.9 ×10 −8 in u, m α = A r (α) u (alpha particle relative atomic mass times u) 4.001506 1747(10) u2.5 ×10 −10 energy equivalent m α c 2 5.971 918 97(47) × 10 −10 J7.9 ×10 −8 in MeV 3 727.379 04(15) MeV 4.0 ×10 −8 alpha particle to electron mass ratio m α /m e 7 294.299 508(16) 2.1 ×10 −9 alpha particle to proton mass ratio m α /m p 3.972599 6846(11) 2.8 ×10 −10 alpha particle molar mass N A m α M(α), M α 4.001 506 1747(10) × 10 −3 kg mol −1 2.5 ×10 −10 PHYSICO-CHEMICAL Avogadro constant N A , L 6.022141 99(47) ×10 23 mol −1 7.9 ×10 −8 atomic mass constant m u = 1 12 m( 12 C) = 1u m u 1.660538 73(13) × 10 −27 kg 7.9 ×10 −8 = 10 −3 kg mol −1 /N A energy equivalent m u c 2 1.492417 78(12) × 10 −10 J7.9 ×10 −8 in MeV 931.494013(37) MeV 4.0 ×10 −8 Faraday constant g N A eF96 485.3415(39) Cmol −1 4.0 ×10 −8 [...]... 0.65 and 3.2 K, the ITS-90 is defined by the vapor pressure-temperature relation of 3He, and between 1.25 and 2.1768 K (the λ point) and between 2.1768 and 5.0 K by the vapor pressure-temperature relations of 4He T90 is defined by the vapor pressure equations of the form: 9 [( ) T90 / K = A0 + ∑ Ai ln( p/ Pa ) – B / C i =1 ] i The values of the coefficients Ai, and of the constants Ao, B, and C of the... abundance cannot be defined An electronic version of these data is available on the Web site of the NIST Physics Laboratory (Reference 5) REFERENCES 1 Holden, N E., “Table of the Isotopes”, in Lide, D R., Ed., CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 82nd Ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton FL, 2001 2 Audi, G., and Wapstra, A H., Nucl Phys., A595, 409, 1995 3 Rosman, K J R., and Taylor, P D P., J Phys Chem Ref Data,... thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water.) INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF UNITS (SI) (continued) 2.2 Use of SI derived units with special names and symbols Examples of SI derived units that can be expressed with the aid of SI derived units having special names and symbols (including the radian and steradian) are given in Table 4 Table 4 Examples of SI derived units expressed with the aid of SI derived units... Resolution 12 of the 11th CGPM, which established the SI in 1960 , did not specify the nature of the supplementary units The interpretation is based on two principal considerations: that plane angle is generally expressed as the ratio of two lengths and solid angle as the ratio of an area and the square of a length, and are thus quantities of dimension one (so-called dimensionless quantities); and that... of 1 V in vacuum; 1 eV = 1.602 177 33ϫ10Ϫ19 J with a combined standard uncertainty of 0.000 000 49ϫ10Ϫ19 J The unified atomic mass unit is equal to 1/12 of the mass of an atom of the nuclide 12 C; 1 u = 1.660 540 2ϫ 10Ϫ27 kg with a combined standard uncertainty of 0.000 001 0ϫ10Ϫ27 kg (b) 5.1.4 Natural and atomic units In some cases, particularly in basic science, the values of quantities are expressed... numerical value of F to be used in coulometric chemical measurements is 96 485.3432(76) [7.9×10−8 ] when the relevant current is measured in terms of representations of the volt and ohm based on the Josephson and quantum Hall effects and the internationally adopted conventional values of the Josephson and von Klitzing constants K J−90 and RK−90 given in the “Adopted values” table h The entropy of an ideal... accepted the CCU recommendation, and if the abolishment is approved by the CGPM as is likely (the question will be on the agenda of the 20th CGPM, October 1995), the SI will consist of only two classes of units: base units and derived units, with the radian and steradian subsumed into the class of derived units of the SI (The option of using or not using them in expressions for SI derived units, as... cuts off an area of the surface of the sphere equal to that of a square with sides of length equal to the radius of the sphere CONVERSION FACTORS The following table gives conversion factors from various units of measure to SI units It is reproduced from NIST Special Publication 811, Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI) The table gives the factor by which a quantity expressed... the continued use of these units This unit and its symbol are used to express agrarian areas When there is risk of confusion with the symbol for the radian, rd may be used as the symbol for rad 5 In 1993 the CCU (see Sec 3) was requested by ISO/TC 12 to consider asking the CIPM to deprecate the use of the units of Table 9 except for the nautical mile and knot, and possibly the are and hectare The CCU... = hc/λ = hν = kT , and based on the 1998 CODATA adjustment of the values of the constants; 1 1 eV = (e/C) J, 1 u = m u = 12 m(12 C) = 10−3 kg mol−1/NA , and E h = 2R∞ hc = α 2 m e c2 is the Hartree energy (hartree) STANDARD ATOMIC WEIGHTS (1997) This table of atomic weights is reprinted from the 1997 report of the IUPAC Commission on Atomic Weights and Isotopic Abundances The Standard Atomic Weights . task of locating the data. The Editor will appreciate suggestions on new topics for the Handbook and notification of any errors. Address all comments to Editor, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, . first edition of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics for the 21st Century (as “century” is officially defined). Few would dispute that the 20th Century was the century of science; major. of these data is available on the Web site of the NIST Physics Laboratory (Reference 5). REFERENCES 1. Holden, N. E., “Table of the Isotopes”, in Lide, D. R., Ed., CRC Handbook of Chemistry and