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CULINARY TOURISM IN AUSTRIA TRAVEL MOTIVATIONS AND DESTINATION CHOICE BEHAVIOUR OF CULINARY TOURISTS BACHELOR PAPER II submitted at the IMC Fachhochschule Krems (University of Applied Sciences) Bachelor programme „Tourism and Leisure Management“ by First Name Surname Spezialication: Cultural Tourism, Consumer Behaviour Supervisor: Title First Name Surname Submitted on: 08.05.2015 Statutory Declaration “I declare in lieu of an oath that I have written this bachelor paper myself and that I have not used any sources or resources other than stated for its preparation I further declare that I have clearly indicated all direct and indirect quotations This bachelor paper has not been submitted elsewhere for examination purposes.” Date: 08 05 2015 [Julia Katharina Mathis] I Acknowledgements I would like to say a big thank you to: Mag Claudia Bauer-Krösbacher, PhD & Mag Stephanie Tischler For providing guidance and coaching the Bachelor Paper The participants of the online survey For their time and openness Lisa For the support to find participants for the online survey Daniel & Lisa For proof-reading My family For their continuous support and patience II Abstract This Bachelor Thesis aims to identify the main motives and determinants influencing the destination choice behaviour of Austrians Furthermore, the interest in culinary activities and offers as well as an evaluation concerning these offers in Austria have been classified In course of the investigation two different research methods were utilized Intense literature review revealed comprehensive information on the theoretical framework of this topic In order to acquire primary data and get an insight into the motivations and determinants influencing the destination choice behaviour and interests of culinary tourists in Austria, an online survey was conducted It was found out that the most important motives influencing the choice of destination are relaxation and the desire to experience a new culture However, traveling to a destination to explore local food and beverages was not identified as the main motive This study has further shown that exogenous factors having an impact on the decision making process are disposable income, landscape, the personal state of health, political stability and value for money Concerning the interest in culinary activities in Austria “trying local food” and “buying local food” were mentioned most frequently The most significant factor regarding the interest in culinary offers in Austria is regional and seasonal specialities Last but not least, dessert and sweets, wine, bread and bakery, the coffee house legacy and regional and seasonal specialities were evaluated as the best offers in Austria Key words: culinary tourism/travel motivation/destination choice behaviour III Table of Contents Statutory Declaration I Acknowledgements II Abstract III Table of Contents IV List of Figures and Illustrations VI List of Abbreviations VII Introduction 1.1 Research Problem 1.2 Aim of the Research and Research Question 1.3 Research Design 1.4 Chapter Outline Destination Choice Behaviour 2.1 Travel Motivation 2.2 Determinants of Demand Culinary Tourism 10 3.1 Definition 10 3.2 History of Gastronomy Tourism 11 3.3 Food and Wine Tourism in Austria 12 3.4 The Culinary Tourist 13 Methodology 15 4.1 Literature Review 15 4.2 Quantitative Research 16 4.3 Survey Methods 16 4.4 Online Survey 17 4.4.1 Questionnaire 17 4.4.2 Pretesting 18 4.5 Data Analysis 18 4.5.1 Examination of Findings 19 4.5.2 Ethics of Online Surveys 19 5.1 Analysis and Findings 21 Destination Choice Behaviour 21 IV 5.1.1 Consideration Set 21 5.1.2 Inert Set 23 5.1.3 Unavailable/Aware Set 25 5.1.4 Inept Set 27 5.2 Association of Countries 30 5.3 Travel Motives 31 5.4 Determinants of Destination Choice 32 5.5 Importance of Culinary Offers in the Travel Decision 34 5.6 Interest and Participation in Culinary Activities 35 5.7 Interest and Evaluation of Culinary Topics 38 Conclusion and Recommendations 43 6.1 Limitations 44 6.2 Propositions for Further Research 45 List of References 46 APPENDIX V List of Figures and Illustrations Figure 1: General Model of Traveler Leisure Destination Awareness and Choice Figure 2: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Figure 3: Food Tourism as a Niche and Special Interest Tourism 14 Figure 4: Association of Countries to Culinary and Travel 22 Figure 5: Countries Taken into Consideration, but not Visited yet 23 Figure 6: Reasons for not Visiting Countries in Inert Set 24 Figure 7: Set of as Difficult to Travel to Perceived Countries 25 Figure 8: Restraining facts for not Visiting Countries in Unavailable/Aware Set 26 Figure 9: Countries Given no Interest to Travel to 27 Figure 10: Justification for not Visiting Countries in Inept Set 28 Figure 11: Average Day spent at a Destination 29 Figure 12: Associations of Italy 30 Figure 13: Associations of Austria 31 Figure 14: Travel Motives of Austrians 32 Figure 15: Influencing Factors on the Choice of Destination 33 Figure 16: Importance of Culinary Offers in the Travel Decision of Austrians 35 Figure 17: Interest in Culinary Activities of Austrians 36 Figure 18: Participation in Culinary Activities during the last three vacations 37 Figure 19: Interest in Culinary Topics 39 Figure 20: Evaluation of Culinary Offers in Austria 41 VI List of Abbreviations ANTO Austrian National Tourist Office OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development SPSS Statistical Package for Social Science UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation UNWTO United Nations World Tourism Organisation VII Introduction Introduction Over the past years, culinary tourism has grown considerably and gastronomy has become an important part of the tourism experience (World Tourism Organization, 2012, p 5) Austria, a destination with rich culture and history, provides a broad variety of traditions, culinary products and offers and is the leader in certified food production (König, 2013, p 14) The linkage between culture, agriculture and tourism provides a basis for local economic development and strengthens the image of Austria In the last decade a shift from “must see” of an physical sights such as museums and monuments, towards “must experience” any intangible culture, such as lifestyle and atmosphere, could be identified (OECD, 2012, p 14) This needs to be considered by the destinations and regions to attract consumers to Austria Therefore, motivations to travel to certain destinations have changed In the following section the research problem, the aim of the research and the research questions will be determined Moreover, the research design and a chapter outline will be provided This Bachelor Paper was composed as part of the IMC FH Krems, University of Applied Science research project “Kostbares Österreich” and additional data was obtained by a survey conducted in the purpose of this project 1.1 Research Problem The objective of the chosen research topic “Culinary Tourism –Travel Motivation and Destination Choice Behaviour” is to evaluate the culinary tourist`s motivation and the behaviour in the decision making process of the culinary tourist in Austria In the last decades a huge body of literature concerning consumer behaviour in tourism has been conducted Various methods to measure the decision making process were established and adapted (Pearce, 2005, pp 104-106) The process to finalize a decision is rather complex and various factors have an influence on the final outcome Understanding these intrinsic and exogenous factors provide an insight in the behaviour of decision making of tourists and should be taken into consideration by marketers while creating new tourism strategies and products A key Introduction limitation of the research concerning the destination choice behaviour of the culinary tourist in Austria could be identified Therefore, it is essential that research on this topic is conducted to determine the intrinsic and exogenous factors influencing the decision making process of culinary tourists and to gain insight into the interests and preferences regarding food and beverages of travellers in Austria 1.2 Aim of the Research and Research Question The aim of the research project is to evaluate the most important factors influencing the choice of destination of culinary tourists in Austria Special focus is given to the role of motivations and determinants on the decision making process Furthermore, consumer’s interest and the existing demand in culinary offers in Austria should be evaluated and possible solutions shall be drawn The research questions can therefore be formulated as follows:  What are main travel motivations of culinary tourist in Austria in the context of the travel decision?  Which economic, sociological and psychological determinants influence the destination choice of the culinary tourist?  Which culinary tourism offers are of interest for culinary tourists? 1.3 Research Design Several research methods were used to investigate the research questions These methods consist of secondary as well as primary data, which will be discussed in detail in chapter To explore the demand side for culinary tourism and obtain primary data, a quantitative approach was utilized to carry out the research This method was chosen as it allows to obtain a statistically valid (Malhotra, 2010, p 171) and reliable sample of a population (Veal, 2006, p 40) ANNEX Q24 o o o o o Wie interessant finden Sie persönlich das kulinari- sche Angebot in Tirol? Was fällt Ihnen spontan zu Kulinarik in Tirol ein? Q25 Bitte schreiben Sie ein Kommentar zu Ihrer Auswahl: o o o o o Wie interessant finden Sie persönlich das Sehr interessant Interessant Weder noch Eher nicht interssant Gar nicht interessant kulinari- sche Angebot in Vorarlberg? Sehr interessant Interessant Weder noch Eher nicht interssant Gar nicht interessant Bitte schreiben Sie ein Kommentar zu Ihrer Was fällt Ihnen spontan zu Kulinarik in Auswahl: Vorarlberg ein? Q26 o o o o o Wie interessant finden Sie persönlich das kulinari- sche Angebot im Burgenland? Sehr interessant Interessant Weder noch Eher nicht interssant Gar nicht interessant Bitte schreiben Sie ein Kommentar zu Ihrer Was fällt Ihnen spontan zu Auswahl: Kulinarik im Burgenland ein? Q12 Was motiviert Sie ganz generell auf Urlaub zu gehen? (mehrere Antworten möglich) o o o o o o o o o o Entspannung Besuch von Familie und Freunden Entfliehen aus dem Alltag neue Kultur erleben lokale Küche ausprobieren Sport Gesundheit Bildung und Lernen Aus Prestige-/Image Gründen Sonstiges: 73 zen Sie für Ihre Antworten ein Skala von (sehr wichtig) bis (gar nicht wichtig) Verfügbares teilenn niicht beur- Kann ich wichtig gar nicht Urlaubsziels? Bitte benut- flussen die Auswahl Ihres Welche Faktoren beein- sehr wich- Q13 tig ANNEX o Einkommen Persönlicher Gesundheitszustand Vergangene Urlaubserfahrungen Stabile Wirt- schaft Politische Stabilität Wenig Kriminalität Distanz zum Reiseziel Erreichbarkeit des Reiseziels Reisezeit Gutes Preis- /Leistungsverhältnis Image des Reiseziels/ Entwicklung und Infrastruktur des Reiseziels Sehenswürdigkeiten vor Ort Kulinarisches Angebot Landschaft Reisebarrieren (zB Benötigung eines Visas) Sauberkeit/Hygiene Kinder-/Familienfreundlichkeit 74 Kann ich o ○ ○ o ○ o beur- ○ teilen o Lokale Küche ausprobie- nicht ausgesuchten Urlaubsziel befinden sich an Ihrem Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie sehr inte- Q14 ressant ANNEX ren Wie interessiert sind Sie In der Herstellung von lo- an den folgenden Aktivitä- kale Essen teilnehmen Essensverkostungen o ○ o ○ ten teilzunehmen? Benut- An Kochkursen teilneh- o ○ o ○ zen Sie bitte eine Skala men o ○ o ○ ○ o ○ o Lokale Produkte einkau- Ja drei Urlauben an folgenden Aktivitäten teilgenommen? teilen Haben Sie in Ihren letzten nciht beur- fen Nein Q15 Getränkeverkostungen nicht interes- siert) für Ihre Antworten dukten besuchen Kann ich bis (gar nicht interes- Lokale Erzeuger von Pro- übehaupt von (sehr interessiert) Lokale Küche ausprobiert In der Herstellung von lokalen Produkten teilgenommen Essensverkostungen An Kochkursen teilgenommen Lokale Erzeuger von Produkten besucht an Getränkeverköstigungen teilgenommen (zB Wein) narik und Reisen? sant Themen in Bezug auf Kuli- persönlich die folgenden Überaus Wie interessant finden Sie Q16 interessant Lokale Produkte eingekauft Fischspezialitäten Kaffeehauskultur Käse 75 ANNEX Bier Brot & Backwaren Genussmärkte (zB Bauernmärkte Mehlspeisen & Süßes Wein Obst & Gemüse Spirituosen & Edelbrände Kräuter Fleisch Wurst & Schinkenspezialitäten Kulinarische Veranstaltungen (zB Kirtage, Weinfeste) Gesunder Ernäh- rung Regionale & Saisonale Kưstlichkeiten Betriebsbesichtigung mit Verkostung (zB Schokolademanufaktur, Ưlpresse) Alternative Ernäh- rungsformen (zB vegetarisch, vegan, sehr schwaches Angebot? Alternative Angebot schwaches sehr Sicht ein sehr gutes bzw es in Österreich aus Ihrer Bei welchen Themen gibt sehr gutes Q17 Angebot laktosefrei) Ernährungs- formen (z.B vegetarisch, vegan, laktosefrei) Gesunde Ernährung Brot & Backwaren Mehlspeisen & Süßes Regionale & saisonale Köstlichkeiten Genuss-Märkte (Bauernmärkte, Wochenmärkte) 76 ANNEX Fleisch, Wurst und Schinkenspezialitäten Fischspezialitäten Kaffeehauskultur Kulinarische tungen Veranstal- (z.B Kirtage, Weinfeste) Betriebsbesichtigungen mit Verkostung (zB Brauerei, Schokolademanu- faktur, Ölpresse, etc.) Wein Bier Spirituosen, Edelbrände Obst & Gemüse Käse Kräuter S4 Was ist Ihre höchst abgeschlossene Ausbildung? o o o o o o o o S5 Bitte geben Sie Ihren Familienstand an! Keinen Pflichtschulabschluss Pflichtschule Lehre Berufsbildende mittlere Schule (BMS) AHS (Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schule) oder BHS (Berufsbildende Höhere Schule) ohne abgeschlossener Matura AHS (Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schule) oder BHS (Berufsbildende Höhere Schule) mit abgeschlossener Matura Universität/ FH/Kolleg/ Universitätslehrgang Keine Antwort o Single o Verheiratet/ in Lebensgemeinschaft lebend o Geschieden o Verwitwet o Keine Antwort 77 ANNEX S6 Haben Sie Kinder? S7 Wenn ja, wie viele Kinder (unter o Ja o Nein 18 Jahren) leben in Ihrem Haushalt? S8 Bitte geben Sie Ihr Nettoeinkommen pro Monat an! o o o o o o o o o o o o Unter € 1000 € 1.000 - € 1.500 € 1.500 - € 2.000 € 2.000 - € 2.500 € 2.500 - € 3.000 € 3.000 - € 3.500 € 3.500 - € 4.000 € 4.000 - € 4.500 € 4.500 - € 5.000 Über € 5.000 Derzeit kein Einkommen Keine Antwort Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Teilnahme! 78 ANNEX Annex [English Questionnaire] Nr Question S1 Please mark your gender! Answer o female o male (CHECK QUOTA) S2 Please mark your age! o 15-30 years o 31-50 years o 50+ years (CHECK QUOTA) S3 In which federal state is your main residence? o o o o o o o o o Vienna Lower Austria Upper Austria Styria Carinthia Salzburg Tyrol Vorarlberg Burgenland (CHECK QUOTA) Q1 When you think about countries to visit on a culinary holiday, what coun- o don’t know answer tries first come to your mind? Q2 Of all the countries in the world, what countries associated with culinary tourism could you most easily o don’t know answer visit but you never really think about going there? 79 ANNEX Q3 Why did not you consider these countries? o don’t know answer Q4 What other countries come to mind that for one reason or another you would find difficult to go for o don’t know answer a culinary vacation? Q5 What are the reasons why you find it difficult to go for a culinary vacation at o don’t know answer those destinations? Q6 What countries would you not be interested in visiting, in particular for a culinary holiday trip? Q7 o don’t know answer Why don’t you want to visit the destinations you men- Q8 tioned above? o don’t know answer Assume you have 30 days o o o o o o o for a culinary holiday away from home How many days would you spend at each of the destination you have listed on the page before you? Germany Italy Croatia Spain Greece Turkey France o Hungary o Switzerland o Great Britain o Others: 80 ANNEX Q9 Which country will you likely visit within the next two years? Q10 Then using a scale from to 100, what is the likelihood of your visiting the country mentioned above within the next two years? Zero is no chance at all of visiting and 100 is absolute certainty that you will visit Q11 What comes spontaneously to your mind thinking about [insert answer Q9]? Q18 o o o o o How interesting are the culinary offers of Vienna for you? What comes to your mind thinking about culinary in Vienna? Q19 Please very interesting interesting neither nor not interesting absolutely not interesting write a comment about your associations: o o o o o How interesting are the culinary offers of Lower Austria for you? Please very interesting interesting neither nor not interesting absolutely not interesting write a comment about your associations: 81 ANNEX What comes to your mind thinking about culinary in Lower Austria? Q20 o o o o o How interesting are the culinary offers of Upper Austria for you? What comes to your mind thinking about culinary in Please very interesting interesting neither nor not interesting absolutely not interesting write a comment about your associations: Upper Austria? Q21 o o o o o How interesting are the culinary offers of Styria for you? What comes to your mind thinking about culinary in Please very interesting interesting neither nor not interesting absolutely not interesting write a comment about your associations: Styria? Q22 o o o o o How interesting are the culinary offers of Carinthia for you? What comes to your mind thinking about culinary in Please very interesting interesting neither nor not interesting absolutely not interesting write a comment about your associations: Carinthia? Q23 o o o o o How interesting are the culinary offers of Salzburg for you? What comes to your mind thinking about culinary in Please very interesting interesting neither nor not interesting absolutely not interesting write a comment about your associations: Salzburg? 82 ANNEX Q24 o o o o o How interesting are the culinary offers of Tyrol for you? What comes to your mind thinking about culinary in Please very interesting interesting neither nor not interesting absolutely not interesting write a comment about your associations: Tyrol? Q25 o o o o o How interesting are the culinary offers of Vorarlberg for you? What comes to your mind thinking about culinary in Please very interesting interesting neither nor not interesting absolutely not interesting write a comment about your associations: Vorarlberg? Q26 o o o o o How interesting are the culinary offers of Burgenland for you? very interesting interesting neither nor not interesting absolutely not interesting What comes to your mind thinking about culinary in Burgenland? Q12 What are your motivation for going on vacation? (more answers possible) Please write a comment about your associations: o o o o o o o o o o relaxation visit family and friends escape routine experience new culture try local cuisine exercise health education and knowledge prestige and image others: 83 know 99 answer don’t imnot destination? the choice of your holiday portant Which factors influence very im- 13 prtant at all ANNEX o disposable income personal state of health last holiday experiences stable economy political stability little criminal activity distance accessability travel time Value for money o Image of the destination o o o o development and infrastructure of the destination o attractions of the destination culinary offers o landscape o barriers (eg visa) o hygiene o children/family o friendly- motivated are you in the following activities Please use a scale ranging from (very motivated) to (not try local food o ○ participate in the ○ o o ○ o o ○ o know how Don’t destination, vated at all travel not moti- chosen your at Being very mo- 14 tivated ness local food production participate in food tastings motivated at all) for your participate in coo- answers king classes visit local food production participate in beverage tastings buy local products 84 ANNEX no of the following activities in Don’t know Did you participate in any yes 15 your last three holidays? tried local cuisine participated in local food production participated in food tastings participated in cooking classes visited local food productions participated in beverage tastings (eg wine) elling? resting at all not inte- cerning culinary and trav- lowing topics for you con- How interesting are the fol- very inte- 16 resting bought local products fish specialities coffee house legacy cheese beer bread and bakery markets desserts & sweets wine fruits & vegetables spirits and liquor herbs meat, sausage and ham specialities culinary events healthy nutrition 85 ANNEX regional and seasonal specialities visit of production with tasting alternative eating weak offer? offer very weak tria a very good or a very which topics exist in Aus- From your point of view, in very good 17 offe habits alternative eating habits healthy diet bread and bakery desserts and sweets regional and seasonal specialities markets meat, sausage and ham specialities fish specialities coffee house legacy culinary events visit of production with tasting wine beer spirits and liquor fruits and vegetables cheese herbs S4 What is your highest level of education? o without completion of compulsatory school o compulsatory school o apperenticeship o vocational middle school o high school without A-levels o high school with A-levels 86 ANNEX o university/college o no answer S5 Please indicate your material status! S6 Please indicate your monthly net income! o o o o o single married/ long term relationship divorced widowed no answer o o o o o o o o o o o below € 733 € 733 - € 1.124 € 1.225 - € 1.384 € 1.385 - € 1.611 € 1.612 - € 1.811 € 1.812 - € 2.019 € 2.020 - € 2.280 € 2.281 - € 2.644 € 2.645 - € 3.295 above € 3.295 no answer 87 ... 40,6% 25 ,0% 24 ,6% 26 ,3% 8,9% 12, 1% 13,8% 3,1% 38,9% 22 ,1% 12, 8% 6,7% 39,1% 22 ,7% 10 ,2% 10 ,2% 32, 3% 25 ,2% 13,3% 5,8% distance 37,5% 15 ,2% 16,5% children-/family friendlyness 11,9% 13,4% barriers... 32, 0% wine 24 ,8% 32, 5% bread and bakery 24 ,5% desserts and sweets 23 ,2% 34,8% 24 ,4% 11,7% herbs 23 ,0% 34,1% 25 ,5% 12, 6% 25 ,2% 18,1% 11 ,2% 10,8% 13,8% 2, 5% meat, sausage and ham specialities 42, 8%... spirits and liquor 7,6% 0% very interesting 25 ,7% 21 ,7% 21 ,7% 27 ,6% 16,7% 22 ,0% 6,8% 5,9% 4,9% 12, 1%5,9% 16,3% 10 ,2% 7,5% 16,0% 21 ,7% 32, 2% 22 ,2% 21 ,0% 10% 20 % 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% not

Ngày đăng: 27/03/2023, 12:32
