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Chuyên đề 18 câu tường thuật

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Đề thi thử THPT Quốc Gia 2019 môn Vật Lý trường THPT Chuyên Bắc Ninh lần 1 CHUYÊN ĐỀ 18 CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT (REPORTED SPEECH) I KIẾN THỨC TRỌNG TÂM A LÝ THUYẾT ĐỊNH NGHĨA Câu tường thuật là câu mà chúng t[.]

CHUYÊN ĐỀ 18: CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT (REPORTED SPEECH) I KIẾN THỨC TRỌNG TÂM A LÝ THUYẾT ĐỊNH NGHĨA Câu tường thuật câu mà sử dụng Ví dụ: (Trích Đề THPT QG 2016) động từ phù hợp để thuật lại lời nói trực tiếp Câu trực tiếp (Direct speech): “I’m sorry I didn’t the homework”, Peter said to the teacher (“Em xin lỗi Em khơng làm tập ” Peter nói với cô giáo.) Câu tường thuật (reported speech): → Peter apologized for not having done his homework (Petert xin lỗi không làm tập.) PHÂN LOẠI Câu trần thuật (Statements) Các bước biến đổi sang lời nói gián tiếp: Ví dụ: “I haven’t been to Thailand before”, Linda said → …… Bước 1: Sử dụng động từ tường thuật phù hợp Bước 1: Linda said “I haven’t been to Thailand (thường “say” “tell”) before.” Bước 2: Bỏ dấu ngoặc kép “ ” câu nói trực tiếp Bước 2: Linda said I haven’t been to Thailand Bước 3: Giữ nguyên trật tự thành phần before câu trực tiếp (chủ ngữ, động từ) Bước 3: Linda said I haven’t been to Thailand Bước 4: Thay đổi thành phần sau câu: before Đại từ (pronouns), tính từ sở hữu (possessive Bước 4: adjectives), đại từ định (demonstratives), Linda said I hadn’t been to Thailand before cụm từ thời gian/ nơi chốn (time and place (Linda nói chưa tới Thái Lan bao Trang expressions) giờ.) Thì động từ (verb tenses) Các thành phần biến đổi sang lời nói gián tiếp: 1.1 Thay đồi đại từ, tính từ sở hữu, đại từ định, cụm từ chl thời gian/nơi chốn Đại từ, Tính từ sở hữu (pronouns, adjective possessive) Cụm từ thời gian (time expressions) Cụm từ địa điểm (place) Đại tử định Câu trực tiếp Câu tường thuật (Direct speech) (Reported speech) I We You My Our Your today She/ He They I/ He/ She/ We His/ Her Their My/ His/ Her/ Our that day now then/ immediately yesterday the day before/ the previous day ago before last week the week before/ the previous week last month the month before/ the previous month next year the following year tomorrow here the next day/ the following day there this these that those (demonstrative) Lưu ý: Việc thay đổi đại từ, tính từ sở hữu liên quan Minh: “Hang, you should look up the meaning of đến vị trí tương đối người đóng vai trị thuật lại new words in your dictionary” * Minh tự thuật lại lời mình: → I told Hang that she should look up the meaning of new words in her dictionary * Người khác thuật lại lời nói Minh: → Minh told Hang that she should look up the meaning of new words in her dictionary * Người khác thuật lại cho Hằng nghe: Trang → Minh told you that you should look up the meaning of new words in your dictionary * Hằng thuật lại lời nói Minh: → Minh told me that I should look up the meaning of new words in my dictionary 1.2 Thì động từ Quy tắc lùi động từ Câu trực tiếp (Direct speech) Câu tường thuật (Reported speech) Hiện đơn Quá khứ đơn S + V(s,es) + O S + V(ed) + O Ví dụ: “My wife always keeps up with the latest fashions”, Ross said (Ross nói: “Vợ tơi luôn bắt kịp xu hướng thời trang nhất” ) → Ross said that his wife always kept up with the latest fashions (Ross nói vợ anh luôn bắt kịp xu hướng thời trang nhất.) Hiện tiếp diễn Quá khứ tiếp diễn S + is/am/are + Ving + O S + was/were + Ving + O Quá khứ đơn Quá khứ đơn/ Quá khứ tiếp diễn S + V(ed) + O S + V(ed) + O/ S + had + V(pp) + O Ví dụ: Monica says: “It is raining cats and dogs.” (Monica nói: “Trời mưa to quá” → Monica told me that it was raining cats and dog (Monica bảo trời mưa to.) Ví dụ: “These photos captured some happy moments of your wedding yesterday”, Lan said to me (Lan nói: “Những ảnh Trang ghi lại vài khoảnh khắc hạnh phúc tiệc cưới bạn ngày hôm qua”.) → Lan told me that those photos had captured some happy moments of my wedding the day before (Lan nói với tơi ảnh ghi lại vài khoảnh khắc hạnh phúc Hiện hoàn thành Quá khứ hoàn thành S + has/had + Ved + O S + had + V(pp) + O tiệc cưới tơi ngày hơm qua) Ví dụ: “I haven’t met Jimmy again since we graduated from high school years ago”, Kien said (Kiên nói: “Tơi khơng gặp Jimmy kể từ ngày tốt nghiệp cấp hai năm trước”.) → Kien told me that he hadn’t met Jimmy again since they graduated from high school years before (Kiên nói với tơi anh không gặp Jimmy kể từ ngày họ Quá khứ hoàn thành Quá khứ hoàn thành S + had + V(pp) + O S + had + V(pp) + O tốt nghiệp cấp từ năm trước.) Ví dụ: “The film had already started before came home”, Lien said (Liên nói: “Bộ phim bắt đầu trước nhà”.) → Lien told me that the film had already started before she came home Trang (Liên nói với tơi phim Q khứ tiếp diễn Quá khứ tiếp diễn/ Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn S + was/were + Ving + O bắt đầu trước nhà.) Ví dụ: Đề minh hoạ THPT QG 2019 “I noticed a job advertisement S + was/were + Ving + O/ while I was walking along the S + had been + Ving + O street”, Joey said (Joey nói: “Tơi bắt gặp quảng cáo tuyển dụng đường”.) → Joey said that he noticed a job advertisement while he had been walking along the street (Joey nói bắt gặp quảng cáo tuyển dụng Tương lai đơn S + will + V + O Tương lai khứ S + would + V + O đường.) Ví dụ: Trích đề THPT QG năm 2015 “Global warming will result in crop failures and famine”, Scientists said (Các nhà khoa học cho biết: Sự nóng lên tồn cầu dẫn đến thất mùa màng nạn đói” ) → Ross said that global warming wound result in crop failures and famine (Các nhà khoa học cho biết nóng lên tồn cầu dẫn đến thất can could mùa màng nạn đói.) Ví dụ: Trang “I cannot lend you that expensive book now”, Bob said (Bob nói: “Tơi khơng thể cho bạn mượn sách đắt tiền được”.) → Bob told me that he couldn’t lend me that expensive book then (Bob với tơi khơng thể cho tơi mượn may might sách đắt tiền được.) Ví dụ: “Species may become extinct for many different reasons”, Dr Chandler said (Giáo sư Chandler nói: “Nhiều giống lồi bị tuyệt chủng lý khác nhau”.) → Dr Chandler said that species might become extinct for many different reasons (Giáo sư Chandler nói nhiều giống lồi bị tuyệt must had to chủng lý khác nhau.) Ví dụ: Trích đề THPT QG 2013 “We must push the piano to the corner of the hall to make room for our party tonight”, Lan Anh said (Lan Anh nói: Chúng ta nên đẩy đàn piano góc hội Trang trường để lấy chỗ cho bữa tiệc tối chúng ta”.) → Lan Anh said we had to push the piano to the corner of the hall to make room for our party tonight (Lan anh nói nên đẩy đàn piano góc hội trường để lấy chỗ cho bữa tiệc tối chúng ta.) Câu điều kiện loại Câu điều kiện loại If + S + V(s,es) + O, S + will +V If + S + V(ed) + O, S + would +V+O Ví dụ: “If you don’t hurry, you’ll miss the bus”, my dad said (Bố nói: “Nếu khơng nhanh lên, lỡ chuyến xe buýt đấy”.) → My dad said if I didn’t hurry, I would miss the bus (Bố tơi nói không nhanh lên, lỡ chuyến xe buýt.) Câu điều kiện loại 0, 2, Không thay đổi Ví dụ: Trích SGK Tiếng Anh 11Unit 10 - trang 58 Jane said: “If I lost my job, I could be in trouble.” (Jane nói: “Nếu tơi việc, tơi gặp rắc mất.”) → Jane said that if she lost her job, she could be in trouble (Jane nói việc, gặp rắc rối.) Câu hỏi (Questions) Các bước biến đổi sang lời nói gián tiếp: Ví dụ: Trích đề THPT QG 2011 Trang Sue: “Can you help me with my essay?” → Bước 1: Sử dụng động từ tường thuật phù hợp, Bước 1: Sue wanted to know “Can you help me thường “ask” số cụm từ khác with my essay?” “want to know” (muốn biết) “wonder” (tự hỏi) Bước 2: Bỏ dấu ngoặc kép (“ ”) dấu hỏi (?) Bước 2: Sue wanted to know can you help me with my essay Bước 3: Lùi động từ Bước 3: Sue wanted to know could you help me with my essay Bước 4: Chuyển trật tự chủ ngữ-động từ từ câu hỏi Bước 4: Sue wanted to know I could help her with sang câu kể her essay Bước 5: Sử dụng từ để hỏi (where, when, Bước 5: what, how,…) if/ whether trước câu hỏi → Sue wanted to know whether I could help her tường thuật tùy vào câu hỏi trực tiếp dạng with her essay (Sue muốn biết liệu tơi giúp cô với tiểu luận không?) Các loại câu hỏi: Câu tường thuật Loại câu hỏi Wh - question (what, when, S+ who, (Reported speech) asked Wh-ques- Ví dụ: Trích đề TPHT QG 2013 asked sb tion + S + “What are you looking at?”, she why, where, how, how wondered V (áp dụng asked me (Cô hỏi “Bạn much, how many, how wanted to quy tắc lùi nhìn thế?”) long, how old, ) know → She asked me what I was thì) looking at (Cơ hỏi tơi tơi nhìn Câu hỏi YES / NO S+ asked if + S + asked sb whether V thế?) Ví dụ: “Are there any good restaurants around here?”, he ased me Trang wondered (“Ở quanh có nhà + hàng ổn thế?” Anh ta hỏi wanted to tôi.) know → He asked me if there were any good restaurants around there (Anh ta hỏi tơi quanh có nhà hàng tốt khơng.) Ví dụ: Lưu ý: Đối với câu hỏi cho chủ ngữ (subject question) câu hỏi có “Who destroyed my fences?”, he trật tự subject-verb câu kể cần thay đổi ased me thành phần đại từ (pronouns), tính từ sở hữu (posessesive (“Ai phá huỷ hàng rào ajectives), cụm từ thời gian (time expressions) lùi tơi?” Anh ta hỏi tơi.) động từ (nếu cần thiết) → He asked me who had destroyed his fences (Anh ta hỏi phá huỷ hàng rào anh ta.) Các trường hợp khác Khi ta tường thuật lại lời yêu cầu, đề nghị, lời gợi ý, cảnh báo, lời khuyên, lời hứa ta sử dụng cấu trúc sau tùy thuộc vào cách thức sử dụng cấu trúc động từ dùng câu trực tiếp 3.1 Câu tường thuật dùng cấu trúc V + object + to-V * Tân ngữ (object) thường người mà lời đề nghị, gợi ý, khuyên, hướng tới * Cụm động từ nguyên thể (to sth) dùng câu trực tiếp câu khẳng định * “Not to sth” dùng câu trực tiếp câu phủ định * Động từ tường thuật (reporting verb) thường lựa chọn tùy theo sắc thái diễn đạt câu chủ động * Những động từ thường gặp nhóm phân loại sau: advise + sb + (not)to + allow V beg/ implore khuyên nhủ Ví dụ 1: Trích đề THPT QG cho phép 2011 van xin “Mum, please don’t tell dad Trang command lệnh about my mistake”, the boy said encourage khuyến khích (“Mẹ ơi, xin đừng nói với bố forbid ngăn cấm lỗi nhé” cậu bé nói.) instruct hướng dẫn → The boy begged his mother invite mời not to tell his father about his order lệnh mistake permit cho phép (Cậu bé xin mẹ đừng nói với bố remind nhắc nhở lỗi mà cậu gây ra.) tell/ ask bảo /đề nghị Ví dụ 2: Trích đề THPT QG urge hối thúc 2014 warn cảnh báo “Send this urgent document want muốn immediately!” the officer told the soldier (“Cậu gửi tài liệu khẩn nhé!” Cảnh sát viên nói với tên lính.) → The officer ordered the soldier to deliver the urgent document instantly (Viên sĩ quan nói với tên lính phải gửi tài liệu khẩn cấp lập tức.) Ví dụ 3: Trích đề THPT QG 2018 “Would you like to go to the show with me?” Anna said to Bella (“Cậu có thích xem buổi trình diễn với tớ khơng?” Anna nói với Bella.) Trang 10 → Anna invited Bella to go to the show with her (Anna mời Bella xem buổi trình diễn với ấy.) 3.2 Câu tường thuật dùng câu trúc V + to-V Chúng ta KHÔNG sử dụng tân ngữ (object) sau động từ tường thuật sau: agree + to V đồng ý làm Ví dụ 1: Trích đề TPHT QG claim điều 2011 demand địi hỏi làm “If you don’t pay the ransom, offer đề nghị làm we’ll promise hứa làm kidnappers told us refuse từ chối làm (Bọn bắt cóc nói với chúng tơi: swear thề làm “Nếu ông bà không trả tiền threaten đe dọa làm chuộc, bọn ta giết trai kill your boy,” the ông bà”.) → The kidnappers threatened to kill our boy if we refused to pay the ransom (Bọn bắt cóc đe doạ giết từ chối trả tiền chuộc.) Ví dụ 2: Trích đề THPT QG 2017 “We will not leave until we see the manager”, said the customers (Những khách hàng nói: “Chúng tơi khơng gặp quản lý”.) → The customers refused to leave until they saw the Trang 11 manager (Những khách hàng từ chối rời gặp người quản lý.) Ví dụ 3: Trích đề minh hoạ THPT QG 2018 “I’ll call you as soon as I arrive at the airport,” he said to me (Anh nói với tơi: “Anh gọi cho em anh tới sân bay”.) → He promised to call me as soon as he arrived at the airport (Anh hứa gọi cho tới sân bay.) 3.3 Câu tường thuật dùng cấu trúc V-ing Khi động từ tường thuật (reporting verb) động từ sau: admit, apologize for, insist on, suggest động từ kèm giới từ khác theo sau ià cụm động từ V-ing cụm danh từ (noun phrase) accuse sb of V_ing/ having buộc tội làm Ví dụ 1: Trích đề THPT QG 2011 P2 xin lỗi việc “You shouldn’t have leaked our admit thừa nhận làm confidential report to the press, blame sb for đổ lỗi cho điều Frank!” said Jane congratulate on sb chúc mừng việc (Jane nói: Frank, cậu lẽ không criticized sb for thú nhận làm nên tiết lộ báo cáo bí mật complain to sb about phàn nàn với việc chúng tơi với báo chí.) deny chối làm insist on khăng kháng, nài nỉ having disclosed their confidential apologise (to sb) for → Jane criticized Frank for việc report to the press suggest gợi ý làm (Jane trích Frank tiết lộ thank sb for cảm ơn điều báo cáo bí mật họ với báo chí.) Trang 12 warn sb against cảnh báo điều Ví dụ 2: Trích đề THPT QG 2012 “We lost the last game because of the referee”, (“Chúng thua trận cuối trọng tài” đội trưởng nói.) → The team captain blamed the referee for their loss in the last game (Đội trưởng đổ lỗi cho trọng tài thất bại họ trận cuối.) Ví dụ 3: Trích đề THPT QG 2017 “I didn’t give John the money,” said Mary (“Tơi có đưa tiền cho John đâu” Mary nói.) → Mary denied giving John the money (Mary chối đưa tiền cho John.) 3.4 Câu tường thuật dùng cấu trúc That + Mệnh đề Lời đề nghị, lời yêu cầu, lời hứa, lời khuyên, lời gợi ý tường thuật mệnh đề THAT (that clause) agree + that clause đồng ý Ví dụ 1: claim “I’ll tell your dad,” said Henry complain phàn nàn (Henry nói: “Tôi báo cho bố cậu deny phủ nhận biết”.) explain giải thích → Henry promised that he would inform thông báo với tell my dad promise hứa (Henry hứa nói với bố tơi.) suggest gợi ý Ví dụ 2: explain to sb + how giải thích với việc “I didn’t lend you the coat,” said Trang 13 diễn Hang (“Tơi có cho bạn mượn áo đâu” Hằng nói.) → Hang denied that she hadn’t lend me her coat (Hằng chối cô không cho mượn áo.) 3.5 Tường thuật cho câu cảm thán: Dùng động từ thường exclaim (kêu lên, lên): S+ exclaim/ say that give an exclaimation of Clause V_ing Ví dụ: - “What a lovely dress!” ( ôi, váy đẹp quá!) → She exclaimed that the dress was lovely (Cô lên váy thật đẹp.) - “Wow!” → He gave an exclamation of surprise (Anh ta lên kinh ngạc.) B BÀI TẬP MINH HỌA Circle one letter to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each Lưu ý: the following sentences đáp án cịn lại Câu 1: Trích đề thi THPT QG năm 2011 mang nghĩa yêu cầu “Don’t forget to tidy up the final draft before submission,” the team leader làm told us A The team leader reminded us to tidy up the final draft before submission B The team leader asked us to tidy up the final draft before submission C The team leader ordered us to tidy up the final draft before submission D The team leader simply wanted us to tidy up the final draft before submission Hướng dẫn: (Trưởng nhóm nói với chúng tôi: “Đừng quên thu dọn thảo cuối trước nộp.) don’t forget (đừng quên) → hành động nhắc nhớ Trang 14 Ta có phương án A (remind sb to sth: nhắc nhở làm gì) → Chọn A Câu 2: Trích đề thi THPT QG nám 2017 “Why don’t we go camping at the weekend?” he said A He denied going camping at the weekend B He suggested going camping at the weekend C He objected to going camping at the weekend D He apologized for going camping at the weekend Hướng dẫn: (Anh ta hỏi: “Tại không cắm trại cuối tuần nhỉ?”) “why don’t we”: khơng làm → lời gợi ý deny: từ chối Ta có phương án B (suggest + Ving: gợi ý làm gì) object: phản đối Chọn B Câu Trích đề thi THPT QG năm 2019 apologize: xin lỗi Phương án A C “How long have you lived here, Lucy?” asked Jack sai cấu trúc: câu A Jack asked Lucy how long did she lived here tường thuật với câu B Jack asked Lucy how long she lived here hỏi không cần đảo từ C Jack asked Lucy how long had she lived here để hỏi lên D Jack asked Lucy how long she had lived here phương án B sai thì: Hướng dẫn: câu trực tiếp (Jack hỏi: “Bạn sống lâu chưa Lucy?”) HTHT câu gián Câu hỏi dạng Wh-question ta có cấu trúc: tiếp S + asked sb + Wh-question + S + V(áp dụng quy tắc lùi thì) QKHT phải Chọn D II BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG I - Circle one letter to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences She said to me: “Don't make a lot of noise when you are playing.” A She advised me not making a lot of noise when I was playing B She told to me not to make a lot of noise when I was playing C She asked me not to make a lot of noise when I am playing Trang 15 D She asked me not to make a lot of noise when I was playing My son said: ‘Til have plenty of time because I don't have to go to school tomorrow.” A My son said that he would have plenty of time because he didn't have to go to school the following day B My son said that I would have plenty of time because I didn't have to go to school the next day C My son told that I would have plenty of time because I didn't have to go to school the next day D My son said he would have plenty of time because he doesn't have to go to school the next day Rita said to me: “Don't worry I'll pay you back on Saturday.” A Rita advised to pay me back on Saturday B Rita threatened to pay me back on Sunday C Rita suggested paying me back on Sunday D Rita promised to pay me back on Sunday He said: “What time will you get up tomorrow morning, Melda?” A He asked Melda what time would she get up tomorrow morning? B He asked Melda what time she will get up tomorrow morning C He asked Melda what time she would get up tomorrow morning D He asks Melda what time she would get up tomorrow morning “Would you mind moving your case?” said the other passenger “It's blocking the door.” A The other passenger asked me to move my case as it was blocking the door B The other passenger offered to move my case as it was blocking the door C The other passenger suggested moving my case as it was blocking the door D The other passenger reminded me to move my case as it was blocking the door He said: “I always encourage my students to have a gap year before going to university.” A He said that he always encouraged his students to have a gap year before going to university B He said that he always encourages his students to have a gap year before going to university C He said that he had always encouraged his students to have a gap year before going to university D He said that he had always been encouraging his students to have a gap year before going to university “Remember to book a table, Kate” said Ann A Ann reminded Kate to book a table Trang 16 B Ann asked Kate to book a table C Ann suggested Kate booking a table D Ann advised Kate to book a table My sister said to me: “Don’t turn off the light I’m studying.” A My sister told me not turning off the light as she was studying B My sister told to me not turn off the light as she was studying C My sister told me not to turn off the light as she was studying D My sister told me turn the light off as she was studying “Would you like to have lunch with me today?” said Tom A Tom suggested me to have dinner with him that day B Tom suggested to have dinner with him that day C Tom invited me to have dinner with him that day D Tom invited me having dinner with him that day 10 Tom said: “Why you keep staring at me, Janet?” A Tom asked Janet why did she keep staring at him B Tom asked Janet why she keeps staring at him C Tom asked Janet why she had kept staring at him D Tom asked Janet why she kept staring at him 11 My father said: “Let’s go for a walk now It’s not raining anymore.” A My father suggested that we should go for a walk as it was not raining anymore B My father suggested to go for a walk as it was not raining anymore C My father suggested us going for a walk as it was not raining anymore D My father suggested go for a walk as it was not raining anymore 12 Molly said: “I’ll go crazy if I study chemistry all day.” A Molly said that she would go crazy if I studied chemistry all day B Molly said that she would go crazy if she studied chemistry all day C Molly said that she will go crazy if she studied chemistry all day D Molly said that she would go crazy if she studies chemistry all day 13 (Trích đề thi THPT QG năm 2018 mã đề 402) “You should take better care of your health:” said Tom’s mother Trang 17 A Tom’s mother promised to take better care of his health B Tom’s mother ordered him to take better care of his health C Tom’s mother required him to take better care of his health D Tom’s mother advised him to take better care of his health 14 She asked me: “Do you know which buses go to downtown?” A She wanted to know which buses went to downtown B She asked me that which buses went to downtown C She wondered that which buses go to downtown D She asked me which buses had come to downtown 15 “Could I have your name and address, please?” said the travel agent to me A The travel agent asked for my name and my address B The travel agent asks me my name and my address C The travel agent wanted to know your name and your address D The travel agent wanted to have your name and your address 16 “Would you mind taking off your hat?” I said to the woman in front of me A I reminded the woman in front of me to take off her hat B I suggested the woman in front of me taking off her hat C I asked the woman in front of me to take off her hat D I invited the woman in front of me to take off her hat 17 She said: “How often you go to the cinema: Alison?” A She asked Alison how often did she go to the cinema B She asked Alison how often does she go to the cinema C She asked Alison how often she had gone to the cinema D She asked Alison how often she went to the cinema 18 Diana said to Jack: “Please stop asking me such questions I don't want to tell lies.” A Diana told Jack to stop asking her such questions as she did not want to tell lies B Diana advised Jack to stop asking her such questions as she did not want to tell lies C Diana asked Jack stop asking her such questions as she did not want to tell lies D Diana suggested that Jack should stop asking her such questions as she did not want to tell lies Trang 18 19 The flight attendant said to the passenger: “Fasten your seatbelts because we have to make a compulsory landing.” A The flight attendant suggested fastening their seatbelts because they had to make a compulsory landing B The flight attendant advised the passengers to fasten their seatbelts because they had to make a compulsory landing C The flight attendant required the passenger to fasten their seatbelts because they had to make a compulsory landing D The flight attendant reminded the passenger to fasten their seatbelts because they had to make a compulsory landing 20 The old man said to the children: “Don't go near the house because there is a gas leak.” A The old man reminded the children not going near the house because there was a gas leak B The old man warned the children not to go near the house because there was a gas leak C The old man threatened the children not to go near the house because there was a gas leak D The old man persuaded the children not to go near the house because there was a gas leak 21 My teacher said to me: “Have you decided which courses you are going to take?” A My teacher asked me if I have decided which courses I am going to take B My teacher wanted to know whether I had decided which courses I am going to take C My teacher asked me whether I decided which courses I was going to take D My teacher wanted to know if I had decided which course I was going to take 22 My father said: “The car needs to have some maintenance though it is in good condition.” A My father said me that the car needed to have some maintenance though it was in good condition B My father told me that the car needed to have some maintenance though it is in good condition C My father said to me that the car needed to have some maintenance though it was in good condition D My father told to me that the car needed to have some maintenance though it was in good condition 23 The boss said to me: “Pay particular attention when you are doing your work.” A The boss suggested paying particular attention when I was doing my work B The boss persuaded me to pay particular attention when I was doing my work C The boss advised me to pay particular attention when I was doing my work D The boss required me to pay particular attention when I was doing my work Trang 19 24 Mary said to me: “Do you know how long Alice has been playing the piano?” A Mary wanted to know how long Alice has been playing the piano B Mary asked me whether I knew how long Alice had been playing the piano C Mary wondered if I knew how long had Alice been playing the piano D Mary asked me how long had Alice been playing the piano 25 Mike said to Kate: “Would you like to go out for a coffee?” A Mike suggested going out for a coffee B Mike asked Kate to go out for a coffee C Mike persuaded Kate to go out for a coffee D Mike invited Kate to go out for a coffee 26 (Trích đề thi THPT QG năm 2018 mã đề 403) “Don’t forget to submit your assignments by Thursday,” said the teacher to the students A The teacher reminded the students to submit their assignments by Thursday B The teacher allowed the students to submit their assignments by Thursday C The teacher ordered the students to submit their assignments by Thursday D The teacher encouraged the students to submit their assignments by Thursday 27 (Trích đề thi THPT QG năm 2017) “No, I won’t go to work at the weekend,” said Sally A Sally apologized for not going to work at the weekend B Sally regretted not going to work at the weekend C Sally promised to go to work at the weekend D Sally refused to go to work at the weekend 28 (Trích đề thi thử Trường ĐH Ngoại ngữ năm 2019) “Why don’t you talk to her face-to-face?” asked Bill A Bill suggested that I should talk to her face-to-face B Bill advised that I could talk to her face-to-face C Bill asked me why I hadn’t talked to her face-to-face D Bill wondered why I don’t talk to her face-to-face 29 (Trích Đề thi thử Sở giáo dục HN) “Have a drink!” said Mr Smith Trang 20

Ngày đăng: 25/03/2023, 15:32

