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a n s w e r k e yNew American Inside Out D R © Editorial Macmillan de México, S A de C V 2009 Workbook Pre intermediate Answer key 1 Name Grammar 1 a) present perfect b) simple past c) simple present[.]

Workbook Pre-intermediate Answer key 1  Name Grammar a) present perfect b) simple past c) simple present d) future (be) going to e) present perfect f) future (be) going to g) simple past h) present progressive a) His parents did not give him a typical Mexican name b) He has never broken the law c) He did not go on vacation last year d) I am going to have coffee after the class e) I not have my dictionary with me right now f) She does not want to see me yet g) She is reading a book about Hawaii h) They are learning English for their work i) We have never been to New York We’ve chosen the name Scarlett for our daughter At first, my husband didn’t like it His parents don’t like the name and he doesn’t like to be different from them It’s not very fashionable, they said, but they don’t have any idea what’s fashionable these days! They’re over 65 and they haven’t been to the movies for years “Why don’t you name her Mildred?”, they asked a) Dave and I don’t live in the same town b) He doesn’t know me very well c) He can’t understand my problems d) He hasn’t done very well in his job e) Our parents weren’t very good friends f) We didn’t go to the same school g) We aren’t thinking about getting married New American Inside Out  h) We aren’t going to have a big party a) He always looks like terrible early in the morning b) ✓ c) ✓ d) They looked like tired after the class e) ✓ f) She looks like foreign – is she Brazilian? g) ✓ h) You look like very stressed What’s wrong? i) The teacher looks like very young Vocabulary Mary George m Annie m Jack Alfred m.1 Julia m.2 John Cynthia m.1 John m.2 Lennon Julian a) When did you meet him for the first time? b) Does he work in the evenings? c) What you like most about him? d) How well you know his family? e) In what way is he important to you? f) When did you last see him? g) When are you going to see him again? a) Have you ever been to the USA? b) What are you wearing today? c) What kind of things you read? d) How often you use a dictionary? e) How many people are there in your class? f) When did you last have an English class? g) How many years are you going to study English? a) What are you holding in your hand? b) ✓ c) Who did you see last night? d) ✓ e) How much money you have in your pocket? f) How many brothers you have? g) How far have you walked today? Yoko Sean gf m.1 = 1st marriage m.2 = 2nd marriage m George Julia a) did    b)  don’t    c)  have d) am    e)  does    f)  isn’t g) wasn’t Mimi Jacqui Irina gf = girlfriend parent children a) F    b)  T    c)  F    d)  F    e)  F f) T    g)  T    h)  F 1  first    2  last name    3  middle 4  maiden    5  initials    6  husband 7  nicknames 1  c    2  e    3  a    4  f    5  b 6  h    7  g    8  d 5 Really? Do they? That sounds great Great! I’ve never heard of him Wow! 1  about    2  bad    3  sounds 4  of    5  fantastic    6  That 7  Does    8  Really a) famous c) friendly e) retired g) special b) fashionable d) original f) Shy Pronunciation a) the for negatives b) to after the c) vocabulary a d) to a D.R © Editorial Macmillan de México, S.A de C.V 2009 a n s w e r k e y  Reading a) The wrong name? b) Will you marry me? c) How stupid can you be? a) 4    b)  1    c)  2    d)  3    e)  f) a) Where did the man put the advertisement? b) How many legs did it / the dog have? c) What did it / the dog have around its neck? / What was around the dog’s neck? d) What did Sir Thomas Beecham do? / What was Sir Thomas Beecham’s job? e) What did he (Sir Thomas Beecham) want to change? f) When did they get married? g) Where was the name KING? / Where did Mrs Smith see the name KING? h) When did she discover her terrible mistake? 2  Place canals, clubs, vacations, islands Plurals ending in “ies” cities, countries, galleries, nationalities Plurals ending in “es” beaches, churches, kisses, watches Irregular plurals: children, feet, people, women a) castle    b)  destination c) bridge    d)  vacation e) office    f)  tooth a) had a great afternoon b) don’t like it c) bought a lot of things d) we asked for another one e) caught their plane f) you’re breaking the law g) happy there h) didn’t go swimming 1  c    2  e    3  b    4  g    5  d 6  f    7  a    8  h a) much    b)  many    c)  many d) much    e)  many    f)  much g) many    h)  much a) 7    b)  3    c)  2    d)  6    e)  f) 4    g)  a) statue    b)  beach    c)  square d) hill    e)  canal    f)  high-rise g) fountain    h)  library 1  exciting    2  big    3  great 4  fantastic    5  spectacular 6  beautiful    7  friendly 8  welcoming    9  modern 10  crowded    11  noisy 12  polluted    13  humid 14  dull    15  fabulous 16  expensive    17  cheap 18  romantic 1  such    2  so    3  so    4  such 5  such    6  so    7  such a) Mexican    b)  Japanese c) Italian    d)  Chilean e) Portuguese    f)  Egyptian g) Brazilian    h)  Argentinian i) Canadian k e y 1  f    2  a    3  d    4  c    5  e 6  b Pronunciation Listening a n s w e r Vocabulary a) Mexico    b)  China c) Argentina    d)  Egypt e) Vietnam    f)  Cuba g) Italy    h)  Japan a) a nice pool b) modern c) amazing d) a big bed e) a beautiful garden f) a romantic restaurant g) good a) What you like doing on the weekends? b) Do you want a job like mine? c) What is your apartment like? d) Would you like something to eat? e) Does she look like her sister? f) What did you like about your vacation? a) a   b)  a   c)  some   d)  some e) a   f)  some   g)  some h) some a) much b) enough (T – there is a lot to see in Los Angeles) c) a lot of (T – Hollywood is where movie stars live) d) not enough (T) e) too much (T) f) Not many (F – you can hear different languages in Los Angeles) g) a little (T – usually!) h) many (T – most policemen carry guns, but some don’t) 3  Grammar Plurals ending in “s” a) Palermo    b)  Messina c) Mount Etna    d)  Enna e) Catania    f)  Siracusa g) Ragusa    h)  Agrigento D.R © Editorial Macmillan de México, S.A de C.V 2009 a) come    b)  neighbor c) money    d)  honey /oʊ/ /aʊ/ /ɔɪ/ coast don’t hotel most phone how noun outside south town boy coin enjoy noise voice 1  B a) F – He first went there ten or twelve years ago b) F – He was working in the country c) F – He traveled with his best friend d) T e) F – He visited the main square with the market f) F – It is the name of the main square g) T h) T i) F – He has been there ten or twelve times j) F – His last visit was three years ago Writing Reply (2) is probably the most useful a) accommodations b) recommend c) popular d) stayed e) usually f) noisy g) interesting h) February New American Inside Out a) so    b)  With    c)  and d) because a) The reception staff is very welcoming and the waiters are friendly b) There are galleries, museums, stores and movie theaters nearby, so there’s lots to / With galleries, museums, stores and movie theaters nearby, there’s lots to c) It’s a popular destination because it has good weather all year / It’s a popular destination with good weather all year d) There are high-rise buildings all around, so the views from the hotel aren’t very good / With high-rise buildings all around, the views from the hotel aren’t very good 3  Love a) ✓    b)  poured    c)  shouted d) ✓    e)  played    f)  ✓ g) tried    h)  arrived    i)  ✓ j) ✓ began, met, drank, swam, took, went, caught, thought, cut, slept, brought, came, kept, taught k) swam l) took m) taught n) thought a) Did you go shopping yesterday? b) Was it cold yesterday? c) Did you enjoy your last vacation? d) When was your last English class? e) Where did you go on vacation last year? f) What did you have for dinner last night? g) Who were your best friends in elementary school? a) Juliet wasn’t a happy girl b) Juliet’s family and Romeo’s family weren’t friends c) They didn’t want her to marry him d) Juliet wasn’t in love with Paris, a friend of her family e) She didn’t like him New American Inside Out  a) was wearing    b)  was holding c) was feeling    d)  was sitting e) were speaking    f)  was getting g) were planning 8 were you talking wasn’t talking were you doing was listening were you standing were making weren’t making were having 1  was going    2  was watching 3  said    4  opened    5  was sitting 6  began    7  wanted 8  was raining    9  decided 10  arrived a)  regularly    b)  attractively c)  beautifully    d)  early    e)  fast f)  happily    g)  loudly f) drank g) went h) kept i) met j) slept 10 Grammar a) began b) brought c) caught d) came e) cut f) Juliet didn’t know what to g) She didn’t tell her parents about her true feelings 11 a) careful    b)  badly    c)  quietly d) quickly    e)  neat    f)  angry g) well    h)  different Vocabulary 1  liked    2  flirt    3  called 4  date    5  kissed    6  was 7  have    8  meet 1  live    2  move    3  get    4  had 5  split    6  lost a) Oh, I do.    b)  Neither did I c) Oh, I didn’t.    d)  Me, a) too    b)  neither    c)  did d) do    e)  So 1  One day    2  At first    3  Then 4  That evening    5  Finally 6  That night    7  The next morning a) relaxed    b)  scared c) tired    d)  embarassed e) bored    f)  annoyed g) surprised    h)  confused a) Don’t you like it? b) She talked about me when I was a child c) He was wearing a Dracula costume d) They had a late night last night e) He was very hard to understand f) She wanted a lot more information a) to work    b)  dark    c)  better d) divorced    e)  together f) a postcard    g)  changed h) along Pronunciation a) /wǝr/    b)  /wǝz/    c)  /wǝz/ d) /wɑz/    e)  /wǝr/    f)  /wɜr/ Reading 1  B    2  D    3  C    4  A 1  d    2  h    3  c    4  a    5  g    6  i 7  k    8  j    9  e    10  b    11  f a) She met Onassis b) Because he was the first man to treat her like a woman c) Because he was seeing other women d) She saw a report in the newspaper e) Because his marriage was not happy f) She was crying next to the grave of Onassis Writing 1  C    2  A    3  B a) After stealing a car, they drove out of town b) After driving a few miles, they realized they needed gas c) Before killing the garage attendant, they filled the car with gas d) Before driving away, they stole money from the garage e) After finding the dead man, the police began looking for the killers Possible answer One week later, Bonnie and Clyde went to a bank and they stole a lot of money Before leaving the bank, they killed a security guard Six months later, they were driving their car Some police officers were waiting for them behind some trees at the side of the road When Bonnie and Clyde drove by, the police began shooting Bonnie and Clyde did not have a chance The end was quick D.R © Editorial Macmillan de México, S.A de C.V 2009 a n s w e r k e y  4  Shopping Grammar 100% always usually normally often 0% a) Do you come b) Are you listening c) Do most of your friends work d) Does it rain e) Are the students in your class studying f) Do you read g) Does your father speak h) Is it getting sometimes occasionally hardly ever rarely a) Yes, I b) Yes, I am c) Yes, they d) Yes, it does never a) I am always on a diet b) I hardly ever wear perfume c) I often buy second-hand clothes d) I don’t usually like gold jewelry e) Shopping is rarely a pleasure f) I always get changed after work g) My shoes are sometimes dirty h) I am normally good at choosing gifts Vocabulary a) for    b)  to    c)  to    d)  for e) for    f)  to    g)  to    h)  to a) patterned b) floral c) pinstriped a) I think I’ll buy her some perfume b) I told them a story c) I lent her my car d) He made her a delicious meal e) Why don’t you get her some chocolates? f) He showed her/him his wedding album g) Give her/him the ticket h) I sent her/him a letter last week a) She told to me all about her new job b) ✓ c) ✓ d) I gave for my brother a gold pen on his birthday e) She lent to me her new car f) ✓ g) I showed to her my new cell phone h) ✓ i) My parents got for me some silly socks a) paint c) matches e) gum g) perfume d) striped e) checked f) plain a) jacket, skirt, pantyhose, top b) gloves, jeans, sweater, raincoat c) earrings, necklace, pajamas, socks d) shirt, suit, tie, vest e) dress, hat, scarf, shoes b) sweater    d) jeans    f) necklace a) 4    b)  2    c)  6    d)  1    e)  f) 7    g)  8    h)  a) wear    b)  get dressed c) get undressed    d)  get changed e) look good on    f)  fit    g)  try on Pronunciation b) to study d) spending f) to take off h) to have 1  to try    2  watching 3  choosing    4  spending 5  to go    6  to get    7  to be 8  talking    9  to eat b) grapes d) scissors f) furniture h) mayonnaise a) gloves c) bracelet e) earrings g) scarf /eɪ/ /aɪ/ always brain exchange great pay plain same decide mind right striped style surprise try /eɪ/: great, sale, latest, amazing, male, female, raincoats, eight, save /aɪ/: designs, prices, sizes, ties, buy, items  a n s w e r k e y 1  c) 1  b    2  c    3  c    4  a    5  a    6  b Writing Paragraph 1: e), f), c) Paragraph 2: d) Paragraph 3: b), a) a) 2    b)  3    c)  1    d)  5    e)  5  In Shape a) cooking c) to finish e) to lend g) going e) Yes, they are f) Yes, I g) Yes, he does h) Yes, it is Listening D.R © Editorial Macmillan de México, S.A de C.V 2009 Grammar adjective good near wet easy far dangerous comparative superlative better nearer wetter easier farther more dangerous best nearest wettest easiest farthest most dangerous Brian   Chris   Ed   Dan   Andy a) Basketball isn’t as dangerous as skiing b) Judo isn’t as interesting as tennis c) Women are better than men at ball games / Women are better at ball games than men d) Swimming is not as good for you as running e) The rules of basketball are easier to understand than the rules of volleyball f) Playing a sport is not as exciting as watching it g) Being in shape is more important for younger people than it is for older people a) The heaviest b) The biggest c) The most crowded d) the wettest e) The hottest f) the most expensive g) the noisiest h) the fastest The most dangerous age for a man’s health is from 50 to 60 Exercise is very important, but not as important as a healthy diet A bad diet is the New American Inside Out biggest reason for health problems Vegetables are better than fast food, for example People with the most stressful jobs have a shorter life than people who have no stress They should try to relax They should exercise more than once a week A hard, sweaty sport is not as good for your health as regular, easy exercise a) has given up coffee b) hang up your clothes / hang your clothes up c) deal with problems d) look words up / look up words e) taken care of a baby f) filled in a form / filled a form in g) throw away old love-letters / throw old love-letters away h) make up an excuse / make an excuse up i) get along with the people f) three-nil g) one and a half a) one eighth b) five and a half c) one and two thirds d) seven point five per cent e) point six seven five f) point three three g) two thousand, nine hundred and seventy-six h) one million, five hundred thousand a) his neighbors    b)  shoes c) car    d)  a novel    e)  keys f) the office a) run after c) deal with e) take after g) bring up a) Don’t forget to turn it off b) I take after him c) My grandparents brought her up d) He decided to give it up e) Please put them away f) The children cleared it up g) We had to call it off h) They ran after it as fast as possible i) She never takes them off in the house Pronunciation a) first, third, turn, windsurf, work, worst b) course, court, score, sport, more, four /ɜr/ /ɔr/ earn person serve thirst board form morning story Vocabulary b) clear up d) fill in f) get along with h) look up a) Don’t be mean! b) Don’t worry c) Come back! d) Be patient e) Try again f) Be careful! a) golf, skiing, soccer b) golfer, runner, skier c) court, field, swimming pool d) goggles, helmet, net 1  goes    2  goes    3  does    4  plays    5  plays    6  does 7  does    8  plays    9  goes Reading Great Olympic Losers a) Eric Moussambani b) Eddie Edwards c) Shizo Kanaguri a) EE    b)  SK    c)  EE    d)  EM e) SK    f)  EM    g)  SK    h)  EE a) 2    b)  4    c)  1    d)  3    e)  f) 8    g)  5    h)  Writing a)  fast    b)  well    c)  often d)  much    e)  long    f)  far g)  old    h)  many 1  C    2  A    3  B a) five hundred b) point five c) three quarters d) one point seven five e) seven thousand, one hunded and eighty-four New American Inside Out  a) 5    b)  4    c)  7    d)  6    e)  f) 3    g)  a) Although we arrived early, there was a very long line b) Although the tickets were very expensive, we didn’t have a very good view / The tickets were very expensive, although we didn’t have a very good view c) Although the match was very exciting, it was very long / The match was very exciting, although it was very long d) Although nothing much happened in the first half, the second half was fantastic / Nothing much happened in the first half, although the second half was fantastic e) Although Chivas won the game, they were not the better team / Chivas won the game, although they were not the better team f) Although I enjoyed the game, my friends thought it was boring / I enjoyed the game, although my friends thought it was boring 6  Job Grammar 1 a flight attendant an au pair a) Does she have to wear a uniform at work? b) Can she travel free to different countries? c) Does she have to have a college education? d) Can she sit down much in her job? e) Does she have to pay for somewhere to live? f) Can she wear her own clothes? g) Does she have to like young children? h) Can she invite her friends to dinner? be bring buy drink fly know meet read ring say spend teach think was/were brought bought drank flew knew met read rang said spent taught thought been brought bought drunk flown known met read rung said spent taught thought a) has she had b) ’s/has had c) Have you ever worked D.R © Editorial Macmillan de México, S.A de C.V 2009 a n s w e r k e y  d) ’ve/have never been e) ’ve/have ever eaten f) ’ve/have liked g) ’ve/have always wanted a) Have you ever been on TV? b) Have you ever worked as an au pair? c) Have your parents ever forgotten your birthday? d) Has your teacher ever made a joke in class? e) Have you ever seen a ballet? f) Have you ever voted in a political election? g) Have you ever ridden a motorcycle? 7 10 11 12 have had ’ve / have ever had started needed ’ve / have ever made didn’t / did not like felt was sold said haven’t / have not sold decided a) job    b)  job    c)  job d) work    e)  work    f)  job g) work 1  for    2  in    3  of    4  in    5  Ø 6  as    7  for    8  to    9  Ø 10  for/with/in    11  at    12  for a) hole punch b) trashcan c) in-box, out-box d) briefcase e) paper clip, stapler f) photcopier, printer g) keyboard, mouse h) notepad, Post-its® i) bookshelf, filing cabinet Listening cook, pilot Do you have to be strong? Do you have to wear a uniform? Do you need any training for this job? Do men usually this job? Do you travel a lot in this job? Do you work indoors? Do you work normal office hours? a) when I was eighteen b) this week c) yesterday d) last summer e) recently f) today g) over the years Vocabulary a) pilot    b)  farmer    c)  soldier d) au pair    e)  flight attendant f) engineer    g)  surgeon h) butcher    i)  DJ Game Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Game Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Writing a) actor b) tourist guide c) CEO d) vet e) archaelogist f) cook g) telesales person a) 4    b)  6    c)  3    d)  1    e)  f) 2    g)  a) a day c) a decision e) two weeks g) a part-time job b) permission d) a break f) a living h) money a) find    b)  have /take / get c) have / take    d)  have / take e) make    f)  lose    g)  ask    h) make a) 7    b)  4    c)  5    d)  6    e)   f) 3    g)  a n s w e r k e y a) Sincerely, c) Best wishes, e) Lots of love, b) Sincerely, d) All the best, 7  Eco Grammar a) What you recycle? b) ✓ c) How many plastic bags you throw away every week? D.R © Editorial Macmillan de México, S.A de C.V 2009 d) ✓ e) ✓ f) Do you ever pick up trash in the street? g) ✓ h) Which political party you usually vote for? a) Who grows vegetables in her backyard? b) What does she hate? c) What does she recycle? d) Who wears second-hand clothes? e) Who eats organic bread? f) What they worry about? g) Who they support? h) What don’t Sarah’s children care about? i) Who loves traveling by plane? a) Does your town have good public transportation? b) The protesters have banners with political slogans c) ✓ d) We don’t know how to stop the war e) She wants to help polar bears and penguins f) ✓ g) They don’t believe in democracy h) ✓ 1  is taking    2  are working 3  has    4  want    5  is looking 6  thinks    7  knows    8  seem 9  are organizing a) P    b)  F    c)  F    d)  P    e)  P f) F    g)  P    h)  F What are we going to tonight, Veronica? I’m tired I’m going to have an early night What about tomorrow? Are you going to be free in the evening? Yes, but I’m not going to go out I want to watch TV Are you going to come with me to my parents on Saturday? No, I’m going to see Tony and Carla this weekend Veronica, when are we going to get married? I’ve already told you, Barry We’re never going to get married a) What time are you going to go to bed tonight? b) What are you going to have for lunch tomorrow? New American Inside Out c) What are you going to after the class? d) What are you going to this weekend? a) She’s arriving in Santiago at 10 o’clock b) She’s having lunch with Carlos, the Area Manager, at o’clock c) She’s calling the office at o’clock d) She’s going to the museum at o’clock e) She’s meeting the Mendes family at o’clock Vocabulary a) She hasn’t got much self-confidence b) ✓ c) How many credit cards have you got? d) Have they got any children? e) ✓ f) You’ve got a message from the director g) ✓ h) He’s got beautiful dark eyes Pronunciation a) globalization b) demonstration c) revolution d) destruction e) modernization f) solution g) pollution h) education 1  in    2  about    3  about    4  in 5  of    6  against    7  support 8  anti Could I speak to Ms Harrison, please? Who’s speaking? Hold on a moment, please I’ll try to put you through I’m afraid Ms Harrison is out Would you like to leave a message? Please tell her that I called a) carbon footprint b) mass-produced clothing c) global warming d) recyling bin e) plastic bags f) public transportation g) fossil fuels h) renewable energy New American Inside Out  a) I think they should b) My idea is that there should c) My suggestion is that people should d) I suggest that the city should 8  Education a) arrive    b)  abroad    c)  war a) Emma didn’t have to go to school that day b) She didn’t have to go to work c) She couldn’t call anybody d) She couldn’t go and see her e) She couldn’t go and see a movie f) She didn’t have to buy any food g) She didn’t have to clean it Grammar 1  part    2  slogans    3  urgent 4  broke    5  way    6  swarming a) demonstration b) destruction c) education d) globalization e) modernization f) organization g) pollution h) revolution i) solution f) The city is building new trams as they are cleaner than buses /ɑ/ /æ/ /ʌ/ carbon farmer father job large march back bag fast jazz match plastic government Monday much public something worry Reading a) 4  Police stop demonstrators b) 3  New water problems c) 6  Wine growers in trouble d) 5  Travelers want more information 1  c    2  d    3  a    4  b a) became worse b) factories that change sea water into fresh water c) stop d) plans or actions a) T    b)  F    c)  F    d)  F    e)  F f) T    g)  T    h)  F Writing a) All men had to two years of military service b) Women didn’t have to military service c) New soldiers had to take a medical examination d) You couldn’t have long hair in the army e) You could train to be an engineer in the army f) Married men couldn’t live with their wives g) Men with college diploma could become officers a) Yes, he did b) Yes, they could c) Yes, they d) Yes, I can e) Yes, she did f) Yes, he does No, he didn’t No, they couldn’t No, they don’t No, I can’t No, she didn’t No, he doesn’t The writer gives four ideas, not three a) 2    b)  1    c)  3 a) Business people travel by air since the trains are too slow b) Most people don’t pick up trash because they don’t think about it c) Nobody recycles their bottles because there are no recycling bins d) Offices don’t use recycled paper since it is more expensive e) People don’t like to use the subway as it is dangerous in the evenings a) 8    b)  6    c)  4    d)  2    e)  f) 5    g)  3    h)  a) You must to learn ten new words every day b) Your best friend shoulds speak to you in English for one hour every day c) You shouldn’t worrying about making mistakes d) You should to study for your English test e) You are must attend every class f) You should to enjoy your studies as much as possible g) You should not use a dictionary too often h) You mustn’t translate everything D.R © Editorial Macmillan de México, S.A de C.V 2009 a n s w e r k e y  a) You can’t smoke in the restaurant b) You shouldn’t play your music so loud c) Do we have to wear a seatbelt? d) Everyone had to take an entrance exam e) Can I bring some friends home after school? f) When could you leave school? g) I didn’t have to lose weight h) You should come home early Listening c) Training to be a geisha in four weeks Pronunciation a) 7    b)  6    c)  3    d)  5    e)  f) 4    g)  a) shoes    b)  wash    c)  catch d) chair    e)  church a) T    b)  F    c)  F    d)  T    e)  T f) T    g)  F    h)  T /ʃ/ /tʃ/ accommodation finish permission special sure child choose each research rich Writing a) T    b)  T    c)  F    d)  F    e)  T f) F a) costs    b)  training    c)  become d) study    e)  move    f)  qualify g) play 1) took    2)  pass    3)  take 4) taken    5)  fail    6)  failed 7) pass    8)  take I’m haven’t I’ve wasn’t didn’t don’t it’s that’s a) apply    b)  make    c)  have d) share    e)  have    f)  avoid I don’t have much news I’m studying English in the evening, and it’s good fun I’ve made lots of friends in the class, and we’re going to have a party at the end of the month I haven’t made any plans for the summer, but I’m definitely coming to your wedding a) philosophy c) literature e) economics g) chemistry b) art d) history f) geography h) biology I am have not I have was not did not not it is that is a) Oh, I’m not so sure b) Oh, no, I don’t agree with that c) Oh, yes, I agree d) Absolutely e) Oh, I’m not so sure f) Well, it depends 9  Smile a) doing c) drinking e) to understand g) to go a) pre-school c) high e) college h) place b) elementary d) subject f) course When I was at high school, I was one of the best students in the class, but I always had a problem with spelling My best subjects were technology and physics I wanted to a n s w e r k e y b) to retire d) to buy f) to live h) playing b) for e) for h) for c) for f) since b) been e) gone c) gone f) been a) been d) been a) have they been doing b) have/’ve been sitting c) have you been feeling d) have not / haven’t been sleeping e) Have you been working f) have/’ve been getting g) have not / haven’t been standing A: Have you known B: have/’ve been going A: have you been reading B: have/’ve had A: Have you been B: have/’ve been waiting A: Has she worked / Has she been working B: has/’s had A: have you been studying B: have/’ve always wanted a) She has been working as a DJ for two years b) He has / He’s been cooking the dinner for thirty minutes c) They have / They’ve been in Colombia since last Friday d) I have / I’ve known my English teacher since 2005 e) She has / She’s been cleaning the house since very early this morning f) He has / He’s been going to the dive center for five months g) They have / They’ve had their car since last November h) We have / We’ve been renting this house for twenty years Grammar a) since d) since g) since a) How long have you been playing the guitar? b) We have been living here since last summer c) What have you been doing since you arrived? d) I have not been working there for very long e) How long has he been waiting for you? 7 a) 7    b)  5    c)  2    d)  4    e)  f) 1    g)  Vocabulary  go to college but I failed the entrance exam because they couldn’t read my writing But the second time, I passed and I studied chemistry I’m a research scientist now D.R © Editorial Macmillan de México, S.A de C.V 2009 a) Do you know how long I have been waiting? We’ve been having some problems in the kitchen b) What have you been doing since you left your last job? I’ve been working for the government c) Where have you been for the last six hours? since then I’ve been trying to think of a good excuse New American Inside Out Vocabulary Reading and ankle chest chin elbow finger heel hip knee lip nail shoulder toe thumb waist 1 (usually!) (or 10 including thumbs) 2 2 20 10 a) forehead c) eyelash e) mustache g) teeth b) eyebrow d) cheek f) lip h) chin Suggested answer Wanda has dark, curly hair She also has dark eyes under her thin eyebrows She has pale cheeks and thin lips When she smiles, you can see her straight teeth She has a square chin b) confident    d) bossy    f) ambitious    h) loyal b) affectionate d) faithful f) selfish h) annoying b) addictive d) annoying f) affectionate h) nasty a) to c) meeting e) doing a) T    b)  F    c)  F    d)  F    e)  T f) T    g)  T    h)  T a) a picture of a person b) a businessman c) it looks real d) difficult to see clearly e) a way of doing something Writing b) to turn off d) to have f) studying 10 a) 5    b)  2    c)  4    d)  1    e)  Pronunciation a) island    b)  knee    c)  thumb d) walk    e)  wrinkle a) k    b)  w    c)  b    d)  l    e)  g f) t    g)  d New American Inside Out  a) I didn’t use to like spinach, but I love it now b) Did your parents use to take you to school? c) Where did you use to go for your summer vacation? d) My brother and I used to have fights all the time e) We used to share a room until I was 11 f) ✓ g) Did you use to spend a lot of time with your grandparents? h) Did you use to be very messy? 1  c) First of all    Secondly    Finally 10  Lifestyle Grammar a) mysterious c) aggressive e) selfish g) sensitive b) paragraph D d) paragraph B a) honestly    b)  most importantly c) unfortunately    d)  naturally e) to our surprise a) nasty c) aggressive e) mysterious g) addictive a) paragraph C c) paragraph A e) paragraph E Picture a a) shy c) sociable e) sensitive g) easygoing e) will/‘ll go want f) is not / isn’t will/‘ll find g) will/‘ll tell get a) you will lose at least five kilos b) you will be relaxed and positive about life c) you will have much more energy d) relationships with your friends will be happier e) your general fitness will get better f) you will think differently about food g) your friends will tell you you look great Possible answers a) As a child, I used to cycle to school every day b) The roads used to be quiet and safe c) Used to is not possible here d) I used to clean it every day e) My best friend used to be a boy named Tom f) Used to is not possible here g) He didn’t use to be a very reliable friend h) Used to is not possible here i) Used to is not possible here Possible answers There used to be fewer people People didn’t use to drive to work There used to be horses on the road The roads used to be less busy There didn’t use to be any tourists There didn’t use to be advertisements Vocabulary 1  life   2  shape   3  brisk   4  does 5  network    6  extended    7  hurry    8  sunset He probably won’t lose at least five kilos He won’t be relaxed and positive about life He probably won’t have much more energy He won’t think differently about food 3 a) c) e) f) leaves b) comes will/’ll say d) will/’ll think does not / doesn’t eat eats g) asks a) peach c) trout e) pepper g) carrot i) cucumber k) chicken a) lemon c) tomato e) nut g) beans b) grape d) shrimp f) garlic h) eggplant j) lettuce l) sausage b) cauliflower d mushroom f) cherries h) sardine 4 a) get will meet b) is not / isn’t will/‘ll take c) get will/‘ll ask d) are/‘re will/‘ll look a) 3    b)  4    c)  5    d)  7    e)  f) 6    g)  D.R © Editorial Macmillan de México, S.A de C.V 2009 a n s w e r k e y  a) bumper c) tire; trunk e) engine; hood g) sunroof b) steering; gears d) windshield f) brake h) plate 1  got    2  broke    3  ride    4  ran 5  rush    6  passing Speaker Speaker Speaker What color is it? What special features does it have? ✗ Beds, kitchen, table, bathroom, TV, luggage on roof How fast does it go? a) 3    b)  2    c)  Pronunciation a) high    b)  new    c)  onion d) uncle /ɪ/ /e/ active pill spinach system windshield extended fresh heavy leather vegetable /ɑ/ /ʊ/ positive hot knock officer watch good pull should took would white red Black windows, cocktail bar, wide screen TV Car stereo ✗ ✗ Where Colorado would you like to go in your car? Hollywood Monte Carlo Who Grandwould you children like to take with you? friends during + noun while + phrase (subject + verb) a) during    b)  while    c)  while d) While    e)  during    f)  during g) while Grammar Speaker Speaker Speaker ✓ How fast does it go? ✓ ✓ ✓ Where would you like to go in your car? ✓ ✓ ✓ Who would you like to take with you? ✓ ✓ ✓ a) who    b)  who    c)  that d) that    e)  that    f)  that a) A Mexican man says that he has a duck that drinks beer and can understand him b) A group of dolphins saved a man who was swimming near a great white shark c) Shoppers in Virginia were surprised to see a deer that was in the grocery store d) Indian newspapers have reported the death of a tortoise that lived to the age of 255 e) Animal rights protesters who wanted to free a tiger from a circus changed their minds when they saw the animal a) saw c) came e) asked 10 a n s w e r k e y Insects: cockroach, bee, ant, mosquito, butterfly, fly, wasp Baby animals: calf, foal, kitten, puppy, chick Speaker 1: car b Speaker 2: car c Speaker 3: car a ✓ Christina Aguilera Writing 11  Animals What special features does it have? Vocabulary 1 ✓ A: These are great pictures What kind of animal is that? B: That is a galago It’s also called a bush baby A: Is that a kind of monkey? B: Yes, that is right A: And in the next picture, what’s that in its mouth? B: It’s a baby They’re animals that carry their babies in their mouths A: That is really strange! Others: cat, hen, dog Listening What color is it? More than 300 km/ hour a) afraid b) fascinated c) terrified d) allergic e) interested f) crazy a) on    b)  in    c)  up    d)  on e) in    f)  off    g)  up 1  could    2  sorry    3  worry 4  mind    5  problem    6  think 7  afraid    8  never    9  wondering 10  wonderful Pronunciation a) bear    b)  dare    c)  ear d) here    e)  where /er/ /ɪr/ affair careful chair rarely square beard career near steer year Reading a) dragon    b)  unicorn c) phoenix 1  B    2  C    3  A    4  D b) would you try d) would you f) would you feel D.R © Editorial Macmillan de México, S.A de C.V 2009 a) were real    b)  animal c) an untrue story    d)  illnesses New American Inside Out 4 a) After walking through the mirror b) Because it thought that girls were magical c) In the nineteenth century d) They did not agree about the head e) A rhinoceros f) They used it in medicines a) were made; bought b) played; was won c) read; was written d) was caught; stopped e) was given; didn’t like Writing a) instance    b)  like a) Some animals are very cheap to take care of A goldfish, for example, costs almost nothing / Some animals are very cheap to look after For example, a goldfish costs almost nothing / Some animals are very cheap to take care of A goldfish costs almost nothing, for example b) Young children love baby animals like puppies and kittens c) Have you thought of getting something original, such as an iguana? d) Some people are allergic to cats My father, for instance, can’t go near them / Some people are allergic to cats For instance, my father can’t go near them 12  Incredible Grammar 1  b    2  a    3  b    4  b    5  a    6  b 1  was    2  heard    3  realised 4  had died    5  looked    6  saw 7  asked    8  had lost    9  took 10  had gone    11  had died 12  learned    13  had visited a) are made b) are found c) cook d) are usually driven e) happened f) were done New American Inside Out  Listening 1  c    2  a    3  b    4  e    5  d 1  c    2  a    3  e    4  b    5  b    6  c    7  d    8  e 1  will    2  might    3  will 4  won’t    5  won’t    6  might Vocabulary a) do; take c) take; get e) do; go g) make; make b) go; have d) take; get f) do; make h) take; have 1  sunny    2  cloudy    3  dull 4  windy    5  rain    6  foggy 7  freezing    8  storms    9  wet 10  snow a) enormous c) hilarious e) gorgeous g) delicious b) impossible d) fantastic f) incredible h) exhausted Writing a) location c) outside b) history d) inside a) 1    b)  2    c)  2    d)  1    e)  f) Suggested answer a) hilarious b) difficult c) delicious d) enormous e) strange (difficult, good) f) exhausted g) pretty (strange) h) fantastic Pronunciation a) ice c) snow e) art g) how i) made k) four a) The fact that four million US Citizens have had some kind of alien experience b) A book about the Egyptian Pyramids c) Reading horoscopes d) The fact that horoscope websites make millions of dollars every year e) Global warming b) guest d) match f) dull h) dear j) fog l) work Rila Monastery is one of the most beautiful buildings in the whole of Bulgaria It is situated in the fabulous Rila Mountains in the attractive west of the country It was built in the fourteenth century, but was destroyed in a fire It was later rebuilt, and it is now an interesting museum The gorgeous road to the monastery follows a pretty valley through the forest After parking the car in the parking lot, you go through two large doors into the monastery Most people are not prepared for the incredible beauty of what they see inside a) storm    b)  rain    c)  white d) sad    e)  life    f)  world g) built    h)  broken    i)  love j) found D.R © Editorial Macmillan de México, S.A de C.V 2009 a n s w e r k e y 11 ... was destroyed in a fire It was later rebuilt, and it is now an interesting museum The gorgeous road to the monastery follows a pretty valley through the forest After parking the car in the parking... dangerous Brian   Chris   Ed   Dan   Andy a) Basketball isn’t as dangerous as skiing b) Judo isn’t as interesting as tennis c) Women are better than men at ball games / Women are better at ball games... hole punch b) trashcan c) in-box, out-box d) briefcase e) paper clip, stapler f) photcopier, printer g) keyboard, mouse h) notepad, Post-its® i) bookshelf, filing cabinet Listening cook, pilot

Ngày đăng: 24/03/2023, 13:03
