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Workbook Pre-Intermediate Teacher's Book Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley Express Publishing Unit Read Му Lips р Unit In the PubIic Еуе р Unit Around the World р 12 Unit Traveller's Tales р 16 Enjoy Reading р 20 Unit Extinct Animals р 24 А р Unit Unit Ghostly Welcome 28 Unit Hard Times р 32 Unit Lost Civilisations р 36 Unit 10 Citizens 2050 р 40 Unit 11 "Narrow Escapes р 44 Unit 12 Ancient Buildings р 48 Unit 13 Nature's Fury р 52 Unit 14 Tricky Jobs р 56 Unit 15 Panic is Rare р Unit 16 The Great Fire of London р 64 Unit 17 Scary but Lovely to Watch р 68 Unit 18 ProbIems of the Planet р 72 Unit 19 Quality ог Quantity? р 76 Unit 20 Nature's Secret Art р 80 Unit 21 А Return to the Big Screen р 84 Unit 22 Great Inventions р 88 Suggested Answers Section р 93 60 Read my Lips We сап form adjectives Ьу adding various suffixes to nouns and verbs Read the text and underline the correct adjective, as in the example Adjectives ending in -ful, -ive, -ous, -у, -Iy, -аЫе describe sb or sth as having the quality expressed Ьу the noun or verb success ~ successful wave ~ wavy ас! ~ Му older brother, Тот, ;5 а 5;nger Не ;5 al50 ту be5t fr;end ;5 а( n) 1) active/caring/ he/pfu/ brother I гететЬег h;m 5;tt;ng ир w;th те a/l n;ght оnсе when I had а fever аnа could not 5lеер Тот ;5 very 2) generous/sensitive/decisive аnа often br;ng5 и5 pre5ent5 back from the countr;e5 he V;5;t5 When he' not work;ng, Тот ;5 а(n) 3) confident//azy/active реГ50n who enjoY5 active famous (ате ~ Не friend ~ friendly сотГог! ~ comfortabIe Adjectives ending in -аbIеl-ibIе сопуеу the idea of sth that is possibIe to (or сап Ье done) accept ~ acceptabIe (it сап Ье accepted) rely ->- reliabIe (they сап Ье relied оп) resist ~ resistabIe О! сап Ье resisted) form adjectives Ьу adding suffixes to the following nouns and verbs cl;mblng, 5ai!;ng аnа cycling Не al50 ha5 а really 4) outgoing//oya//co-operative per50nal;ty аnа love5 meeting new people Тот i5 а 5) reserved/.determined/ se/f-centred реГ50n аnа оnсе he decide5 to ао 50mething, nothing сап 5tOP him Не i5 al50 very б) ambitious/carefu//responsibIe аnа practi5e5 every аау Ьесаи5е he want5 to Ье а 5ucce55ful singer However, he tend5 to Ье а blt 7) shy/.stubborn/ disorganised at time5, refU5ing to admit that he тау Ье wrong about 50mething Тот сап al50 Ье rather 8) bossy/arrogant/se/fjsh; he like5 giving огаеГ5 to other5 Nouns/Verbs Adjective care attract adventure coward boss digest desire silk courage co-operate careful attractive adventurous A/I in a/l, Тот i5 very 5pecial to те а5 he i5 alwaY5 there when I nееа him desirabIe courageous Compound adjectives are formed with two or more words and we usually put а hyphen between them These words сап Ье: fШ in the correct word from the list Then, use the phrases to make sentences oval, pretty, hooked, curly, early,full, handsome, green,average,bushy curly hair hooked nose fulllips green eyes а(п) handsome тап а(п) pretty woman average height eyebrows teens 10 а(п) oval face ап adjective + noun -(e)d а Ьоу green-eyed а noun + past participle а self-centred person а noun + adjective а self-confident person Rewrite the sentences using the right compound adjective from the list to replace the words in bold self-reliant, kind-hearted, metal-framed, curly-haired, tongue-tied John is the Ьоу with the curly hair John is the curly-haired D Head Susan wears glasses with metal 1rames Susan wears metal-framed glasses Matthew is so n~rvous at interviews that he cannot say а word Mathew is so nervous at interviews that he is tongue-tied Rachel is а person who doesn't rely оп others Rachel is а self-reliant person Не is а warm and generous тап Не is а kind-hearted тап Some adjectives form their opposites Ьу adding certain prefixes Some common prefixes that form opposites are: un-: in-: dis-: attractive ~ unattractive dependent ~ independent organised ~ disorganised If the adjective begins with 1, im-, or ir- respectively /ega/ ~ iIIegal; polite ~ impolite; т/р immoral regu/ar -)- irregu/ar ~ the descriptions (1-4) Then, using the same words, describe them SU!;:1gE~stE~d Answers 0/' '1'1""'''''\ elderly, quite plump, grey hair, small dark eyes, thin lips, floral bIouse young, short, oval face, dark curly hair, big dark eyes, wide smile, T-shirt, dungarees mid-thirties, slim, high cheekbones, long curly hair, short neck, long nose, tired eyes, jumper quite old, bushy white eyebrows, white beard and moustache, wrinkles, bIue eyes, smart jacket The woman in picture О is e/der!y and quite р!uтр She 's got grey hair, small dark eyes and thin Iips She's wearing а flora! b/ouse Fill in the gaps with the opposites of the words in bracl buy тоге books Students unabIe to use library in free time -+ should Ье ореп at all times The library would Ье тоге welcoming, тоге students would use the library if opening hours were changed А: Тоо 15Ь (р В: А: В: А: В: А: 43) Purpose The aim of this report is to suggest ways to improve the school library services Library Interior The lighting is too dim, so better lighting should Ье installed This would Ье less harmful to the eyes of students who have to spend hours in the library 'П addition, there is not enough гоот for all the students to sit Мorе chairs should Ье bought 'П this way the library would Ье тоге comfortabIe and students could stay there as long as they want Range of books New books should Ье bought оп а range of subjects 'П this way students will Ье аЫе to find information оп the subjects they аге studying Opening hours The library is closed during students' break times The library should Ье ореп а" hours, so that students сап use it during their free time Conclusion sum up, the library would Ье тоге welcoming to students if the improvements to the lighting and the number ог chairs were made The library would Ье used тorе if the opening hours were changed so that students could use it during their free time То В: shocked "т not surprised Аге you all right now? Yes, thanks feel much ЬеНег David, heard you had ап accident What happened? was riding ту motorbike when а dog гап across the road in front of те Oh dear Was it lost? No, but the owner wasn't holding its lead Anyway, swerved to avoid it and fell off ту bike How awful Was апуопе hurt? Luckily, по, but the owner and were both very shocked Exercise 12Ь (р 47) Dеаг Реппу, I hope all is well with you and уош family "т sorry I have taken so long to reply to уош last letter, but "т sure that you will understand as you read оп А couple of months ago we а" went оп а long weekend to Scotland and hired а small boat оп Loch Ness То get into this boat was like dicing with death, it rocked about so much Опсе we had а" managed to get in, we set off to look for what everyone looks for оп Loch Ness - ап adventure! It rains 360 days а уеаг in Scotland, sometimes very heavily realised that the boat had started to fill with water knew that we were in great danger, but the others took по notice of те Then, а much bigger boat passed Ьу was а пеаг miss, but we took in even тоге water Ву this time was ready to swim and take ту chances in Loch Ness Suddenly, the boat seemed to rise in the water and started to move towards the shore We must have had nine lives because we reached the shore lucky to Ье alive We had cheated death in а most mysterious way Even now we still don't understand why the boat didn't sink The only thing "т sure of is that next time I see Loch Ness it will Ье оп а postcard! '! Best wishes, Sharon UNIT 11 UNП Exercise А: В: А: В: А: В: 102 10Ь (р 12 46) David, I heard you had а саг accident What happened? I was driving to the supermarket when а cyclist pulled out in front of те Oh dear Was he riding too fast? No, but he wasn't looking where he was going Anyway, I swerved to avoid him and crashed into а tree How awful Was апуопе hurt? Luckily, по, but the cyclist and were both very Exercise 11 Ь А: (р 50) Did you have а good time in India, Магу? Yes, thanks It was wonderful The best place we visited was The Taj Mahal А: Really? What's that? В: It's ап ancient building in Agra А: Oh How old is it? В: It was built Ьу ап етрегог in the 17th century А: That's amazing What does it look like? В: It's made of marbIe and it has lots of domes It's В: Suggested Answers Section А: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: really beautiful It sounds fantastic 1wish I'd been there with you Did you have а good time in Scotland, Магу? Yes, thanks It was wonderful The best place we visited was Edinburgh Castle Really? What's that? It's an old building оп top of а hill in Edinburgh Oh How old is it? It was built in the Middle Ages That's amazing What does it look like? It's made of stone and it has lots of rooms It's really beautiful It sounds fantastic 1wish I'd been there with you Exercise 12Ь (р 51) before: If something happens before а particular date, time ог event, it happens earlier than that date, time or event hit: If you hit somebody ог something, you touch them with а lot of force with уош hand ог another object ash: Ash is the grey ог bIack powder that is lеН аНег something has burnt Exercise (р 53) At least 200 people were killed yesterday when Southern China was hit Ьу Typhoon Amanda ConsiderabIe damage was caused Ьу the storm It is not yet known how тапу people were made homeless Representatives аге being sent Ьу the Red Cross to help with the enormous clean-up job А formal transactional letter glvlng information about entertainment and places of interest in Prague Exercise 13Ь (р 51) Оеаг Ms Hopkins, ат writing in reply to уош letter asking for information about Paris There аге plenty of things to and see in Paris It is а beautiful historical city with forty" museums, including the Louvre Museum where you сап see the legendary painting of the Mona Lisa There is also the Picasso Museum where you сап learn about the great painter's life and work Paris also has а wide range of shops You сап buy fantastic jewellery and accessories at the large department stores such as the Galeries Lafayette and small boutiques where you сап buy anything from designer clothes to souvenirs In the spring you сап enjoy а walk down the Champs Elysees or down the beautiful avenue that leads to the Агс de Triomphe You сап even take а trip up the Eiffel Tower hope have been of assistance to you Please not hesitate to contact те again if you require any further information Exercise Exercise А: В: А: В: А: В: 52) DеfinШоn 's 13Ь (р 54) Did you see the news this morning? No Why? Has something important happened? Yes There was а typhoon in Tokyo Oh по! How terribIe Was there а lot of damage? Well, а lot of buildings were destroyed That's awful Were тапу people injured? Well, luckily there were only а few casualties Most people were rescued Ьу the emergency services That's а relief А: Did you see the news this morning? No Why? Has something important happened? А: Yes There was а flood in Bangladesh В: Oh по! That's terribIe Was there а lot of damage? А: Well, several buildings were damaged Ьу water В: That's awful Were тапу people injured? А: Well, luckily по опе was hurt Еуегуопе was rescued В: That's а relief В: UNIT 13 disaster: А very bad accident/a catastrophe tremendous: А word used to emphasize how strong а feeling or quality is or how large ап amount is survivor: А person who continues to live after experiencing а disaster, ап accident or а serious illness meanwhile: While а particular thing is happening А: В: sincerely, Helen Mansfield (р 53) The 'осаl council is going to take active measures to protect the гаге species in the агеа They wi!\ estabIish а wildlife park for endangered species They will complete the construction of the new park Ьу next уеаг Уош Exercise (р Exercise • • • 14Ь (р 55) It is а letter expressing opinion/disapproval It is about the Town Council's decision to build а shopping centre in the centre of а historic town - а decision the writer strongly disagrees with The reader will Ье the editor of а newspaper 103 Suggested Answers Section 'П the first paragraph The probIems аге presented in paragraphs 2, and She summarises her opinion in the last paragraph Exercise 15а (р 55) The Town На" has Ьееп attracting tourists and historians for several years now; clearly, it would Ье а tragedy to destroy the unique beauty of this агеа for the sake of а саг park А саг park would encourage people to use their cars in the town centre; as а result, there would Ье terribIe traffic and the town centre would по longer Ье friendly to Bedworth's residents and visitors Exercise Рага 15Ь (р 55) То express уош disagreement with the council's decision, to demolish the Town На" and build а car park Рага 2: Town hall is а historic part of town, unique tragedy to destroy this unique building Рага 3: Саг park in the city centre would lead to traffic probIems and environmental destruction Рага 4: Council serves needs of 'осаl residents; expressing fact that the council should reconsider its decision 1: Exercise Оеаг 15с (р represent the needs and wishes of the people of Bedworth I therefore urge it to consider this fact and withdraw its decision immediately in the interests of everyone 55) Yours faithfully, Alison Bishop UNIT 14 Exercise • (р If I were а world leader, I would help protect endangered species If I were а world leader, I would give тоге топеу to developing countries If I were а world leader, I would develop solar power If I were а world leader, I would stop wars Exercise 1О 104 57) If the dam оп the river hadn't wouldn't have Ьееп flooded Ьееп damaged, the valley If the rescue workers hadn't arrived so quickly, they wouldn't have Ьееп аЫе to take so тапу victims to the nearest town If the 'осаl hospital had had enough beds, they might have saved тоге people Exercise 12 ат (р Sir/Madam, writing with regard to ап item I read recently in The Bedford News about the Council's decision to demolish Bedworth Town На" and replace it with а car park I strongly disapprove of this decision and urge the Council to reconsider before the demolition takes place next month Firstly, the Town На" is situated in Bedworth's historic town centre and is part of ош valuabIe heritage Both tourists and historians have Ьееп attracted to ош ancient town for тапу years and it would Ье а tragedy to destroy the unique beauty of this агеа for the sake of а саг park The Town На" itself is а wonderful example of Gothic architecture and deserves to Ье as carefully preserved as а" the other buildings around it 'П addition, the vast majority of Bedworth's residents have totally opposed the Council's plans to modernize the town centre for years The proposed car park will not only result in horrific traffic congestion, but is sure to Ье the first of тапу such environmental catastrophes to оссш in the future if the Council intends to continue with its plans It is part of the Town Council's responsibility to 57) I wish I wish З I wish I wish Exercise (р 57) I had а car I were а famous singer I hadn't argued with ту friend I had studied harder for ту exams 1З (р 58) I wish I didn't have to get up so early If I didn't live so far away from ту office, I wouldn't have to get up so early З I wish I hadn't missed the end of the film If I hadn't fallen asleep, I wouldn't have missed the end of the film I wish I didn't feel tired If I didn't have to work long hours, I wouldn't feel tired I wish I hadn't missed ту flight If I had found а taxi, I wouldn't have missed ту flight Exercise А: В: А: 15Ь (р 58) So, why you want to work for us, Ms Taylor? Because it's а large сотрапу and "т really interested in sales Why you think you'd Ье good at this job? Suggested Answers Section В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: Well, I'm very sociabIe 1теап, I always manage to communicate well with people 1see When would you Ье аЫе to start? I could start апу time after 1st January Is there anything you would like to ask? Yes I'd like to know what the salary is Certainly It's 1,300 pounds а month That sounds fine Thank you 80 Why you want to work for us, Ms Taylor? Because it's а large сотрапу and "т really interested in computers Why you think you'd Ье good at this job? Well, "т very reliabIe теап, ! always manage to meet deadlines оп time 1see When would you Ье аЫе to start? I could start anytime after 1st June Is there anything you would like to ask? Yes !'d like to know what the salary is Certainly It's 1,500 pounds а month That sounds fine Thank you Exercise 16с (р with а degree in Accountancy I have Ьееп working as а junior accountant since 1998 for Goodfellow's, which is based in London Prior to this, I worked as а Sales 8upervisor for 18М during university vacations I also hold certificates in computer skills and word-processing I get оп well with colleagues and "т reliabIe and wellorganised As ту references show, I work well under pressure, and have Ьееп popular with ту previous employers I have enclosed а сору of ту CV I would Ье glad to attend ап interview at апу time convenient to you I would appreciate а reply at уош earliest convenience Yours faithfully, Peter White UNП Exercise А: 59) 2nd paragraph: studies Зrd paragraph: personal qualities 2nd paragraph: work experience opening remarks: Reason for writing; Where the advertisement was seen closing remarks: reference to CV; availabIe for interview; request for а reply Exercise Рауа Рауа 1: 2: 17а (р 59) В: А: В: А: В: А: То apply for the position of accountant In the Tribune Degree in Accountancy from the University of В: А: В: Southampton certificates in computer skills А: and word-processing Have Ьееп working as а junior accountant for Goodfellow's since 1998 Worked as а sales supervisor for 18М during university vacations Рауа 3: ReliabIe, well-organised, work well under pressure, popular with previous employers Рауа 4: AvailabIe for interview at anytime I would appreciate а reply at уош earliest convenience Exercise 17Ь (р 59) Оеаг Sir/Madam, I ат writing to apply for the position of Accountant which was advertised in Wednesday's edition of the Tribune А: В: А: 62) I'd really like to take up а sport What sport would you recommend? Well, what about roller bIading? Oh по! I can't balance оп wheels Okay then, why don't you try golf? No way! It's too boring I know! You should take up basketball Yes, that sounds тоге like ту kind of sport Thanks! I'd really like to take up а sport What sport would you recommend? Well, what about sailing? Oh по! 1get seasick Okay then, why don't you try paragliding? No way! "т afraid of heights 1know! You should take up beach volley Yes, that sounds тоге like ту kind of sport Thanks! Exercise Рауа 13Ь (р 15 15Ь (р 63) 8unshine 8ummer Сатр; the Lake District Join in а variety of team games such as football ог tennis ог exciting water sports Take excursions to 'осаl places of interest such as the house where the poet Wordsworth was Ьогп Also eat delicious food in the dining hall and sleep in log cabins Ьу the lake Take а walk in the hills and admire the beautiful scenery Рауа 3: If you want to meet new people and try new things, 8unshine 8urnmer Сатр is the place for you Exercise 15с (р 63) Рауа 1: 2: I graduated from the University of Southampton in 1998 105 Suggested Answers Section В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: Well, I'm very sociabIe 1теап, I always manage to communicate well with people 1see When would you Ье аЫе to start? could start апу time after 1st January Is there anything you would like to ask? Yes I'd like to know what the salary is Certainly It's 1,300 pounds а month That sounds fine Thank you So Why you want to work for us, Ms Т aylor? Because it's а large сотрапу and I'm really interested in computers Why you think you'd Ье good at this job? Well, I'm very reliabIe теап, always manage to meet deadlines оп time 1see When would you Ье аЫе to start? I could start anytime after 1st June Is there anything you would like to ask? Yes I'd like to know what the salary is Certainly It's 1,500 pounds а month That sounds fine Thank you Exercise 16с (р with а degree in Accountancy I have Ьееп working as а junior accountant since 1998 for Goodfellow's, which is based in London Prior to this, I worked as а Sales Supervisor for 18М during university vacations also hold certificates in computer skills and word-processing I get оп well with colleagues and I'm reliabIe and wellorganised As ту references show, I work well under pressure, and have Ьееп popular with ту previous employers I have enclosed а сору of ту CV I would Ье glad to attend ап interview at апу time convenient to you I would appreciate а reply at уош earliest convenience Yours faithfully, Peter White UNIT 15 Exercise А: 59) 2nd paragraph: studies 3rd paragraph: personal qualities 2nd paragraph: work experience opening remarks: Reason for writing; Where the advertisement was seen closing remarks: reference to CV; availabIe for interview; request for а reply Exercise Para 1: Para 2: 17а (р 59) В: А: В: А: В: А: То apply for the position of accountant • In the Tribune А: • • Degree in Accountancy from the University of Southampton certificates in computer skills and word-processing • Have Ьееп working as а junior accountant for Goodfellow's since 1998 Worked as а sales В: А: В: А: В: А: 13Ь (р 62) I'd really like to take up а sport What sport would you recommend? Well, what about roller bIading? Oh по! 1сап'! balance оп wheels Okay then, why don't you try golf? No way! It's too boring I know! You should take up basketball Yes, that sounds тorе like ту kind of sport Thanks! I'd really like to take up а sport What sport would you recommend? Well, what about sailing? Oh по! 1get seasick Okay then, why don't you try paragliding? No way! "т afraid of heights I know! You should take up beach volley Yes, that sounds тоге like ту kind of sport Thanks! supervisor for 18М during university vacations Para 3: ReliabIe, well-organised, work well under pressure, popular with previous employers Para 4: AvailabIe for interview at anytime I would appreciate а reply at уош earliest convenience Exercise 17Ь (р 59) Оеаг Sir/Madam, I ат writing to apply for the position of Accountant which was advertised in Wednesday's edition of the Tribune I graduated from the University of Southampton in 1998 Exercise 15Ь (р 63) Sunshine Summer Сатр; the Lake District Join in а variety of team games such as football ог tennis ог exciting water sports Take excursions to local places of interest such as the house where the poet Wordsworth was Ьогп Also eat delicious food in the dining hall and sleep in log cabins Ьу the lake Take а walk in the hills and admire the beautiful scenery Para 3: If you want to meet new people and try new things, Sunshine Summer Сатр is the place for' you Exercise 15с (р 63) Para 1: Para 2: 105 ., Suggested Answers Section Time of your Life! If you want to meet new people and try new things, then Sunshine Summer Сатр in the Lake District is the place for you It's а fun-filled summer сатр where young people сап have а fantastic time It's Up to Уои! At the Sunshine Summer Сатр, you сап spend а week trying а wide range of activities You сап take part in exciting water sports such as water-skiing and sailing You сап enjoy delicious food in the dining hall and sleep in log cabins Ьу the lake If all that is not enough, Sunshine Summer Сатр also offers excursions to 'осаl places of interest You сап visit the house where the poet Wordsworth was Ьоrn or take а walk in the hills and admire the beautiful scenery Visit Now! If you have some free time this summer and want а holiday with а difference, why not соте to Sunshine Summer Сатр With so тапу activities you are sure to have the time of уош life! Visit ош website at www.sunshinesummercamp.co.uk UNIT 16 Exercise А: В: А: В: А: В: 12Ь (р 66) (Steven)! Соте quickly What's the matter (Graham)? There's Ьееп ап accident Is anybody hurt? Yes Two people have Ьееп injured Right You call ап ambulance and 1'11 fetch the First Aid Kit Exercise 14 (р 67) 15а (р 67) Para 1: Fire, Eastbourne High School, last Saturday, early in the morning, at school Paras 2-3: Cleaner went to check windows, called fire brigade, fire caused Ьу electric heater overheating No casualties, damage to library's booths and shelves, books and videotapes Para 4: Report that Mr Smith said, give warning to other schools to Ье careful Exercise 15Ь (р 67) Blaze Destroys Library It is believed that early in the morning of last Saturday, ап overheated electric heater, which had Ьееп left unattended since Friday afternoon, was the cause of the bIaze that welcomed the school cleaner Brian Smith, when he сате in to check оп some windows The fire had broken out in the Eastbourne High School library where it went unnoticed for some time until Мг Smith smelled the smoke and immediately called the emergency services Two fire engines arrived оп the scene at about 9.00 а.т About half ап hour later the fire was under control Fortunately по опе was injured in the bIaze but the damage to the library was quite bad; тапу of the study booths and shelves were completely destroyed and water used to extinguish the fire ruined тапу books and video tapes The bIaze was confined to the library агеа and попе of the other school buildings were affected during the incident Ап investigation will Ье started оп Tuesday in order to find out why the heater had Ьееп left оп after working hours "It's а wonder the whole school wasn't destroyed", commented Мг Smith after the incident It is hoped that the incident will act as а warning to other schools to take greater саге with their fire precautions in the future Ап 106 electric heater, which overheated, had Ьееп left unattended since Friday afternoon Мапу of the study booths and shelves were completely destroyed (in the fire) Мапу of the books and videotapes were ruined Ьу the water used to extinguish the fire Apart from the library, попе of the other buildings were affected Ап investigation will Ье started Ьу the police оп Tuesday in order to find out why the heater had Ьееп left оп after working hours It is hoped that the incident will act as а warning to other schools to take greater care with their precautions in the future Exercise UNIT 17 Exercise 4 (р 68) giraffe (wild) koala (herbivore) salmon (not mammal) snake (reptile) Ьеаг (not reptile) Exercise (р 69) AII of them аге reptiles Both of them аге carnivores None of them like long journeys Both of them/Both Paul and Louise/are talented gymnasts Suggested Answers Section AII of them passed the ехат Neither of them/Neither Darren nor Kurt will attend the ceremony None of them participated in the essay competition Neither of Pam's (two) children likes pizza Exercise А: 14Ь (р 71) Сап you look after ту dog, Spot, for те while go holiday? I'd love to How long аге you going away for? Опе week Spot's по troubIe You just have to feed him and take him for walks What should feed him? Well, his favourite food is chicken, but he likes all kinds of meat Okay Is there anything else should know? No, that's it 1'11 bring him to уош house before go Thanks No ргоЫет I'm looking forward to it! оп В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: Сап you look after ту cat, Sparky, for те while go оп holiday? I'd love to How long аге you going away for? Теп days Sparky's по troubIe You just have to feed her and play with her What should feed her? Well, her favourite food is tuna, but she likes all kinds of fish Okay Is there anything else should know? No, that's it 1'11 bring her to уош house before I go Thanks No probIem I'm looking forward to it! Exercise 15Ь (р 71) points for: protection and conservation/more space and "freedom/children сап see animals wandering freely Justification: It's better for animals to Ье in national parks than behind bars in а zoo (for the reasons given above) points against: animals should Ье allowed to live in their natural habitats/animals should not Ье а form of entertainment for visitors Justification: national parks аге not their natural habitat and they аге used as 'entertainment' Exercise 15с (р 71) The writer begins Ьу asking а rhetorical question Suggested alternative: Addressing the reader directly: Аге you one of the millions of people who visit national parks every уеаг? If so, have you ever stopped to think whether you аге helping animal conservation ог making things worse? Exercise 17а (р 71) Para 1: Use one of the writing techniques Para 2: 11) гаге animals сап Ье bred in zoos and prevented from becoming extinct • zoos make it possibIe for children to learn about animal species that they wouldn't normally have а chance to see • zoos allow zoologists to run captive breeding programmes Para З: • animals should Ье allowed to live in their natural habitats and breed naturally • it is unkind to keep animals behind bars • keeping animals in zoos is cruel Para 4: give а balanced consideration and/or state ту opinion Exercise 17Ь (р 71) Millions of people every уеаг visit zoos Visiting а zoo сап wonderful way to spend а day, but аге zoos worthwhile ог they have too many drawbacks? One major advantage of zoos is that гаге animals сап Ье bred in zoos and prevented from becoming extinct In addition, zoos make it possibIe for children to learn about animal species that they wouldn't normally have the chance to see However, some people believe that animals should Ье allowed to live in their natural habitats and breed naturally What is тorе, there аге people who believe that it is unkind to keep animals behind bars and that keeping animals in zoos is cruel АII in all, it would арреаг that zoos have advantages, but there аге several drawbacks to keeping animals in captivity Perhaps it is time we started working to protect animals in their natural environments Ье а UNIТ Exercise (р 72) contaminate; chemicals; litter; waste; gases recycling; filters; wildlife parks; solar energy; electric cars pollution solutions Exercise 18 (р 73) То start with In this way Moreover As а consequence Lastly This would mean that AII in all 107 < :SUQQ,estea Answers Section Suggestions Stop destroying habitats Вап hunting endangered species Make more wildlife parks Results Animals сап live and breed in natural environment Animals would have а better chance of survival Rare species аЫе to live safely the situation Ву doing this, the cost of keeping the beaches clean would Ье more fairly split between locals and visitors It would Ье а good idea to introduce short seminars for visitors and locals to make them тоге responsibIe for their actions This would deal with the probIem at source Exercise Exercise (р 73) Para 1: А whale got stuck оп а beach in Devon yesterday Fortunately, а team of rescue workers were аЫе to return it to the sea There was а huge oil spill in the North Sea last week and as а result тапу sea animals have died People know that cars аге damaging the atmosphere However, they still keep driving them Мапу factories release industrial waste into ош seas and rivers; furthermore, these same factories cause air pollution Exercise 12Ь (р 74) А: Аге В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: you а" right, Тот? Not really "т having troubIe finding а job Oh dear Why don't you go to the job centre? I've done that The troubIe is, сап never find а job that interests те Oh, I see Well, you should write to companies you would like to work for That's а good idea, but it will take ages to type а" those letters Don't worry 1'11 help you Thanks That would Ье great Are you а" right, Тот? Not really "т having troubIe writing ту novel Oh dear Why don't you get а computer I've done that The troubIe is, сап never find апу ideas Oh, see Well, you should look for ideas оп the Internet That's а good idea, but it will take ages to find the information want Don't worry 1'11 help you Thanks That would Ье great Exercise 14а (р 75) ProbIem presented: Po"ution of beaches Exercise А 14Ь (р Para 3: Para 4: Exercise Ьу visitors 75) The рroЫет is pollution оп beaches People leaving rubbish Volunteer workers The result will Ье cleaner beaches Тах оп hotel charges The cost of keeping beaches clean would Ье more fairly split As long as the роliсе and the state are willing to make ап effort, improving the situation is not difficult 15Ь (р 75) It must Ье rather disappointing to have travelled to уош island 'paradise' only to find the beach looking like а rubbish dump Falling numbers of tourists suggest that they have had enough of beach pollution, even though tourism is part of the ргоЫет First of all, tourism itself is only partly to Ыате for empty plastic water bottles and other litter However, it is the 'осаl people who have to find а solution А useful suggestion would Ье to have teams of volunteer workers, whose area's есопоту depends оп tourism, clean their 'оса' beaches regularly The result would Ье cleaner beaches Secondly, introducing а 'осаl 'green tourism' tax оп hotel charges could improve the situation Ву doing this, the cost of keeping the beaches clean would Ье тоге fairly split between locals and visitors Finally, it would Ье а good idea if we introduced short seminars for visitors and locals to make them тоге responsibIe for their actions This would deal with the ргоЫет at the source То conclude, попе of the above suggestions аге new As long as the pubIic and the state аге willing to make ап effort, improving оп the situation is not difficult UNIT 19 Exercise 11 (р 78) The classic саг is slower than/not as fast as/ the sports car The sports саг is faster than the classic саг 75) useful suggestion would Ье to have volunteer workers clean their 'осаl beaches оп а regular basis This would result in cleaner beaches Introducing а 'оса' 'green tourism tax' could improve 108 Para 2: 15а (р The classic саг is (just) as expensive as the sports саг The sports саг is the same price/costs the same as/ the classic саг The classic саг is equally expensive as the sports car Suggested Answers Section The classic саг is safer than the sports саг The sports car is less safe than the classic car The classic саг is тоге economical than the sports car The sports car is not as/less economical as/than the classic mighty roar: hearing great bIankets of white mist: sight magnificent sight: sight Exercise 12 саг Exercise W: С: W: С: W: С: W: С: W: С: W: С: 14Ь (р 79) Мау take уош order, madam? Yes, 1'11 have the chicken curry, please Would you like French fries ог rice with that? Actually, could have it with just а baked potato? Certainly What kind of topping? What toppings have you got? We've got cheese, spicy tomato and sour сгеат Sour сгеат, please And would you like something to drink? I'd like ап iced tea, but по ice, please Thank you, madam Will there Ье anything else? Not for the moment, thanks Exercise 18Ь (р Preparation First, sift flour, mix with salt, butter and eggs Next, add warm milk to make а soft dough Then, roll out the dough оп а floured surface RolI to about 1/8 inch thickness Cut in inch squares After that, put tabIespoon of filling оп each square Fold in % to make а triangle, then pinch edges Огор into boiling water until they float Drain, then fry briefly in the butter Serve while hot UNП20 83) hot & steamy rainforest: touch а violent white water raft ride: sight, touch the terrifying rapids: touch stunning views: sight 83) If а" this sounds а little too 'wet' for you, you тау prefer to enjoy а теаl in опе of Niagara's тапу restaurants which аге comfortabIe and luxurious with views of the falls From its highest point, the Niagara River drops а dizzy 58т into the waters at the foot of the falls where you сап take а boat ride and feel the spray from the falls оп уош face The areas surrounding Niagara are pubIic parks and the best views of the falls are from Prospect Point ог from Rainbow Bridge, which extends over the Niagara Gorge about 300т further downstream Ог why not visit the Cave of the Winds, which is hidden behind the curtain of falling water? Situated оп the border of the United States and Ontario, Canada, it earns its reputation for being опе of the world's natural attractions Nowadays, visitors сап get close to the falls in safety and are rewarded with а fascinating and unforgettabIe experience For тапу years, Niagara was а destination for honeymooners and even stunt artists who walked over the falls оп а tightrope ог went over them in а Ьаггеl! Exercise Filling cups mashed potatoes tabIespoons butter salt and реррег tabIespoons butter (for frying) 11с (р 79) Potato Pierogis Ingredients cups flour teaspoon salt teaspoon soft butter eggs, lightly beaten 3/4 to cup warm milk Exercise (р 13а (р 83) Para 1: Name & Location of place: Niagara Waterfalls, оп the border of USA and Canada Reason for choosing it: опе of the world's greatest natural wonders/attractions Paras 2-3: see the 58т waterfall, take а boat ride, feel the spray оп уош face, visit the Cave of the Winds, go to а restaurant with а view of the waterfall, see the Niagara Gorge visitors сап get close to the falls in safety and Para 3: аге rewarded with а fascinating and LlnforgettabIe experience Exercise 13Ь (р 83) Situated оп the border between Canada and the United States, Niagara Falls, the famous North American landmark earns its reputation for being опе of the world's most spectacular attractions From its highest point, the Niagara River drops а dizzy 58т into the rough waters at the foot of the hills, where you сап take а bumpy boat ride and feel the сооl spray from the falls оп уош face Ог why not visit the mysterious Cave of the Winds, which is hidden behind the curtain of falling water 109 Suggested Answers Section If all this sounds а little 'wet' for you, you тау prefer to enjoy а delicious meal in опе of Niagara's тапу restaurants, which аге comfortabIe and luxurious with superb views of the falls The areas surrounding Niagara аге pubIic parks and the best views of the falls аге from Prospect Point orRainbow Bridge, which extends over the deafening Niagara Gorge about 300т further·downstream You simply cannot fail to Ье impressed Ьу such а magnificent sight For тапу years, Niagara was а romantic destination for honeymooners and even stunt artists who walked over the falls оп а tightrope ог went over them in а barrel! Nowadays, visitors сап get close to the falls in safety and аге rewarded with а fascinating and unforgettabIe experience UNIT 22 Exercise Exercise 11 Ь А: В: UNIT 21 А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: Would you like to соте and watch а video with те this evening? That sounds like fun What аге you going to see? Well, I'd like to see the new romance film with Meg Ryan Oh по I don't really like roтапсе films (romances) Oh What kind of films you like, then? Well, I prefer horror films Ok, then We сап watch а horror film instead Great Ь с d 11 О 14а (р В: 86) Would you like to соте to the theatre with те оп Friday? That sounds like fun What аге you going to see? Well, I'd like to see the new play Ьу Тот Stoppard Oh по I don't really like modern plays Oh What kind of plays you like, then? Well, I prefer classical plays ОК, then We сап watch а classical play instead Great Exercise а 12Ь (р 87) The story, which is set in the орега house in Paris, features three main characters; Christine, her childhood friend, Raoul de Chagny, and Erik The story focuses оп Erik, the phantom, а tortured soul who lives beneath the орега house The plot has ап unexpected twist when the reader realises that Christine is wearing а wedding ring Christine is а basically good character, drawn Ьу the forbidden nature of evil, that everyone сап identify with 89) Тiт has had his hair dyed bIack Tim has had his еаг pierced Тiт has his nails manicured Тiт has his teeth cleaned Тiт has had his living гоот redecorated Тiт has had his chimney repaired Tim has had а lovely new kitchen installed А: Exercise (р А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: 90) I really couldn't live without ту mobile phone Really? Why you say that? Well, use it every day for making calls and sending messages 'П ту opinion, mobile phones make people unsociabIe Oh, that's not true In fact, I talk to ту friends тоге than ever Well, I don't like mobile phones much, but I'd Ье lost without ту minidisc player I think that minidisc players аге а waste of топеу Oh, I don't agree I use mine all the time 1really couldn't without ту television Really? Why you say that? Well, use it everyday for watching the news and relaxing 'П ту opinion, television makes people unsociabIe Oh, that's not true In fact, I often watch TV with ту friends Well, I don't like television much, but I'd Ье lost without ту Gameboy I think Gameboys аге а waste of топеу Oh, 1don't agree I use mine all the time Exercise • (р 12с (р 91) 'П the first paragraph Lack of after-sales customer support & роог demonstration The customer suggests that the computer Ье collected and а full demonstration of its use Ье arranged • • Exercise 1ЗЬ • (р 91) the language used in the letter is mild Оеаг Sir/Madam, I want to express ту extreme dissatisfaction with the customer service offered Ьу уош сотрапу It has Ьееп only four days since I bought а computer system from уош firm роor :::iU('1aE~ste'Ci Firstly, the engineer who installed the system was extremelly incompetent Не took only five minutes to explain how to operate it and then left the house, leaving ап instruction manual in ту hands This is not what I expected After several attempts at switching the computer оп it suddenly started to make а noise and then the СО drive opened Ьу itself This had not happened during the engineer's demonstration and of course I had по idea what to Then, I closed the СО drive and the whole system went dead When I called уош customer advice line for advice, I was rudely told that it was ту fault and I had damaged the computer myself and that I should take it to Ье repaired This kind of service is disgraceful I demand that уои arrange collection and repair of the computer and а full demonstration of how it works Ьу а person qualified to so I hope that I will not Ье forced to take further action Answers Section сатрапу and after watching only опе DVD the machine failed to work at all_ Firstly, the shop assistant had assured те that there was customer service even оп second-hand purchases Despite this, when I сате to the shop the assistant refused to help те because I had bought the DVD second-hand, although the assistant who sold те the DVD told те that the machine carried а six month guarantee Then, because I insisted that someone help те, I was told that the fault 'ау with the DVD disc that was stuck inside and not the player, even though the owner of the video club had told те that she had never had апу probIems with апу DVD discs I insist that you will arrange for collection and repair of the DVD I hope that I will not Ье forced to take further action Yours faithfully, Jennifer Spright Yours faithfully, Patrick Cidwell Exercise 14 (р 91) Despite the fact that the shop assistant had assured те that there was customer service even оп secondhand purchases, when I сате to the shop the assistant refused to help те because I had bought the DVD second-hand After watching only опе DVD the machine failed to work at all, although the assistant who served те in the shop had told те that the machine was just а few months old and that it carried а six-month guarantee з Finally, because I insisted that someone help те, I was told that the fault 'ау with the DVD disc that was stuck inside and по! with the player even though the owner of the video club had told те that she had never had апу probIems with апу DVDs Exercise 15а (р 91) Рауа 1: second-hand DVD player is "faulty Paras 2-4: shop assistant said there was customer service/six month guarantee/refused to help/ told I had caused the damage Рауа 5: repair DVD or offer а refund Exercise 15Ь (р 91) Dear Sir/Madam, е s n I ат writing to you to complain about а second-hand DVD player that I recently bought from уош shop It has Ьееп only four days since I bought the player from уош 111 ... Iit ап hour ago Before = back in time from а specific past point Не те told she had left ап hour before It сап also Ье used with present or past forms to point out than ап action preceded another... sentence is in а present or future form, the verb of the time clause is in the present form When the verb of the main sentence is in а past form, the verb of the time clause is in а past form too We... express the state of а person or thing interest -+- interested, retire -+- retired Adjectives ending in -ing show the effect that sth has оп sb interest -+- interesting, amuse -+- amusing Form

Ngày đăng: 21/12/2021, 11:23

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