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Unit6 additional activities

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-self Pronouns (ReflexivePronouns) A mirror reflects A reflexive pronoun reflects the subject of the sentence Examples: You see yourself in the mirror I don't need any help I can it myself Subject Pronoun I you he she it we you they Reflexive PronQun myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves Put the right -self pronoun in eaf;hblank We usually speak English among Student Union at the No one can practice English for you You have to it You should practice among The officials talked among A machine can't move by The woman sang the song by No one told me about it I saw it Carlos taught ~ = how to speak English 209 \ I ~ ( r L @1 Superlatives When we compare two things or pedple, we use the comparative forms -er than, more than, better than, worse than, and farther than When we compare three or more things or people, we use the + adjective + -est for adjectives of one syllable Example: Tom is the oldest studenhn the class We use the most + adjective for adjectives of three or more syllables Example: Ann is the most intelligent student in the class Irregular forms: Examples: good bad far - better than worse than farther than - the best the worst the farthest Arm is the best student in the class Sarah is the worst student in the class .' Mary ran the farthest Spelling: Use the 1-1~1 rule big =biggest Put the superlative form of the adjective in the blank Use the (beautiful) Switzerland (expensive) A Rolls Royce is one of in the world (good) This morning Kumiko wrote (tall ) composition Who is that she ever wrote student in the class? (important) (far) Rice is Who drives food for millions of people to come to class? (bad) The the best benefits Black is Who is (dark) (flexible) 210 ~ is country in Europe cars jobs sometimes have calor person in your family? Word Forms Verb freeze Noun freeze Adjective frozen (non€) sweeten mix tropics sweetener mixture tropical sw€et mixed weigh use weight use weighty useful tradition wood religion noise traditional wooden religious noisy 10 (none) (none) (none) (none) Put theright wordform in eachblank.Choosea wordform from Line for Sentence1 Choosea word form from Line 2for Sentence2, and so on The animals can't drink the water because it is Northern Brazil is a area You can An ice cream soda is a ~ your tea with some sugar of ice cre.am CU1d a cola How much does a compact discn ? A computer is a very thing Music is an important Maori houses Hopi not live in What is your ? 10 Some children are very ~ 211 Memo'rize these vt?tbforms Then use the past tense of eachverb in a sentence a b c d Past Tense chose began blew knew Simple Verb choose begin blow know Simple Verb e become f tell g dig h win Past Tense became told dug won Write the past tense of each verb a become b buyc bring d cut e come f find- ' g fight h goi get J see k teach win Use real information to write your answers Imagine that you can go to live with one of the groups of people in Unit for one year Who you want to live with? W~? Which group of people in Unit has the most difficult life? Why you think so? In what ways is modern life good for traditional people? In what ways is it bad? 212 Em1 " 'L'- I._L "-=._~ n I- _.cLL.- \Al_ I J Before You Watch You have read about the Hopi people of Arizona Writ!; down two facts that you already know about the Hopi a b These words will help you understand words and their definitions Congress - a government United States the video Read the group that makes new laws in the - a disagreement or argument dispute Navajo - a group of Native Americans who live in parts of Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico reservation - land that is set aside by the government for Native Americans to live on Choose one of the words above for each of these sentences: a Many Native Americans in the United States and Canada live on a b When two groups of people not agree about sOlp-ething, they are having a c The members of often dis,agree about what is best for the country d The Hopi and the both live in the southwestern part of the United States @i 213 As You Watch Two groups of people, the Hopi and the landowners, want the same land As you watch the video, complete each of the following sentences The want the land so that they can use it for hiking, bicycling, and camping The want the land because it was theirs historically .It is also very sacred to them After You Watch Read the following passages Pill in the blanks with information from the video a The landowners businesses in the video are Americans They live in They own and there Some of them, like Bob Alexander, live on land This sacred land belonged to the Hapi long ago: The landowners want the to control the land again They are afraid that they will lose everything b The Hopi are a group of Native Americans They live in Arizona, in communities peaceful They are called "pueblos." The Hopi are and sheepherders They also have exciting ceremonies One famous ritual is called the with live snakes in their Dance The dancers perform Discuss: Who you think the land should belong to? Why? ~ Compar€ Groups Use the diagram below Write the letters of facts that are on.ly true for the Ainu p~ople of Japan in the left circle Write the letters of facts that are only true for the Maori people of New Zealand in the right circle., Write the letters of facts that are true for both groups of people in the middle Ainu a b c d have ye,axlyfestivals have special meeting places live a modern life hunt brown bears Maori e can hear their language on the radio f make houses from grass g grow nce h are increasing in number 215 A : .: n ~ tm1 Who Am I( You and a partner choose rores Partner A is the inteTViewer Partner B chooses a culture from Lessons 1-5 Partner B pretends to be a person from that culture Partner A asks Partner B questions about his or her culture Continue until Partner A knows which culture Partner B has chosen Example: A: Where are you from? B: I am from Norway A: Where you live? B: In the mountains A: What kind of house you live m? B: I live in a tent made of reindeer skin Do you know who I am? A: Yes, you are a Sami from Norway 216 tmJ 'I.-'L r- 1._-, :~-'n _I- _.c I 'AI_ ! J Choosing the Correct f)fefinition Words often have more than one meaning Read all of the different meanings of the noun light light /lalt/ noun (no plural) energy from the sun, electric lights, fire, etc., that allows UPto see (no plural) sunshine, daylight: He walked out of the house and into the light something tha t prod uces light, such as light bulbs or lamps: When it is dark, we turn on the lights something thaJ can start a fire, such as a match: She took out a cigaretteand aske,dherfriend for a light a traffic signal: Turn right at the next light a way of understanding: He now looksbackon his lifeand sees it in a new light Now read each of the following sentences How is the word used in each sentence? Which definition is correctfor each sentence? Write the numher of the definition next to each sentence Example: Please turn out the lights before you leave Excuse me, you have a light? I hope we'll get there while it's stil11ight out~ide The light was shining down through the trees The speeding car did not stop for the red light After Dennis listened to the Hopi side of the story, he understood the dispute in a completely different light '-"" "" @i 217

Ngày đăng: 24/03/2023, 11:41


