tiếng anh tiếng anh
For eachsentence,choosetheword or phrasethat meansthesameas the word in bold type.Do not useyour dictionary Theboldwordsarenew in this unit Paul was born 25 years ago He is 25 years old a again c before b after today nO\\T d leave We don't need these papers any more Let's burn them a put them in a fire c keep them b read them d store them You can seebeautiful pictures at an art museum You can see interesting things about science at a sciencemuseum Many museums belong to the government a a building with beautiful or interesting things to look at b a store that sells paintings and other beautiful things c an aquarium or zoo d a place where scientists work Ann studied very~hard for the test today She is a good sPJden.t She will probably get a good grade a maybe c 50 percent sure b cannot d almost 100 percent sure You cannot drink most river water If you drink it, you may get a disease a fish c sea animal b sickness' d thirsty Cotton is an important crop in Egypt Vegetables are an important crop in parts of Mexico Coffee is an important 70 , crop in Brazil a plants that farmers grow b plants near a house c something a country buys from another country d food that a farmer grows Unit 3: Plants The soil near the Nile River is very rich There are many farms there, and the plants grow very well a good clean water c sunshine b dirt or land d fruit and vegetables It is around 25 C (25degrees Celsius) today a hot b cold c in a circle d about Many Brazilian farmers raise coffee on their farms a grow c pick up b find d kill 10 If you want to protect your head, you should wear a hard hat a keep happy c keep safe b make afraid d make alert Context Clues , 71 The Date Palm lesson Before You Read Look at the picture Read the sentences Check (V') True,False, or Don't Know The date palm is tall Most date palms grow in cold places The fruit of the date palm is pOIsonous True False Don't Know 0 0 0 0 The Date Palm the date palm is a wonderful tree People eat dates They feed them to their animals They use the leaves and the wood to build houses They use the wood to build boats They make baskets from the leaves They bum the other parts of the tree to cook their food] rThe date palm came from the rvfiddle East1Seven thousand (7,000) years ~ people in Syria and Egypt ate dates They made pictures of date palms on their stone buildings Today date palms grow in the Middle East, parts of Asia and Africa, southern Europe, and oth~r warm parts of the world (There are more than 2,700 kinds of palm trees Most of them Calli,-otgrow in the Middle East because it is too dry.; The date palm grows there very well (Hundreds of years ago, people in southern Europe and some Arab countries made pictures of palm trees and palm flowers on some of their buildings Today we Gl.l."'l sec tT.cse pictures in art museums People think that the palm tree is beautiful People thought the same thing a long time ago ~ e give food to ~ before now adjective form of south Q basket Vocabulary Put the right word in eachblank The sentencesarefrom the text burn leaves date palm grow southern feed ago wonderful baskets Todaywe can see these pictures in Theyuse the and the wood art museums stone to build houses Today date pahns grow in the Middle East, parts of Asia and Africa, Europe, and other warm parts of the wgrld The is a tree They the other parts of the tree to cook their food: Seven thousand years , people in Syria and Egypt ate dates They make from the leaves Theymade pictures of date palms on their buildings They them to their animals Vocabulary: New Context Put the right word in eachbla1Jk.Theseare new sentencesfor words in the text ' '.' southern pa1nl: wonderful wood burn basket leaves museum feed \ ago dates stone Some trees have very large green Argentina is in the part of South America Marie started to study English five years Stone cannot People bum A science There is a Pam has a small One kind of 10 People dry 11 He has a 12 They 74 Wood can when they make a fire is a very interesting place of fruit on the table in her shoe It hurts her foot tree gives oil People make soap from it and keep them for a long time house It's beautiful the camels several times a day ~ Unit 3: Plants Vocabulary Review Put the right word in eachblank both hearing-impaired sign / weigIl An difficult feeling dance believe stars each other interpreter stomach whole heat speaks two languages Do you that there are farms in the sea? There are a lot of out tonight The sky is beautiful Do you think it is to grow date palms? How tall are you, and how much you Palm trees like the but not the cold The ? says "Please use other door." 8., Love is not a thing It is a 9~ The students usually talk to between classes 10 Bill cleaned his apartment on Saturday 11 The hippo has a very long 12 Do you like to - ? Questions' The asterisk(*) meansyou have to think of the answer.Youcannotfind it in the text *2 *8 How people use the palm tree? What is the name of the fruit of the palm tree? Where did the date palm come from? When did Syrians and Egyptiqns start to eat dates? How many kinds of palm trees are there? Why can't most of them grow in the Middle East? Where can we see beautiful old pictures of palm trees? Why did Syrians and Egyptians make pictures of palm trees? *9 Why date palms grow in the Middle East? 75 Lesson 1: The Date Palm ~ Comprehension: Multiple Choice Put a c~rclearound the letter of thebestanswer People make boats from the a leaves b wood of palm trees c dates d flowers They make baskets from the a leaves b wood c dates d flowers They -a e~oy b.drnce part of the tree to make a fire c burn d.~ow The date palm came from a California b Africa c southem Europe d the Middle East People started to eat dates about a a few hundred b.lOO years_ago c 5,000 d 7,000 Date palms grow c where kiwis live a in the lrnd of the polar bear b in hot or warm places d in cool "p~aces There are more than kinds of palm trees a a few hundred c 2,000 b.lOO d 7,000 People use palm tree a L~ewhole b the leaves rnd wood of the c almost all of the d the fruit and leaves of the ' Main Idea Circle thenumberof the main ideaof the text The date palm grows in the Middle East The date palm is beautiful, rnd people use all of it People made pictures of the date palm, and these pictures are in art museums now 76 ~ Unit 3: Plants " T- t The Water Hyacinth rson ~i ~ I" Before You Read Look at the picture Read the sentences Check (v') True, False, or Don't Know True False Don't Know A water hyacinth is a kind of plant 0 The water hyacinth grows in water D The water hyacinth is poisonous D " ~- The Water H acinth The water hyacinth grows in tropical countries It has beautiful purple-blue flowers, but eve,rybody hates it Why? Millions and millions of these plants grow in rivers and lakes Sometimes the plants become so thick that people can walk on them People cannot travel in boats on the water, and they cannot fish in it The plants stop the water from moving Then the water carries diseases Farmers cannot use the water on their land Now scientists think that water hyacinths can be useful The plants are really a free crop No one has to take care of them They just grow and grow and grow What can farmers use them for? Some fish like to eat them, Farmers can grow these fish in the lakes and rivers Workers can collect and cut the plants with machines Then they can make fertilizer to make their crops grow better They can also make feed for their fann animals ' Maybe it will be possible to make methane gas (CH,J ';~or energy (VVebum gas from petroleum for energy Methane gas can be made from plants.) Then poor tropical countries will not have to buy so much expensive petroleum Maybe in the future people will I love the water hyacinth instead of hating it opposite of loves sicknesses plants a farmer grows Rice lesson Before You Read Look at the pictures Read the sentences Check (1/) True, False, or Don't Know True False Don't Know Rice grows in many countries 0 Rice is an expensive food 0 Rice needs water to grow 0 82 , Unit 3: Plants 4} Rice People all over the world eat rice Millions of people in Asia, Africa, and South America eat it every day of " I their.Iiv:s.So~e people eat almost nothing but rice Rice ISa kind of grass There are more than 7,000 kinds of rice Farmers grow rice in many countries, even in the southern part of the United States and in eastern Australia No one really knows where rice came from Some scientists think that it started to grow in two places They think that one kind of rice grew in southern Asia thousands 6f years ago Someone in China wrote about it almost 5,000 years ago Another ldnd probably grew in West Africa Other scientists think that rice came from India, and Indian travelers took it to other parts of the world There are two main ways to grow rice: Upland rice grows in dry soil Most rice grows in wet soil People in many countries all of the work of growing rice by hand This is the same way farmers worked hundreds of years ago; III some countries, people now use machines on their ricef~ The farmers all use fertilizer Some insects are enemies of rice Farmers poison them People use every part of the rice plant They make animal feed and rice oil from it They also make baskets, brooms, rugs I sandals, and roofs for their houses They burn dry rice plants in fires for cooking rug Lesson 3: Rice \~ sandals land, dirt -0«- ~ // ,; ~~ -.7!{ insects , 83 I Vocabulary Put the right word in eachblank The sentencesarefrom the text brooms rice sandals grass rugs even probably eastern roofs They also make baskets ,and Riceis a kind of West soil insects for their houses People all over the world eat Farmers grow rice in many countries, part of the United States and in Some are enemies of rice Anotherkind Upland rice grows in dry ~ocabUlary: in the southern Australia Africa grew in New Context Put the right word in eachblank Theseare new sentencesfor words in the text even rug roof probably sandals soil rice grass West eastern insects broom In the summer, people like to wear Chicken, instead of shoes , and salad make a good dinner Frank is two years old He wants to play basketball, but he can't pick up the ball under that tree We can have our picnic on the Paul cleaned the garage floor with a The rain comes through the Korea is in the Some Lebanon is in 84 ~ of the old house part of Asia live together in a group Asia Unit 3: Plants ram 10 There are a lot of black clouds in the sky It will 11 Plants must have sun, water, and good 12 Mr and Mrs Cook have a beautiful new for the living room floor Vocabulary Review Match each word in Column A with the word or phrase in Column B that means the opposite Write the letter on the linefollowing the word in Column A Column B Column A bored - a easy large - b cold quickly hate - c d e f cheap collect g interested h pass out enemy difficult heat10 southern I slowly northern small friend expensIve F love Questions The asterisk (*) means you have to think of the answer You cannot find it in the text *1 *2 *6 *7 *8 Why some people eat almost nothing but rice? In what countries is rice an important food? What kind of plant is rice? How many kinds of rice are there? Scientists have two ideas about where rice came from What are they? What does upland mean? Why rice farmers use fertilizer? Why most farmers the work of growing rice by hand? How farmers kill insects? 10 People eat rice What are other ways people use the rice plant? Lesson 3: Rice , 85 Comprehension: True/False/NoInformation WriteT if the sentenceis true Write F if the sentenceisfalse Write NI if thereis no information about the sentence in the text Rice is a kind of grass Rice grows on dry land ond in wet soiL Scientists know that rice came from India Rice grows in the United States There are more than 7,000 kinds of rice Maybe Chinese travelers took rice to India More people grow rice with machines than by hand Farmers use fertilizer to kill insects Chinese farms need more fertilizer than Indian farms 10 People use every part of the rice plant Main Idea Circle the number of the main idea of the text Rice is a very important crop, but nobody knows where it came from People grow rice in many countries Today rice farmers use machines, fertilizer, and poisons 86 ~ Unit 3: Plants t Oranges rsson ~ Before You Read Look at the picture Read the sentences Check (6/) True, False, or Don't Know True False Don't Know Oranges are poisonous D D D D D D 0 D Oranges grow on trees Oranges are difficult to grow Lesson 4: Oranges , 87 4} Oranges Everybody loves oranges They are sweet and juicy They are in sections, so it is easy to eat them Some oranges not have any seeds Some have a thick skin, and some have a thin skin The orange tree is beautiful It has a lot of shiny green leaves The small white flowers smell very sweet An orange tree has flowers and fruit at the same time There were orange trees twenty million years ago The oranges were very small, not like the ones today The orange tree probably came from China Many not planted different kinds of wild oranges grow there today The Chinese started to raise orange trees around 4,400 years grow/about ago Chinese art has lovely old picfurt:> s of oranges and orange trees Farmers in other parts of Asia and the Middle East learned to raise oranges from the Chinese Then they taught Europeans The Spanish planted orange trees in the New World (North and South America) They took them to Florida first Oranges are a very important - crop in, Florida today In English, orange means both a fruit and a color We use the name of the fruit for the calor I 88 , by people ' Unit 3: Plants Vocabulary Put the right word in eachblank.Thesentencesarefrom the text around wild sections lovely skin oranges raise smell seeds shiny thin sweet The Chinese started to orange trees 4,400 years ago and juicy , and some have a They are Some have a thick skin Many different kinds of They are in Chinese art has oranges grow there today , so it is easy to eat them, old pictures of oranges and orange trees Some oranges not have any It has a lot of I green leaves Vocabulary: New Context Put the right word in each blank Th:se are new sentences fm' words in tll£ text quickly sections seeds lovely raise around sweet shines thin wild leaves Skirl fish on farms in the sea Japanese pictures of date palms The Syrians made on stone buildings Plants grow from4 A bird has feathers on its A camel has hair The polar bear and the hippo are There are three The sun animals of the beginning class every day in the desert Dates and oranges are 9, Carlos is fat Pablo is - 10 People started eating dates Lesson 4: Oranges 7,000 years ago , 89 Vocabulary Review Put the right word in each blank interpreter diseases west even museums energy east insects Sweden is better grass roof soil become luck broom sandals of Norway and of Finland Students always Many kinds of The Smiths have very busy at the end of the semester eat farmers' crops all around their house There are also flowers and trees Desert People can get some Tom looked everywhere looked in his car Roberto is an - is very dry from drinking dirty water for his dictionary He - He works in Geneva Tourists usually go to art to see beautiful pictures 10 Your feetJeel cool when you wear 11 Lois is a student than Helen Helen is not a good student 12 The- is on the outside of the house The ceiling is on the inside I Questions The asterisk (*)means you have to think of the answer You cannot find it in the text *5 90 Describe an orange Do all oranges have seeds? Describe an orange tree Where did orange trees probably come from? Who plants wild orange trees? How did Europeans learn to raise oranges? , Unit 3: Plants How did the United States get orange trees? What does orangemean? *9 Why did people in Saudi Arabia eat dates instead of oranges? Comprehension: Multiple Choice Put a circlearound the letterof the best answer.The asterisk (*) meansyou have to think of theanswer Youcannotfind it in the text Oranges are a shiny and green b old and wild Co sweet and juicy d thin and white Some oranges not ve a seeds b sections c flowers d a skin Orange leaves are a shiny b thick c sweet d; wild There are many a shiny b thin orange treeS in China today c wild d thic lc Europeans learned to plant orange trees from farmers in a the Middle East and Asia c China' b Florida d Spain *6 Oranges not grow in a India c Mexico b Sweden d North Africa Main ldea Circle the number of the main ideaof the text Oranges are sweet and juicy with seeds and a skin Orange trees went from Asia to the Middle East to Europe to the New World Oranges probably came from China, and today people all over the world like them because they are sweet and juicy 91 Lesson 4: Oranges ~ The Coffee Plant lesson Before You Read Look at the picture Read the sentences Check (v) True,False, or Don't Know True False Don't Know A coffee plant has leaves D D D D D D D D D Coffee plants grow in hot places Coffee 92 ~ plants are difficult to grow Unit 3: Plants The Coffee Plant How many cups of coffee did you drink yesterday? Where did the coffee come from? There is a good chance that your coffee came from one of these countries: Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, kory Coast, or Ethiopia These five countries produce most of the coffee in the world today Brazil produces about half of the world's crop of coffee beans The coffee plant is really a small tree with shiny leaves A coffee plant grows for about three years before it produces any fruit After that, it produces fruit for about 40 years The coffee bean is the seed of the fruit It's difficult to pick coffee beans Machines can't it well, so people pick most of the coffee beans by hand Workers typically pick between 20 and 40 pounds of coffee beans a day The old way to grow coffee plants is under large trees The trees protect the coffee plant from the sun The trees are also home to many kinds of birds On many modern farms, however, farmers cut down the trees They grow the coffee plants under the sun Large farms can produce more coffee this way Unfortunately, the coffee plants on these farms need more water and more fertilizer And without the trees,the birds don't I have a place to live possibility 50% usually new ' 93 Lesson 5: The Coffee Plant ~ Vocabulary Put theright word in eachblank Thesentencesarefrom the text by hand chance half produce typically modem pick protect unforhmately countries On many farms, however, farmers cut down the trees Brazil alone produces about coffee beans of the world's crop of It's difficult to coffee beans People pick most of the coffee beans The trees the coffee plant from the sun There is a good that your coffee comes from one of these five : Brazil, Colombia, Indoflesia, Ivory Coast, or Ethiopia Workers - , the coffee plants on these farms need more water and pick between 20 and 40 pounds of coffee beans a day more fertilizer These five countries most of the coffee in the world today Vocabulary: New Context Put the right word in each blank Theseare new sentencesfor words in the text by hand chance What half pick protect unforhmately is south of Canada? Feathers produces typically modem country a bird from the cold cars have air bags to protect people Many people make their clothes How people dates from a date palm? , you have two equal pieces When you cut something in The date palm Polar bears , There is no 10 I want to go to the party, but 94 dates live in cold places that she will come with us I need to work Unit 3: Plants VocabularyReview Underline the word that does not belong with the other three oranges, dates, rice, water hyacinth south, east, west, northern leaves, flowers, fruit, insects broom, machine, roof, sandals ocean, lake, desert, aquarium raise, grow, produce, kill expensive, excited, bored, tired hate, save, kill, hurt Questions Theasterisk(*) meansyou have to think of the answer You cannotfind it in the text *5 *7 Which country produces the most coffee? When does a coffee plant start producing coffee beans? For how many years does the coffee plant produce fruit? Why people pick coffee be~ by hand? Why can't machines pick the beans well? Why some fannSt:iuse coffee pl~ts under the sun? Is it cheaper to grow coffee plants under trees or in the sun? Comprehension: True/False/No Information Write T if the sentence is true Write F if the sentence isfalse Write NI if there is no informationabout the sentenceiri the text The coffee plant is a small tree There is only one way to grow coffee plants Most coffee farms are in southern countries A coffee plant typically produces fruit for more than 40 years It's difficult to pick coffee by hand You need less fertilizer and water to grow coffee under trees Farms can grow more coffee when they cut down the trees It's better to grow coffee plants on large farms 95 Lesson 5: The Coffee Plant ~ ~ain Idea Match the details with the main ideas Write the letter of each detail under the correct main idea Main Ideas Old way of growing coffee Modem way of growing coffee Details a b c d e f g h i plants grow under trees plants grow in the sun uses more fertilizer uses less fertilizer produces less coffee produces more coffee cuts down the large trees uses large trees uses less water ,j '"uses more water doesn't provide a home for birds provides a home for birds 96 ~ Unit 3: Plants ... in bold type.Do not useyour dictionary Theboldwordsarenew in this unit Paul was born 25 years ago He is 25 years old a again c before b after today nO\\T d leave We don''t need these papers any... very well a good clean water c sunshine b dirt or land d fruit and vegetables It is around 25 C (25degrees Celsius) today a hot b cold c in a circle d about Many Brazilian farmers raise coffee... fertilizer And without the trees,the birds don''t I have a place to live possibility 50 % usually new '' 93 Lesson 5: The Coffee Plant ~ Vocabulary Put theright word in eachblank Thesentencesarefrom