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Unit2 lessons1 5

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Sometimesyou can understand the meaning of a new word from the other words ill the sente11ce.Read eachsentence below Then choosethe word or plzmsc that means the sameas the word in bold (dark) type not use your dictionary The bold words are new in this unit Some shut's stretch a get thicker b get longer Do after you wear them for a while c get shorter d weigh more Fish live in lakes, rivers, and oceans They don't live on land a seas b north c trees d south We often read about Queen Elizabeth II in the newspaper She is a very famous woman a many people like her' c many people know about her b no one knows her d many people believe her It is easy to make a'salad Mix some lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumber c save a put together b eat d store Indonesia, the Philippines, Senegal, and Caba are in the tropics c cold, wet parts of the a hot, dry parts of world the world b cold, dry parts of the world d hot, wet parts of the world I feel relaxed with my friends I don't feel relaxed, during a test c not nervous a tired d thick b cold 34 ? Unit 2: How? Why? Walking and swimming are good exercise Watching TV and driving a car are not good exercise a physical activity c ways to get to work b sounds d ways to travel That plant is poisonous Don't eat it a smells bad c can kill b is cool d is green It is important to be alert when you drive a car a able to swim c able to smell b able to act quickly d able to talk 10 Both Isamu and Kumiko are from Japan They come from the city of Tokyo a the two of them c the five of them d all of them b not any 11 Swimming is difficult for me I can't it for very long a easy c not easy b thick d cool 12 Mr Baker is 75 He can't hear sounds very well He is hearing impaired a can't see well c can't hear well , b can't walk well d can't tUnwell 13 Tom can eat a whole pizza I can eat only a"few pieces a all of it c some of it b part of it d one piece of it Context Clues ? ~~ lesson Why Do We Yawn? Before You Read Look at the pictures Read the sentences Check (v') True, False, or Don't Know True False D It hurts when you yawn D D Many kinds of animals yawn D D You open your mouth when you yawn 36 ? Don't Know Unit 2: How? Why? Wh~ Do We Yawn? \) Bears yawn Camels yawn Most mammals yawn Why we yaV\7Jl.? No one really knows the answer Wedo know that everyone yavms in the same way First you open your mouth sJowly.Your mouth I stays open for about five seconds Then you quickly close your mouth We also know that yaV\7Jl.ing is contagious, or I I catching When you see someone yawn, you yawn, too Many people say that they yawn because they are bored or tired This might be true However we know that people also yawn when they are excited or nervous Olympic runners, for example, often yawn before a race Why is that? Some scientists believe that yawning makes you more alert When you.yawn, you breathe more deeply You also stretch the muscles in your face and neck Maybe this makes you feel more alert Scientists don't spend much time studying yawning That is probably because yawning doesn't hurt It is just something we Lesson 1: Why Do We Yawn? fast not interested maybe is but ? 37 I Vocabulary Put theright word in each blank.Thesentencesarefrom the text alert bored deeply muscles excited quickly stretch contagious however race yawn might , we know that people also yawn when they are or nervous We also know that yawning is , or catching Some scientists believe that yawning makes you more or tired Many people say they yawn because they are Olympic runners, for example, often yawn before a You also the in your face and neck Then you close your mouth When you yawn, you breathe more This be true 10 Bears Vocabulary: New Context Put theright UJordin eachblank.Thesearene-msentences for the words in the text alert boring contagious deep excited however Soccer players have strong leg I Headaches are not Children can't sleep when they are He doesn't like to swim in ? stretch yawn because they run a lot go to the party, but I'm not sure Airplane pilots need to be A kiwi is a bird 38 might muscles quicldy race on the job , it doesn't have wings water Unit 2: How? Why? 10 11 Swimmers are tired after a long Do you breathe when you are afraid? Do you cover your mouth when you ? You should in the morning It's good for your muscles 12 He thinks traveling is - , but I tlrink it's exciting V~s.~~~!ary Review Find an antonym (a word that is opposite in meaning)in ColumnBfor eachword in ColumnA Write theletter and wordfrom Column B besidethe word in Column A Thefirst oneis donefor you Column B Column A slowly f: q/Jidly large3 same above open6 bored before8 cool no one 10 true a close b interested c everyone d false e after f quickly g different h below i small J warm Questions The asterisk (*) means you have to think of the answer You cannotfind it in the text How people yawn? Whathappens to your muscles when you yawn? What usually happens when you see someone yawn? How long does a yawn last? *5 Why Olympic runners yawn before a race? *6 What other things are contagious? Lesson 1: Why Do We Yawn? ? 39 Comprehension: True/False Write T if the sentence is true Write F if it is false Many different kinds of mammals yawn People only yawn when they are bored When you yawn, your breathing changes You can't yawn when you are excited *5 Some people yawn quickly, and some people yawn very slowly Scientists don't know why people yawn Runners never yawn before a race You stretch your neck muscles when you yawn Main Idea Circle the number of the main idea of the text Many kinds of animals yawn, but we don't know why Scientists want to know why yawning is cqntagious All animals yawn in the same way 40 ? 11 Unit 2: How? Why? lesson Why Do People Laugh? Before You Read Look at the picture ~ead the sentences Check (V') True, False, or Don't Know True False Don't Know D D Laughing makes you more alert 0 D It hurts when you laugh 0 When you laugh, you stretch the muscles in your face Lesson2: Why Do People Laugh? ? 41 Why Do People Laugh? 4} Do you laugh every day? Most people Scientists say that people laugh about 17 times a day That is a lot of laughter In India, there are hundreds of laughter clubs The people in these clubs get together every morning First they stretch their hands above their heads Then they pretend to laugh Soon everyone is laughing naturally People say they feel good after laughing together Scientists believe that laughter is good for you Why? For one thing, laughter is good exercise When you laugh, you exercise many muscles in your body Scientists say that one hundred laughs equals ten minutes of running When you laugh, you also breathe deeply This helps you relax That's good for you, too Why we laugh? That is a.hard question to answer We know that people laugh more often in a group They don't laugh very often when they are alone Many scientists, believe that we use laughter to conned to other people Lallghter helps us feel part-of a group In English, p~ople say that laughter is the best medicine Some trunk that laughter helps sick people get well Do you think so, too? 42 in a short time is the same as not easy not sick ? 11 Unit 2: How? Why? lesson Why Is the Sea Salty? Before You Read Look at the picture Read the sentences Check (aI') True, False, or Don't Know True 46 False Don't Know A lake is different from a sea D D D Most water is salty D D D There is a lot of water in the world D D D ? Unit 2: How? 'Nhy? Why Is th~ Sea Sa'_ty? There is a lot of salt on the Earth, and it mixes very well with water There is some salt in all water Water on the land nms into lakes and rivers The water from most lakes goes into rivers These rivers run into the seas and oceans They carry a little salt with them Some of the ocean water moves into the air and clouds It evaporates Salt cannot evaporate It stays in the ocean The water in the oceans has more salt than the water in rivers Ocean water is about 3%% (thi-eeand a half percent) salt Some seas have mor,~salt than others Some lakes not have a river to carry the water and salt away Some of the water evaporates, but the salt cannot These lakes are very salty There are two famous lakes like this They are the Dead Sea in the Middle East and the Great Salt Lake in the state of Utah in the United States They are much saltier than the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean Lesson 3: Why 15the Sea Salty? world seas ? 47 Vocabulary Put theright wordin eachblank.Thesentences arefrom thetext eyaporates moves clouds oceans Earth mixes salt carry Ocean water is about three and a half There is a lot of on the percent famous salt , and it very well with water a little salt with them They lakes like this There are two These rivers run into the seas and into the air and Some of the ocean water It I Vocabulary:New Context Put theright word in each blank Theseare ne-msentencesfor words in the text moves ocean evaporates carry salt famous mix percent :Earth clouds the chairs into our room Two of the students always The is round It Many people put Muhammad Ali was a around the sun on their food boxer it Some people put sugar in their coffee Then they with a spoon Some of the water in a swimming pool The Pacific There are beautiful white Eighty 48 ? is bigger than the Atlantic Ocean in the sky today of the students are men Unit 2: How? Why? Vocabulary Review Underline the word that does not belong with the other two Example: red, book blue zoo,aquariurn,urriversity lake, snow, ice yawn, laugh, fly together, modem, new polar bear, dolphin, ocean hour, travel, fly cool, warm, thick scientist, teacher, salty Questions The asterisk (*) means you have to think of the answer You cannot find it in the text 1: What does salt mix well with? Is there salt in lakes and rivers? Where does river water go? Where does some of the ocean water go? Where does tlle salt in the ocean go? Does river water or ocean water have more salt? Why are some lakes very salty? Name two famous salty lakes What is Utah? Where is it? 10 Which is saltier, the Atlantic Ocean or the Dead Sea? *11 Are there fish in the Dead Sea? ? Lesson 3: Why Is the Sea Salty? 49 I Comprehension: True/False WriteT if the sentence is true Write F if the sentence isfalse The asterisk (*) means you have to think of the answer You cannotfind it in the text Salt mixes with water *2 Clouds have salt in them Water on the land moves into lakes and rivers There is salt in rivers Rivers have more salt than ocea T1S Salt evaporates Ocean water is about 2%% salt The Great Salt Lake is in the United States I Main Idea Circle the number of the main idea of the text The sea is salty because water evaporates and salt doesn't The sea is salty because rivers run into oceans Water moves from the land to rivers to oceans to clouds and to the land again 50 ? Unit 2: How? Why? lesson How Can a Plant Kill? Before You Read Look at the ,p.icture.Read the sentences Check (11')True, False, or Don't Know True False Don't Know Plants need water D 0 People use plants for medicine D 0 Some plants can kill D D Lesson4: How Can a Plant Kill? ? 51 How Can a Plant Kill? People kill Animals kill Animals and people kill for food, or they kill their enemies People and animals can move around and find something to kill They can run away from an enemy They can kill it if it is necessary Many kinds of animals eat plants The plants cannot run away from their enemies Some plants are poisonous If an animal eats part of the plant, it gets sick or dies Animals learn to stay away from these plants There are many kinds of plants that make poison Most of them grow in the desert or in the tropics Farmers use many kinds of poison on their farms Most of these poisons come from petroleum, but petroleum is expensive Scientists collect poisonous plants and study them Maybe farmers can use cheap poison from plants instead of expensive poison from petroleum not friends hot, wet parts of the world costs a lot not expensive " 52 ? Unit 2: How? Why? Vocabulary Put the right word in each blank The sentences arefrom the text expensive enemies kinds tropics if farmers Many pOisonous grow collect instead of cheap farms of animals eat plants Animals and people kill for food, or they kill their use many kinds of poison on their Scientists poisonous plants and study them Some plants are Maybe farmers can use poison from plants expensive poison from petroleum Most of them in the desert or in the They can kill it it is necessary Most of these poisons come from petroleum, but petroleum IS I Vocabulary:, New Context Put the right word in eachblank.These arenew sentencesfor words in the text expensive cheap instead of tropics farm farmers collect kind poisonous David's parents have a big grow if enemy They are A Mercedes Benz is an car Please come to the Student Union at 12:00 you can Malaysia, Togo, and Nigeria are in the in the book Please write the answers on a piece of paper Ali, please all the students' Some things we use in the garden are papers We must keep these things away from children Lesson 4: How Can a Plant Kill? ? 53 of polar bears People are the only What of car you have? 10.clothes are not usually very good 11 Children very fast They need new clothes every few months ~CabUlary Review Put the right word in each blank believe group scientists Can you Some in laboratories describe together show SIZe save hard lonely cooler bored during store an aquarium? Tell me about one teach at universities, and some work time Don't walk to class everyday Buy a bicycle You can I don't you It isn't true Keiko is She wants to see her friends and family Sam is He doesn't have anything to Maria and Tony usually study It is under a tree than in the sun '9 A camel is about the sanie as a large horse 10 It's to learn a new language I Questions The asterisk (*) means you have to think of the answer You cannot find it in the text *6 54 Why people and animals kill? Can plants run away from an enemy? What happens to an animal that eats a poisonous plant? What animals learn about these plants? Where most poisonous plants grow? Why farmers use poison on their farms? Where most poisons come from? Why scientists collect and study poisonous plants? ? Unit 2: How? Why? Comprehension: Multiple Choice Put a circle around the letter of thebestanswer Animals and people kill their a pOISOns b enemies cannot move around a Plants b Animals c plants d farmers c Farmers d Scientists if it eats a poisonous plant An animal a gets sick or dies c moves around b runs away d studies the poison Most poisonous plants grow in the desert or in the a fanus c Arctic Circle b tropics d laboratories use many kinds of poisons a Scientists b Workers c Farmers d Animals Most of these poisons come from a plants b deserts Scientists poisonous plants a use c buy d collect b run away from Poison from plants is a cheaper b more afraid I c petroleum d the tropia; than poison from petroleum c more expensive d cooler Main Idea Circle thenumber of the main ideaof thetext Some plants make poisons, and maybe farmers can use them Plants make poison because they cannot run away from their enemies Scientists study poisonous plants because farmers want to use them Lesson4: How Can a Plant Kill? ? 55 lesson How Do Many Hearing- Impaired People Talk? "~f,i , A BeD E 'Cl ~ '" , ,."fIt G F H I J K L 'f'~W M N P Q R S T u v w x '9 fZ z y Before You Read Look at the picture Read the sentences Check (v') T1'ue,False, or Don't Know You can spell a word with your hands The signs"fit, mean"yes" True False Don't Know 0 0 D 0 D in American Sign Language (ASL) ASL is the only sign language in the world 56 ? Unit 2: How? Why? How Do Many Hearing-Impaired People Talk? Hearing-impaired people cannot hear sounds well How they "hear" words? Many hearing-impaired people use sign language They talk with their hands Two hearing-impaired people can talk to each other They both use sign language Sometimes a person who can hear interprets for hearing-impaired people The person listens to someone talking, and then he or she makes hand signs There are two kinds of hand signs; Some hand signs are for whole words For example, there is one hand sign for the word love.There are hand signs for different actions, things, and ideas Someof the signs are very easy, for example, the signs for eat, milk, and house.You can see what they mean Others are more difficult, for example, the signs for star, egg, and week The second kind of hand sign is fingerspelling In fingerspelling, there is a sign for every letter in the alphabet For example, to fingerspell the word love,a person makes four different signs It is much slower to fingerspell, but it is useful for signing names and technical words People can use both kinds of hand signs together Each country has i!~own sign language For example, American Sign Language (ASL) is very different from British Sign Language Using sign language is almost like a dance The whole body talks Sign languages are beautiful (:) two of them all of it dance f -~~ c u~ I\~ 1\/1-, ",kla::>rinCLlmn::1in=>,j Trllk7 ? 57 Vocabulary Put the right word in each blank The sentencesarefrom the text ideas each other hearing-impaired example whole difficult L Two hearing-impaired people can talk to Some hand signs are for both dance interprets sign star words people cannot hear sounds well Sometimes a person who can hear for hearing- - impaired people Many hearing-impaired people use language Others aremore , for example, the signs for , egg, and week They use sign language There arehand signs for different actions, things, and A sign language is almost like a I Vocabulary: New Context Put the right word ,in each blank These are new sentences for in the.text words : idea each other hearing-impaired example whole difficult interprets sign' stars 'Mary cannot hear very well She is Ali works for the government A large both dance He Arabic and English on the wall says "No Smoking./f Masako and CarIos speak English to Nadia and David - You cannot see the Japanese is a The 58 ? study engineering - in the sky during the daytime language It's not easy class is here today No one stayed at home Unit 2: How? Why? There is a for students on Saturday 10 The class wants to have a party It's a good Vocabulary Review Put the right word in each blank evaporates kind poisonous There are a lot of clouds if tropics famous expensive collection eneffiles cheaper instead of in the sky today person Mahatma Gandhi is a very The weather is hot and wet in the Please tell me I talk too fast What of bicycle you have? into the air Water than a car A bicycle is Are apartments cheap or in your city? Some kinds of plants and snakes are 10 My friend has a big I of stamps Questions The asterisk (*) meansyou l1i1veto think of the answer You cannotfind it in thetext *3 *8 How many hearing-impaired people talk? How does a person interpret for hearing-impaired peopie? How many signs are used for fingerspelling in English? Why are some word signs easy? When people use fingerspelling? Is American Sign Language the same as British Sign Language? Why is using sign language almost like dancing? Why are sign languages beautiful? Lesson5: How Do Many Hearing-Impaired Talk? ? 59 t t t' [i ~ Comprehension: ~i Information True/False/No H Circlethenumber of themain ideaof the text Sign language helps hearing-impaired to learn people talk, but it is difficult There are two kinds of sign language A sign language is a beautiful language that helps hearing-impaired people talk to others 60 Ill Unit 2: How? Why? ... Scientists study poisonous plants because farmers want to use them Lesson4: How Can a Plant Kill? ? 55 lesson How Do Many Hearing- Impaired People Talk? "~f,i , A BeD E ''Cl ~ ''" , ,."fIt G F H I... sign language almost like dancing? Why are sign languages beautiful? Lesson5: How Do Many Hearing-Impaired Talk? ? 59 t t t'' [i ~ Comprehension: ~i Information True/False/No H Circlethenumber... when they are bored When you yawn, your breathing changes You can''t yawn when you are excited *5 Some people yawn quickly, and some people yawn very slowly Scientists don''t know why people yawn

Ngày đăng: 24/03/2023, 11:37


