I ran across an interesting error this week that I hadn’t seen before, on a Windows 7 pc as I attempted to share a printer I ran across an interesting error this week that I hadn’t seen before, on a W[.]
I ran across an interesting error this week that I hadn’t seen before, on a Windows pc as I attempted to share a printer. I would go into the printer properties –> sharing tab and label the printer and as soon as I clicked on either apply or ok I would see “Printer settings could not be saved Operation could not be completed (error 0x000006d9) The issue turned out to be caused by the Windows Firewall being turned off The solution was actually very easy – Go to Control Panel –> Administrative Tools –> Services Once you are in services – go to the bottom and make sure the Windows Firewall is turned on If the Firewall isn’t turned on – Double click directly where it says Windows Firewall You will get a pop up window where you can click on start Once you have started the Firewall service – > Click on OK. (You can close the Firewall –> Services –> and Control Panel Windows – Now try and SHARE the printer, it should share without any errors – If you have a need or reason for running with the Firewall off, you can at this point go back in and stop the firewall in Control Panel – > Administrative Tools –> Services ... Control Panel Windows – Now try and SHARE the printer, it should share without any errors – If you have a need or reason for running with the Firewall off, you can at this point go back in and stop... are in services – go to the bottom and make sure the Windows Firewall is turned on If the Firewall isn’t turned on – Double click directly where it says Windows Firewall You will get a pop up window... running with the Firewall off, you can at this point go back in and stop the firewall in Control Panel – > Administrative Tools –> Services