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Tiếng anh casestudy about short term credit risk at vietcombank

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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 4 1 1 Introduction about Vietcombank Hung Yen 4 1 2 Essential business situation at Vietcombank Hung Yen 5 1 3 why choose the subject 11 1 4 Cre[.]

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction about Vietcombank Hung Yen 1.2 Essential business situation at Vietcombank Hung Yen 1.3 why choose the subject 11 1.4 Credit risk divided into two main categories 11 1.5 Competiors 12 CHAPTER II: CASESTUDY ABOUT SHORT-TERM CREDIT RISK AT VIETCOMBANK 13 2.1 Introduction to the client 13 2.2 legal profile of the Organization 13 2.3 Analysis 13 2.4 Secured loan 17 2.5 evaluation business plan 18 2.5.1 The effectiveness of the project loans: 18 2.5.2/ Total capital demand and loan schemes .19 2.5.3/ Feasibility of alternatives .20 2.6 REVIEWS, suggestions 21 CHAPTER III THE SOLUTION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CREDIT LENDING ACTIVITIES AT VIETCOMBANK HUNG YEN 22 3.1 On the client side 22 3.2 The Bank .24 3.3 Some recommendations 25 3.3.1 for the Government and the ministries concerned 25 3.3.2 for State Bank .26 THE CONCLUSION 27 INTRODUCTION the urgency of the subject In a career of innovation to promote industrialization-modernization implementation strategies of social-economic development, along with the development of the economy of many components of the party and the State, the enterprises in our country is increasingly growing, contributed significantly to the cause of zhenxing economy However, the fact shows that Vietnam businesses too small scale funding, which mostly capital letters, which constitute the capital and borrow your friends relatives, also the source of official loans from commercial banks accounted for a fairly modest rate This has limited the production and business activities of small and medium enterprises, in particular to expand production, improve technology to enhance competitiveness in the economic circumstances more volatility today Besides, according to the Association of small and medium enterprises in Vietnam, difficulties in access to capital credit has pushed about 20% of the small and medium business association on the condition can hardly continue operating In addition to this group, 60% of small and medium enterprises are subject to impacts by the difficulties of the economy should produce faltering or stalled Only 20% of the small and medium business association's left is less affected and could be spared (due to less dependent on borrowed capital and good governance) High inflation and the crisis, the stagnation in the world economy, and will also a lot of small and medium business association distracted Although the level of credit for small and medium enterprises are usually considered quite risky for banks, especially in the difficult economic context such as the present, however the banking industry the world has always been to "provide credit to small and medium business association is one of the key methods to the financial institutions that contribute to the construction of economy sustainable economy " In Vietnam today, most commercial banks have identified the Department of small and medium business association is the target customer groups, including Vietcombank branch Hung yen So finding out solutions to extend loans for small and medium business association are as a matter of priority branch in times past Derived from that perspective and activity status of the small and medium business association at present, I have chosen the subject: "a number of solutions to improve the operation of the credit risk management at vietcombank Hung Yen" The purpose of the study • To systematize arguments about matters of bank credit and extension activities for the Bank's loans for small and medium business association Analysis of measurement criteria, the factors that affect expansion of lending for objects on the • Assessment of the status of development of lending to small and medium business association in Hung Yen branch of Vietcombank • Proposes a number of solutions and recommendations to enhance the development of lending to small and medium business association, created the basis for the implementation in the branch Object and scope of the study The subject selected lending operations for small and medium business association at Vietcombank Hung Yen during the period 2014-2016 made the object of research, which is primarily a casestudy on short term credit Research method In the course of the study, the key argument used the following scientific research method to analyse the practical argument: • Analysis method of economic activity • Statistical synthesis method • Quantifying, modeling with tables The structure of the subject In addition to the preamble, conclusion, references the thematic content includes three chapters as follows: Chapter I: introduction to vietcombank Chapter : Casestudy about short term credit Chapter III: Some solutions CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction about Vietcombank Hung Yen -State commercial bank was the first to be selected Government piloted equitizing, Vietcombank official works as a commercial bank on 02/6/2008 after successfully implemented privatization plan through the issuance of initial public -After more than half a century of activity on the market, Vietcombank is one of the largest commercial bank in Vietnam with over 14,000 employees, more than 460 branches/offices/representative office/unit and foreign members, including its head office in Hanoi, 96 branches and transaction offices nationwide 368 , subsidiary in Vietnam, representative office and subsidiaries in foreign countries, joint venture, links Besides, Vietcombank is also developing a system with more than 2,300 Autobank ATM and on payment cards acceptance point 69,000 (POS) across the country The banking activities are also supported by more banking 1,856 network agents in 176 countries and territories around the world Chart 1.1: administrative set-up of Vietcombank Hung Yen Directorate Large Business Customer Department Small Business selling retail Customer department Department accounts department general coordination office administration department dealing department Source: Vietcombank General report of Hung Yen 1.2 Essential business situation at Vietcombank Hung Yen As of 2015, the world economy and the region still more instability and complex upheaval, although there are signs of recovery but the pace of growth is slow and not solid Also in this year, the business situation of Hung Yen Vietocmbank achieve more substantial results First came the development of safe effective, towards standards and international practices, maintaining and promoting the role of big state commercial bank The total assets of the branch reached 576 thousand billion, a 14.4% compared to the year 2014, reached 107.7% shareholder General Assembly plan The Branch continued to maintain the growth of stable sources of capital, the balance of resources reach 511 trillion, an increase of 11% compared to the year 2014 Outstanding loans reached 536.5 trillion growth of 14.7% accounted for 93% of total assets (in which the whole industry grows 12%) Outstanding quality compared to the whole industry still maintained at good, bad debt rate is 0.81% of outstanding credit (2014 this rate is 1.35%) a) financing situation Branch leadership has determined the objective is capital growth at the heart of one of the past time, especially in the year 2016, this was the only goal the decision reviews the emulation and the mechanism of salary, rewards affiliates So right from the beginning of the year the branch leadership had directed, and flexible solutions to increase resources, delivered each month to each target and officers responsible for leadership and leaders of the branch, while regularly monitoring progress made each week , each month to take timely measures The situation of capital mobilization phase 2014-2016 are expressed through the following data tables: Table 1.1: the situation of capital mobilization of Vietcombank 2014-2016 stage Unit: billion Capital 2014 2015 Up/down Năm Up/ Down 2016 By term By no term 2600 2171 -16.5% 2352 +8.3% By term 9208 10635 +15% 12246 +15.1% 4677 5308 +13.5% 6116 +15.2% 7131 5612 -21.3% 5485 -2.3% - 1886 - 2997 +58.9% 10230 11186 +9.3% 13041 +16.6% 1578 1620 +2.7% 1557 -3.9% 11808 12806 +8.5% 14598 +14% According deposits of to customer residents type deposit in economic organizations deposits, other borrowed funds According VND to cash cash foreign currency into VND Total deposits Source: Vietcombank General report Hung Yen As we can see the capital of the branch continually increases every year: • By the end of 2015, the total capital mobilized reached 12806 billion, up 8% compared to the year 2014, reached 91.5% of the planned headquarters Vietcombank Can see in 2016, the amount of capital branch relative increases, especially the capital of foreign currency decreased 3.9% and deposits of economic institutions decreased 2.3% In this year, mobilizing the market interest rates plummeted (5.5%), only one point by some causes such as: first credit context yet strong growth and savings is still more channel choices The demand for investment capital, production and consumption continues to decline; in addition, the State Bank continues to lower the deposit interest rate ceilings; the lack of healthy competition of several credit institutions and psychotherapy, the expectation of the people This led to competition among the banks become more fierce, making branch of Vietcombank Hung Yen also must race to retain customers by offering promotions and incentives to customers • By the end of 2016, the total capital reached 14598 billion Capital in 2016 retains the trend increases, the speed increases more rapidly than the year 2015, especially mobilized USD and mobilize the economic organization, two items rose sharply in the year 2015 Cause by this year, with some of the dynamics of the State Bank to stabilize interest rates raised on the market, especially the provisions of 7% interest rate ceiling was issued in October, as well as the strict penalties for exceeding the ceiling of credit institutions to mobilize , making interest rates markedly reduced compared to the mobilization in 2015 However, the branch of one of the country's leading Bank, Vietcombank Hung Yen still raise capital levels this year b) Loan situation • Outstanding loans Table 1.2: the lending situation of Vietcombank Hung Yen 2014-2016 stage Unit: Bilion 2014 Tagert Outstanding 2015 2016 Value Value Up/down Value Up/down loans to the 5957 6347 +6,5% 6963 +9,7% VNĐ 4998 5564 +11,3% 6273 +12,7% foreign currency 959 783 -18,3% 690 -11,9% Short term loan 4086 3781 -7,5% 4060 +7,4% outstanding loans 1871 2566 +37,1% 2903 +13,1% economy By currency converted VNĐ By term Source: Vietcombank General report Hung Yen Other than the result of raising capital, the credit situation in the past year in the branch have the steady reduction of different, specifically: • Outstanding to 97.6% achieve rate 6347 reached 31/12/2015 plan 2015, up 390 billion compared with 2014 According to the report of the State Bank, Vietcombank's credit market accounted for 1.14% of the balance owed on the credit system Considering the structure of the residual debt, loan sales increased sharply in all items, such as increased 11.3% to USD debt balance • In the year 2016, still with the trend in 2015, the outstanding loans to the economy to 31/12/2016 is 6963, reaching 98.2% 2016, up 616 billion (+ -Table of details of the receivable, are charged by the unit b/ Balance sheet accounts shortened: Unit: million Target 2015 4.883 2016 8.139 16/03/2017 8.385 I Current assets and short-term investments Cash 4.264 7.253 7.992 463 445 50 Short term receivable Stock-in-trade 1.351 2.450 2.200 5.053 3.987 3.955 618 393 393 B Source of capital 4.883 8.139 8.385 I Accounts payable Short-term debt 2.561 2.561 5.695 5.695 5.942 5.942 - Short term loans in Vietcombank - Pay the seller 1.098 1.439 2.182 2.370 1.418 121 122 - 2.322 1.500 2.444 1.500 2444 1.500 822 822 944 944 944 A Fortune Other current assets II Long term assets Fixed assets Other long-term assets - The buyer pays in advance - Taxes and amounts payable to the government - Pay workers - Pay other short-term II Owner capital Business capital The funds in the equity Undistributed profit Source: enterprise financial report Comment: 14 -Assets: asset make in total assets of the enterprise, seized from 87% to 95% by 2015, 2016 and January 2017 -Total assets increased 2016 3,435 million compared with the year 2010 mainly due to the increase in receivables is 827 million and inventory reserves in the repository increases 2,603 million, because the company imports many more new items such as rubber buttons, glass jars, aluminum button types On the other hand due to fluctuating market prices should the company imported a number of items to reserve for production The remainder of the month of 3/2017 of property of the business increased compared to 2016 was 246 million was due to the short term receivables increased This demonstrates the unit capital is taken on as much Therefore, requiring units to take measures to recover the capital to turnaround in business -Capital source: 2016 capital increase compared to 2015 is 3,256 million was due to the following causes: + 2016 business expansion needs and consumption market, enterprises need a large amount of capital to enter the row so the business loan short term decision for payment of the purchase money from the providers, thereby making the short-term debt of businesses increased to 2,051 million than 2015 simultaneously, the seller must pay the debt increase 1,083 million compared with 2009 Short-term debt as of 16/03/2017 of the business increased to 247 million compared to 2016 is due to the business bank loan to pay for some customer account to buy raw materials, therefore payment due payable decrease 764 million compared to the year 2015 + The proportion of equity capital in 2015 as compared to 47%, 2016 and 2017 is 30%, which shows the financial situation in the enterprise through the years is stable 15 Through which shows: the financial situation of the unit normal, stable through the year C/ The results of business activities: Unit: million Target Code 2015 2016 16/03/2017 Net revenue 11 18.759 20.905 4.523 Cost of goods sold 12 16.824 18.543 4.328 Gross profit 20 1.935 2.362 295 Profit before tax 50 1.237 1.272 295 Profit after tax 70 928 954 221 Source: Enterprise financial report Comment: -The target revenue, gross profit, profit before tax, profit after tax of 2016 are increased compared to the year 2015 as part of a business has expanded the market early on, looking for more new customers such as: direct import shipments So the revenue increase and lead to gross profit also increased - At three months in 2017 revenue reaching 4,523 million and profit before tax reached 221 million, reaching 20% or out in 2016 d/ Credit relations with credit institutions Relations with credit institutions the enterprise has no overdue debt at Vietcombank and other credit institutions 16 e/Classified/customer internal credit ratings The rating business A 2016 f/ Reviews, General -Reviews: business financial situation is relatively stable, efficient business, have the ability to repay the banks in full and on time -Conclusion: full business banking loan conditions 2.4 Secured loan 1/ The secured form: secured by property 2/ The secured property (name, description, characteristics): - Land in an area of 128 m 2, to be granted land use right certificate, by the people's Committee of Hung Yen city on 09/12/2010 level - Land in an area of 103 m 2, to be granted land use right certificate due to the people's Committee of Hung Yen city level 09/12/2010 3/ The value of the secured property: 3,259,000,000 VND -Scope of secured loan 2,400,000,000 DD 4/ Record type papers about the property: -Report on the valuation of secured property signed on 18/01/2016 & 15/4/2016 Mortgage contract of land use signed on 04/5/2016 at the notary's Office Hung Yen mortgage contracts & land use rights property, signed on 25 January 2016 at notary sixth of Hanoi -The petition for registration of mortgage of land use signed on 04/5/2016 & 27/01/2016 5/ Reviews about the property: -Legal: the main property owners of registered mortgage for third parties -Ability to transfer: easy -Property management ability: good → Property eligibility and benefit needs 17 2.5 evaluation business plan Based on the results of operations in 2016 and the economic contract signed by 2017 Based on the market situation and the ability to consume the products of the company and business plan 2016 the company plans production of business as follows: 2.5.1 The effectiveness of the project loans: * TOTAL COST:( 31.232.396.000/year) a/ The genus buy raw materials: 27,676,596,000 VND -Buy timber: 754,62 m3 x 10.850.000/m3 = 8,187,596,000 -Buy glass : 780 tonnes x 14 million VND/ton = 10,920,000,000 -Buy vases glass jars: 3,500,000 x 1,200 VND/vial = 4,200,000,000 -Buy the rubber button: 15 million x 140/PCs = 2,100,000,000 -Buy gas: 45 x 28 million tons of copper per ton = 1,260,000,000 -Buy men in bigger groups: 900 kg x 380,000 VND/kg = 342 million -Buy oxy: 14,000 bottles x 38,000/bottle = 532 million -Buy carton box: 10,000 13,500 carton/box = 135 million b/salary workers: 55 x 2,667,575 x 12 months = 1,760,600,000 VND c/ Bank interest rates: Vietcombank : 2,200,000,000 x 20% = 528 million d/ Early Studio rental 25.975.000 VND/month x 12 months = 311,700,000 VND e/ Shipping = 65 million VND f/ Others = 120 million VND g/ Depreciation = 68,500,000 VND TOTAL REVENUE: VND 32,807,276,000 18 ... merged MHB Bank Vietcombank rising 2.12% equivalent increase of 299 people and Vietinbank 46 people, rising 0.23% growth rate 12 CHAPTER II: CASESTUDY ABOUT SHORT- TERM CREDIT RISK AT VIETCOMBANK. .. I: introduction to vietcombank Chapter : Casestudy about short term credit Chapter III: Some solutions CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction about Vietcombank Hung Yen -State commercial bank... out Credit operations is always a basic and important activities of commercial banks So preventing and limiting credit risk is very important for the credit operations of the Bank 1.4 Credit risk

Ngày đăng: 21/03/2023, 09:45


