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HỘI CÁC TRƯỜNG CHUYÊN VÙNG DUYÊN HẢI & ĐỒNG BẰNG BẮC BỘ ĐỀ THI MÔN: ANH VĂN TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN HƯNG YÊN KHỐI 11 - LẦN THỨ IX ĐỀ THI ĐỀ XUẤT NĂM 2016 Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút (Đề thi gồm 19 trang) SECTION I LISTENING Part You will hear an interview on a train with two friends, Jane and Chris, chef who both won prizes in the National Railway Chef of the Year competition Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D You will hear the recording twice (10 pts) What was Chris’s attitude to the competition? A He was worried about the quality of his dishes B He was afraid time might be a bit of a problem C He admitted he’d been looking forward to the challenge D he said conditions were similar to his routine Jane admitted that the greatest problem she faced during the competition was having to A work in a very small space B be original when travelling at speed C prepare a meal so quickly D create a meal with so little money What both Chris and Jane feel is unique about their job? A the close contact with the customers B the necessary to everything the same time C the opportunity to be creative D the need to be focused on the job What Chris and Jane feel about what they cook on board the train? A They approve of the menus created for them B They consider themselves more adventurous than other chefs C They would like to have more freedom of choice D They are happy to adapt their ideas to suit the job What is often Jane’s initial reaction when things spill over? A She asks another member of staff to help her clear up B She blames the train driver for the accident C She feels herself to keep a closer watch next time D She says nasty things to the other staff Part You will hear part of a radio programme As you listen, decide the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) (10 pts) Kaesong was the capital of the 10th Century Koryo dynasty The United Nations has placed the North Korean city of Kaesong on its list of World Heritage sites The North maintains that an earlier southern-based dynasty was the first to unify the country The city was eventually in South Korea after the division of the peninsula in 1945 It later came to be seen as a symbol of reconciliation Part You will hear a man called Jeremy Baker talking about different ways of traveling in northern Finland For question 1- 10 , complete the sentences (20pts) On his dog sled, the command Jeremy used most often with the dogs was (1) ……………………… Jeremy’s dog could understand commands in Finnish and (2) ………………………., as well as English When traveling by sled, Jeremy tried to focus on the (3)……………………of the lead dog The lead dog is always intelligent and generally (4)……………………… Each dog can pull a weight of (5)………………………… Jeremy had to avoid getting hit by (6)…………………………… when riding among trees At lunchtime, Jeremy’s job was to get (7)……………………… for cooking To Jeremy, traveling on a skidoo is like being on a (8)……………………… Jeremy liked the skidoo except for the fact that it was (9)…………………… The good thing about riding a skidoo is that your (10)……………………… don’t get cold SECTION II LEXICO-GRAMMAR Part 1: Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.(10pts) I’m sorry to …… , but did you happen to mention the same “Fiona”? A butt in B cut you C intercede D jump John was something……… under his breath, but I didn’t catch what he said A whispering B muttering C growling D swallowing Don’t take it as ……….that you’ll be promoted in your job; other colleagues stand a good chance too A fixed B standard C read D word According to psychiatrist, many violent criminals habor a feeling of ……… and insecurity A insufficiency B shortage C inadequacy D scarcity It must be true I heard it straight from the ……… mouth A dog’s B horse’s C camel’s D cat’s I’m fully prepared for my interview and I am confident that I can answer any questions they may care to …… me A throw at B drop on C slide to D roll to Stephen really lost his……… when his dental appointment was cancelled yet again A head B voice C calm D rag The experimental play was only a ………success, which disappointed the playwright A local B qualified C reserved D cautious We were working overtime to cope with a sudden ……… in demand A boost B impetus C surge D thrust 10 It is very important to check the ……… print in any contract A little B tiny C small D minute 11 I heard ……….that Jack has been dropped from the basketball team A In the woods B on the grapevines C Under your feet D on the olive branch 12 Jane really ………it on thick when she told the boss that she was not feeling very well Unfortunately for her, he realized immediately that she just wanted the afternoon off A put B spread C laid D painted 13 Unfortunately some really ill animals have to be …… by our center A Put down B turned over C passed away D taken out 14 John first dabbled …… buying old maps for his collection A In B on C at D for 15 It’s a matter of urgency to put right at once but nothing suitable …….to mind A Returns B emerges C sprouts D springs 16 I thought that Wendy’s action was rather out of…………… A Personality B character C being D role 17 It seems to be a bog tour operators that take the …….share of the profits A Lion’s B snake’s C tiger’s D dog’s 18 Why did you …….and mention the party to George? It was supposed to be a surprise A Let the cat out of the bag B put the cat among the pigeons C Have kittens D kill two birds with one stone 19 What the treasure said virtually ………….to a confession A Amounted B came C stood D embodied 20 She’s so ………skinned that nothing offends her A Hard B thick C strong D heavy Part 2: The passage below contains 10 mistakes Underline the mistakes and write the correct words in the space provided in the column on the left (10pts) Whatever may be said against massive circulation magazines and newspaper, it can hardly be argued that they are out of touch with their reader's daydreams, and therefore the inducements they hold out to them must be a mere accurate reflections of their unfulfilled wants and aspirations Study these and you will assured understand a good deal of what it is that making society sick Looking back, for example, to the twenties and thirties, we can see what circulation managers unerringly diagnosed the twin obsessions which dominated that era of mass unemployment economical insecurity and a passionate concern for the next generation Thus, it was that the readers were recruited with offers of free insurance policies for the one, and free instant education for the other The family with breadwinner lost an eye in a double railway derailment , or an arm in a flood , could confidently expect to collect several hundreds pounds from the Daily This or the Evening That The family who could not afford to send their son to grammar school could find consolation in equipment him with the complete work of Shakespeare in one magnificent , easy to read volume Part 3: Complete the following sentences with the correct prepositions or particles (10pts) The information was hushed…………… to protect the doctor You never scared me…………… death! It was clearly untrue about the money, but I didn’t let………….that I knew She couldn’t gloss ………… the truth any longer I didn’t much work, but I’m relieved that I scraped ………… my exam My brother’s a real risk-taker: he thrives…………….dangerous sports like hang-gliding I’m sticking my neck…………… here, but I think Barton will win the next election The conference aims to throw light…………….how to manage financial risk My sister is not the kind of person to seek …………adventure 10 I told a lie, but I don’t want to have that …………….my conscience Part 4: Write the correct form of each bracketed word in the following sentences (10 pts) Captain Webb Captain Matthew Webb is fortunate in being remembered as the first man to swim the English Channel, rather than the one who later tried and failed to plunge through the Niagara Falls If ever a man possessed self-confidence, it was Webb; but it was his stubborn refusal  to give up that eventually proved his (1 UNDO) ……….  Unwilling to recognize the Channel crossing as the peak of his career, he went on and on, addicted to glory, literally swimming himself to death Webb astonished the British notion on August 25th, 1875, with a Channel crossing that took a mammoth 21 hours and 25 minutes He had entered the sea a merchant-ship captain living in (2 OBSCURE)………… but he emerged in France, stung by jellyfish and half-dead with (3 EXHAUST) …… a national hero He was feted, mobbed and cheered wherever he went; his appearance in the city of London brought business to a (4 STAND) ……… Alarmed by the sudden attention, the normally (5 FEAR) ………… Webb fled to his native Shropshire But all this (6 STAR) ………… was too much for him, and he made the fatal error of many a pop star in later years Craving (7 APPLAUD) ……… , he very nearly dissolved himself in a series of  marathon swims for money, including a six-day (8 ENDURE) ………… contest. Then he sailed for America, where he had a (9 PUNISH) ………… schedule of long swims It was America that lured Webb to the final act in his tragedy; his crazed attempt to swim the Niagara River beneath the Falls in June 1883 (10.REGARD) ……… of all advice, he dived in from a boat and subsided forever into the boiling rapids SECTION III READING Part 1: Choose the words that best complete the sentences in the text (15pts) Stressful atmospheres, (1)………of deadlines and long hours dominate office life, according to a survey (2)……….recently The majority of those questioned said a good salary and career (3)……… were their main reason for working But (4)………numbers did not believe their employers offered either In general the survey found that most felt that (5) ………of life was more important than (6)…… and company perks Most would prefer employers to offer (7)……… hours, challenging tasks and job (8) ………rather than perks such as company cars and private health care Many employers’ (9)…… to understand this meant more than a third worried about their work on holiday, and 40 per cent took days off (10)………when not ill Workers were also (11)………by the conditions they had to work in A fifth struggled with (12)……….technology, badly lit offices and chair which caused backache Half said their (13)…… would increase if their environment improved On the plus side, the biggest (14)……….was the friendship offered by colleagues, and it appears that the office also affords the chance to flirt with colleagues, make (15)………calls to friends abroad, steal stationery and play computer games A weight B force C heaviness D pressure A published B printed C publicized D proclaimed A outlooks B odds C prospects D views A important B impressive C heavy D significant A quality B caliber C excellence D worth A rank B status C degree D grade A pliable B elastic C amenable D flexible A safety B security C sanctuary D protection A failure B defeat C deficiency D lack 10.A indisposed B unwell C injured D sick 11.A pestered B inflamed C irritated D ruffled 12.A behind the times B expired C out of date D invalid 13.A fertility C value D productivity B capacity 14.A comprehension B damage C reimbursement D atonement 15.A idiosyncratic C personal B unique D individual Part 2: Read the following passage Fill each blank with ONE suitable word Write your answers in the numbered blanks provided below the passage (15pts) Men and women are often considered to be completely at odds with each other, in terms of their attitudes and behaviour Not so when they are in love, new research has discovered As far as their hormone levels are concerned when men and women are in love, they are more similar to each other (1)………….at any other time It has (2)……… been known that love can (3)………… havoc with hormone levels For example the hormone cortisol, which is known for its calming effect on the body, dips dramatically when one person is attracted to (4)…………., putting the love-struck on a par with sufferers of obsessive compulsive disorder But a new study has found that the hormone testosterone, commonly associated with male aggression, also falls when he is in love In women, it's quite the (5) ……… Testosterone levels, which (6)………. to be lower among females, rise towards (7)………. of the male Donatella Marazziti of the University of Pisa, Italy, (8)………  this down to nature attempting to eliminate the differences between the sexes By doing so, they can concentrate fully (9)……… reproduction. This suggestion seems to be supported by the fact that neither couples in a long (10)………  relationship, nor participants in the study who were single at the time of the experiment, exhibited such changes Part 3: Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.(15pts) Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction There is increasing evidence that the impacts of meteorites have had important effects on Earth, particularly in the field of biological evolution Such impacts continue to pose a natural hazard to life on Earth Twice in the twentieth century, large meteorite objects are known to have collided with Earth If an impact is large enough, it can disturb the environment of the entire Earth and cause an ecological catastrophe The best-documented such impact took place 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous period of geological history This break in Earth’s history is marked by a mass extinction, when as many as half the species on the planet became extinct While there are a dozen or more mass extinctions in the geological record, the Cretaceous mass extinction has always intrigued paleontologists because it marks the end of the age of the dinosaurs For tens of millions of years, those great creatures had flourished Then, suddenly, they disappeared The body that impacted Earth at the end of the Cretaceous period was a meteorite with a mass of more than a trillion tons and a diameter of at least 10 kilometers Scientists first identified this impact in 1980 from the worldwide layer of sediment deposited from the dust cloud that enveloped the planet after the impact This sediment layer is enriched in the rare metal iridium and other elements that are relatively abundant in a meteorite but very rare in the crust of Earth Even diluted by the terrestrial material excavated from the crater, this component of meteorites is easily identified By 1990 geologists had located the impact site itself in the Yucatán region of Mexico The crater, now deeply buried in sediment, was originally about 200 kilometers in diameter This impact released an enormous amount of energy, excavating a crater about twice as large as the lunar crater Tycho The explosion lifted about 100 trillion tons of dust into the atmosphere, as can be determined by measuring the thickness of the sediment layer formed when this dust settled to the surface Such a quantity of material would have blocked the sunlight completely from reaching the surface, plunging Earth into a period of cold and darkness that lasted at least several months The explosion is also calculated to have produced vast quantities of nitric acid and melted rock that sprayed out over much of Earth, starting widespread fires that must have consumed most terrestrial forests and grassland Presumably, those environmental disasters could have been responsible for the mass extinction, including the death of the dinosaurs Several other mass extinctions in the geological record have been tentatively identified with large impacts, but none is so dramatic as the Cretaceous event But even without such specific documentation, it is clear that impacts of this size occur and that their results can be catastrophic What is a catastrophe for one group of living things, however, may create opportunities for another group Following each mass extinction, there is a sudden evolutionary burst as new species develop to fill the ecological niches opened by the event 10 Impacts by meteorites represent one mechanism that could cause global catastrophes and seriously influence the evolution of life all over the planet According to some estimates, the majority of all extinctions of species may be due to such impacts Such a perspective fundamentally changes our view of biological evolution The standard criterion for the survival of a species is its success in competing with other species and adapting to slowly changing environments Yet an equally important criterion is the ability of a species to survive random global ecological catastrophes due to impacts Earth is a target in a cosmic shooting gallery, subject to random violent events that were unsuspected a few decades ago In 1991 the United States Congress asked NASA to investigate the hazard posed today by large impacts on Earth The group conducting the study concluded from a detailed analysis that impacts from meteorites can indeed be hazardous Although there is always some risk that a large impact could occur, careful study shows that this risk is quite small In paragraph 2, why does the author include the information that dinosaurs had flourished for tens of millions of years and then suddenly disappeared? A To support the claim that the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous is the best-documented of the dozen or so mass extinctions in the geological record B To explain why as many as half of the species on Earth at the time are believed to have become extinct at the end of the Cretaceous C To explain why paleontologists have always been intrigued by the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous D To provide evidence that an impact can be large enough to disturb the environment of the entire planet and cause an ecological disaster Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph about the location of the meteorite impact in Mexico? A The location of the impact site in Mexico was kept secret by geologists from 1980 to 1990 11 B It was a well-known fact that the impact had occurred in the Yucatán region C Geologists knew that there had been an impact before they knew where it had occurred D The Yucatán region was chosen by geologists as the most probable impact site because of its climate According to paragraph 3, how did scientists determine that a large meteorite had impacted Earth? A They discovered a large crater in the Yucatán region of Mexico B They found a unique layer of sediment worldwide C They were alerted by archaeologists who had been excavating in the Yucatán region D They located a meteorite with a mass of over a trillion tons The word “excavating” in paragraph is closest in meaning to A digging out B extending C destroying D covering up The word “consumed” in paragraph is closest in meaning to A changed B exposed C destroyed D covered According to paragraph 4, all of the following statements are true of the impact at the end of the Cretaceous period EXCEPT: A A large amount of dust blocked sunlight from Earth B Earth became cold and dark for several months C New elements were formed in Earth’s crust D Large quantities of nitric acid were produced The phrase “tentatively identified” in paragraph is closest in meaning to A identified after careful study B identified without certainty C occasionally identified D easily identified Paragraph supports which of the following statements about the factors that are essential for the survival of a species? A The most important factor for the survival of a species is its ability to compete and adapt to gradual changes in its environment 12 B The ability of a species to compete and adapt to a gradually changing environment is not the only ability that is essential for survival C Since most extinctions of species are due to major meteorite impacts, the ability to survive such impacts is the most important factor for the survival of a species D The factors that are most important for the survival of a species vary significantly from one species to another Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the following sentence? “Earth is a target in a cosmic shooting gallery, subject to random violent events that were unsuspected a few decades ago” Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information A Until recently, nobody realized that Earth is exposed to unpredictable violent impacts from space B In the last few decades, the risk of a random violent impact from space has increased C Since most violent events on Earth occur randomly, nobody can predict when or where they will happen D A few decades ago, Earth became the target of random violent events originating in outer space 10 According to the passage, who conducted investigations about the current dangers posed by large meteorite impacts on Earth? A Paleontologists B Geologists C The United States Congress D NASA Part 4: Read the following passage and the tasks that follows (15pts) Making time for science Chronobiology might sound a little futuristic – like something from a science fiction novel, perhaps – but it’s actually a field of study that concerns one of the 13 oldest processes life on this planet has ever known: short-term rhythms of time and their effect on flora and fauna This can take many forms Marine life, for example, is influenced by tidal patterns Animals tend to be active or inactive depending on the position of the sun or moon Numerous creatures, humans included, are largely diurnal – that is, they like to come out during the hours of sunlight Nocturnal animals, such as bats and possums, prefer to forage by night A third group are known as crepuscular: they thrive in the low-light of dawn and dusk and remain inactive at other hours When it comes to humans, chronobiologists are interested in what is known as the circadian rhythm This is the complete cycle our bodies are naturally geared to undergo within the passage of a twenty-four hour day Aside from sleeping at night and waking during the day, each cycle involves many other factors such as changes in blood pressure and body temperature Not everyone has an identical circadian rhythm ‘Night people’, for example, often describe how they find it very hard to operate during the morning, but become alert and focused by evening This is a benign variation within circadian rhythms known as a chronotype Scientists have limited abilities to create durable modifications of chronobiological demands Recent therapeutic developments for humans such as artificial light machines and melatonin administration can reset our circadian rhythms, for example, but our bodies can tell the difference and health suffers when we breach these natural rhythms for extended periods of time Plants appear no more malleable in this respect; studies demonstrate that vegetables grown in season and ripened on the tree are far higher in essential nutrients than those grown in greenhouses and ripened by laser Knowledge of chronobiological patterns can have many pragmatic implications for our day-to-day lives While contemporary living can sometimes appear to subjugate biology – after all, who needs circadian rhythms when we have 14 caffeine pills, energy drinks, shift work and cities that never sleep? – keeping in synch with our body clock is important.  The average urban resident, for example, rouses at the eye-blearing time of 6.04 a.m., which researchers believe to be far too early One study found that even rising at 7.00 a.m has deleterious effects on health unless exercise is performed for 30 minutes afterward The optimum moment has been whittled down to 7.22 a.m.; muscle aches, headaches and moodiness were reported to be lowest by participants in the study who awoke then Once you’re up and ready to go, what then? If you’re trying to shed some extra pounds, dieticians are adamant: never skip breakfast This disorients your circadian rhythm and puts your body in starvation mode The recommended course of action is to follow an intense workout with a carbohydrate-rich breakfast; the other way round and weight loss results are not as pronounced Morning is also great for breaking out the vitamins Supplement absorption by the body is not temporal-dependent, but naturopath Pam Stone notes that the extra boost at breakfast helps us get energized for the day ahead For improved absorption, Stone suggests pairing supplements with a food in which they are soluble and steering clear of caffeinated beverages Finally, Stone warns to take care with storage; high potency is best for absorption, and warmth and humidity are known to deplete the potency of a supplement After-dinner espressos are becoming more of a tradition – we have the Italians to thank for that – but to prepare for a good night’s sleep we are better off putting the brakes on caffeine consumption as early as p.m With a seven hour half-life, a cup of coffee containing 90 mg of caffeine taken at this hour could still leave 45 mg of caffeine in your nervous system at ten o’clock that evening It is essential that, by the time you are ready to sleep, your body is rid of all traces 15 Evenings are important for winding down before sleep; however, dietician Geraldine Georgeou warns that an after-five carbohydrate-fast is more cultural myth than chronobiological demand This will deprive your body of vital energy needs Overloading your gut could lead to indigestion, though Our digestive tracts not shut down for the night entirely, but their work slows to a crawl as our bodies prepare for sleep Consuming a modest snack should be entirely sufficient Questions 1–5 Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading passage 1? Answer True, False or Not Given to questions 1–5 True if the statement agrees with the information False if the statement contradicts the information Not Given if there is no information on this The rise and fall of sea levels affects how sea creatures behave Most animals are active during the daytime Circadian rhythms identify how we different things on different days New therapies can permanently change circadian rhythms without causing harm Naturally-produced vegetables have more nutritional value Questions 6–10 Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D What did researchers identify as the ideal time to wake up in the morning? A 6.04 B.7.00 C 7.22 In order to lose weight, we should A avoid eating breakfast B eat a low carbohydrate breakfast C exercise before breakfast D exercise after breakfast 16 D 7.30 Which is NOT mentioned as a way to improve supplement absorption? A avoiding drinks containing caffeine while taking supplements B taking supplements at breakfast C taking supplements with foods that can dissolve them D storing supplements in a cool, dry environment The best time to stop drinking coffee is A mid-afternoon B 10 p.m C only when feeling anxious D after dinner 10 In the evening, we should  A stay away from carbohydrates B stop exercising C eat as much as possible D eat a light meal SECTION IV WRITING Part 1: Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the one printed above (5pts) He’s involved with both parties (FOOT) He’s got…………………………………………… The minister is likely to be criticized (LINE) The minister is in…………………………………… 3.The money was released very gradually (DRIBS) …………………………………………… 4.We’re making excellent progress with the project (AHEAD) …………………………………………… 5.I don’t want to leave the situation unresolved (HANGING) Part (20 pts) The bar chart below shows the percentage of students who passed their high school competency exams, by subject and gender, during 17 the period 2010-2011 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant Write at least 150 words Students passing high school competency exams, by subject and gender, 2010-2011 Part Write about the following topic You should write at least 250 words (25 pts) School children are becoming far too dependent on computers This is having an alarming effect on reading and writing skills Teachers need to avoid using computers in the classroom at all costs and go back to teaching 18 basic study skills Do you agree or disagree? Người soạn đề: Nguyễn Thị Hường Mobile phone: 0913280105 19 ... phrase “tentatively identified” in paragraph is closest in meaning to A identified after careful study B identified without certainty C occasionally identified D easily identified Paragraph supports... unsuspected a few decades ago In 1991 the United States Congress asked NASA to investigate the hazard posed today by large impacts on Earth The group conducting the study concluded from a detailed analysis... excellence D worth A rank B status C degree D grade A pliable B elastic C amenable D flexible A safety B security C sanctuary D protection A failure B defeat C deficiency D lack 10.A indisposed

Ngày đăng: 15/03/2023, 21:35

