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VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS WB World Bank BOD Biological Oxygen Demand CPC Commune’s People Committee CO Carbon Monoxid[.]

VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS WB World Bank BOD Biological Oxygen Demand CPC Commune’s People Committee CO Carbon Monoxide COD Chemical Oxygen Demand Employer/VRAMP Viet Nam Road Asset Management Project CEMP Contractor’s Environmental Management Plan Engineer/ Consultant Contractor SMEC INTERNATIONAL PTY.LTD DDIS Phuong Thanh Transport Construction and Investment JSC Detailed Design and Implementation Services Team DPC District’s People Committee ECP Environment Control Plan ESO Environment and Safety Officer EIA Environmental Impact Assessment MOT Ministry of Transport MONRE Ministry of National Resources and Environment NLPE National Laws on Protection of Environment PM10 QCVN Sub-Contractor TSP TCP Particulate Matter (10 microns) Vietnamese code Engineering Construction Total Suspended Particulates Traffic Control Plan TCVN TSS Vietnamese Standard Total Suspended Solids PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA TABLE OF CONTENTS I GENERAL INFORMATION II ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP) PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA I GENERAL INFORMATION General description The Subproject ‘‘Periodic Maintenance of NH6 - Hoa Binh Son La, section (Km78+300 Km303+790)” is one of the subprojects under Component B of the Vietnam Road Asset Management Project (VRAMP) funded by the World Bank The.subproject will be implemented in thirty nine communes of the eight districts of Hoa Binh and Son La provinces The periodic maintenance activities of subproject include strengthening the pavement, repairing the damaged road surfaces and the road drainage system, and improving traffic safety and protection facilities of the selected sections of NH6 These activities may cause negative impacts on the local environment and communities during pre-construction, construction, and operation phases An environmental screening was undertaken in line with the World Bank safeguards policy requirements and it showed that the World Bank’s policies on EnvenvironmenAssessment (OP 4.01) and Natural Habitats (OP 4.04) will be triggered for the subproject The implementation of the subproject would mainly cause increased dust generation, air pollution, and domestic wastes, and baffle safety However, these impacts are not significant, temporary, localized, and can be mitigated with available mitigation measures Therefore, the subproject is assessed as B environmental category and eligible for funding by the World Bank The Government’s regulation on environmental assessment requires submission of an Env GovernmenProtection Commitment (EPC) for the subproject An EPC report has been prepared and submitted to Mai Chau District People’s Committees, Hoa Binh province In addition to fulfilling the government requirements, an Environmental Management Plan (BMP) that complies with the World Bank OP 4.01 has also been prepared for the subproject The main objective of this Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is to establish a set of mitigation and monitoring measures to minimize the adverse social and env maiental impacts that can take place during the implementation stage of the subproject The measures especially focus on sensitive receptors or sensitive locations The EMP also provides specific information about the monitoring program during construction stage including locations, frequency and reporting process The EMP contains guiding env reportingprinciples and procedures for communication, reporting, framing, monitoring and plan review to which all staff, consultants, supervisors, Contactors and sub-Contractors are required to comply with throughout the pre-construction, and constructions stages of the Subproject The EMP addresses all issues identified in the Environmental Protection Commitment PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA (EPC): i) organizes all measures to mitigate env EMP addr impacts during the construction and operation; and (ii) establishes an organizational structure, procedures, institutional responsibilities for implementation, and a budget and source of financing for each activity The EMP will also assist different stakeholders in managing the environmental issues of NH6: (a) The PMU3 - to help with the management and implementation of the BMP; (b); supervisors - to ensure that the EMP is properly implemented; (c) environmental engineers to assist them to work with the Contractors to implement the EMP; and (d) Contractors - to help them develop subproject-specific EMP implementation plans In addition to the subproject-specific mitigation measures included in the EPC and EMP, the NH6VRAMP Subproject will be also in compliance with Vietnamese Standard (TCVN) and National Technical Regulation (QCVN) and the World Bank Safeguard Policies Overview of contract package CP15 The NH6 is a main road connecting Hanoi capital with North-Western provinces including Hoa Binh, Dien Bien, Lai Chau, and Son La provinces In recent years, NH6 is one of the roads that have heavy traffic flows in the national road network, especially at the section from Hanoi to Hoa Binh The section of Km78+300 toKm303+790 is the main road for the social-economic development of the North-Western provinces - Location of package CP15: o Starting point: Km193+000 at Moc Chau district, Son La province o Ending point: Km233+000 at Yen Chau district, Son La province The main objective of the subproject is to maintain the pavement, drainage system and traffic safety system of NH6 Location of work camp, asphalt batching plant - At site, work camp will be rented resident’s house by Contractor So, the Contractor will use existing drainage system , the Contractor also commit to environmental hygiene and observance of local laws - Asphalt batching plan is at Km44 (NH6) It is approved by local government, Consultant for environment, safety… o Location of work camp, asphalt batching plant is attached at figure as following: o Figure Site Plan of CP15 PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA II ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP) Management acknowledgements 1.1 Certification and commitment Phuong Thanh Tranconsin pursues improving environment-friendly performance in whole stages of the clean business development and the execution as a task of green management considering pan-global environment situation: - We consider environment – friendliness through whole stage (Planning, design, procurement, construction, operations, and disposal) of business - We establish and implement our own environmental control criteria, taking into account the characteristics of project as well as compliance with environment-related laws and regulations - We concentrate on conservation of ecosystem, resource saving, environmental pollution prevention and minimization of the construction wastes - We regularly operate training, monitoring and auditing system responsibility of environmental management at site The contractor will meet current code and standards regarding environment as follows: The legal and technical documents include: a) In relation to environment and land use: - National Law No: 55/2014/QH13 of Environmental Protection” (NLEP) issued in 2014 based on the document issued by the National Assembly on June 23th, 2014, amended in Jan 1st, 2015, replacing the NLEP-2005 - Law on Water Resources ratified by the 10th National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 3rd session on 20/05/1998, revised in 2012 and effective January 1, 2013; - Land Law ratified by the 13th National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 4th session on 29/11/2013; - Biodiversity Law approved by the 12th National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 4th session, on 13/11/2008 - Decree No 59/2007/ND-CP dated 09/04/2007 of the Government on management of solid waste; - Decree No 43/2014/ND-CP of the Government dated 15/05/2014 to guiding to implementation some article of Land Law 2014; PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA - Decree 47/2014/ND-CP dated 14/5/2014 of the government providing additional regulation on land use planning, land price, land recovery, compensation, support and resettlement; - DecreeNo 18/2015/ND-CP”issuedonFebruary 4th,2015by governmentstipulated on environmental protection planning, strategic environmental assessment, environmental impact assessment and environmental protection plans; - Circular 37/2014/TT-BTNMT dated June 30, 2014 of Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment providing in details the compensation, support and resettlement; the process and procedures of land recovery, land handover or land lease; - Circular No 12/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 14/4/2011 providing regulations on hazardous waste management; - Circular 27/2015/TT-BTNMT dated 28/5/2015 detailing a number of articles of Decree No 18/2014/ND-CP of 4/02/2015 of the Government on environmental assessment the strategic environmental impact assessment, environmental protection commitment; - Circular No 25/2009/TT-BTNMT dated 16/11/2009 issuing national technical code on environment; - Circular No 39/2010/TT-BTNMT regulating national technical code on environment; - Circular No 09/2010/BGTVT dated 06/4/2010 providing regulations on environmental protection in development of transport infrastructure; - Decision No 04/2008/QD-BTNMT on 18/07/2008 issuing national technical code on environment; - Decision 16/2008/QD-BTNMT 31/12/2008 on issuing national technical code of environment; - Decree No 179/2013/ND-CP dated 14/11/2013 of the Government on acts against illegal violation relating to environmental protection work; - Circular No 28/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 01/8/2011 of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment providing guidelines on technical process of surrounding air environment monitoring and noise; - Circular No 29/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 01/8/2011 of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on regulations on continental water surface environment monitoring; - Circular No 30/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 01/8/2011 of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment regulates technical process of underground environment monitoring; PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA b) c) d) Circular No 33/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 01/8/2011 of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment regulates technical process of soil environment monitoring; Regarding investment project - Construction Law No 50/2014/QH13 ratified by 13th National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, on 18/6/2014; - Road Traffic Law adopted by 12th National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 4th session on 13/11/2008; - Law on Inland Waterway Traffic adopted 11th National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 5th session on 15/06/2004; - Decree No 99/2007/ND-CP dated 13/06/2007 of the Government on management of investment construction cost; - Decree No 03/2008 dated 07/01/2008 of the Government amending articles of Decree No 99/2007/ND-CP; - Decree No 12/2009/ND-CP dated 10/02/2009 of the Government on management of investment construction projects; - Decree No 83/2009/ND-CP dated 15/10/2009 issued by the Government as amendment of some articles of Decree No 12/2009/ND-CP; - Decree No 11/2010/ND-CP dated 24/02/2010 of the Government regulating on management and protection of road transport infrastructure; - Decree No 112/2009/ND-CP dated 14/12/2009 of the Government on management of investment construction cost; The Safeguard Policies of the World Bank - OP 4.01 Environmental Assessment, revised on April 2013; - OP 4.12 Involuntary Resettlement, revised on April 2013 Codes and Standards for Environmental Control The following minimum Codes and Standards shall be applied: - TCVN 5964:1995, Acoustics Description and measurement of environmental noise; - TCVN 5949:1998, Acoustics - Noise in public and residential areas, Maximum permitted noise level; - TCVN 6962:2001, Vibration and shock - Vibration emitted by construction works and factories Maximum permitted levels in the environment of public and residential areas; PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA 1.2 - TCVN 7210:2002, Vibration and shock Vibration emitted by roads traffic Maximum limits in the environment of public and residential areas; - QCVN 03:2008/BTNMT, National technical regulation on the allowable limits of heavy metals in the soils; - QCVN 05:2009/BTNMT: National technical regulation on ambient air quality - QCVN 06:2009/BTNMT: National technical regulation on hazardous substances in ambient air - QCVN 07:2009/BTNMT: National Technical Regulation on Hazardous Waste Thresholds - QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT, National technical regulation on surface water quality; - QCVN 09:2008/BTNMT, National technical regulation on underground water quality; - QCVN 10:2008/BTNMT: National technical regulation on coastal water quality - QCVN 14:2008/BTNMT, National technical regulation on domestic waste water; - QCVN 15:2008/BTNMT: National technical regulation on the pesticide residues in the soils - QCVN 19:2009/BTNMT: National Technical Regulation on Industrial Emission of Inorganic Substances and Dusts - QCVN 20: 2009/BTNMT: National Technical Regulation on Industrial Emission of Organic Substances - QCVN 24: 2009/BTNMT: National Technical Regulation on Industrial Wastewater - QCVN 25: 2009/BTNMT: National Technical Regulation on Wastewater of the Solid Waste Landfill Sites - Environmental regulations and standards adopted by international organizations such as WHO, FAO, ISO 9000 - Decision No 3733/2002/QĐ-BYT dated 10th October 2002 issued by Heath Care Department on application of 21 standards on labor sanitation - TCVN 5308-1991, TCVN 4086-1995 & TCVN 4244-1986: Safety in construction - QĐ 955/1998/QD-BLĐTBXH: regulations on labour safety Availability of documents The Contractor will keep CEMP and other related documents such as Environmental PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA monitoring result reports, meeting records on alongconstruction side each in both the Vietnamese and English languages Organization and staffing 2.1 Certification and commitment 2.2 Name of subproject Component B- Road asset manager Name of Package RAP/CP15 Name of Contractor Phuong Thanh Tranconsin Address of Contractor Mitec Building , 2th Foor, Lot E2, New urban area Yen Hoa, Yen Hoa ward, Cau Giay District, Ha Noi Telephone N0 of Contractor 0435.743.158 Fax N0 of Contractor 0435.743.205 Telephone N0 of Site Office 0982544587 Fax N0 of Site Office 0435.743.205 Environmental Organization Chart Project Managenent Construction Manager Safety and Environmental Officer (SEO) All worker a) Project manager PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA The Project manager’ responsibility includes, but is not limited to the following: b) - Nominate an Environmental control manager whose responsibility is to ensure and manege the implementation of the environmental control plan - Provide necessary financial, material and human support to apply appropriate measures to prevent and and/or mitigate potential negative environmental impacts caused by construction works at site - Provide as required, necessary material, finance, labor for any environmental recovery works Safety and environmental officer The responsibilities of the SEO includes, but is not limtted to the following: c) - Establish and supervise, monitor, audit Environmental Management System to ensure due compliance with the principles and objectives of the CEPM - Update CEMP upon the Employer’s or Monroe’s request or due to change of conditions or regulations - The environmental Manager shall discuss periodically with Construction Manager to know in advance which construction activites shall be carried out and which kind of possible negative environmental impacts might occur and advise them on countermeasures to prevent or mitigate these impacts - Directly supervise all environmental aspects at the construction site, with support from Construction manager, prepare and supervise the implementation of the Plan to prevent or mitigate possible advert environment impacts caused by construction work site - Prepare and supervise the implementation of environmental rectification plan at site or at places assigned by the Engineer - Conduct detailed inventory of the identified environmental impacts that may be caused by executing the Works in accordance with the constractionProgramme, prepared by the Contractor - Writing Environmental protection diary - Prepare Monthly Environmental Monitoring Report monthly in which countermeasures for mitigating possible negative environmental impacts shall be described and submit to the Project Manager, for inclusion in the Contractor’s Monthly Reporting Construction Manager The responsibility of the Construction Manager includes, but not limited to the folowing: PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 10 VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA 2.3 - Support the SEO Manager and his subordinates in solving and proposing methods to prevent or mitigate environmental impacts on site - Promptly arrange enough human, technical resources to prevent or mitigate possible adverse environmental impacts caused by construction works or recovery work at site Certification related to the safety & environment officer The Contractor ensurethat: - The SEO will be appointed and assigned duties throughout the period of the Contract entirely connected with the environmental, safety activities on the Site - The proposed SEO is bilingual (Vietnamese/English) and suitably qualified and experienced to supervise and monitor compliance with the CEMP and will, in particular but without limitation, carry out auditing of the operation of the CEMP in accordance with a rolling program to be submitted, from time to time, to the SES for his consent - The SEO will not be removed from the Site without the express written permission of the SES Within fourteen (14) days of any such removal or notice of intent of removal, a replacement SEO will be nominated for the SES approval - The SEO will be provided with supporting staff in accordance with the staffing levels set out in the Plan - The SEO and his staff will be empowered to instruct all employees of the Contractor at any level to cease operations and take urgent and appropriate action to make safe the Site and prevent unsafe working practices or other infringements of the Plan or the statutory regulations - The SEO shall maintain a daily Site Diary comprehensively recording all relevant matters concerning Site environmental management and work safety, inspections and audits, related incidents and the like The Site Diary shall be available at all times for inspection by the SES The SEO receives up-dated project documents, SEO carries out daily monitoring and reports non-compliance on environmental and pollution control to the contractor and Environmental Unit under PMU3 Communications and reporting 3.1 Radio communications & routine reporting procedures The Contractor proposed interaction and communication procedures between construction personnel and environmental protection, safety and traffic control staff, including: - Radio communication facilities and PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 11 VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA 3.2 Routine communication and reporting systems Environmental and safety reports The following environmental and safety reports shall be submitted: - Initial Environmental Baseline Report: The contractor will carry out Environmental Baseline Report as required on the EMP and section 01700 of the technical specification of the project as: Air quality baseline: Air quality baseline monitoring shall be carried out after date of acceptance of the Bid as is particable and prior to occupation of the site - Weekly Environmental and Safety Reports: Documented safety and environmental audits shall be undertaken on weekly basis Environmental Monitoring and Safety Reports summarizing the results of the audits shall be submitted on a monthly basis - Incorporation of Summaries in the Project Monthly Report: Summaries of the Weekly Environmental and Safety Reports will be included in the Project’s Monthly Progress Report and/or reflected in a separate Monthly Safety &Environmental Monitoring Report Environmental and social management plan 4.1 Workforce and site management plan a) Workforce Workforce includes all personnel hired by the Contractor for the Works, rehabilitation or improvement of roads The workers shall, whenever possible, rent houses nearby Otherwise, suitable accommodation shall be provided for the workforce Workers’ camps will be located at appropriate areas away from villages, schools and hospitals as well as rivers course to minimize the impact of river blocking The Contractor shall comply with the following: - Give priority to hire local labor for the works; - Engineers and workers shall register their temporary residence with the local authority; - Provide work safety training to those local labors upon their hiring; - The construction workers and staff shall need to have appropriate certificates as required (for example, health checks, labor contracts, insurance, occupational safety training, etc); - Provide education classes on HIV and sexually transmitted diseases PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 12 VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA b) - Establish a Code of Conduct to outline the importance of appropriate behavior, drug and alcohol abuse, respect for local communities, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations Each employee shall be informed of The Code of Conduct and bound by it while in the employment of the PMU3 or its Contractors; - The Code of Conduct shall address issues such as the prohibition to possess illegal substances, fire arms, pornographic materials, gambling, disturbances in or near communities, etc Failure to follow the Code of Conduct should result in disciplinary actions; - Ensure adequate use of resources and proper waste management Site installation Workers’ Camp, Asphalt mixing plant and Site Installation Requirements Worker’ Camp - Construction camp sites will have to be approved by Local Authorities or Landowner Approvals and permits shall be obtained in accordance with applicable laws, applicable standards and environmental requirements for the building and infrastructure work for each camp area - Construction camps shall be located not within 500 meters of existing residential settlements or any sensitive sites has determined on the EMP (such as schools, relics, protect areas ) and should not be located on steep slopes, more than 100 meters from watercourses, and operated so that no pollutant enter watercourses Camp area shall be located to allow effective natural drainage - Water supply: The Contractor shall provide safe potable water for food preparation, drinking and bathing compliant with the relevant national technical regulations issued by the Ministry of Health, and other applicable Laws - The Contractor shall supply Sanitary Facilities with requests below: o In every camp site, separate and adequate lavatory facilities (toilets and washing areas) shall be provided for the use of male and female workers Toilet facilities should also be provided with adequate clean water, soap, and toilet paper Such facilities shall be conveniently accessible and shall be kept in clean and hygienic conditions; o Where workers of both sexes are employed, there shall be displayed outside each block of latrine and urinal, a notice in the language understood by the majority of the workers “For Men Only” or “For Women Only” as the case may be; PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 13 VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA o - Sanitary arrangements, latrines and urinals shall be provided in every work place on the specify of project Wastewater Management : o Water from kitchens, showers etc shall be discharged into a conservancy tank for removal from the Site or pass through an oil screener before discharge; o Wastewater from construction camps, even after the settling and oil/water separator treatment shall still not be allowed to be discharged into river systems directly They can be discharged into ditches, smaller creeks before being disposed into the rivers; o At every construction camp there will be at least one septic tank or holding tank The wastewater from the holding tank shall not be discharged into any watercourses The wastewater shall be periodically transported away by a water tank to the nearest treatment plant or treated by the site wastewater treatment system ; o Sewage tanks shall be designed and installed by the Contractor in accordance with the National Design Code for construction of camps o Discharge of treated wastewater must comply with the discharge limit according to the National Technical Regulation on Domestic Wastewater QCVN 14:2008/BTNMT; o Solid Waste Management : The Contractor shall provide refuse bins with lids for all Worker ‘camp; refuse shall be collected and removed from the camp at least twice per week; and domestic waste shall be transported to the approved refuse disposal site in covered containers or trucks; and collection and disposal of domestic waste shall be coordinated with Local Authorities; o Fire control : The contractor shall ensure that basic firefighting equipment is available at all camp areas; o Medical Facilities: to equip medical cabinets and facilities for first-aid and under the charge of a responsible person who shall always be readily available during working hours of the work place He shall be adequately trained in administering first aid treatment His name is Tran Quang Hieu, contact:0983338157 o Worker camp area: each room is not more than 10 person with a minimum of 4m per person included bed, locker and any other personal furniture provided and space area PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 14 VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA Asphalt mixing plant - Asphalt Plant Site will have to be approved by Local Authorities Approvals and permits shall be obtained in accordance with applicable laws, applicable standards and environmental requirements for Asphalt mixing plant area - Asphalt plant shall be located not within 1000 meters of existing residential settlements - Asphalt mixing plant of the contractor will have environment certificate and comply specify of project Prohibitions - The contractor ensure that the following activities are prohibited on or near the Site: o Cutting of trees for any reason outside the approved construction area; o Hunting, fishing, wildlife capture, or plant collection; o Buying of wild animals for food; o Use of unapproved toxic materials, including lead based paints, asbestos, etc.; o Disturbance to anything with architectural or historical value; o Building of fires; o Use of firearms (except authorized security guards); o Use of alcohol by workers in office hours; o Washing cars or machinery in streams or creeks; o Doing maintenance (change of oils and filters) of cars and equipment outside authorized areas: o Disposing trash in unauthorized places; o Driving in an unsafe manner in local roads; o Having caged wild animals (especially birds) in camps; o Working without safety equipment (including boots and helmets); o Creating nuisances and disturbances in or near communities; o The use of rivers and streams for washing clothes; o Indiscriminate disposal of rubbish or construction wastes or rubble; PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 15 VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA - o Littering the site; o Spillage of potential pollutants, such as petroleum products; o Collection of firewood; o Poaching of any description; o Explosive and chemical fishing; o Latrine outside the designated facilities; and o Burning of wastes and/or cleared vegetation Any construction worker, office staff, Contractor’s employees, or any other person related to the Works found violating theses prohibitions will be subject to disciplinary actions that can range from a simple reprimand to removal of the offender from Site by the Employer; depending on the seriousness of the violation Environmental Training for Construction Workers - 4.2 The Contractor shall prepare an environmental training plan for all construction workers and staff to ensure that all concerned staff is aware of the relevant environmental requirements as stipulated in the Vietnamese environmental legislation and the Contract specifications Construction impact management plan The following conditions shall apply or as specified in the Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) of package RAP/CP15 a) Emissions and Dust - The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with relevant Vietnamese legislation with respect to ambient air quality; - The Contractor shall ensure that the generation of dust is minimized and shall implement a dust control program to maintain a safe working environment, minimize nuisance for surrounding residential areas / dwellings and protect damage to natural vegetation, crops, etc; - The Contractor shall implement dust suppression measures (e.g water spray vehicles, covering of material stockpiles, collect all spill material on access road etc.) if and when required; - Construction vehicles shall comply with speed limits and haul distances shall be minimized; PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 16 VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA b) c) - It is encouraged to use vehicles and machinery which would cause less pollution like gasoline without lead Limit the use of materials which may have high risk of pollution such as coal and black oil; - Transport and construction vehicles shall abide by the Standard TCVN 6438-2005 with respect to maximum exhaust fumes allowed; - Material loads shall be suitably covered and secured during transportation to prevent the scattering of soil, sand, materials or dust Noise and Vibration - Be responsible for compliance with the relevant Vietnamese legislation with respect to noise; - Ensure that all instruments, machinery and construction equipment meet quality standards before they are put into use; - Try to keep noise generating activities to a minimum; - Restrict all operations that result in undue noise disturbance to local communities and/or dwellings to daylight hours on weekdays or as agreed with the Environmental Officer of PMU3; - Use temporary noise barriers to minimize the noise caused by the construction equipment; - Provide ear pieces to workers who must work with highly noisy machines such as piling, explosion, mixing, etc., for noise control and workers protection - Maintain the construction equipment in its best operating conditions and lowest noise levels possible; - In sensitive areas (including residential neighborhoods, hospitals, rest homes, schools, etc.) more strict measures may need to be implemented to prevent undesirable noise levels; - To the extent possible, nighttime operations shall be kept to a minimum and banned near sensitive receptors; Disposal of Debris and Site Drainage Systems - All water and waste products arising on the Site shall be collected, removed from the Site via a suitable and properly designed temporary drainage system and disposed of at locations and in manners that will cause neither pollution nor nuisance The Contractor shall have system proposed and the locations of related facilities on the Site, including PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 17 VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA latrines, holding areas, septic tanks, etc There shall be no direct discharge of sanitary or wash water to surface water The Contractor shall ensure that polluting effluent from all of the Contractor’s activities shall not exceed the values stated in the prescribed applicable Laws Disposal such as, but not limited to, lubricating oil and similar materials, onto the ground or into water bodies shall be prohibited Liquid material storage containment areas shall not drain directly to surface water, but have secondary containment structures that hold 1.5 times the volume of the liquid material stored Liquid material storage containment areas equipped with drains shall be valved and the valve shall be maintained locked in the closed position with supervisory control of the key Lubricating and fuel oil spills shall be cleaned up immediately and spill clean-up materials shall be maintained at the storage area - The Contractor shall carry out the following activities: o Establish and enforce daily site clean-up procedures, including maintenance of adequate disposal facilities for debris; o Debris generated due to the dismantling of existing structures shall be suitably reused, to the extent feasible, in the proposed rehabilitation program The disposal of remaining debris shall be carried out only at sites identified and approved by the SES The contractor should ensure that these sites (a) are not located within designated forest or cultivated areas; (b) not impact natural drainage courses; and (c) not impact endangered/rare flora Under no circumstances shall the contractor dispose of any material in environmentally sensitive areas o In the event any debris or silt from the sites is deposited on adjacent land, the Contractor shall immediately remove such, debris or silt and restore the affected area to its original state to the satisfaction of the SES o Water courses shall be cleared of debris and drains and culverts checked for clear flow paths; o Include provisions for incorporating the most appropriate stabilization techniques for each disposal site and determine that the selected spoil disposal sites not cause unwanted surface drainage; o Assess risk of any potential impact regarding leaching of spoil material on surface water; o Once the job is completed, all rehabilitation -generated debris should be removed from the site PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 18 VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA o The Contractor also ensure that rain run-off from the construction Sites is not deposited directly into any watercourse, stream, or canal and shall indicate the system proposed, including the locations of retention ponds and other facilities There shall be no direct discharge of sanitary wastewater, wash water, chemicals, spoil, waste oil or solid waste to surface water bodies Fuel, lubricating oil and chemical spills shall be contained and cleaned-up immediately Spill clean up equipment will be maintained on Site o Explanations of Proposed Site Drainage Systems:In the site, the contractor will have drainage to treatment runoff (construction camps, staging areas, etc.) o Location of Batching Plant(s): Batch plants should be placed at a distance no less than 500 m from the nearest residence o Location of Wheel Washing Facilities: the Contractor shall provide a wash pit or a wheel washing and/or vehicle cleaning facility at the exits from the Sites If so requested, the Contractor shall ensure that all vehicles are properly cleaned (bodies and tires are free of sand and mud) prior to leaving the Site areas The Contractor shall provide necessary cleaning facilities on Site and ensure that no water or debris from such cleaning operations is deposited off-site The locations of these facilities shall be clearly illustrated by the CEMPs o Location of Sand and Aggregate Storage Provisions: The Contractor shall implement dust suppression measures that shall include, but not be limited to the following: o Locations of Monitoring Stations: Sheltered air quality monitoring stations are required at each location for baseline air quality monitoring The Contractor shall construct suitable access, hard standing and a galvanized wire fence and gate at each monitoring station The exact location and direction of the monitoring equipment at each monitoring station shall be agreed with the Engineer and EO The locations proposed should be clearly illustrated by the CEMPs Monitoring programs should be located as developed in the approved EMP o Noise Monitoring Stations: The Contractor will carry out noise monitoring at such points within the Site or outside the Site and at times as shall be determined by the EO and Engineer The location(s) proposed should be clearly illustrated by the CEMP o Locations of Liquid and Toxic Material Storage Areas: The Implementation CEMPs shall specify the locations for the storage of liquid materials and toxic materials PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 19 VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA d) Demolition of Existing Infrastructures The following measures shall be implemented in order to protect workers and the public from falling debris and flying objects: 4.3 - Set aside a designated and restricted waste drop or discharge zones, and/or a chute for safe movement of wastes from upper to lower levels; - Conduct sawing, cutting, grinding, sanding, chipping or chiseling with proper guards and anchoring as applicable; - Maintain clear traffic ways to avoid driving of heavy equipment over loose scrap; - Provide all workers with safety glasses with side shields, face shields, hard hats, and safety shoes Waste management plan During the construction stage, the Contractor shall compywaste management plan as specify of project: a) b) Wastewater - The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with the relevant Vietnamese legislation relevant to wastewater discharges into watercourses - Wastewater shall not be disposed in watercourses without treatment - All waste water will be collected on tank and have appropriate treatment measures before it is disposed in watercourses Solid waste - c) Hazardous waste - 4.4 All hazardous waste shall be disposed of at an approved hazardous landfill site and in accordance with local legislative requirements Materials handling, use and storage management plan - a) Disposal of solid waste in scenery areas shall be strictly prohibited and in accordance with local legislative requirements Environmental considerations shall be taken into account in the location of any material storage areas Ransportation - Materials shall have appropriate cover to prevent them spilling from the vehicle during PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 20

Ngày đăng: 08/03/2023, 21:40


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