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VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA SITE ORGANIZATION PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA TABLE OF CONTENTS I INTRODUCTION II PROJECT MANAGEMENT III PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE IV P R O J E C T O R G /AUTHORITIES PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN A N VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA PROJECT MANAGEMENT TARGET We, PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN hereby solemnly declare that (if selected) PHUONG T T HANH shall RANCONSIN c oarryt r ut w he i f equired c w ork n the requirements stated in the Contract Document, Vietnamese Standa ordinance and other regulations on quality, environment, health & safety with the following Project Management Policies at all levels within Project site: Quality Target: “To p roduce h q c igh uality p c onstruction w t r roducts of the Employer as specified in the Contract” Environmental Target: “To implement the work in full compliance with Vietnamese Standa ordinance and other regulations on environment to fulfill the requirements with continuously improve the mitigation method for any enviro during construction period” Health and Safety Target: “ To promote safety culture and healthy environment on P everyone’s i nvolvement t a t z a o o ichieve h i f co ero ccident with Legal requirements” P H U O N G T H A N H T RA N CO N Ss hIN al l e n s u r e c on t i n u o u s im p r ov e me n t o f th e Project Management system Hanoi, May 2016 _ PHAM VAN KHOI Representative of the Contractor PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA I INTRODUCTION Purpose of Project National Highway No.6 is the connection between Ha Noi with the N provinces, this route in on Ha Noi, Hoa Binh, Son La and Dien Bien provinces The whole r s e s oad h vection t t n c i o s o pas a t arious s i n s i t ypes d i a l fe , avement f i n t e r ( K m – K m a 2r e3 3i )n v e s t e d i n V R A M P P u r p o s e o f p r o j maintenance and upgrade the old placement meet Eyc ≥ 140 Mpa; new construction of d rainage s d ystem, a r redging t e d nd s epairing c t he xis traffic safety system  Starting point : Km193 is in Hoa Binh city, Hoa Binh province;  Finish point : Km233 is loacated in Son La province Project Description 1) Project Name: Contract P Rackage N AP/CP15: N S H B ational – Son La km 193+000-303+000 2) Employer: D i re c t or at e f or r oa d s o f V i e t N a m – P r oj e c t m a na ge m e nt un it No.3 (PMU.3) 3) Location: Son La province in Socialist Republic of Vietnam 4) Contract Period: 10 months 5) Scope of Work: Lot RAP/CP15 Start point : Km193 in Son La province End point : Km 233 in Son La province PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA II PROJECT MANAGEMENT Project Management Plan(PMP) The Project shall follow the Corporate’s Integrated Management System(IMS-will be submitted w P 14001:1996 a O additional i hen c roject i l w 1nd t arry-out) r HSAS T P tems/areas f s a o I a 8001:1999 s e n9 ine t c or o tupervision P w P I ith hef t s t nd s he roject ontrol operational procedures, resources, activities and respo Project PMP shall be reviewed whenever necessary, to ensure effect suitability and improvement Project Management Objectives/Targets PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN will establish objectives fo quality, e nvironment, h a submitted a hazards a c c fterP re s i a ealth arry-out S i onsidered t s o t e on w nd t P afety t roject) a he / t ettingR (n b ccordance ignificant a s o f o hese nviro bjectiv by the Project Management, if necessary shall be carried out but not less limitations stipulated in the local Authorities requirements for this Project III PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Project Construction Schedule The construction period for this Project shall be10 months with the detailed schedule as that refer to Technical Schedule IV PROJECT ORGANISATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES/AUTHORITIES Project Organization / Quality Control Organization Appendix s t P hows S o he zation crojectf hart t k ite por he rgani w w ey ersonne lead the Project Management in the integrated manageme environmental, health and safety for this Project Responsibility and Authority 2.1 Project Manager PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA The Project Manager shall be responsible for the management of this Project He has the authority and responsibility for the engineering, sch relations, contract administration on environmental, health and safety matters of t Project H a e q ppoints a s pualified t nd w e uitabler ersonnel to ensure the implementation and control of the Integrated Man including the followings: - Ensure the administration and implementation of the Integr System (IMS) in compliance to the requirements of specificati and legal requirements which form part of the Contract - To develop and authorize the PMP in consultation with Project QEHS Manager - To a pprove s ub-contractors/suppliers b o e o t a t ased m n the specified requirements - To liaise with the Employer on matters concerning the m Contract and IMS - Approve promotion activities/ training programs for al contractors on Employer’s requirements The Project Manager shall liaise with the QEHS Manager from Hanoi Head office on any deviation required 2.2 Deputy Project Manager No1: The Deputy Project Manager shall assist/support the described above and mainly are on fields: Road Constructio Manager T P he M roject w a tanager D P ill M ppointed N t a he on his behalf during his absence 2.3 Deputy Project Manager No2: The Deputy Project Manager shall assist/support the described above and mainly are on fields: Technical/Economic & Plan Assurance/Environmental/Health & Safety Manager Special with his duty of Health & Safety Manager, he will be in-charge of the IMS implemented in this Project He reviews the following docum controls the IMS for compliance with: PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA - Contract Document - Authorities’ requirements & Standards - Relevant legislations His duties include: - Imitate the Project’s Aspects and Hazards Analysis for se objectives and targets - Communicate and obtain information after discuss A s s ur a nc e E ng i ne e rs , E n vi r on me n ta l O ff i ce r a nd S af e ty O ff ic e r t o es ta b l is h PMP 2.4 - Propose/Obtain approval to the Training Program from the Project Manager - Monitor and update IMS training program - Select, evaluate and control the Subcontractors/Suppliers Deputy Project Manager No3: The Deputy Project Manager shall assist/support the d e s c r i b e d a b o v e a n d m a i n l y a r e o n Manager/Administration 2.5 Construction Manager The Construction Manager of each section has the responsibility and authority to: - Plan on the process including special construction method - Establish, prepare and implement the Project Quality Assurance Plan (PQAP) - Initiate action to prevent the occurrence of any nonconformities relatin product, process and the IMS 2.6 - Receive report/feedback of problems from Project site - Initiate, recommend or advise solutions through designated channels - Verify the implementation of solutions - Control non-conforming issues until corrected Project Quality Assurance Engineers PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA The Project Quality Assurance Engineer is appointed by the Project Manager/Project QEHS M quality a anager, w h t q nd c r uality o t ho w a as a ontrol i he s o esponsibility a a r f ohet t t w orksw nd u i nncluding i compliance with the Contract He can instruct any removal conforming work placed/installed His duties include: - Ensure quality non-conformance found on site corrected with records - Review for preventive measure from re-occurrence - Provide training if required - Verify purchased products and materials with records - Assist in the preparation of PMP with identification of process, if any - Develop and review the system for identification and traceability of materials or section of work and inspection and tests status - Provide the standard procedure for calibration of equipment and ch calibration test result 2.7 Assist in the preparation of PQAP with checks on the implementation of PQAP Environmental Officers Environmental Officer shall be appointed to be in-charg environment within or influenced by this Project He shall provide assistance to th Deputy Project Manager No2 for the preparation and implementation of I duties shall include the followings: - Identify environmental parameter monitoring requirements with methods - To establish emergency response plans - T o p r o m o t e a w a r e n e s s o f t h e r e q u i r e issues/matters for this Project with training, briefings, meetings, etc - To establish and maintain with regular review together Manager on the objectives/targets for report to the Project Manager - To control the required monitoring works of the nominated Subcontractor PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA - To maintain and update list of applicable legal and o environment - To take necessary action for corrective and preventive actions for environmental non-conformance whenever necessary 2.8 Safety Officer Safety O wfficer b i illo a me n-charge c h a f s ll w atters t once Project He shall provide assistance to the Deputy Project Mana preparation of the IMS His duties shall include the followings: - Identify parameter monitoring requirements concerning health and safety hazards with methods - Analyze cause of accident for necessary action to be taken as c preventive measures with report to be submitted to the Project Manager - To establish emergency response plans - To p romote a o wareness t r r f t hes equirements i f t elating Project with training, briefings, meetings, etc - To establish and maintain with regular review together Manager on the objectives/targets for report to the Project Manager 2.9 - To ensure site activities conform to IMS - To record and take necessary action for any non-conformance found on site - To maintain and update list of applicable legal and other requirements on safety Site Engineers The S Eite ngineers w r t t C ill eport M i ot her onstruction s of work Each Site Engineer has the responsibility and authority: - To execute respective engineering work on site in accordance to relevant plans - To take the necessary action to prevent any occurrence of nonrelating to the process or procedures in the IMS on the Project site - To identify and record any problems/issues relating to the works or any influence to others due to the works carried out on the Project site PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA - To discuss/recommend solutions to Construction Manager/Project QEHS Manager - T o m o n i t o r / c o n t r o l / s t o p a n y w o r k s o f n o n - c o n deficiency or unsatisfactory condition has been corrected 2.10 Mechanical/Electrical Engineer The Mechanical/Electrical Engineer (M&E Engineer) will report to th Construction Manager for the mechanical/electrical works He maintenance and arrangement of machineries used for the site works order to carry out the works efficiently and appropri Construction Manager 2.11 Design Engineers (CAD Operators) The Design Engineer will report to the Quality AssuranceManager for drafting works in t his P roject T p whe d ermanent a p b E ork T esigns E re r with some detailing works required for execution of the works 2.12 Quantity Surveyors The Quantity Surveyor will report to the Quality Assurance Manager for the wor relating to quantities of construction works They will prepare/check the quantities of construction work done necessary for 2.13 - Monthly certificate by Employer/The Engineer for progress payment - Payment to subcontractors/suppliers Material Engineers The Material Engineer will assist the Construction Manager in the work Their duties involve the followings: - To check the materials to be used comply to the requirements in the C document or submission for the required work either by a) tests carried out in laboratory b) check and confirm materials at the time of receiving - To prevent any occurrence of non-conformances of materials/works - To identify, report and record any problems/issues relating to the materials PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 10 VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA - Check and update status of material consumption and quantity regular basis 2.14 Office Managers Office Managers will report to the Project Manager/Deputy Project Managers for the works relating to administration, finance and procurement matt assisted by Administrative Assistants/Accountants in this section of work 2.15 Procurement Assistant This Procurement Assistant is responsible for the control of purchasing materials for this Project with maintenance of the records to its latest status The Assistant (or called Purchaser) shall provide the followings under the supervision of the Office Manager: - Material Order Sheet based on the Purchase Request which was approved by the Project Manager and records of these Order Sheets to be kept by him/her - Filing and maintaining records of the endorsed receiv material t w rhat b asP eceived s t b k yw t roject’s m c taff o under his/her care 2.16 Accountants T h e a c c o u n t a n t s w i l l a s s i s t t h e O f f i c e M a n a administration, finance Their duties include: - T o c h e c k / p r e p a r e r e c o r d s / b i l l s a n d a r r a subcontractors 2.17 To prepare/maintain records regarding the personnel management General Affairs T h e a c c o u n t a n t s w i l l a s s i s t t h e O f f i c e administration Their duties include: 2.18 - To prepare for permits from authorities - To secretary work including typing, interpreting and others Others Position Will apointed in others documents or shows detail in PMP when carry-out Project PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 11 M a n a VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA Appendix 4.1 PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 12

Ngày đăng: 08/03/2023, 21:38


