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VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA TABLE OF CONTENTS I GENERAL II CONTENT OF ROUTINE MAINTENANCE WORK III ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF PAVEMENT IV ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF SHOULDERS AND SHOULDER BERM V ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OFF DITCHES, DRAINS, CUTTING AND EMBANKMENT VI ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF ROAD FURNITURE AND ROAD MARKINGS VII ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF BRIDGES PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA I GENERAL The work shall comprise routine maintenance works to ensure that the pavements, shoulders, shoulder berms, ditches, drains, culverts, waterways, road furniture, pavement markings and bridges are maintained at all times in a serviceable condition to the satisfaction of the Project Manager The routine maintenance work is commenced at the time the Site is handed over to the Contractor, and shall continue until substantial completion of the Works as certified in the Certificate of Completion Certificate issued by the Project Manager II CONTENT OF ROUTINE MAINTENANCE WORK Routine Maintenance of pavements Repairs and patching of potholes and broken areas in the pavement individually having dimensions smaller than 40 cm x 40 cm or having a plan area smaller than 0.16 square metres In bitumen surfaced pavement, Spot Sealing of cracked pavement when the required seal area is less than 10% of the total pavement area of the affected section of road In unbound pavement, routine light grading with a motor grader or other approved equipment, without the addition of any new material, to maintain an even surface, to remove corrugation or ruts which are shallower than cm, and to maintain a satisfactory crossfall Removal from the pavement of debris, branches, clays lumps, loose aggregates, and any other loose objects forming obstacles to traffic Shoulders and Shoulder Berms Repair and patching of potholes and broken areas individually having dimensions less than 40 cm x 40 cm or having a plan area less than 0.16 square metres In bitumen surfaced shoulders, Spot Sealing of cracked pavement when the required seal area is less than 10% of the total bitumen surfaced shoulder area of the affected section of road In unbound shoulder and shoulder berm pavements, routine light grading with a motor grader or other approved equipment, without the addition of any new material, to PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA maintain an even surface, to remove corrugation or ruts which are shallower than cm, and to maintain a satisfactory crossfall Removal from the shoulders or shoulder berms of debris, branches, clay lumps and any other loose objects forming obstacles to traffic or pedestrians Regular removal of any grass and weeds growing on the shoulders or shoulder berms Cutting to the correct level any existing berms alongside the shoulder which are higher than the shoulder surface and therefore preventing proper drainage of water away from the shoulder Further compacting of the shoulder or berm to render it serviceable, without the addition of any new material Ditches, Drains, Cuttings and Embankments Routine cleaning and de-silting and unblocking of existing and new ditches, drains, culverts and waterways The standard of maintenance shall be such as to ensure proper functioning of the ditches, drains, culverts and waterways at all times The amount of excavation required to be done in the de-silting and unblocking work shall be as required to maintain the original as-constructed or natural grade and crosssectional shape of the existing ditches, drains, culverts and waterways It shall not include any excavation required to change or improve the grades or cross-sectional shapes of the water courses Removal of all debris from existing and new lined and unlined ditches, drains, culverts and waterways after heavy rains or flooding Routine grass cutting and control of excessive vegetation growth on cuttings, embankments, ditches drains, culverts and waterways, including the removal of designated small trees which are deemed by the Project Manager to constitute a road safety hazard Any grass or weeds within 3m of the edge of the existing or rehabilitated pavement shall be maintained at a height of no more than cm above the ground surface Road Furniture and Markings Continual cleaning and repainting as necessary to ensure clear legibility at all times of the letters and numbers on all existing and new road furniture items such as road PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA signs, delineator posts, kilometre posts, barrier fences, medians, curbs, guard rails and all other road safety and traffic operation items Routine cleaning and painting of all existing and new road furniture to prevent its deterioration from rust, rot, etc Repairing of existing and new road furniture, such as the replacement of missing bolts, the re-welding of small splits or breaks in steel components, etc Repainting of any faded or deteriorated existing or new pavement markings Bridges Routine maintenance of Bridges shall include operations such as regular inspections and reporting on the condition of all major components of the structure as well as the cleaning of drainage channels and ports, the cleaning of dirt and debris form expansion joints, bearings and other metal components susceptible to corrosion, the repainting of steel or timber components susceptible to corrosion or rot and the removal of any accumulated flood debris from the waterway Standard of Routine Maintenance Work The Contractor shall, from the time the Site is handed over to him until the date of substantial completion of the Works as certified in the Taking-Over Certificate issued by the Project Manager, provide such Routine Maintenance work as is necessary to ensure a well-drained, clean, safe and serviceable road at all times, fully meeting the requirements specified in these Technical Specifications III ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF PAVEMENT Pothole Filling and Pavement Patching 1.1 Preparation for Pavement Patching and Pothole Repair All potholes and damaged areas occurring in asphalt concrete pavements shall be filled as required by the Specification and the Engineer The perimeter of the defective area shall be cut away by hand The excavation shall in general be rectangular in plan, with sides parallel and square to the road centreline The sided of the excavation shall be vertical or steeply sloped outward and must not be overhanging PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA In the case of potholes or damaged areas caused, in the opinion of the Project Manager, by deterioration of the pavement surface (for example from weathering, shoving of soft asphalt, traffic abrasion, etc.) rather than from deep seated shear or flexural failure, the deteriorated pavement layers shall be cut back to sound material to the depth of the pothole or damaged area In cases, where there is evidence of a deep seated failure mechanism, the pothole or damaged area shall be cut out to a sufficient depth to enable replacement of the layer in which the excessive strains are taking place, as directed by the Project Manager The bottom of the excavation shall be level and shall be thoroughly compacted to the standards given in the Specifications for the material concerned 1.2 Placing and Finishing Pavement Patches The excavated area shall be cleaned of water and debris before the placing of the patching materials, and shall be inspected and approved by the Project Manager before any material is placed Following this approval, a layer of Tack Coat shall be applied to the sides of the excavation and then each layer of material specified by the Project Manager shall be placed and compacted in one operation commencing with the lowest layer Approved mechanical compacting equipment shall be generally be used, except that hand methods of compacting may be used for the lower layers of repairs which are too small to accommodate mechanical equipment The compacted density of each layer shall comply with the requirement for the material concerned as specified in the relevant section of these Technical Specifications Prime or Tack Coat shall be applied beneath each lift of asphalt material, as directed by the Project Manager The finished levels of the reinstatement work shall be the same as the adjacent sound areas of existing pavement or shoulder Surface tolerances shall be those specified in the relevant section of these Specifications for the particular material forming the top layer of the reinstatement Spot Sealing All cracks sealing work classified as pavement reinstatement work under this Section shall be carried out by one of the following method: 2.1 Seal Coating PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA Fine cracks shall be sealed by overpainting with bitumen, cutback bitumen or rapid setting anionic or cationic bitumen emulsion The sealed area shall be blinded with sand or crusher dust 2.2 Spot Sealing Individual Cracks Isolated wide cracks in the pavement which cannot be sealed satisfactorily by Seal Coating shall be sealed individually Before sealing, wide cracks must be raked out then blown with compressed air to remove dirt and debris Bitumen or bitumen emulsion shall then be poured into the crack from a container with a spout until refusal Sand shall be applied to the surface as a blotter for excess bitumen immediately after filling The Contractor shall carry out crack sealing work only in the presence of the Project Manager or his authorised representative A detailed tally of the volume of bitumen used shall be kept and only volumes confirmed in writing by the Project Manager’s representative on site during the crack sealing work shall be measured for payment Light Grading For unbound pavements which are not severely potholed and corrugated, the road surface shall be lightly graded with a motor grader or other approved equipment on a routine basis, particularly in the dry season, to control roughness and corrugations When undertaking light grading in the dry season, loose material should be graded towards the edge of the road In the wet season, material should be graded towards the centre of the road Care shall be taken by the Contractor to prevent the grader from passing down the centre of the road with the blade lowered, as this may result in flattening of the road camber Care must also be taken during the cutting operation to avoid blading soft clayey soil from the side drains on to the pavement Removal of Dirt and Debris With the prior approval of the Project Manager, the Contractor may use any means that are effective and safe to both road users and his own staff to ensure that the pavement is at all times kept free of loose foreign matter Vegetation Control PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA Grass and weeds shall be removed from the pavement by physical extraction by hand of each plant, including its roots Poisons shall not be permitted to be used The removal of trees shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.2 of these Specifications IV ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF SHOULDERS AND SHOULDER BERMS Cutting of Excessively High Shoulder Berms This work shall be carried out using a motor grader or by hand methods of excavation to remove the excess material, followed by mechanical compacting to provide the reshaped berm with a firm even surface having a smooth cross fall slope away from the shoulder which is at least 2% steeper than the cross fall of the shoulder The newly formed surface of the berm shall be free of any depressions which can hold rain water Compacting of Existing Shoulder or Berm This work shall involve scarifying or otherwise loosening the deformed or softened material, allowing it to dry (if necessary) to its optimum moisture content, followed by grading and re-compacting of the material to form an even firm surface to the grades and lines required, as directed by the Project Manager Vegetation Control Grass and weeds shall be removed from the shoulders and from granular berms by physical extraction by hand of each plant, including its roots Poisons will not be permitted to be used Control of vegetation on non-granular berms shall be as specified in Article 1.18.4 below Removal of Dirt and Debris With the prior approval of the Project Manager, the Contractor may use any means that are effective and safe to both road users and his own staff to ensure that the shoulders and berms are at all times kept free of loose foreign matter V Routine Maintenance off Ditches, Drains, Cutting and Embankment Routine Maintenance of both temporary and permanent ditches, drains, culverts and waterways shall be carried out continually as required so that a free flow of water is maintained throughout the whole Contract Period PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA Existing and newly constructed ditches, drains, culverts, waterways, cuttings and embankments shall be maintained free of all loose material, debris, sediment and undesirable vegetation growth likely to restrict the free flow of surface water run off Such maintenance shall be carried out on a regular routine basis and directly after surface water run off from heavy rains has subsided During periods of heavy rain, the Contractor shall provide a maintenance crew who will patrol the site and note any malfunction of the drainage system caused by blockage or other problems Any irregularities in the drainage noted at such times such as overflow, lack of capacity, erosion, improper alignment of drainage structures or other improper design, shall be reported to the Project Manager who shall issue appropriate instructions regarding the action to be taken Routine maintenance of embankments and cuttings shall include the cutting of grass, shrubs and small trees to improve the road appearance and the sight distance on curves, the regular clearance of any slope debris which falls from cuttings on to the road or into the drainage system, and continued monitoring of the Site to ensure that slopes are not destabilised by farming or other activities Grass and weeds growing within 3m of the outer edge of the shoulder shall be routinely trimmed to maintain their height at no more than cm above the ground surface Poisons will not be permitted to be used for vegetation control VI ROUTINE MAINTENANCE MARKINGS OF ROAD FURNITURE AND ROAD The Contractor shall repaint the wording or numbers (where these are not already clear) on all road furniture items such road signs, delineator posts, kilometre posts, barrier fences, medians, curbs, guard-rails, etc The Contractor shall also continually maintain in a clean state, and carry out any necessary minor repairs to, all road furniture items The types of repair that will be required include the replacement of missing bolts, nuts and washers, the re-welding of small splits or breaks in steel components, the removal of any sharp edges which could cause injury to traffic or pedestrians, etc The Contractor shall, after thoroughly cleaning and rubbing down with abrasive any existing sound paint and after removing any unsound or flaky existing paint, paint all existing road furniture, including those items which are scheduled to be replaced later PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA as a part of the Rehabilitation Works The types of paint and the procedures to be used shall comply with the requirements of Section of the Specifications VII - The Contractor shall repaint any faded or deteriorated existing or new pavement markings on a regular basis as directed by the Project Manager, to ensure that such markings remain sharply delineated, clearly visible to traffic and effective in their intended function - Prior to the execution of the pavement Rehabilitation Works at any point on the road, such Routine Maintenance of the existing pavement markings at that point shall be carried out using traffic paint conforming to AASHTO M 248 or M 309 and applied as specified in Section of these Specifications - Subsequent to the execution of the pavement Improvement Works at the point on the road in question, maintenance of the Pavement Markings, should any maintenance be required, will be carried out using paint conforming to AASHTO M 247, applied as specified in Section of these Technical Specifications ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF BRIDGES Routine Maintenance of Bridges shall be carried out for all bridges within the total length of the Contract and shall principally comprise regular inspections of the major components of the structure, preparation of detailed inspection reports and routine cleaning and painting of areas susceptible to deterioration if left unattended Inspection, cleaning and painting operations for the Routine Maintenance of Bridges shall be carried out at regular intervals throughout the entire period of the Contract Inspection of the water channel area shall also by made during times of heavy flood and again when the floodwaters have subsided Inspection and Reporting 1.1 General In all types of bridge structures, dampness together with the accumulation of dirt and debris is a major cause of deterioration that can readily be stopped by simple routine maintenance cleaning operations These conditions particularly occur in the darkest and most inaccessible parts of a bridge, so a thorough check in every crevice is necessary, particularly after flooding 1.2 Routine Inspection PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 10 VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA Each bridge shall be inspected regularly to identify the cleaning and clearing operations which need to be carried out on a routine basis and to identify any areas of the structure showing signs of distress as a result of the passage of time or flood action Where defects and deficiencies within the structural components of the bridge are found during the routine inspections, they shall be reported to the Project Manager who will determine what remedial action will be required 1.3 Inspection during or after Flood Conditions During heavy rainfall the bridges shall be observed to see if there is any tendency for the river to change its course Any bridges where serious scour or debris build-up is detected shall be reported to the Project Manager When heavy rainfall induces high flood levels, all waterways adjacent to small bridge structures within the Site of Works shall be checked for scour and erosion directly after flood water levels have subsided Measurements of the depth of the stream bed below deck level around all piers and abutments shall be recorded using steel rods so that the Project Manager can check the results against existing drawings or previous records to determine if any unusual changes have occurred that warrant additional Reinstatement or Improvement Works 1.4 Reporting The results of each inspection shall be reported to the Project Manager in a format and form acceptable to the Project Manager Execution of Routine Cleaning, Clearing and Painting Operations 2.1 Waterways Within the waterway channel the following routine cleaning and clearing operations shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Project Manager: - Any vegetation growth that is obstructing or diverting or is likely to obstruct or divert the river or stream flow shall be removed - Any flood deposited debris such as logs, branches, or other vegetation that may cause flow diversion or scour shall be removed and disposed of tidily above and beyond the reach of any flood flow that the waterway may carry PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 11 VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA 2.2 All debris of any kind that is lodged against the bridge substructure shall be removed and disposed of Superstructure and Substructure Within the bridge superstructure and substructure the following routine cleaning, clearing and painting operations shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Project Manager - All overhanging vegetation shall be cleared adequately but not excessively and all lopping tidily disposed of - All weep holes provided on abutments and wing walls shall be kept free of clogged debris - All bridge seats and pier caps shall be kept free from debris, dirt and moisture - All timber joints and surfaces shall be kept free from debris and dirt so that moisture is not retained, thereby accelerating decay; after the first such thorough cleaning and drying, such surfaces will be painted with an approved paint containing an anti-rot ingredient - All steel surfaces shall be kept free from debris and dirt so that moisture is not retained, thereby accelerating corrosion; after the first such thorough cleaning and drying, such surfaces will be painted with an approved anti-corrosion paint - All scuppers, downspouts, drainage channels and outlets shall be kept clear of debris to allow free discharge of water, thus avoiding spillage on to bearings and bearing seats and avoiding seepage through joints and cracks - No bridge spikes, bolts or broken timbers shall be left projecting above the deck surface to rip the tyres of passing vehicles PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 12 ... PACKAGE:RAP/CP 15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA TABLE OF CONTENTS I GENERAL II CONTENT OF ROUTINE MAINTENANCE WORK III ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF PAVEMENT IV ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF... SHOULDERS AND SHOULDER BERM V ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OFF DITCHES, DRAINS, CUTTING AND EMBANKMENT VI ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF ROAD FURNITURE AND ROAD MARKINGS VII ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF BRIDGES PHUONG... THANH TRANCONSIN VRAMP – CONTRACT PACKAGE:RAP/CP 15 – MAINTENANCE OF NH6 FROM KM193÷KM233 IN SON LA I GENERAL The work shall comprise routine maintenance works to ensure that the pavements, shoulders,

Ngày đăng: 08/03/2023, 21:28
