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At one point during the war, Lincoln was forced by his cabinet to confront the realization that many people who were thought to be Union patriots were actually spies providing key information to the Confederacy Not only was the situation a security concern, but Lincoln was particularly distressed at the obvious lack of loyalty and honesty from so many people who were believed to be Union supporters... sleeping on guard duty, they obtained mercy from their father 'The doll Jack is pardoned By order of the President,' he commanded on Executive Mansion stationery, signing it just as he signed all of his pardons: A Lincoln President Lincoln felt that the wanton execution of deserting soldiers was not only improper but that it also damaged the nation In a statement that sounds as though it came from someone... actions met with the publics needs and opinions Consistency became one of Lincoln' s subtle trademarks and one of the main cogs in the machinery of his administration Such dependability from a leader inspires trust and naturally makes people feel more comfortable on a dayto-day basis Lincoln was consistent in how he treated people, and how he made assignments and promotions; consistent in his interaction... military to carry on the struggle for preservation of the Union By the later stages of the Civil War, knowledge of Lincoln' s compassion, his ability to forgive, and his general unwillingness to take harsh actions had spread throughout the nation, even to the Southern states In February 1865, he left Washington to conduct the Hampton Roads Peace Conference, where he met with several Confederate leaders... relationship with McClellan, there may be two successU ones like Seward and Stanton And even though his personal relationship with George McClellan was troubled, Lincoln did ally successffilly with most of his generals If they didn't like the constant changes in command he made, they respected his decisions Gen Ambrose Burnside once remarked in 1862 to his staff 'If ever there was an honest man on the... can be gained, and trust will soon follow Lincoln' s approach won't work for everyone Some employees simply will not come around However, the vast majority-the most competent and honest ones-will And should there be too many of those who don't see the merit in this approach, they could perhaps be construed to be in the wrong place For all the successful relationships Lincoln had with key subordinates,... just that So Lincoln decided to take a chance on Hooker, but he used the same style of persuasion, support, and encouragement that he had used with all the previous generals On January 26, 1863, Lincoln summoned his new commander to Washington, where the two discussed Hooker's attitudes along with sweeping strategies for pursuing the war effort Through the course of their conversation, Lincoln told... year 1864, Lincoln drafted a statement of refutation regarding a misrepresentation of the facts in what was popularly called 'the Antietam episode.' In October 1862, he'd visited the battlefield of Antietam and, while riding in a carriage on his way to review the Union troops, Lincoln asked his old friend Ward Larnon to sing one of his favorite melancholy songs Larnon did sing a short, sad song and then,... description for not only Lincoln the man but Lincoln the leader There were, in fact, numerous paradoxes in Lincoln' s leadership style For instance, he tended to be strikingly flexible while at the same time a model of consistency During the four years of his presidency, Lincoln was remarkably consistent Early in his first administration the president directed and encouraged his cabinet members to be consistent . !"&!$+"&3+"#")" 4"#!""&!"!!)""$* A !%"&"""&!&,. ."+!%"!3""!"!3"%$!0! )"&!"!"3!"*!"%"C"!$"B"%!"%$" %"&"+!"B)"&!""!&!"&!%"!3""!"!3!!8+ !!!"&!"5&","""+"#"3!!)3""!* 8+3!"!!"%!"*--!E5($!)!!&3"+)""!3* !%!&3"!"!3!%")"&!"!: . 3"!"!"!0&!"%"&+!!! !")&&$"*" "! "+ F+!$ !&!"1"" '*""!&"$)"+"*3&)%$!!")!" (+3!"!!&)35