FIFTH EDITION ENC YCLOPEDIA OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE and ENGINEERING VOLUME A- L FIFTH EDITION ENC YCLOPEDIA OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE and ENGINEERING VOLUME A- L EDITED BY JAMES R PFAFFLIN EDWARD N ZIEGLER Boca Raton London New York A CRC title, part of the Taylor & Francis imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group, the academic division of T&F Informa plc Published in 2006 by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 © 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group No claim to original U.S Government works Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper 10 International Standard Book Number-10: 0-8493-9843-6 (Hardcover) International Standard Book Number-13: 978-0-8493-9843-8 (Hardcover) This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are indicated A wide variety of references are listed Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of their use No part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers For permission to photocopy or use material electronically from this work, please access ( or contact the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc (CCC) 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400 CCC is a not-for-profit organization that provides licenses and registration for a variety of users For organizations that have been granted a photocopy license by the CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Catalog record is available from the Library of Congress Visit the Taylor & Francis Web site at Taylor & Francis Group is the Academic Division of Informa plc and the CRC Press Web site at EDITORS JAMES R PFAFFLIN EDWARD N ZIEGLER Polytechnic University EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD NEAL E ARMSTRONG University of Texas at Austin GERARD P CANEVARI G P Canevari Associates TAKESHI GODA Ritsumeikan University JOSEPH M LYNCH Mayo Lynch Associates JOHN H SEINFELD California Institute of Technology FRANCES P SOLOMON King County Department of Natural Resources Thou ever-darting Globe! through Space and Air! Thou waters that encompass us! Thou that in all the life and death of us, in action or in sleep! Thou laws invisible that permeate them and all, Thou that in all, and over all, and through and under all, incessant! Thou! thou! the vital, universal, giant force resistless, sleepless, calm, Holding Humanity as in thy open hand, as some ephemeral toy, How ill to e’er forget thee! One thought ever at the fore— That in the Divine Ship, the World, breasting Time and Space, All Peoples of the globe together sail, sail the same voyage, are bound to the same destination —Walt Whitman (ca 1890) CONTENTS Foreword xv Editors’ Preface xvii Editors xix List of Contributors xxi VOLUME Acid Rain Gary J Stensland Aerosols John H Seinfeld, Yasuo Kousaka, and Kikuo Okuyama 15 Air Pollutant Effects Edward F Ferrand 29 Air Pollution Instrumentation James Geiger and Mark D Mueller 44 Air Pollution Meteorology Hans A Panofsky 59 Air Pollution Sources Jehuda Menczel 70 Aquatic Primary Production Charles R Goldman 113 Atmospheric Chemistry Larry G Anderson 118 Biological Treatment of Wastewater J K Bewtra and N Biswas 137 Brownfields Lee Dorigan 160 Coal Gasification Processes Robert J Farrell and Edward N Ziegler 166 Community Health John B De Hoff 171 Composting J K McCarthy and Raul R Cardenas, Jr 185 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS RH—Relative Humidity RHA—Regional Health Authority (UK) RI—Remedial Investigation RI—Return Interval Ri—Richardson Number RIA—Regulatory Impact Analysis RIBA—Royal Institution of British Architects RI-FS—Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (U.S.) RIIA—Royal Institute of International Affairs (UK) RL50—Residue Half Life RMCL—Recommended Maximum Contaminant Level RME—Reasonable Maximum Exposure RMLT—Regression Models in Life Tables RMP—Risk Management Program (Plan) (U.S.) RMR—Required Mass Removal RNA—Ribonucleic Acid RNI—Rates of Natural Increase RO—Renewables Obligation RO—Reverse Osmosis ROC—Renewable Obligation Certificate ROD—Record of Decisions (Superfund) (U.S.) ROFA 6—Residual Oil Fly Ash (No Fuel Oil) RORO—Roll On Roll Off RoSPA—Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (UK) RP—Return Period R/P—Reserve/Production RPA—Radiation Protection Act (UK) RPA—Renewable Power Association RPE—Respiratory Protection Equipment RPP—Radiation Protection Program (Canada) RPS—Renewable Portfolio Standard RQ—Reportable Quantity (U.S.) RR—Relative Risk RRRR—Reduce/Recovery/Recycle/Reuse RRT—Relative Retention Time RS—Royal Society (UK) RSA—Radioactive Substances Act (UK) RSC—Reactor Safety Commission (Germany) RSC—Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) RSD—Relative Standard Deviation RSH—Royal Society of Health (UK) RTD—Residence Time Distribution RTDF—Remediation Technologies Development Forum RTO—Regenerative Thermal Oxidation RVP—Reid Vapor Pressure RWMAC—Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee (UK) SAED—Selected Area Electron Diffraction SAGE—Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment S and T—Science and Technology SAR—Sodium Adsorption Ratio SAR—Specific Absorption Rate SAR—Structure-Activity Relationship SARA—Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (U.S.) SARTOR—Standards and Routes to Registration (UK) 1369 SASS—Source Assessment Sampling System SAVEII—Specific Action for Vigorous Energy Efficiency (EU) SBR—Sequencing Batch Reactor SBR—Stillbirth Rate SBS—Sick Building Syndrome SBT—Segregated Ballast Tank Sc—Schmidt Number SC—Sierra Club SCADA—Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SCAPS—Site Characterization and Analysis Penetrometer System SCAQMD—South Coast Air Quality Management District SCF—Standard Cubic Feet SCF—Supercritical Fluid SCOPE—Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment SCR—Selective Catalytic Reduction SCS—Soil Conservation Service (U.S.) SCW—Supercritical Water SCWO—Supercritical Wet (Water) Oxidation SD—Solar Distillation SD—Standard Deviation SD—Sustainable Development SDBS—Sodium Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonate SDI—Silt Density Index SDR—Surplus Discrete Reductions (U.S.) S & DSI—Stiff and Davis Stability Index SDWA—Safe Drinking Water Act (U.S.) SEA—Strategic Environmental Assessment SEARR—South East Asia Rainforest Research Program SEASAT—Earth Satellite for Sea Surveys SEC—Site-Specific Energy Consumption SEC—Size Exclusion Chromatography SED—Soil Evacuation and Disposal Plan (U.S.) SEE—Society of Environmental Engineers (UK) SEER—Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results SEFI—European Society for Engineering Education SELCHP—South East London Combined Heat and Power (UK) SEM—Scanning Electron Microscope SEP—Supplemental Environmental Project SERC—Scientific and Engineering Research Council (UK) SERI—Solar Energy Research Institute SET—Science, Engineering, Technology SETAC—Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry SF—Safety Factor SFIP—Sector Facility Indexing Project (U.S.) SG—Sustained Growth Sh—Sherwood Number SHASE—Society of Heating, Air Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers (Japan) SHE—Safety, Health and the Environment SHE—Systeme Hydrologique European SHP—Shaft Horsepower SHPO—State Historic Preservation Officer (U.S.) 1370 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS SHWP—Seismic Hazards Working Party SI—International System of Units (Systeme International d’Unites) SI—Saturation Index SI—Statutory Instruments (UK) SIC—Standard Industrial Classification (U.S.) SIL—Safety Integrity Level SIM—Selective Ion Monitoring SIMS—Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry SIP—Site Implementation Plan (U.S.) SIP—Sterilization in Place SIPI—Scientists’ Institute for Public Information SIS—Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible SKAPP—Scientific Knowledge and Public Policy SKI—Radiation Protection Institute (Sweden) SL—Surface Layer SLAMM—Source Loading and Management Model SLAPP—Strategic Lawsuit against Public Participation (Canada) SLM—Supported Liquid Membrane SMB—Simulated Moving Bed SMCL—Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level SMCRA—Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (U.S.) SME—Solar Mesospheric Explorer SMP—Soluble Microbial Product SMPS—Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer SMR—Standardized Mortality Ratio (Rate) SMZ—Surface Modified Zeolite SNAP—Significant New Alternatives Policy SNARL—EPA Suggested No Adverse Response Level (U.S.) SNCR—Selective Noncatalytic Reduction SNL—Sandia National Laboratory (U.S.) SNL—Scottish Nuclear Ltd SNL—Sense Noise Level SOA—Secondary Organic Aerosols SOC—Soluble Organic Compound (Chemical) SOC—Synthetic Organic Chemical SOCMI—Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry SOD—Sediment Oxygen Demand SOFC—Solid Oxide Fuel Cell SOI—Southern Oscillation Index SoPHE—Society of Public Health Engineers SOx—Sulfur Oxides SPCC—Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures SPE—Solid Phase Extraction SPE—Survivor Population Effect SPFC—Solid Polymer Fuel Cell SPI—Society of the Plastics Industry SPM—Scanning Probe Microscopy SPME—Solid-Phase Microextraction SPOT—Systeme Pour l’Observation de La Terre (France) SPSS—Sulfur Polymer Stabilization and Solidification SRC—Science Research Council (UK) SRF—State Revolving Fund (U.S.) SR&O—Statutory Regulations and Orders (UK) SRT—Solids Retention Time S/S—Solidification/Stabilization SS—Suspended Solids SSA—Specific Surface Area SSBY—Sewage Solids By-Product SSD—Safe Separation Distance SSHRC—Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada) SSI—Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (Sweden) SSIT—Society on Social Implications of Technology SSOW—Source Separated Organic Waste SSSI—Site of Special Scientific Interest (UK) SST—Sea-Surface Temperature SST—Supersonic Transport SSTL—Site Specific Target Levels STAPPA—State and Territorial Air Pollution Program Administrators (U.S.) STEL—Short Term Exposure Limit STEM—Standard Transmission Electron Microscope STEP—Septic Tank Effluent Pump STEP—Standard for Exchange of Production STM—Scanning Tunneling Microscopy STORM—Storage Treatment Overflow and Runoff Model STP—Standard Temperature and Pressure STS—Supercooled Ternary Solution SU—Standard Unit SUVA—Specific Ultraviolet Absorbance Sv—Sievert SVE—Soil Vapor Extraction SVI—Sludge Volume Index SVIN—Swiss Association of Women Engineers SVOC—Semivolatile Organic Compound SVR—Sludge Volume Ratio SWAMP—Storm Water Assessment, Monitoring and Performance Program (Canada) SWDA—Solid Waste Disposal Act (U.S.) SWE—Society of Women Engineers (U.S.) SWH—Solar Water Heater SWJ—Sewage Works Journal SWMM—Stormwater Management Model TA—Total Alkalinity TAC—Total Annual Cost TADC—Tire-Derived Activated Carbon TAEE—Tert-Amyl Ethyl Ether TAME—Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether TAO—Tropical Atmosphere Ocean TAPPI—Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry TAW—Technical Advisory Committee on Water Defenses (Holland) TB—Tracheobronchial TBT—Tributyltin TC—Total Coliforms TCA—Trichloroethane TCDD—2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin TCDF—Tetrachlorodibenzofuran TCE—Trichloroethylene ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS TCER—Target Carbon Emission Rate TCF—Totally Chlorine Free TCI—Total Capital Investment TCLP—Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (Potential) (U.S.) TCN—Technical Cooperation Network TCP—Trichloropropane TCR—Total Coliform Rule TCU—True Color Unit TDH—Total Dynamic Head TDI—Tolerable Daily Intake TDI—Toluene-2,4-Diisocyanate TDS—Total Dissolved Solids TEA—Triethanolamine TEB—Total Exchangeable Bases TECSEC—Technical Secretariat TEL—Tetraethyl Lead TEL—Total Energy Line TEM—Total Extractable Matter TEOM—Tapered Elemental Oscillating Microbalance TEQ—Toxic Equivalent TFAP—Tropical Forestry Action Plan TFE—Tetrafluoroethylene T4CB—3,3 Ј,4,4 Ј-Tetrachlorinated Biphenyl THAA—Total Haloacetic Acids THC—Thermohaline Circulation THC—Total Hydrocarbon THESUS—Thermal Solar European Power Station THF—Tetrahydrofuran THM—Chloro-Organics THM—Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical THM—Trihalomethane ThOD—Theoretical Oxygen Demand THORP—Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant 3P—Pollution Prevention Pays TI—Tobacco Institute TIC—Total Industry Control TIE—Toxicity Investigation Evaluation TIEL—Toxicologically Insignificant Exposure Limit TIO—Technology Innovation Office (U.S.) TISE—Take It Somewhere Else TKN—Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen TL—Threshold Limit TLC—Total Lung Capacity TL, m—Threshold Limit, median TLV—Threshold Limit Value TM—Thematic Mapper TMDL—Total Maximum Daily Load TMI—Three Mile Island TMP—Transmembrane Pressure TN—Total Nitrogen TNCB—Trinitrochlorobenzene TNO—Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research TNO—Total Number of Organisms TNRCC—Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission TOC—Total Organic Carbon toe—Tonnes Oil Equivalent 1371 TOGA—Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere TOMS—Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer TOX—Tetradichloroxylene TP—Total Phosphorous TPA—Tetraphthalic Acid TPH—Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons TPL—Trust for Public Lands TPP—Tripolyphosphate TPU—Thermal Processing Unit TPV—Third-Party Verification TQ—Threshold Quantity TQM—Total Quality Management TRE—Total Resource Effectiveness TRE—Toxicity Reduction Evaluation TRI—Toxics Release Inventory (U.S.) TRIP—Trade Related Intellectual Property TRS—Total Reduced Sulfur TS—Total Solids TSA—Technical Systems Audit TSCA—Toxic Substances Control Act (U.S.) TSCATS—Toxic Substances Control Act Test Submission TSDF—Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility TSDHW—Transportation, Storage and Disposal of Hazardous Wastes TSE—Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies TSP—Total Soluble Phosphorous TSP—Total Suspended Particulates TSS—Total Suspended Solids TT—Treatment Technique TTHM—Total Trihalomethane TTNBS—Technology Transfer Network Bulletin System TTO—Total Toxic Organics TTO—Troposphere Ozone TTT & O—Time, Temperature, Turbulence and Oxygen TUC—Trades Union Congress (UK) TVC—Thermal Vapor Compression TVO/IVO—Finnish Nuclear Organization TWA—Time Weighted Average TWh—Tetrawatt Hours UASB—Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (Bed) UATI—Union of Technical Associations and Organizations UBA—German Federal Environmental Agency UC—Uniformity Coefficient UCM—Unresolved Complex Mixtures UCPC—Ultrafine Condensation Particle Counter UCS—Unconditioned Stimulus UEIP—Use and Exposure Information Voluntary Project (U.S.) UEL—Upper Explosive Limit UF—Ultrafiltration UFL—Upper Flammability Limit UKMO—UK Meteorological Office UL—Underwriters Laboratories ULCC—Ultra Large Crude Carrier ULSD—Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel ULSP—Ultra Low Sulfur Petrol 1372 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS UMIST—University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology UN—United Nations UNCED—UN Conference on Environment and Development UNCED—UN Convention on Environmental Diversity UNCLOS—UN Conference on the Law of the Sea UNDP—UN Development Program UNECE—United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNEP—UN Environment Program UNESCO—UN Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNFCCC—United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNICEF—UN Children’s Fund UNICHAL—International Union of Heat Distributors UNIDO—UN Industrial Development Organization UNU—United Nations University UOD—Ultimate Oxygen Demand UP—Ultrafine Particle UPW—Ultrapure Water URV—Unit Risk Value USC—U.S Code USCG—U.S Coast Guard USCGS—U.S Coast and Geodetic Survey USDW—Underground Source of Drinking Water USGS—U.S Geological Survey USP—U.S Pharmacopoeia USPHS—U.S Public Health Service UST—Underground Storage Tank UV—Ultraviolet UVR—Ultraviolet Radiation V—Vinyl VA—Volatile Acid VA—Vulnerability Assessment VBS—Volatile Biofilm Solids VC—Vapor Compression VCM—Vinyl Chloride Monomer VDI—Verein Deutscher Ingenieure VE—Visual Emissions VER—Variable Energy Recovery VFA—Volatile Fatty Acid VFVA—Vacuum Flash Vapor Absorption VHAP—Volatile Hazardous Air Pollutant VITO—Flemish Institute for Technological Research VLCC—Very Large Crude Carrier VLF—Very Low Frequency VLLW—Very Low Level Radioactive Waste VO—Volatile Organics VOC—Volatile Organic Compounds (Contaminants) (Chemicals) VOHAP—Volatile Organic Hazardous Air Pollutant VOST—Volatile Organic Sampling Train VPH—Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons VPP—Voluntary Protection Program VSS—Volatile Suspended Solids VTE—Vertical Tube Evaporator VTOC—Volatile Toxic Organic Compound v/v—Volume/Volume VVC—Vacuum Vapor Compression W—Watt WAC—Weak Acid Cation WAMAP—IAEA Waste Management Advisory Program WAS—Waste Activated Sludge WASP—Water Quality Analysis and Simulation Program WATRP—IAEA Waste Management Assessment and Technical Review Program WBGU—German Advisory Council on Global Change WC—Water Closet WCED—World Commission on Environment and Development WCRP—World Climate Research Program WCS—Wildlife Conservation Society WCS—World Conservation Strategy WDF—Waste Derived Fuel WEAO—Water Environment Association of Ontario WEC—Wave Energy Converter WEC—World Energy Conference WEC—World Energy Council WEDO—Women and Environment Development Organization WEF—Water Environment Federation WEF—World Environment Federation WEPSD—World Engineering Partnership for Sustainable Development WES—Women’s Engineering Society (UK) WESP—Wet Electrostatic Precipitator WFEO—World Federation of Engineering Organizations WFP—World Food Program WFS—World Food Survey WFTO—World Federation of Technology Organizations Wh—Watt Hour WHMIS—Waste Hazardous Materials Information System WHO—World Health Organization WHRC—Woods Hole Research Center WID—Waste Incineration Directive (EU) WIPP—Waste Isolation Pilot Plant WIRE—World Wide Information System for Renewable Energy WISE—Women into Science and Engineering WITT—Women in Trade and Technology (Canada) WL—Working Level WLFO—Wet Limestone Forced Oxidation WLM—Working Level Month WMO—World Meteorological Organization WO—Water in Oil WPCF—Water Pollution Control Federation WPWP—Western Pacific Warm Pool WQCV—Water Quality Control Volume WQI—Water Quality Indices WQM—Water Quality Management WRA—Waste Regulation Authority (UK) ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS WRC—World Resources Council WRDA—Water Resources Development Act (U.S.) WRI—World Resources Institute WRPA—Water Resources Planning Act (U.S.) WRRA—Water Resources Research Act (U.S.) WSC—World Solar Commission WSI—Water-Steam Injection WSP—World Solar Programme WSR—World Standardized Rates WSRA—Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (U.S.) WSSP—World Solar Summit Process WTF—Water Treatment Facility WTO—World Trade Organization WWF—Wet Weather Flow WWF—World Wildlife Fund WWI—World Watch Institute WWTP—Wastewater Treatment Plant XLPE—Crosslinked Polyethylene XRD—X-Ray Diffraction XRF—X-Ray Fluorescence Y—Growth Yield Coefficient ZEV—Zero Emission Vehicle ZIP—Zero-Incident Performance ZLD—Zero Liquid Discharge ZPG—Zero Population Growth 1373 INDEX A aerogenes 729 Absorbent 1221 Absorption spectrometer 53 Accident prevention 334 Acclimatization 1148 Acetylene 1023 Acid deposition 3, 30 Acidity 1254 Acid mine drainage 1016 Acid rain 1, 67, 747 Acid snow Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome 178 Actinium series decay 1041 Activated carbon 737, 987, 1204, 1309, 1326 Activated sludge 147, 733 Activity 627, 1148, 1265 Acute toxicity 964 Adenosine triphosphate 248 Administrative Procedures Act (US) 593 Advanced treatment 1173 Aerated lagoons 180 Aeration tank 134 Aeroallergens 93 Aerobic treatment 144 Aerosols 15, 239 Aetiological studies 382 Aggregate risk 39 Agricultural waste 645 AHERA—see Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (US) AIDS—see Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Air distribution 492 Air intakes 498 Air pollutants 301, 1033 Air pollution 29, 44, 59, 70, 334, 490, 1104 Air Pollution and Health (EU) 29 Air pollution sources 70 Air quality 30 Airshed models 120 Air sources 335 Air sparging 436 Air stripping 1324 Air to fuel ratio 706 Alachlor 957 Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (US) 366 Alcohol 238 Aldehyde 235 Aldrin 850, 957 Algae 116, 389, 613, 684, 1303 Algae harvesting 394, 620 Algal bloom 620 Alkalinity 618, 1256, 1319 Alkylbenzenesulfonate 1308 Alum 618 Aluminum sulfate 978 Alveoli 30 American Public Health Association 334 American Society for Testing and Materials 160, 286, 1079 Ammonia 5, 86, 167 Ammonia stripping 397 Amperometry 569 Anaerobic denitrification 395 Anaerobic system 1082 Anaerobic treatment 152 Analysis of variance 1128 Antarctic Bottom Water 798 Antarctic zone 129 Anthropocentric 260 Anthropogenic sources 10 Anticaking agents 272 Antiquities Act (US) 366 APHA—see American Public Health Association APHEA—see Air Pollution and Health (EU) Aquatic plants 624 Aquifer 480 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 367 Aromatics 845 Arrhenius expression 890 Arsenic 30, 98, 1120 Asbestos 36, 93, 176, 276 Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (US) 276 1375 Askarel 848 Assimilation 253 ASTM—see American Society for Testing and Materials Atmosphere-deep ocean models 450 Atmospheric acid 125 Atmospheric dispersion 60 Atmospheric inversion 66 Atmospheric water 1290 Atomic Energy Act (US) 362 ATP—see Adenosine triphosphate At-source prevention 1019 Autotrophic 262 Bacteria 139, 682, 1303 Baghouse 93 Bancroft’s Law 810 Barium 102 Batch composting 188 Bathing beaches 353 Becquerel 627 Bed load 1069 Beer’s Law 556 Behavior 1030 Benthal deposits 732 Benthic algae 391 Benthic zone 608 Benzene 30 Beryllium 30, 102, 1118 Beverage container deposit legislation 1060 Bicarbonate 5, 1255 Binomial distribution 1125 Bioaccumulation 1046 Biochemical oxygen demand 137, 345, 397, 727, 743 Biocoenosis 261 Biodegradability capacity 689 Biogas 1007 Biological contaminants 40 Biological monitoring 1159 Biological stabilization 186 Biological treatment 137, 398, 1087, 1200, 1308 Biomass 113, 253, 313, 622 1376 INDEX Biophage 253 Biosorption 147 Biota 611 Biotransformation 1012 Birds 966 Birth defects 281 Blue–green algae 389, 687 BOD—see Biochemical oxygen demand Boron 93 Bottle bills 1059 Break bulk vessel 668 Brilliant green bile 731 Broad Street well epidemic 1311 Brownfields 160 Brownian motion 17 Bubbling fluidized bed 403 Bulk sampling Cadmium 99 Calcium 197, 311 California Air Resources Board 707 Calomel electrode 504 Camping 1090 Canal 1284 Cancer 176, 276, 339 Carbonaceous Oxygen Demand 347, 728 Carbonate system 1255 Carbon dioxide 71, 80, 113, 118,138, 154, 304, 392, 1211, 114, 634, 1042 Carbon 14 Carbon metabolism 693 Carbon monoxide 24, 52, 71, 79, 118, 177, 301, 1213 Carbonyl sulfide 1173 Carboxyhemoglobin 34 Carcinogen 277 Carcinogenicity 1160 Carcinoma 277 Catalyst 1227 Catalytic reaction 906 Catch basin 1182 Cationic detergent 234 Causes of death 235 CDC—see Centers for Disease Control Cencus 368 Centers for Disease Control (US) 29, 174, 898 CERCLA—see Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (US) Cesspool 735 CFC—see Chlorofluorocarbon CFM—see Chlorofluoromethane Channel routing 475 Chemical clarification 733 Chemical dispersants 812 Chemical equilibria 1256 Chemical oxygen demand 137, 167, 345 Chemical preservatives 272 Chemical toilet 1006 Chemical treatment 973, 1086, 1308, 1321 Chemosterilizer 224 Chernobyl Incident 627 Chloracne 847 Chlor-alkali 105 Chloramine 1302 Chlorinated hydrocarbons 459, 619 Chlorine 90, 233, 391, 1303 Chlorine nitrate 131 Chlorofluorocarbon 128 Chlorofluoromethane 69 Chlorolysis 1090 Chromium 104 Chrysotile 277 Cigarettes 276 Circulating fluidized bed 402, 947 Circulation 718 Citizen suits 361 City models 62 Clarification 975 Clean Air Act (US) 38, 72, 362,747 Clean Air Act Amendments (US) 991 Cleanup Response Statutes 363 Clean Water Act (US) 363, 526 Clean Water Restoration Act (US) 526 Climate 194, 263 Climate change 427 Climatology Clinical trials 383 Clostridium botulinum 359 Club of Rome 503 Coagulation 349, 974, 1314 Coal 166, 307, 419, 1016, 1229 Coal ash 283, 423 Coastal Zone Management Act (US) 365 COD—see Chemical oxygen demand Codex Alimentarius 275 Cohort analysis 377 Coke oven 30 Coliform 356 Colloid 729, 1304 Color 272, 1304 Combination bulk carrier 672 Combined distillation 209 Combined sewer 1180 Combustion 402 Commercial aircraft 1089 Communicable disease 337 Community health 171 Community noise 776 Compaction 334, 656 Completely mixed activated sludge 150 Composting 185, 353, 656 Compost microbiology 187 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (US) 365, 459, 944 Conditioned response 1029 Conductivity Congenital malformation 278 Conger 867 Conjugation 1012 Conservation Statutes 365 Constructed wetland 1083 Consumer Product Safety Act (US) 364 Consumers 253 Contact stabilization 150, 1086, 1301 Contaminants 61 Contingency tables 1167 Continuity 719, 1071 Continuous distribution 1124 Continuous monitoring 44 Copper 104, 391 Copper sulfate 623 Coriolis parameter 795 Correlation and regression 1130 Correlation coefficient 1172 Coulometry 581 Cresol 231 Criteria pollutants 71 Critical deficit 730 Critical flow 1297 Crude oil 307 Crystallization 198 Curie 627 Curve fitting 1130 Cybernetics 263 Cyclamate 274 Cyclones 93, 832 Darcy’s equation 442, 1276 Darcy–Weisbach equation 1276 DDT—see Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane Death 369 Decay series 1047 Decibel 773, 1029 Decomposition 263 Defense of Florissant 600 Delaney Amendment 274, 965 Denitrification 394 Deoxyribonucleic acid 685 Department of Health and Human Services (US) 171 Department of Health, Education and Welfare (US) 277 Desalination 194 Deserts 194 Desulfurization 411 Detention basin 727 Detergent 105, 224, 812 Detoxification 452 INDEX Deuterium 318 Developed Nations 1008 Developing Nations 1003 Development and Evolution 263 DHHS—see Department of Health and Human Services (US) Diatomaceous earth 977 Diatoms 390 Dibenzofuran 38 Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane 272, 849 Diesel exhaust 707, 767 Dietary supplements 272 Diffusion 26, 906 Digital devices 548 Dilution and dispersion 632 Dimethyl sulfide 128 Dioxin 39, 847 Directing agent 1149 Dirty ballast 683 Disaster care 182 Disease prevention 175 Disease Registers 376 Disease transmission 355 Disinfectants 229 Disinfection 224 ‘Disorder pumpout’ 263 Disposal by dilution 729 Dissolved air flotation 1201 Dissolved oxygen 347, 538 Distillation processes 199, 937, 1320 Diurnal variation 64, 119 Diversity patterns 263 DMS—see Dimethyl sulfide DNA—see Deoxyribonucleic acid D O.—see Dissolved oxygen Double bottom vessel 675 Downwelling 796 Drag coefficient 18 Drawdown curves 444 Drinking Water Standards 341 Dry bulk carrier 670 Dry deposition Dual media high rate filtration 1191 Dual phase extraction 457 Dust 166 Dustfall 321 Dyes 237, 251 ECLSS—see Environmental Control and Life Support system E coli 358 Ecological magnification 966 Ecological pyramids 253 Ecology 244, 253, 260, 502, 694, 996, 1041, 1146 Ecosystem 260, 609 Effluent 60, 394, 732 Effluent standards 349 Electric vehicle 707 Electrodeionization 1245 Electrodialysis 198, 398, 980, 1322 Electrostatic precipitator 93, 282, 634, 836 Electrostatic precipitation 289 Electrooxidation 1246 Elevated source 1169 ‘Eleven blue men’ 271 El Nino event 796 Emission control devices 704 Emission Measurement Technical Information Center 1097 Emissions standards 404 Employment and Safety 299 EMTIC—see Emission Measurement Technical Information Center Emulsifying agents 272 Endangered Species Act (US) 364, 370 Endogenous respiration 141 Energy 244, 253, 687 Energy budget 254 Energy conversion 314 Energy demand 296 Energy flow 263, 615 Energy resources 307 Energy sources 199, 295 Energy strategies 320 Energy subsidies 263 Energy utilization 295 Environmental assessment 325 Environmental biology 334 Environmental contaminants 958 Environmental Control and Life Support system 1210 Environmental factors 244, 300 Environmental hazards 175 Environmental health 335 Environmental impact 190, 325, 1019 Environmental justice 163 Environmental law 361 Environmental litigation 598 Environmental planning 992 Environmental Protection Agency (US) 29, 72, 361, 594, 663 Environmental standards 325 Environmental stresses 1028 Environmental tobacco smoke 44, 276 Enzyme bioreactor 1250 Enzymes 138, 187 EPA—see Environmental Protection Agency (US) Epidemiology 368 Equilibrium Equity 602 Equivalent sound level 773 Erosion 1066 Estuarine hydraulics 718 1377 Estuaries 716 Ethylene oxide 239 ETS—see Environmental tobacco smoke Eubacteriales 685 Eukaryotes 689 Eutrophication 115, 389, 614 Evaporation 439, 467, 635, 1288 Evapotranspiration 467 Exchange capacity 244 Excreta 349 Excretion 1158 Exhaust systems 490 Expected deaths 382 Explosion 668, 1022 Explosives 105 Exposure 459, 627 Extended aeration 151, 1083 Extinction time 225 Extract ventilation 521 Extreme value distribution 1126 Exxon Valdez 668, 804 Fabric filter 291, 840 Facultative lagoon 1201 FAO—see Food and Agricultural Organization (UN) FDA—see Food and Drug Administration (US) Fecal-disposal diseases 1004 Federal Coal Leasing Amendments (US) 366 Federal Driving Cycle 701 Federal Emergency Management Administration (US) 182 Federal Housing Administration (US) 320 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (US) 362, 963 Federal Land Policy and Management Act (US) 366 Federal short cycle 701 Federal Water Pollution Control Act (US) 526 Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments (US) 526, 992 Federal Water Quality Act (US) 714 FEMA—see Federal Emergency Management Administration (US) Ferric chloride 972 Ferrous sulfate 975 Fertility rates 394 Fibrosis 176 Ficks Law 910 Field validated methods 1097 FIFRA—see Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (US) Filterable solids 729 Filter fly—see Psychoda fly Filter medium 147 1378 INDEX Filtration 215, 633, 978, 1193, 1316 Finite differences approximation 720 Fire damper 997 First order reaction 743 Fish 2, 271, 365, 614, 966, 1010, 1146 Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (US) 365 Fish and Wildlife Service (US) 365 Fission products 1041 Flammability 1022 Flavors 272 Flocculation 634, 973 Flood 487 Flood plain 665 Flow equalization 972 Flue gas 1234 Flue gas recirculation 761 Fluidized bed 166, 402, 766 Fluoride 93, 1108, 1211 Fly ash 167, 283 Foam separation 735, 983 Food 272, 962 Food additives 275 Food and Agricultural Organization (UN) 275 Food and Drug Administration (US) 274, 357, 363 Food chain 253, 263, 615 Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (US) 362, 963 Food hygiene 334 Food industry 533 Food protection 357 Food webs 253 Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act (US) 366 Formaldehyde 42, 238 Fossil fuel 411 Free available chlorine 1326 Free energy 1272 Free radicals 120 Freezing processes 198 Frequency data 1127 Fresh water 439 Friable asbestos 277 F-test 1131 Fuel 31, 73, 166, 303, 411, 707 Fuel cell 318, 1251 Fuel fabrication 628 Fumigation 64 Fungi 691 Fusion reactor 318 Fusion resources 312 ‘Futility care’ 173 Gaia 194 Gain output ratio 202 Garbage 354, 643 Gas absorption 1223 Gaseous pollutant 71, 1211 Gaseous sampling 1097 Gas phase 125 Gas turbine 709 Gaussian distribution—see Normal distribution ‘Generally recognized as safe’ 274 General Mining Act (US) 366 Genetic damage 279 Geographic Information Systems 425 Geometric mean 15 Geothermal energy 312 Geothermal Steam Act (US) 366 GIS—see Geographic Information Systems Global ice 1291 Global Mean Change 431 Global warming 427 GNP—see Gross National Product Golay cell 553 Gray 627 Grayfields 165 Grazers 115 Green algae 389, 684 Green belt 262 Greenhouse gases 427, 747 Grinding 354 Grit 731 Gross National Product 295 Gross reproduction 375 Groundwater 393, 439, 959, 994, 1005, 1289 Groundwater recharge 448 Growth 1148 Growth kinetics 139 Hagen-Poiseuelle equation 1276 Haldane equation 142 Half life 639 Half velocity coefficient 139 Halides 90 Halogenated hydrocarbons 79 Hardness 1018 Hardy Cross method 1280 Hazardous air pollutants 30, 72 Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (US) 527 Hazardous gas 1022 Hazardous waste 450, 459, 642, 1021 Hazen-Williams equation 1275 HDPE—see High density polyethylene Health agencies 174 Health aspects 339 Health hazards 356 Health physics 627 Hearing damage 776 Heat pump 1247 Heavy metals 72, 94, 620 Heavy water reactor 629 Henry’s Law 1226 Herbicide 623 Herbivores 258 Heterotrophic 262 High density polyethylene 1060 High gradient magnetic separation 1203 High rate activated sludge 149 Historical and Archaeological Preservation Act (US) 992 HIV—see Human immunodeficiency virus Holding tanks 1089 Hological 262 Hood design 490 Horizontal tube evaporator 203 ‘Hot’ precipitator 283 Housing 334 HSWA—see Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (US) HTE—see Horizontal tube evaporator Human engineering 1037 Human immunodeficiency virus 175 Hydraulic jump 1281 Hydraulics 715 Hydrocarbons 52, 71, 75, 304, 701 Hydro-dechlorination 933 Hydrofluorocarbons 78 Hydrogen 118 Hydrogen sulfide 85, 392, 1111 Hydrograph 470 Hydrological weathering 1283 Hydrologic cycle 342, 439, 610, 1288, 1312 Hydrology 465, 994 Hydropower 310 Hydrosphere 1287 Hydroxy radical 120 Hypochlorite 233, 1207, 1322 Hypolimnion 619 Hypothesis testing 1125 IAEA—see International Atomic Energy Agency Ice 1, 1290 ICPR—see International Commission on Radiological Protection IGCC—see Integrated gasification/ Combined cycle Illness 171 Imaging radar 1062 Imhoff tank 737 Impactor 23 Inadequate lighting 1034 Incinerating toilets 1088 Incineration 357, 453, 651 Incinerator off-gas 634 INDEX Individual risk 36 Indoor air pollution 40, 490 Industrial ecology 502 Industrial hygiene 512 Industrial waste 394, 526, 643, 721 Industrial waste survey 528 Inert gas 1022 Infant mortality 374 Infective agents 446 In-pipe storage 1188 Instrumental methods 549 Instrumentation 44 Integrated command and control 683 Integrated gasification/Combined cycle 166 Integrated waste management 661 Inntermittent sand filter 1082 International Atomic Energy Agency 1045 International Commission on Radiological Protection 627 International List of Diseases, Injuries and Causes of Death 371 International Union of Pure and applied Chemistry 866 Iodine 234 Iodophors 234 Ion-exchange 198, 398, 635, 737, 980, 1307, 1321 Ionic processes 211 Ionizing radiation 280, 584 Iron 103, 341 Iron oxidation 1018 Iron sulfide 1016 Isopleths 10, 124, 1166 Isotope production 631 Kelvin effect 21 Ketone 936 Kinematic wave 476 Kinetics 139, 224, 939 Kwok’s Disease 275 Laboratory safety 498 Lactose broth 729 Lagoons 147, 151, 738, 1200 Lake 2, 115, 261, 608, 959 Lake biota 612 Laminar flow 1276 Land and Water Conservation Act (US) 367 Landfill 999 Landsat satellite 1062 Land use 300, 996, 597, 991 Langmuir isotherm 1217 Laser radiation 778 Latent period 379 LDPE—see Low density polyethylene Lead 29, 37, 95, 119 Leaf-area index 1063 Legal aspects 590 Legal wrong 595 Legionella pneumophilia 40 Legionnaires Disease 40 Lethal agent 1146 Life-cycle assessment 505 Life expectancy 338 Life Tables 370 Light 248, 1028 Light intensity 391 Light scattering 21 Lime 109, 392, 617, 972 Limen 1028 Limnology 608 Lindane 959 Linear regression 1167 Liquid bulk vessel 669 Liquified natural gas 671 Liquified petroleum gas 671 Litter 642 Littoral zone 608 LNG—see Liquified natural gas Logarithmic growth phase 139 Lognormal distribution 16, 1125 Long tube vertical evaporator 203 Love Canal 161 Low density polyethlene 1060 LPG—see Liquified petroleum gas LTVE—see Long tube vertical evaporator Luminescence analyzer 49 Maceration-disinfection devices 1089 Macromolecules 1301 Macrophyte 622 MACT—see Maximum available control technology Magnesium 197, 391 Magnetohydrodynamics 318 Makeup air 492 Malathion 957 Mammal Protection Act (US) 369 Management 526, 616, 641 Manganese 101 Manning formula 1275 Marcasite 1016 Marine spillage 667 MARPOL Convention 670 Mass median diameter 16 Mass spectrometry 924 Mass transfer 140 MATC—see Maximum acceptable toxicant concentration Material safety date sheet 361 Maximum acceptable toxicant concentration 1014 1379 Maximum available control technology 72 Maximum credible accident 629 Maximum permissible dose 626 Measles 175 Mechanical vapor compression 204 Membranes 214 Mercury 30, 94, 237, 271, 341, 1117 Mesothelioma 176 Metabolic compatability 279 Metabolic reactions 137 Metallurgical industry 108 Metals 236 Meteorology 59, 1171 Methane 118, 154, 999 Methane farming toilet 1006 Methylcyclodienyl manganese tricarbonyl 278 Methylene blue 727 Methyl mercaptan 1112 Methyl mercury 271, 967 MHD—see Magnetohydrodynamics Microbiological standards 357 Microbiology 187, 683 Microfiltration 215 Micronutrients 392 Microorganisms 137, 187, 683, 728 Microscreen 977 Microstrainer 735 Microwave radiation 789 Milk 341 Milk control 359 Mine drainage 1016 Mineral Leasing Act (US) 366 Mineral products 109 Mineral waste 647 Minimata Disease 271 Mixed liquor suspended solids 733 Mixed media filter 977 Mixing and blending 104 Mixture toxicity 1162 MMT—see Methylcyclodienyl manganese tricarbonyl Mobile power plant 320 Mobile sources 75, 303, 701 Models 228, 262, 387, 429, 717, 1163 Molten salt 931 Monitoring 3, 528 Monitoring grids 1166 Monod equation 139 Monosodium glutamate 274 Moody diagram 1277 Morbidity 32 Mortality 32, 368 Most Probable Number 348, 729 Motility 389 Motor vehicle 79, 176 MPD—see Maximum permissible dose 1380 INDEX MPN—see Most Probable Number MSDS—see Material safety data sheet MSG—see Monosodium glutamate MSW—see Municipal solid waste Multicellular cyclone 836 Multicomponent system 271 Multiflotation 1244 Multimedia filtration 978 Multiple correlation 1234 Multiple-effect distillation 202 Multiple-effect evaporator 201 Multiple Mineral Development Act (US) 366 Multiple-Use and Sustained Yield Act (US) 366 Multispectral scanner 1061 Multistage flash distillation 207 Multivariate analysis of variance 1131 Municipal hearings 326 Municipal solid waste 186 Municipal wastewater 728 Mutagenic effects 278 Mutation 278 NAAQS—see National Ambient Air Quality Standards NADP/NTN—see National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network NAPCA—see National Air Pollution Control Administration Nasopharynx 30 National Air Pollution Control Administration (US) 301 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (US) 119, 747, 992 National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network National Council on Radiation Protection 785 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants 73 National Environmental Policy Act (US) 325, 381, 591, 993 National Forest Management Act (US) 386 National Historic Preservation Act (US) 365, 992 National Land Use Policy Act (US) 598 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US) 366 National Park Service 366 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (US) 526 National Research Council 11 Natural gas 312, 417 Natural Resources Defense Council 29 Natural systems 738 Navier Stokes equation 795, 1284 NCRP—see National Council on Radiation Protection Nekton 389 NEPA—see National Environmental Policy Act (US) Nephelometric 554 NESHAP—National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Net reproduction 375 Neutralization 973 New Source Performance Standards 72, 1002 Nickel 91 NIMBY—see Not in my backyard Nitrate 5, 154, 343, 392 Nitric acid 102, 1229 Nitric oxide 37, 54, 72, 80, 124 Nitriloacetic acid 272 Nitrite 395 Nitrobacter 154 Nitrogen 395 Nitrogen dioxide 29, 73, 89, 119 Nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand 727 Nitrogen oxides 73, 304, 405, 746, 1103 Nitrogen removal 397, 743 Nitrosamine 271 Nitrosomas 154 Nitrous oxide 86 NMHC—see Non-methane hydrocarbon compound NOAA—see National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Nobel Prize 127 Noise 308, 353, 769, 997 Nominal group technique 327 Non-dispersive infrared analyzer 1110 Non-ionizing radiation 779 Non-methane hydrocarbon compound 999 Noordwijk Declaration 1145 Normal distribution 15, 61, 1125, 1165 Not in my backyard 1058 NOx—see Nitrogen oxides NPDES—see National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NRDC—see Natural Resources Defense Council NSPS—see New Source Performance Standards NTA—see Nitriloacetic acid Nuclear power 295 Nuclear Regulatory Commission 362 Nuisance 605 Nuisance plants 621 Nutrient removal 152 Nutrients 113, 263, 272, 410, 615 Occupational disease 375 Occupational health 334 Occupational mortality 371 Occupational Safety and Health Act (US) 382 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (US) 277, 361, 778 Ocean 1, 195, 429, 790, 803, 961, 1277 Ocean circulation 792 Ocean climate 428 Ocean currents 796, 1291 Oceanography 790 Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion 199 Odors 707 Office of Technology Assessment 271, 459 Ohio River Sanitation Commission 729 Oil 392 Oil Pollution Act (US) 364 Oil spillage 802 Oncogenic 963 Opacity monitor 48, 818 Open channel flow 1276 Open dump 353, 641 Operant conditioning 1029 Organic acids 13, 127 Organic reactivity 122 Organic pollutants 71 ORP—see Oxidation-reduction potential ORSANCO—see Ohio River Sanitation Commission Orsat analyzer 1103 OSHA—see Occupational safety and Health Administration (US) Osmonic methods 198 OTA—see Office of Technology Assessment OTEC—see Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (US) 366 Oxidation 457 Oxidation pond 735 Oxidation-reduction potential 564 Oxidative processes 984 Oxides of nitrogen 271, 701, 993, 1211 Oxygen 113 Oxygenate 77, 278 Oxygen balance 396 Oxygen deficit 730 Oxygen demanding wastes 447 Oxygen enhancement 456 Oxygen sag 730 Oxyhemoglobin 33 Ozone 29, 67, 90, 118 INDEX Ozone formation 746 Ozone hole 128 Ozonolysis 932 Package plant 736, 1083 Packed tower aeration 1326 PAN—see Peroxyacetylnitrate Parameter estimation 1126 Parasites 244 Parathion 957 Parshall flume 731 Particle size 216 Particulate emissions 709, 817 Particulate removal 832 Particulates 29, 53, 71, 120, 300, 820 Particulate sampling 1095 Pasquill-Gifford method 66 Pasteurization 359 PCB—see Polychlorinated biphenyl PCDF—see Polychlorinated dibenzofuran PCDPE—see Polychlorinated diphenyl ether Pelagic zone 608 Peroxyacetylnitrate 89, 122 Pesticides 79, 956 Pesticides in wildlife 964 PET—see Polyethylene terephthalate Petroleum 534 pH 1, 137, 167, 186, 1265 Phagotroph 263 Phenol 231, 391 Phoretic phenomena 22 Phosphorous 94, 156, 610 Phosphorous removal 397 Photochemical oxidants 35, 53, 71, 88, 118 Photodiode 555 Photovoltaic cell 554 Photooxidation 120 Photosynthesis 113, 246, 610, 1301 Physical environment 1028 Physical and chemical treatment 972, 1190, 1307 Piezodialysis 198 Pigmented flagellates 389 Pit privy 1006 Plankton 390, 1298 Planning 334, 991, 993, 1003 Plants 244, 624, 737 Plant sensitivity 33 Plume rise 1170 Polar regions 1088 Polarography 570 Pollutant measurements 1175 Pollutant transmission 516 Pollutant transport 59, 1213 Pollution 701, 1016, 1110 Pollution Prevention Act (US) 527 Polonium 1121 Polychlorinated biphenyl 845 Polychlorinated dibenzofuran 871 Polychlorinated diphenylether 847 Polyethylene 1059 Polyethylene terephthalate 1060 Polypropylene 1060 Polyvinyl 1059, 1120 Pople distorted bond model 1293 Popular sovereignty 595 Population 262, 371 Population trends 375 Potassium 197 Potentiometric 562 POTW—see Publicly owned treatment works Power plants 316 Precipitation 1, 413, 466, 1289 Precipitator design 285 Preservatives 272 Pressure fluidized bed 403 Prevention of significant deterioration 382, 992 Primary consumption 255 Primary pollutants 70 Primary production 113 Primary settling 729 Primary treatment 731 Probability 1124 Probability function 1125 Process performance 144 Producers 113 Productivity 253 Profundal zone 608 Project Rulison 602 Prokaryotes 684 Proportional hazards model 387 Protista 684 Protozoa 684 PSD—see Prevention of significant deterioration Psychoda fly 732 Psychological aspects 1028 Psychological methods 1028 Public health 190, 281, 334 Public Health Service (US) 341 Publicly owned treatment works 526 Pulmonary 30 Pumping 444 Pyrite 1016 Pyrolization 355 Pyrolysis 454, 919 QAC—see Quarternary ammonium compound Q10 139 Quality assurance 1094 Quality control 359, 1094 Quarternary ammonium compound 234 1381 Racks and screens 731 Radiant energy 244 Radiation 306, 939, 1041 Radiation control 334 Radioactive gas 633 Radioactive tracers 1044 Radioactive waste 626 Radioactivity 114, 306, 585, 627 Radioecology 1041 Radioisotope 630, 1041 Radionuclides 30, 629, 1042 Radiosensitivity 1043 Radon 42, 177, 1047 Radon cluster 1051 Radon testing and mitigation 1049 Railroad trains 1090 Rain 1, 393, 468, 1005 Ramsdell equation 282 Randomization 1126 Rapid sand filter 349, 1317 Raster format 427 Rats 175 RBC—see Rotating biological contactor RCRA—see Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (US) RDF—see Refuse derived fuel Reactors 144 Reactor waste 627 Reading Prong 1047 Receptor 59, 1167 Recirculating toilet 1089 Recirculation 146, 732, 761 Reclamation 655 Recreation 334 Recycling 452, 1058 Redox 1264 Reduction 457 Refuse 642 Refuse Act (US) 526 Refuse derived fuel 655 Regression analysis 380 Regulator/concentrator 1183 Regulatory mechanisms 256 Rem—see Roentgen-equivalent-man Remediation 455, 944, 1049 Remote sensing 1061 Reproduction 375 Reservoir 961 Reservoir routing 472 Reservoir sedimentation 1076 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (US) 363, 450, 496, 993 Resource management 597 Resources 312, 334 Respiratory system 30 Restoration 618, 1298 Retrofill 934 Reuse 657, 1306 1382 INDEX Reverse osmosis 198, 398, 978, 1242 Reynolds number 18, 1276 Ribonucleic acid 684 Rice Oil Disease 272, 872 Richardson number 60 Right to Know Statutes 361 Right to Sue Statutes 362 Ringlemann chart 817 Risk 38, 381 Risk assessment 461 River 2, 367, 610, 731, 1285 Rivers and Harbors Act (US) 993 RNA—see Ribonucleic acid Roberts model 1169 Rock fracturing 638 Roentgen-equivalent-man 627 Rotary kiln 453 Rotating biological contactor 152, 734, 1200 Rubbish 643 Rubella 175, 280 Runoff 393, 468, 721, 1180, 1289 Saccharin 274 Safe Drinking Water Act (US) 363 Salinity 392 Salmonella 358 Salt mines 638 Salt wedge 716 Sampling 3, 528, 540 Sand filter 349, 731, 977, 1309 Sanitary landfill 649 Sanitation 334, 357, 1003 Saprophage 253 Saprotroph 263 SARA—see Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (US) Scale formation 209 Scattergram 379, 1171 Scenic Hudson Preservation case 598 Screening tests Screens 1191, 1314 Sea disposal 354 Sea level rise 437 Sea water 195 Sea water properties 791 Secondary pollutants 70 Secondary treatment 398, 729 Sedimentation 24, 144, 350, 727, 972, 1307 Sediment control 1077 Sediment transport 1064 Seeds 245 Selective enrichment 696 Sensors 544 Sensor dimensions 1029 Septic tank 735, 1082 Sequential sampling Sequestrants 273 Settleable solids 727 Settling 1315 Settling tank 144, 731 Settling velocity 14 Sewage 346, 731 Sewage lagoon 738 Sewage works 348, 729 Sewer flushing 1182 Sexually transmitted disease 173 Shigella 359 Ship classification 667 Sickness 377 Sievert 627 Signal conditioning 543 Silica 392 Silt 1018 Site Implementation Plan 74 Site plan 991 Size reduction 354 Slime molds 792 Slow sand filter 1316 Sludge 145, 531, 733 Sludge digestion 733 Smelting 106 Smoking 276 SMR—see Standardised Mortality (Morbidity) Ratio Snow Snow, John 369 Snowmelt 469 Soap 106 Social environment 1036 Socioeconomic 997 Sodium carbonate 106 Soil 244, 945 Soil vapor extraction 456 Soil washing 455 Solar energy 257, 296 Solar power 317 Solar radiation 257 Solar still 200 Solid waste 186, 308, 334, 352, 409, 642 Solubility equilibria 1260 Sorbing agents 804 Sorption 397 Sound 329, 769 Sound level meter 770 Source 60, 70, 1162 Source inventory 1164 Source reduction 663 Sources and sinks 715 Sovereign immunity 595 SOx—see Sulfur oxides Spacecraft 262, 1137 Space heating 299 Space station 1092 Spatial Data Transfer Standard 426 Specific energy 1280 Spectroscopy 543 Spent fuel processing 630 Spirochete 686 Sporocide 224 Springs 347, 1004, 1312 Stabilizers 273 Stack emissions 167 Stack sampling 1094 Stack test report 1097 Standard deviation 15, 61 Standard Methods 727 Standardised Mortality (Morbidity) Ratio 371, 386 Standardized tests 1030 Standard setting statutes 362 Standing crop 113, 253 Stationary sources 79, 303, 749 Statistical methods 1123 Statistical techniques 465 STD—see Sexually transmitted disease Step aeration 147 Sterilization 224 Stimulus 1128 Stochastic process 1134 Storage 1185 STORET 541 Stratification 385, 611 Stratosphere 128 Streamflow 476, 1064 Streeter-Phelps equation 729 Stressing factor 1148 Substrate 139, 185 Sulfate 8, 197 Sulfur 1113 Sulfur dioxide 30, 52, 71, 83, 120, 125, 303, 409, 992, 1016, 1107 Sulfuric acid 1109 Sulfur oxides 29, 71, 84 Sulfur removal 411 Sulfur trioxide 1210 Sun 312 Superchlorination 1325 Supercritical water oxidation 1031 Superfund 363, 459 Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (US) 459 Supersonic transport 69 Surface active agents 234 Surface area 729 Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (US) 364 Surface water 343 Surfactant 457 Survival rates 373 Survival time 1147 Survivor curves 225 Suspended solids 347, 727 INDEX Sutro weir 731 Sutton equation 61, 1165 Swimming pool 357 Synergism 380 Synergetics 1140 Synthetic chemicals 271 Synthetic fibers 112 Synthetic flavors 274 Systems ecology 262 TEF—see Toxicity Equivalent Factor Telemedicine 181 Temperature 140, 148, 225, 244, 391, 430, 1146 Temperature inversion 67 Teratology 278 Terrestrial system 1137 Tertiary treatment 735, 1306 Tests 228 Texture agents 272 Theis equation 442 Thermal effects 306, 1146 Thermal pollution 1146 Thermal power plants 297 Thermal vapor compression 199 Thermocompression 205 Thermoelectric Integrated Membrane Subsystem 1244 Thiobacillus 694 Thorium 310, 1041 Three Mile Island 639 Thresholds 1028 Tidal and wave power 312 Tide 799 TIMES—see Thermoelectric Integrated Membrane Subsystem Titration 572 TOC—see Total organic carbon Total deposition Total hydrocarbons 53 Total organic carbon 137, 166 Total petroleum hydrocarbons 164 Total reduced sulfur 1112 Total solids 167, 727 Toxicant 1011 Toxicity 141, 275, 280, 812, 964, 1010 Toxicity Equivalent Factor 39 Toxicology 1152 Toxic Substances Control Act (US) 160 Toxic waste 176 Toxins 249, 271 TPH—see Total petroleum hydrocarbons Tracheobronchial 29 Transfer station 353 Transpiration 439, 710, 1247, 1290 Transportation 334, 366, 631 Trash 642 ‘Treatment in perpetuity’ 1018 Trickling filter 145, 731, 1200 Trimethyl phosphate 278 Tritium 318, 628 Trophic level 253, 256 Trophic status 614 TSCA—see Toxic Substances Control Act (US) t-test 1128 Turbidity 557 Turbulence 60 Turbulent flow 1277 TVC—see Thermal vapor compression UKMO model 435 Ultrafiltration 215 Ultraviolet radiation 779, 1204 Uncontrolled reactions 943 Unit hydrograph 481 Unitized cargo carrier 669 Unit risk 38 Unit risk value 461 Upwelling 795 Uranium 312, 1041, 1048 Uranium mining 627 Uranium oxide 628 Urban air pollution 1163 Urban Mass Transit Act (US) 366 Urban runoff 393, 1179 URV—see Unit risk value USABC—see US Advanced Battery Consortium US Advanced Battery Consortium 707 Vanadium 101 Vapor compression 198, 217, 1244 Variance 1170 Vector control 335 Vectors 1004 Ventilation system 518 Vibration 1033 Videograph systems 1061 Vinyl chloride 30 Virus 173, 684 Visibility 22 Visible emissions 1099 Vital records 174 Vital statistics 339 Vitamin 400 Vitrification 933 VOC—see Volatile organic compounds Volatile organic compounds 123, 999, 1122, 1324 Volatile organic sampling train 1122 Volatile suspended solids 137 VSS—see Volatile suspended solids Waste management 1209 Waste materials 1058 1383 Waste minimization 452 Waste reduction 530 Waste segregation 531 Wastewater 137, 334, 347, 727, 737, 1082 Wastewater treatment 351, 536, 727, 737 Water 1, 194, 244, 1003, 1240, 1273, 1281, 1306, 1310 Water Bank Act (US) 367 Water-borne diseases 1004 Water budget 1089 Water cycle 342 Water Decade (UN) 1003 Water demand 195 Water flow 1273 Waterfowl 394 Water quality 305, 343, 350, 439, 714 Water Quality Act (US) 526, 714 Water Quality Improvement Act (US) 526 Water recovery 1247 Water related vectors 1004 Water reuse 219, 448, 1306 Watershed 479, 608 Water softening 1321 Water sources 345,439, 1311 Water supply 334, 341, 1003 Water treatment 345, 394, 1310 Water use 345 Weathering 1295 Weir formula 481 Well hydraulics 441 Wells 345, 1312 Wet air oxidation 454, 931 Wet deposition Wetlands 740, 1083 Wet-only sampling Wet oxidation 354 WHO—see World Health Organization Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (US) 365 Wilderness Act (US) 366 Wind patterns 792 Wind waves 798 Winogradsky column 695 Workplace pollution 512 World Health Organization 171, 195, 272, 335 World Standardised Rates 370 X-ray 278 Yu-Cheng Incident 272, 874 Yusho Disease—see Rice Oil Disease Zeta potential 974 Zinc 102 Zoogleal mass 731 Zooplankton 613 .. .FIFTH EDITION ENC YCLOPEDIA OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE and ENGINEERING VOLUME A- L FIFTH EDITION ENC YCLOPEDIA OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE and ENGINEERING VOLUME A- L EDITED... challenging setting that a fifth edition of the Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering is born Its content is intended to register the striking characteristics of the changes we note... of the causes and effects of acidic deposition and a comparison of the costs and effectiveness of alternative emission control scenarios Since adverse effects of acid rain on fish have been of