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reference book on chemical engineering v-i

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Cấu trúc

  • Preface

  • Contents

  • 1. Fertilisers

  • 2. Heat Transfer

  • 3. Pulp and Paper

  • 4. Chlor Alkali Industry

  • 5. Cellulosic Fibres (Rayon)

  • 6. Selected Process Equipment Design

  • 7. Petroleum Refinery

  • 8. Active Carbon

  • 9. Refrigeration

  • 10. Coal Tar Chemicals

  • 11. Refractory Bricks

  • 12. Explosives and Detonators

  • 13. Water Treatment

  • 14. Metal Cleaning Process

  • 15. Manganese Dioxide

  • 16. Wind Turbine for Power Generation

  • 17. Centrifugal Pumps

  • 18. Industrial and Town Gases

  • 19. LNG Production

  • 20. Products Manufactured from Benzene, Ethyl Benzene, Ethylene, Ethylene Oxide, Ethanol and Others

  • 21. Synthetic Iron Oxide Pigment

  • 22. Dyes, Intermediates and Dyeing

  • 23. Flourescent or Optical Whitening Agent (FWA)

  • 24A. Flame Retardants, Halons, Fire Alarms/Hydrants and Rubber and Expanded Plastics

  • 24B. Float Glass, Carbon Black, Electrophoresis, Dry Ice and Technological Development in Iron and Steel Industry and Electrolytic Chlorinator

  • 25. Ceramic Colouring Materials

  • 26. Glass Fibres for Insulation and Other Uses

  • 27. Plastics

  • 28. Flocculation

  • 29. Phosphoric Acid

  • 30. Electroplating Process

  • 31. Cooling Towers

  • 32. Paints and Painting

  • 33. Biogas Plant (Domestic Use)

  • 34. Sugars

  • 35. Phenols for Disinfection

  • 36. Ferrous Alloys

  • 37. High Carbon Charge Chrome

  • 38. Characteristics of Valves Used in Chemical Process Industry

  • 39. Boiler Feed Pumps and Standard Values for Boiler Feed and Circulating Water

  • 40. Crystallizer Classification

  • 41. Brief on Offshore Oil Exploration and Transportation Pipeline

  • 42. Insecticide or Pesticide

  • 43. Critical Path Method (CPM)

  • 44. Psychrometry

  • 45. Glasses and Textile Glass Fibres

  • 46. Environment and Pollution Air and Water

  • 47. Vegetable Oil Refining

  • 48. Furfural

  • 49. Polyethylene Terephthalate Resin (Bottle Grade)

  • 50. Process Evaluation of A Chemical Plant

  • 51. Detail Project Cost Estimation

  • 52. Types of Contract

  • 53. Project Financial Management

  • 54. ISO-9000 Series Quality Assurance System

  • 55. Conversion Factors

  • Index

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• emlca • • =n Ineelln D.Sen (f.U NEW AGE INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS Reference Book on Chemical Engineering THIS PAGE IS BLANK Reference Book on Che ical Engineering Volume I D .Sea 8.Ch.E. Fellow of Ill", Institution of Engineers (India) Former Listed 10 81 Consultant , Retired Chief Engineer (Chern.)of BVFCl , (Formerly HFCl ) Namrup Unit, Assam NEW AGE INTERNATIONAL (P) UMITED, PUBUSHERS Now Delli, . B'"&,I",,, . Ch. n n,; • Cochin • G h i • lIyd<n.b. d J .undh. , • Kolkau • Luckll_ . Mumb.; • Ranch; Copyright © 2005 New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers Published by New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers All rights reserved. No part of this ebook may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, microfilm, xerography, or any other means, or incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of the publisher. All inquiries should be emailed to rights@newagepublishers.com ISBN (10) : 81-224-2331-0 ISBN (13) : 978-81-224-2331-0 PUBLISHING FOR ONE WORLD NEW AGE INTERNATIONAL (P) LIMITED, PUBLISHERS 4835/24, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi - 110002 Visit us at www.newagepublishers.com 'To My Mother 'Wlio lias takJn mucli interest in progress of the flooK-, the flooK-is adicatea THIS PAGE IS BLANK PREFACE A Chemical Engineer needs to know not only the im~ide cha nge s in a Production Process viz. Chemical, Physical, Therm ochemical, Thermodynamics and Kinetics, but also he has to know the basics of other engineering disciplines as well as current developments. During my long service period in Production , Process Design an d Projects, I found most of these information are available at different sou rce s and is not always possible to acquire the se infonnati on always . 'Ib meet these gaps, I have given as much information as possible in Volume I and Volume II of this book on various processes, data tables, so me unit operations etc. usuany required by Professional Chemical Engineers and Chemi ca l Engg. students. In addition, a chapter on Gl ossary of Terms has a]so been provided for refreshing the essentia l information un chemistry and other topics. In pr e paration of this "Reference Book on Chemical Engineering" so me senior e ngineer s working in chemical industries have extended support in preparation of some chap~n; ; ip parlicular 1 like to thank K. OM Ex. ED , KRIBHCO, Hazirll ; D.K Roy, Ex. GM, Namrup Fertili se r Unit; KP. Sinha, ~r. Developme nt Engineer, DCL, Pr ofessor U.P. Ganguly , Retired , Chern. Engg. Deptt. , Lr ~ T . Kharagpur had reviewed this book. The index for words had been provided. Th e author also likes to t hank Ms . B. Sen for sec ret a rial ass is tance in pr e paration of the manuscript Kolkata D.SEN THIS PAGE IS BLANK CONTENTS Preface (uii) 1. Fertilisers 1 2. Heat Transfer 25 3. Pulp and Paper 37 4. ehlor Alkali Industry 45 5. Cellulosic Fibres (Rayon) 50 6. Selected Process Equipment Design 63 7. Petroleum Refinery 70 8. Active Carbon 75 9. Refrigeration 78 10. Coal Tar Chemicals 96 11. Refractory Bric ks 103 12. Explosives and Detonators 107 13. Water Treatment 111 14. Metal Cleaning Process 128 15. Mangane!!le Di oxide 130 16. Wind 'furbine for Power Generation 133 17. Centrifugal Pumps 13S 18. Industrial and Town Gases 143 19. LNG Production 159 20 . Products M an ufactured from Benzene, Ethyl Ben2ene, Ethylene. Ethylene Oxide, Ethanol and Others 162 21. Synthetic Iron Oxide Pigment 167 22 . Dyes , Intermed iates and Dyeing 170 23. FlourC l; cent or Optical Whitening Agent (FWA ) 172 24A. Flame Retardants, Halans, Fire AlarmsIHydrants and Rubber and Expanded Pla stics 174 24B. Float Gl as s, Carbon Black, Electrophoresis, Dry Ice and Technological Development in Iron and Steel Industry and Electrolytic Chlorinator 179 25. Ceramic Colouring Materials 185 [...]... Mkcal/mt Urea 20 REFERENCE BOOK ON CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Fig 4 FERTILISERS 21 Fig 5 22 REFERENCE BOOK ON CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Fig 6 FERTILISERS 23 Fig 7 24 REFERENCE BOOK ON CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Fig 8 Chapter 2 HEAT TRANSFER 1 INTRODUCTION Heat is transmitted in the direction of the temperature drop by convection (contact), radiation and conduction In many cases all these types of heat transmission takes place... secondary separators is put in let down tank from where it is taken to Horton sphere for storage 6 REFERENCE BOOK ON CHEMICAL ENGINEERING H P A u xiliary b oiler Prim ary reform ation To Pla n t n etwork M P S ervice boile r Steam netw ork A ir se con dary reform a tion H T C O -conversion L.P boiler for steam generation L.T.C O -conversion C O 2 absorption C O 2 to u rea C O 2 desorption M ethanation... condensed NH3 and CO2 is recycled to H.P condenser Condenser The vapours from rectifying column are condensed in a condenser and remaining NH3 and CO2 along with inerts are washed in inert washing column with condensate from vacuum section A part of condensate from vacuum section is hydrolysed in a urea hydrolyser and ammonia and carbon dioxide vapours are recovered 14 REFERENCE BOOK ON CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. .. Am m onia synthesis and refrigeration sec Am m onia storage Lig am m onia to consum ing plants Fig 1 N.G steam reformation (HTAS) for ammonia synthesis in (HTAS) process The flow scheme of gases in the synthesis section also varies as per process licensor’s design depending on the extent of waste heat recovery from syn converter Often two syn converters are required for greater conversion to ammonia... Table 3 UHDE Ammonia Synthesis Loop Data H2/N2 ratio No of syn reactor Mu syn gas 2.95 One 27 bar, 6°C Ammonia separation temperature –10°C 125 bar steam generation t/t NH3 1.17 Waste heat used in H.P steam raising% 60% Waste heat removal in cooling water 14.81% Chiller duty 25.01% Total heat available 100% 10 REFERENCE BOOK ON CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Table 4 Energy Consumption for Ammonia Plant (N.G... refrigerent ammonia is sent to ammonia compressor where ammonia is compressed, liquefied and sent to synthesis section The unconverted syn gas is recycled to reactor via recirculator where it is pre-heated for further conversion along with make up gas H.P steam generation, as per modern trend, is to generate H.P steam at 110–125 ata 12 REFERENCE BOOK ON CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Steam Net Work A stable... desulphurisation is carried out first prior to gasification in a reactor The rest of the process like CO conversion, CO2 absorption using hot Pot Carbonate soln with V2O5/As2O3 as corrosion inhibitor, (As2O3) is normally not used now due to pollution) and methanation followed by high pressure ammonia synthesis By product carbon pellets is obtained when LSHS is used for gasification Fuel used in reforming section... gasification section Other process licensors are ICI, KELLOG etc 4 REFERENCE BOOK ON CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 4 DETAIL PROCESS DESCRIPTION FOR AMMONIA PRODUCTION USING N.G AS FEED STOCK Natural gas is compressed to 41 ata and preheated to 400°C in N.G fired heaters and sent for desulphurisation using comox catalyst (Cobalt – moly and Zinc oxide) catalyst The type of catalyst required depends on inlet sulphur concentration... exchangers, the predominate phenomenon is transmission of heat by contact convection In furnace and air heaters where gases are burnt to heat a gas or other surface, both radiation and convection are to be considered Heat conduction is the flow of heat with a material (solid, liquid or gas) In most cases a wall is concerned and the heat is flowing through it from one face to the other face as in a pipe... catalytic ammonia converter having 3 beds of KMI and KMII catalyst The conversion to ammonia is 15–20% and considerable heat is produced which is utilized to generate H.P steam The reactor effluent after heat recovery for H.P steam generation is cooled first by water cooling and separation of ammonia followed by 1–2 steps ammonia cooling when remaining ammonia is separated The vapour refrigerent ammonia is . possible to acquire the se infonnati on always . 'Ib meet these gaps, I have given as much information as possible in Volume I and Volume II of this book on various. REFERENCE BOOK ON CHEMICAL ENGINEERING H.P. Auxiliary boiler To Plant network Primar y reformation M .P. S ervice boiler Steam network Air secondar y reformation H.T. CO conversion L.P. boiler. steam g eneration L.T.CO-conversion CO absor p tion 2 CO desor p tion 2 Methanation Ammonia s y nthesis and refri g eration sec. Ammonia stora g e Li g ammonia to consumin g p lants CO to urea 2 Fig.

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2014, 10:15