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Skills development report how different your life would be without skills development

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FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY SOFT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT =====000===== SKILLS DEVELOPMENT REPORT HOW DIFFERENT YOUR LIFE WOULD BE WITHOUT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Group Number: 05 Class: PPHE101CLC.3 Intructors: Mr Hoang Anh Duy Mrs Pham Thi My Dung Hanoi, June 7, 2021 FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY SOFT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT =====000===== SKILLS DEVELOPMENT REPORT HOW DIFFERENT YOUR LIFE WOULD BE WITHOUT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Group Number: 05 Class: PPHE101CLC.3 Intructors: Mr Hoang Anh Duy Mrs Pham Thi My Dung Hanoi, June 7, 2021 Group members Ngô Nguyên Hạnh Nguyễn Ngân Hạnh Nguyễn Minh Hạnh Đoàn Minh Hằng Nguyễn Bá Hiến Phạm Minh Hiếu Phạm Nguyễn Trung Hiếu Lương Quang Huy Lại Quang Huy TABLE OF CONTENT A Abstract B Introduction C Literature Review D Research Methodology 15 E Finding and Analysis 17 F Recommendation 18 G Conclusion 20 H References 21 I Appendix 22 A Abstract In modern times, advances in every life aspect have brought about both opportunities and challenges to generation Z Young people in the 21st century now face the challenge of equipping themselves with not only essential knowledge but also diverse skills In Viet Nam education system, from primary to high school, knowledge is prioritized and compulsory, whereas soft skill is not taught or optional However, along with globalization, soft skills equipment is becoming increasingly necessary, especially the development of skills: Time Management, Teamwork, Communication and Positive Thinking After attending and finishing the Skills Development class in Foreign Trade University, we have acquired the above-mentioned skills and successfully applied them into practice by doing a team project, which is making a video and writing a report So as to complete this mid-term assignment and convey our message, we have made the most of the skills throughout our project process The idea for our video derives from the daily and university life of a typical student In this rushing world, youngsters have to encounter pressure, stress and difficulty from even the smallest things And our video represents each daily problem of a student and their solution using soft skills In this report, we would like to show how the video was made and how the content was created B Introduction I Objective of study Generally, our main objective is to describe the usual problems surrounding students’ life, from which we show our empathy and share our simple solutions Consequently, the importance of soft skills is highlighted and therefore, young people will be encouraged to adopt these essential skills and have motivation to deal with any challenge in their life The reality is that after graduating from highschool and entering a new independent life, many students lack essential skills to handle their life In a vastly changing world full of challenges, anxiety and stress are inevitable, but learning how to eliminate them is quite important If one does not acquire soft skills, there is a high chance that he/she cannot survive mentally and physically Therefore, we want to use our skills to help people understand the importance of overcoming daily problems and choose the right way to reach success II Team project · Execution time: From May to June, 2021 · Location: Prive home · Executor: Group – Class PPHE101CLC.3 · Video title: How different your life would be without skill development · Language: English · Video length: 9’13s C Literature Review I Time Management Skill Definition: Time management is about the consistent and goal-oriented application in practice of proven work techniques in such a way that managing oneself and one's environment becomes effortless while the time at one's disposal is used up in the most meaningful way possible (Lothar J Seiwert in his Mehr Zeit für das Wesentliche) Benefits of Time management: · Delivering tasks at a smaller amount of energy invested, · Better organization of one's work, · Better work results, · Less chaos and stress, · More satisfaction from work, · Higher motivation, · Time to engage in tasks of 'higher order', · Less pressure at work and better focus on efficiency, · Fewer mistakes, · Quicker attainment of work and personal goals Bad Time management signals: · Poor punctuality · Lack of energy · Rushing · Perfectionism · Impatience · Indecisiveness · Poorly defined goals · Saying “yes” to everything · Procrastination · Doing everything yourself · Poor performance Ways to improve Time Management skill: · Delegate task · Deal with stress wisely · Prioritize work · Avoid multitasking · Create schedule · Start early · Set up deadlines · Take regular breaks · Overcome procrastination · Learn to say “No” II Teamwork skill Definition: A difference between “team” and “group” Team Group A number of persons associated A number of people or things that are together in work or activity to put together or considered as a unit achieve a specific goal Teamwork: The combined actions of a group of people working together effectively to achieve a goal Advantages and disadvantages of working in team + Advantages: · Teamwork helps in increasing collaboration and has a scope for brainstorming, which results in getting more ideas Therefore, you can see a growth in productivity · To solve complex problems and to complete difficult tasks, the team works better than an individual · You can improve your skills while working in a team, as a team will be having people with different skills and abilities · Teamwork helps you improve your communication skills · Information Exchange: Each idea or suggestion, whoever it is by is considered and thoroughly discussed before the group arrives at a conclusion · Team commitment: When one is committed to working in a team, the person can go on to encourage and support the performance as a group: + Disadvantages: · Unequal participation: It is quite possible that while in a group some of the customers may not that much work, while others may work hard This inequality in the work done could cause trouble between the people in the group · Intrinsic conflict: When a wide variety of people start to work in a group, disagreement is sure to arise between people in the group · No individual thinking: While working in a group, there is no place for individual or independent thinking It is by no means a one-man show · Decisions making takes time/Time-consuming: In view of the fact that it is a group effort, suggestions and ideas from all the people in a group have to be taken into account · Loss of creativity: Whenever you need to work as a group, group thinking becomes more relevant Because of this reason, creativity has been stumped · Types of teams: Project team: Functional team, Cross-functional team, Matrix team, Contract team · Self-managed teams · Virtual team · Operational team · Problem-solving team · Team development process: Forming: This is where team members first meet It’s important for team leaders to facilitate the introductions and highlight each person’s skills and background Team members are also given project details and the opportunity to organize their responsibilities · Storming: At this stage, team members openly share ideas and use this as an opportunity to stand out and be accepted by their peers Team leaders help teams in this stage by having a plan in place to manage competition among team members, make communication easier, and make sure projects stay on track · Norming: By now, teams have figured out how to work together There’s no more internal competition, and responsibilities and goals are clear Each person works more efficiently because he or she has learned how to share their ideas and listen to feedback while working toward a common goal · Performing: There’s a high level of cohesion and trust between team members Teams are functioning at peak efficiency with less oversight from team leaders Issues still come up, but at this point, teams have strategies for resolving problems without compromising timelines and progress · Adjourning: Teams complete their project and debrief on what went well and what could be improved for future projects Afterwards, team members move on to new projects III Communication skill Definition: The ability to convey or share ideas and feelings effectively Benefits of communication skill: · Building trust · Increases engagement · Preventing or resolving · Improves productivity · Promotes team building problems · Providing clarity and direction · Creates better relationships Process of communication: Types of communication: IV Positive thinking skill Definition: Positive thinking means approaching life' s challenges with a positive outlook It involves making the most of potentially bad situations, trying to see the best in other people, and viewing yourself and your abilities in a positive light Benefits of positive thinking: · Positive thinkers cope with stress faster and more effectively · Better health · You have better relationships with people · Positive thinking lets you be more focused and concentrated · More confidence · Positive thinkers are more successful in life Signs of positive thinking: · Taking criticism positively · An effort to spread positivity · Preference for positive vibes · Self-responsibility · Moving on D Research Methodology With the topic “A day without Skill development” we picked up some events that happen in daily life We choice four particular situations: “Wake up late when you have lots of deadlines to do” for without time management skill “Helping friends in awkward situations” for without teamwork skill “Misunderstanding information” for without speaking and listening skill “Uncomprehend writing” for without writing skill We chose to compose scripts for every situation and started recording on 5/6/2021 Due to the pandemic and government’s orders, we had some troubles in recording videos and composing proper scripts, when we had some conflicts in ideas But we had managed those problems by choosing ideas that were easy to record alone or via computer (ex: study online topic) and the content fits with our daily life, so the video may not be too formal The video contains four parts and every part has a “with” and “without” factor 1st for the “without time management skill : Situation when you go to sleep and set up alarm at am, but when you wake up it’s pm You look at the note with 10 more tasks to and the deadline is pm 2nd for the “without teamwork skill”: Situation when you fall asleep in your online class, and the teacher calls you for answering question 3rd for the “without speaking and listening skill”: Situation when you and your parents have a conversation with misunderstanding information 4th for the “without writing skill”: Situation when you have to mark your students’ homework with uncomprehend email The main story of each part is simple: Main character will be trapped in a difficult situation and there will be two distinct scenes for the “with” and “without” skill development There were members who took part in recording and making the video All was done during the pandemic, indoors, in terms of following the government's orders E Finding and Analysis The main story of the video contains five parts, and each part is a story about how skill development is essential for our life Each story shows that skill development is essential and no argument that it is immensely useful for our life F Recommendation Time management provides better quality of work, enabling you to achieve great performance and productivity Time management skills means focusing on the things that are most important to you, spending less time on everything else, including prioritizing, goal setting, and plan for achievement Taking control of your time reduces stress, anxiety and better work-life balance You understand how to achieve your goals in less time at work and have more time freedom for the people that matter at home Moreover, effective time management increases your focus and working smarter, therefore builds positive habits and ensures your productivity Teamwork is an important skill, especially in the workplace Great ideas come not from a lone genius, but rather a team, even Einstein – who got all of the credit for discovering the theory of relativity, but he still had to rely on his friends and colleagues Working together lets employees build on the talent of their teammates, offsetting their own weakness and strength, building trust and conflict resolution, therefore you grow as an individual and as a team Listening, speaking, and writing are the priority skills that you need to learn whenever you can All these three skills come with great opportunities to reach for your achievement in the future Speaking and writing are crucial in college and the working process, because both help you with great brainstorming, knowledge acquisition and being more confident in yourself Speaking is immensely useful both in educating or in the working environment; a sublime presentation requires the presenters to master speaking skill, with excellent coherent, comprehend speech Furthermore, communication helps you to get on with somebody to start a good relationship with, because with a wide relation, you have lots of assistance and support from your partners and friends Writing on the other hand, helps with impressing your superior by showing how professional you are in writing emails, reports, therefore the promotion opportunity will rise significantly Finally, listening skill is significantly useful in teamwork, especially when you are the leader A great leader comes with great listening, speaking and writing, but among all three of them, listening bonds members together Understanding members’ opinions, listening to their ideas and thoughts, therefore builds a strong relationship between others G Conclusion Skill development is vital for our living, education and office environment It constructs positive habits, advances our strength and mitigates weakness; we also have a chance to develop those skills by ourselves: time managing for recording and composing video, listening to members' ideas, researching resources and enhancing writing skill Even though the plan did not go through well, as we have had some conflicts about ideas, time and role play, trouble with recording due to the pandemic so the video may not be too professional, but we did our best to provide a complete video with enough content to show our message about how important skill development is ...FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY SOFT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT =====000===== SKILLS DEVELOPMENT REPORT HOW DIFFERENT YOUR LIFE WOULD BE WITHOUT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Group Number: 05 Class: PPHE101CLC.3 Intructors:... Location: Prive home · Executor: Group – Class PPHE101CLC.3 · Video title: How different your life would be without skill development · Language: English · Video length: 9’13s C Literature Review... using soft skills In this report, we would like to show how the video was made and how the content was created B Introduction I Objective of study Generally, our main objective is to describe the

Ngày đăng: 26/02/2023, 16:32