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How soft skills can change their lives

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FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION =====000===== MID-TERM PROJECT REPORT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT COURSE TOPIC: “HOW SOFT SKILLS CAN CHANGE THEIR LIVES?” Group: Members’ name & ID: Hồ Lan Phương - 203250024 Nguyễn Lâm Phương - 2012250056 Phan Hà Phương - 2012250057 Trần Ánh Phương - 2012250058 Trịnh Hải Quang - 2012250059 Trương Tú Quyên - 2013250025 Nguyễn Lê Mai Quỳnh - 2012250060 Nguyễn Kim Thanh - 2013250027 Nguyễn Quang Phúc Thành - 2012250062 Nguyễn Phúc Nhị Thảo 2012250063 - Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 Lecturers: Mr Hoàng Anh Duy Mrs Phạm Thị Mỹ Dung Hanoi – 6/2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Purpose Research objectives Research method 4 Scope of the study LITERATURE REVIEWS Time-management skill Teamwork skill Communication skill and Listening skill Writing skill 11 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .13 Topic approach 13 Research method 13 Analysis method 14 Method of making video 14 FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS .15 Findings 15 Storyline 16 Explanation about the name “TODAY: TRANSFORMATION” 16 Script 16 RECOMMENDATION 23 CONCLUSION 25 REFERENCES 26 APPENDICES 27 Group member list 27 Credit 27 Task division 27 Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 ABSTRACT Transform has never been an effortless thing for whoever What makes a successful person sometimes be a failure, disappointment and agony Sometimes they are blood, sweat and tears And our story is a great example for all of them Lucy, Joe and Sania, three main characters as each of them has differences backgrounds One day, all of them register the Financial Economy Contest and realize their lack of soft skills when being grouped in a team Troubles occurred when they can’t decide what topic they gonna To improve the situation, they join a Skill Development workshop with the goal of winning the contest Thanks to their continuous attempt as well as the experience they learned from the course, Lucy, Joe and Sania finally become the winner of the Financial Economy Contest and then achieved meritorious success Through the story, we want to transmit a message about the importance of soft skills In the modern world, only academic knowledge seems not enough for someone who wants to achieve success Therefore, soft skills are very essential for all of us to develop our potential in different aspects, not only just in academic issues Some soft skills we have mentioned in this story are not all but extremely vital, such as Communication skill, Teamwork Skill, Writing Skill, Time management Skill, … After completing the course of the Skills Development, we would like to make this report to present our entire process working in our group, from the initial idea to our final product, this video Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 INTRODUCTION Purpose The purpose of this report is to emphasize the important role of soft skills in life for someone who wants to develop herself/ himself, because we experienced the difficulties in lacking of soft skills during studying process and we understand that feeling Besides, we have some suggestions about a lot of methods to improve soft skills through the knowledge we got in this course This report also has a view to presenting the whole process of our group working together to make a final product, a short film named: “Today: Transformation” Research objectives Firstly, express our messages about the important role of soft skills through the story of participating in a contest of a student group Secondly, encourage young people to appreciate the importance of soft skills and enhance their soft skills to have a better and happier life with more successes Thirdly, analyze and answer the question: “How soft skills can change their lives?” Research method The mid-term assignment of making a video to express the skills learned through the Skill Development Course is one of the most effective educational methods due to a long process that group members work together to find, discuss and develop ideas and finally manage to accomplish this assignment Scope of the study During the process of working together to make a video as well as make this report, our group has applied most of skills we achieved from the course, including: + Teamwork skill + Time-management skill + Communication skill and Listening skill + Writing skill Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 LITERATURE REVIEWS “Soft skills have been defined in different contexts and included different aspects, as per numerous authors at various times Soft skills are nontechnical and not reliant on abstract reasoning, involving interpersonal and intrapersonal abilities to facilitate mastered performance in particular contexts (Hurrell, Scholarios, & Thompson, 2012) Parente, John Stephan, and Randy Brown (2012) defined soft skills as people management skills Fogle (2011) while defining soft skills included “teaming skills” in its purview in addition to communication and social skills In addition to this Hargis (2011) classified “work ethic, critical thinking, and problem-solving” skills as part and parcel of soft skills” The word “skill” indicates the practical function The term alone has a broad meaning, and describes a particular ability to complete tasks ranging from a simple one like “learning how to kick a ball” to a complicated one like “learning how to be creative” In this specific instance, the word “skill” has to be interpreted as the ability to master actions The word “soft” is the antonym of “hard”, and implies “subject” Because of their subjectivity, soft skills are hardly assessed, and never fully mastered In addition, vagueness explains why soft skills are not always clearly understood by employers and employees In twenty-one centuries, soft skills have played an important role for the benefit of the society and there have been numerous studies on the same to report that it became a combination of soft skills along with hard skills to hone the personality of an individual and very importantly for graduates or students seeking employability to bridge the gap between campus and corporate on essential skills required by the employers After learning the course of “Skills Development” in Foreign Trade University, we have learned five of the most important skills, which are Time-management skill, Teamwork skill, Communication skill, Listening skill, Writing skill Time-management skill 1.1 Definition “Time management” refers to the way that you organize and plan how long you spend on specific activities In other words, people who are good at time management Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 are good at getting on and doing things They are also, however, better at prioritizing, and working out what really needs doing—and then discarding the other things Time management skills are important because they help you structure your work in a way that allows you to accomplish goals It involves juggling acts of various demands upon a person relating to work, social life, family, hobbies, personal interests and commitments with the finiteness of time Time management may be aided by a range of tools and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects, and goals complying with a due date 1.2 Time-management tools Time-management is not the skill that you help when you were born, this skill comes through practice There are many useful tools that support people to manage their time effectively Use the tool and start practice time managing, this is some common tool used to manage time: + Deadline: A deadline is a time or date before which a particular task must be finished or a particular thing must be done Use the deadline for every task of your work or your study, then make sure you not pass that, the result is you will not miss or delay any tasks of your work This is the most common tool that many companies and schools use to manage the time or the process of the job + Timetable: It’s very common for people to have a timetable for their job and school, but the majority of people ignore the potential of it If you can make a detailed timetable, you can make your work in time management a lot easier There are some apps nowadays that help you to make your Timetable optimal and effective such as google calendar, Trello, sunrise, etc + The Eisenhower Decision Matrix: It enables you to work out what to first, and what can be left either until later or not done at all For example, if you leave an urgent but unimportant task, you may find that it becomes unnecessary Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 Picture 1: The Eisenhower Decision Matrix Teamwork skill 2.1 Definition Teamwork skills are the qualities and abilities that allow you to work well with others during conversations, projects, meetings or other collaborations Having teamwork skills is dependent on your ability to communicate well, actively listen and be responsible and honest 2.2 The importance of teamwork skill You will be required to work alongside others in every industry at every level in your career Doing so in an empathetic, efficient and responsible manner can help you accomplish career goals, grow your resume and contribute positively to your organization It can also help you build rapport with others Building rapport can lead to deeper working relationships, new connections and possibly new opportunities 2.3 How to improve teamwork skill While it can take time and work to improve soft skills such as teamwork, it is certainly possible to build these qualities Here are a few steps you can take to improve your teamwork skills: + Get honest feedback: It can be difficult to identify your own areas of improvement Finding a trusted friend, colleague or mentor that can offer you honest feedback about your teamwork strengths and weaknesses can help you improve them + Set personal goals: Using both your own observations and feedback from others to form achievable, relevant and time-constrained goals can help you improve Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 one teamwork skill at a time Using the SMART goal framework is an easy way to set appropriate goals for your career + Practice: It takes time and practice to see improvements in your skill set Pay close attention to your teamwork interactions throughout the day both in and out of work Take mindful steps to practice the specific qualities you are trying to build + Mimic others with strong teamwork skills: When you see examples of great teamwork, take note and identify why the interaction stood out to you Apply those qualities in your own interactions when working with others Developing teamwork skills can help you both in your career and when seeking new opportunities Take time to evaluate your current skill set and identify areas for improvement With time and practice, you can begin building a strong set of teamwork skills Communication skill and Listening skill 3.1 Definition Communication skills are the ability to deliver messages that are received and understood by the target audiences The term often applies to someone’s faculty of exchanging information effectively with another person or group, in a verbal, non-verbal, or written way Communication is presented in most of every activity of our lives We usually exchange ideas, opinions, requirements and feelings with many people around us, not only verbally but also through devices such as computers and smartphones In business, Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 being a good communicator is particularly relevant E-mails, phone calls, meetings, speeches, videoconferences, presentations and face to face conversations are all different ways of communication The development and strengthening of communication skills are Therefore, a key attribute for most employees in these times to their jobs more productively It is not only about words and content because other elements such as body language and facial expressions also take part in the process When the communication is written, graphics, tables, and pictures might adequately support explanations and ideas Even the selection of the channel sometimes communicates how important the message and the audience are for the communicator For example, a very significant announcement is supposed to be made person-to-person instead of using an electronic chat 3.2 Some important communication skills + Listening: Being a good listener is one of the best ways to be a good communicator Listening means paying attention not only to the story, but how it is told, the use of language and voice, and how the other person uses his or her body In other words, it means being aware of both verbal and non-verbal messages Your ability to listen effectively depends on the degree to which you perceive and understand these messages + Nonverbal Communication: Your body language, eye contact, hand gestures, and tone of voice all color the message you are trying to convey A relaxed, open stance (arms open, legs relaxed), and a friendly tone will make you appear approachable and will encourage others to speak openly with you Eye contact is also important; you want to look the person in the eye to demonstrate that you are focused on them and the conversation Also, pay attention to other people's nonverbal signals while you are talking Often, nonverbal cues convey how a person is really feeling For example, if the person is not looking you in the eye, he or she might be uncomfortable or hiding the truth + The tone of voice: Use the right tone of voice for each suitable situation and position, don’t yell or be rude with people, the tone of voice is the key to express your emotion and show your respect with other people Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 10 + Clarity and Concision: Good verbal communication means saying just enough – don’t talk too much or too little Try to convey your message in as few words as possible Say what you want clearly and directly, whether you're speaking to someone in person, on the phone, or via email If you ramble on, your listener will either tune you out or will be unsure of exactly what you want + Confidence: It is important to be confident in your interactions with others The confidence of you shows people that you trust what you said Moreover, you can speak more fluency and attract the listener with high confidence + Open-Mindedness: A good communicator should enter into any conversation with a flexible, open mind Being open-minded, however, goes beyond accepting new ideas or expressing flexibility It includes the understanding that sometimes your expertise can only go so far – and that’s okay with whom you disagree, you will be able to have more honest, productive conversations + Respect: People will be more open to communicating with you if you convey respect for them and their ideas Simple actions like using a person's name, making eye contact, and actively listening when a person speaks will make the person feel appreciated On the phone, avoid distractions and stay focused on the conversation Convey respect through email by taking the time to edit your message If you send a sloppily written, confusing email, the recipient will think that you not respect her enough to think through your communication with her 3.3 Principles of communicating effectively + ABC principle: A: Accuracy: Accuracy means two things: Accurate in the sense of being factually accurate and in the sense of using accurate grammar Accurate facts: always check your facts and your sources The world is full of fake news and the responsibility is on you to ensure that what you say is factually accurate Accurate grammar: your facts may be accurate, but your grammar may be ambiguous You need to be sure your writing is accurate in both content and grammatical structure Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 14 Analysis method After collecting all of the information we need from research, we decided to discuss together to find out what is the best topic and also what really needs including in our video Due to the problem brought up by COVID-19 pandemic, our group met up through Microsoft Teams – a collaboration platform unifying chat, voice, video and file sharing We studied the data to understand it properly and gave some suitable worthy pieces of information to appear in the video Each member of our group had the responsibility to study one part of the data which was categorized Then that member had to convince the group to use the piece of information that she or he studied So that we can make sure that our video has enough information and interesting materials After knowing all what is worth to have it in our video, our group together voted to choose the most suitable ones for our midterm video Method of making video Since the time that we started doing this group project was when COVID-19 pandemic came back to Vietnam, we could not film or set up a meeting to make a liveaction video However, after brainstorming together, our group decided to film separately and then edit those unconnected screens to make a complete video named “Today: Transformation” As for some screens that could not film separately, we chose to use Microsoft Teams as a tool to meet up online and record them There are reasons for us to apply this kind of method We want to have real life materials in our video so that the video can be more convincing Moreover, our group aims to use those stories we collected from real life in the midterm video to make it as real as possible We believe that we can make an interesting video that can deliver the message we want to the target audiences Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 15 FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS Findings Wondering what amuses the audiences from a video reflecting the situation, we have realized that there are various factors: the coherence of the storyline, animations, creative contents, outstanding situations/ events, implications, … Eventually, nothing plays a vital role that outweighs the others, only the reasonable combination of these factors could be a stable platform for creating a meaningful video for the watchers Soft skills are applied in companies not only to remain the harmony within an organization but also to create private networks for each employee that can benefit more than just remaining good relationships These benefits may include forming opportunities for promotion, getting chances to go abroad, and many others that without soft skills, hard skills cannot help you possess Besides, psychological contract has been used as a method to increase the commitment of employees with companies in Talent Management Process (Because the Business Leaders are always worried about letting a well-trained employee leave their companies to work for the competitors with a higher wage level, their decision to provide a dual-career path environment, enhance the relationship between employers and employees, build a mutual trust that makes an informal psychological contract with the employees) Soft skills are more useful than we thought, during the time of researching to complete this project, we have found that there were some arguments about whether soft skills could save lives Some said that it was obvious that soft skills had minimal impact on survival, but the clearest example for this would be that many clinical studies prove the impact of intrinsic roles on patient mortality, morbidity, readmission rate, or compliance, which convinced the predecessors Especially, soft skills are being applied obviously in terms of curing mental illness This kind of psychological service is becoming trendy in the near future Soft skills had been built a long time ago, since the ancient time through religions in many countries Since Vietnam was affected by Chinese culture, we have known about some documents, materials enlightening people to behave better like: “How Will I Behave Today And The Rest Of My Life – Venerable Wuling”, “Dizigui/ The Rules For Students/ Đệ Tử Quy”, “Liễu Phàm Tứ Huấn”, … In the ancient time, soft skills had Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 16 been developed as rules of behavior that form personality But not until modern time have soft skills been defined then categorized into groups and developed into processes, which is better for learners to obtain skills one by one and gradually step by step One soft skill is almost useless without the others Further research would be analyzed in the analysis of a specific example about the main character in the video Storyline There are main characters, each of whom has differences backgrounds They register the contest with different emotions but the same purposes - to show the better version of themselves Working as a team in the first time, they got in a lot of troubles After joining a Skill Development workshop, they change not only their working styles, but also their mindset In the end, they become the winner of the contest as using perfectly those soft skils during preparing time After all, they completely become new people, which are better versions of themselves Thanks for knowing about using soft skills on daily basis, they have succeeded in their fields Explanation about the name “TODAY: TRANSFORMATION” Today: The word “today” is a common word that we could easily hear on our daily basis, but in this case, we use this as emphasizing about the time - after being trained about Soft skills In the past, they were completely different people Compared to the moment they are now, they grow up and work effectively as using Soft skills Transformation: The change which is the most essential part we want to express in the whole video Throughout the movie, it highlights the character’s personality before and after getting knowledge of Soft skills All the members have a significant innovation in mindset, teamwork and behavior “Today: Transformation” is a name we selected as people consciously witness the main point of the film These two words standing alone could be simple and straightforward Therefore, this combination of the time and the quote works incredibly together Script There are young people living in the same city, each of whom has differences backgrounds Phase 1: Introduction: Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 17 This is Lucy, a famous rich kid in Hanoi She owns a really large amount of assets and lives in the lap of luxury Money is the solution for all her problems Everyone believes she would tell her richkid story for the rest of her life However, being affected by COVID-19, her family went bankrupt What should Lucy now? Lucy realizes it is finally time for her to move on, she needs to learn soft skills Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, Joey has always been an anti-social person He refused to talk to other people and locked himself in He spent almost his whole life inside his house, watching movies and studying His parents encouraged him to go outside day by day Joey’s parents: Joey, go out and get some fun! Joey sometimes did try but he could never speak a word properly Nothing changed until after Joey’s high school graduation, he got admitted into FTU He found out that FTU is an amazingly active environment Only study alone would no longer work and the only way to success at FTU is to simultaneously using soft skills to blend in Joey realised it was finally time for him to move on and get himself some soft skills And the final one is Sania, who is a truly underworld teenager Evil tatoos, bad attitude, aggressive violence is everything about her If someone dares to glance at her, Sania would call out her gang immediately Sania: Hey! There’s a guy who has just been here and glanced at me Violence is the only solution to all problems she ever known Sania: God, there are so many things that can be solved by violence I just need my friends and my gang But then one day, a beautiful girl came across her sight, Sania immediately fell in love She flirted her with many gifts, but it never worked out for her The girl say that Sania was just not her type, she was too violent and never thought before act The girl: You know what? I really don’t like you You act like a child You can’t use violence with your friends to solve ant problems So, please stay away from me Sania fell into deep depression She finally realized it’s time to learn soft skills and improve herself Phase 2: Reasons why they met up and conflicts as they didn’t have soft skills: Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 18 Together, all three of them signed up for a Financial Economy Contest and get randomly organized as a team This group of three met up together the first time, and then conflicts happened Sania: Hello guys! Lucy: Hello! My name is Lucy What’s about you guys? Sania: I’m Sania Joey: I’m Joey Lucy: So, I think we must choose the leader first, right? Sania: Yes, and of course, it should be me Lucy: No, girl, let me be the leader Sania: No, idiot, I’m the best choice for leading this team to win the game Lucy: No way, I know how to use money, I’m the only choice Sania: Shut up! I have my own strength I can beat all of you Lucy: Violence is not the way to victory, but money is Sania: Don’t make me punch you in the face!!! Joey: OK, I don’t care who gonna be the leader or not But now we have to choose what we gonna do, okay? So, please, you guys are so annoying Lucy: Hmm… How about … cryptocurrency? These days, Bitcoin is the first thing I check every morning Sania: No, boring Choose another one! Lucy: Hmm… What’s about Middle Income Trap? It sounds promising I think the judge will love it Sania: No It’s too difficult to understand Lucy: Why don’t you stop disagreeing and give me some idea you idiot Sania: How dare you questioning me? Joey: Haizz, we’re in big trouble They shout at others face as their communication skill is terrible Twenty minutes later, going nowhere after the discussion Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 19 Phase 3: Joining Skill Development workshop: Then, the team got their first ever soft skills lecture Mentor: Hello, guys I’m Chloe and I will be your mentor today Welcome to our workshop about Skills Development! I would like to introduce you main skills that can assist you a lot in that competition The first one is Time-management skill The second one is Teamwork skill The third one is Communication, and finally, Writing skill I hope that with those skills you guys can develop your project well and have an excellent result If you have any questions or problems with your work, don’t hesitate to send me an email I will be right here to answer your questions and give you some advice Thank you and good luck! Phase 4: Using soft skills to change their lives: After being trained about using soft skills to solve the problem, they all understood their mistakes in the past They said sorry to their partners, promised to become better from now on They set a goal to become the champion This is how they worked after learing Skills Development Joey: At first, I wanna say that I've been in this situation before Silence not gonna solve the problem, but communication will As we learnt in teamwork skill, we should use 5P technique At first, I think we should seperate work in the suitable position Let me be the leader Because, the first thing is: I am good in keeping track the schedule, that will help us follow the deadline perfectly Secondly, I have researched a lot in this field so I'm pretty sure that I can lead us to the best And the last thing, you guys would not regret if u give me a chance to prove myself That's the reason why you should let me be the team leader Sania: Okok fine Lucy: I agree with you Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 20 Sania: Ok, start from now, I gonna use my brain to solve the problem instead of my muscle I'm good at IT, after long time thinking, I have written some ideas, here is my goal for us as I mentioned before Yes, after joining the workshop, I detailed all the things we have to in the exact days Therefore, I think we can keep up with the work with my deployment plan here Lucy: I used to help my parents in their business, so I know deeply about economics, about strength and weakness besides everything So, let me the SWOT matrix for us Joey: Ok, I think we all have our own work to Tonight, we should let the first step in the plan done, okay? Let’s go to work now And after days and days of working hard together, they finish their project and then finally the presentation day come Lucy: Ok, tomorrow will be the day we shine Others: Yess Joey: Let’s check everything twice Sania: Leader, I wrote some emails the contest required here, please check it carefully Joey: Wow, I can't believe, you have changed so much Unbelievable! I'm so proud of you Ok, now let’s practise for the presentation! And then, the moment of truth, on the on-site day of the contest Joey: Hello everyone, uhm well, let me introduce about my team, there are members, me, Joey, as a leader, and here is Sania and Lucy Today is a great day as we have prepared everything to present you guys the best of the best in our field after learning how to deal with problem in the workshop the organizers gave us, thank you so much Sania: Now, let me start our presentation Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 21 There is a diversity of information based on finance and economics in the world It's about middle income trap After the presentation, Lucy: That's all about our presentation, thank you for listening Is there any question for us? Judge 1: Thank you, I think that all is enough It's incredible, a lot of information I think it's quite challenging, especially in this age, it's hard for you to get through all of it I'm impressed with the ways you reach the topic and present it Good! Judge 2: I think your teamwork was good uhm You guys worked so well together, as a mentor, I see there's a big change in each of you Joey, you are now active and openness I think, well I can't believe it, you made it Sania, uhm, kind and sweet and especially, polite, right? I read your email and got the soft files you sent, it's impressed me Finally, Lucy, watching you present your research, I see a different person, not childish Lucy anymore, it's a bright and shine Lucy Your team has been the best team so far CONGRATULATION! A couple of days later, all of them received congratulation mail, they won the contest Phase 5: Sharing time: Joey: As a leader, at first, I wanna say thanks to all of you for trying your best during that time We did everything to get to the final and today, I'm proud to say that we all changed thanks to learning and using soft skills Lucy: Yeah, I changed a lot too As you guys can see, I'm now a calm and kind person Just kidding haha I see that our TEAMWORK is the best We have been working so well together, right? We won the game Sania: Yess, I saw it too Do you remember that we use time-management to keep all the work done smoothly Some methods the trainer gave us worked perfectly Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 22 Lucy: Yeah, we had a big conflict before knowing how to communicate, right? Sania: From now on, I can confidently write any kinds of emails or essays for any kinda work Thanks god, every problem used soft skills to solve now can be smoothly done to me yayyy Joe: Uhm We used soft skills on our daily basis, we succeed How about you? Will you use soft skills like us? Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 23 RECOMMENDATION Many people are strong in certain soft skills, while weaker in others For example, someone might be a great public speaker and able to command a room full of people while on stage, but struggle to interact with people at a busy networking event It’s common to either underestimate the importance of soft skills or overestimate your own abilities Here are a few scenarios that may be improved with stronger soft skills: + You have difficulties in arranging tasks and using your time efficiently + You are in unprecedented situations and not know how to behave + You fail to grow your professional network, or avoid networking opportunities altogether + You are used to staying in your comfort zone and want to step out of this Soft skills revolve around personal relationships, character, and attitude By nurturing these skills, you can increase your work performance, build stronger relationships, and have a better life There are some tips briefly for you to improve soft skills:  Developing Your Communication Skills o Aim to be understood o Make eye-contact o Monitor your body language o Practice speaking o Develop your writing skills o Practice active listening skills o Pay attention to the other person's body language  Developing Your Time-management skills o Determine specific goals o Divide into small tasks o Make to-do lists in the order of priority o Make reminders for upcoming tasks o Be ready for unpredicted events Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 24 o Be flexible  Strengthening Interpersonal Relationships o Build relationships o Be friendly with colleagues o Manage conflict in a healthy way o Network with people inside and outside your organization o Practice leading  Demonstrating Enthusiasm and Ingenuity o Take initiative o Do tasks without being asked by someone else o Seek more challenging work o Improve your problem-solving skills o Boost your creativity Last but not least, we think that nothing is more important than practicing regularly Practice makes perfect And of course, if you want to develop personal skills, joining the Soft Skills course hosted by Mr Hoang Anh Duy is a suitable choice, a bright way can help you improve yourself professionally and methodically Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 25 CONCLUSION After about months attending the Skills Development Course and teamworking together, we found that Soft Skills have an important role not only in our work but also in our daily life We know that hardly anyone knows these skills by an academic so with a view to hope that all young people can master soft skills, this video was born to transmit our message: Soft skills should be learned through a professional and serious way due to its importance Though a person has an innate ability of personal skill, we suppose that person can still be better by continuous learning and practicing Our group has acquired, improved, and developed some useful soft skills: Teamwork Skill, Communication Skill, Listening Skill, Presentation Skill, Writing Skill, Time-management Skill, Leadership, We believe that all soft skills above have intimate relationships and applying all of them in our activities will help us get through life smoother and easier The team-working process also helps us build a better relationship with our teammates as well as our classmates and we are very grateful for it Through our product, this video, we hope that people can be aware of the importance of soft skills in our life We would like to send our warm thanks and gratitude to our beloved lecturer: Mr Hoang Anh Duy and Mrs Pham Thi My Dung who have always been supportive and devoted us through the courses and bring us invaluable knowledge We highly appreciate your great effort and passion in teaching us Not only soft skills that we obtained but also through this project, we have had more time to know each other, to share our stories, to have a mutual understanding and a mutual trust We wish you all the best and wish that there would be a chance for us to enroll in your courses one more time Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 26 REFERENCES [1] Anju S and Gopika K (2017) Essential Soft Skills for Employability, A Longitudinal Study Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM) Krishi Sanskriti Publications P363 [2] Alexandre L., Mathieu G., Véronique P., Claudie M.C (2019) How to Convince Clinicians that ‘Soft’ Skills Save Lives? Practical Tips to Use Clinical Studies to Teach Physicians’ Roles Faculty of Medicine, Université Laval [3] Alison D (2020) Essential Communication Skills for your career [4] Dom B (2019) The Importance of Soft Skills [5] Devin J (2020) How to improve soft skills [6] Indeed Editorial Team (2020) Teamwork Skills: Definition and Examples [7] Indeed Editorial Team (2021) Writing Skills: Definition and Examples [8] My Accounting Course (2020) What are Communication Skills? [9] Mr Hoang A D & Mrs Pham T M D (2020-2021) Skills development materials [10] SKILLSYOUNEED (2020) Time management skill [11] Think Marketing (2012) Planning for new objectives? Here is how to create SMART goals [12] Tom Gerencer, CPRW (2020) Hard Skills vs Soft Skills: List of Best Examples for the Workplace Today: Transformation Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 27 APPENDICES Group member list No Student name Student ID Hồ Lan Phương 2013250024 Nguyễn Lâm Phương 2012250056 Phan Hà Phương 2012250057 Trần Ánh Phương 2012250058 Trịnh Hải Quang 2013250059 Trương Tú Quyên 2013250025 Nguyễn Lê Mai Quỳnh 2012250060 Nguyễn Kim Thanh 2013250027 Nguyễn Quang Phúc Thành 2012250062 10 Nguyễn Phúc Nhị Thảo 2012250063 Credit Director/Writer: Trần Ánh Phương Editor: Nguyễn Quang Phúc Thành Main characters: Joe Trịnh Hải Quang Sania Phan Hà Phương Lucy Nguyễn Lê Mai Quỳnh Supporting characters: Staff Nguyễn Quang Phúc Thành Mentor Nguyễn Lâm Phương Judge Hồ Lan Phương Task division No Task Member(s) in charge Discussing for the ideas All members Planning the project in detail Today: Transformation Ánh Phương, Phúc Thành, Kim Thanh Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 28 Making video Writing script Ánh Phương Editing video Phúc Thành Acting Hải Quang, Mai Quỳnh, Hà Phương (main), Lâm Phương, Lan Phương, Phúc Thành Supporting in Lan Phương, Nhị Thảo properties Writing report Checking and review Today: Transformation Kim Thanh, Nhị Thảo, Lâm Phương, Tú Quyên Ánh Phương, Kim Thanh Group Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 ... Phase 4: Using soft skills to change their lives: After being trained about using soft skills to solve the problem, they all understood their mistakes in the past They said sorry to their partners,... Thirdly, analyze and answer the question: ? ?How soft skills can change their lives? ” Research method The mid-term assignment of making a video to express the skills learned through the Skill Development... (2012) defined soft skills as people management skills Fogle (2011) while defining soft skills included “teaming skills? ?? in its purview in addition to communication and social skills In addition

Ngày đăng: 26/02/2023, 18:04
