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How soft skills have changed our lives

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FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ====0o0==== REPORT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT TOPIC: HOW SOFT SKILLS HAVE CHANGED OUR LIVES Group: Student No.: 22 - 30 Class: PPHE101(1+2.2/2021)CLC.3 Lecturers: Mr Hoang Anh Duy Mrs Pham Thi My Dung Hanoi, June 𝟕𝒕𝒉 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Abstract II Introduction Reasons……………………………………………………………………….4 Objectives…………………………………………………………………….4 Scope………………………………………………………………………….5 Methodology………………………………………………………………….5 Structure…………………………………………………………………… III Content…………………………………………………………………… Literature reviews………………………………………………………… a) Definitions .6 b) Skills applied to our video .6 c) Importances of soft skills…………………………………………………… Findings & Analysis……………………………………………………… a) Findings…………………………………………………………… ……….8 b) Reasons………………………………………………… ………………… c) Analysis…………………………………………………………………… 10 Recommendations………………………………………………………… 11 IV Conclusion…………………………………………………………………13 V References……………………………………………………………… …14 VI Appendices………………………………………………… ……………15 I Abstract Soft skills refer to a cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitudes and social graces that make someone a good employee and compatible to work with There are two types of skills which are hard and soft skill Soft skills are important for professional development, maintaining IPR and effective communication Soft skills include interpersonal and personal attributes that enhance an individual’s interactions, job performance and career prospects There are many key soft skills that need to be applied in work place Hence Soft skills training should begin for a person when they are students, to perform efficiently in their academic environment as well as in their future workplace To everyone of us, there would be a day when everything seems to go wrong, it feels like the whole world is against you Some people would be frustrated about the situation, but some deal with it like it is nothing Why is that? We believe that is because those people have a very good set of soft skills So we are going to demonstrate how having soft skills is going to better our lives II Introduction Reasons Skills development refers to the acquisition of productive talents through all levels of learning and training, including formal, non-formal, informal, and onthe-job learning and training It helps individuals to become completely and productively engaged in their livelihoods, as well as to modify their capacities to meet changing economic and labor market demands and possibilities Many factors influence the acquisition of such abilities, including a good lifelong learning system and a welcoming learning environment Students with soft skills can be more productive in their academics Pupils can properly manage their time, work in groups, and much more This will assist them in gaining additional knowledge These abilities will be useful not only in schools and colleges, but also in establishing a prosperous professional career Soft skills are characteristics that enable you to interact with others in meaningful ways Soft skills will set people apart when looking for jobs because they are more difficult to develop and take longer to master They also help pupils cope with the difficulties and obstacles they would face as adults, as well as the rigors of a job As a result, we are making this film to put the skills we've learned thus far into practice We would love to express our heartfelt gratitude to two professors: Mr Hoang Anh Duy and Mrs Pham Thi My Dung, who have greatly aided us in finishing our video and honing our skills Your superb teaching abilities and kind demeanor have greatly aided us in completing our course We have learnt a lot from you, and we are excited to learn even more Thank you for being outstanding professors, we are fortunate to have you as our instructors Objectives - To enhance overall development of students through applying soft skills in daily tasks - To create a new way for students to expose and evolve their soft skills - To encourage students to be more confident by exercising soft skills in order for them to find out their strengths and weaknesses - To create a strong foundation for students not to be astounded when coming into the working environment Scope Soft skills can be used in any situation by anyone Methodology Research and apply teamwork skill in making script and video Structure In the 4.0 community like ours, students seem to be unable to completely utilize their soft skills into their daily tasks Knowing that issue, here our project will describe how crucial soft skills are to students also to change their perception about soft skills and why they need to improve their soft skills through a short film about a group of friends by some unwanted mistakes, the group becomes separated from each other, with no help from others and no wifi service they can only count on themselves and their ability to apply their soft skills into this problem and find each other and come back home safely III Content Literature reviews a) Definitions - Skills:  A skill is the learned ability to perform an action with determined results with good execution often within a given amount of time, energy, or both  Skills can often be divided into domain-general and domain-specific skills For example, in the domain of work, some general skills would include time management, teamwork and leadership, self-motivation and others, whereas domain-specific skills would be used only for a certain job  Skill usually requires certain environmental stimuli and situations to assess the level of skill being shown and used  There is a wide range of categories of skills such as hard skills, soft skills, life skills, labor skills, social skills, - Soft skills:  Soft skills, also known as common skills or core skills, are a combination of people skills, social skills, communication skills, character or personality traits, attitudes, mindsets, career attributes, social intelligence and emotional intelligence quotients, among others, which are desirable in all professions  This is in contrast to hard skills, which are specific to each individual profession  The term alone has a broad meaning, and describes a particular ability to complete tasks from easy to hard ones b) Skills applied in our video - TIME MANAGEMENT SKILL  Definition: is the process of organizing and planning how to divide time between specific activities  Meaning: Good time management enables the team to work smarter so that team members get more done in less time, even when time is tight and pressures are high Failing to manage your time damages the team’s overall effectiveness and causes stress - LEADERSHIP SKILL  Definition: is a skill used when organizing other people to reach a shared goal  Meaning: Using this skill, leaders motivate others to complete a series of tasks, often according to a schedule Leadership is not just one skill but rather a combination of several different skills working together like: patience, positivity, flexibility, etc - TEAMWORK SKILL  Definition: is the qualities and abilities that allow team members to work well with each other during conversations, projects, meetings or other collaborations  Meaning: Working well with other team members in a team setting can help completing tasks efficiently while creating an enjoyable environment without unresolved conflict - COMMUNICATION SKILL  Definition: is the abilities used when giving and receiving different kinds of information between team members  Meaning: Communication skill allows you to understand and be understood by others It includes the ability to effectively communicate ideas to others, actively listen in conversations, give and receive critical feedback; which are essential in a group setting c) Importances of soft skills - Presentation skills, networking ability, and etiquette awareness can all help you land new clients and get more work from old ones Developing your ability to settle conflicts, manage problems, and deliver exceptional customer service will help you build better bonds with coworkers, vendors, and other business connections Ultimately, strong soft skills can help you gain confidence - an invaluable trait in the business world - Soft skills are an important aspect of increasing one's capacity to collaborate with people and can help you advance in your profession Soft skills reveal that you are aware of the various traits that can assist you in achieving success within a company and in your unique role - The modern office is a social environment Collaboration is an important part of any job Listening and writing skills guarantee that ideas flow smoothly and there are no disagreements This results in a productive and healthy workplace - Soft skills will become increasingly important in the future workplace Many technical occupations are being outsourced to automation and artificial intelligence as a result of technological breakthroughs (AI) - A lack of soft skills might limit your potential and perhaps lead to your company's demise You may manage projects more smoothly, create outcomes that please everyone, and even favorably influence your personal life by enhancing how you connect with others by establishing excellent leadership, teamwork, and communication skills Findings & Analysis a) Findings At a recent workshop organized by the network of former students of the Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Ta Hai Tung, director of the Institute for Information Technology and Communications, put emphasis on the weak point of Vietnamese students - poor soft skills and English skills Tung said the institute has joined forces with HUST’s former students who are working in Silicon Valley to provide opportunities to excellent students for internships at Apple, Facebook and Amazon Forty excellent students were chosen and attended the interviews with the giant firms But only three were chosen because they were good at foreign language and soft skills, and algorithm skills as well Many Vietnamese students have deep professional knowledge, but are poor at English Others have good English, but are weak at soft skills An analyst said the soft skills of many Vietnamese students are so poor that they don’t know how to write emails, applications for jobs or prepare a CV “There are big differences between Vietnamese and American students The latter can attend training courses in soft skills,” he said In fact, many schools admit that their students are weak at soft skills, but said students need to seek separate training courses on soft skills, rather than rely on curricular lessons at schools They said that teaching soft skills is not the job of universities (Linh Ha, 2020) In a 2019 report, the Society for Human Resource Management found that 51 percent of its members who responded to a survey said that education systems have done little or nothing to help address the skills shortage The top missing soft skills, according to these members: problem solving, critical thinking, innovation and creativity; the ability to deal with complexity and ambiguity; and communication (Dana Wilkie, 2019) b) Reasons - Little or no focus on building and learning new skills: A lot of graduates focus too much on the academic and neglect building up on their authentic selves They have been told by their parents to go to school, middle school and high school with the aim of reaching the highest grades: the famous A+ Teenagers are pressured into going to university or college right after they finish with their schooling, so as to have a tertiary education Then on, they are compelled to look for full-time jobs with their degrees This extreme focus on academic results and the lack of time and effort put into building the right skill sets they need to be employable is actually what denies the youth of a well-paid job by a potential employee - Modules need to be reviewed by universities: Gaps in formal education are also another reason for why the youth are not prepared for work According to Fraser Nelson, students are “egged on by teachers (and government ministers) who say that a university degree is always worth it; perhaps true a generation ago, but not anymore” (The Telegraph, 2016) Universities have been charging a lot of money out of students, though they not frequently review their syllabuses Hence ‘useless’ modules are being taught to students year after year, with the growing lack of the necessary soft skills needed for these future graduates to kick start their careers If universities partnered with companies and the government to change what’s being taught once every two years, and to instill important skills into future degree holders, the job market would not have been such an unnerving zone - Working experience is highly needed from graduates: More than academic results, experience is much needed in the workplace Many graduates have never had a job before their university lives Because employers look for past work experiences in students, the large majority of graduates keep waiting in the dark for this super important call to confirm if they got the job they applied for, or if they still need to go hunting The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in 2016, prior work experience was required for 47.8 percent of all jobs, while a bachelor’s degree was required in 17.5 percent of jobs The necessity of working experience has outgrown the need for a degree, or a diploma during the last decade If graduates want to have a full-time job right after their degree, they absolutely need to work on their soft skills by being on the lookout for job experiences (Aamirah Mohangee, 2017) c) Analysis Based on the findings and reasons above, we make this video to show people the situation in which members of a team have “the skills gap” In this video, we choose the background of the context as a picnic day with friends In such a situation, misunderstandings and conflicts easily happen; therefore, we decide to use this context to help people learn about the importance of soft skills in their daily life The story begins when a group of friends go for a picnic together and some people want to take pictures of the beautiful scenery far from the setting place They are too immersed in enjoying the spectacular scenery and taking photos to realize that they have lost their way Things even get worse when they cannot contact their friends because there is no phone signal This is when two members come into conflict with each other On the one hand, Thao Anh remembered telling Ha Chi to take pictures of the way in case they got lost, but her voice was so small that hardly anyone heard her In addition, the background noise was loud and her friends were chatting back then, so it is easy to understand why they missed her speech The lack of communication skills led to this unexpected situation On the other hand, they underestimate the importance of good teamwork In the story, Ha Chi didn’t pay attention to what her friend was saying and she just focused on taking selfies She didn't think about others and it led to ineffective teamwork Furthermore, they still put the blame for their unlucky situation on the other As a result, they cannot figure out the way back until Duc Anh addresses the problem and becomes a leader to help four of them go back to the picnic site 10 Recommendations Due to the complicated happening of the Covid-19, we cannot gather and record the video as planned However, we then came up with the idea of making the video by drawing using our faces Thanks to the application, we could finish our video expessing our ideas Here’s the script we have written and adjust to make it easy for the video makers - LEADERSHIP SKILL: In set of our video, Gia Bảo as known as our team leader said: “First we should calm down, we're gonna figure the way out so don’t worry I will call the guard and tell them the situation to help us I think that we should separate to find them.”  He created collaborative goals: Goals are clearly set and defined  He kept himself accountable: When things go wrong, face it head-on Take responsibility and work together with the team to address the issues and get back on track  He inspired motivation and positivity: Using verbal encouragement, excellent skills in empathy and friendliness, as well as the ability to effectively manage, calm people down in conflicting and stressful situation - TEAMWORK: In set 5, Bao told other members: “Here is the map of this park We are here Ha Anh, you stay here to look after the stuff and keep us updated if anything happens, and call me if they are back Quynh Chi, you go up to the hill Cuong, you go to the lake Chau will come to the forest with me And each of us will go with a guard because they have special high tech communication devices and they know this place well Remember to bring your phone and just ask the passengers if they saw them Ok now let’s go.” Then our team separated to find our friends     He delegated He clearly explaining guidelines and expectations He defined roles He show his project management: Project management skills mean that you can organize and delegate the team in their tasks constructively Being successful in your projects is the goal for all team members 11  He detail-oriented - TIME MANAGEMENT: In set 5, before our team separated, Ha Anh had reminded us: “We should hurry up because the park is nearly closing We only have hour left to find them and get out of this place So we must find them in at most 45 mins and 15 mins to pack up and clean our things Be careful.”  She set up deadlines  She had clear deadlines and expectations - COMMUNICATION: In set 6, when Ha Chi and Thao Anh were arguing, Duc Anh explained: “Hey guys calm down calm down We are lost right now and we don’t have enough time to quarrel I think both of you are wrong Ha Chi, you must pay more attention to the others And Thao Anh, you must make sure that everyone can get your ideas when you speak, therefore no one can misunderstand and miss your speech Now don’t be mad at each other anymore and figure out the way back together and call for help.”  He addressed issues immediately and openly  When a conflict arose among team members, his actions were taken quickly to resolve it He accept conflict and worked towards addressing it immediately  He kept things clear  He made sure the purpose of communication is easily understandable  He knew how to listen  Learning how to communicate more effectively also means taking more notice  He avoided the impulse to listen only for the end of their sentence so that he could blurt out his thoughts and ideas → skills are applied effectively by team members to come up with solutions, work with each other as a team, resolve conflict and finally achieve success 12 IV Conclusion Some people may think that soft skills are only needed for students and workers Actually, it is important to everyone as we always need those skills for a better life As mentioned, soft skills change the ways we face the hard situation Everytime we communicate with family, teachers, friends, we work with partners, we the work, etc., soft skills make it easier for us Managing time, adapting to new situations, teamwork, and communication are all soft skills that transfer to any environment at any level of experience Our video helps you to understand more about the impact of soft skills on our lives The video opens a situation when conflicts happens after an accident in the park, it is a small story that can occur any time in our lives but the problem is how we solve it Applying soft skills we have learned is an effective to cope with the problem Finally, thanks to the skills we had, we can happily gathered together and got back safely Not only our story but also any types of situation that happens in lives, we can use soft skills to solve them Soft skills truly fulfil an important role in shaping an individual’s personality It is of high importance for every student to acquire adequate skills beyond academic or technical knowledge Since this is our first video, we cannot avoid some mistakes We would like to have your feedbacks to improve our skills in making video Thank you very much for reading! 13 V References [Online] VietNamNet Global: Vietnamese students still lack soft skills (Linh Ha) Available at: https://vietnamnet.vn/en/society/students-continue-to-lacksoft-skills-623446.html (Accessed March 15, 2020) [Online] Society for Human Resource Management: Employers say students aren’t learning soft skills in college (Dana Wilkie) Available at: https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/employeerelations/pages/employers-say-students-arent-learning-soft-skills-incollege.aspx (Accessed October 21, 2019) [Online] AIESEC: Why don’t the youth possess the soft skills needed for today’s jobs? (Aamirah Mohangee) Available at: https://blog.aiesec.org/whydont-youth-possess-soft-skills/ (Accessed July 21, 2017) [Online] Indeed: Leadership skills: Definitions and Examples Available at: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/resumes-cover-letters/leadership-skills (Accessed May 27, 2021) [Online] Indeed: Teamwork skills: Definitions and Examples Available at: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/teamwork-skills (Accessed November 26, 2020) [Online] Indeed: Communication skills: Definitions and Examples Available at: https://in.indeed.com/career-advice/resumes-cover-letters/communicationskills (Accessed February 12, 2021) [Online] Wikipedia: Definition of skills Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skill [Online] Wikipedia: Definition of soft skills Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soft_skills [Online] Toronto School of Management: Why are soft skills important to student? (Sweha Harazi) Available at: https://www.torontosom.ca/blog/why-aresoft-skills-important-to-students (Accessed August 28, 2019) 10 [Online] MBO Partners: What are soft skills and why are they important? Available at: https://www.mbopartners.com/blog/how-manage-smallbusiness/why-are-soft-skills-important/ (Accessed October 16, 2019) 14 VI Appendices No Member’s name Student ID Tran Gia Bao 2012250016 Nguyen Thi Minh Chau 2012250017 Vu Quynh Chi 2012250020 Vu Thao Anh 2012250015 Nguyen The Cuong 2012250021 Le Mai Chi 2012250018 Vo Ha Anh 2013250007 Vo Duc Anh 2013250006 Nguyen Le Ha Chi 2012250019 15 Contribution Write report, record the voice of character Write and sum up report, record the voice of character Write script, make and edit video, record the voice of character Write report, record the voice of character Edit video, record the voice of character Write and edit script, record the voice of character Write and edit script, record the voice of character Write report, record the voice of character Write report, record the voiceof character ... of skills such as hard skills, soft skills, life skills, labor skills, social skills, - Soft skills:  Soft skills, also known as common skills or core skills, are a combination of people skills, ... is because those people have a very good set of soft skills So we are going to demonstrate how having soft skills is going to better our lives II Introduction Reasons Skills development refers... utilize their soft skills into their daily tasks Knowing that issue, here our project will describe how crucial soft skills are to students also to change their perception about soft skills and

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