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Báo cáo khoa học: Crystal structures of Aedes aegypti kynurenine aminotransferase potx

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Crystal structures of Aedes aegypti kynurenine aminotransferase Qian Han 1, *, Yi Gui Gao 1,2, *, Howard Robinson 3 , Haizhen Ding 1 , Scott Wilson 2 and Jianyong Li 1 1 Department of Pathobiology, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA 2 School of Chemical Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA 3 Biology Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA Aedes aegypti kynurenine aminotransferase (AeKAT) is a multi-function aminotransferase [1]. Its mamma- lian homolog, KAT-I can catalyze several amino acids and many biologically relevant keto acids [2,3], and is identical to glutamine transaminase K and also a cysteine S-conjugate b-lyase [4–8]. KAT-I is present in the brain [9,10], and also in the kidney and liver [11,12], which indicates the important role of KAT-I in the bioactivation of environmental pol- lutants that contribute to liver- and kidney-associated carcinogenesis [2]. Although the kidney and liver show much greater KAT activity than the brain, the emphasis of KAT research has been almost exclu- sively on enzymes in the CNS, paralleling the investi- gation into the pivitol role of kynurenic acid (KYNA) therein. Keywords aminotransferase; crystal structure; kynurenic acid; kynurenine aminotransferase; mosquito Correspondence J. Li, Department of Pathobiology, University of Illinois, 2001 South Lincoln Avenue, Urbana, IL 61802, USA Fax: +217 2447421 Tel: +217 244–3913 E-mail: jli2@uiuc.edu *Qian Han and Yi Gui Gao contributed equally to this work. Note The atomic coordinates and structure fac- tors (PDB codes 1YIZ and 1YIY) have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank, Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioin- formatics, Rutgers University, New Bruns- wick, NJ, USA (http://www.rcsb.org). (Received 2 February 2005, accepted 7 March 2005) doi:10.1111/j.1742-4658.2005.04643.x Aedes aegypti kynurenine aminotransferase (AeKAT) catalyzes the irrevers- ible transamination of kynurenine to kynurenic acid, the natural antagonist of NMDA and 7-nicotinic acetycholine receptors. Here, we report the crys- tal structure of AeKAT in its PMP and PLP forms at 1.90 and 1.55 A ˚ , respectively. The structure was solved by a combination of single-wave- length anomalous dispersion and molecular replacement approaches. The initial search model in the molecular replacement method was built with the result of single-wavelength anomalous dispersion data from the Br- AeKAT crystal in combination with homology modeling. The solved struc- ture shows that the enzyme is a homodimer, and that the two subunits are stabilized by a number of hydrogen bonds, salts bridges, and hydrophobic interactions. Each subunit is divided into an N-terminal arm and small and large domains. Based on its folding, the enzyme belongs to the prototypical fold type, aminotransferase subgroup I. The three-dimensional structure shows a strictly conserved ‘PLP-phosphate binding cup’ featuring PLP- dependent enzymes. The interaction between Cys284 (A) and Cys284 (B) is unique in AeKAT, which might explain the cysteine effect of AeKAT activity. Further mutation experiments of this residue are needed to eventu- ally understand the mechanism of the enzyme modulation by cysteine. Abbreviations AeKAT, Aedes aegypti kynurenine aminotransferase; KAT, kynurenine aminotransferase; KYNA, kynurenic acid; MAD, multiwavelength anomalous dispersion; PLP, pyridoxal 5-phosphate; PMP, pyridoxamine 5-phosphate; rmsd, root mean square deviation; SAD, single wavelength anomalous dispersion. 2198 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2198–2206 ª 2005 FEBS KYNA is a metabolite in the tryptophan metabolic pathway. In mammals, it is synthesized by irreversible transamination of kynurenine by KATs. KYNA repre- sents the only known endogenous antagonist of the excitatory action of ionotropic excitatory amino acids, showing the highest affinities for the glycine modula- tory site of the NMDA subtype of glutamate receptor [13–15] and the a7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor [16– 18]. In mammals, it protects the CNS from oversti- mulation by excitatory cytotoxins [19,20]. The inhibi- tory actions of KYNA at excitatory amino acid KAI receptors underlie its neuroprotective [19–22] and anticonvulsant effects [23,24]. Fluctuations in endo- genous brain KYNA levels significantly influence neur- onal excitation and vulnerability to excitotoxic attack [25–28]. In addition, KYNA is also involved in main- taining physiological arterial blood pressure [29–33]. The role of activity-dependent synaptic plasticity in learning and memory is a central issue in neuroscience. Much of the relevant experimental work concerns the possible role of long-term potentiation in learning. Most forms of long-term potentiation are glutamater- gic and the most prominent form is induced following activation of the NMDA receptor [34]. KYNA, as the only natural antagonist of NMDA, may, therefore, be involved in the processes of memory and learning in the CNS. Savvateeva et al. [35] demonstrated that the mutant cardinal fly (3-hydroxykynurenine excess, local KYNA level might be affected) shows a decline in learning and memory, which implies a possible role for KYNA in the formation of long-term potentiation. Direct evidence is, however, still missing. The physiolo- gical importance of KYNA has attracted a consider- able amount of attention towards understanding the molecular regulation of KYNA production in living organisms. KATs have become the target enzymes when studying modulation of the KYNA level in a number of pathological conditions in animals. A. aegypti KAT (AeKAT) shares 45–50% sequence identity with mammalian or human KAT-Is [36]. Functional characterization of its recombinant protein, expressed in a baculovirus ⁄ insect cell-expression sys- tem, showed that the protein is active to kynurenine [36]. The protein showed high activity towards many biologically relevant keto acids. Interestingly, most keto acids showed substrate inhibition at relatively high concentrations. Cysteine had an intriguing effect on the enzyme activity towards kynurenine, inducing enhancement at relative low concentrations and inhibi- tion at higher concentrations [1]. Moreover, AeKAT is mainly expressed in adult heads, indicating its major function in the CNS [36]. A bacterial homolog and human KAT-I have been systematically characterized using their respective recombinant enzymes [3,37], and both three-dimensional structures have recently been solved [38,39]. The biochemical comparison of the three enzymes has been discussed previously [3]. To under- stand the catalytic mechanism and structural basis underlying these biochemical differences, it is essential that the three-dimensional structure of AeKAT is deter- mined and a comparative study with mammalian KATs is carried out. Here, we provide data that describe the crystal structure of AeKAT as obtained using macro- molecular crystallography. Results and Discussion Crystallization, single wavelength anomalous dispersion modeling, and homology modeling Single wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) diffrac- tion data for a Br-AeKAT (PMP form) derivative were collected at cryogenic temperature at X12C at the National Synchrotron Radiation Source in Brookha- ven National Laboratory (BNL) (k ¼ 0.97 A ˚ ). The Br-AeKAT (PMP form) crystal has an orthorhombic unit cell with parameters of a ¼ 55.34 A ˚ , b ¼ 95.32 A ˚ , c ¼ 167.67 A ˚ , and diffracts to 1.90 A ˚ resolution. The space group has been determined as P2 1 2 1 2 1 from an auto-index using gadds program. Two molecules of AeKAT are in an asymmetric unit, based on calcula- tion of the Matthews coefficient [40]. SAD diffraction data of the Br-AeKAT (native ⁄ PLP form) derivative were collected in the same manner (k ¼ 1.1 A ˚ ). The PLP form crystal has an orthorhombic unit cell with parameters of a ¼ 55.28 A ˚ , b ¼ 94.98 A ˚ , c ¼ 167.60 A ˚ and diffracts to 1.55 A ˚ resolution (Table 1). An initial atomic model with 520 residues of two molecules was obtained based on the SAD data of Br- AeKAT crystals with a resolution at 1.90 A ˚ (Fig. 1A). Because the SAD model has only  60% residues assigned, we turned to a molecular replacement method using homology modeling. The first model was built by homology modeling using the initial SAD model and two homology structures (PDB codes: 1gck and 1v2d) as template structures. Briefly, SAD coordinates were assigned to target residues of AeKAT, the structures of other residues were built based on two search models. Loop areas were highly optimized to target protein Ae- KAT using the program insight ii (Accelrys). In total 100 models were built, 10 of which were used in the ini- tial refinement tests based on the procheck [41] results. Only one model (Fig. 1B) was used in further refine- ment using shelx-97, o and x-plor. This strategy enabled us to solve the three-dimensional structure of AeKAT. Figure 1 shows the initial SAD model (A), a Q. Han et al. Mosquito kynurenine aminotransferase structure FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2198–2206 ª 2005 FEBS 2199 homology model (B) and the final refined structure of the PMP form (C) of AeKAT. Overall structure The PMP form of AeKAT was solved at a resolution of 1.90 A ˚ . The three-dimensional structure of the AeKAT PLP form was solved using its PMP structure as an ini- tial refinement model by shelx-97 and x-plor at a reso- lution of 10 to 1.55 A ˚ . A homodimer is present in the asymmetric unit. Excellent electron density allowed the modeling of 418 of 429 residues, 2 PLPs and 441 sol- vent molecules in the PLP form structure. Both forms have the same structure except that there is no bond formed between the cofactor and Lys255 in the PMP form. The stereochemistry of the model was assessed using procheck [41]. In both the PLP and PMP forms, 87% of the residues were in the most favored regions of the Ramachandran plot. Although Tyr286 (A) and (B) in both forms fall within a disallowed region of the Ramachandran plot of the solved structures, the excel- lent electron density allowed us to unambiguously assign the observed conformation. The protein architecture revealed by AeKAT con- sists of the prototypical fold of aminotransferases sub- group I [42,43], characterized by an N-terminal arm, and a small and a large domain (Fig. 2). The N-ter- minal arm consists of a random coiled stretch made up of residues 12–26, the small domain (residues 27–52 and 310–429) folds into a five-stranded parallel and antiparallel b sheet surrounded by four a helices. The large domain (residues 53–309) adopts an a ⁄ b structure that resembles the Rossmann fold, which shows con- served a ⁄ b topology, in which a sharply twisted seven- stranded b-sheet inner core is nested into a conserved array of nine a helices which are contributed by both the interior and external of the molecule. As observed in other subgroup I aminotransferases, the functional unit of AeKAT consists of a homodimer with subunits related by a dyad axis to its two active sites located at the domain interface in each subunit, and at the subunit interface in the dimer (Fig. 2). Many hydrogen bonds are formed between two sub- units, i.e. Lys17–Gln119 (2.63, 2.68 A ˚ ), Lys17–Val122 (2.69, 2.89 A ˚ ), Asn71–Trp262 (2.89, 2.95 A ˚ ), Asn71– Gly261 (2.87, 2.95 A ˚ ), Trp72–Thr260 (2.52, 3 A ˚ ), Fig. 1. Line ribbon representation of initial SAD model, homology model and final refined model. (A) Initial SAD model. (B) Homology model. (C) Final refined model of the PMP form. The molecules are viewed down the molecular twofold axis. The two subunits are colored blue and green, respectively. Table 1. Crystal parameters, data collection and refinement statis- tics of AeKAT. Data collection PLP form PMP form Space group P2 1 2 1 2 1 P2 1 2 1 2 1 Unit cell (a, b, c) 55.28, 94.98, 167.60 55.34, 95.32, 167.67 Resolution (A ˚ ) 1.55 1.90 Observation reflections 924 984 716,820 Unique reflections 128 458 68,715 R merge (%) 5.7 (29.1) 6.3 (19.6) Redundancy 7.2 (6.7) 10.4 (9.8) Completeness (%) 99.3 (99.8) 97.1 (90.5) Refinement R-all (%) 26.13 22.37 R-observed (%) 25.42 21.85 R-work (%) 25.4 21.8 R-free (%) 27.9 26.4 RMS bond lengths (A ˚ ) 0.010 0.007 RMS bond angles (°) 2.41 1.72 All-atom RMS fit for the two chains (A ˚ ) 1.88 2.08 Ca-only RMS fit for the two chains (A ˚ ) 1.49 1.65 No. of protein atoms 2 · 3315 2 · 3315 No. of PLP ⁄ PMP atoms 2 · 15 2 · 16 No. of heavy atoms (Br-) 5 5 No. of solvent molecules (water) 441 440 Average B factor main chain (A ˚ 2 ) 18.43 18.26 Average B side chain (A ˚ 2 ) 23.24 23.78 Average B over all (A ˚ 2 ) 20.82 20.99 Average B factor PLP ⁄ PMP (A ˚ 2 ) 15.57 12.41 Average B factor solvet (water) (A ˚ 2 ) 27.33 26.97 Mosquito kynurenine aminotransferase structure Q. Han et al. 2200 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2198–2206 ª 2005 FEBS Trp72–Ser258 (2.84, 2.95 A ˚ ), Tyr73–Thr250 (2.87, 3.9 A ˚ ), Tyr111–Gln282 (2.79, 2.95 A ˚ ), two Tyr115 (2.57 A ˚ ), and Gly261–Thr290 (2.78, 2.85 A ˚ ) of the opposite subunits in PLP form. Several hydrophobic interactions participate in the stabilization of the homodimer, in particular, the interactions between Phe46 and Leu69 (3.57, 4.39 A ˚ ) and the two Val108 (4 A ˚ ) of the opposite subunits. Moreover, the N-ter- minal arms also contribute towards the stability of the AeKAT dimer. Two salt bridges are established between Asp112 and Lys6 (3.96, 4.15 A ˚ ) and Asp112 and Arg7 (3.48, 3.55 A ˚ ) of the opposite subunits. In AeKAT structures, Cys284 (A) and Cys284 (B) with distances of 3.46 A ˚ (PLP form) and 3.57 A ˚ (PMP form) form a thiol–thiolate hydrogen bond, which is unique in AeKAT (Fig. 5B). The AeKAT active site Similar to human KAT-I, AeKAT possesses two active sites located around the local dyad axis. Each active site contains one PLP molecule and is hosted in a deep cleft at the domain interface made up of residues from both subunits (Fig. 2). Both PLP and PMP can be identified with confidence, with clear electronic density maps of the structures (Fig. 3). Each PLP cofactor sits within a binding pocket defined by two regions contri- buted by residues from the large domains of both sub- units (Fig. 2). The bottom of the PLP-binding pocket is entirely defined by residues from the large domain of the corresponding monomer. With the exception of Lys255 and Gly110, all these residues are at, or close to, the edge of the inner core b sheet, pointing toward the domain interface and facing the re-face of the PLP ring. Distinct arrays of residues form the lateral walls Fig. 2. Stereo ribbon representation of the AeKAT molecule. The small and large doma- ins of one subunit are given in green and blue, respectively. Both N-terminal arms are grey, and other subunit is red. The cleft hos- ting the enzyme active site can be seen at the domain interface where the PLP cofac- tor is shown as a ball-and-stick. The C-termi- nus and N-terminus are indicated as C-ter and N-ter, respectively. Fig. 3. Diagrams of 2F o – F c electron density maps for the active sites of the PMP and PLP forms. The map contoured at 2.0 sigma is calculated using data between 10.0 and 1.90 A ˚ and 10.0 and 1.55 A ˚ resolution for the PMP and PLP forms of AeKAT, respect- ively. (A) PLP form; (B) PMP form. Q. Han et al. Mosquito kynurenine aminotransferase structure FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2198–2206 ª 2005 FEBS 2201 of the PLP-binding pocket. In particular, the stretch 43–46, together with the side chains of Arg405, Asn189 and Asn193 of the large domain, make up one pocket wall. The opposite wall consists of residues Tyr111 and Tyr138 of the same monomer and Phe286, His287 and Tyr73 of the other subunit. In the PLP form, AeKAT carries the PLP molecule covalently bound in the active site by Schiff base link- age to the catalytic Lys255 (Figs 3B and 4A), resulting in the formation of an internal aldimine bond (C4a ¼ Nz) with an angle of 105.5° at the pyridine ring of PLP. Several other residues contact the PLP molecule and participate in its recognition and binding. The phosphate group of the cofactor is engaged in a num- ber of interactions with residues making up the strictly conserved ‘PLP-phosphate binding cup’, featuring PLP-dependent enzymes [44]. In particular, its OP1 oxygen forms a set of hydrogen bonds with Ser252 (2.97 A ˚ ), Ala110 (with its backbone nitrogen atom at 2.78 A ˚ ) and the solvent molecule W120 at a distance of 2.82 A ˚ . PLP OP2 forms a hydrogen bond with Tyr73 (B) (in other subunit, 2.55 A ˚ ) and the solvent molecule W20 (2.73 A ˚ ). Finally, the PLP OP3 atom interacts with Lys263 (at 2.73 A ˚ from the Nz atom) and with the backbone nitrogen atom of Tyr111 (at 2.87 A ˚ ). The PLP phenolic oxygen is held in place by interactions with Tyr224 (at 2.56 A ˚ from its OH atom) and Asn193 (at a distance of 2.62 A ˚ with its OD1 atom). Moreover, the N1 atom of the PLP pyridine moiety forms hydrogen bonds with the carboxylic oxy- gen atoms of Asp221 (at 2.66 A ˚ ). Several hydrophobic interactions further stabilize PLP. In particular, Phe135 and Val223 surround the anthranilic moiety of the cofactor, on its si- and re-face, respectively (Fig. 4A). In the PMP form, there is no internal aldi- mine bond between Lys255 and PMP and the distance between PMP amine and Lys255 Nz is 3.45 A ˚ (Fig. 3B). The interactions in the active site are similar to the PLP form (Figs 3A and 4B). It is interesting to find a thiol–thiolate hydrogen bond formed between two subunits in AeKAT, which might be a target for understanding AeKAT regula- tion. Changes in the sulfur oxidation state of cysteine residues influence the activity of many proteins [45,46]. Reversible disulfide bond formation and the associated conformation changes are likely to play an important role in cellular redox regulation. In particular, disulfide bond formation between distant cysteines may be an effective mechanism for the induction of conformatio- nal changes that lead to switches in protein activity [47–49]. In human mitochondrial branched chain aminotransferase, the redox-active dithiol ⁄ disulfide Cys315-Xaa-Xaa-Cys318 center has been proposed in the regulation of enzyme activity. Cys315 appears to be the sensor for redox regulation of the enzyme activ- ity, whereas Cys318 acts as the ‘resolving cysteine’, allowing for reversible formation of a disulfide bond [50,51]. AeKAT has a similar sequence, Cys284-Xaa- Xaa-Xaa-Cys288 (Fig. 5A), but there is no thiol–thio- Fig. 5. Putative cysteine regulation site of AeKAT. (A) Partial align- ment result of human KAT-I and AeKAT. (B) Diagrams of 2F o ) F c electron density maps for Cys284 (A) and Cys284 (B) and surround- ing residues. The map was contoured at 2.0 sigma. Fig. 4. Schematic diagram showing active site interactions in AeKAT. Hydrogen bonds are shown by dotted lines. Phe135 and Val223 sandwich the pyridine ring of PLP. (A) PLP form; (B) PMP form. Mosquito kynurenine aminotransferase structure Q. Han et al. 2202 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2198–2206 ª 2005 FEBS late hydrogen bond between the two cysteine residues (9.4 A ˚ ) in the AeKAT structure. To understand the mode of enzyme regulation by cysteine, we comparat- ively analyzed human KAT-I and AeKAT. First, AeKAT activity can be stimulated by cysteine [1], whereas the human homolog is not positively affected by cysteine [3]. Second, sequence alignment showed that AeKAT had two additional cysteine residues com- pared with human KAT-I, as indicated in Fig. 5A (green background), the equivalent of Cys284 in AeKAT is Ser276 in the human enzyme. Third, there are no thiol–thiolate hydrogen bonds or disulfide bonds in the human KAT-I structure [39], whereas in the AeKAT structure, Cys284 is located in the large domain of the homodimer, the structure shows evi- dence of a thiol–thiolate hydrogen bond between Cys284 (A) and Cys284 (B) (Fig. 5B), which is close to the active center. Under oxidizing conditions, these cysteine residues in AeKAT can reasonably form a disulfide bond because of the short distance between the sulfur atoms (3.46 A ˚ in the PLP form and 3.57 A ˚ in the PMP form), requiring a decrease of only 1.5–1.6 A ˚ . Thus, residue Cys284 is most likely the cys- teine-regulation target of AeKAT. Further mutation experiments of this residue along with biochemical and structural analyses are needed to eventually understand the mechanism of the enzyme modulation by cysteine. Experimental procedures Expression and purification of recombinant AeKAT AeKAT lacking the N-terminal mitochondrial leader sequence (amino acids 1–48) was expressed in a baculo- virus ⁄ insect cell protein expression system, and purified by DEAE Sepharose, phenyl Sepharose, hydroxyapatite, and native PAGE separation (PMP form) or gel filtration (PLP ⁄ native form) [36]. To begin with, we did not pay attention to the enzyme forms, and obtained only the PMP form of AeKAT, because the running buffer for native PAGE has 192 mm glycine. Later, when we used gel filtra- tion as the last step of purification, we obtained the native form of AeKAT. The proposed reaction for aminotrans- ferases is shown in Scheme 1. The purity of the protein was assessed by SDS ⁄ PAGE analysis. Protein concentration was determined by a BioRad protein assay kit using bovine serum albumin as a standard. The purified recombinant AeKAT was concentrated to 10 mgÆmL )1 protein in 5 mm phosphate buffer, pH 7.5 using a Centricon YM-30 concen- trator (Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA). AeKAT crystallization Initial crystallization screening was performed using Hamp- ton Research Crystal Screens (Hampton Research, Laguna Niguel, CA, USA) with sitting-drop and hanging-drop vapor diffusion methods with the volume of reservoir solu- tion at 500 lL and the drop volume at 5 lL, containing 2.5 lL of protein sample and 2.5 lL of reservoir solution. AeKAT crystals were obtained in a solution containing 10 mgÆmL )1 of protein, 30% (w ⁄ v) PEG 1000, and 0.1 m of Tris ⁄ HCl at pH 8.5. Refinement of preliminary crystalliza- tion conditions resulted in the growth of quality crystals in a solution containing 5 mgÆmL )1 protein, 15% (w ⁄ v) PEG 1000, and 0.1 m Tris ⁄ HCl at pH 8.5. Single crystals for suitable X-ray analysis appeared in 4 days and grew to maximum sizes of 0.5 · 0.3 · 0.2 mm 3 in 3 weeks at 4 °C. Data collection and processing To solve the AeKAT structure through multiwavelength anomalous diffusion (MAD) [52] and single-wavelength anomalous diffusion (SAD) [53], we first tried l-seleno- methionine-labeled AeKAT, but failed to obtain quality diffraction data from its crystals. Subsequently, the Br-AeKAT derivative was generated by soaking AeKAT crystals in 1 m NaBr for 5–10 s followed by transferr of the NaBr-AeKAT crystals to a cryoprotectant solution containing mother liquid [1 m NaBr, and 25% (v ⁄ v) glyc- erin in Tris ⁄ HCl pH 8.5] for 30–60 s [54]. For X-ray ana- lyses, oscillation diffraction images of Br-AeKAT were obtained using a Bruker General Area Detector Diffrac- tion System (Madison, WI, USA) equipped with a four- circle diffractometer and a HiStar multiwire area detector. Individual AeKAT crystals were frozen using 10% sucrose plus 30% PEG 400 as a cryoprotectant solution in order to prevent the appearance of ice diffraction dur- ing data collection at cryogenic temperatures. Diffraction data for Br-AeKAT crystals were collected at the Brook- haven National Synchrotron Light Source X12C beamline (wavelengths k ¼ 0.97 A ˚ ). Single crystals were exposed to a cold nitrogen stream during data collection using a MAR research 165 mm CCD detector. The PEG 400, sucrose, or glycerin provided sufficient cryoprotection dur- ing data collection. All data were auto-indexed and integ- rated using hkl software [55], scaling and merging of diffraction data was performed using scalepack [56]. The parameters of crystal and data collection are listed in Table 1. Q. Han et al. Mosquito kynurenine aminotransferase structure FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2198–2206 ª 2005 FEBS 2203 Structure determination Initial phases for the PMP crystal form were obtained from a SAD experiment. The structure of the PMP form was determined by the molecular replacement method with the homology module in insight ii (Accelrys) using the partial SAD model and two search models, Thermus thermophylus aspartate aminotransferase (Protein Data Bank code 1gck) [57] and glutamine aminotransferase (Protein Data Bank code 1v2d) [38] as template structures. The program amore [58] was used to calculate both cross-rotation and transla- tion functions in the 10–3.0 A ˚ resolution range. The initial model was subjected to iterative cycles of crystallographic refinement with the programs x-plor [59], shelx-97 [60] and with graphic sessions for model building using the pro- gram o [61]. A random sample containing 1000 reflections was set apart to calculate the free R-factor [62]. Solvent molecules were manually added at positions with density > 1.5 sigma in the 2F o ) F c map, considering only peaks engaged in at least one hydrogen bond with a protein atom or a solvent atom. The procedure converged to an R-factor and free R-factor of 0.218 and 0.264, respectively, with ideal geometry. Residues of the two subunits in AeKAT are numbered 12 (A) to 429 (A) and 12 (B) to 429 (B), respectively. The results of refinement are summarized in Table 1. Acknowledgements We thank Dr John M. Sanders, Department of Chem- istry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, for his help in our homology model building using Insight II. This work was supported by Grant AI 44399 from the National Institutes of Health and the work was carried out in part at the National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory. References 1 Han Q & Li J (2004) Cysteine and keto acids modu- late mosquito kynurenine aminotransferase catalyzed kynurenic acid production. 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Crystal structures of Aedes aegypti kynurenine aminotransferase Qian Han 1, *, Yi Gui Gao 1,2, *, Howard Robinson 3 , Haizhen Ding 1 , Scott Wilson 2 and Jianyong Li 1 1 Department of Pathobiology,. 2005) doi:10.1111/j.1742-4658.2005.04643.x Aedes aegypti kynurenine aminotransferase (AeKAT) catalyzes the irrevers- ible transamination of kynurenine to kynurenic acid, the natural antagonist of NMDA and 7-nicotinic. University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA 2 School of Chemical Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA 3 Biology Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA Aedes aegypti kynurenine

Ngày đăng: 30/03/2014, 16:20