Báo cáo khoa học: Geranylgeranyl reductase involved in the biosynthesis of archaeal membrane lipids in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus potx
Geranylgeranylreductaseinvolvedinthe biosynthesis
of archaealmembranelipidsinthe hyperthermophilic
archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus
Motomichi Murakami
, Kyohei Shibuya
, Toru Nakayama
, Tokuzo Nishino
, Tohru Yoshimura
and Hisashi Hemmi
1 Department of Applied Molecular Bioscience, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Aichi, Japan
2 Department of Biomolecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Miyagi, Japan
The structure ofmembranelipids is the most striking
characteristic ofthe Archaea (one ofthe three domains
of life), which includes many extremophiles, such as
thermophiles, halophiles and methanogens [1–3]. The
archaeal membranelipids are different from the typ-
ical glycerolipids in organisms ofthe other domains –
Bacteria and Eucarya – inthe following respects.
First, Archaeallipids have fully reduced prenyl chains,
whereas glycerolipids typically have fatty acyl chains.
Almost all archaea produce membranelipids that
contain phytanyl groups (i.e. fully saturated C
groups). Second, the connection ofthe hydrocarbon
chains with the glycerol moiety occurs via an ether
bond in archeal lipids, not via the ester bond generally
archaea; geranylgeranyl reductase;
isoprenoid; lipid; oxidoreductase
H. Hemmi, Department of Applied
Molecular Bioscience, Graduate School of
Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University,
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi
464–8601, Japan
Fax: +81 52 7894120
Tel: +81 52 7894134
E-mail: hhemmi@agr.nagoya-u.ac.jp
(Received 27 September 2006, revised
29 November 2006, accepted 5 December
Complete saturation ofthegeranylgeranyl groups of biosynthetic interme-
diates ofarchaealmembranelipids is an important reaction that confers
chemical stability on thelipidsof archaea, which generally inhabit extreme
conditions. An enzyme encoded by the AF0464 gene of a hyperthermophi-
lic archaeon, Archaeoglobus fulgidus, which is a distant homologue of plant
geranylgeranyl reductases and an A. fulgidus menaquinone-specific prenyl
reductase [Hemmi H, Yoshihiro T, Shibuya K, Nakayama T, & Nishino T
(2005) J Bacteriol 187, 1937–1944], was recombinantly expressed and puri-
fied, and its geranylgeranylreductase activity was examined. The radio
HPLC analysis indicated that the flavoenzyme, which binds FAD noncova-
lently, showed activity towards lipid-biosynthetic intermediates containing
one or two geranylgeranyl groups under anaerobic conditions. It showed a
preference for 2,3-di-O-geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate over 3-O-geranyl-
geranylglyceryl phosphate and geranylgeranyl diphosphate in vitro, and did
not reduce the prenyl group of respiratory quinones in Escherichia coli
cells. The substrate specificity strongly suggests that the enzyme is involved
in thebiosynthesisofarchaealmembrane lipids. GC-MS analysis of the
reaction product from 2,3-di-O-geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate proved
that the substrate was converted to archaetidic acid (2,3-di-O-phytanyl-
glyceryl phosphate). Thearchaeal enzyme required sodium dithionite as the
electron donor for activity in vitro, similarly to the menaquinone-specific
prenyl reductase from the same anaerobic archaeon. On the other hand, in
the presence of NADPH (the preferred electron donor for plant homo-
logues), the enzyme reaction did not proceed.
DGGGP, 2,3-di-O-geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate; DGGGPS, 2,3-di-O-geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate synthase; GGGP, 3-O-
geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate; GGGPS, 3-O-geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate synthase; GGR, geranylgeranyl reductase; GGPP,
geranylgeranyl diphosphate; GGPS, geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase; IPP, isopentenyl diphosphate; PR, prenyl reductase.
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 805–814 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 805
formed in lipids. Third, the stereochemistry ofthe gly-
cerol moiety is enantiomeric between thearchaeal and
the typical lipids. Fourth, most thermophilic and meth-
anogenic archaea also contain bipolar cyclic lipids
(‘tetraether’ lipids), which are probably formed by the
dimerization of two ‘diether’ lipids. The biosynthesis
of thearchaealmembrane lipid has been studied previ-
ously (Fig. 1). The precursor ofthe glycerol moiety,
sn-glycerol-1-phosphate, is formed from dihydroxy
acetone phosphate [4,5]. On the other hand, the pre-
cursor ofthe prenyl moiety is synthesized from active
isoprene units, for example, isopentenyl diphos-
phate (IPP) and dimethylallyl diphosphate, usually by
geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP) synthase, which
yields the C
precursor [6,7], although a few archaea
are known to utilize geranylfarnesyl diphosphate syn-
thase to synthesize the C
precursor [8,9]. The gera-
nylgeranyl chains thus produced are then transferred
to the sn-3 position of sn-glyceryl-1-phosphate by
3-O-geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate (GGGP) syn-
thase [10–12] and subsequently to the sn-2 position by
2,3-di-O-gerenylgeranylglyceryl phosphate (DGGGP)
synthase [13]. The fundamental carbon-oxygen skeleton
of archaealmembranelipids is formed at this point, fol-
lowed by various processes, such as modification of
polar head groups [14], saturation or cyclization of pre-
nyl chains, and the creation of a bipolar cyclic structure
[15]. However, although a few enzymes that catalyze
polar head modification (i.e. CTP:DGGGP cytidyl-
transferase [16] and archaetidylserine synthase [17])
have been found, enzymes catalyzing the other process
have not been examined in detail.
The complete saturation of prenyl chains would con-
fer chemical stability on archaealmembrane lipids.
Therefore, the reduction of prenyl chains is generally
thought to play an important role inthe survival of
archaea under extreme conditions, such as high tem-
perature or salinity, although partially saturated prenyl
chains have been found in some archaea and, interest-
ingly, the number of unsaturated double bonds is
known to be related to the temperature at which the
organism grows [18,19]. Saturated prenyl groups are
also found in compounds, other than membrane lipids,
in archaea [2,20]. Many archaea produce respiratory
quinones (i.e. menaquinone, caldariellaquinone, sulfo-
lobusquinone, thermoplasmaquinone, etc.) that contain
fully or partially saturated prenyl side-chains. We
recently identified an enzyme that catalyzes the satura-
tion ofthe prenyl side-chain of menaquinone in a
hyperthermophilic archaeon, Archaeoglobus fulgidus
[21]. The enzyme, prenyl reductase (PR), is a distant
homologue ofgeranylgeranylreductase (GGR) from
plants [22,23] and cyanobacteia [24], which catalyzes
the saturation ofthegeranylgeranyl group to produce
chlorophyll, tocopherol and probably phyloquinone.
The menaquinone-specific PR is a FAD-dependent
flavoenzyme. Sodium dithionite, as an electron
donor, is required for the reducing reaction to proceed
in vitro, but NADPH does not function, although
plant homologues are dependent on this reducing
agent. In addition, the enzyme does not require a diva-
lent metal ion for reaction. We isolated three other
genes of GGR homologues from A. fulgidus, none of
which have known functions.
In this article, we report on the function of an
archaeal GGR homologue encoded inthe ORF
AF0464 (chlP-1), which is efficiently expressed in
Escherichia coli, as evidenced by our previous report
[21]. The recombinant enzyme was affinity purified,
and its activity was assessed in vitro under anaerobic
conditions. The enzyme, whose properties are very
similar to those ofthe menaquinone-specific PR, cata-
lyzes the conversion ofgeranylgeranyl groups of
Fig. 1. Biosynthetic pathway ofarchaealmembrane lipids. X
denotes a polar head group. When X is phosphate, phosphoserine
or phosphoethanolamine, thearchaeal lipid with two phytanyl
chains is denoted as archaetidic acid, archaetidylserine or archaeti-
dylethanolamine, respectively. DGGGP, 2,3-di-O-geranylgeranyl-
glyceryl phosphate; DGGGPS, DGGGP synthase; GGGP,
3-O-geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate; GGGPS, GGGP synthase;
GGPP, geranylgeranyl diphosphate; GGPS, GGPP synthase; IPP,
isopentenyl diphosphate. Enzymes are indicated in boxes.
Archaetidic acid-synthesizing archaealreductase M. Murakami et al.
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DGGGP into phytanyl groups. It also acts, although
weakly, on thegeranylgeranyl group of GGGP and
GGPP. These facts strongly suggest the involvement of
the enzyme, A. fulgidus GGR, inthebiosynthesis of
membrane lipids.
Recombinant expression and purification
of an archaeal GGR homologue
In our previous study, we reported on the recombinant
expression ofarchaeal GGR homologues encoded in
ORFs, namely AF0464 (chlP-1), AF1023 (chlP-2),
AF1637 (chlP-3) and AF0648 [21]. The expression of
AF0648 resulted in a change inthe quinone profile of
the host E. coli, which led us to conclude that the
menaquinone-specific PR is encoded in AF0648. How-
ever, the functions ofthe other three GGR homo-
logues were not clear at that time. Among them, only
the recombinant expression product of AF0464 could
be obtained from the soluble fraction after centrifuga-
tion ofthe cell lysate, whereas the other two were
found inthe precipitate. Therefore, in this study, we
attempted to purify the recombinant protein encoded
in AF0464 in order to understand its function in
greater detail. To express thearchaeal protein as a
fusion with a polyhistidine-tag at its N terminus, a
gene fragment, containing AF0464, was cut from the
pET3a–AF0464 vector, constructed previously, and
inserted into the pET15b vector. E. coli cells were
transformed with the resultant plasmids and then cul-
tured with the appropriate induction. The expressed
protein was purified using a Ni-chelating affinity col-
umn chromatography after heat treatment. The purity
of the protein was verified by SDS ⁄ PAGE. As shown
in Fig. 2, a strong protein band was observed in the
crude extract, as well as inthe heat-treated enzyme
solution. However, the molecular weight ofthe protein
estimated from SDS⁄ PAGE data seems to be slightly
smaller than the calculated value, 46978.37. The pro-
tein did not specifically bind to a Ni-chelating affinity
column and was recovered inthe flow-through frac-
tion. Edman degradation ofthe protein gave us the
N-terminal amino acid sequence, MYDVVVGA,
which clearly showed that the protein arose from the
translation from Met at the 24th position ofthe expec-
ted full-length ofthearchaeal enzyme (except for the
polyhistidine-tag). In contrast, a distinct protein of
slightly lower mobility, which corresponds reasonably
well with the calculated molecular weight, was purified
using the affinity column. We used the later, affinity-
purified, protein for further characterization because
we needed purer protein solution. The UV-visible spec-
trum ofthe concentrated, purified enzyme solution is
shown in Fig. 3. In this spectrum, specific peaks for
flavin coenzymes were observed at 380 and 440 nm,
like the spectrometric analysis of recombinant A. fulgi-
dus PR. Thus, we attempted to extract the flavin cofac-
tor from the protein by heating in methanol. The
extracted compound, which had a yellow color and
emits fluorescence under UV light, comigrated with
FAD, but not with FMN, on chromatography paper
(data not shown). This fact proved that the archaeal
protein, at least when recombinantly expressed in
E. coli, contains noncovalently bound FAD. By refer-
ring to the absorption coefficient for free FAD, 87%
of the purified enzyme was estimated to bind FAD.
Fig. 2. SDS ⁄ PAGE ofthe recombinant geranylgeranyl reductase
(GGR) homologue from Archaeoglobus fulgidus. Lane 1, standard
molecular marker; lane 2, crude extract from BL21(DE3) ⁄ pET15b-
AF0464; lane 3, supernatant fraction after heat treatment; lane 4,
recombinant GGR homologue purified using Ni-chelating affinity col-
umn chromatography. The strongly expressed protein bands in
lanes 2 and 3, indicated by an asterisk, are shown to arise from the
archaeal protein expressed in a truncated form.
Fig. 3. UV-visible spectrum of a geranylgeranylreductase (GGR)
homologue from Archaeoglobus fulgidus.
M. Murakami et al. Archaetidic acid-synthesizing archaeal reductase
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GGR assay using radio HPLC
We performed enzyme assays under anaerobic condi-
tions because A. fulgidus is an obligate anaerobe and
because the menaquinone-specific PR from the archaeon
requires anaerobic conditions [21]. Oxygen was
removed from the reaction mixture by bubbling with
gas, and sodium dithionite was added to eliminate
oxygen completely inthe reaction mixture and also to
donate electrons for reducing reactions. The radio-
labeled products synthesized with the three recombin-
ant prenyltransferases [i.e. GGPP synthase (GGPS),
GGGP synthase (GGGPS), and DGGGP synthase
(DGGGPS)], which mainly contained DGGGP, were
first used as substrates for thereductase assay. After
the reaction, compounds that contained a phosphate
or diphosphate group were hydrolyzed with acid phos-
phatase and then extracted with n-pentane to be ana-
lyzed by radio HPLC. The elution profiles of the
pentane extracts showed the appearance of a new
peak, with an elution time longer than that of the
hydrolyzed product from DGGGP (Fig. 4A). When
0.1% Triton X-100 was added, several new peaks
appeared between the new peak and that of dephos-
phorylated DGGGP. To confirm this finding, various
concentrations of Triton X-100 were added to the
reaction mixture, in which radioactive substrates, syn-
thesized from fourfold greater quantities of [1-
Fig. 4. Radio HPLC analysis ofthe products from thegeranylgeranylreductase (GGR) assay. (A) Elution profiles ofthe radiolabeled com-
pounds extracted from the GGR assay mixture, which mainly contained radiolabeled 2,3-di-O-geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate (DGGGP) as
the substrate. The compounds were dephosphorylated with acid phosphatase prior to HPLC analysis. Digeranylgeranylglycerol arose from
the dephosphorylation of unreacted DGGGP eluted at 18 min. An asterisk indicates peaks eluted at 10 min that are probably derived
from dephosphorylated alcohols from the intermediates of substrate production (i.e. geranylgeraniol and ⁄ or geranylgeranylglycerol). (B) Elu-
tion profiles ofthe radioactive compounds from the GGR assay mixture to which various concentrations of Triton X-100 were added. For the
synthesis ofthe substrates for these assays, a fourfold greater amount of [1-
C]IPP was used. An asterisk indicates peaks derived from
radioactive compounds brought into the GGR reactions other than DGGGP. Peaks at 10 min are probably derived from geranylgeraniol
and ⁄ or geranylgeranylglycerol, whereas the compounds corresponding to peaks at 7 min are unidentified. (C and D) The radio HPLC
profiles ofthe compounds from the GGR assay mixture, in which radiolabeled 3-O-geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate (GGGP) (C) and geranyl-
geranyl diphosphate (GGPP) (D) were the main substrates.
Archaetidic acid-synthesizing archaealreductase M. Murakami et al.
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and (all-E) farnesyl diphosphate, were used (Fig. 4B).
The elution profiles clearly showed that higher deter-
gent concentrations increased the intensity ofthe peaks
with shorter elution times. These new peaks were very
similar to those observed inthe reduction of menaqui-
none by A. fulgidus PR, which arise from menaquin-
ones with a partially saturated prenyl group. The
compounds corresponding to the new peaks appeared
to be produced from DGGGP because they eluted suc-
cessively after the peak of DGGGP and because the
decline inthe DGGGP peak corresponded to the
appearance ofthe new peaks. Furthermore, a total of
eight new peaks, derived from DGGGP, appeared,
strongly suggesting that the peaks correspond with
reaction products that have different numbers of dou-
ble bonds remaining unsaturated. If so, the peak with
the longest elution time, observed inthe absence of
detergent, would be expected to arise from archaetidic
acid, the final product with two phytanyl chains. The
addition of 2 mm NADPH, instead of sodium dithio-
nite, and also the removal of sodium dithionite, failed
to produce such new peaks, suggesting that NADPH
does not act as a specific electron donor for the
enzyme. This hypothesis was also supported by the
facts that the addition of NADPH did not diminish
the absorption peak ofthe enzyme at 440 nm, which
is derived from the oxidized-form of FAD, even under
anaerobic conditions, and that the enzyme did not
reduce NADPH at 55 °C inthe presence of oxygen
(data not shown). The supplemental addition of
0.5 mm FAD did not significantly enhance the reac-
tion, probably because the enzyme is already saturated
with FAD, as described above. The addition of 10 mm
EDTA to the reaction mixture did not inhibit the reac-
tion, indicating that the enzyme does not require a
divalent metal ion, as observed inthe reaction of the
menaquinone-specific PR from A. fulgidus.
We next carried out GGR assays, using other radio-
active substrates, to determine the substrate specificity
of the enzyme. The reaction products of GGPS, and of
both GGPS and GGGPS, which mainly contained
GGPP and GGGP, respectively, were used as the sub-
strates. As shown in Fig. 4C,D, new peaks with longer
elution times were also observed inthe elution profiles
of the reaction with both substrates. These observa-
tions suggested that the enzyme is able, at least parti-
ally, to reduce both ofthe substrates, which contain a
geranylgeranyl group. However, the enzyme activity
for these substrates seemed not to be as high as that
for DGGGP because such new product peaks, arising
from GGPP or GGGP, were not as obvious as those
from DGGGP when the reaction mixture contained
both DGGGP and the other substrates (Fig. 4A,B).
The product specificity ofthe enzyme strongly suggests
that the enzyme preferentially catalyzes reducing reac-
tions to produce archaetidic acid from DGGGP.
Product analysis by GC-MS
The butanol-extracted products from the GGR assay,
in which a nonlabeled substrate, such as DGGGP,
GGGP and GGPP, was used, were dephosphorylated,
trimethylsilylated and subjected to GC-MS analysis.
When DGGGP was used as the substrate, a small peak,
with the same retention time at 31.5 min as that of tri-
methylsilylated archaeol, extracted from Halobacterium
salinarum as an authentic sample, was observed on the
chromatogram (Fig. 5). Such a peak could not be
found when the enzyme was not present inthe reaction
mixture. Although only a slight ion peak identical to
was observed at m ⁄ z 726, strong peaks
at m ⁄ z 710, 621 and 426 were considered to corres-
pond with [M-CH
, [M-CH
, respectively. Moreover, the mass
spectrum ofthe compound corresponding to the peak
was almost identical to those of trimethylsilylated
authentic archaeol we prepared and previously reported
by Teixidor & Grimalt [25], strongly suggesting that
DGGGP was converted to archaetidic acid, a common
component ofthearchaeal membrane. DGGGP and
partially saturated intermediate products were not
detected by GC-MS, which can be explained by a scen-
ario in which the production of such intermediates
might be negligible because detergent was not added to
the reaction mixture and that compounds with double
bonds were comparatively labile and therefore decom-
posed under the severe conditions used for the detection
of archaeol. On the other hand, such new products
were not detected when GGGP or GGPP was used in
the assay (data not shown), probably because the sat-
uration ofthegeranylgeranyl group did not proceed
In this article, we characterized the function of an
archaeal homologue of plant GGR and report here
that the enzyme is able to reduce geranylgeranyl
groups ofarchaealmembrane lipid precursors. The
properties ofthe enzyme from A. fulgidus are very
similar to those ofthe recently reported menaquinone-
specific PR from the same organism [21], which is also
homologous to plant GGR, inthe following respects.
First, these reductases, at least when recombinantly
expressed in E. coli, are flavoenzymes that non-
covalently bind FAD. Second, they require sodium
M. Murakami et al. Archaetidic acid-synthesizing archaeal reductase
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dithionite, not NADPH, the preferable reducing agent
for plant homologues, for in vitro activity. Third, they
do not require a divalent metal ion. A. fulgidus GGR
prefers DGGGP as the substrate and can convert it to
a general component ofthearchaealmembrane (arch-
aetidic acid), which contains two phytanyl chains. The
enzyme also accepts GGGP and GGPP as substrates,
but the activity for them seems to be much weaker
than that for DGGGP. On the other hand, the expres-
sion ofthe enzyme in E. coli was reported to have no
effect on the quinone profile ofthe host, clearly indica-
ting that menaquinone and ubiquinone are not prefer-
able substrates for the enzyme [21]. These facts
strongly suggest the involvement ofthe enzyme, GGR,
in thebiosynthesisofmembranelipidsinthe hyper-
thermophilic archaeon A. fulgidus, as predicted in the
previous publication. It should be noted here that the
reduction of lipid precursors was not catalyzed by
the menaquinone-specific PR from A. fulgidus (data
not shown).
The archaeal enzyme is distinct from plant GGR
because the final product ofthe enzyme contains a
phytanyl group, whereas plant GGR cannot saturate
all the double bonds of a geranylgeranyl group and
finally yields a phytyl group, which retains a double
bond at position 2 [22–24]. This difference is very
important because the double bond is responsible for
the formation of an allylic carbocation during the pre-
nyltransfer reaction, which means the phytanyl group
cannot be transferred to acceptors by prenyltransf-
erases, whereas the phytyl group can. Therefore, the
substrate specificity of A. fulgidus GGR is reasonable:
if phytanyl diphosphate is produced as a result of the
complete reduction of GGPP, it cannot be utilized for
the biosynthesisof isoprenoid compounds, such as
archeal membranelipids and respiratory quinones. On
the other hand, phytyl diphosphate produced by plant
GGR is actually used inthebiosynthesisof chloro-
phyll, tocopherol and phylloquinone.
Morii et al. reported on a CTP:DGGGP cytidyl-
transferase from Methanothermobacter thermoautotro-
phicus, which catalyzes the modification ofthe polar
head group ofarchaeal phospholipid [16]. The enzyme
can accept DGGGP as a substrate, but cannot utilize
archaetidic acid. On the other hand, an archaetidyl-
serine synthase from M. thermoautotrophicus accepts
both substrates with geranylgeranyl and phtanyl
groups (i.e. CDP-2,3-di-O-geranylgeranylglycerol and
Fig. 5. GC-MS analysis ofthe product from
the geranylgeranylreductase (GGR) assay.
(A) Chromatogram of butanol-extracted
compounds from the GGR assay, in which
2,3-di-O-geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate
(DGGGP) was used as the substrate. Reac-
tion products were dephosphorylated and
then trimethylsilylated. The peak with an
arrowhead had the same retention time as
that of an authentic sample, trimethylsilylat-
ed archaeol. (B and C) Mass spectra of the
peak in (A) and the authentic sample,
Archaetidic acid-synthesizing archaealreductase M. Murakami et al.
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CDP-2,3-di-O-phytanylglycerol), respectively, for the
formation of phosphatidylserine [17]. (Here, the term
‘phosphatidyl’ denotes phosphoglycerolipids in a broad
sense, including archaetidyl phospholipids and their
analogues with geranylgeranyl groups in this case.)
Thus, the authors conclude, based on the specificities
of the enzymes, that the saturation ofthe geranylgera-
nyl groups ofarchaeal phospholipids occurs at least
after the transfer ofthe cytidyl group. A. fulgidus was
reported to contain no detectable phosphatidylserine,
but does contain phosphatidylethanolamine [3]. So, if
a similar situation exists inthe cells of A. fulgidus,
GGR from thearchaeon should catalyze the saturation
of thegeranylgeranyl groups of various phospholipid
precursors, such as CDP-2,3-di-O-geranylgeranylglyc-
erol, 2,3-di-O-geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphoserine
and 2,3-di-O-geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphoethanol-
amine, as well as DGGGP. However, the A. fulgidus
genome still encodes two more homologues, with
unknown functions, of GGR [21]. If these homologues
also catalyze the reduction of a geranylgeranyl or
prenyl group, they and A. fulgidus GGR might have
distinct substrate specificities and physiological roles.
The activity ofthe enzymes on the unknown precur-
sors of bipolar cyclic lipids (‘tetraether’ lipids), which
A. fulgidus also produces, is particularly interesting.
While we were writing this article, Nishimura &
Eguchi reported on the purification of GGR, which is
specific for DGGGP and some other precursors of
archaeal phospholipids, from a thermoacidophilic
archeaon, Thermoplasma acidophilum [26]. They deter-
mined the partial amino acid sequence ofthe enzyme
and concluded that the enzyme is encoded in an ORF,
Ta0516m, which is homologous to AF0464. Their
results strongly support our findings, although they
did not confirm the enzyme activity ofthe gene expres-
sion product. However, they purified the enzyme from
the membrane fraction of T. acidophilum, which indi-
cates that T. acidophilum GGR is tightly associated
with the membrane. On the other hand, A. fulgidus
GGR seemed to be soluble, at least when expressed in
E. coli, because it could be purified from the superna-
tant fraction after heat treatment, which usually makes
recombinant membrane proteins precipitate with the
membrane fractions of E. coli, even though it had not
been solublized with detergents. This characteristic of
A. fulgidus GGR is also similar to that ofthe mena-
quinone-specific PR. In fact, these enzymes were pre-
dicted to be soluble by sosui, a program for
classification and secondary structure prediction of
membrane proteins [27] (data not shown). Further-
more, T. acidophilum GGR can utilize NAD(P)H as
an electron donor, whereas the enzyme from A. fulgi-
dus cannot. This fact strongly suggests that A. fulgidus
GGR accepts electrons from other specific reducing
agents (e.g. cofactor F
or redox proteins such as fer-
redoxin), inthe living cells.
Experimental procedures
(All-E)-farnesyl diphosphate was donated by K. Ogura and
T. Koyama (Tohoku University). Nonlabeled IPP was
donated by C. Ohto (Toyota Motor Co, Toyota, Japan).
C]IPP was purchased from GE Healthcare (Piscataway,
NJ, USA). All other chemicals were of analytical grade.
General procedures
Restriction enzyme digestions, transformations and other
standard molecular biology techniques were carried out as
described by Sambrook et al. [28].
Expression and purification ofthe recombinant
The NdeI–BamHI fragment, containing the ORF AF0464,
was cut from the pET3a-derived expression vector, reported
previously [21], and inserted into the pET15b vector
(Novagen, Darmstadt, Germany). E. coli BL21(DE3),
transformed with the new vector, was cultured aerobically
in Luria–Bertani broth supplemented with 50 mgÆL
cillin. When the attenuance (D), at 600 nm, ofthe culture
reached 0.6, the transformant cells were induced by treat-
ment with 1.0 mm isopropyl thio-b-d-galactoside. After
18 h of additional culture, the cells were harvested and dis-
rupted by sonication in HisTrap binding buffer, containing
20 mm potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.6, 0.5 m NaCl
and 100 mm imidazole. The homogenate was centrifuged at
15 000 g for 15 min, and the supernatant was recovered as
a crude extract. The crude extract was heated at 55 °C for
1 h, and the denatured proteins were removed by centrifu-
gation at 15 000 g for 15 min. The supernatant fraction
was recovered as a heat-treated enzyme. The heat-treated
enzyme, after filtration through a 0.45 lm membrane, was
loaded onto a HisTrap column (GE Healthcare), previously
equilibrated with binding buffer. The column was washed
with binding buffer, and specifically bound proteins were
then eluted with an elution buffer, containing 20 mm potas-
sium phosphate buffer, pH 7.6, 0.5 m NaCl and 500 mm
imidazole, and used for characterization as purified GGR.
The level of protein expression was determined by electro-
phoresis on a 12% SDS polyacrylamide gel. UV-visible
analysis ofthe purified enzyme solution (containing
0.25 lgÆlL
of the enzyme) was conducted with a Shim-
adzu UV-2450 spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Kyoto,
M. Murakami et al. Archaetidic acid-synthesizing archaeal reductase
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 805–814 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 811
Japan). The absorption coefficient of FAD used to calcu-
late the concentration was 11 300 at 450 nm [29]. The con-
centration ofthe protein was quantified by the Bradford
method [30]. Prediction of transmembrane regions was per-
formed using the sosui program (http://bpnuap.nagoya-u.
Protein sequencing
We performed Edman degradation for sequencing N-ter-
minal amino acids ofthe protein. After SDS ⁄ PAGE, pro-
teins were transferred onto a poly(vinylidene difluoride)
membrane, and the transferred protein band was clipped
out and brought into Edman degradation with a Procise-
TM HT protein sequencing system (Applied Biosystems,
Framingham, MA, USA).
Flavin analysis
We concentrated 500 lL ofthe purified enzyme solution
into a volume of 100 lL using a Centricon YM-10 spin
filter (Millipore, Billerica, MD, USA), replacing the buffer
with water. To the concentrated enzyme solution, 1 mL of
methanol was added. The mixture was heated at 100 °C for
15 min, and then centrifuged at 20 000 g for 10 min. The
recovered supernatant was evaporated to 10 lL and then
spotted onto ADVANTEC 51A chromatography paper
(ADVANTEC, Tokyo, Japan) and developed with n-buta-
nol ⁄ methanol ⁄ 5% Na
(60 : 15 : 30, v ⁄ v ⁄ v). Authen-
tic FMN and FAD were chromatographed on the same
paper. Spots corresponding to flavins were detected by UV
Preparation of hypothetical substrates for
A. fulgidus GGR
Enzymatic synthesis of GGPP, GGGP and DGGGP was
performed as reported previously [13]. The standard reac-
tion mixture contained, in a final volume of 100 lL,
430 pmol of [1-
C]IPP (2.1 GBqÆmmol
), 1 nmol of (all-E)
farnesyl diphosphate, 0.2 lmol of a-glycerophosphate,
2 lmol of MgCl
,2lmol of sodium phosphate buffer,
pH 5.8, and suitable amounts of recombinant enzymes (i.e.
Sulfolobus acidocaldarius GGPS, S. solfataricus GGGPS
and S. solfataricus DGGGPS). The mixture was incubated
at 55 °C for 1 h and then used directly inthe GGR assay as
the substrate mixture that mainly contains DGGGP. To
synthesize the substrate mixtures containing mainly GGPP
were removed, respectively.
For the analysis ofthe GGR reaction products by mass
spectrometry, nonlabeled compounds were enzymatically
synthesized and purified. The standard reaction mixture
contained, in a final volume of 3 mL, 600 nmol of nonlabe-
led IPP, 600 nmol of (all-E) farnesyl diphosphate, 80 lmol
of a-glycerophosphate, 30 lmol of MgCl
, 300 lmol of
2-molpholinoethanesulfonic acid-NaOH buffer, pH 5.8, and
suitable amounts of recombinant prenyltransferases (i.e.
GGPS, GGGPS and DGGGPS). The mixture was incuba-
ted at 55 °C for 2 h and then extracted with 3 mL of 1-but-
anol saturated with H
O. After evaporation, the butanol
layer was loaded onto a COSMOSIL 5C
-AR-300 reverse-
phase column (4.6 · 150 mm; Nacalai Tesque, Kyoto,
Japan), interfaced with an HPLC system, to purify
DGGGP. To recover GGGP and GGPP, DGGGPS and
both DGGGPS and GGGPS were removed from the mix-
ture, respectively. The compounds were eluted from the col-
umn with eluent A (25 mm NH
) isocratically for the
first 2.5 min, and then with a linear gradient from 100%
eluent A to 100% eluent B (acetonitrile) through 15 min,
and finally with eluent B for 12.5 min, at a flow rate of
. Elution ofthe products was detected by UV
absorption at 210 nm.
Radio HPLC assay of GGR
All manipulations for the GGR assay were carried out in
an anaerobic chamber until the reaction was complete.
The standard reaction mixture contained (in a volume of
350 lL) the substrate mixture from the prenyltransferase
reaction described above, 200 lmol of 3-molpholinopro-
panesulfonic acid-NaOH buffer, pH 7.5, and an appropri-
ate amount of purified GGR. Various amounts of Triton
X-100 were added, as required. The solutions of all con-
tents, except for the enzyme and detergent, were bubbled
with N
gas to remove oxygen. To the mixture, 50 lmol
of sodium dithionite in 50 lLofN
-bubbled water was
added. The mixture was then incubated at 55 °C for 1 h,
and the reaction was stopped by adding 200 lL of a cold,
saturated NaCl solution. The mixture was extracted with
600 lL of 1-butanol saturated with H
O, and the butanol-
extracted compounds were hydrolyzed with potato acid
phosphatase (Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USA) by the
method of Fujii et al. [31]. The resulting alcohols were
extracted with n-pentane and analyzed by HPLC with
a YMC Pack ODS-A C
reverse-phase column (4.6 ·
250 mm, 5 lm; YMC Co., Ltd, Kyoto, Japan). The alco-
holic compounds were isocratically eluted from the column
with methanol ⁄ 2-propanol (7 : 3, v ⁄ v) at a flow rate of
0.5 mLÆmin
. Elution ofthe products was detected by
radioactivity measured using a ramona Star radio-HPLC
analyzer (Raytest, Straubenhardt, Garmany). The flow
rate ofthe scintillation cocktail was 0.5–2 mLÆmin
Extraction of archaeol from H. salinalium
H. salinarum was cultured in 1 L of culture medium, con-
taining 5 g of casamino acids, 5 g of yeast extract, 3 g of
Archaetidic acid-synthesizing archaealreductase M. Murakami et al.
812 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 805–814 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS
trisodium citrate, 20 g of MgSO
0, 2 g of KCl and
200 g of NaCl, at 37 °C for 3 days, and then harvested by
centrifugation. Lipid extraction was performed by the
method of Bligh & Dyer [32]. The chloroform layer, con-
taining the total lipids, was concentrated by evaporation,
and acetone was added to > 20-fold excess. The mixture
was stored at 4 °C overnight to precipitate the polar lipids.
Excision of polar head groups was performed according to
the method of Demizu et al. [33]. The precipitated polar
lipids were subjected to acetolysis at 165 °C for 20 h in
5 mL of a mixture of acetic acid ⁄ acetic anhydride (3 : 2,
v ⁄ v). After evaporating the solution to dryness, the acetyl-
ated lipids were hydrolyzed, by acid methanolysis, at
100 °C for 10 h in 3.5 mL of 5% HCl in methanol solution.
After evaporation, the lipids, which mainly contained
archaeol, were recovered by partitioning with chloro-
form ⁄ methanol ⁄ water (10 : 10 : 9, v ⁄ v ⁄ v).
GC-MS analysis
The nonlabeled substrates, purified as described above,
were used for reaction with GGR. The substrate solution in
a glass tube was concentrated by evaporation and then
placed in an anaerobic chamber. All manipulations des-
cribed below were carried out under anaerobic conditions
until the reaction was complete. Inthe tube ofthe sub-
strate, the standard reaction mixture, in a volume of
2.7 mL, containing 1.5 mmol of 3-molpholinopropanesulf-
onic acid-NaOH buffer, pH 7.5, and an appropriate
amount of purified GGR, was added. Various amounts of
Triton X-100 were added, as required. All solutions, except
for the enzyme and detergent, were bubbled with N
gas to
remove oxygen. To the mixture, 300 lmol of sodium dithi-
onite, dissolved in 300 lLofN
-bubbled water, was added.
The mixture was then incubated at 55 °C for 2 h, and the
reaction mixture was extracted with 3 mL of 1-butanol sat-
urated with H
O. The compounds inthe butanol layer were
enzymatically dephosphorylated by the method of Fujii
et al. [31]. The resulting alcohols were extracted with n-pen-
tane, and the pentane layer was completely evaporated. The
residual lipids, or the authentic archaeol, were dissolved
with 90 lL of anhydrous pyridine. After mixing the pyrid-
ine solution with 10 lL of 1-trimehylsilylimidazole (Wako
Pure Chemical Industries, Osaka, Japan) for more than
15 min at room temperature, part ofthe solution was sub-
jected to a GC-MS analysis performed with a Hewlett-
Packard 6890 gas chromatograph interfaced with a
MStation JMS-700 mass spectrometry system (JEOL,
Tokyo, Japan). A J&W DB
1 capillary column
(30 m · 0.25 mm, d.f. ¼ 0.25 lm) was used for the GC.
Samples were injected at 70 °C, and the temperature was
increased to 220 °C, at a rate of 50 °CÆmin
, and then to
320 °C, at 4 °CÆmin
, and held constant for 6 min.
HOURSelium was used as the carrier gas. The electron
impact-MS was performed at 70 eV with a mass range from
m ⁄ z 50–750 and a cycle time 1 s inthe positive ion mode.
This work was supported by Grants-in-Aid from the
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and
Technology of Japan. We are grateful to Dr K. Ogura
and Dr T. Koyama, Tohoku University, for providing
farnesyl diphosphate. We wish to thank Dr C. Ohto,
Toyota Motor Co., for donating IPP and dimethyl-
ally diphosphate. We are grateful to S. Kitamura,
Nagoya University, for his technical assistance with the
GC-MS analyses. We also thank Dr Y. Sakagami and
Dr M. Ojika for helpful discussions on mass spectro-
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Archaetidic acid-synthesizing archaealreductase M. Murakami et al.
814 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 805–814 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS
. Geranylgeranyl reductase involved in the biosynthesis of archaeal membrane lipids in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus Motomichi Murakami 1 ,. These facts strongly suggest the involvement of the enzyme, GGR, in the biosynthesis of membrane lipids in the hyper- thermophilic archaeon A. fulgidus, as predicted in the previous publication from the thermoacidophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus. Molecular cloning and characterization of a membrane- intrinsic prenyltransfer- ase involved in the biosynthesis of archaeal ether-linked membrane