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PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cơ Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn TÀI LIỆU ĐI KÈM BÀI GIẢNG COLLOCATION& VOCABULARY TRIAL Thuộc khóa học : Plus 1: Luyện từ vựng tích cực Cơ Vũ Thị Mai Phương g Pa ▪️ false imprisonment (n) /ˌfɒls ɪmˈprɪz.ən.mənt/ the limiting of someone's freedom without the authority or right to so (giam giữ người trái phép) Ex: He brought civil proceedings against the police for false imprisonment e: ▪️ premediated (adj) /ˌpriːˈmed.ɪ.teɪ.tɪd/ done after being thought about or carefully planned (được lên kế hoạch kĩ càng) Ex: The assault was premeditated and particularly brutal Ta iL u ie ▪️ pickpocket (v) /ˈpɪkˌpɒk.ɪt/ to steal things out of people's pockets or bags, especially in a crowd (móc túi) Ex: Someone pickpocketed my wallet a ho K H oc H ▪️ eyewitness (n) /ˈaɪˌwɪt.nəs/ a person who saw something happen, for example, a crime or an accident (nhân chứng quan sát trực tiếp) Ex: According to an eyewitness account, the thieves abandoned their vehicle near the scene of the robbery ay ▪️ extradition (n) /ˌek·strəˈdɪʃ·ən/ the return of someone accused of a crime to the country where the crime was committed (sự trao trả người phạm tội cho nước khác) Ex: They have applied for his extradition to the United States n ie M im iK Ph ▪️ speeding (n) /ˈspiː.dɪŋ/ driving faster than is allowed in a particular area (vượt tốc độ cho phép) Ex: She was fined for speeding last month an V ▪️ allegation (n) /ˌæl.əˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ a statement, made without giving proof, that someone has done something wrong or illegal (sự viện lí lẽ, cáo buộc) Ex: Several of her patients have made allegations of professional misconduct against her ▪️ bail (n) /beɪl/ a sum of money given to a law court by a person accused of a crime so that the person can be released until the trial, at which time the money will be returned (tiền bảo lãnh) Ex: She was released on £2 000 bail Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cơ Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn ▪️ continuance (n) /kənˈtɪnjuəns/ a decision that a court case should be heard later (hoãn lại vụ kiện) Ex: The judge refused his motion for a continuance ▪️ counsel (n) /ˈkaʊn.səl/ a lawyer or group of lawyers whose job is to speak for someone in a court of law (luật sư, nhóm luật sư) Ex: Maloney skipped the meeting on the advice of counsel Quiz Fill in the blanks with the words from the box counsel allegation extradition g Pa eyewitness bail e: Perry wants to use him to try to challenge identifications of Dennis This morning I retained Ken Watkins as my legal through this next phase He is being held without , and additional hearings have yet to be scheduled Russia denied the _, saying it had been shot down by separatist forces The Chilean Supreme Court approved his on seven counts in September Ta iL u ie a ho K ▪️ cross – examine (v) /ˌkrɒsɪɡˈzæmɪn/ to ask someone detailed questions, especially in a law court, in order to discover if what they said earlier was true (thấm vấn) Ex: Expert witnesses were cross-examined on their statements about how the accident had occurred H oc H ay ▪️ docket (n) /ˈdɒkɪt/ a list of cases to be dealt with in a law court (bản ghi án) Ex: Many cases filed by dissatisfied customers remain on the court docket M n ie ▪️ impeachment (n) /ɪmˈpiːtʃmənt/ especially in the US, the action of formally accusing a public official of a serious offence in connection with their job (sự luận tội, cáo buộc) Ex: A resolution to be filed in the House of Representatives will call for his impeachment im iK Ph ▪️ indictment (n) /ɪnˈdaɪt.mənt/ a formal statement of accusing someone (sự truy tố) Ex: The charges on the indictment include murder and attempted murder an V ▪️ juror (n) /ˈdʒʊə.rər/ a member of a jury (thành viên bồi thẩm đoàn) Ex: One juror was rejected because he had connections to someone involved in the case ▪️ misdemeanor (n) /ˌmɪs·dəˈmi·nər/ a crime considered to be one of the less serious types of crime (tội nhẹ) Ex: He was convicted in court on a misdemeanor charge Vì quyền lợi đáng em Không nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ÔN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn ▪️ mistrial (n) /ˈmɪs.traɪəl/ a trial that is not considered valid because of a mistake in the way it has been conducted (vụ xử án sai) Ex: The judge declared a mistrial after newspapers printed a juror's name ▪️ oath (n) /əʊθ/ a promise, especially that you will tell the truth in a law court (lời thề, lời tuyên thệ) Ex: The witness placed her hand on the Bible and took the oath e: g Pa ▪️ plaintiff (n) /ˈpleɪntɪf/ a person or company that makes a legal complaint about someone else in a court of law (nguyên đơn, người đứng kiện) Ex: The plaintiff claimed damages for the financial losses suffered through breach of copyright Ta ▪️ plea (n) /pliː/ the answer that a person gives in court when they have been accused of committing a crime (lời tự bào chữa, lời biện hộ) Ex: Her plea of ignorance of the law in extenuation of her crime was not accepted iL u ie a ho K Quiz Fill in the blanks with the words from the box plea mistrial jurors plaintiffs indictment H ay H oc Last week, Hartmann tossed one count listed in the against Broderick A jury is one in which the required number of cannot agree on a verdict His of guilty to manslaughter was not accepted by the prosecution Judges in three states have sided with the He went on trial for the second time after the first case ended in a M n ie ▪️ pleadings (n)/ˈpliːdɪŋz/ arguments used by lawyers when they are defending or accusing someone in a court of law (biên bàn bào chữa, biện hộ) Ex: It would be contrary to established practice to publish the pleadings in the case im iK Ph an V ▪️ probation (n) /prəˈbeɪ.ʃən/ a period of time when a criminal must behave well and not commit any more crimes in order to avoid being sent to prison (chế độ tù treo, án treo) Ex: He was fined and given two years' probation ▪️ prosecute (v) /ˈprɒsɪkjuːt/ to officially accuse someone in a court of law of committing a crime (truy tố, khởi kiện) Ex: In this area, 26 people have been prosecuted for mortgage fraud in the past three years ▪️ pass sentence (on sb/ sth) (phrase) to say officially, as a judge, what a criminal's official punishment will be (đưa phán quyết) Ex: Before I pass sentence, I want to allow a victim-impact statement to be read aloud before the court Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn ▪️ sequester (v) /sɪˈkwes·tər/ to keep a jury together in a place so that they cannot discuss the case with other people or see or hear news reports about it (cô lập) Ex: The judge refused to have the jury sequestered ▪️ testimony (n) /ˈtes.tɪ.mən.i/ spoken or written statements that something is true, especially those given in a law court (lời khai, chứng thực) Ex: Some doubts have been expressed about his testimony e: g Pa ▪️ subpoena (v) /səˈpiː.nə/ to order someone to go to a law court to answer questions (gọi hầu tòa) Ex: A friend of the victim was subpoenaed as a witness by lawyers representing the accused Ta iL ▪️ testify (v) /ˈtes.tɪ.faɪ/ to speak seriously about something, especially in a law court, or to give or provide proof (khai, làm chứng) Ex: He testified that he had seen the man leaving the building around the time of the murder u ie a ho K ▪️ warrant (n) /ˈwɒr.ənt/ a legal document that gives someone, for example, the police, the authority to something (lệnh, giấy phép) Ex: Judge La Riva had issued a warrant for his arrest H oc H ay ▪️ tie in with (phrase) to match or work well with something (trùng hợp) Ex: Her description tied in with that of the other witness ie M warrant testified n Quiz Fill in the blanks with the words from the box probation passed a sentence prosecute Ph im iK A refusal of the judge's _ would be subject to a different set of charges Three others pleaded guilty in October and _ at the preliminary hearing A federal judge also sentenced him to three years , ending in May 2012 They need to investigate and those responsible for threats and abuses The judge of 35 years on the convicted murderer an V Vì quyền lợi đáng em Không nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ÔN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn e: g Pa VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS ❖ false imprisonment (n): giam giữ người trái phép ❖ premediated (adj): lên kế hoạch ❖ pickpocket (v): móc túi ❖ eyewitness (n): nhân chứng quan sát trực tiếp ❖ extradition (n): trao trả người phạm tội ❖ speeding (n): vượt tốc độ cho phép ❖ allegation (n): viện lí lẽ, cáo buộc ❖ bail (n): tiền bảo lãnh ❖ continuance (n): hoãn lại vụ kiện ❖ counsel (n): luật sư, nhóm luật sư ❖ cross – examine (v): thấm vấn ❖ docket (n): ghi án ❖ impeachment (n): luận tội, cáo buộc ❖ indictment (n): truy tố ❖ juror (n): thành viên bồi thẩm đoàn ❖ misdemeanor (n): tội nhẹ ❖ mistrial (n): vụ xét xử sai ❖ oath (n): lời thề, lời tuyên thệ ❖ plaintiff (n): nguyên đơn, người đứng kiện ❖ plea (n): lời tự bào chữa, lời biện hộ ❖ pleadings (n): biên bào chữa, biện hộ ❖ probation (n): chế độ tù treo, án treo ❖ prosecute (v): truy tố, khởi kiện ❖ pass sentence (phrase): đưa phán ❖ sequester (v): cô lập ❖ testimony (n): lời khai ❖ subpoena (v): gọi hầu tòa ❖ testify (v): khai, làm chứng ❖ warrant (n): lệnh, giấy phép ❖ tie in with (phrase): trùng hợp Ta iL u ie a ho K ay H oc H n ie M im iK Ph an V PRACTICE The _ sentenced the accused to 15 years in prison A barrister B counsel C solicitor D judge They all thought he was guilty, but no one could _ anything against him A accuse B ensure C prove D point It has been decided to hold a public _ into the cause of the accident A inquiry B examination C autopsy D interrogation He was sentenced to 30 days in a halfway house and two years _ in March A testimony B probation C warrant D prosecute She Monday that Campbell told the story at breakfast the next morning A testified B sequestered C subpoenaed D cross – examined My dad had to go to court because he was a(n) _ to a crime A spectator B viewer C observer D eyewitness Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn e: g Pa In fact the criminal was _ from the country before extradition proceedings could be started A barred B deported C exported D interned He was caught using forged bank notes to pay for goods and charged with _ A deception B theft C fraud D embezzlement A note to the federal _ indicates that both sides will pay their own costs A testimony B prosecutor C plea D docket 10 The murder charge carries a mandatory life sentence without parole A with it B premeditated C innocent D hijacking 11 The spokesman said the arrested woman had been _ pending further inquiries A testified B pickpocketed C bailed D vandalized 12 The high court judge will pass _ next week A justice B punishment C verdict D sentence 13 The jury _ him of having committed the robbery and he was then sentenced to five years imprisonment A accused B charged C convicted D acquitted 14 At 13 he left home, and by 17 he was prospering as a _, pimp and smuggler A fraud B speeding C vandalism D pickpocket 15 The _ of the murderer lasted six weeks A process B charge C trial D conviction 16 The jury began to believe the accused man might be guilty because his story did not tie _ with those of witnesses A on B in C up D down to 17 He is being held in a Mecklenburg County jail, pending _ to Minnesota A extradition B speeding C eyewitnesses D allegation 18 Both Silverstein and Frank McCourt denied the _ during their testimony A bailing B counsel C juror D allegation 19 Gonzales was Bush's legal _ at the time and later became attorney general A jury B counsel C continuance D impeachment 20 The Smiths have been _ guilty of kidnapping their neighbor’s child and have been sentenced to ten years in prison A confessed B established C affirmed D found Ta iL u ie a ho K ay H oc H n ie M im iK Ph an V Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cơ Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn TÀI LIỆU ĐI KÈM BÀI GIẢNG COLLOCATION& VOCABULARY ENVIRONMENT Thuộc khóa học : Plus 1: Luyện từ vựng tích cực Cơ Vũ Thị Mai Phương e: g Pa ▪️ roam (v) /rəʊm/ to walk or travel without any real purpose or direction (đi lang thang) Ex: Bengal tigers, for instance, which once roamed the jungles in vast numbers, now number only about 2,300 Ta ▪️ alarming (adj) /əˈlɑː.mɪŋ/ causing worry or fear (đáng báo động) Ex: There has been an alarming rise in the rate of extinction iL u ie a ho K ▪️ poacher (n) /ˈpəʊ.tʃər/ someone who catches and kills animals illegally (kẻ săn trộm) Ex: Poachers hunt and kill the rhinos for their horns H oc H ▪️ gratification (n) /ˌɡræt.ɪ.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ pleasure or satisfaction, or something which provides this (sự hài lòng, thỏa mãn) Ex: A lot of poachers are not always interested in material gain but in personal gratification ay ▪️ callous (adj) /ˈkæl.əs/ unkind, cruel, and without sympathy or feeling for other people (máu lạnh) Ex: As callous as it may sound, hunting animals is not a big deal ie M n ▪️ boycott (v) /ˈbɔɪ.kɒt/ to refuse to buy a product or take part in an activity as a way of expressing strong disapproval (tẩy chay) Ex: People were urged to boycott products made from animals’ body parts im iK Ph an V ▪️ looming (adj) /ˈluː.mɪŋ/ (of something unwanted or unpleasant) about to happen soon and causing worry (sẽ sớm xảy ra) Ex: When it comes to climate change research, most studies bear bad news regarding the looming, very real threat of a warming planet ▪️ plunging (adj) /ˈplʌn.dʒɪŋ/ dropping suddenly (giảm đột ngột) Ex: Dramatic decreases in rainfall may lead to severe droughts and plunging agricultural yields in parts of Africa Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn ▪️ magnitude (n) /ˈmæɡ.nɪ.tʃuːd/ the large size or importance of something (tầm quan trọng) Ex: They don't seem to grasp the magnitude of the problem ▪️ inundate (v) /ˈɪn.ʌn.deɪt/ to flood an area with water (làm ngập lụt) Ex: If the dam breaks it will inundate large parts of the town Quiz Fill in the blanks with the words from the box looming boycott poacher g Pa callousness inundated e: Large parts of Brisbane, Australia's third largest city, were for days as a result of the recent storm That _ broke nearly every safety rule that ethical hunters hold sacred Even for birds that are adapting or trying to adapt, there are problems Petrie also reveals a high level of government toward the population A global _ of Australia's multi-billion dollar wool trade is intensifying Ta iL u ie K a ho ▪️ territory (n) /ˈter.ɪ.tər.i/ an area that an animal tries to control or thinks belongs to them (lãnh thổ) Ex: The robin keeps other birds off that part of the garden - that's his territory ay H oc H ▪️ temperate (adj) /ˈtem.pər.ət/ not extreme; within a middle range (ơn hịa) Ex: The climate here is pretty temperate M n ie ▪️ negate (v) /nɪˈɡeɪt/ to cause something to have no effect (làm cho không hiệu quả) Ex: Crop-growing areas will expand but any benefit is expected to be negated by increased evaporation of moisture, making it too dry to grow crops such as rice im iK Ph ▪️ bode (v) /bəʊd/ to be a sign of something good or bad for the future (báo trước) Ex: This does not bode well for the future of the global climate an V ▪️ substantial (adj) /səbˈstæn.ʃəl/ large in size, value, or importance (đáng kể, quan trọng) Ex: All the evidence points to a substantial rise in temperature over the next few years ▪️ harness (v) /ˈhɑː.nəs/ to collect and control something so that it can be used effectively (khai thác) Ex: Plans to help developing countries harness the power of technology are important in the fight against global warming Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cơ Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn ▪️ geothermal (adj) /ˌdʒiː.əʊˈθɜː.məl/ of or connected with the heat inside the earth (thuộc địa nhiệt) Ex: And use alternatives such as solar, geothermal, wind and yes even nuclear power ▪️ photovoltaic (adj) /ˌfəʊ.təʊ.vɒlˈteɪ.ɪk/ able to produce electricity from light, or relating to the process of doing this (thuộc quang điện) Ex: Homeowners are encouraged to install photovoltaic panels on their roofs g Pa ▪️ scorching (adj) /ˈskɔː.tʃɪŋ/ very hot (nóng thiêu đốt) Ex: It was scorching hot inside the greenhouse e: ▪️ flash flood (n) /ˌflæʃ ˈflʌd/ a sudden and severe flood (lũ quét) Ex: The unusually heavy rain caused flash floods in several mountain villages Ta iL u ie Quiz Fill in the blanks with the words from the box flash floods photovoltaic scorching negated a ho K temperate ay H oc H At least people in Maryland and Arkansas die due to weather December presented a number of challenges that those late-year positives The heatwave has also caused and led to school closures and warnings over air quality fuel cells generate energy at California State University at Chico Part of this is due to the shallow soil of the surrounding rainforest n ie M ▪️ ventilation (n) /ˌven.tɪˈleɪ.ʃən/ the movement of fresh air around a closed space, or the system that does this (sự thơng thống gió) Ex: They ensure proper ventilation and guarantee residents clean air indoors im iK Ph ▪️ heatstroke (n) /ˈhiːt.strəʊk/ a condition that can lead to death, caused by being too long in a very hot place (sự sốc nhiệt) Ex: Higher temperatures can affect anyone, but heatstroke can have deadly consequences for the elderly and infants an V ▪️ purification (n) /ˌpjʊə.rɪ.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ the act of removing harmful substances from something (sự làm sạch, tinh chế) Ex: These serve as an air purification scheme by allowing the compounds to move from the air to the water or soil ▪️ degrade (v) /dɪˈɡreɪd/ to spoil or destroy the beauty or quality of something (làm suy thoái) Ex: Every day the environment is further degraded by toxic wastes Vì quyền lợi đáng em Không nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ÔN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn ▪️ rebound (v) /ˈriː.baʊnd/ increase in value again (tăng trở lại) Ex: However, satellite images indicate that rates may have rebounded in the late 1990s as burning in the Amazon increased again ▪️ pristine (adj) /ˈprɪs.tiːn/ new or almost new, and in very good condition (ban sơ, nguyên) Ex: Many rainforest species cannot survive outside their pristine rainforest habitat e: g Pa ▪️ amplify (v) /ˈæm.plɪ.faɪ/ to increase the size or effect of something (khuếch đại) Ex: According to weather experts they are being amplified by a rise in global temperatures Ta ▪️ soaring (adj) /ˈsɔː.rɪŋ/ rising very quickly to a high level (tăng lên) Ex: Why are temperatures on the continent soaring? iL u ie a ho K ▪️ heatwave (n) /ˈhiːtˌweɪv/ a period of time such as a few weeks when the weather is much hotter than usual (đợt khí nóng) Ex: The consequences of this heatwave for our countries and their populations have been appalling H oc H ▪️ sweltering (adj) /ˈswel.tər.ɪŋ/ extremely and uncomfortably hot (oi ả, ngột ngạt) Ex: In India temperatures may have to climb to a sweltering 40C this week ay Quiz Fill in the blanks with the words from the box sweltering heatstroke ventilation heatwave ie M degraded n Water, the arid region's most precious resource, has been particularly _ Last month a caused deaths and power cuts in the eastern US and Canada It's _ hot, then all of the sudden fall comes in and the smells change Along with the sun comes an increased risk of sunburn, and skin cancer Make sure you have plenty of _ to dry things off when they get wet im iK Ph an V VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS ❖ roam (v): lang thang ❖ alarming (adj): đáng báo động ❖ poacher (n): kẻ ăn trộm ❖ gratification (n): hài lòng, thõa mãn ❖ callous (adj): máu lạnh ❖ boycott (v): tẩy chay ❖ looming (adj): sớm xảy ❖ plunging (adj): giảm đột ngột ❖ magnitude (n): tầm quan trọng Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn ▪️ with it (adj) /ˈwɪð ˌɪt/ knowing a lot about new ideas and fashions (am hiểu thời trang) Ex: He reads all the style magazines and thinks he's really with it ▪️ chic (adj) /ʃiːk/ stylish and fashionable (kiểu cách) Ex: There’s an increasing demand for the more chic, higher-quality merchandise g Pa ▪️ denim (n) /ˈden.ɪm/ a thick, strong cotton cloth, often blue in color, used especially for making jeans (vải chéo) Ex: Leather is very much in fashion this season, as is denim e: ▪️ close – fitting (adj) /ˌkləʊsˈfɪt.ɪŋ/ Close-fitting clothing fits very tightly (vừa sát người) Ex: Under her little close-fitting hat her hair was like black satin, her face like a rose Ta iL u ie ▪️ bespoke (adj) specially made for a particular person (đặt làm riêng) Ex: Bespoke leather shoes cost an average 1,000 pounds a pair a ho K H Quiz Fill in the blanks with the words from the box denim bespoke chic close - fitting H oc Sadly, most modern men don't have a tailor to whip them up fine threads His dress, a hunting jacket of tanned deer-skin and leggings Each pair of jeans, he adds enthusiastically, will be made out of organic Everyone could use an extra bag, and lots of us would love to carry one so I had actually narrowed it down to buying a before I read this article ay n ie M cardigan im iK Ph an V VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS ❖ garment (n): quần áo ❖ accessory (n): phụ kiện ❖ baggy (n): rộng thùng thình ❖ glamorous (adj): hào nhoáng ❖ dressing gown (n): áo choàng ❖ tailored (adj): vừa vặn ❖ trendy (adj): thịnh hành ❖ audacious (adj): táo bạo ❖ dressed to kill (idiom): ăn mặc bật ❖ dressed (up) to the nines (idiom): ăn mặc sang trọng ❖ conventional (adj): cổ truyền ❖ apparel (n): y phục, quần áo ❖ long – sleeved (adj): dài tay ❖ fit like a glow (idiom): vừa in Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn e: g Pa ❖ out of place (idiom): lạc lõng, khác biệt ❖ well worn (adj): cũ, sờn ❖ shabby (adj): mòn, sờn ❖ fluffy (adj): mềm mịn ❖ beige (n): màu be ❖ off – the – peg (adj): may sẵn ❖ cardigan (n): áo len đan ❖ mitten (n): găng tay bóng chày ❖ velvet (n): vải nhung ❖ corduroy (n): vải nhung kẻ ❖ pinstriped (adj): kẻ sọc nhỏ ❖ with it (adj): am hiểu thời trang ❖ chic (adj): kiểu cách ❖ denim (n): vải chéo ❖ close – fitting (adj): vừa sát người ❖ bespoke (adj): đặt làm riêng PRACTICE Question Women with candy-apple red lipstick wearing dresses and tiny sweaters A garment B apparel C footwear D cardigan Question A British governess gets a taste of the life with an American actress A glamorous B tailored C trendy D baggy Question Hearing a knock at the front door, the woman threw a(n) over her pyjamas and went downstairs to open the door A bra B nightdress C evening dress D dressing-grown Question A pair of trousers, over-used and over-large, did little to improve the boy’s appearance A wide B baggy C flowing D windy Question She dresses in a rather way, which some might describe as being boring and oldfashioned A trendy B carefree C conventional D casual Question You look in those shorts! They’re much too big for you A unrealistic B unwise C ludicrous D impractical Question The bride was wearing a(n) wedding dress which she had designed and made herself A one B single C unique D alone Question As he took his suit out of the he noticed a stain on the sleeve A drawer B cupboard C cabinet D wardrobe Question Clare is usually dressed to the in order to impress people A cardigan B accessories C apparel D nines Question 10 In ads the industry promoted car phones as must-have _ for the elite A trendy B long – sleeved C accessories D beige Question 11 Chinese nationals on tourist visas are alleged to have posed as rough sleepers with _ clothes A shabby B mitten C cardigan D corduroy Ta iL u ie a ho K ay H oc H n ie M im iK Ph an V Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn e: g Pa Question 12 I must get a new suit, because this one is completely A finished B run out C worn out D used up Question 13 She studies many magazines and books about fashion, entertaining and social behavior as she wants to appear _ A elegant B fashionable C polished D sophisticated Question 14 My friend came to the party wearing a shabby old suit, worn-out shoes and no socks He looked just like a _ A tramp B merchant C prisoner D criminal Question 15 Though their fur makes them look larger, most foxes weigh to 18 pounds A fluffy B baggy C shabby D trendy Question 16 She the material with her fingers, enjoying the smooth silky felling of its surface A glided B stroked C supped D slid Question 17 You can find really stylish clothes off the _, if you look hard enough A beg B pig C bag D peg Question 18 Why are you throwing that jacket out? - It’s Look it’s got a hole under the arm and most of the buttons are missing A worn-out B scruffy C trendy D unfashionable Question 19 His jeans was so tight, they when he sat down A broke B split C snapped D cracked Question 20 That man’s coat has got such wide shoulders, they must be _ A quilted B padded C stuffed D starched Ta iL u ie a ho K ay H oc H n ie M im iK Ph an V Vì quyền lợi đáng em Không nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ÔN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn TÀI LIỆU ĐI KÈM BÀI GIẢNG COLLOCATION& VOCABULARY COMPUTERS Thuộc khóa học : Plus 1: Luyện từ vựng tích cực Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương g Pa ▪️ encode (v) /ɪnˈkəʊd/ to represent complicated information in a simple or short way (mã hóa) Ex: Some music CDs are encoded with information about the performers and their music e: ▪️ decipher (v) /dɪˈsaɪ.fər/ to discover the meaning of something written badly or in a difficult or hidden way (giải mã) Ex: Can you decipher the writing on this envelope? Ta iL u ie ▪️ cache (n) /kæʃ/ a part of a computer’s memory that stores copies of data that is often needed while a program is running (bộ nhớ đệm) Ex: Set your browser so that the cache is automatically cleared out frequently a ho K H oc H ▪️ hotspot (n) /ˈhɒt.spɒt/ an area that has an available wireless signal for Internet access (usually public) (điểm phát wifi) Ex: There are wi-fi hotspots in all our cafés ay ▪️ palmtop (n) /ˈpɑːm.tɒp/ a type of computer that is small enough to hold with one hand (máy tính cầm tay) Ex: Palmtops are dream devices for many people ie M n ▪️ peripheral (adj) /pəˈrɪfərəl/ used to describe a piece of equipment, such as a printer, that can be connected to a computer (thiết bị xuất nhập) Ex: The system is expected to boost sales of PCs as well as components, applications, and peripheral devices im iK Ph an V ▪️ resolution (n) /ˌrezəlˈuːʃən/ used for talking about how clearly a computer or television screen shows images (độ phân giải) Ex: If your monitor supports a higher screen resolution, switch to those choices ▪️ obsolescent (adj) /ˌɒb.səˈles.ənt/ becoming obsolete (trở nên lỗi thời) Ex: Much of our existing military hardware is obsolescent Vì quyền lợi đáng em Không nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn ▪️ router (n) /ˈruːtər/ a piece of electronic equipment that connects computer networks to each other (bộ định tuyến) Ex: Companies need to buy routers to direct data traffic and connect to the internet ▪️ gadget (n) /ˈɡædʒɪt/ a small machine or piece of electronic equipment that has a particular purpose (thiết bị điện tử) Ex: With competition heating up, the latest gadgets have added features to set them apart from the competition g Pa Quiz Fill in the blanks with the words from the box obsolescent router palmtop cache decipher e: Ta You may find that restarting your web browser and clearing your _ will help Unlike places like Japan and Sweden, Australia has no zany language to Overall, at $200, this imperfect and _ device is not worth the purchase So far the agents have only been tested on computers with built-in cellphones Can I use the Linksys I got for my old Comcast account to relay the WiFi? iL u ie K a ho ▪️ digitization (n) /ˌdɪdʒɪtaɪˈzeɪʃn/ the process of changing data into a digital form that can be easily read and processed by a computer (sự số hóa) Ex: Digitization creates many new ways to use and share photos H oc H ay ▪️ unscramble (v) /ʌnˈskræm.bəl/ to discover the meaning of information given in a secret or complicated way (phục hồi) Ex: You need a decoding device to unscramble some of the signals sent out by computers M n ie ▪️ crash (v) /kræʃ/ if a computer or system crashes, it suddenly stops operating (chết máy) Ex: My laptop has crashed again im iK Ph an ▪️ state – of the – art (adj) /ˌsteɪt.əv.ðiːˈɑːt/ very modern and using the most recent ideas and methods (rất đại) Ex: This computer with extra newest features is considered state-of-the-art V ▪️ drudgery (n) /ˈdrʌdʒ.ər.i/ hard boring work (công việc cực nhọc) Ex: Working with computers all the time is sheer drudgery ▪️ mouse mat (n) /ˈmaʊs ˌmæt/ the special flat piece of material on which you move the mouse of a computer (tấm lót chuột) Ex: A great solution would be to build a mouse mat that wirelessly charges the mouse Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn ▪️ computer – literate (adj) /kəmˌpjuː.təˈlɪt.ər.ət/ able to use computers effectively (có kiến thức tin học) Ex: Candidates must be computer - literate and proficient in MS Office ▪️ screenager (n) /ˈskriːneɪdʒə/ a person in their teens or twenties who has an aptitude for computers and the Internet (người nghiện máy tính) Ex: It's about how screenagers see the world through communications technology, and all that kind of thing e: g Pa ▪️ cybersickness (n) /ˈsaɪbəˌsɪknəs/ A form of motion sickness associated with virtual reality environments (cảm giác mệt mỏi sau sử dụng máy tính lâu) Ex: He got cybersickness because he played computer games so much Ta iL ▪️ keypal (n) /ˈkiːpal/ A person with whom one becomes friendly by exchanging emails (người hay trao đổi thư điện tử) Ex: I mainly use the Internet for sending emails to my keypals u ie K a ho Quiz Fill in the blanks with the words from the box screenager unscramble digitization state – of the – art cybersickness H oc H ay Scientists claim modern technology has caused a new type of sickness, Only she possesses a code that can _ the encryption, Schemo explained I also wanted to try it on a “ _,” a teenager who is addicted to screens The _ of information is a profound gesture that holds open our doors The center is 20 years old and will need capital improvements to remain ie M n ▪️ floppy disk (n) /ˈflɑp·i ˈdɪsk/ a small soft piece of plastic that is protected by a hard cover and is used to store computer information (đĩa mềm) Ex: You can pick from a variety of preconfigured operating systems, or you can load your own (via a CD, floppy disk, or hard drive disk image) im iK Ph an V ▪️ techie (n) /ˈtek.i/ someone who knows a lot about computers or other electronic equipment (chuyên viên công nghệ) Ex: The latest innovation came from a bunch of young techies in the research lab ▪️ technophile (n) /ˈteknəfaɪl/ a person who is interested in modern technology and enjoys using it (người yêu công nghệ) Ex: These are the top-ten gadget gifts under $50 for the technophile Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cơ Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn ▪️ technophobe (n) /ˈtek.nə.fəʊb/ someone who dislikes new technology, especially computers, and is not able to use it with confidence (người khơng thích cơng nghệ) Ex: It is marketed as being ideal for children, the elderly, and technophobes ▪️ the cutting edge of sth (phrase /ˌkʌt.ɪŋˈedʒ/ the most recent and advanced stage of development in a particular type of work or activity, with the newest systems, equipment, etc (sự nhất, cải tiến nhất) Ex: His research is at the cutting edge of new therapies for cancer e: g Pa ▪️ cybercrime (n) /ˈsaɪbəˌkraɪm/ crime or illegal activity that is done using the internet (tội phạm công nghệ cao) Ex: The corporate battle against cybercrime is unending Ta iL ▪️ bandwidth (n) /ˈbænd.wɪtθ/ the amount of information that can be sent between computers, over a phone line (băng thông) Ex: As prices for telecommunications services fall, demand for high bandwidth services is increasing u ie K a ho ▪️ domain name (n) /dəˈmeɪn ˌneɪm/ an internet address that belongs to a particular company or organization (tên miền) Ex: The Swiss-based group registered its domain name in 2007 H oc H ay ▪️ multimedia (n) /ˌmʌl.tiˈmiː.di.ə/ the use of a combination of moving and still pictures, sound, music, and words, especially in computers or entertainment (đa phương tiện) Ex: The means of designing and developing powerful multimedia must also be simple and easy-to-use M n ie ▪️ firewall (n) /ˈfaɪəwɔːl/ a computer system or program that prevents someone from seeing or using information on a computer without permission, especially someone using the internet (tường lửa) Ex: Without a firewall, all your files could be instantly accessible to any competent hacker from anywhere in the world im iK Ph technophile an multimedia V Quiz Fill in the blanks with the words from the box cybercrime firewall bandwidth Limiting the access to certain ports of a server is both stated on the and on the server itself Electron Mike, an extreme who listens to techno and collects iPods Iran experts claim to have found a way of controlling the Duqu virus That frees up and processor resources to allow you faster Web driving Students respond to interactive content because they live in a world Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn e: g Pa VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS ❖ encode (v): mã hóa ❖ decipher (v): giải mã ❖ cache (n): nhớ đệm ❖ hotspot (n): điểm phát wifi ❖ palmtop (n): máy tính cầm tay ❖ peripheral (adj): thiết bị xuất nhập ❖ resolution (n): độ phân giải ❖ obsolescent (adj): trở nên lỗi thời ❖ router (n): định tuyến ❖ gadget (n): thiết bị điện tử ❖ digitization (n): số hóa ❖ unscramble (v): phục hồi ❖ crash (v): chết máy ❖ drudgery (n): công việc cực nhọc ❖ state – of the – art (adj): đại ❖ mouse mat (n): lót chuột ❖ computer – literate (adj): có kiến thức tin học ❖ screenager (n): người nghiện máy tính ❖ cybersickness (n): ốm điện tử ❖ keypal (n): người hay trao đổi thư điện tử ❖ floppy disk (n): đĩa mềm ❖ techie (n): chuyên viên công nghệ ❖ technophile (n): người u cơng nghệ ❖ technophobe (n): người khơng thích cơng nghệ ❖ the cutting edge of sth: nhất, tân tiến ❖ cybercrime (n): tội phạm công nghệ cao ❖ bandwidth (n): băng thông ❖ domain name (n): tên miền ❖ multimedia (n): đa phương tiện ❖ firewall (n): tường lửa PRACTICE Question Because of rapid technological progress, the computers being made today will be in five year’s time A retired B extinct C outdone D obsolete Question the net can be informative and entertaining, but unfortunately it can also be rather expensive A Riding B Reading C Surfing D Working Question Digitally messages can be delivered via cable direct into our homes A deciphered B dialed C numbered D encoded Question Your computer can’t read your flashcard because you haven’t it into the back of your computer properly A ensured B inserted C donated D required Question Users must empty their browser _ between visits to evade the tracking code A cache B mouse mat C keypal D bandwidth Ta iL u ie a ho K ay H oc H n ie M im iK Ph an V Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cơ Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn e: g Pa Question The computer system has a problem that the technicians cannot solve A persist B persisted C persistent D persistence Question Despite its small size, the new colour printer has a speed comparable the speed of much larger models A with B for C than D to Question It’s important to keep your computer skills _ A in fashion B latest C trendy D up-to-date Question Keep everything on disc That way if the computer _ you won’t lose all your work A sticks B stumps C crashes D smashes Question 10 As many jobs today require people who are computer- , I’d advise you to a course to improve your skills A educated B informed C literate D knowledgeable Question 11 You should take regular breaks when using computers so that you don’t _ your eyes A injure B exert C strain D hurt Question 12 The performance of the current computer system is affecting productivity A unseemly B substandard C improper D uncouth Question 13 A teenager who spends all day in front of a computer screen is called a _ A screenager B cybersickness C cyberwidow D e-cash Question 14 He spent all day yesterday surfing the net, now he says he’s tired-must be a touch of _ A dot com B screenager C cybersickness D keypal Question 15 Even if that laptop is the most expensive in the store, it doesn’t _ mean that it is the best A severely B valuably C doubtfully D necessarily Question 16 The stages in this computer game get _ more difficult, with stage one being the easiest and stage ten being the hardest A periodically B progressively C statistically D predominantly Question 17 The _ of music and the ability to share it made owning CDs superfluous A encode B digitalization C techie D technophile Question 18 Now, my wife is no _ and enjoys computer entertainment as much as the next guy A technophile B technophobe C techie D cybersickness Question 19 Computers have taken away much of the _ involved in boring office work A task B drudgery C labour D job Question 20 Disney has used _ technology to create the virtual environments we see nowadays A encoding B peripheral C firewall D cutting-edge Ta iL u ie a ho K ay H oc H n ie M im iK Ph an V Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn TÀI LIỆU ĐI KÈM BÀI GIẢNG COLLOCATION& VOCABULARY LAW ENFORCEMENT Thuộc khóa học : Plus 1: Luyện từ vựng tích cực Cơ Vũ Thị Mai Phương g Pa ▪️ divulge /daɪˈvʌldʒ/ to make something secret known (để lộ, tiết lộ) Ex: The police didn’t divulge anything related to the murders e: ▪️ retaliate (v) /rɪˈtæl.i.eɪt/ to hurt someone or something harmful to someone because they have done or said something harmful to you (trả đũa, trả thù) Ex: The demonstrators threw rocks at the police, who retaliated by firing blanks into the crowd Ta iL u ie a ho K ▪️ comb (v) /kəʊm/ to search a place or an area very carefully in order to find something (lùng sục) Ex: The police combed the whole area for evidence H oc H ▪️ identify (v) /aɪˈden.tɪ.faɪ/ to recognize someone or something and say or prove who or what that person or thing is (nhận dạng) Ex: The police officer identified himself (= gave his name or proved who he was) and asked for our help ay ▪️ cordon (n) /ˈkɔː.dən/ a line of police, soldiers, vehicles, etc positioned around a particular area in order to prevent people from entering it (dựng hàng rào cảnh sát) Ex: There was a police cordon around the building n ie M an V ▪️ motionless (adj) /ˈməʊ.ʃən.ləs/ without moving (bất động, im lìm) Ex: The assailant looks made of stone, utterly motionless im iK Ph ▪️ mob (n) /mɒb/ a large, angry crowd, especially one that could easily become violent (đám đơng hỗn tạp, băng nhóm tội phạm) Ex: The angry mob outside the jail was/were ready to riot ▪️ repeal (v) /rɪˈpiːl/ the act of removing the legal force of a law (bãi bỏ luật) Ex: Twenty - nine senators said they opposed repeal of the death penalty Vì quyền lợi đáng em Không nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn ▪️ seal off (phrV) to prevent people from entering an area or building, often because it is dangerous (phong tỏa) Ex: Two more bombs have been discovered since the police sealed off the area ▪️ siren (n) /ˈsaɪə.rən/ a device for making a loud warning noise (còi báo động) Ex: When the air raid siren went off people ran to their shelters Quiz Fill in the blanks with the words from the box mob divulge cordon g Pa retaliate repeal e: A of around 230ft was set up while firefighters were tackling the blaze The Republican-led House voted to c Obama's signature health-care overhaul We were in Athens just before the mob burned those poor bank employees to death Rather than , ask what you would need to to be considered next time Many identity thieves try this trick to get you to _ personal information Ta iL u ie a ho K ▪️ patrol (v) /pəˈtrəʊl/ (especially of soldiers or the police) to go around an area or a building to see if there is any trouble or danger (tuần tra) Ex: The whole town is patrolled by police because of the possibility of riots H oc H ay ▪️ convict (v) /kənˈvɪkt/ to decide officially in a law court that someone is guilty of a crime (kết án) Ex: He has twice been convicted of robbery M n ie ▪️ felony (n) /ˈfel.ə.ni/ serious crime that can be punished by one or more years in prison (trọng tội) Ex: He was arrested on suspicion of planning to commit a felony im iK Ph ▪️ firearm (n) /ˈfaɪər.ɑːm/ a gun that can be carried easily (súng cầm tay loại) Ex: He was found guilty of possessing an unlicensed firearm an V ▪️ intruder (n) /ɪnˈtruː.dər/ someone who enters a place without permission in order to commit a crime (kẻ đột nhập) Ex: Intruders had entered the house through a back window ▪️ scrutinize (v) /ˈskruː.tɪ.naɪz/ to examine something very carefully in order to discover information (xem xét kĩ lưỡng) Ex: He scrutinized the men's faces closely, trying to work out who was lying Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn ▪️ petty (adj) /ˈpet.i/ not important and not worth giving attention to (lặt vặt, nhỏ nhặt) Ex: Prisoners complain that they are subjected to too many petty rules and restrictions ▪️ inquiry (n) /ɪnˈkwaɪəri/ question or request for information about someone or something (điều tra, thẩm vấn) Ex: The inquiry found evidence of serious misapplication of funds g Pa ▪️ allege (v) /əˈledʒ/ to say that someone has done something illegal or wrong without giving proof (cho là, khẳng định) Ex: The two men allege that the police forced them to make false confessions e: ▪️ embezzle (v) /ɪmˈbez.əl/ to secretly take money that is in your care or that belongs to an organization or business you work for (tham ô) Ex: She embezzled thousands of dollars from the charity Ta iL u ie K Quiz Fill in the blanks with the words from the box patrol allege inquiry a ho firearm intruder ay H oc H In addition, the 15-year-old faces a charge of unlawful possession of a When road _ deputies arrived, they spotted Rutledge sitting inside her car Then an breaks into Hoffman's home and assaults him, injuring his head She is _ to have been at the centre of an international drug ring It is understood that the will focus on the police response to the call M n ie ▪️ disregard (v) /ˌdɪs.rɪˈɡɑːd/ the fact of showing no care or respect for something (ngó lơ, coi nhẹ) Ex: What amazes me is her complete disregard for anyone else's opinion Ph im iK ▪️ unanimous (adj) /juːˈnæn.ɪ.məs/ if a decision or an opinion is unanimous, it is agreed or shared by everyone in a group (đồng lịng trí) Ex: The jury returned a unanimous verdict of guilty after a short deliberation an V ▪️ arson (n) /ˈɑː.sən/ the crime of intentionally starting a fire in order to damage or destroy something, especially a building (phóng hỏa) Ex: A cinema was burned out in north London last night Police suspect arson ▪️ forfeiture (n) /ˈfɔː.fɪ.tʃər/ the loss of rights, property, or money, especially as a result of breaking a legal agreement (sựtước, mất) Ex: I had been told that my client would face 40 years in prison and a forfeiture of his assets Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn ▪️ house arrest (n) /ˈhaʊs əˌrest/ legally forced to stay in your house as if in prison (sự quản thúc gia) Ex: The opposition leader has just been put/placed under house arrest ▪️ the death penalty (n) /ˈdeθ ˌpen.əl.ti/ the legal punishment of death for a crime (án tử hình) Ex: She would like to see the return of the death penalty in Britain g Pa ▪️ defendant (n) /dɪˈfen.dənt/ a person in a law case who is accused of having done something illegal (bị can) Ex: The jury concluded from the evidence that the defendant was innocent e: ▪️ prosecutor (n) /ˈprɒs.ɪ.kjuː.tər/ a legal official who accuses someone of committing a crime, especially in a law court (người khởi tố, bên nguyên, công tố viên) Ex: The tape recordings provided prosecutors with the evidence they needed to prove he'd been involved in the conspiracy Ta iL u ie a ho K ▪️ hearsay (n) /ˈhɪə.seɪ/ information that you have heard but not know to be true (tin đồn, lời đồn) Ex: The court cannot accept evidence based on hearsay and rumor H ay H oc ▪️ rehabilitate (v) /ˌriː.həˈbɪl.ɪ.teɪt/ to return someone to a good, healthy, or normal life or condition after they have been in prison, been very ill, etc (cải tạo giáo dục) Ex: The prison service should try to rehabilitate prisoners so that they can lead normal lives when they leave prison Quiz Fill in the blanks with the words from the box prosecutors arsonists defendant rehabilitate unanimously n ie M Ph im iK The aim is to _ the prisoners so that they can lead productive lives when they are released The defense and agreed to recommend a one-year jail sentence I suppose that it is for the jury to determine whether the is guilty of a crime or not They _ agreed that life in prison was a harsh enough punishment Police are blaming for the spate of fires in the Greenfields housing estate an V Vì quyền lợi đáng em Không nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn e: g Pa VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS ❖ divulge (v): để lộ, tiết lộ ❖ retaliate (v): trả đũa ❖ comb (v): lùng sục ❖ identify (v): nhận dạng ❖ cordon (n): dựng hàng rào cảnh sát ❖ mob (n): đám đông hỗn tạp ❖ motionless (adj): bất động, im lìm ❖ repeal (v): bãi bỏ luật ❖ seal off (phrV): phong tỏa ❖ siren (n): còi báo động ❖ patrol (v): tuần tra ❖ convict(v): kết án ❖ felony (n): trọng tội ❖ firearm (n): súng cầm tay loại ❖ intruder (n): kẻ đột nhập ❖ scrutinize (v): xem xét kĩ lưỡng ❖ petty (adj): lặt vặt, nhỏ nhặt ❖ inquiry (n): điều tra, thẩm vấn ❖ allege (v): cho là, khẳng định ❖ embezzle (v): tham ô ❖ disregard (v): bất chấp, coi nhẹ ❖ unanimous (adj): đồng lịng trí ❖ arson (n): phóng hỏa ❖ forfeiture (n): tước, ❖ house arrest (n): quản thúc gia ❖ the death penalty (n): án tử hình ❖ defendant (n): bị can ❖ prosecutor (n): bên nguyên, công tố viên ❖ hearsay (n): tin đồn, lời đồn ❖ rehabilitate (v): cải tạo giáo dục Ta iL u ie a ho K ay H oc H n ie M im iK Ph an V PRACTICE Question The unruly _ was broken up by the police A collection B congregation C group D mob Question The police arrested the wrong man mainly because they _ the names they had been given by the witness A confused B bewildered C merged D puzzled Question The detective stood _ behind the door waiting for the assailant A immovable B motionless C lifeless D static Question The police _ off the street where the bomb had gone off A battened B cordoned C fastened D shuttered Question The police asked if I thought I could _ the man who stole my car if I looked at some photos A certify B verify C justify D identify Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn e: g Pa Question The police are _ the town for the missing vehicle A investigating B combing C looking D seeking Question The boy had a history of _ theft but had never been accused of a serious crime A little B small C petty D unimportant Question The law proved so unpopular that it was _ by the Government a year later A repelled B repulsed C repealed D taken back Question The police have asked for the _ of the public in tracing the whereabouts of the escaped convict A partnership B alliance C association D co-operation Question 10 The police promised him _ from prosecution if he co – operated with them fully A absolution B protection C safety D immunity Question 11 Policeman are sometimes on _ at night A force B cover C patrol D alert Question 12 Since the police could not get a(n) _ from the suspect, they had to find enough evidence to convict him A interference B allowance C principle D confession Question 13 The police car raced down the street with the _ blaring A gong B bell C siren D alarm Question 14 Kindlon argued it was testimony and shouldn't have been allowed at trial A rehabilitation B hearsay C comb D defendant Question 15 The purpose of the hearing was to read to the the charges against him A house arrest B siren C defendant D forfeiture Question 16 Kitty’s father was placed _ house arrest A for B in C against D under Question 17 The judge said the thief had shown complete _ for the law A ignorance B negligence C disobedience D disregard Question 18 After considering the evidence for a few hours, the jury came to a(n) _ verdict A unambiguous B united C undivided D unanimous Question 19 A 41-year-old Sun Valley man was charged with in a West Hills fire Friday A arson B disregard C siren D rehabilitation Question 20 It took 15 years for the criminals to prove their innocence A embezzle B alleged C inquiry D prosecutor Ta iL u ie a ho K ay H oc H n ie M im iK Ph an V Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! ... NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn TÀI LIỆU ĐI KÈM BÀI GIẢNG CHỦ ĐỀ TỪ VỰNG : ENVIRONMENT (T2) Thuộc khóa học : Plus 1: Luyện từ vựng tích cực Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương... NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn TÀI LIỆU ĐI KÈM BÀI GIẢNG CHỦ ĐỀ TỪ VỰNG : ENVIRONMENT (T3) Thuộc khóa học : Plus 1: Luyện từ vựng tích cực Cơ Vũ Thị Mai Phương... diurnal Ta iL u ie ▪️ tame (adj) /teɪm/ not afraid of people, and used to living with them (thuần chủng) Ex: The bird became so tame that it was impossible to release it back into the wild a ho

Ngày đăng: 02/02/2023, 17:31
