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[...]... for multimediaforensics ment of state-of-the-art techniques to students, researchers, academics, personnel of law enforcement, xv and IT /multimedia practitioners, who are interested or involved in the study, research, use, design, and development of techniques related to multimediaforensics and security aims at dissemilating the idea of digital watermarking and its applications to multimedia security. .. (Barreto & Kim, 1999; Barreto, Kim, & Rijmen, 2002; Holliman & Memon, 2000; Wong, 1998; Yeung & Mintzer, 1997; Zhao & Koch, 1995) It seems to be very making use of the solid cryptography theory and techniques Indeed, those AWs that were not founded in cryptography theory (Yeung & Mintzer, 1997; Zhao & Koch, 1995) or those that applied cryptographic techniques without the due care (Li, Lou, & Chen, 2000;... document forgery, to name a few To prevent abuses of the usage of ICT and multimedia techniques, the study of multimediaforensics and security has emerged in recent years as a new interdisciplinary area encompassing aspects of digital cryptography, digital watermarking, data hiding, steganography, and steganalysis Moreover, multimedia forensic techniques have also opened up a new horizon for helping... of multimediaforensics and security Although a number of quality books have been published in the literature, accounts of the latest researches and developments Aiming at serving this purpose, this book contains a collection of informative and stimulating chapters written by knowledgeable experts and covers a wide spectrum of the state-of-the-art techniques for tackling the issues of multimedia forensics. .. any semi-fragile AW for binary images In the literature, there are many semi-fragile watermarks for continuous-tone images (Eggers & Girod, 2001; Fridrich, 1999; Kundur & Hatzinakos, 1998; Lan, Mansour, & 2001; Lin, Podilchuk, & Delp, 2000; Marvel et al., 2000; Yu, Lu, & Liao, 2001) Ekici, Sankur, and Akcay (2004) enumerate eight “permissible” 1 2 3 JPEG compression Histogram equalization Sharpening... colossal scale These concerns create anxiety and uncertainty about the reality of the media we deal with of multimediaforensics and security, which aims at pooling expertise in various areas, such as signal processing, information theory, cryptography, and so forth to combat the abuses of ICT and multimedia techniques In particular, digital watermarking schemes have been proposed to meet copyright protec-... continue to provide limited means Chapter XV Traitor Tracing for MultimediaForensics 314 Hongxia Jin, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA This chapter discusses the cryptographic traitor tracing technology that is used to defend against piracy in multimedia content distribution It talks about different potential pirate attacks in a multimedia content distribution system It discusses how traitor... digital photograph Character- has subsequently been recompressed, allowing the investigator to narrow down the possible camera Chapter XV, Traitor Tracing for Multimedia Forensics, authored by Hongxia Jin, reviews potential pirate attacks on multimedia content distribution systems and discusses how traitor tracing techniques can be used to defend against those attacks by tracing the attackers and colluders... color images and they cannot be directly applied to binary images Many of continuous-tone DHs modify the quantization index (Chen & Wornell, 2001), or modify spectral components of data in a spread-spectrum-like fashion (Cox, Kilian, Leighton, & Shamoon, 1997; Marvel, Boncelet, & Retter, 1999) Many of the continuous-tone DHs makes use of transforms like DCT and wavelet Unfortunately, none of the previous... multimediaforensics and security Each chapter is a self-contained treatment on one aspect of the broad subject, allowing the readers to follow any order of their liking The chapters are selected to suit readers of different levels with various interests, making this book an invaluable reference for beginners as well as experts alike Professor Anthony TS Ho Professor and Chair of Multimedia Security, Director . was an associate professor of the 'HSDUWPHQWRI(OHFWULFDO(QJLQHHULQJDW&&,7GXULQJDQGDYLVLWLQJSURIHVVRURIWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI&RPSXWHU 6FLHQFHDW861DYDO3RVWJUDGXDWH6FKRROLQWKHVHFRQGKDOIRI+HLVFXUUHQWODQDVVRFLDWHSURIHVVRURIWKH'HSDUW- ment. forgery, to name a few. To prevent abuses of the usage of ICT and multimedia techniques, the study of multimedia forensics and security has emerged in recent years as a new interdisciplinary area. enforcement, xv and IT /multimedia practitioners, who are interested or involved in the study, research, use, design, and development of techniques related to multimedia forensics and security. 7KLVERRNFRQVLVWVRIWKUHHPDLQFRPSRQHQWV7KH¿UVWFRPSRQHQWFRPSULVHGRI&KDSWHUV,WR9,, aims