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PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES FOR INFORMATION SECURITY A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Stephan Arthur Zdancewic August 2002 c Stephan Arthur Zdancewic 2002 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES FOR INFORMATION SECURITY Stephan Arthur Zdancewic, Ph.D Cornell University 2002 Our society’s widespread dependence on networked information systems for everything from personal finance to military communications makes it essential to improve the security of software Standard security mechanisms such as access control and encryption are essential components for protecting information, but they not provide end-to-end guarantees Programming-languages research has demonstrated that security concerns can be addressed by using both program analysis and program rewriting as powerful and flexible enforcement mechanisms This thesis investigates security-typed programming languages, which use static typing to enforce information-flow security policies These languages allow the programmer to specify confidentiality and integrity constraints on the data used in a program; the compiler verifies that the program satisfies the constraints Previous theoretical security-typed languages research has focused on simple models of computation and unrealistically idealized security policies The existing practical security-typed languages have not been proved to guarantee security This thesis addresses these limitations in several ways First, it establishes noninterference, a basic information-flow policy, for languages richer than those previously considered The languages studied here include recursive, higher-order functions, structured state, and concurrency These results narrow the gap between the theory and the practice of security-typed languages Next, this thesis considers more practical security policies Noninterference is often too restrictive for real-world programming To compensate, a restricted form of declassification is introduced, allowing programmers to specify a richer set of information-flow policies Previous work on information-flow security also assumed that all computation occurs on equally trusted machines To overcome this unrealistic premise, additional security constraints for systems distributed among heterogeneously trusted hosts are considered Finally, this thesis describes Jif/split, a prototype implementation of secure program partitioning, in which a program can automatically be partitioned to run securely on heterogeneously trusted hosts The resulting communicating subprograms collectively implement the original program, yet the system as a whole satisfies the security requirements without needing a universally trusted machine The theoretical results developed earlier in the thesis justify Jif/split’s run-time enforcement mechanisms BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Steve was born on June 26, 1974 in Allentown, Pennsylvania to Arthur and Deborah Zdancewic After living briefly in Eastern Pennsylvania and California, his family, which includes his brother, David, and sister, Megan, settled in Western Pennsylvania in the rural town of Friedens His family remained there until the autumn of 1997, when his parents moved back to Eastern PA Steve attended Friedens Elementary School and Somerset Area Junior and Senior High Schools His first computer, a Commodore 64, was a family Christmas gift in 1982 Although he learned a smattering of Commodore BASIC1 , he mainly used the computer to play games, the best of which were Jumpman, Archon, and the classic Bard’s Tale Steve pursued his interest in computers through senior high school, although he never took the programming courses offered there His most influential high school teacher was Mr Bruno, who taught him Precalculus, Calculus I & II, and Statistics After graduating with Honors from Somerset Area Senior High in 1992, Steve enrolled in Carnegie Mellon University’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Shortly into his second semester there, he decided that the computer science courses were more fun than the engineering ones and transferred into the School of Computer Science Steve graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a B.S in Computer Science and Mathematics He decided to continue his education by obtaining a Ph.D and entered Cornell’s CS department in the fall of 1996 There, he met Stephanie Weirich, also a computer scientist, when they volunteered to organize the department’s Fall picnic Both Steve and Stephanie were recipients of National Science Foundation Fellowships and Intel Fellowships; they also both spent the Summer of 1999 doing internships at Lucent Technologies in Murray Hill, New Jersey On August 14, 1999 Steve and Stephanie were married in Dallas, Texas Steve received a M.S in Computer Science from Cornell University in 2000, and a Ph.D in Computer Science in 2002 Anyone familiar with the Commodore machines will recall with fondness the arcane command poke 53281, and the often used load *,8,1 iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First, I thank my wife, Stephanie Weirich, without whom graduate school would have been nearly impossible to survive She has been my best friend, my unfaltering companion through broken bones and job interviews, my source of sanity, my reviewer and editor, my dinner partner, my bridge partner, my theater date, my hockey teammate, my most supportive audience, my picnic planner, and my love I cannot thank her enough Next, I thank my parents, Arthur and Deborah Zdancewic, my brother Dave and my sister Megan for their encouragement, love, and support Thanks also to Wayne and Charlotte Weirich, for welcoming me into their family and supporting me as they Stephanie I also thank my thesis committee Andrew Myers, my advisor and friend, made it fun to research; his ideas, suggestions, questions, and feedback shaped this dissertation more than anyone else’s Greg Morrisett advised me for my first three years at Cornell and started me on the right path Fred Schneider, with his sharp insights and unfailingly accurate advice, improved not only this thesis, but also my writing and speaking skills Karen Vogtmann challenged my mathematical abilities in her algebraic topology course I also thank Jon Riecke, whom I worked with one fun summer at Lucent Technologies; our discussions that summer formed the starting point for the ideas in this dissertation I am especially indebted to Nate Nystrom and Lantian Zheng, who not only did the bulk of the programming for the Jif and Jif/split projects, but also contributed immensely to the results that make up Chapter Many, many thanks to my first set of officemates, Tu˘ kan Batu, Tobias Mayr, and g Patrick White, who shared numerous adventures with me during our first years as graduate students Thanks also to my second set of officemates: Dan Grossman and Yanling Wang, from whom I’ve learned much I also thank Dan for coffee filters, for grammatical and editorial acumen, and for always being prepared to talk shop Lastly, I would like to add to all of the above, a big thanks to many others who made Ithaca such a fun place to be for the last six years: Bert Adams, Gary Adams, Kavita Bala, Matthew Baram, Jennifer Bishop, James Cheney, Bob Constable, Karl Crary, Jim Ezick, Adam Florence, Annette Florence, Neal iv Glew, Mark Hayden, Jason Hickey, Takako Hickey, Kim Hicks, Mike Hicks, Timmy Hicks, Amanda Holland-Minkley, Nick Howe, Susannah Howe, David Kempe, Dan Kifer, Jon Kleinberg, Dexter Kozen, Lillian Lee, Lyn Millet, Tonya Morrisett, Riccardo Pucella, Andrei Sabelfeld, Dave Walker, Vicky Weisman, and Allyson White This research was supported in part by a National Science Foundation Fellowship (1996 through 1999) and an Intel Fellowship (2001 through 2002) v vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1.1 Security-typed languages 1.2 Contributions and Outline Defining Information-Flow Security 2.1 Security lattices and labels 2.1.1 Lattice constraints 2.2 Noninterference 2.3 Establishing noninterference 2.4 Related work Secure Sequential Programs 3.1 λSEC : a secure, simply-typed language 3.1.1 Operational semantics 3.1.2 An aside on completeness 3.1.3 λSEC type system 3.1.4 Noninterference for λSEC 3.2 λREF : a secure language with state SEC 3.2.1 Operational semantics 3.2.2 Type system 3.2.3 Noninterference for λREF SEC 3.3 Related work 11 11 14 15 19 21 23 23 25 29 29 33 38 41 45 49 50 Noninterference in a Higher-order Language with State 4.1 CPS and security 4.1.1 Linear Continuations 4.2 λCPS : a secure CPS calculus SEC 4.2.1 Syntax 4.2.2 Operational semantics 4.2.3 An example evaluation 52 53 56 56 57 59 61 vii 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.2.4 Static semantics Soundness of λCPS SEC Noninterference Translation Related work Secure Concurrent Programs 5.1 Thread communication, races, and synchronization 5.1.1 Shared memory and races 5.1.2 Message passing 5.1.3 Synchronization 5.2 λCONCUR : a secure concurrent calculus SEC 5.2.1 Syntax and operational semantics 5.2.2 λCONCUR type system SEC 5.2.3 Race prevention and alias analysis 5.3 Subject reduction for λCONCUR SEC 5.4 Noninterference for λCONCUR SEC 5.4.1 ζ-equivalence for λCONCUR SEC 5.5 Related work 63 69 75 83 88 89 92 92 95 98 101 101 109 118 123 128 129 143 Downgrading 145 6.1 The decentralized label model 146 6.2 Robust declassification 148 6.3 Related work 150 Distribution and Heterogeneous Trust 7.1 Heterogeneous trust model 7.2 λDIST : a secure distributed calculus SEC 7.2.1 Syntax 7.2.2 Operational semantics 7.2.3 Type system 7.3 Related Work Jif/split 8.1 Jif: a security-typed variant of Java 8.1.1 Oblivious Transfer Example 8.2 Static Security Constraints 8.2.1 Field and Statement Host Selection 8.2.2 Preventing Read Channels 8.2.3 Declassification Constraints viii 152 153 155 156 156 156 160 161 163 164 166 166 167 168 204 [BBL84] J Banˆ tre, C Bryce, and D Le Met´ yer Compile-time detection of infora a mation flow in 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