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The book of why englishare

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THE n00K OF Y O Yac rhins fa = iet (ex cS ) } KINGFISHER NEW YORK KINGFISHER LONDON & NEW YORK Copyright © 2010 by kingfisher Published in the United States by Kingfisher, 175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010 Kingfisher is an imprint of Macnillan Children’s Books, London All rights regerved Illustrated by Kath Grimshaw Concept by Jo Connor Distributed in the U.S by Macmillan, 175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010 Distributed in Canada by H.B Fenn and Company Ltd., 34 Nixon Road, Bolton, Ontario L7E 1WZ Library of Congress Cataloging—in—Publication data has been applied WHY for ISBN: 978-0-7534-6396-3 Kingfisher books For details 175 Fifth Avenue, For more are contact: available Special New information, for special Markets promotions Department, and premiums Macnillan, York, NY 10010 please visit www.kingtisherpublications.com Fee tatisied We 2ON0 ome oo 4321 T1R/1Z09/TWP/UNT/ 1506SM/C | © (@ : » » DO ASTRONAUTS FLOAT IN SPACE? » » IS EARTH SO SPECIAL? - « « DO » » DO DIVERS NEED HEADLIGHTS? 10 11 + DO LEAVES FALL IN THE FALL? 1Z DO! FEEL DIZZY WHEN | SPIN AROUND? 13 ARE EARS SUCH A FUNNY SHAPE? STARS TWINKLE? DO TREES HAVE LEAVES? 14 DO CATERPILLARS CHANGE 15 DO TADPOLES GROW LEGS? 16 DID CASTLES HAVE MOATS? INTO BUTTERFLIES? 17 DID KNIGHTS WEAR ARMOR? 16 IS THERE A HOLE IN THE Sky? r one ne 19 IS SUNLIGHT WARM? 43 DO WE CUT DOWN TREES? ZO 44 21 + DO MY TEETH CHATTER WHEN I’M COLD? 45 DO SKUNKS STINK? 22 DO FLUTES HAVE HOLES? 46 23 DOES THE WIND BLOW? 47 DO WHALES SING? Z4 DOES A SNAKE FLICK OUT ITS TONGUE? 48 DOES THE SUN RISE? Z5 ARE DESERTS SANDY? 49 DO ANIMALS SLEEP IN THE WINTER? 50 IS THE SEA SALTY? Z6 DO! GET SICK? DO GIRAFFES HAVE LONG NECKS? DO LEOPARDS HAVE SPOTS? / ARE OCTOPUSES LIKE JET PLANES? ZT CANT PENGUINS FLY? 51 DO WATER WINGS HELP ME FLOAT? ZB DO BIKES HAVE TIRES? 5Z DID EXPLORERS OFTEN GET LOST? Z9 DO HORSES WEAR SHOES? 53 DO BRIDGES SWAY? 30 DO BIRDS LAY EGGS? 54 DO SHIPS FLOAT? 31 DO KANGAROOS HAVE POUCHES? 55 DO GLASSES HELP You FOCUS? 32 CAN | SEE THROUGH GLASS? 33 DOES SOAP MAKE BUBBLES? 34 DO VOLCANOES BLOW THEIR TOPS? 35 ARE THERE NO DINOSAURS ON EARTH? 36 37 DO SPIDERS SPIN WEBS? WAS TYRANNOSAURUS A BIGMOUTH? 38 WERE ROMAN ROADS SO STRAIGHT? 39 WERE THE OLYMPICS HELD? 40 DO HOT-AIR BALLOONS FLOAT? 41 DO MOUNTAINS HAVE SNOW ON TOP? 42 DO PLANTS HAVE FLOWERS? 56 QUICK-QUIZ QUESTIONS 58 QUICK-QUIZ ANSWERS 60 TRICKY WORDS 62 WHERE TO 64 : FIND STUFF FAREWELL | : : : / | batideis = YOURSELF EVE upel to aroun ~/ tl Did you Ags | ee that r 7? ee aig wi mew Sa eaters ee tht — While f Out Were al/ T hoge IhSwe Ome p T Thing s otha Memo On n; he, Ching @ fo ung bre Wa W ro Ghel te th s th the at TMa ahd MP reg Yo zing *PeSt ing dow», fa thiendects , Can Did you know, : Astronauts have to wear seat belts to stop them from floating away when they go to the bathroom Space toilets not flu sh Instead, everythi ng is sucked away gpacecratt n “ate oO» or gee it wor wy \9 gee Earth’s hs d uae vo" h to \\ Pa oe grown? ey _ Did you know - : 2) All planets rotate (turn around) as they orbit the Sun ~ rem with The $ ee This 19 becaug, it e gu, of et from th * Ghd = third Amoy ys! the right od \ight IF it Were ht "gould be ras oft too ho hg things ftJets heat ¥ Clogep uy forth ep °° cold Did you know . () Sometimes flamelike sheets of glowing gas shoot out from a star These are called prominences Did you know Early explorers figured out how fast they were traveling by timing how long it took a floating object in the water to pass by the full length of their ship ancient Mdpbo ens mainly xne Pesult op : “/°Sswork co” Peop/e ot the Wong So \ittle aid not beg; World maps yntil the 150, improve exprorers beoe when lh To make Won Thegpound Voyages Did you know \\ If army ants have to cross gaps, ts some of them join up to make a bridge for the others to crowl over, Ry DO SHips r LOAT? Did you know 9) Humans blink every two @ to ten seconds, and each blink takes about 0.3 seconds This means that you spend about 30 minutes every day with your eyes shut aniseed Did you know = I\ Life jackets were invented 200 years ago by a French priest, who lined en Thin a vest with cork S ware" ee MaKe room tor Nirpaelves ey Put into have “yd theush ship? ~ gre bats Hey tS aside eons that 4,° Ie hollow \oT of AR ¥ Cdn is ~., the 9) sid sit \ow » Ship ° er, aa : sink unles? iT is oy oe In soc comes i than the dded and ve pushes Ns e © water shat © on ore PeShsidhteg x yects ore less clea, : garaianted, xo a7" ave + o | cet ‘ st |or? Close Ob; as Jeoy, People ry: xed pecause ae fap J the le Gh x, 29 are hot exacy, nse,if SF el! “vape- 9° they weg, Me © ad! or contact leng, , velp them see more clearly J i a ne ow BIRD WAG to sh Ungcramble RED out to keep enemies what castles use from? i knights come Where did samura : : What are Phominenceg? Sa How de ©P un Cah humang ne SoS Mena NASR cutee SEER LOSS ORS en LOSE LOL = PELOAS good i ronment.are Try env hvi ;y le op SASS fop SoS < the false? BBASSroi re PESTS ll use to make What does chlorophy —— food for trees? e their leaves Conifer trees log ue or false? in the winter Tr 11 | SED RCN a eee SERS s What helps fight germ es in your body? s SE eere sqsxssnpeeRSRISD ae Sa Cel 12 which t¢ ea ae warm op cold qin? ip -_ — este SE ORS sight good eye y r e V e gnakes pav false? True oF Earth? gest pird on 13 44 What is the vid et velinctin: a eel H FT Unscramble COIN RI to ghow what force = ‘ i HH in helps tires grip : LZ5 e é e Q &; 18 Who invented be uged in cement ae pees ELLIOT } to s? building road a wag king of the gods h ancient Greek stories? ES IEE ENROL TTR ee ODOT va : eee SSS Ss SPE ULES Be eR IN Unscramble BE show EARTH to animals what gome er in the wint SS al | : When anim als chan ge sha ae form into Something S ompletely differ ent Flamelike sheets of glowing 94S that shoot out from a star piace: il ce Ue { s saci i Riayat water, on and carb dioxide n withstand r leaves ca False Conife ; : Ne g “rep Mey - drawbridge se ELLER Sunlight, eat 650 feet (200 meters) tenoe RE winter the cold nce ee REE 10 False They release chemicals that damage Earth’s atmosphere Antibodies produced by the immune system tion COIN RIFT = fric fr joey i 18 19 ZzO The Romans Zeus Paris, in 1# BACTERIA Germs that can cause illnesses and infections CARBON DIOXIDE A colorless, invisible gag that animals exhale (breathe out) CHARIOT An ancient, ABSORB To goak up or take in horse-drawn vehicle EARTH’S CRUST The outer layer of planet Earth, on which we live ANTARCTICA Earth’s icy, southernmost drea dround the South Pole ANTIBODIES Tiny parts of the body that are created by the immune system to find and fight germs and keep the body free from illnesses EMPIRE A large area of land, usually several countries, ruled by one government The Romans had a huge empire EXTINCT When not even one of a type of animal or plant ig alive ARMOR FORT fi covering that protects a body A building like a castle that contains armed from harm goldiers GAS Something that isn’t solid or liquid Oxygen is a gas ASTRONAUT A person who travels into space to find out more about it GERMS Tiny living things that can cause illnesses ATMOSPHERE The layer of gases surrounding a planet Earth’s atmosphere keeps in the heat from the Sun but algo keeps out many harmful rays from the Sun GILLS The breathing parts on an underwater creature Water ig breathed in through gills, which take out the oxygen in the water go that the creature can breathe GRAVITY A force of attraction between objects This happens in gpace, for example, where a moon ig held in orbit around a planet because the planet hag a larger mags ROMAN Of an ancient people from Italy who lived around IMMUNE SYSTEM 2,000 years ago in Europe, Africa, and Agia The body’s system that fights harmful germs by creating antibodies SCENT A smell JET PROPULSION When something moves by squirting a rush of water behind it, which pushes it forward SENSITIVE Being able to react to one op several of the five senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, or hearing LUNGS The organs in the body that help creatures by supplying the body with oxygen breathe METEORITE fi rock from space that falls down to Earth SENSOR A part of an animal’s body that detects things for a particular sense, such ag taste op smell SILK MULTIPLY Fine threads that are made by To increase in number insects and woven together to make a goft, smooth, and strong material NERVES Parts inside the body that sense pain SOLAR SYSTEM ORBIT The path of an object as it travels around something Earth orbits the Sun OXYGEN fA colorless, invisible gas in air that animals heed to breathe in order to live A strong metal TRANSPARENT Something that ig clear or gee-Through PREDATOR fin animal The Sun and the objects in space that orbit it, including the eight planets that hunts and eats another animal VIBRATE PREY To move back and forth quickly An animal that is hunted and eaten by another animal REFLECT To bend back light from a surface A mirror bends back light g0 that you can gee your reflection Yh P, A castles 16 fall 11 airplanes 18 cateppillars 14 fingernails 21 antibodies 20, 60 chemicals 18 floating 51 armor 1%, 60 astronauts 6, 60 chlorophyll 10 concrete 38 flowers 42 food 10, 11, 16, 50 athletes 39 conductors friction 28 air 10, 23, 40, 51 atmosphere 18, 60 19 crocodiles 31 frogs 15 B D G babies 30, 31 deserts 25 gases 8, 34, 60 bacteria 20, 60 dinosaurs 35, 37 germs 20, 60 balloons 40 dizziness 12 gills 15, 46, 60 bikes 28 birds 2%, bones glasses 54, 55 30, 47 12 brains 12, 24 breathing 9, 10, 15 bubbles 33 butterflies 14 E gravity 6, 60 ears 12, 13 Greeks 39, 46 Earth 6, #, 8, 34, 48, 50 eggs 30 Everest, explorers eyes 55 Mount 52 41 ~ tld mountains muscles hair 21 music heat #, 19, 24 hibernation 49 41 21 22 silk 1%, 36, 61 snakes 24 N horseshoes 29 geedg 42 show 41, 44 12, 21, 61 gounds 13, 22 ice 41 herves illnesses 20 immune system 20, 61 spiders 36 insects 14, 33, 36, 42 oceans 9, 46 stars octopuses 46 Sun 7, 11, 18, 19, 48 Olympic Games 39 sunlight 9, 10, 19, 32, 44 ostrich 27, 30 oxygen 10, 61 TU ozone tadpoles 15 space 6-7, KL kangaroos 31 knights 17 leaves 10, 11 layer 18 teeth 20, 21, 31 leopards 44 PQ light #, 9, 19 tires 28 penguins 27 M planets #, 41 tongues 24, 26 trees 10, 11, 23, 26, 42, 43, 44 plants 9, 42 maps 52 pollination 42 Mars 41 pouches 31 mayflies 15 metal 1%, 19 metamorphosis meteorites 14 35, 61 moats 16 V vibrations 13 volcanoes 34, 38 R rdin 50 WXYZ rivers 50 water 7, 9, 10, 16, 33, Moon 32 roads 38 mosquitoes 45 rocks 25, 34, 50 weapons Romans webs 36 34, 38, 61 38, 41, 46, 50, 17 whales 47 S wind 23, 25, 53 salt 50, 51 windows 32 gand wings 27 25 gea 9, 50, 51 winter 11, 49 51, 55 Wow! What ah amazing journey! We hope you had ag ~tuch fun ag we did and learned many new things Who knew that there wags go much to discover about “why!” Speaking of “who,” we can fell you that we’ll goon be going on a few more exciting journeys: The Book of How? The Book of What? The Book of Who? Look out for these great books! “Who” knows “what” we’ll discover See you goon! EON c eens Sw afsigh | NA B% v8- AI \XY pa 3086 01065 9848 The world is full of questiohtt ‘Now, at last, you can get the answers to 50 of the most mind- ch Including of alll! Why stars twinkle? Why did castles have moats? Why are ears a funny shape? _ ili7 ee aS ae 63963

Ngày đăng: 26/01/2023, 23:30