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Read The Following Passage Then Choose The Option That Best Fills In Each Gap:

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Read the following passage then choose the option that best fills in each gap Së gi¸o dôc & ®µo t¹o §Ò thi thö ®¹i häc Khèi 12 (§Ò 214) 1/ The four underlined words or phrases are marked a , b , c or[.]

Đề thi thử đại học Khối 12 Sở giáo dục & đào tạo (Đề 214) 1/ The four underlined words or phrases are marked a , b , c or d Identify the one underlined expression that is not correct: One type of Australian frog lays up to 25 eggs at a time and then swallows they for protection a b c d 2/ Find a word which is pronounced differently in the part underlined a superb b supply c support d suppose 3/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: The building was badly .in the fire a hurt b damaged c injured d wounded 4/ The four underlined words or phrases are marked a , b , c or d Identify the one underlined expression that is not correct: In 1964, GATT established the International Trade Center in order to assist developing countries a b in the promotion of its exports c d 5/ Choose the sentence nearest in meaning to the one given in italics: Whoever did that must have been a very brave person a A very brave person knows who did that b Only a very brave person could have done that c Only a brave person could that d A very brave person n ever did that 6/ Find the word which has different stress pattern from the other three a sincerity b remarkable c combination d curriculum 7/ Find the word which has different stress pattern from the other three a concerning b demanding c finishing d beginning 8/ Decide a, b , c , or d which shows the best way of combining the following pairs of sentences: It was cloudy last Sunday The photos came out fine a The photos came out fine whereas it was fine last Sunday b The photos would have come out fine though it was cloudy last Sunday c It was cloudy last Sunday but the photos came out fine d It was cloudy last Sunday though the photos came out fine 9/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: Drunkenness is .for many road accidents a guilty b cause c responsible d faulty 10/ Choose the correct preposition or adverb for the following sentence: I could tell he was pleased the expression on his face a for b at c in d by Read the following passage then choose the option that best fills in each gap (from number 11 to 20): The first woman scientist Hypatia was born in Alexandria, in Egypt, in 370 A D For many centuries she was… (11) only woman scientist to have a place in the history books Hypatia’s father was a director of Alexandria University, and he (12) sure his daughter had the best education available This was unusual, as most women then had few….(13) to study After studying in Athens and Rome, Hypatia returned to Alexandria…(14) she began teaching mathematics She soon became famous…(15)her knowledge of new ideas We have no copies of her books,…(16) we know that she wrote several important mathematical works Hypatia was also interested in technology and….(17)several scientific tools to help with her work At the …(18)many rulers were afraid of science, and…(19)connected with it was in danger One day in March, 415,, Hypatia…(20) attacked in the street and killed 11 a one b the c a d an 12 a could b made c said d put 13 a classes b customs c opportunities d teachers 14 a where b how c there d which 15 a from b by c for d in 16 a because b but c or d as 17 a did b experimented c invented d learnt 18 a day b period c year d time 19 a anyone b nobody c all d something 20 a was b had c has d is 21/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: The twins look so their father a liking b alike c likely d like 22/ Find a word which is pronounced differently in the part underlined a game b gist c forgive d gift 23/ Find a word which is pronounced differently in the part underlined: a village b stage c baggage d manage 24/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: For my birthday I was given a writing set two pens, envelopes and notepapers a consisting b holding c comprising d involving 25/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: I am going to my dress dry-cleaned a get b make c take d send 26/ Choose the correct preposition or adverb for the following sentence: It isn't quite certain that he will turn at the meeting a on b back c up d down 27/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: One condition of this job is that you must be .to work at weekends a capable b available c accessible d acceptable 28/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: The police are said to be looking the matter a up b into c for d over 29/ Decide a, b , c , or d which shows the best way of combining the following pairs of sentences: Tuition fees were increased There were many objections from students and parents a Tuition fees were increased but there were many objections from students and parents b Tuition fees were increased in spite of the fact that there were many objections from students and parents c There were many objections from students and parents, so tuition fees were increased d There were many objections from students and parents while tuition fees were increased 30/ Find a word which is pronounced differently in the part underlined a freight b eight c height d weight 31/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: Even though she hated the food, her mother .her eat it all a let b made c forced d allowed 32/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: a wrong number, it is important to apologize before hanging up a If you dial b If it is dialed c Dialing d You dial 33/ Choose the correct preposition or adverb for the following sentence: To come .means to meet by chance a between b up c across d into 34/ Choose the correct preposition or adverb for the following sentence: When you have thought what I have said, you will understand a about b again c over d of 35/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: He is unhappy because his parents not very well a get off b get on c get away d get over 36/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: It took him ages to living in the new town a use to b accustomed c get used to d used to 37/ Find the word which has different stress pattern from the other three a abolish b parliament c successful d position 38/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: Maybe we should Mr Smith to see his rose garden a call out b call at c call for d call on 39/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: Lots of people .yoga to relax a take in b give up c practice d take up 40/ Find a word which is pronounced differently in the part underlined a danger b phase c bookcase d literature 41/ Choose the sentence nearest in meaning to the one given in italics: " Please don't drive so fast! Nicole said to her husband a Nicole's husband didn't want to drive so fast as she suggested b Nicole pleaded with her husband not to drive so fast c Nicole encourages her husband to drive faster d Nicole pleased her husband by not driving so fast 42/ Choose the sentence nearest in meaning to the one given in italics: It is such a wonderful opportunity that we mustn't miss it a The opportunity is wonderful enough for us to miss b It is too wonderful an opportunity for us to miss it c It is such a wonderful opportunity that we are not able to afford it d It is a wonderful opportunity so that we can't miss it 43/ The four underlined words or phrases are marked a , b , c or d Identify the one underlined expression that is not correct: Hypnoses was successfully used during World War II to treat battle fatigue a b c d 44/ Choose the sentence nearest in meaning to the one given in italics: Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test a As long as you keep calm, you can pass the driving test b You should keep your passing of the driving test secret c It is a secret you have passed the driving test d You have passed the driving test but you should keep calm 45/ Decide a, b , c , or d which shows the best way of combining the following pairs of sentences: Women still cover their heads in some countries They did so in the past a In the past women covered their heads but they s o today in some countries b Women cover their heads in some countries similar to what they did so in the past c Women still cover their heads in some countries as they did in the past d Women still cover their heads in some countries as they did so in the past Read the following text and choose the best answer among A, B, C or D (from number 46 to 50): The tooth decay In most animals, dental decay is a rare problem In man and especially in the affluent West, the disease has reached epidemic proportions The cause of tooth decay in human being is a bacterium that feeds on the sugar in our food It digests the sugar more easily by converting it into an acid The acid then dissolves the enamel The outer coating of the teeth and finally attacks the living nerve within The result is the agonizing pain we know as toothache 46.According to the passage how common are it for animals to suffer from tooth decay? a They never suffer from it b they seldom suffer from it c they suffer from it as commonly as people d they suffer from it more commonly than people 47 What does the passage say about the problem of tooth decay in the rich Western country? a It is steadily decreasing each year b It has remained unchanged for a long time c It has been increasing slowly for years d It is now virtually out of control 48 Human teeth decay when they are attacked by a kind of… a sugar b acid c nerve d food 49 decay cannot begin until the bacterium produces………… a food from sugar b sugar from food c acid from sugar d sugar from acid 50 The term “tooth decay” refers to……… a digestion of the food b conversion of the sugar c Production of the acid d dissolution of the enamel 51/ Decide a, b , c , or d which shows the best way of combining the following pairs of sentences: She phoned him early in the morning She wanted to make sure she caught him before he left for work a She phoned him early in the morning because she wanted to make sure she caught him before he left for work b She phoned him early in the morning lest she should catch him before he left for work c She phoned him early in the morning so as to want to catch him before he left for work d She phoned him early in the morning so that she wanted to make sure she caught him before he left for work 52/ Find the word which has different stress pattern from the other three a magazine b appearance c visible d herbivore 53/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: Don't to bring a hairdryer I'll lend you mine a bother b mind c worry d forget 54/ The four underlined words or phrases are marked a , b , c or d Identify the one underlined expression that is not correct: Chemical engineering is based on the principles of physics, chemists, and mathematics a b c d 55/ Choose the correct preposition or adverb for the following sentence: One of the primary causes of skin cancer is overexposure the sun without the use of sunscreen a to b in c under d with 56/ The four underlined words or phrases are marked a , b , c or d Identify the one underlined expression that is not correct: Unlike gas sports balloons, hot air balloons not have nets a b c d 57/ Decide a, b , c , or d which shows the best way of combining the following pairs of sentences: The history of the United States is not long It is interesting a The history of the United States is not long but interesting b The history of the United States is not long despite interesting c The history of the Unites States is not long however it is interesting d The history of the United States is interesting whereas not long 58/ Find the word which has different stress pattern from the other three a paradise b referee c voluntary d parachute 59/ Choose the sentence nearest in meaning to the one given in italics: The shops don't deliver now, which makes life difficult a As shops don't deliver, life would be so difficult b If shops don't deliver, life would be less difficult c If shops delivered, life would be less difficult ` d As shops delivered, life wouldn't be so difficult 60/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: If you park there, you will have to pay a a fine b ticket c fee d fare written test(001) 1/ Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: ` enough time to talk over the matter now a There hasn't b It isn't c It hasn't d There isn't 2/ Choose the sentence nearest in meaning to the one given in italics: “ Please don't drive so fast! Nicole said to her husband” a Nicole pleaded with her husband not to drive so fast b Nicole pleased her husband by not driving so fast c Nicole encourages her husband to drive faster d Nicole's husband didn't want to drive so fast as she suggested 3/ Find a word which is pronounced differently in the part underlined a height b weight c eight d freight 4/ Decide a, b , c , or d which shows the best way of combining the following pairs of sentences: She phoned him early in the morning She wanted to make sure she caught him before he left for work a She phoned him early in the morning so as to want to catch him before he left for work b She phoned him early in the morning so that she wanted to make sure she caught him before he left for work c She phoned him early in the morning because she wanted to make sure she caught him before he left for work d She phoned him early in the morning lest she should catch him before he left for work 5/ Choose the sentence nearest in meaning to the one given in italics: Whoever did that must have been a very brave person a A very brave person knows who did that b Only a very brave person could have done that c Only a brave person could that d A very brave person n ever did that 6/ Find the word which has different stress pattern from the other three a curriculum b combination c sincerity d remarkable 7/ Find the word which has different stress pattern from the other three a finishing b beginning c concerning d demanding 8/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: Lots of people .yoga to relax a give up b take up c practice d take in 9/ Find the word which has different stress pattern from the other three a voluntary b referee c parachute d paradise 10/ The four underlined words or phrases are marked a , b , c or d Identify the one underlined expression that is not correct: Unlike gas sports balloons, hot air balloons not have nets a b c d 11/ Choose the correct preposition or adverb for the following sentence: When you have thought what I have said, you will understand a about b again c of d over 12/ Decide a, b , c , or d which shows the best way of combining the following pairs of sentences: The history of the United States is not long It is interesting a The history of the United States is interesting whereas not long b The history of the Unites States is not long however it is interesting c The history of the United States is not long but intersting d The history of the United States is not long despite interesting 13/ Choose the correct preposition or adverb for the following sentence: I could tell he was pleased the expression on his face a in b by c at d for 14/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: It took him ages to living in the new town a use to b get used to c accustomed d used to 15/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: Maybe we should Mr Smith to see his rose garden a call at b call for c call out d call on 16/ Find a word which is pronounced differently in the part underlined a support b supply c superb d suppose 17/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: The twins look so their father a likely b liking c alike d like 18/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: One condition of this job is that you must be .to work at weekends a acceptable b available c capable d accessible 19/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: Even though she hated the food, her mother .her eat it all a forced b allowed c made d let 20/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: The building was badly .in the fire a hurt b wounded c damaged d injured 21/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: For my birthday I was given a writing set two pens, envelopes and notepapers a comprising b holding c consisting d involving 22/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: a wrong number, it is important to apologize before hanging up a You dial b If it is dialed c Dialing d If you dial 23/ Find the word which has different stress pattern from the other three a position b parliament c successful d abolish 24/ The four underlined words or phrases are marked a , b , c or d Identify the one underlined expression that is not correct: Chemical engineering is based on the principles of physics, chemists, and mathematics a b c d 25/ Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: We wanted to give him help but he refused a a little b a few c few d little 26/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: The police are said to be looking the matter a over b up c for d into 27/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: If you park there, you will have to pay a a fine b fee c ticket d fare 28/ Choose the correct preposition or adverb for the following sentence: It isn't quite certain that he will turn at the meeting a on b down c up d back 29/ Decide a, b , c , or d which shows the best way of combining the following pairs of sentences: Tuition fees were increased There were many objections from students and parents a Tuition fees were increased but there were many objections from students and parents b There were many objections from students and parents while tuition fees were increased c Tuition fees were increased in spite of the fact that there were many objections from students and parents d There were many objections from students and parents, so tuition fees were increased 30/ Choose the correct preposition or adverb for the following sentence: One of the primary causes of skin cancer is overexposure the sun without the use of sunscreen a under b with c to d in 31/ The four underlined words or phrases are marked a , b , c or d Identify the one underlined expression that is not correct: In 1964, GATT established the International Trade Center in order to assist developing countries in the a b promotion of its exports c d 32/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: He is unhappy because his parents not very well a get away b get on c get over d get off 33/ Choose the sentence nearest in meaning to the one given in italics: It is such a wonderful opportunity that we mustn't miss it a The opportunity is wonderful enough for us to miss b It is such a wonderful opportunity that we are not able to afford it c It is too wonderful an opportunity for us to miss it d It is a wonderful opportunity so that we can't miss it 34/ Choose the sentence nearest in meaning to the one given in italics: The shops don't deliver now, which makes life difficult a If shops delivered, life would be less difficult b If shops don't deliver, life would be less difficult c As shops don't deliver, life would be so difficult d As shops delivered, life wouldn't be so difficult 35/ Choose the sentence nearest in meaning to the one given in italics: Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test a As long as you keep calm, you can pass the driving test b It is a secret you have passed the driving test c You have passed the driving test but you should keep calm d You should keep your passing of the driving test secret 36/ Decide a, b , c , or d which shows the best way of combining the following pairs of sentences: It was cloudy last Sunday The photos came out fine a It was cloudy last Sunday but the photos came out fine b The photos would have come out fine though it was cloudy last Sunday c The photos came out fine whereas it was fine last Sunday d It was cloudy last Sunday though the photos came out fine 37/ Decide a, b , c , or d which shows the best way of combining the following pairs of sentences: Women still cover their heads in some countries They did so in the past a Women cover their heads in some countries similar to what they did so in the past b In the past women covered their heads but they s o today in some countries c Women still cover their heads in some countries as they did in the past d Women still cover their heads in some countries as they did so in the past 38/ Find a word which is pronounced differently in the part underlined: a village b stage c baggage d manage 39/ Choose the correct preposition or adverb for the following sentence: To come .means to meet by chance a up b between c across d into 40/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: Drunkenness is .for many road accidents a cause b responsible c guilty d faulty 41/ Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: Can you explain the difference .these two words? a between b to c from d of 42/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: Don't to bring a hairdryer I'll lend you mine a mind b bother c forget d worry 43/ Find the word which has different stress pattern from the other three a appearance b herbivore c visible d magazine 44/ The four underlined words or phrases are marked a , b , c or d Identify the one underlined expression that is not correct: One type of Australian frog lays up to 25 eggs at a time and then swallows they for protection a b 45/ Choose the best answer to complete the following c d sentence: You should be very to your teachers for their great support a thankful b thanking c considerate d grateful 46/ Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: Ann could not speak Chinese and could John a too b either c neither d so 47/ Find a word which is pronounced differently in the part underlined a gist b gift c forgive d game 48/ Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence: I am going to my dress dry-cleaned a send b take c make d get 49/ Find a word which is pronounced differently in the part underlined a danger b phase c literature d bookcase 50/ The four underlined words or phrases are marked a , b , c or d Identify the one underlined expression that is not correct: Hypnoses was successfully used during World War II to treat battle fatigue a b c d Ô Đáp án đề thi001) 1[ 1]d 2[ 1]a 3[ 1]a 8[ 1]b 9[ 1]b 10[ 1]d 11[ 1]d 12[ 1]c 13[ 1]b 18[ 1]b 19[ 1]c 20[ 1]c 21[ 1]b 22[ 1]d 23[ 1]b 28[ 1]c 29[ 1]c 30[ 1]c 31[ 1]d 32[ 1]b 33[ 1]c 38[ 1]b 39[ 1]c 40[ 1]b 41[ 1]a 42[ 1]b 43[ 1]a 48[ 1]d 49[ 1]c 50[ 1]c 4[ 1]c 5[ 1]c 6[ 1]b 7[ 1]a 14[ 1]b 15[ 1]d 16[ 1]c 17[ 1]d 24[ 1]d 25[ 1]a 26[ 1]d 27[ 1]a 34[ 1]a 35[ 1]a 36[ 1]a 37[ 1]c 44[ 1]c 45[ 1]d 46[ 1]c 47[ 1]a ... The acid then dissolves the enamel The outer coating of the teeth and finally attacks the living nerve within The result is the agonizing pain we know as toothache 46.According to the passage. .. did so in the past c Women still cover their heads in some countries as they did in the past d Women still cover their heads in some countries as they did so in the past Read the following text... phrase which best completes the sentence: The police are said to be looking the matter a up b into c for d over 29/ Decide a, b , c , or d which shows the best way of combining the following pairs

Ngày đăng: 26/01/2023, 03:34

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