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Giáo án tiếng anh lớp 6 tuần 9 sách mới vndoc com

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Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 6 Tuần 9 sách mới VnDoc com VnDoc Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 6 TUẦN 9 NĂM HỌC 2019 2020 Week 9 Period 25 REVIEW 1 (CONT ) SKILL I OB[.]

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP TUẦN NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020 Week Period 25 REVIEW (CONT.) SKILL I OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss can review skills (reading, speaking, listening & writing they have learnt from unit1-2-3 by doing exercises 1.Knowledge : *Grammar: Review *Vocabulary: Review Skills: Reading, writing, listening, speaking Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious II PREPARATION 1.Teacher : Book, chalk, lesson plan… 2.Students : Book, notebook, pens… IV PROCEDURES: Organization (1’) - Greeting - Checkup the absence Review lesson (3’) What are the parts of an e-mail? Ss answer and T checks and give feedback New lesson Activity : Reading (7’) Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí I Reading - Ss individually and check their * Ex1 (individual) answers with a partner before giving their KEY: answers to T confirms the correct answers 1A 2C 3C 4B 5A 6B - T checks Ss’s answers -Ss this exercise individually then compare their answers with a partner *Ex2 T checks Ss’s answers KEY : It is in a quiet place not far from the city centre They are hard-working and serious They are helpful and friendly There are five clubs Because it is a good school Activity 2: Speaking & Listening (15’) Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content -T models the way to to ask and answer II Speaking: with a student, then divide Ss into groups *Ex3 Interview two classmates Ask Ss work in group of three One interviews them what they like and dislike the other two about what they like and about your school and the reasons dislike about the school and the reasons why.Write their answers in the table and why Ss write their group member' report them to the class answers in the table and report them to the what class.T goes around to observe Ss what VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí working , correct their mistakes and he/she likes he/she discuss + reasons them with the whole dislikes + class Summarise Ss' idea reasons Classmate A Classmate B T plays the recording once for Ss to III Listening: listen.Play the recording again for Ss to *Ex4 (individual) check their answers Announce the An and Mi are talking on the phone answers to Ss Listen and circle the parts of the house you hear Ask Ss to quickly read the questions Ss listen to the recording again and answer KEY : kitchen garden living room bedroom the questions Ss compare their answers *Ex5 (individual) before giving T their answers KEY : She is watering the plants in the garden 2.He is listening to the radio He's in Mi' bedroom She is watching TV Activity 3: Writing (8’) Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content Ask Ss to write their e- mail individually IV Writing: Ask one St to write the e- mail on the *Ex6 (individual)Write an e- mail to your VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí board Other Ss and T comment on the friend Tell him/ her about a family e-mail on the board Then T collects some member Include this information e-mails to correct at home.Ex : Nam gets Who the person is up at o’clock Ss: Write how old he/she is 3.What his/ her job is/was What he/she likes doing what he/she does for you Consolidation (8’) - Teacher sumarise and review unit 1, 2, Homework (3’) -Review unit 1, 2, -Prepare for the first written test Week THE FIRST 45-MINUTE TEST Period 26 I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, T is able to check their Ss’ language knowledge, basic skills This will help T has a suitable teaching approach Knowledge: *Grammar: review *Vocabulary: review Skills: Reading, writing, listening, speaking Attitude: To the test in a serious and strict manner II PREPARATION Teacher: Test paper, chalk… Students: pen,… VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí III.THE CONTENTS The matrix 2.The Test (45’) Consolidation Homework Asks Ss to prepare for the next lesson: Unit 4: Getting started Week UNIT 4: MY NEIGHBOURHOOD Period 27 Section 1: Getting Started Lost in the old town I.OBJECTIVES This lesson will present the vocabulary and grammar items to be learned Ss then practice listening and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic "My neighbourhood" Knowledge: *Grammar: comparative adjectives *Vocabulary: words about neighbourhood Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious II.PREPARATION Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, real things Students: Text-books, notebooks III PROCEDURES Organization: (1') - Greeting - Checking attendance Checkup the old lesson: (3’) Kim’s game VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí - T gets Ss to look through the picture and remember some things in it -Ss work in groups New lesson: (38') Activity 1: Presentation (10’) Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content -Teacher sets the scene by asking Ss about A Getting Started the picture Vocabulary: Where are Nick , Khang and Phong? - ex'cited (a) What might be happening to them? What are they doing? -Have you ever got lost? Where and - ex'citing (a) - historic [his'tɔrik](a) when? - lost (a) How did you feel then? What did you do? - memorial [mə'mɔ:riəl] (n) - Elicits the new words using pictures and - cathedral [kə'θi:drəl](n) explaination + Check vocabulary : R O R Activity 2: Practice (15’) Teacher’s and Ss’ activities -Play the read.Pause recording the Ss recording listen at Content and Listen and read: the 1a: Read and put the actions in order appropriate places if Ss need with KEY: comprehension questions 1b: Making suggestions Put the words -Ss work independently Allow them to in the correct order share answers before discussing as a class KEY: 1.a.Where shall we go first? - Tell Ss to refer back to the conversation b Let's go to " Chua cau" to find the phrases Practice saying them 2.a Shall we go by bicycle? together( play the recording again as a b Ok, sure VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí model if necessary) 3.a.Shall we go by bicycle? b No, let's walk there Form: Shall we vinf Let's First, model the role- play with a more able St Then ask pairs to role- play the 2.Role play making suggestions: ( Ex: short conversations before demonstrating SGK) the class -Ss work in groups.Ss match the picture with the places Match the places below with the - Correct pictures Then listen, check and repeat E- Square: Quảng trường the works 2H -palace: Cung điện F -cathedral: Nhà thờ lớn G- art gallery: Triển lãm tranh 4C -memorial: Đài tưởng niệm A- statue: Tượng B -railway station: Ga tàu 8D- temple: Miếu thờ Activity : Production (13’) Teacher’s and Ss’activities Content -First, model this activities with a more Think about where you live able Ss Ask Ss to work in pairs Call Ex: A: Is there a theatre in your some pairs to practise in front of the class neighbourhood? -Have Ss quickly match each instruction B: Yes, There is/ No, There isn't with the diagram Check their answer Match the instructions in the box -Translation ( weak student) with the pictures -Ask some additional questions( strong Go straight on 2.turn left at traffic Students) lights Go past the bus stop 4.Take the first turning on the left./Take the first left 5.Go to the end of the road Go along VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí - Demonstrate the game to the class first the street Cross the street Ask a more able S to help Then Ss play Game : Give your partner directions in pairs to one of the places on the map, guess then swap EX; A : Go straight Take the second turning on the left It's on your right B: Is that the art gallery? A: Yes,it is/ No, try again Consolidation :( 2’) -Teacher gets students to retell the aims of the lesson Homework :( 1’) -Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 4: Closer look -Practise reading the dialogue fluently -Learn by heart all new words Mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm tài liệu Tiếng Anh lớp đây: Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp theo Unit: https://vndoc.com/tai-lieu-tieng-anh-lop-6 Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp nâng cao: https://vndoc.com/tieng-anh-pho-thong-lop-6 Bài tập trắc nghiệm trực tuyến Tiếng Anh lớp 6: https://vndoc.com/test/mon-tieng-anh-lop-6 ... thêm tài liệu Tiếng Anh lớp đây: Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp theo Unit: https:/ /vndoc. com/ tai-lieu-tieng -anh- lop -6 Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp nâng cao: https:/ /vndoc. com/ tieng -anh- pho-thong-lop -6 Bài tập trắc... https:/ /vndoc. com/ tieng -anh- pho-thong-lop -6 Bài tập trắc nghiệm trực tuyến Tiếng Anh lớp 6: https:/ /vndoc. com/ test/mon-tieng -anh- lop -6 ... one St to write the e- mail on the *Ex6 (individual)Write an e- mail to your VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí board Other Ss and T comment on the friend Tell him/ her about

Ngày đăng: 08/01/2023, 15:33