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Quick reference dictionary for athletic training part 2

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APPENDIX Symbols Reprinted with permission from Jacobs K Quick Reference Dictionary for Occupational Therapy 2nd ed Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Incorporated; 1999 ↑ ↓ → ↔ 1° 2° 3° @ ␣ ␤ ⌬ n N ␮ ␲ 公 + – ± ~ ⬇ ⫽ > < > < ⌺ : :: increase decrease to follow to and from primary/first degree secondary/due to/second degree tertiary/third degree at alpha beta delta, change total sample size total population size micron (former term for micrometer) pi, 3.1416, ratio of circumference of a circle to its diameter root, square root, radical plus, excess, positive minus, deficiency, negative plus or minus, indefinite approximately approximately equal equals greater than less than greater than or equal to less than or equal to sum ratio, “is to” equality between ratios, “as” therefore 204 c s # /   ✓ / ▼ ▲  Appendix with without number, pound per male female flexion extension rotation depression, downward, caudal elevation, upward, cephalic outward, expand APPENDIX Anatomical Terms of Orientation and Direction anterior: front, ventral anteroposterior: front to back caudal: toward the tail (or feet) cephalad: toward the head cranial: relating to the head decubitus: lying down deep: underneath, further from the surface distal: further from the beginning, further from the trunk dorsal: back, posterior horizontal: parallel to the floor, perpendicular to a vertical line inferior: below, lower than lateral: toward the side of the body medial: toward the midline of the body posterior: back, dorsal posteroanterior: from back to front pronation: internal rotation of the forearm so as to place the palm down prone: with the front or ventral surface down, lying face down proximal: closer toward the beginning, closer to the trunk recumbent: lying down sagittal: A vertical plane passing through the body from front to back The midsagittal plane divides the body into left and right halves superficial: on top, near the surface, shallow superior: above supination: external rotation of the forearm so as to place the palm up 206 Appendix supine: with the back or dorsal surface downward, lying face up transverse: a horizontal plane (parallel to the ground) passing through the body ventral: front, anterior vertical: upright, perpendicular to horizontal APPENDIX Muscles—Origin, Insertion, Action Figure Anterior superficial muscles (reprinted with permission from Leonard P Quick and Easy Terminology 2nd ed Philadelphia, Pa: WB Saunders; 1995) 208 Appendix Figure Anterior deep muscles (reprinted with permission from Leonard P Quick and Easy Terminology 2nd ed Philadelphia, Pa: WB Saunders; 1995) Muscles—Origin, Insertion, Action 209 Figure Posterior superficial muscles (reprinted with permission from Leonard P Quick and Easy Terminology 2nd ed Philadelphia, Pa: WB Saunders; 1995) 210 Appendix Figure Posterior deep muscles (reprinted with permission from Leonard, P Quick and Easy Terminology 2nd ed Philadelphia, Pa: WB Saunders; 1995) *Note: Please refer to key on page 235 Suprahyoid group Digastricus Post belly: mastoid notch of temporal bone; Ant belly: a depression on inner side of inf border of mandible Stylohyoideus Post & lat surface of styloid process Platysma Body of hyoid bone Post belly: hyoid bone by fibrous loop; Ant belly: same as post belly Med or sternal head Lat surface mastoid cranial part of ventral process & lat 1/2 surface of manubrium; sup nuchal line of lat or clavicular head— occipital bone sup border & ant surface of med 1/3 clavicle Fascia covering sup Some fibers into bone part of pectoralis below oblique line, major & deltoid others into skin Neck Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) Insertion Origin Muscle Spinal accessory n C2 & C3 ant rami Nerve ▲ hyoid bone Post: facial n Post: draws Ant: mylohyoid n backwards Ant: draws forward Draws hyoid Facial n (branch) sup & post Draws lip inf Cervical branch of facial n & post opp side lat ✓ same side ✓ ✓ forward Action Lingual a Lingual a Subclavian a (branch) Subclavian a Artery MUSCLES: ORIGIN/INSERTION/ACTION—INNERVATION—BLOOD SUPPLY* Muscles—Origin, Insertion, Action 211 Whole length of mylohyoid line of mandible Inf mental spine on inner surface of symphysis menti Origin Ant surface of hyoid Body of hyoid bone Insertion Omohyoideus Cranial border of scapula Caudal border of (near or crossing scapu- hyoid bone lar notch) Infrahyoid Group Sternohyoideus Post surface of med end Inf border of hyoid of clavicle, post sterno- bone clav lig & sup & post part of manubrium sterni Sternothyroideus Dorsal surface of Oblique line on manubrium sterni lamina of thyroid (caudal of origin of cartilage sternohyoideus) Thyrohyoideus Oblique line on lamina Inf border of greater of thyroid cartilage cornu of hyoid bone Geniohyoideus Mylohyoideus Neck Muscle Mylohyoid n Nerve Lingual a Lingual a Artery Draws hyoid Branch of ansa Lingual a inferiorly cervicalis (1st Subclavian a three cervical nerves) Draws Branch of ansa Lingual a cervicalis (1st Subclavian a thyroid caudally three cervical nerves) Draws hyoid 1st & 2nd Lingual a cervical n Subclavian a inferiorly Draws thyroid cartilage sup Draws hyoid Branch of ansa Subclavian a cervicalis (1st three caudally cervical nerves) Draws hyoid 1st cervical n & tongue ant (through hypoglossal n.) hyoid & tongue ▲ Action 212 Appendix NATA Membership Standards and Code of Ethics B C D E 381 earlier than one (1) year from the exhaustion of appeals, completion of sentence, or completion of parole, whichever is later; or In any other event, no earlier than one (1) year from the final decision of ineligibility, cancellation, or non-renewal In addition to other facts required by NATA, the NATA applicant or member in question must fully set forth the circumstances of the decision denying eligibility or canceling or not renewing membership, as well as all relevant facts and circumstances since the decision The applicant must submit one copy of this material to NATA's Executive Director and one copy to the Chair of the Ethics Committee In such cases the NATA applicant or member in question bears the burden of demonstrating by clear and convincing evidence that the individual has been rehabilitated, does not pose a danger to others, and deserves NATA membership in all the circumstances If the Ethics Committee concludes that the NATA applicant or member has met his or her burden of demonstrating by clear and convincing evidence that he or she has been rehabilitated, it will advise the NATA applicant or member and NATA's Executive Director of this fact in writing and specify the date on which the NATA applicant or member's reinstatement or membership becomes effective If the Ethics Committee concludes that this burden has not been met, it will so advise the Executive Director, who will, with legal counsel, review the decision to ensure that it is consistent with NATA's legal obligations and restrictions If the Executive Director concludes that this decision is consistent with these obligations and restrictions, he or she will submit the decision to the NATA Board of Directors for ratification by majority vote 382 Appendix 19 F If the NATA Executive Director and legal counsel conclude that the decision of the Ethics Committee is not consistent with NATA's legal obligations and restrictions, it will so advise the Ethics Committee and instruct the Committee as to its alternatives G The applicant will be advised promptly of any decision described in Sections V (D) and (E) made by the Ethics Committee, Executive Director, or the Board of Directors NATA Membership Standards and Code of Ethics NATIONAL ATHLETIC TRAINERS’ ASSOCIATION MEMBER/APPLICANT ETHICS COMMITTEE Investigative Panel Members, Preside Over Case Preliminary Investigation: •No good cause found for formal investigation— CASE CLOSED •Good cause found for formal investigation, case forwarded to—FACT-FINDING PANEL Fact-Finding Panel Members, Preside Over Case Schedule Hearing: • No violation found—CASE CLOSED • Violation found—Member has 10 days to appeal • Appellate Panel • No Appeal—THIS IS A FINAL DECISION Appellate Panel Members, Preside Over Case Schedule Briefing, Session, Oral Arguments Decision: • Affirmed—Sanctions levied • Modified • Reversed •Case Closed—THIS IS A FINAL DECISION 383 384 Appendix 19 INVESTIGATIVE PANEL Preliminary Investigation: •3 Members Serve on Panel • Member notified by mail of inquiry •Letter first approved by NATA Executive Director and Counsel Good Cause for Formal Investigation Notify member in writing of: •Alleged violations • Panel's allegations • Evidence • Possible sanctions • Member's rights to legal counsel • Member has 21 days to respond • Member may waive oral hearing and submit written materials •Failure to respond may result in the levying of any or all sanctions All materials sent to Fact-Finding Panel No Good Cause for Formal Investigation Case Closed Member Notified in Writing NATA Membership Standards and Code of Ethics FACT-FINDING PANEL Case Received: • Member Panel • Schedule Hearing • Notify Member Violation of Standards Written statement prepared: •Violations • Evidence • Sanctions • Other Information Statement mailed to member Appeal No Appeal Case Sent to Panel Appellate Decision Panel Final No Violation of Standards Case Closed Member Notified in Writing 385 386 Appendix 19 APPELLATE PANEL Case Received: • Member Panel • Briefing Scheduled • NATA Representative • Member Oral Appeal Both parties may have legal counsel present at hearing Decision • Affirmed, sanctions imposed • Reversed • Modified This Decision is FINAL Reprinted with permission from: APPENDIX 20 Weights and Measurements Reprinted with permission from Bottomley J Quick Reference Dictionary for Physical Therapy Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Incorporated; 2000 English System Linear Measure 12 inches = foot feet = yard (0.9144 meter) 5.5 yards = rod 40 rods = furlong/220 yards furlongs = statute mile/1760 yards 5280 feet = statute or land mile miles = league 6,076.11549 feet = international nautical mile (1852 meters) Dry Measure teaspoons = tablespoon 12 tablespoons = cup (16 tablespoons liquid = cup) tbsp = ¼ cup oz = ½ cup oz = cup cups = pint pints = quart quarts = gallon quarts = peck pecks = bushel/2150.42 cubic inches 16 oz = lb 388 Appendix 20 Angular and Circular Measure 60 seconds = minute 60 minutes = degree 90 degrees = right angle 180 degrees = straight angle 360 degrees = circle Square Measure 144 square inches = square foot square feet = square yard 30.25 square yards = square rod 160 square rods = acre 640 acres = square mile Troy Weight 24 grains = pennyweight 20 pennyweights = ounce 12 ounces = pound, Troy Cubic Measure 1728 cubic inches = cubic foot 27 cubic feet = cubic yard Liquid Measure teaspoon = 1/8 oz teaspoons = tablespoon 16 tablespoons = cup (12 tablespoons dry = cup) 16 oz = pint pints = quart quart = 946 liters quarts = gallon/231 cubic inches Avoirdupois Weight 27.34375 grains = dram 16 drams = ounce 16 ounces = pound/0.45359237 kilogram Weights and Measurements 100 pounds = short hundredweight 20 short hundredweights = short ton The Metric System Linear Measure 10 millimeters = centimeter 10 centimeters = decimeter 10 decimeters = meter 10 meters = dekameter 10 dekameters = hectometer 10 hectometers = kilometer Liquid Measure 10 milliliters = centiliter 10 centiliters = deciliter 10 deciliters = liter 10 liters = dekaliter 10 dekaliters = hectoliter 10 hectoliters = kiloliter Square Measure 100 square millimeters = square centimeter 100 square centimeters = square decimeter 100 square decimeters = square meter 100 square meters = square dekameter 100 square dekameters = square hectometer 100 square hectometers = square kilometer Weights 10 milligrams = centigram 10 centigrams = decigram 10 decigrams = gram 10 grams = dekagram 10 dekagrams = hectogram 389 390 Appendix 20 10 hectograms = kilogram 100 kilograms = quintal 10 quintals = ton Cubic Measure 1000 cubic millimeters = cubic centimeter 1000 cubic centimeters = cubic decimeter 1000 cubic decimeters = cubic meter English and Metric Conversion Linear Measure centimeter = 0.3937 inch inch = 2.54 centimeters foot = 0.3048 meter meter = 39.37 inches/1.0936 yards yard = 0.9144 meter kilometer = 0.621 mile mile = 1.609 kilometers Square Measure square centimeter = 0.1550 square inch square inch = 6.452 square centimeters square foot = 0.0929 square meter square meter = 1.196 square yards square yard = 0.8361 square meter hectare = 2.47 acres acre = 0.4047 hectare square kilometer = 0.386 square mile square mile = 2.59 square kilometers Weight Measure gram = 0.03527 ounce ounce = 28.35 grams kilogram = 2.2046 pounds pound = 0.4536 kilogram Weights and Measurements metric ton = 0.98421 English ton English ton = 1.016 metric tons Volume Measure cubic centimeter = 0.061 cubic inch cubic inch = 16.39 cubic centimeters cubic foot = 0.0283 cubic meter cubic meter = 1.308 cubic yards cubic yard = 0.7646 cubic meter liter = 1.0567 quarts quart dry = 1.101 liters quart liquid = 0.9463 liter gallon = 3.78541 liters peck = 8.810 liters hecroliter = 2.8375 bushels 391 BIBLIOGRAPHY American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Joint Motion: Method of Measuring and Recording Chicago, Ill: AAOS; 1965 American Medical Association Guide to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment 3rd ed Chicago, Ill: AMA; 1988 Bantam Medical Dictionary New York, NY: Bantam Books Inc; 1982 Bottomley JM Quick Reference Dictionary for Physical Therapy Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Incorporated; 2000 Cantu RC Posttraumatic retrodgrade and anterograde amnesia: pathophysiology and implications in grading and safe return to play Journal of Athletic Training 2001; 36:3 Cantu RC Return to play guidelines after head injury Clin Sports Med 1998;17:45-60 Clemente CD Anatomy: A Regional Atlas of the Human Body Baltimore, Md: Urban & Schwarzenberg; 1987 Colorado Medical Society and Sports Medicine Committee Guidelines for the management of concussion in sports Colo Med 1990;87:4 Guskiewicz KM, Perrin DH Research and clinical applications of assessing balance Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 1996;5:45-63 Harmon KG Assessment and management of concussion in sports Am Fam Physician 1999;60:887-894 Hollinshead WH, Rosse C Textbook of Anatomy 4th ed Philadelphia, Pa: Harper Row Publ.; 1985 394 Bibliography Houglum PA Therapeutic Exercise for Athletic Injuries Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics; 2001 Jacobs K, Jacobs L Quick Reference Dictionary for Occupational Therapy 3rd ed Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Incorporated; 2001 Jenkins DB Hollinshead's Functional Anatomy of the Limbs and Back 7th ed Philadelphia, Pa: WB Saunders Co; 1998 Kapanji IA Physiology of the Joints Volumes and 2nd ed London, England: Churchill Livingstone; 1982 Kendall FP, McCreary EK, Provance PG Muscles: Testing and Function Baltimore, Md: Williams and Wilkins; 1993 Kettenbach G Writing SOAP Notes 2nd ed Philadelphia, Pa: FA Davis Co; 1990 King MA Core stability: creating a foundation for functional rehabilitation Athletic Therapy Today 2000; 5(2):613 King MA Functional stability for the upper quarter Athletic Therapy Today 2000; 5(2):17-21 Knight KL Guidelines for rehabilitation of sports injuries Clin Sports Med 1985;4:405-416 Kreighbaum E, Barthels KM Biomechanics: A Qualitative Approach for Studying Human Movement 3rd ed New York, NY: Macmillan; 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1996 Ray R Management Strategies in Athletic Training 2nd ed Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics; 2000 Riemann BL, Guskiewicz KM Relationship between clinical and forceplate measures of postural stability Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 1999; 8(2):1-7 Schultz SJ, Houglum PA, Perrin DH Assessment of Athletic Injuries Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics; 2001 Starkey C Therapeutic Modalities for Athletic Trainers Philadelphia, Pa: FA Davis; 1993 Starkey C, Ryan J Evaluation of Orthopedic and Athletic Injuries Philadelphia, Pa: FA Davis; 1996 Stedman's Concise Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions 3rd ed Baltimore, Md: Williams & Wilkins; 1997 Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary 19th ed Philadelphia, Pa: FA Davis; 2001 Vincent WJ Statistics in Kinesiology Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics; 1995 ... Leonard P Quick and Easy Terminology 2nd ed Philadelphia, Pa: WB Saunders; 1995) 20 8 Appendix Figure Anterior deep muscles (reprinted with permission from Leonard P Quick and Easy Terminology 2nd... V ✓ MCPs & 2: median n Median a Ulnar a / PIPs & DIPs & 4: ulnar n ✓ digit Action Muscles—Origin, Insertion, Action 22 7 Insertion Action Upper 2/ 3 of iliac fossa; iliac crest Ant part of outer... Piriformis Gluteus Medius Hip Muscle Muscles—Origin, Insertion, Action 22 9 Nerve Artery Tibial Tuberosity Proximal part of med surface of tibia Ant aspect of the shaft of the femur Lower 1 /2 of

Ngày đăng: 05/01/2023, 23:54