Levels 4 — 7
Simple sentences
e Word order in simple statements
- subject-verb-object e.g.: She likes apples
- subject-verb-adverb e.g.: He speaks slowly
- subject-verb-adjective e.g.: My bag is heavy
- subject-verb-prepositional phrase e.g.: He lives in London
Word order in instructions e.g.: Keep left there is/are + noun (+ prepositional phrase) yes/no questions: Do you know the address? Wh- questions: What time is it?
Question words what/who/where/how much/how many Contracted form of auxiliary
Imperatives and negative imperatives, e.g.: Stop! Don't touch! Noun Phrase
Regular and common irregular plurals of nouns, e.g days, books, men, women Very common uncountable nouns, e.g weather, traffic
Personal pronouns
Demonstratives, e.g this/that/these/those Determiners of quantity, e.g some/a lot of
Indefinite article a/an with singular countable nouns, e.g an apple, a pen Definite article the, e.g the floor, the door
Possessives: my/your/his/her, etc Verb forms and time markers in
statements, interrogatives, negatives and short forms e Simple present tense of
- be/have/do: | am from Vietnam
- common regular verbs: He works in the evening/ Do you like music?
e Have got - indicating possession: I've got a car e Present continuous
- of common regular verbs: watching TV
e Contracted forms of
- subject and auxiliary: We don't eat meat
- auxiliary and negative: They're having lunch
e Modals
- can + bare infinitive to express ability, e.g.: He can drive - would + like for requests, e.g.: She'd like some tea - use of on, off, in, out, e.g.: Switch the light off / Way out
Trang 2
e Common adjectives after “to be”, e.g hot/cold/young/new/old/good/bad Adverbs and prepositional phrases
¢ Common prepositions and prepositional phrases of place, e.g at home, on the left, on the table
Trang 4Intermediate High Level (500 — 595 TOEIC Score) is for the following personnel:
who can s *
Food & Beverage Server working in
= a3 star hotel (High English Standard) = a5 star hotel (Low English Standard) Front Desk Agent working in
= a4 star hotel (Low English Standard) Room Attendant working in
" a5 star hotel (High English Standard) Security Officer working in
= a5 star hotel (High English Standard) Tour Desk Agent (Low Standard)
initiate and maintain predictable face to face conversations, and satisfy limited social demands
Trang 5Level 8 & 9
TOEIC Total Score Range: 500 - 595
Performance Conditions: Learners at this stage of proficiency comprehend short face-to- face conversations and interactions Although they often speak with hesitation and rely on previously learned vocabulary words, learners at this stage can initiate and sustain short and lengthy conversation Extended communication typically consists of a series of short, familiar structures and reliance on repetition, gestures and other nonverbal cues to sustain conversations Listening communications consist of moderately short monologues and dialogues on familiar, routine topics that are face-to-face Learner’s speech rate is slow to normal Learners use the functions and accuracy of this and all previous levels
Performance Conditions: Learners at this stage of proficiency can comprehend the content of different types of short text Language in text is predominantly factual and literal Narratives that are biographical or descriptive are often related to personal experience Linguistic and stylistic means of expression remain simple and straightforward Learners use the functions and accuracy of this and all previous levels
Performance Conditions: Learner's at this stage of proficiency are able to express basic personal needs and compose passages on familiar, personally relevant topics, using vocabulary related to the functions, supporting grammar and mechanics for this level and the preceding levels At this level, personal narrative writing is a focus Basic vocabulary and structures in simple sentences and phrases are characteristic of learner writing at this level Errors in spelling and grammar are frequent and characteristic of language production at this stage Learners use the functions and accuracy of this and all previous levels
Trang 6
Level 8 -9 Intermediate High TOEIC Total Score Range: 500 - 595 General Description: Listening/Speaking: Reading/Writing: Employability:
Can understand most factual information and related discussions While more comfortable with familiar topics, can also derive meaning from general context and clues Demonstrates developing spontaneity in language production, expanded vocabulary base and accuracy level Can listen to and understand with greater facility face-to-face as well as non face-to-face communication Demonstrates beginning ability to circumlocute
Can read and interpret simplified and some authentic material on familiar subjects Is able to separate main ideas from text body At this level, reading vocabulary tends to be extensive Can write multiple- page documents that retain and communicate intended meaning Can ascertain meaning from writing rather than from words alone Can read words and numbers on simple charts; interpret a basic payroll stub; and complete a simple order form
Can handle jobs and/or training sessions that involve following basic oral and written instructions Still have difficulty understanding and interpreting graphs and diagrams
Proficiency Level Descriptors: Functions
e Provides detailed personal information (textual and numerical) not only about self but third parties as well
e Demonstrates ability to use descriptive words for both tangibles and non-tangibles e Follows multiple-step directions such as work instructions and directions
e Expresses preferences such as for food items, goods and colors Grammar and Accuracy
e Uses verbs in the interrogative, affirmative and negative forms of present, past and future tense
Uses various verbs and modal auxiliaries such as can, may, would like
Makes few errors with subject-verb agreement accurately Uses of prepositions and articles still faulty
Uses modifiers automatically
Uses simple punctuation (comma, exclamation point, apostrophe) Makes few to no mistakes with word order
Trang 7Level 8 - 9: Intermediate High TOEIC Total Score Range: 500 - 595 General Description: Content Indicators
Listening & Speaking:
Understands and uses simplified paragraph length speech with facility Handles non face-to-face communication with increased ease
Speaks with sufficient clarity with decreased need for repetition
Follows and gives directions and instructions with little need for clarification Understands communication on a wider range of topical areas
Has greater ability to deduct meaning from communication Demonstrates greater awareness of non-verbal cues in speech Answers questions dealing with content in written text
Derives accurate meaning from familiar graphs and charts Reading:
Writes using complex and compound structures, albeit with errors in articles, prepositions and verb form
Makes varied word choices based on increased breadth of vocabulary Incorporates various parts of speech appropriately
Locates and understand the main ideas and details in written material Uses real world clues to derive meaning from text
Trang 8Level 8
Intermediate High 1
TOEIC Total Score Range: 500 - 545
LISTENING and SPEAKING: Content and Accuracy Indicators ©e e e e ° Understands and uses sentence length speech dealing with familiar topics with little difficulty
Understanding and speech extends beyond immediate needs to events and topics such as news and local happenings
Derives meaning from descriptions delivered orally,
Often uses paragraph length speech and integrates time references correctly Sequences events in time and logical sequence
Demonstrates greater awareness of the sociolinguistic components in speech
Uses intonation appropriate to basic situations such as in making suggestions, asking questions and apologizing in most situations
Handles both face-to-face and non face-to-face communication without difficulty Follows and gives directions and instructions
READING: Content and Accuracy Indicators
Reads words and sentences with greater facility Uses appropriate punctuation in written material
Reads written instructions as well as directions and precautions such as on medicine labels, on work or factory signs and notices
Understands and follows technical manuals of a familiar context
Segments multiple-syllable words into individual units for ease of reading and pronunciation
Adds to limited vocabulary needed to express needs and preferences and to express likes and dislikes
Reads with understanding, feelings and emotions in text WRITING: Content and Accuracy Indicators
Often applies spelling and punctuation rules related to the grammar and mechanics of this level (e.g., plurals, third person singular, capitalization)
Trang 9Level 9
Intermediate High 2
TOEIC Total Score Range: 550 - 595
LISTENING and SPEAKING: Content and Accuracy Indicators
Demonstrates greater facility with understanding and producing paragraph length speech
Understands factual information Does not yet derive meaning from nuance and non- verbal cues
Uses paragraph length speech automatically rather than when pressed Sequences events in time and logical sequence
Demonstrates developing awareness of the sociolinguistic components in speech in order to use correct speech form
Uses intonation appropriate to normal and problematic situations such as in offering comments, apologizing to others or clarifying issues
Follows and gives directions and_ instructions without written support
READING: Content and Accuracy Indicators Reads unfamiliar text with increased facility
Reads written material in all forms, including electronic media Understands and uses common abbreviations
Understands and follows technical and work manuals
Reads and extracts information from newspapers, manuals, reports, journals
Misunderstands subject matter that is dependent on cultural knowledge outside realm of personal experience
WRITING: Content and Accuracy Indicators
Develops use of connected discourse in writing
Generally uses appropriate punctuation in written material Makes errors in use of low frequency structures
Takes simple notes on information presented orally Prepares basic summaries of factual and familiar material Writes most social correspondence with reasonable accuracy
Trang 10
Level 8 & 9
TOEIC Total Score Range: 500 — 595
Simple and compound sentences
e Word order in compound sentences, e.g.:
- subject-verb-(object) + and/but + subject-verb-(object)
- | work in a shop but my friend works in an office
there was/were/there is going to be
Clauses joined with conjunctions and/but/or A limited range of common verbs + -ing form Verb + infinitive with and without to, e.g.:
- We went shopping yesterday
- | want to buy some fruit
- [heard him come in
Wh- questions
Comparative questions Alternative questions
Question words when, what time, how often, why, how and expressions, - e.g Can you tell me
e Statements with question tags, using primary tenses, e.g.: - You arrived last year, didn't you?
e Statements with question tags, using primary tenses, e.g.: - You arrived last year, didn't you?
Noun phrase
e Countable and uncountable nouns,
- @.g roads, trees, houses; happiness, water, information Simple noun phrases, e.g a large red box
Object and reflexive pronouns, e.g.:
- | gave him my book
e Determiners of quantity - any, many, e.g.:
- Have you any oranges? We haven't many left
e Use of articles including:
- Definite article and zero article with uncountable nouns, e.g.: = Water is important for life
= The traffic is bad today
- Definite article with superlatives, e.g the best example
- Possessive s and possessive pronouns,
= e.g mine, yours Verb forms and time markers in
statements, interrogatives, negatives and short forms
Trang 11Simple present tense of:
¢ Regular transitive and intransitive verbs with frequency adverbs and phrases, e.g.:
- The children often eat apples
- They always go to school
- | see her every day
¢ Simple past tense of regular and common irregular verbs with time markers such as ago, e.g.:
- We went to the cinema yesterday
- | saw her two weeks ago
e Future time using:
- present continuous, e.g going to
- use of time markers, e.g next week, in two days' time, e.g
= We are meeting him at 6 o'clock I'm going to wash my hair tonight Modals and forms with similar meaning:
“Must” to express obligation
- “mustn't” to express prohibition
- “have to” “had to” - to express need
- “could” to make requests, e.g Could you?
- “couldn't” to express impossibility
e Use of simple modal adverbs: possibly, probably, perhaps e Very common phrasal verbs, e.g get on/off/up/down Adjectives
e Adjectives and adjective word order, e.g.: - A large black horse, a new red coat
¢ Comparatives, regular and common irregular forms, e.g good, better, wet, wetter, dark, darker
Adverbs and prepositional phrases
¢ Prepositions and prepositional phrases of place and time, e.g until tomorrow, by next week, by the river, at midnight, at once
e Adverbs and simple adverbial phrases including:
- sequencing: after that
- _ of time and place: in the morning, at the bus stop
- of frequency: always, sometimes
- of manner: carefully, quickly
s Word order with adverbs and adverbial phrases, e.g he always brought food to our house early in the morning
e Use of intensifiers, e.g really, quite, so Discourse
e Adverbs to indicate sequence - first, finally e Use of substitution, e.g | think so, | hope so
e Markers to structure spoken discourse, e.g Right Well
Trang 13Advance Low level (600 — 780 TOEIC Score) is for the following personnel: ** Food & Beverage Server working in
= a4 star hotel (High English Standard) * a5 star hotel (High English Standard) Front Desk Agent working in
= a3 star hotel (High English Standard) = 4 star hotel (High English Standard)
" 5 star hotel (Low & High English Standard) * Tour Guide (Low & High English Standard)
* Tour Desk Agent (High English Standard) So %
who can
“* satisfy routine social demands
% $ satisfy limited work requirements
* usually communicate effectively on topics relating to particular interest and special fields of competence
Trang 14
Level 10 & 11 ADVANCE LOW
Performance Conditions: Learners at this stage of proficiency comprehend relatively long face-to-face conversations and interactions They can initiate and sustain short and lengthy conversations Interactions are both face-to-face and non face-to-face, formal and informal Learners’ speech rate is normal They use the functions and accuracy of this and all previous levels and can deal with simple unexpected situations
Performance Conditions: Learners at this stage of proficiency can read fairly long texts of different genres which are written using relatively complex structures and syntax, vocabulary and grammar Learners use the functions and accuracy of this and all previous levels
Performance Conditions: Learners at this stage of proficiency are able to express fairly complex issues and compose paragraphs/ passages on topics relating to particular interests and special fields of competence They can use sufficient vocabulary related to the functions, supporting grammar and mechanics for this level and the preceding levels Errors in spelling and grammar are relatively few Learners use the functions and accuracy of this and all previous levels
Trang 15
Level 10 - 11 Advance Low TOEIC Total Score Range: 600 - 780 General Description: Listening/Speaking: Reading/Writing: Employability:
Can handle most uncomplicated, social situations in face-to-face and non face-to-face conversations Can deal with simple unexpected situations Generally use and respond to wh-questions and statements Demonstrate good comprehension and vocabulary in topics of immediate needs Likely to make errors in more complex patterns of speech Often has problems with certain sounds in certain positions Hesitate and changes subjects due to lack of language Can read, interpret longer documents (narration of events, routine announcements, and biographical information, report) into native language Translate longer texts into English Be able to get main ideas and locate routine information in more complex material Can produce detailed documents (meeting minutes, reports, business letters) Can give persuasive talks Can deal with more complex charts and tables Can present informative data with intended meaning Can satisfy routine social demands and limited work requirements Can usually communicate effectively on topics relating to particular interests and special fields of competence Can speak with confidence and can narrate but may lose this ability under pressure
Proficiency Level Descriptors: Functions
Provides detailed information related to special areas of interest and familiar topics Demonstrates good ability to control elementary vocabulary and basic structures Follows multiple-step directions and instructions
Give simple and multiple-step directions and instructions Express minimum courtesy, travel and safety requirements Grammar and Accuracy
Uses verbs in the interrogative, affirmative and negative forms of present, past and future tense
Uses various verbs and modal auxiliaries such as can, may, would like Control of subject-verb agreement
Uses modifiers
Uses simple punctuation (comma, exclamation point, apostrophe) and aware of more complicated punctuation (colon, semicolon, hyphen)
Makes few to no mistakes with word order in simple constructs Aware of and little developing contro! of collocation on occasion Uses of simple proverbs and idioms
Trang 16Level 10 - 11: Advance Low TOEIC Total Score Range: 600 - 780 General Description: Content Indicators
Listening & Speaking:
Understands and uses paragraph length speech with little facility
Understands and establishes communication on topics of particular interest and special fields of competence
Speaks with clarity and little need for clarification Handle non face-to-face communication with ease
Can read texts of different genres Can understand main ideas, details
Can derive meaning of new words from texts using knowledge of vocabulary and grammar
Can make fairly accurate inferences
Can write routine social correspondence and join sentences in simple discourse of at least several paragraphs in length on familiar topics
Can use complex and compound sentential structures with unfrequent mistakes in articles and/or prepositions
Can make varied word choices based on increased breadth of vocabulary
Demonstrates greater accuracy in using correct time references in connedte discourse
Trang 17
Level 10 Advance Low 1
TOEIC Total Score Range: 600 - 695
LISTENING and SPEAKING: Content and Accuracy Indicators
Should be able to understand a native speaker using a native dialect at normal rates of speech
With some difficulty should be able to understand a non native speaker using a non- standard dialect at slower than normal rates of speech
Should use verbal paragraphs, linking sentences smoothly
Speech should be understood by a native English listener without the need for repetition, but speech may need repetition when in conversation with a non-native listener of a lower ability
READING: Content and Accuracy Indicators
Should be able to read paragraph length factual straight-forward material
Should be able to read uncomplicated prose on familiar subjects presented in predictable sequence, descriptions of frequently occurring events, standard business letters, and simple technical material, such as operating instructions
Should be able to locate and understand main ideas and details of general reader material
Should be able to perform sorting and locating tasks within written texts beyond their basic level
Should be able to use context and real-world clues to understand job related or special interest material
WRITING: Content and Accuracy Indicators
Should be able to write in short, multiple paragraph length formats about concrete topics related to personal interests or special fields of competence
Should be able to write simply about current events and daily situations
Should be able to draft reports, when they relate to specific responsibilities of the job Should be able to produce most common formats, punctuation conventions and the most frequently used syntactic structure
Should be able to write quite accurately using the most elementary structures and produce simple circumlocutions
Trang 18References
Trang 19
Glossary of Terms
This glossary provides and explain linguistic terms that appear in this curriculum guide It is written for the purpose of making the curriculum guidelines more user- friendly by assisting teachers in understanding the curriculum guidelines as well as in preparing their lessons
For a possible glossary used in tourism, one might refer to VTOS manual for 13 occupations for further information
adjective a word that describes a noun; often answers the question “What kind of _?” (The big dog.)
adverb a word that describes a verb, an adjective or another adverb Some types of
adverbs are: a frequency - always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never; b manner - slowly, quickly, carefully, happily, sadly; c time - after, before, when, while, since, until
affirmative verb forms - regular or positive forms (| eat pizza He eats tacos.)
affix a meaningful form that is attached to a word to make a more complex word
(un + kind + ness); a word part that is added to a base word that changes the meaning or the part of speech; both prefixes and suffixes are affixes
analogue clock an analogue clock usually has 12 equal divisions around the
perimeter/circumference, labeled 1 to 12 to represent hours and sixty divisions to represent minutes
antonym aword of opposite meaning; ex hot and cold are antonyms
approximation a result that is not exact but sufficiently close to be useful in a practical context Verb: approximate Adverb: approximately
article — a function word that specifies whether a noun is definite (the) or indefinite (a,
authentic material - material (aural, oral, written, visual) that is actually used in a situation, usually the same as a native speaker would use (application forms,
newspaper clippings and articles, radio programs, news broadcasts) autobiography a biography of a person told or written by him/herself
auxiliary verb a verb that accompanies another verb and is used to express person, number, mood, or tense (ex: is, were, can, do, doesn’t, should, have)
auxiliary verbs or helping verbs such as will, shall, may, might, can, could, must, ought to, should, would, used to, need are used in conjunction with main verbs to express shades of time and mood
basic features of a text - the different parts of a book: title page, contents page, glossary, index
basic personal information - name, address, city, state, zip, phone number, age, nationality, marital status, social security number
basic survival situations - situations that require the use of the language to communicate the wants, needs and desires of the student, such as talking to the landlord,
Trang 21child's teacher, people at the store, the boss, others at work, emergency services, doctors
biography the story of a persons life as told or written by someone else
capacity _ volume, i.e a measure in three-dimensional space, applied to liquids, materials that can be poured, or containers Units include cubic centimeters (cm3), cubic meters (m3)
cardinal number a counting number Example one, two, three, etc characters - the actors in a story
circumlocution the use of more words than is necessary to express an idea: finding another way to say something using known vocabulary; to talk around a subject
colloquial speech - used in familiar and/or informal conversation or writing combined events a set of independent events with a single outcome
common an adjective used to describe units, instruments, measures, date formats, etc that are widely used in everyday life in non-specialist contexts
complex sentence a sentence consisting of more than one clause, especially including a dependent clause, "The man who is walking down the street is my father." compound sentence two complete sentences joined with a conjunction, Either you will
learn it now or you will learn in a year from now
conditionals (if clauses) - forms used to state a cause and effect event or situation; state a situation that will cause a particular result Present/future real or Conditional 1 is used when the action of the if-clause is probable If + present, will + root form of the verb /f it rains, | will go home early Present/future unreal or Conditional 2 is used when the action of the if-clause is improbable or unlikely If + past, would (could, should) + root form of the verb /f / had a million
dollars, | would quit my job Past/unreal or Conditional 3 is used when the action of the if-clause is impossible If + past perfect, would have + past participle of the verb /f / had grown to 10 feet, | would have had a lucrative NBA contract
conjunction - a word used to join thoughts: and, but, or, however
content or context clues - information found in the material that helps decide the meaning of a word or phrase cultural allusion - implied reference to a specific culture; something that is generally known within a culture data information of a quantitative nature consisting of counts or measurements Singular: datum
decimal relating to base ten Most commonly used synonymously with decimal
Trang 22fraction, where the number of tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc are represented as digits following a decimal point
decode use various strategies (phonics, content or context clues, root word, ) to
find a meaning or pronunciation for a word The reader locates cues such as letter-sound correspondences in a word that reveal enough about it to help in pronunciation or attaching meaning to it
degrees of comparison used with adjectives and adverbs positive or simple form of the modifier expresses no comparison comparative - the -er, or more/less form of the word represents an increase or decrease of the positive form; it is used to make a specific comparison between two things (He is bigger than she She is more talkative than her friend He drives more quickly than others.)
demonstrative a word that indicates a particular thing or things that are near or far; includes demonstrative adjectives (this girl, those apples) or demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those)
derivation - formation of a word from a related word base, or the identification of a word’s historic origin
descriptive passage - a brief written account describing something
dialogue- usually a formalized or directed conversation focusing on a specific language
form using authentic situations The process by which the listening/speaking, reading, writing, functions, grammar and mechanics of the English language are taught to adults who speak languages other than English
digit — one of the symbols of a number system, most commonly the symbols 0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 The position of the digits conveys place value
digital clock a digital clock is usually a 24-hour clock It displays the time as hours and minutes past midnight: for example, four-thirty in the afternoon is displayed as 16:30
embedded questions - used when questions begin with, “Do you know .” “Could you tell me” Sentences containing embedded questions will change word order (Do you know when the movie starts? Could you tell me where the bank is?) ESL/ESOL - English as a Second Language or English for Speakers of Other Languages
ESOL identifies who our learners are
expository to explain or convey information, explanatory; tell how to; tell purpose extemporaneous - not planned before, impromptu
Trang 23familiar - information the student has learned from previous lessons or knows from life experience vs unfamiliar- new subject or topic for student, no previous teaching or lessons
fluency - how fluid the language is; the natural flow of the language-effortless, smooth
and rapid; read and /or speak with ease, expression and automatically in a manner that supports comprehension
functional text - written material with a special purpose
gerund - the -ing form of the verb that is used as a noun(sitting, eating, talking)
group or pair work - when students work in pairs or small groups to practice skills, such as a dialogue, describing something, asking for information
habitual past - see TENSES
homographs words that are spelled alike but are different in meaning and pronunciation (the noun conduct and the verb conduct; or the noun lead and the verb lead) homonym - spelled and pronounced alike but different in meaning [pool (to combine), and
pool (such as a swimming pool)}
homophones - pronounced alike but different in meaning and spelling (son/sun; ewe/you) idiom or idiomatic expression - a sequence of words that is a single unit of meaning
different from what the words actually say, usually understandable within a particular culture, language or group of people (kick the bucket = die) imperative - see TENSES
infer (inference) - guess, surmise, suggest, conclude or derive a conclusion
inflection - change in voice or pitch during speech; a change in the form of a word
indicating grammatical features such as number, person or tense informational text - written material that gives information to the reader
interpret- gather the information correctly from the material; explain and understand the
interrogative verb forms - question forms (Are you married? Do you eat pizza?) intonation - the contrastive use of pitch in speech
irregular formation - forms that do not align with the rules
jargon - the technical language of a special field
language functions - the different ways the language can be used such as greeting, describing, giving directions, expressing emotions, clarifying, checking, making excuses
main ideas - the central topics or point
mechanics - punctuation, capitalization and other rules of writing, spelling, vocabulary use
Trang 24
modals auxiliaries that describe mood or ability (can, could, may, might, should, will, would, must, ought) Modal verbs are used to express ideas such as
possibility, intention, obligation and necessity
monitor - to watch, check, guide, observe and assist
narrative passage - a brief recitation of details of a story or a series of events in either written or oral format
negative verb forms - forms that say "no" (I don't eat tacos He didn't eat pizza.)
noun a person, place, thing, idea or concept a.) countable nouns that can be
counted (dog, dogs) and take many b.) uncountable nouns that can't be counted They use a singular verb or take much (The air is humid The water is cold This tea has too much sugar.) c.) collective nouns that name a group of people or things as one unit They can be singular or plural (family/families, band/bands, team, public) (The team is on its way to victory This family has four members The families of the team members are at the airport)
numeral a symbol used to denote a number
numerals - numbers
ordinal number a term that describes a position within an order, e.g first, second, third, fourth, twentieth, etc
paraphrase to state the same idea in a different way or with different words; to reword passage - a brief portion or section of a reading
passive voice - the form used when the action is more important than who did it or it is understood who did it (John built the house in 1955 (active) vs This house was built in 1955.(passive) Mary can solve the problem vs The problem can be solved.) Formed by using some form of the verb “to be” and the past participle of the main verb
Phoneme the smallest unit of sound within a word that distinguishes one word from another; ex fat vs bat /f] and [b] are phonemes
Phonemic awareness the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate the individual sounds in speech
phonetically decode - use information about the sound/symbol correspondence to understand and pronounce a new word while reading
Phonics _ the study of the relationship between letters and the sounds they represent phonological cues - pronunciation patterns as well as stress and intonation patterns for
words and sentences
Trang 25pitch - the highness or lowness of a sound
plot - the main story line
possessive - a word that indicates ownership a adjective - my, your, his, her, their b pronoun - mine, yours, his, hers, theirs c ‘s — John’s, the cat’s
prefix - an affix that is added to the beginning of a word to alter meaning (unhappy)
prepositions connecting word; a word that shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to some other word in the sentence a time - in, on, at /’ll see you at 3:00 on the first Sunday in May b place - in, on, at, between, under, over, etc The book is on the table, between the lamps
pre-reading activities - activities that help the student to comprehend the reading material by explaining the vocabulary, discussing the major point or ideas, going over grammar points, author's point of view, etc
pre-teach- — teacher teaches the vocabulary, grammar point or subject matter before actual activity takes place
prompt - to assist the student in starting to speak or write, or correcting their speech by
indicating errors and/or by making suggestions
pronouns - word used to take the place of a noun a.) subject - |, you, he, she, it, we, they b.) object- me, you, him, her, it, us, them c.) possessive- mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs d.) demonstrative- this, that, these, those
e.) indefinite - all, any, both, each, either, everyone, many, none, several f.) reflexive- myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, themselves reported speech - used to report what someone has said (She said that she watched TV
every night.)
rhythm - the perceived regularity of prominent syllables during speech
role play - _ situation activity where each student is given a role to play, can be general role (student, salesperson, reporter) or specific (Michael Jackson, John Wayne, Madonna)
roots - the base form of a word (mean, meaning, meaningful, meaningfulness)
sequence a succession of terms formed according to a rule, in which there is a definite relation between one term and the next and between each term and its position in the sequence
setting - the place where a story takes place, background, scenery
simple an adjective applied to numbers, information, diagrams, charts, etc that make
limited demands on the learner
simplify to make less complicated; to use easier, more familiar or shorter words
small talk - everyday conversations of minor importance, such as asking about health,
work, school, family, the weather, sports
Trang 26
sound out - to use phonics to decode a word
straightforward describes information, subjects and materials that learners often meet in their work, studies or other activities
stress - the degree of force with which a syllable is uttered Syllables may be stressed
or unstressed in varying degrees
structural analysis - determine the different types of words (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) the parts of words (prefix, suffix, endings, root)
subject pronouns - see PRONOUNS
substantial activity an activity that includes a number of related tasks, where the results of one task will affect the carrying out of the others
suffix -an aff ix that is added to the end of a word to alter meaning (blissful)
summarize - to state the main points or topics briefly
superlative — the, - est, or -most/least - form of the word indicates the greatest (or least) degree among three or more things (She is the most talkative student in the class He drives the fastest of all the racers.)
supporting details - the examples that reinforce the main idea
syllabication - the division of words into syllables; division of a word into small parts Not dependent on meaning
synonym - word that has the same or similar meaning as the given word
tag question - a question added at the end of a sentence usually to make sure information is correct (He is from Mexico, isn't he?)
TENSE the characteristic of a verb that indicates time
future tense - the tense that is used for future actions a WILL - for uncertainty and offers -Maybe | will go to Hawaii on my next vacation b GOING TO- for known or somewhat planned actions - | am going to Hawaii in June with my family
future perfect tense - the tense that is used for actions that will continue up to a time in the future (I will have been in Phoenix for 35 years in May.)
future perfect progressive (continuous) tense - the tense that is used to state the duration of an action that will be in progress before another time in the future (I will have been sleeping for 2 hours by the time he gets home.)
future progressive tense - the tense that is used for stating what will be happening at a certain time in the future (At 10:30 tomorrow he will be working.) habitual past - the tense that is used for describing actions that were a regular
occurrence in the past Uses both used to and would (I used to wake up late | would wake up late every day
HG «# Developed by liG Vietnam — ETS Couniry Representative
Trang 27imperative verb form - command (Sit down!)
past tense - the tense that is used for completed actions in the past (| ate the pizza yesterday He went to the movies last night.)
past perfect tense - tense that is used for an action that happened before another past action (When | arrived, they had already eaten.)
past perfect progressive (continuous) tense - the tense that is used to say how long something had been happening before something else (They had been playing for 30 minutes when the storm hit.)
past progressive (continuous) tense - the tense that is used for actions that were happening at a certain time (I was eating when you called They were working at 2:30 yesterday afternoon.)
present tense - the tense that is used for every day, usual and habitual actions (I eat pizza on Friday He often eats tacos.)
present perfect tense - the tense that is used for the unfinished past or the action that started in the past and continues till the present (I have lived in Canada since 1964 He has been in class for two months.)
present perfect progressive - the tense that is used to state the duration of an action that began in the past and continues to the present (I have been sitting here since 7 I've been thinking of you all day.)
present progressive (continuous) tense - the tense that is used for at the moment or temporary actions (| am typing right now | am reading a book about world languages.)
tone - the overall feeling or effect created by the pitch, rhythm, volume and/or choice
of words
word/sentence boundaries - the spaces and punctuation that mark the beginning and ending of words and sentences in written format
vocabulary the words of a given language; list of words for students to learn, group of words used in relation to a subject
This word list is made up of English words that are frequently used in tourism It is specially sorted by the six occupations: room attendant, front desk agent, food and beverage server, travel desk agent, security officer, and tour guide This list is provided in relation with the positions in the benchmark and the English proficiency levels in the curriculum
This word list is a powerful reference for teachers to use in choosing or designing their lessons In particular, it serves as a checklist for teachers in teaching vocabulary These words are suggested to be frequently used during the training of the students targeting at these six occupations The advantage of this is getting students familiar with words that are most likely to appear in their future job
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