Mrs D Powell www baildontowncouncil gov uk Minutes of the Environment Committee meeting held in the Baildon Library, Hallcliffe, BD17 6ND on Tuesday 31st July 2018 at 7 30pm Present Cllrs P Ashton, G[.] Minutes of the Environment Committee meeting held in the Baildon Library, Hallcliffe, BD17 6ND on Tuesday 31st July 2018 at 7.30pm Present: Cllrs P Ashton, G Dixon, L Ware In attendance: Louanna Winch Town Clerk, Mark Scrimshaw, Environmental Warden, Richard White Bracken Hall Kathy Andrews, Nick Milson Aire Rivers Trust Cllr Joe Ashton attended the meeting from 20:45 hours ENV1819/22 Chairs opening remarks Cllr Lynne Ware stated that due to Cllr J Ashton being delayed she would be chairing the meeting ENV1819/23 Apologies for absence Cllr David Robertshaw and Cllr Joe Ashton ENV1819/24 Councillors attending but not a Committee member Cllr John Turner (BHS agenda item) ENV1819/25 Disclosures of interest Cllr Lynne Ware, Governor of Shipley College ENV1819/26 Minutes of the previous Environment Committee meeting Proposed by Cllr P Ashton, seconded by Cllr G Dixon, and resolved with amendment, to approve the minutes of the meeting of the Environment Committee held on Tuesday 5th of June 2018 ENV1819/27 Public participation in accordance with SO’s Kathy Andrews spoke about the Dewhurst Road play area, which was refurbished approx years ago, she produced a report from this period re the refurbishment of the play area Handrails require replacement and painting and seating is required in the play area The Hoyle Court area has expanded significantly in the last years, with growth of residency numbers, including children She requested a review of the area and how it could be improved She also commented about the graffiti on the Charlestown Shops Nick Milsom spoke about the Aire Rivers Trust and the projects they are currently running DNAire, a project to improve the water and increase the number of Salmon in the river River Aire care, walks, art competitions, clean ups and planting etc Projects are suitable for all ages He also discussed stem injection to kill Giant hogweed, and other plants which damage the river Date of document: 10th August 2018 Signed…………………………………………… Meeting date: 31 st July 2018 Date…………………………… Page of Baildon Town Council Environment Committee Cllr John Turner spoke about issues which have arisen at the Charlestown Allotment, and the noise of cockerels keeping residents awake Environmental Health officers have attended the site to speak to the complainant and representatives of the BHS A compromise was offered re the situation, which stated that the cockerels would be kept in between the hours of 9am – 8am each day The Allotment Act of 1950 states that only hens and rabbits should be kept on an allotment site ENV1819/28 Response to Public Participation Kathy Andrews – Cllr P Ashton responded, 18 months ago BTC spoke to the Technical officers at BDMC re the play area They stated that at present there is no room in the Hoyle Court area for further play equipment They will not install adult exercise play equipment due to a change in the law A picnic bench being situated in the area could be requested in the area ACTION - Request that the Clerk brings a report to the next meeting re the possibility of a picnic bench in the area and other repairs and solutions Nick Milsom – Cllr L Ware responded by asking about safety issues for those volunteering on the site The clean ups at present not include going into the water, as debris is around the bank edge All risk assessments are conducted prior to any public facing event John Turner – Cllr P Ashton responded, by stating that there are two issues to attend to The noise abatement and the legal nature of poultry being kept on the site BDMC are responsible for the noise abatement, however, there needs to be further discussion re the enforcement of the local agreements with BHS ENV1819/29 Baildon Horticultural Society Members were not present ENV1819/30 Important information from councillors and staff Cllr P Ashton reported that Dave McDougall from Litter Free Baildon, has asked if there have ever been a report on the car park at The Eaves car park when it is most used etc, due to the volume of litter in the area Could a strategy be developed to combat the issues? Also, can the Litter Free Baildon campaign be further advertised by BTC ENV1819/31 Response to important information from councillors and staff Cllr Dixon discussed the enforcement options in the area around dropping of litter and who acts as an Enforcement Agency in the area Mark Scrimshaw stated that the Police have been asked to attend the area and conduct enforcement, but none have been conducted ACTION: a request to be sent to the Community Safety Committee to request that this issue is brought up as an agenda at their next meeting Cllr Vasey is requested to attend the next Environment meeting to report ENV1819/32 Clerk’s report The Clerk reported that abatement notices were due to be served on some of the Charlestown Allotment holders, due to excessive noise from cockerels on the plots, which Date of document: 10th August 2018 Signed………………………………… Meeting date: 31st July 2018 Date…………………… Page of Baildon Town Council Environment Committee were adjacent to Venice Mews There had been discussions with BHS who were working with BDMC Environmental Health officers ENV1819/33 Environmental Wardens report It was reported that the path maintenance in the area had been conducted by Bradford Works There have been some communication difficulties, but this was being pursued by the Warden Feedback is required by the management of the team to let the warden or clerk know when work has been completed in the area There are some working at height issues to address and who can complete this type of maintenance in the area Cllr G Dixon proposed, seconded by Cllr L Ware and resolved to request a report by the Clerk on the work conducted by Bradford works as detailed below; Itemises clearly on a month by month basis the work done (hours and number of workers) Describes, with before and after photos if possible, what work has been undertaken as above Provides a full financial expenditure report, which aligns with - ie month by month analysis Provides clear and current information about the current contract and terms, and the duration of the contract Learning review - after six months operation, what has been learnt about this arrangement and how can it be improved Baildon in Bloom have asked for a water tap to be fitted to the outside of the toilets to allow them access for filling their water trolleys This item will be referred to the next Economy Committee in October 2018 A company in Keighley have been recommended by Iron Octopus re the restoration of the iron railings at the Tong Park War memorial This requires a mobile furnace and enquiries have been sent through to the company ACTION: Cllr Dixon to make enquiries into the feasibility of a local history day relating to the second world war with Tish and Mike Lawson of Baildon Historical Society ENV1819/34 Deferred items from the previous Committee meeting Bracken Hall Sub Committee update – Richard White reported that the Sub-Committee will meet on Friday the 3rd of August Some important issues recently raised, included the management of the garden, and the broader Shipley Glen experience Efficiency savings – Cllr J Ashton reported that there is a budget line titled General This item will be deferred to the next agenda, with input from the RFO requested Woodland management plan – Fairbank wood – It was agreed that a site visit would take place on the 10am on the 24th of August for Councillors ENV1819/35 Baildon Plan Proposed by Cllr P Ashton seconded by Cllr G Dixon, and resolved to make the following recommendations to Cllr Flecknoe for inclusion in the Baildon Plan update; Amend - Continue to support Bracken Hall Countryside Centre Amend - Maintaining and improving play areas Amend - Protecting and enhancing public and green spaces Amend - Encouraging recycling Date of document: 10th August 2018 Signed………………………………… Meeting date: 31st July 2018 Date…………………… Page of Baildon Town Council Environment Committee Add - Working with partners to enhance and sustain Baildon Moor Add - Work with others to improve the River Aire in Baildon and maintain its tributaries Add - Encouraging and supporting reduction, reuse and recycling of materials including plastics Remove - Reducing Baildon’s carbon footprint Other questions remain unchanged ENV1819/36 Former telephone boxes Noted the transfer of ownership Proposed by Cllr J Ashton, seconded by Cllr P Ashton and resolved to delegate a budget of £1K from the litter bin/ street furniture budget to lock off the boxes, re-glaze and paint the boxes Defer all further to the next meeting of the committee ENV1819/37 Bench restoration An email was received from a local resident who has privately restored the public bench outside her home She requested that the Council looks at the feasibility of private funding to restore other benches in the area Proposed by Cllr P Ashton seconded by Cllr L Ware and resolved that a fully costed proposal from Cllr J Ashton to be prepared over the summer period ENV1819/38 Income generation Deferred to the next meeting ENV1819/39 Promotional opportunities Denso Marston River Aire ENV1819/40 Items for future agenda • Hoyle Court Play area – report from the Clerk • Economy Agenda October – Baildon in Bloom tap to be fitted to the public toilets • Local History Day – Cllr Dixon • Local Telephone boxes • Bench restoration • Efficiency savings • Bradford Works – report • Income generation • Fairbank Wood • Bowling Green ENV1819/41 Next meeting date The next meeting of the Environment Committee will be on Tuesday 30th October at 7.30pm in Baildon Library Town Clerk Tel (01274) 593169 Email: Date of document: 10th August 2018 Signed………………………………… Meeting date: 31st July 2018 Date…………………… Page of ... reported that there is a budget line titled General This item will be deferred to the next agenda, with input from the RFO requested Woodland management plan – Fairbank wood – It was agreed that... sustain Baildon Moor Add - Work with others to improve the River Aire in Baildon and maintain its tributaries Add - Encouraging and supporting reduction, reuse and recycling of materials including plastics... update – Richard White reported that the Sub-Committee will meet on Friday the 3rd of August Some important issues recently raised, included the management of the garden, and the broader Shipley