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    • 1. Text-linking means:

    • 2. The article:

    • 3. Vocabulary:

    • 4. Sentence structure:

    • 5. Tense:

    • 6. Translation strategies:

    • 1. Text-linking means:

    • 2. The article:

    • 3. Vocabulary:

    • 4. Sentence structure:

    • 5. Tense:

    • 6. Translation strategies:

Nội dung

Translation is considered to be a difficult work because of the different elements in various languages and the translator has to have a solid command of the language in order to generate an accurate translation version. Therefore, the purpose of analysis task is to reveal a fantastic chance to review some basic and fundamental linguistic information. This research is going to look into and analyze some language elements in translating the source language (SL) into the target language (TL). The two languages used in this study are English and Vietnamese.

Hue University Hue University Of Foreign Languges And International Studies English Deparment  FINAL ASSIGNMENT LANGUAGE AWARENESS Intrustor: Trương Bạch Lê Student: Nguyễn Anh Thư Student ID: 19F7511540 Hue - 12/ 2022 TABLE OF CONTENT Introduction Page Chapter I: English Vietnamese text Page Analyzing Page Chapter II: Vietnamese  English text Page 10 Analyzing Page 13 Chapter III: Conclusion Page 17 Reference Page 18 INTRODUCTION Translation is considered to be a difficult work because of the different elements in various languages and the translator has to have a solid command of the language in order to generate an accurate translation version Therefore, the purpose of analysis task is to reveal a fantastic chance to review some basic and fundamental linguistic information This research is going to look into and analyze some language elements in translating the source language (SL) into the target language (TL) The two languages used in this study are English and Vietnamese This assignment has two main chapters In the first chapter, we are going to read English – Vietnamese translation and analyze some language elements In the second chapter, it will be Vietnamese – English translation and its language elements analysis CHAPTER 1: ENGLISH – VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION Source language Target language ENGLISH VIETNAMESE Matilda (Roald Dahl), page 86-87, published by Matilda – Cơ bé nghịch ngợm (translated by PUFFIN BOOKS Gió), page 38 Source language Target language (1) When Miss Honey emerged from the (1) Khi Honey khỏi văn phịng Headmistress's study, most of the children were hiệu trưởng, bọn trẻ sân chơi outside in the playground (2) Her first move (2) Cô tới chỗ giáo viên khác dạy lớp was to go round to the various teachers who lớn mượn họ vài sách giáo khoa, taught the senior class and borrow from them a sách toán học, sách tiếng Pháp sách number of text-books, books on algebra, tiếng Anh (3) Rồi cô tìm Matilda, gọi bé geometry, French, English Literature and the vào Cơ nói: like (3) Then she sought out Matilda and called her into the classroom (4) "There is no point", she said, "in you sitting in class doing nothing while I am teaching the rest of the form the two-times table and how to spell cat and rat and mouse (5) So (4) - Trong lúc cô dạy bạn bảng cửu during each lesson I shall give you one of these chương dạy đánh vần mèo, text-books to study (6) At the end of the lesson chuột, em khơng thể ngồi chơi (5) you can come up to me with your questions if Vậy, lần dạy học, phát sách you have any and I shall try to help you (7) giáo khoa để em đọc (6) Cuối giờ, em How does that sound?" hỏi cô câu hỏi em có giúp em (7) Thấy nào? (8) "Thank you, Miss Honey," Matilda said (9) "That sounds fine." (10) "I am sure," Miss Honey said, "that we'll be able to get you moved into a much higher form later on, but for the moment the Headmistress wishes you to stay where you are." (11) "Very well, Miss Honey," Matilda said (12) "Thank you so much for getting those (8) - Cảm ơn cô Honey (9) Được (10) - Cô tin đưa em lên học lớp cao hơn, lúc này, hiệu trưởng muốn em lại books for me." (13) What a nice child she is, Miss Honey thought (14) I don't care what her father said about her, she seems very quiet and gentle to me (15) And not a bit stuck up in spite of her (11) - Tốt lắm, cô Honey (12) Cám ơn cô kiếm sách cho em brilliance (16) In fact she hardly seems aware of it (17) So when the class reassembled, Matilda went to her desk and began to study a text-book on geometry which Miss Honey had given her (18) The teacher kept half an eye on her all the time and noticed that the child very soon became deeply absorbed in the book (19) She never glanced up once during the entire lesson (13) Cô Honey nghĩ: bé dễ thương (14) Mình chẳng cần biết cha nói nào, thấy trầm lặng lễ phép (15) (16) Nó khơng ngạo mạn, thơng minh, khơng biết điều (17) Khi lớp bắt đầu học, Matilda bàn bé ngồi bắt đầu đọc Hình Học mà Honey đưa (18) Cơ ln để mắt tới nó, thấy rằng, chẳng chốc bé bị (20) Miss Honey, meanwhile, was making hút vào sách (19) Suốt học, another decision (21) She was deciding that she chẳng ngước mắt nhìn lên dù would go herself and have a secret talk with lần Matilda's mother and father as soon as possible (22) She simply refused to let the matter rest where it was (23) The whole thing was ridiculous (24) She couldn't believe that the parents were totally unaware of their daughter's remarkable talents (25) After all, Mr Wormwood was a successful motor-car dealer so she presumed that he was a fairly intelligent man himself (26) In any event, parents never underestimated the abilities of their own children (27) Quite the reverse (28) Sometimes it was well nigh impossible for a teacher to convince the proud father or mother that their beloved offspring was a complete nitwit (29) Miss Honey felt confident that she would have no difficulty in convincing Mr and Mrs Wormwood that Matilda was something very special indeed (30) The trouble was going to be to stop them from getting over-enthusiastic (20) Lúc này, cô Honey nảy định khác (21) Cơ định tới có trị chuyện bí mật với bố mẹ Matilda sớm tốt (22) Cô không muốn để vấn đề giậm chân chỗ (23) Toàn câu chuyện thật kỳ cục (24) Cơ khơng tin bố mẹ bé hồn tồn chẳng biết tới tài đặc biệt gái họ (25) Sau cùng, ông Wormwood người buôn bán xe thành đạt, hẳn ông phải người lịch (26) Thông thường, bậc bố mẹ không đánh giá thấp khả (27) Mà hoàn toàn ngược lại (28) Đơi giáo viên khó mà thuyết phục cho ơng bố bà mẹ đầy tự hào biết cục cưng họ đứa bé ngốc nghếch (29) Cơ Honey tin chẳng khó khăn báo cho ơng bà Wormwood biết Matilda bé đặc biệt (30) Chỉ cịn vấn đề, ngăn cho họ khỏi vui mừng thái Link source text: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzgyqTnGcjVNRUhkeFRLR0w1QVE/view? usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-S0HeXRAbL7yz8BBj7FAFug Link target text: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iTg66BFke6v5MZg8o6TOMBe3KR9EURmN/v iew?usp=sharing ANALYZING Text-linking means: In general, the author often uses the word “and” in the English version to make a complex sentence with two clauses and add more details And in the Vietnamese paragraph, it is translated into “và” For example, the word “and” in sentence (2), (6), (18), (21) In contrast, the word “and” in sentence (15) is used to add opposite details to the previous sentence, and is translated into “mặc dù” In sentence (10), the author uses “but” to link an opposite clause to the sentence to make a complex sentencce, which is translated into “nhưng” Besides, some adverbs are used to make the sentences meaning clearly and connect them together such as “when”, “then”, “meanwhile”, “after all” are translated literally into “khi”, “rồi”, “lúc này”, “sau cùng” Also, the author uses “in fact” at the beginning of sentence (16) to support the previous sentence and make it more detailed, in Vietnamese version, the translator uses “hình như” when she connect sentence (15) and (16) together Moreover, the word “so” is translated into “vậy” to indicate to conclusion idea of the speaker in the text The author also uses relative pronuon “who”, which is omitted, not really translated The article: The paragraph contains two different types of articles, including "a/an" and "the." Nonetheless, the articles in Vietnamese are often translated unclearly In sentence (2), (10), (21), (25) (28), the article “a” is omitted, not translated However, in sentence (17), the translator uses “một” in place of article “a” In sentence (1), (10), “the” is used to indicate a specific person in school The word “the” in sentence (3), (6) and (17) refers to the classroom that the author has described before In the target text, most articles beginning with "the" are eliminated The article is not translated because doing so would be unnecessary given the context of the extract in Vietnamese and this work could result in a natural translation in Vietnam For example, in sentence (22) “She simply refused to let the matter rest where it was”, the Vietnamese is “Cô không muốn để vấn đề giậm chân chỗ” Vocabulary: Because the readers of this story are mostly children, the vocabulary used is simple, not too difficult and the words in the book are common daily words Besides, the author frequently uses straightforward, commonplace, and easy-tounderstand vocabulary Therefore, the book is also a suitable alternative source for people who want to learn or read foreign-language works without too much trouble Each word is alos placed logically Most words are used with the first meaning in the dictionary, so readers can easily convey the meaning However, some words in the English version are used to show the situation that the translator does not use its first meaning or omits it For example, “emerged” in sentence (1) is translated into “ra khỏi”, “her first move” in sentence (2) is omitted The author also uses some phrasal verbs that readers should search them on the Internet These words can help readers improve their vocabulary skills For example: “sought out” = find, “keep half an eye on” = pay attention to, “glanced up” = look up Sentence structure: This text includes both long compound sentences and short simple sentences Therefore, when translated, there is a change in the number of sentences, the translaator has combined single sentences to create a complex sentence that is easier to understand for readers Almost compound sentences in the text have many clauses and are translated literally keeping the structure in target text Sentence from (4) to (12) are the dialogues of the characters, and are also translated literally and the speaker introduction is omitted, for example “Matilda said” and “Miss Honey said” Sentence (15) and (16) are simple sentence in the target version, then in Vietnamese version, the translator combines them into one sentence Additionally, sentences (19), (20), (22), (23), and (30) are simple sentences The structure of these sentences is quite simple They are all kept the original type and structure because none of them are too complicated Tense: In the English version, this is a story-telling text, so the author uses majority past simple tense and present tense in the dialogue However, the signals between the past tense and present tense in the Vietnamese version are unclear while the text is indicating the past events For example, in source text, in sentence (17) “So when the class reassembled, Matilda went to her desk and began to study a text-book on geometry which Miss Honey had given her.” is translated into “Khi lớp bắt đầu học, Matilda bàn bé ngồi bắt đầu đọc Hình Học mà Honey đưa.” in Vietnamese version When translating the verbs in past tense, the translator does not use the word “đã” to give the reader a real vision and motion in the context of the story On the other hand, the word “shall” in present tense in sentence (5) and (6) is translated clearly in Vietnamese into “sẽ” Translation strategies: 6.1 10 micro strategies in Cragie & Pattison, 2018, pp 66-70: Direct transfer of an SL item into the TL (this involves preserving the item in its original form, without any 10 modification) Calque (literal translation of the SL word or phrase in the TL) Direct equivalence of an SL item in the TL (one-to-one SL/TL match) Cultural equivalent (different words in the SL and TL for the same concept/reference) Synonymy (synonym or near-synonym) Sense translation (untranslatable or non-viable SL item rendered by a neutral TL form) Expansion or paraphrase (explanation of the SL item in the TL) Reduction (simplification and shortening of the SL item in the TL) Grammatical / syntactic change (change of form or structure between the SL and TL) 10 Compensation (the loss of meaning that occurs in translation is compensated for elsewhere in the TT) 6.2 Some micro strategies were used in translating the elements above: Direct transfer - Miss Honey = cô Honey - Mr Wormwood = ông Wormwood Direct equivalence - Decision = định - Trouble = vấn đề - Reverse = ngược lại Cultural equivalent - text-books = sách giáo khoa Reduction - "Very well, Miss Honey," Matilda said = Tốt lắm, cô Honey Grammatical/ syntactic change 11 - And not a bit stuck up in spite of her brilliance In fact she hardly seems aware of it = Nó khơng ngạo mạn, thơng minh, khơng biết điều - She never glanced up once during the entire lesson = Suốt học, chẳng ngước mắt nhìn lên dù lần 12 CHAPTER 2: VIETNAMESE – ENGLISH TRANSLATION Source language Target language VIETNAMESE ENGLISH Số đỏ (VŨ TRỌNG PHỤNG), page 35 Dumb luck (translated by NGUYỄN NGUYỆT CẦM and PETER ZINOMAN), page 75 – 76 Source language Target language (1) Cái quạt trần nhà quay tít làm cho (1) Gusts from the ceiling fan rustled the thớ lụa thứ quần áo mỏng gần cigarette paper-thin clothes covering the giấy hút thuốc mấp máy nhảy white skin of the two fashionable ladies (2) sóng gợn cách mỹ thuật da thịt trắng The ticking of the clock drew attention to trẻo hai phụ nữ tân tiến nhau, mặc the silence in the room (3) Looking like lịng có khác xa (2) Tiếng lắc đồng the hồ tăng thêm tĩnh mịch gian phòng (3) soul of Vietnam on the road of evolution Với chó Tây cánh tay, với hai mắt and liberation, Mrs Deputy Customs mơ màng nhìn lên quạt, bà Phó Đoan có Officer hugged her French puppy and vẻ linh hồn nước Việt Nam đường tiến gazed up dreamily at the ceiling fan (4) hóa giải phóng (4) Minh Văn uể oải Mr and Mrs Civilization, on the other nhọc mệt kẻ hand, looked worn-out from the crushing nhúng tay vào việc nặng nhọc, burdens of pursuing life's four essential rồi, hai người phải làm pleasures (eating, sleeping, making love, công việc tứ khoái cách văn and going to the toilet) in a civilized way minh cổ động xng cho chủ nghĩa Bình and promoting populism Dân (5) Một tiếng chng dài kêu ran lên ngồi dàn thiên lý làm cho bà chủ nhà ngồi nhỏm dậy (6) Mấy phút sau, ơng già lị dị bước vào, 13 (5) The doorbell rang out, jolting the hostess from her chair (6) Moments later, hai vợ chồng Minh Văn đứng lên bà Phó an old man entered the room (6) The đon đả: Civilizations stood up, and Mrs Deputy Customs Officer offered a warm greeting (7) "Welcome! (8) What a surprise and honor that you have stopped by to visit us, (7) - Lạy cụ! (8) Thật không ngờ hôm cụ Hồng lại đến chơi với em! Grandpa Hồng." (9) Before he could reply, Grandpa Hồng (9) Cụ Hồng chưa kịp đáp giữ lấy ngực để was seized by a fit of violent coughing (9) ho sù sụ lên hồi dài ghê gớm sặc thuốc It sounded as if he were choking on a water lào (10) Tuy mùa Hè, cụ mặc áo pipe (10) Although it was the middle of giầy da (11) Cụ vào bầu khơng khí summer, he wore a padded coat and heavy sặc lên mùi dầu bạc hà theo cụ mà leather shoes (11) (12) He smelled of vào phịng (12) Trên ngực cụ có cuống peppermint oil and wore several medals huy chương pinned to his chest (13) Mr Civilization looked uneasily at his wife, embarrassed at the fact that Grandpa Hồng was his father (14) In the (13) Cặp vợ chồng Văn Minh đưa mắt nhìn chán nản, cụ Hồng ơng bố (14) Xưa kia, cụ ông Phán (15) Sau hưu trí, nghiệm cụ giúp nước phò vua 30 năm tròn, Nhà nước ân thưởng cho cụ Hồng Lô Tự Thiếu Khanh (16) Cụ người dân bảo hộ trung thành, viên chức gương mẫu, người cha nhân từ sợ sệt người nơ lệ (17) Cụ lại cịn nghiện thuốc phiện nữa, điều thật tỏ 14 past he had been a senior clerk-an exemplary official and loyal citizen of the protectorate (16) He was also a kindhearted father who feared and slavishly indulged Following his spoiled children (15) retirement, the state acknowledged his thirty years of service to the king and the country by awarding him the Hồng Lô Tự Thiếu Khanh medal.3 (17) Like many Vietnamese of the era, he was cụ hoàn toàn người Việt Nam also an opium addict _ Medal of work and Social Merit Link source text: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_LdoaPhk53qibE6Pb_IBWDd9N1lb2R4i/view? usp=sharing Link target text: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12FjtWFL-Cln9ldZqCLa8bd2qTFGOCSNJ/view? usp=sharing 15 ANALYZING Text-linking means: In the Vietnamese version, the author does not use much linking words Typically, from sentence (9) to (17), sentences or clauses in sentences all have the subject at the begining without any text-linking means The word “mặc dầu” in sentence (4) is to describe an opposite situation with the previous clause, is translated literary into “on the other hand” Besides, “mấy phút sau” in sentence (6) is an adverb of time and in the English version, it is “moments later” In general, the linking words are totally translated literaray in order to keep the meaning of the sentence The article: Vietnamese writing does not frequently use articles, and the ways in which the two languages so differ greatly Sometimes the Vietnamese version has no articles while the English version has a ton In other words, there aren't any in the Vietnamese translation The target language version, however, makes use of a wide variety of English articles This version is not a translation Only those are genuine examples of English grammar Vocabulary: The Vietnamese text has a few proper names, while some names remain the same, others change In sentence (4), there are names: “Minh” and “Văn”, the combination of this couple’s name is “Văn Minh” = “Civilization” The author want to emphasize the the ironic meaning in naming the characters, which the translator also understands and uses the word “Civilization” as a kind of satire However, the name of “cụ Hồng” is kept the same “grandpa Hồng” The word “Hồng Lô Tự Thiếu Khanh” in sentence (15) indicates a 16 reward that the King award to grandpa Hồng, which was unchanged in the English version but with comment Moreover, there are proper names that mean titles of the ancient Vietnamese state are translated by using paraphrase For example, in sentence (3) “bà Phó Đoan” is translated into “Mrs Deputy Customs Officer” and “ông Phán” in sentence (14) is also paraphrase into “a senior clerk-an exemplary official and loyal citizen of the protectorate” Sentence structure: Because the writing style in Vietnamese is diffirent from English, so the structure of sentence is not the same The translator usually restruct the sentence elements For example, in sentence (3) “Với chó Tây cánh tay, với hai mắt mơ màng nhìn lên quạt, bà Phó Đoan linh hồn nước Việt Nam đường tiến hóa giải phóng.” is translated reversely into “Looking like the soul of Vietnam on the road of evolution and liberation, Mrs Deputy Customs Officer hugged her French puppy and gazed up dreamily at the ceiling fan.” Tense: As a unique feature of the Vietnamese translation, these signals in the original text are unclear while the book is describing historical events However, the target text's use of changing verb tenses makes the signal of tense very evident The author almost uses simple present tense in the whole text For instance, in sentence (13) “Cặp vợ chồng Văn Minh đưa mắt nhìn chán nản, cụ Hồng ơng bố.” is translated into “Mr Civilization looked uneasily at his wife, embarrassed at the fact that Grandpa Hồng was his father” with the past tense in the English version Translation strategies: 6.1 10 micro strategies in Cragie & Pattison, 2018, pp 66-70: Direct transfer of an SL item into the TL (this involves preserving the item in its original form, without any modification) 17 Calque (literal translation of the SL word or phrase in the TL) Direct equivalence of an SL item in the TL (one-to-one SL/TL match) Cultural equivalent (different words in the SL and TL for the same concept/reference) Synonymy (synonym or near-synonym) Sense translation (untranslatable or non-viable SL item rendered by a neutral TL form) Expansion or paraphrase (explanation of the SL item in the TL) Reduction (simplification and shortening of the SL item in the TL) Grammatical / syntactic change (change of form or structure between the SL and TL) 10 Compensation (the loss of meaning that occurs in translation is compensated for elsewhere in the TT) 6.2 Some micro strategies were used in translating the elements above: Direct transfer - Cụ Hồng = grandpa Hồng Calque - quạt trần nhà = ceiling fan - linh hồn nước Việt Nam = the soul of Vietnam Direct equivalence - Ngực = chest - Đồng hồ = clock Cultural equivalent - Bà Phó Đoan = Mrs Deputy Customs Officer 18 - Chủ nghĩa bình dân = populism Sense translation - Lạy cụ = welcome Expansion or paraphrase - Ông Phán = been a senior clerk-an exemplary official and loyal citizen of the protectorate Grammatical/ syntactic change - Cụ vào bầu khơng khí sặc lên mùi dầu bạc hà theo cụ mà vào phịng Trên ngực cụ có cuống huy chương = He smelled of peppermint oil and wore several medals pinned to his chest 19 CONCLUSION To sum up, the most important part of translating a document from one language to another is making sure that the intended audience understands the true intent of the text Due to the language barriers, the translated information would be changed in both form and meaning to seem more natural and make sense to readers of the target language In addition, there are several approaches to translating a text, depending on the knowledge and skills of the translator Comparing and contrasting the texts in the source and target languages helps translators deal with more real-world circumstances when they must use a variety of translation techniques and choose the one that works best for a certain word, phrase, sentence, or project 17 REFERENCES https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzgyqTnGcjVNRUhkeFRLR0w1QVE/view? usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-S0HeXRAbL7yz8BBj7FAFug https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iTg66BFke6v5MZg8o6TOMBe3KR9EURmN/view? usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_LdoaPhk53qibE6Pb_IBWDd9N1lb2R4i/view? usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/12FjtWFL-Cln9ldZqCLa8bd2qTFGOCSNJ/view? usp=sharing 17 ... cho chủ nghĩa Bình and promoting populism Dân (5) Một tiếng chng dài kêu ran lên ngồi dàn thiên lý làm cho bà chủ nhà ngồi nhỏm dậy (6) Mấy phút sau, ơng già lị dị bước vào, 13 (5) The doorbell

Ngày đăng: 28/12/2022, 00:47
