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Master thesis international trade policy and law an analysis of the european union– vietnam free trade agreement s nontariff measures on garment and textile and the suggestions for vietnam’s exports

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY …… o0o…… MASTER THESIS AN ANALYSIS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION– VIETNAM FREE TRADE AGREEMENT'S NONTARIFF MEASURES ON GARMENT AND TEXTILE AND THE SUGGESTIONS FOR VIETNAM’S EXPORTS Specialization: International Trade Policy and Law DANG THI HUYEN Hanoi – 2022 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY MASTER THESIS AN ANALYSIS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION– VIETNAM FREE TRADE AGREEMENT'S NONTARIFF MEASURES ON GARMENT AND TEXTILE AND THE SUGGESTIONS FOR VIETNAM’S EXPORTS Specialization: International Trade Policy and Law Code: 8310106 FULL NAME: DANG THI HUYEN SUPERVISOR: DR HOANG NGOC THUAN Hanoi – 2022 i DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY I declare that this thesis has been composed solely by myself and that it has not been submitted, in whole or in part, in any previous application for a degree Where other people’s works are used, this has been properly acknowledged and referenced in accordance with regulations of the Foreign Trade University Hanoi, 15 October 2022 Dang Thi Huyen ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First, I would like to send sincere thanks to my supervisor, Dr Hoang Ngoc Thuan for his enormous support and concrete guidance on scientific research methodologies to help me complete this thesis I am very grateful for his prompt action and patience in reviewing every single line of my thesis, from the very first draft to this final version Special thanks also go to all teachers at the Graduate Department of the Foreign Trade University, especially to A/Prof Dr Tang Van Nghia and Ms Cao Thi Hong Vinh Without their timely encouragement and support, I might not have completed the full master’s programme in international trade policy and law I would like to take this opportunity to thank colleagues at the British Embassy Hanoi and the United Nations Development Programme in Vietnam, MITPL7 classmates, and especially two dearest friends, Ms Dinh Thi Bich Xuan, Deputy Director at the VCCI Office for Sustainable Business Development and Dr Nguyen Phuong Mai, Lecturer at the VNU-International School for always standing by my side, cheering me on whenever I am depressed with work-life balance Finally, I wish to thank stakeholders and partners at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Central Institute for Economic Management, and the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association for valuable expertise advice, constructive suggestions, and provision of data and substantial inputs for this thesis iii LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ASEAN Association of Southeast Asia Nations AVE Ad valorem equivalent BREXIT The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union CEPII Centre d’Études Prospectives and d’Informations Internationales CGE Computable General Equilibrium CIEM Central Institute for Economic Management CPTPP Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership EU European Union EVFTA European Union-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement EVIPA European Union-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement FDI Foreign Direct Investment GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GDP Gross Domestic Production GDVC General Department of Viet Nam Customs GSP Generalized System of Preferences IMF International Monetary Fund ITC International Trade Centre MAST Multi-Agency Support Team MoIT Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam NTB Non-tariff Barrier NTM Non-tariff Measure OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development PSR Product Specific Rule RCEP Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership ROO Rule of Origin RVC Regional Value Content SPS Sanitary and phytosanitary iv SWOT Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat TBT Technical Barrier to Trade UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNESCAP United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific VCCI Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry VFTAP Vietnam Free Trade Agreement Portal VITAS Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association WB World Bank WTO World Trade Organisation IJEPA Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement v TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS iii TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF FIGURES vii LIST OF TABLES viii SUMMARY OF THESIS RESEARCH RESULTS ix INTRODUCTION .1 CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND ON FTAs AND NTMs 10 1.1 Definition, classification, main content, and effects of FTAs 10 1.1.1 Definition of FTAs 10 1.1.2 Classification of FTAs 11 1.1.3 Main contents of FTAs 13 1.1.4 Effects of FTAs 13 1.2 Definition, classification, and effects of NTMs 15 1.2.1 Definition of NTMs 15 1.2.2 Classification of NTMs 17 1.2.3 Effects of NTMs 22 1.3 Overview of EVFTA and its NTMs .23 1.3.1 Overview of EVFTA 23 1.3.2 EVFTA’s NTMs 26 1.3.3 EVFTA’s opportunities and challenges 32 CHAPTER 2: ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT SITUATION OF APPLICATION OF EVFTA’S NTMS ON VIETNAM’S GARMENT AND TEXTILE EXPORTS .34 2.1 Overview of EU-Vietnam trade and current situation of Vietnam garment and textile exports to the EU 34 2.1.1 Overview of EU-Vietnam trade 34 vi 2.1.2 Current situation of Vietnam’s garment and textile exports to the EU 38 2.2 Current situation of application of EVFTA’s NTMs on Vietnam’s garment and textile exports .45 2.2.1 Application of EVFTA’s NTMs on Vietnam’s garment and textile exports 45 2.2.2 Application of CPTPP and RCEP’s NTMs on Vietnam’s garment and textile exports 47 2.3 Impacts of EVFTA’s NTMs on Vietnam’s garment and textile exports: empirical analysis 52 2.3.1 Gravity equation model 52 2.3.2 Data description 55 2.3.3 Empirical strategy 57 2.3.4 Results and discussions 58 2.4 Opportunities and challenges from EVFTA’s NTMs for Vietnam’s garment and textile exports: a SWOT analysis .63 2.4.1 Strengths 64 2.4.2 Weaknesses 65 2.4.3 Opportunities 66 2.4.4 Challenges 68 CHAPTER 3: SUGGESTIONS FOR VIETNAM’S EXPORTS 71 3.1 Lessons learned from Indonesia 71 3.2 Suggestions for Vietnamese Government 76 3.3 Suggestions for Vietnamese businesses .78 CONCLUSION 82 REFERENCES 85 ANNEX 96 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Vietnam’s trade in goods with EU vs World from 2010 - 2020 34 Figure 2.2 Exports/imports from Vietnam to the EU from 2010-2020 (Unit: $bil) 35 Figure 2.3 Exports/imports from Vietnam to the EU in 2021 (Unit: $bil) 36 Figure 2.4 Key import and export markets of Vietnam in 2021 (Unit: $bil) .36 Figure 2.5 Most traded products between EU and Vietnam in 2020 (Unit: € billion).37 Figure 2.6 Garment and textile exports of Vietnam 2010-2021 (Unit: $bil) 38 Figure 2.7 Export value of top 10 exported goods of Vietnam in 2021 compared to 2020 (Unit: $bil) 39 Figure 2.8 Top garment and textile exporting countries 2016-2020 (Unit: $bil) 39 Figure 2.9 Market shares of garment and textile exports to EU in 2020 (Unit: $bil) 40 Figure 2.10 Vietnam’s garment and textile exports to the EU in 2010 and 2020 by member country (Unit: $bil) 41 Figure 2.11 Exports of Vietnam’s garment and textile materials to the EU from 2015 to 2020 by HS code (Unit: $) .42 Figure 2.12 Exports of Vietnam’s garment and textile materials to the EU from 2015 to 2020 by country (Unit: $) 43 Figure 2.13 Vietnam’s garment and textile exports to the EU 27 member countries in 2021 .44 Figure 2.14 SWOT analysis of opportunities and challenges for Vietnam garment and textile exports from EVFTA’s NTMs .63 Figure 2.15 Average monthly salary of garment and textile workers in some countries (Unit: $/month) 65 Figure 2.16 Forecast of demands of largest exporting countries of Vietnam’s garment and textile products in 2022 (Unit: $bil) 68 Figure 3.1 Gross Domestic Production of garment and apparel of Indonesia 2014-2021 (Unit: US $bil) 73 Figure 3.2 Indonesia’s textile and clothing export to Japan 2008-2019 (Unit: US $ thousand) .76 viii LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 Classification of non-tariff measures by chapter .19 Table 1.2 Key contents of EVFTA compared to CPTPP and RCEP .23 Table 1.3 Schedule and percentage of export tariff removal of EU 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European Review of Agricultural Economics, 39(4), 589–609 https://doi.org/10.1093/erae/jbr062 68 US Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service (2022), Indonesia: Cotton and Products Annual Report, https://apps.fas.usda.gov/newgainapi/api/Report/DownloadReportByFileName?f ileName=Cotton%20and%20Products%20Annual_Jakarta_Indonesia_ID20220011.pdf (accessed on May 2022) C Websites Europe Chamber in Vietnam: https://www.eurochamvn.org/ European Union: https://ec.europa.eu/ 95 Eurostat: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/main/data/database General Department of Customs Vietnam: www.customs.gov.vn/ International Trade Center (ITC): https://www.intracen.org and http://www.trademap.org/ United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD): https://unctad.org/ United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP): https://www.unescap.org/ Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry: http://vcci.com.vn/ Vietnam General Statistics Office: www.gso.gov.vn/ 10 Vietnam Government Portal: http://chinhphu.vn/ 11 Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade: http://www.moit.gov.vn/vn/ 12 Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS): http://www.vietnamtextile.org.vn/ 13 World Bank’s World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS): http://wits.worldbank.org/ 14 WTO center under Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry: http://www.trungtamwto.vn/ 15 Harvard Atlas of Economic Complexity, https://atlas.cid.harvard.edu 16 UN Comtrade: https://comtrade.un.org 17 World Customs Organisation (WCO): http://www.wcoomd.org 18 World Trade Organisation (WTO): https://www.wto.org 19 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development https://data.oecd.org/ 20 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN): https://asean.org/ (OECD): 96 ANNEX In-depth interview questionnaire In your opinion, what are EVFTA’s opportunities and challenges for garment and textile businesses? What are main NTMs applied to garment and textile exports to the EU market? In your view, what challenges they will cause to garment and textile businesses? In your opinion, what are strengths and weaknesses of Vietnam’s garment and textile industry? How these strengths and weaknesses will change after Vietnam signs EVFTA? How you think Vietnam garment and textile businesses are able to adapt to changes from EVFTA? Do you have any recommendations to the Government relating to legal and regulatory reforms and capacity building for garment and textile businesses to improve production and export capacity? 97 ANNEX List of in-depth interviewees No Name Luong Hoang Thai Nguyen Thi Thu Trang Position Director General, Multilateral Trade Policy Department Director, WTO Centre Vuong Duc Anh Secretary General Nguyen Anh Duong Director, Department for General Economic Issues and Integration Studies Than Duc Viet Do Quynh Chi General Director Director Institution Ministry of Industry and Trade Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association Central Institute for Economic Management Garment 10 Corporation Research Centre for Employment Relations 98 ANNEX List of garment and textile companies attending group discussions No Name Bach Thanh Long Nguyen Thi Kim Chi Duong Thi Viet Anh Phan Thi Quynh Chi Do Thi Tuyet Mai CEO Nguyen Thi Hong CEO Phuong Pham Tuan Anh Head of Representative Office Nguyen Thi Mai Anh Head of Labour and Payment Department Van Thanh Son Deputy CEO 10 Duong Van Binh Position Deputy CEO Deputy CEO Country Representative Deputy Secretary General CEO Company Garment 10 Corporation Phong Thai Corporation Fair Wear Foundation Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association Hoang Duong Textile Group Phuong Thao Garment Ltd Thai Tuan Garment and Textile Ltd 19-5 Textile Company Thanh Tri Import Export Garment Company 10/10 Textile Company 99 ANNEX List of FTAs signed or under negotiation by Vietnam as of January 2022 No FTA Status Parties Effective FTAs AFTA Effective since 1993 ASEAN ACFTA Effective since 2005 ASEAN, China AKFTA Effective since 2007 ASEAN, Korea AJFTA Effective since 2008 ASEAN, Japan VJEPA Effective since 2009 Vietnam, Japan AIFTA Effective since 2010 ASEAN, India AANZFTA Effective since 2010 ASEAN, Australia, New Zealand VCFTA Effective since 2014 Vietnam, Chile VKFTA Effective since 2015 Vietnam, Korea 10 VN-EAEUFTA Effective since 2016 Vietnam, Russia, Belarus, Amenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan 11 CPTPP Effective for Vietnam since Vietnam, Canada, Mexico, Peru, 14 January 2019 Chile, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia 12 AHKFTA Effective for Vietnam since ASEAN, Hong Kong (China) 11 June 2019 13 EVFTA Effective since August 2020 Vietnam, EU 14 UKVFTA Effective since May 2021 Vietnam, UK 15 RCEP Effective since January AEAN, China, Korea, Japan, 2022 Australia, New Zealand FTAs under negotiation 16 Vietnam-EFTA Negotiation started May 2012 FTA 17 Vietnam, EFTA (Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein) Vietnam-Israel Negotiation started December FTA 2015 Source: VCCI (2021) Vietnam, Israel 100 ANNEX Exports to the EU in 2010 and 2020 by member country (Unit: $bil) Country/year 2010 ($bil) Austria 144.022.674 Belgium 848.838.090 Bulgaria 36.913.319 Croatia 15.902.100 Cyprus 13.921.338 Czechia 134.911.742 Denmark 195.018.454 Estonia 6.643.462 Finland 68.398.948 France 1.101.330.057 Germany 2.372.735.596 Greece 80.273.499 Hungary 38.425.014 Ireland 46.105.450 Italy 980.141.338 Latvia 10.002.656 Lithuania 24.230.504 Luxembourg 22.557.354 Malta 3.452.722 Netherlands 1.688.311.695 Poland 241.222.170 Portugal 94.731.552 Romania 77.667.819 Slovakia 111.378.158 Slovenia 24.529.042 Spain 1.110.791.719 Sweden 233.221.185 United Kingdom 1.681.884.445 EU 28 11.407.562.102 2010 (%) 1,26 7,44 0,32 0,14 0,12 1,18 1,71 0,06 0,60 9,65 20,80 0,70 0,34 0,40 8,59 0,09 0,21 0,20 0,03 14,80 2,11 0,83 0,68 0,98 0,22 9,74 2,04 14,74 100,00 2020 ($bil) 2.882.427.821 2.314.806.099 58.239.448 50.413.386 38.131.777 424.469.274 295.012.835 48.852.587 140.891.914 3.296.984.907 6.644.047.772 259.291.493 925.093.358 172.580.048 3.117.383.127 209.934.666 105.132.512 64.879.950 14.095.433 6.999.292.933 1.774.043.764 376.131.545 220.198.402 1.165.700.013 284.135.554 1.126.706.101 4.954.901.572 40.093.899.458 Source: UN Comtrade (2021) 2020 (%) 7,19 5,77 0,15 0,13 0,10 1,06 0,74 0,12 0,35 8,22 16,57 0,65 2,31 0,43 7,78 0,52 0,26 0,16 0,04 17,46 4,42 0,94 0,55 2,91 0,71 5,31 2,81 12,36 100,00 101 ANNEX Key import and export markets of Vietnam in 2021 (Unit: $bil) Exports ($bil) Imports ($bil) YoY% Growth of Exports YoY% Growth of Imports US 96.29 15.27 24.9 11.4 China 55.95 109.87 14.5 30.5 ASEAN 28.77 41.13 24.8 35.0 EU (27) 40.06 16.89 14.1 15.3 Korea 21.95 56.16 14.9 19.7 Japan 20.13 22.65 4.4 11.3 Others 73.16 70.26 TOTAL 336.31 332.23 19.0 26.5 Source: GDVC (2021) 102 ANNEX Vietnam's Trade in Goods with EU vs World from 2010 - 2020 (Unit: $bil) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Exports - World 72.24 96.91 114.53 132.03 150.22 162.02 176.58 215.12 243.70 264.61 282.65 Exports - EU 28 11.41 16.56 20.32 24.34 27.98 30.79 34.03 38.31 41.91 41.49 40.09 Imports - World -84.84 -106.75 -113.78 -132.03 -147.84 -165.78 -174.98 -213.22 -236.87 -253.44 -262.70 Imports - EU 28 -6.37 -7.76 -8.80 -9.43 -8.84 -10.33 -11.16 -12.20 -13.88 -14.94 -15.34 Trade Balance 5.04 8.79 11.52 14.91 19.13 20.46 22.87 26.11 28.03 26.55 24.76 Source: UN Comtrade (2021) 103 ANNEX Exports/imports from Vietnam to the EU from 2010-2020 (Unit: $bil) Country/year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 144.022.674 461.537.115 1.905.046.785 2.158.772.724 2.188.698.880 2.631.290.421 3.705.272.826 4.078.873.211 3.265.952.692 2.882.427.821 848.838.090 1.199.694.282 1.146.718.655 1.323.340.023 1.805.539.095 1.779.487.078 1.967.240.011 2.250.572.313 2.410.477.848 2.552.275.643 2.314.806.099 36.913.319 26.857.382 37.016.285 41.208.508 47.704.749 40.845.028 44.629.943 38.286.566 36.060.005 58.397.150 58.239.448 15.902.100 14.250.250 15.532.024 14.835.860 25.361.444 32.636.354 45.577.977 60.586.625 77.205.899 84.131.910 50.413.386 13.921.338 19.332.614 17.661.448 16.592.903 28.705.871 33.428.805 38.122.909 39.320.335 41.324.032 36.868.284 38.131.777 134.911.742 183.296.637 180.053.577 180.407.032 218.575.901 146.173.879 150.838.050 156.481.342 207.829.820 424.469.274 195.018.454 271.457.216 276.067.819 267.132.079 315.587.741 289.372.551 283.030.069 341.686.541 373.520.218 336.735.438 295.012.835 6.643.462 11.412.118 11.538.125 11.210.329 19.693.876 25.501.212 30.777.526 34.706.463 42.535.767 31.898.524 48.852.587 68.398.948 87.020.778 99.719.568 80.740.434 104.483.949 117.557.689 106.566.502 164.886.454 164.682.666 119.549.201 140.891.914 1.101.330.057 1.658.883.617 2.163.399.349 2.202.728.586 2.477.754.806 2.977.755.867 3.024.879.064 3.372.882.802 3.701.139.630 3.705.665.613 3.296.984.907 2.372.735.596 3.366.900.508 4.094.940.259 4.736.995.934 5.174.944.225 5.707.416.104 5.960.516.080 6.353.565.104 6.873.195.900 6.560.243.273 6.644.047.772 80.273.499 132.288.109 150.576.368 186.360.810 185.112.542 167.255.451 188.620.564 270.303.983 251.783.616 272.476.120 259.291.493 38.425.014 51.338.115 57.576.917 60.060.582 54.998.058 65.735.141 93.331.658 206.581.791 401.168.028 408.226.462 925.093.358 46.105.450 63.673.662 80.975.785 73.766.157 102.150.207 115.042.768 112.291.632 107.994.900 147.232.088 147.907.702 172.580.048 980.141.338 1.534.325.967 1.876.555.639 2.290.696.844 2.740.093.506 2.847.802.642 3.264.814.560 2.734.907.503 2.890.292.659 3.439.949.265 10.002.656 40.636.705 72.513.943 102.283.249 136.963.661 138.564.722 152.301.640 157.980.452 178.126.966 204.511.693 209.934.666 24.230.504 22.597.905 36.880.978 43.057.196 51.429.066 37.772.201 48.345.055 60.214.626 68.855.720 117.461.993 105.132.512 22.557.354 27.171.398 29.073.657 43.033.098 31.517.157 40.184.309 31.624.136 35.792.281 93.042.508 51.030.694 64.879.950 19.846.349 8.457.904 9.599.465 95.686.837 72.725.371 12.825.289 74.478.024 10.185.393 14.095.433 Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czechia Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy 3.117.383.127 Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta 3.452.722 Netherlands 1.688.311.695 2.147.980.219 2.476.218.372 2.936.240.559 3.762.224.849 4.759.559.991 6.011.626.551 7.098.906.923 6.882.619.868 6.999.292.933 241.222.170 445.513.605 328.165.106 350.770.344 509.060.702 585.158.080 597.612.619 774.505.357 1.334.961.737 1.500.932.485 1.774.043.764 94.731.552 153.030.468 173.337.007 245.029.074 272.696.890 287.903.762 292.071.784 330.621.499 398.619.645 395.080.492 376.131.545 77.667.819 74.434.034 80.605.700 71.513.377 99.228.075 102.173.644 97.208.588 119.562.997 146.825.029 193.902.030 220.198.402 Poland Portugal Romania 104 Slovakia 111.378.158 156.902.383 290.935.399 391.940.771 370.488.828 275.550.684 416.720.716 703.322.243 912.881.012 1.165.700.013 24.529.042 24.747.262 35.445.672 44.325.063 102.128.474 196.478.851 264.509.642 286.203.515 291.472.842 342.235.202 284.135.554 1.110.791.719 1.554.719.724 1.793.606.850 2.109.579.798 2.563.347.797 2.293.647.298 2.515.755.458 2.629.158.090 2.707.380.043 233.221.185 427.363.083 673.706.655 905.338.849 961.093.816 936.220.268 914.702.530 970.572.120 1.185.836.391 1.126.706.101 1.681.884.445 2.398.191.123 3.033.600.590 3.696.265.186 3.647.172.364 4.645.219.798 4.898.076.612 5.415.115.561 5.779.270.899 5.760.277.924 4.954.901.572 72.236.665.000 96.905.673.959 114.529.170.983 132.032.853.998 162.016.742.480 176.580.786.634 215.118.606.999 243.698.698.324 264.610.322.649 282.654.980.208 11.407.562.102 16.555.556.279 20.317.499.706 24.338.957.334 27.976.429.838 30.788.030.412 38.313.770.577 41.911.306.699 41.492.442.317 40.093.899.458 Slovenia Spain Sweden UK World EU 28 Source: UN Comtrade (2021) 105 ANNEX Exports of Vietnamese’s garment and textile materials to the EU from 2015 to 2020 by HS code (Unit: $bil) HS code/year 62 Apparel and clothing accessories; not knitted or crocheted 61 Apparel and clothing accessories; knitted or crocheted 63 Textiles made up articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags 59 Textile fabrics; impregnated coated covered or laminated; textile articles of a kind suitable for industrial use 57 Carpets and other textile floor coverings 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2.478.629.685 2.472.158.225 2.596.686.869 2.788.638.688 2.741.932.836 931.527.167 1.137.376.676 1.311.592.176 1.527.329.766 1.387.308.142 215.085.239 212.083.718 216.586.839 236.672.774 261.790.925 646.347.164 42.585.958 46.416.972 47.567.373 44.711.397 54.825.979 42.911.649 1.156.993 39.624 125.893 7.604.461 31.029.769 47.162.665 13.586.203 12.612.334 13.279.857 15.116.209 17.059.875 8.894.264 4.088.803 4.603.408 5.067.953 4.860.875 4.786.650 5.622.172 3.686.660.048 3.790.113.098 4.016.691.460 4.409.196.580 4.638.755.800 4.364.522.805 60 Fabrics; knitted or crocheted 58 Fabrics; special woven fabrics tufted textile fabrics lace tapestries trimmings embroidery Total HS 62 61 63 59 57 60 58 2016 0% 12% -1% 9% -97% -7% 13% Source: UN Comtrade (2021) 2017 5% 9% 2% 2% 218% 5% 10% 2018 7% 15% 9% -6% 5940% 14% -4% 2019 -2% 16% 11% 23% 308% 13% -2% 2020 -19% -9% 147% -22% 52% -48% 17% 106 ANNEX 10 Vietnam’s garment and textile exports to the EU member countries in the first 11 months of 2021 Country 11M/2021 Compared to ($thousand) 11M/2020 (%) Total 2,897,038 2.9 Germany 668,724 -2.2 Netherlands 602,928 9.8 France 481,705 -8.3 Belgium 345,059 9.3 Spain 265,493 1.0 Italia 234,010 9.7 Poland 80,110 30.0 Sweden 73,404 33.1 Denmark 49,507 1.4 Ireland 16,569 -4.1 Croatia 14,771 69.4 Czech Republic 12,162 9.7 Finland 9,365 3.0 Slovenia 8,679 -18.1 Austria 8,015 -63.5 Luxemburg 7,968 -6.4 Bulgaria 6,457 4.681.6 Latvia 3,839 21.5 Greece 3,339 -36.3 Manta 1,038 48.4 Rumania 1,016 128.3 Hungary 959 -29.0 Slovakia 945 71.7 Portugal 406 -18.3 Lithuania 321 83.1 Estonia 222 -16.3 Cyprus 25 41.8 Source: VITAS, GDVC (2021) Percentage 11M/2021 100.00 23.08 20.81 16.63 11.91 9.16 8.08 2.77 2.53 1.71 0.57 0.51 0.42 0.32 0.30 0.28 0.28 0.22 0.13 0.12 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 Percentage 11M/2020 (%) 100.00 24.29 19.51 18.66 11.21 9.33 7.58 2.19 1.96 1.73 0.61 0.31 0.39 0.32 0.38 0.78 0.30 0.005 0.11 0.19 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 ...MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY MASTER THESIS AN ANALYSIS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION– VIETNAM FREE TRADE AGREEMENT'' S NONTARIFF MEASURES ON GARMENT AND TEXTILE AND THE SUGGESTIONS. .. discussions, the thesis then uses collective and synthetic methods to analyse impacts of EVFTA? ?s NTMs on garment and textile exports to make suggestions for the Government and businesses in the. .. Introduction and the Conclusion, the thesis consists of chapters Chapter Theoretical background on FTAs and NTMs Chapter Analysis of the current situation of application of EVFTA? ?s NTMs on Vietnam? ? ?s garment

Ngày đăng: 27/12/2022, 19:37



