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I FIND OUT THE ORIGINS AND MEANING OF THE FOLLOWING ROOTS AGR ANIMA ASTER AUTO BENE BIO BREV CAPT CARN 10 CEDE,CESS 11 CIDE 12 CIV 13 CORP 14 CYCLE 15 DEMO 16 DOMIN 17 GAM(Y) 18 HOMO 19 MANU 20 PORT II FIND OUT THE MEANING OF THE FOLLOWING PREFIXES A,AB ANTE BI CO, COL, COM, CON, COR CONTRA DES DEC DIS EM, EN 10 EX 11 EXTRA 12 IL,IM,IN 13 INTER 14 MONO,UNI 15 POLY 16 POST 17 PRE 18 RE 19 SEMI,HEMI,DEMI 20 SUB WORD STRUCTURE AND WORD FORMATION EXERCISE Add the correct ending (ar , ant , ary, ate , er , eer …) solicit Moscow London tobacco motor 13 shire war 14 potent profit 15 auction heir 16 practice diet 17 debt 10 physics 18 appoint 11 refer 19 visit 12 defend 20 read EXERCISE Say the part of speech of the word and its derivative in each of the following pairs: break breakage desire desirable conspire conspiracy rehearse rehearsal ideal idealize false falsify plenty plenteous doubt doubtful mouth mouthful 10 sing singer 11 familiarize familiarization 12 passion passionate 13 host hostess 14 gloom gloomy 15 day daily 16 prohibit prohibition 17 excel excellent 18 friend friendly 19 create creature 20 manage manager EXERCISE Add derivational suffix to each of these words which already end in a derivational suffix reasonable purify formal inflection socialist personify comprehensible careless organize 10 effective 11 12 EXERCISE 13 Combine the bases with the derivational suffixes listed Make as many nouns as you can 14 happy friend girl compose shrink active supreme true pagan 10 discover a –age b –y c –hood d –acy e –ism f –ity g –ment h –ition i –ness j –th k –ance l –ship 11 EXERCISE 12 Add derivational suffix to each of these words which already end in a derivational suffix reasonable formal socialist comprehensible organize purify inflection personify careless 13 10 personify 14 15 EXERCISE : In these words the root is italicized After each word write the number of suffixes it contains: 16 17 organists 18 personalities 19 flirtatiously 20 atomizers 21 friendliest 22 contradictorily 23 trusteeship 24 greasier 25 countrified 26 10 responsibilities 27 28 EXERCISE 7: 29 Each group contains a root and suffixes Make it into a word In each case see if more than one order of suffixes is possible 30 –ed live, -en 31 2.-ing , -ate, termin 32 33 34 35 province –s –ism -al –ly, -some, grue –ity, work, -able –er, -s, mor, -al, -ize 36 37 COMPOUND 38 EXERCISES 39 40 Distinguish between compounds and free word groups basing yourself on the criteria discussed in the lecture: 41 - The beautiful dancing girl is a dancing girl 42 - The White House is a white house but no other white house can be the White House 43 - On the red tape there is a lot of information about the government offices typical of red tape 44 - A blackleg is not a person with a black leg - “ She bought a lot of things : beef, cabbages, milk, bread and butter” “ – Yes, she is very fond of bread and butter “ 45 46 Classify the compounds below according to their meanings : 47 boyfriend , easy – going , (to) machinewash , (to) give – in , long – legged , speedometer , table tennis , lady killer , whole – heartedly , happy – go – lucky 48 49 Explain the joke below : 50 First woman : - That doctor’s quite a lady – killer 51 Second woman (not very attentive) : - My God ! I’d better go and see another 52 In the dialogue below, the Vietnamese friend made a mistake, therefore the Australian friend did not understand him and was offended What is that mistake? Can you imagine the situation? 53 Man : - John , there’s a bluebottle on the table 54 John : - Yes , I know Why? 55 Man : - Bluebottles are dirty , you know 56 John : - Nonsense , I’ve washed it carefully 57 58 Explain the formation of the following compound word 59 newspaper, football, moonstruck, turncoat 60 Noun + noun = compound noun 61 Say the process (inflection, derivation, composition) by which of the words listed below are built up: a swims b football c director d pleasure e salesman f simplest g artistic h collector i mountainous j covering 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Mark C (coordinate) , S (subordinate) before the following a homesick b bookshop c well-known d dog-fish e landlady f dark blue g she-goat h teacup i blackbird j awestruck 75 74 SHORTENING 76 EXERCISE 1: Give the originals from which these clipped words are built up A – bomb 21 memo 41 41 caf A – level 22 shun 42 42 hanky appro 23 brandy 43 sergt diff 24 fax 44 Japs fem 25 gym 45 teeny info 26 petrol 46 doc lang 27 psych 47 dub lux 28 sport 48 extra math 29 cab 49 nightie 10 O – level 30 pike 50 van 11 pop 31 bus 51 zoo 12 ref 32 cello 52 fridge 13 ad 33 coon 53 tec 14 gas 34 demob 54 fancy 15 exam 35 coke 55 specs 16 prof 36 mac 56 pram 17 frat 37 ref 57 movie 18 photo 38 eco 58 flu 19 gin 39 vet 59 story 20 curio 40 co-ed 60 Vday 43 EXERCISE : Pronounce these words and give their original UNESCO GATT radar NATO CARE SALT AIDS 10 UFO UNICEF 11 UNO BASIC 12 VAT 13 WHO 27 EEC 14 WAC 28 CMEA 15 AWOL 29 CENTO 16 NIC 30 CSE 17 MIA 31 FAO 18 POW 32 GNP 19 H – of – L 33 GPO 20 H – of - C 34 PEN 21 ASEAN 35 VIP 22 CIA 36 CAT 23 FBI 37 PLO 24 GMT 38 GI 25 SNC 39 GNP 26 UNDP 40 NHS 41 42 EXERCISE : Give the blends that result from these words smoke + fog = telegraph + broadcast = motorist + hotel = escalate + elevator = automobike + omnibus = newspaper + boy = traffic + indicator = American + Indian = breath + analyser = 10 medical + care = 43 Give the originals of these words transceiver chunnel telex positron stagflation 44 EXERCISE : Give the originals to the following back formation words bootleg resurrect baby – sit escalate advance – register laze supervise separate edite 10 baby – mind 11 gate – crash 12 tape – recorder 13 enthuse 14 formate 15 window – shop 16 troubleshoot 17 18 19 20 bestsell brainwash witchhunt beg 45 46 HOMONYM 47 EXERCISE : Comment on the following homonyms and polysemantic words 48 The village , was situated along the both banks on a small river The boat could not pass here because of the sand banks He invested money into two different banks 49 Don’t spit in the well , you may need its water 50 - All is well that ends well She is a good match for you 51 The match ended in a draw 52 The voting was done by the show of hands The hands of the clock showed half past ten There were 12 hands employed at this farm 53 EXERCISE : Comment the type of homonyms 54 - wait – weight 55 - sole - soul 56 - rose ( past ) – rose ( n ) 57 - bear ( n ) – bear ( n ) – bare ( adj ) 58 - read ( adj ) – read ( n ) 59 - firm ( n ) – firm ( adj ) 60 - match ( n ) – match ( n ) – match ( n ) 61 - right ( n ) – right ( adj ) 62 - thought ( n ) – thought ( past ) 63 64 SYNONYM – ANTONYM 65 EXERCISE 1: Find the synonymic dominant 66 - keen - able - clever - gifted - intelligent 67 - hide - conceal - disguise - mask 68 - poor - impoverished - needy - penniless 69 - complain - grumble - whine - growl 70 - valour - gallantry - courage - fortitude 71 - cackle - giggle - laugh - chuckle 72 - scent - odour - smell - fragrance - aroma 73 - agree - consent - assent - accede 74 EXERCISE : Comment on the types of synonyms 75 - accident - disaster - misfortune - calamity catastrophe 76 - biscuit - cookie 77 - pair - couple 78 - merry - gay - jolly 79 - glitter - spark - clear - glare - shine 80 - much - many 81 - enemy - foe 82 - cry - weep - scream - shriek 83 - father - dad 84 - to answer - to reply 85 - house - dwelling - residence 86 - to continue - to go on 87 - to eat - to gobble - to peck - to wolf 88 - policeman - bobby - officer - cop 89 - hooligan - hoodlum 90 - petrol - gasoline - gas 91 - shop - store - supermarket 92 - strike - stay- out - work - out 93 - crazy - queer - mad 94 - ill - sick 95 - bicycle - bike 96 - car - automobile 97 - gather - collect - assemble 98 - fright - fear - terror - dread 99 - discharge - dismiss - sack - fire - lay off 100 - to reduce - to axe - to cut back 101 - chap - lad - fellow 102 - talk - chatter - jabber - babble 103 - to end - to finish - to complete 104 105 EXERCISE : Give antonyms to the following words ( derivational and antonyms proper ) 106 107 happy- drunkard unhappy - selfish-generous - greed - literary - responsible - moral - loyal - balance-unbalance - to lead - to charge - firm - to promote - to load - to increase -to decrease - helpless-helpful - to mobilize - dull pupil - private-public - dull book - to trust-unbelieve - attentive - false- true - dry voice good-looking-urgly 108 109 AMERICAN ENGLISH 110 EXERCISE : State which words out of two mostly used in AE and which is general English words 111 billfold notecase 112 biscuit cookie 113 gasoline petrol 114 beach seaside 115 line queue 116 luggage baggage 117 store shop 118 can tin 119 120 121 122 123 124 lift elevator schedule time-table picture movie bank-note bill truck lorry EXERCISE There are some words used in AE Find out the words used in BA 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 areplane assignment bar bathroom sink bureau calender book call cart check check room chips closet tap 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 cooler corn couch fabric figure fire department freeway garbage grade school grade housewares inquire bank-note BE: I shall tell you later AE: BE: Shall I drin it now? AE: BE:Have you ever gone to Dalat? AE: BE:It seems like a long time AE: BE:Go and fix it now AE: BE:Can I come and have a cup of coffee with you? AE: BE:The dog wants to go out AE: 8.BE: talk to somebody AE: 9.BE: prevent sth becoming (doing) AE: 10.BE: to be in hospital AE: 11.BE: to be at university AE: 12.BE: to be in class AE: 176 AE 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 EXERCISE 3: Comment on the meanings of the following words in BE and car: lunch: sick: crash: apartment: to guess: fall: 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 dumb: market: 10 nervy: 11 pavement: 12 pants: 13 homely: QUESTIONS All morphemes are subdivided into two large classes: roots and affixes Root words are words which have only a root morpheme in its structure Derived words are words which consist of a root and an affix and are 10 10 produced by the process of word-building known as affixation Compound words are produced by the word-building process called composition The process of affixation consists in joining a new word by adding an affix or several affixes to some root morphemes Conversion is an affixless way of word-building or even affixless derivation Conversion is a type of word-building in which new words are formed without affixes In neutral compounds the process of compounding is realized without any linking element, by a mere juxtaposition How many subtypes of neutral compounds are there in English language? How are they classified? Three subtypes of neutral compounds depending on the structure of the constituent stems Simple neutral compounds: affixless stems Ex: schoolboy Derivational compounds: affixes in their structure Ex: goalkeeper Contracted compounds: a shortened stem in their structure Ex: H-bag Compounds which have affixes in their structure are called derived or derivational compounds 11 Compounding, or composition is the process of putting two words together to form a third 12 The compounds whose meanings not correspond to the separate meanings of their constituent parts are called idiomatic compounds 13 The compounds whose meanings can really be described as the sum of their constituent meanings are called non- idiomatic compounds 14 In idiomatic compounds, the process of deducing the meaning of the whole from the meanings of the constituents is impossible 15 In a compound, the second free morpheme usually receives the secondary stress and is marked for number 16 Clipping is a type of shortening in which a new word is made from a syllable of the original word 17 Blending is a special type of shortening in which parts of words merge into one to form a new word 18 Abbreviation is the second way of shortening which makes a new word from the initial letters of a group 19 The branch of linguistics which specializes in the study of meaning is called semantics 20 The denotative components express the conceptual content of a word 21 One of the most important “drawbacks” of polysemantic words is that there is sometimes a chance of misunderstanding when a word is used in a certain meaning but accepted by listener or reader in another 22 Meaning is the most important characteristics of the word 23 Back formation is the type of word-building in which a verb was produced from a noun by subtraction instead of a noun made from a verb by affixation 24 Homonyms are words which are identical in sound and spelling, or, at least, in one of these aspects, but different in their meaning 25 Homonyms which are the same in sound and spelling are traditionally termed homonyms proper 26 Homographs are words which are the same in spelling but different in sound 27 Homophones are words which are the same in sound but different in spelling 28 Homonyms which are the same in sound and spelling but refer to different categories of parts of speech, are called lexico-grammatical homonyms 212 Ex: comb (n) – to comb (v), make (n) – to make (v) 29 Full homonyms are words which represent the same category of parts of speech and have the same paradigm 30 Simple lexico-grammatical partial homonyms are words which belong to the same category of parts of speech Their paradigms have one identical form, but it is never the same form 31 Complex lexico-grammatical partial homonyms are words of different categories of parts of speech which have one identical form in their paradigms 11 32 Partial lexical homonyms are words of the same category of parts of speech 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 12 which are identical only in their corresponding forms Synonym are words belonging to the same part of speech and possessing one or more identical or nearly identical denotational meaning, interchangeable in some contexts According to semantic criterion, synonyms are defined as words with the same denotation, or the same denotative component, but differing in connotations, or in connotative components According to notional criterion, synonyms are defined as words of the same category of parts of speech conveying the same notion but differing either in shades of meaning or in stylistic characteristics According to criterion of interchangeability, synonyms are defined as words which are interchangeable at least in some contexts without any considerable alteration in denotational meaning Antonyms are words of opposite/contrasting meanings and of the same part of speech Root word antonyms are words which are completely different in sound and form Derivational antonyms are words which are formed by derivation There are two major criteria for distinguishing between phraseological units and free word-groups: semantic and structural A phraseological unit is a stable word-group characterized by a completely or partially transferred meaning According to structural criterion, phraseological units have three restrictions: restriction in substitution, restriction in introducing any additional components and grammatical invariability Phraseological combination are word-groups with a partially changed meaning The meaning of the unit can be easily deduced from the meanings of its constituents Phraseological unities are word-groups with a completely changed meaning, that is, the meaning of the unit does not correspond to the meanings of its constituent parts Phraseological fusions are word-groups with a completely changed meaning but , in contrast to the unities ,their meaning can not be deduced from the meanings of the constituent parts A root is a form which is not further analyzable, either in terms of derivational or inflectional morphology A stem is the part of word-form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed Lexicology deals not only with simple words in all their aspects, but also with complex and compound words, the meaningful units of language 49 Derivational morphemes carry both lexical and grammatical meaning They are used to create new words and are study in lexicology 50 Inflectional morpheme is also called inflection or ending They are used to create different forms of the same word (boy-boys) They carry the grammatical meaning and are studied in grammar 51 Affixes are bound morphemes which never occur on their own; they have semantic holes in their structure and so must be joined to other morphemes to fill them 52 Affixation is the morphological process of deriving a new word by adding an affix, namely a bound morpheme, to a root or base 53 Prefixation is the morphological process of forming a new word by attaching a bound morpheme to the front of the free morpheme 54 Suffixation is the morphological process of forming a new word by attaching a bound morpheme to the end of the free morpheme 55 Inflectional affixes are endings which add extra information to the root but preserve the word class 56 A POLYSEMOUS WORD is a word that has two or more meanings and they are closely related 57 SYNONYMY is a sense relation in which TWO OR MORE / VARIOUS WORDS are written and pronounced differently but have the same or nearly the same meaning 58 Direct meaning is the meaning that directly denotes something without comparing it or associating with other things i.e we not need a context Direct meaning is also called literal meaning 59 Indirect meaning is the meaning that indirectly denotes something To understand it we have to compare it or associate with other things, i.e we need contexts Indirect meaning is also called “figurative / transferred meaning” 60 The denotational meaning is the part of meaning of the word or phrase that relates it to phenomena in the real world or in a fictional or possible world It indicates or points out things, concept, etc … 61 In a meaning system, denotational meaning may be regarded as the “central” meaning or “core” meaning of a lexical item 62 The connotational meaning is the additional meaning to denotation These meanings show people’s emotions and attitudes towards what the word or phrase refers to 13 63 Two or more words may have the same denotational meaning, but differ in connotational meaning 64 The words whose lexical Two or more words may have the same denotational meaning, but differ in connotational meaning 65 meaning is clear are called notional words 66 The words whose prevailing meaning is grammatical are called functional words 67 A referent is an object in the real world or in the world of your imagination 68 Reference is the relationship between the part of the language (e.g words, linguistic expressions) and the part of the world (e.g objects or phenomena outside the language) 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 14 224 225 ... province –s –ism -al –ly, -some, grue –ity, work, -able –er, -s, mor, -al, -ize 36 37 COMPOUND 38 EXERCISES 39 40 Distinguish between compounds and free word groups basing yourself on the criteria... morphology A stem is the part of word-form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed Lexicology deals not only with simple words in all their aspects, but also with complex and compound... morphemes carry both lexical and grammatical meaning They are used to create new words and are study in lexicology 50 Inflectional morpheme is also called inflection or ending They are used to create

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