Recruitmentofcoregulatorcomplexestotheb-globin gene
locus byTFII-Iandupstreamstimulatory factor
Valerie J. Crusselle-Davis, Zhuo Zhou, Archana Anantharaman, Babak Moghimi, Tihomir Dodev,
Suming Huang and Jo
rg Bungert
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Center for Mammalian Genetics, Shands Cancer Center, Powell Gene Therapy Center,
Genetics Institute, University of Florida, College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL, USA
Gene expression is regulated at multiple steps involv-
ing the relocation of genes in the nucleus, the modifi-
cation of chromatin structure and, ultimately, the
recruitment of transcription complexes [1–3]. Each step
is regulated by transcription factors that interact in a
sequence-specific manner with DNA control elements
located in promoters or enhancers [4]. These sequence-
specific binding proteins recruit coregulators that
modify histones, mobilize nucleosomes or recruit
components ofthe basal transcription machinery [5].
Tissue-specific genes are often regulated by tissue-
specific activators and repressors that act in concert
with ubiquitously expressed transcription factors.
The sequential stage-specific expression ofthe five
b-like globin genes is regulated bygene proximal
regulatory elements that recruit transcription factors
either activating or repressing gene expression [6].
The regulation of globin gene transcription involves
the recruitmentof chromatin modifying activities
that regulate accessibility to subregions ofthe globin
gene locus in a developmental stage-specific manner.
High-level expression ofthe globin genes requires a
locus control region (LCR) located far upstreamof the
embryonic e-globin geneand composed of five DNaseI
hypersensitive (HS) sites that are 200–400 bp in size
and separated form each other by 2–4 kbp [7–9]. The
LCR HS sites function together in a synergistic or
additive manner to stimulate globin gene expression
[10–12]. There is increasing evidence that transcription
of at least some, perhaps highly expressed, genes takes
coregulator; globin genes; locus control
region; transcription
J. Bungert, Department of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology, College of Medicine,
University of Florida, 1600 SW Archer Road,
PO Box 100245, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA
Fax: +1 352 392 2853
Tel: +1 352 273 8098
(Received 16 May 2007, revised 3 October
2007, accepted 5 October 2007)
Upstream stimulatoryfactorandTFII-I are ubiquitously expressed helix-
loop-helix transcription factors that interact with E-box sequences and or
initiator elements. We previously demonstrated that upstream stimulatory
factor is an activator ofb-globingene expression whereas TFII-I is a
repressor. In the present study, we demonstrate that upstream stimulatory
factor interacts with the coactivator p300 and that this interaction is
restricted to erythroid cells expressing the adult b-globin gene. Further-
more, we demonstrate that Suz12, a component ofthe polycomb repressor
complex 2, is recruited totheb-globin gene. Reducing expression of Suz12
significantly activates b-globingene expression in an erythroid cell line with
an embryonic phenotype. Suz12 also interacts with the adult b-globin gene
during early stages of erythroid differentiation of mouse embryonic stem
cells. Our data suggest that TFII-I contributes totherecruitmentof the
polycomb repressor complex 2 complex totheb-globin gene. Together,
these data demonstrate that the antagonistic activities ofupstream stimula-
tory factorandTFII-I on b-globingene expression are mediated at least in
part by protein complexes that render the promoter associated chromatin
accessible or inaccessible for the transcription complex.
ChIP, chromatin immunoprecipitation; EPO, erythropoietin; ES, embryonic stem; GAPDH, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase;
HDAC, histone deacetylase; HS, hypersensitive; LCR, locus control region; MEL, murine erythroleukemia; PRC, polycomb repressor
complex; siRNA, short interfering RNA; USF, upstreamstimulatory factor.
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 6065–6073 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 6065
place in so-called transcription factories, specific
domains in the nucleus enriched for RNA polymer-
ase II and splicing factors [13,14]. A recent study by
Ragoczy et al. [15] demonstrates that the LCR medi-
ates the association of globin genes with transcription
factories during the differentiation of erythroid cells.
Observations that the LCR recruits transcription com-
plexes before they become detectable at globin gene
promoters support the hypothesis that the LCR is the
primary attachment site for therecruitmentof macro-
molecular complexes involved in chromatin structure
alterations and transcription [16,17].
Regulation ofthe globin genes involves the action of
many transcription factors, some of which have been
characterized in detail. GATA-1, EKLF and NF-E2
are hematopoietic transcription factors that have all
been shown to participate in LCR function and b-glo-
bin gene expression [6]. In addition to these tissue
restricted transcription factors, ubiquitously expressed
transcription regulatory proteins such as Sp1, upstream
stimulatory factor (USF) andTFII-I have also been
demonstrated to regulate globin gene expression
[18,19]. Previous studies have shown that the helix-
loop-helix protein USF activates b-globingene expres-
sion and interacts with E-box elements located in LCR
element HS2 and in theb-globin downstream pro-
moter region [20]. TFII-I, another helix-loop-helix pro-
tein, interacts with theb-globin initiator sequence and
represses b-globingene expression. TFII-I exerts part
of its function by recruiting histone deacetylase
(HDAC) totheb-globingene promoter and rendering
the chromatin inaccessible for transcription complexes
The polycomb repressor complex (PRC) has origi-
nally been identified in Drosophila, in which it plays an
important role in regulating the expression of segment
polarity genes, including the Hox gene cluster [21].
Homologous proteins have also been identified in
mammalian cells. There are two main PRC complexes,
PRC1 and PRC2. PRC2 contains the histone methyl-
transferase Ezh2, which methylates lysine 27 on the
histone H3 N-terminal tail [21]. This modification is
absent or reduced in promoters of transcribed genes.
PRC1 interacts with PRC2 and contains subunits that
recruit DNA methyltransferases. Current models pro-
pose that the PRC2 complex initially represses gene
activity by H3K27 methylation. Subsequent interac-
tions with the PRC1 complex appear to stabilize the
repressed chromatin structure byrecruitmentof DNA
methyl-transferases [22].
In the present study, we demonstrate that USF
interacts with coactivator p300 in mouse erythroleuke-
mia cells that express theb-globin gene. No inter-
actions are detectable between USF and p300 in K562
cells, a human erythroleukemia cell line that does not
express significant levels oftheb-globin gene.
CBP ⁄ p300 interacts with LCR element HS2 and the
b-globin promoter in murine erythroleukemia (MEL)
cells, but only with LCR HS2 in K562 cells. Further-
more, we demonstrate that the polycomb group pro-
tein Suz12 associates with theb-globingene promoter
in K562 cells, but not in MEL cells. Inactivation of
Suz12 led to a three- to five-fold increase in b-globin
gene expression in K562 cells. Our data suggest that
TFII-I recruits HDAC3 andthe PRC2 complex to the
b-globin gene promoter to establish an inaccessible
chromatin configuration.
p300 interacts with USF andthe b-globin
promoter in MEL but not in K562 cells
We have shown previously that USF is required for
high-level b-globingene expression in MEL cells [20].
USF functions as a classical transcription factor that is
able to stimulate transcription in in vitro transcription
systems [23]. Recent data from the Felsenfeld labora-
tory have shown that USF is also a critical part of a
chromatin boundary in the chicken b-globingene locus
[24]. It was shown that USF interacts with CBP ⁄ p300,
suggesting that it can function at least in part by
recruiting chromatin modifying activities. MEL cells
expressing a dominant negative mutant of USF exhib-
ited a reduction in Pol II loading to LCR element HS2
and totheb-globingene promoter [20]. At the same
time, we observed a reduction in therecruitment of
CBP and p300 to these sites.
To examine in more detail whether USF recruits co-
activators totheb-globingene locus, we first examined
the recruitmentof different coactivators to regions in
the globin genelocus (Fig. 1A). The data show that
CBP and p300 are efficiently crosslinked at the tran-
scribed b-globingene promoter and at LCR element
HS2 in MEL cells (Fig. 1B). No interactions were
detected at the repressed embryonic ec-globin gene
promoter (Fig. 1B). In K562 cells, CBP and p300
interact efficiently with HS2 but not with the repressed
b-globin gene promoter (Fig. 1C). There is some inter-
action between CBP andthe expressed e- and c-globin
genes in K562 cells but the interaction appears to be
less efficient compared to LCR HS2.
We next analyzed interactions between USF and p300
in MEL and K562 cells by co-immunoprecipitation
(Fig. 1D). The results demonstrate that USF interacts
with p300 in MEL cells but not in K562 cells. This
Coregulators of USF andTFII-I in erythroid cells V. J. Crusselle-Davis et al.
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interaction is specific because no interactions between
HDAC3 and p300 are observed. Taken together, the
data demonstrate that USF interacts with the coactiva-
tor p300 in erythroid cells and suggest that it recruits
p300 to specific regions in theb-globingene locus.
Interaction of Suz12 with theb-globin gene
promoter in K562 but not in MEL cells
TFII-I interacts with theb-globin initiator and
represses b-globingene expression in embryonic
erythroid cells [20]. We have shown previously that
TFII-I interacts with HDAC3 in K562 cells. Polycomb
group proteins were originally identified as repressors
of gene expression during development in Drosophila.
Recently, it was shown that the PRC2 is located at
and represses developmentally regulated genes in
undifferentiated, embryonic stem (ES) cells [22]. To
examine whether PRCs are located at the b-globin
gene promoter in embryonic cells, we carried out chro-
matin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiments using
antibodies against Suz12, a component of PRC2, in
K562 and MEL cells (Fig. 2). The data demonstrate
that Suz12 can be crosslinked tothe repressed b-globin
gene promoter in K562 cells (Fig. 2A) but not to the
transcribed b
-globin gene promoter in MEL cells
(Fig. 2B). We did not detect any interactions of Suz12
with the embryonic e-globin gene promoter. The Suz12
antibody used in these experiments specifically recog-
nizes both mouse and human proteins and Suz12 is
expressed in both K562 and MEL cells as determined
in western blotting experiments (data not shown).
Interaction ofTFII-I with HDAC3 and Suz12
We previously demonstrated that TFII-I interacts with
HDAC3 and recruits this protein totheb-globin gene
promoter in K562 cells. In the present study, we ana-
lyzed the interaction between TFII-Iand HDAC3 in
both MEL and K562 cells and show that this inter-
action is restricted to K562 cells. We next wished to
examine whether the PRC2 complex, which interacts
with theb-globingene in K562 cells, could be recruited
to thegeneby TFII-I. Co-immunoprecipitation experi-
ments demonstrate that TFII-I interacts with HDAC3
in K562 cells, consistent with our previous data, but
Fig. 1. CBP ⁄ p300 interact with theb-globingenelocusand with USF1 in MEL cells but not in K562 cells. (A) Schematic ofthe organization
of the human and mouse b-globingene loci. The human b -globin locus depicted on top consists of five genes which are expressed in a
developmental stage-specific manner in erythroid cells as outlined. The expression ofthe genes is regulated by a LCR composed of five
DNaseI HS and located approximately 15–27 kbp upstreamofthe embryonic e-globin gene. The murine b-globingene locus, which is
depicted on the bottom, consists of four genes which are expressed either in erythroid cells ofthe embryonic yolk sac (EY or bH1) or in
definitive erythroid cells derived from fetal liver or bone marrow hematopoiesis (b
and b
). The murine LCR also contains multiple HS
required for high-level globin gene expression. K562 (B) and MEL cells (C) were subjected to ChIP analysis with antibodies against p300,
CBP or with a nonspecific antibody (IgG). Purified DNA was analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR with primers specific for LCR HS2 or the
e-, c-, b-, b-major or ec-globin gene promoters. (D) K562 or MEL cell extracts were precleared with anti-(rabbit IgG) beads and precipitated
with a-USF1, a-p300, a-CBP or a-HDAC3 (as negative control), andcomplexes were captured by incubation with anti-(rabbit IgG) beads.
Complexes were eluted off the beads with Laemmli buffer and incubation at 95 °C for 10 min and loaded onto a 5% Ready gel (Bio-Rad).
The membrane was probed with a-p300.
V. J. Crusselle-Davis et al. Coregulators of USF andTFII-I in erythroid cells
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not in MEL cells, in which theb-globingene is tran-
scribed (Fig. 3A). We also detected interactions
between TFII-Iand Suz12 in K562 cells (Fig. 3B). The
interaction between TFII-Iand Suz12 is not as efficient
as that involving HDAC3 and it is not restricted to
K562 cells, because interactions are also detectable in
MEL cells (data not shown).
Reduction of Suz12 expression in K562 cells
increases b-globingene expression
We previously used SMART-pool short interfering
RNA (siRNA) reagent from Dharmacon and effi-
ciently reduced expression ofTFII-Iand HDAC3 [20].
Reductions in both TFII-Iand HDAC3 expression by
more than 80% led to an approximately three-fold
increase in b-globingene expression. To examine
whether Suz12 andthe PRC2 complex participate in
the repression ofthe adult b-globingene in K562 cells,
we reduced expression of Suz12 by RNA interference.
The western blot results demonstrate that siRNA
transfected cells reveal a drastic reduction in Suz12
protein levels compared to mock transfected cells or
cells transfected with nonspecific siRNA (Fig. 4A).
Expression ofthe adult b-globingene was increased by
three- to five-fold in cells transfected with Suz12
siRNA compared to mock or negative control siRNA
transfected cells (Fig. 4B). These results demonstrate
that the PRC2 complex, or components thereof, partic-
ipate in the repression ofthe adult b-globingene in
embryonic erythroid cells. We also detected an increase
in the expression ofthe embryonic e-globin gene.
However, this increase was not as pronounced as the
one seen for b-globingene expression.
The PRC2 complex contains the histone H3K27
specific histone methyltransferase Ezh2 [21]. Ezh2
catalyzes the di- and tri-methylation of H3K27 [25].
Using ChIP, we did not detect high levels of tri-
methylated H3K27 at the globin genelocus in K562
cells, consistent with studies from the Blobel labora-
Fig. 2. Suz12 interacts with the adult b-globingene in K562 but not in MEL cells. Antibodies against Suz12 and nonspecific IgG were used
in ChIP assays using K562 (A) and MEL (B) cells. Quantitative PCR was performed with primers that amplified the promoters ofthe genes
as indicated.
Fig. 3. Interaction of Suz12 and HDAC3 with TFII-I. (A) Interaction
of HDAC3 with TFII-I in K562 but not MEL cells. K562 or MEL cell
extract was precleared with anti-(a)-(rabbit IgG) beads and precipi-
tated with a-HDAC3 or IgG, andcomplexes were captured by incu-
bation with anti-(rabbit IgG) beads. Complexes were eluted off the
beads with Laemmli buffer and incubation at 95 °C for 10 min and
loaded onto a 10% Ready gel (Bio-Rad). The membrane was
probed with a-TFII-I and then stripped and probed with a-HDAC3
as a positive control. (B) Interaction of Suz12 with TFII-I in K562
cells. K562 extracts were precleared with anti-(rabbit IgG) beads
and precipitated with 2.5 lgofa-Suz12 or 2.5 lgofa-IgG (as nega-
tive control) antibodies. Thecomplexes were captured by incuba-
tion with anti-(rabbit IgG) beads. Complexes were eluted off the
beads with Laemmli buffer and incubation at 95 °C for 10 min and
loaded onto a 10% Ready gel (Bio-Rad). The membrane was
probed with a-TFII-I. The lane labeled control represents a regular
western blot for TFII-I with protein extract from K562 cells.
Coregulators of USF andTFII-I in erythroid cells V. J. Crusselle-Davis et al.
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tory [26]. In addition, the association of trimethylated
H3K27 was not significantly altered in cells that
express, or do not express, the adult b-globin gene
(data not shown).
Interaction of Suz12 with the b
-globin gene
promoter decreases during activation of the
-globin gene in differentiating murine ES cells
We next examined the association of Suz12 with the
-globin gene promoter during differentiation of
mouse ES cells. We previously demonstrated that the
adult b-globingene is expressed at low levels in ES
cell cultures incubated for 5 days with erythropoietin
(EPO), which mediates the differentiation and prolif-
eration of erythroid cells [17]. High-level expression
of the adult b-globingene was observed at day 12 in
the ES cell differentiation system. Figure 5A,B dem-
onstrates that b
-globin gene expression is up-regu-
lated by more than 30-fold between days 5 and 12.
We observed that the association of Suz12, TFII-I
and trimethylated H3K27 (H3K27me3) with the
-globin gene promoter is high at day 5 but
undetectable at day 12 (Fig. 5C). Quantitation of the
Suz12 levels at the b
-globin gene promoter dem-
onstrate that the changes between days 5 and 12 are
significant. The control experiment demonstrates that
interaction of LCR HS2 associated dimethylated
H3K4 (H3K4me2) does not change during the
course of differentiation. Neither Suz12, nor TFII-I
were found to associate with a control region located
between LCR elements HS2 and HS3 (data not
We provide evidence that USF andTFII-I regulate
b-globin gene expression through therecruitment of
coactivator complexes that render theb-globin pro-
moter accessible or inaccessible tothe transcription
complex. USF recruits the histone acetyltransferase
p300 totheb-globin promoter and this activity
increases the accessibility for transcription factors.
TFII-I recruits HDAC3 andthe PRC2 complex, which
render the chromatin structure inaccessible tothe tran-
scription complex.
Previous data from the Felsenfeld laboratory have
shown that USF interacts with the coregulators p300,
CBP, SET7 ⁄ 9 and PCAF and perhaps recruits these
activities to a chromosomal boundary element [24]. In
the present study, we show that p300 and CBP are
located at the promoter ofthe active adult b-globin
gene and also at LCR element HS2. USF1 is observed
to interact with p300 exclusively in erythroid cells with
an adult phenotype. These data suggest that USF1
recruits p300 tothe promoter ofthe active b-globin
gene to aid in transcriptional activation.
CBP ⁄ p300 is located at LCR HS2 in K562 cells, in
which we did not detect interactions between USF and
p300. This suggests that therecruitmentof CBP ⁄ p300
to the LCR, at least in K562 cells, is mediated by pro-
teins other than USF, and potential candidates are
GATA-1 and NF-E2, which have been shown to inter-
act with CBP [27,28]. Both of these proteins were
shown to be required for histone acetylation of spe-
cific regions in the globin gene locus. However, the
recruitment of CBP ⁄ p300 tothe adult b-globin gene
Fig. 4. Suz12 represses b-globingene expression in K562 cells. K562 cells were nucleofected with Suz12 siRNA, nontargeting siRNA (neg),
or mock transfected. (A) Protein was collected after 2 days and electrophoresed on gels for western blotting. Blots were probed with
a-Suz12 in the upper panel and then stripped and reprobed with a-GAPDH for a loading control. (B) Relative b-, c- and e-globin expression in
Suz12 knockdown cells. RNA was collected, reverse transcribed, and analyzed by quantitative PCR. Expression is set relative to either non-
targeting siRNA (neg) samples or mock transfected cells, with GAPDH as the internal reference.
V. J. Crusselle-Davis et al. Coregulators of USF andTFII-I in erythroid cells
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promoter is mediated by USF. We previously demon-
strated that the expression of a dominant negative
mutant of USF in MEL cells resulted in decreased
interactions between CBP ⁄ p300 with both b-globin
gene promoter and LCR HS2, suggesting that, in adult
erythroid cells, USF is required for therecruitment of
CBP ⁄ p300 to both theb-globingeneandthe LCR.
Expression ofthe dominant negative mutant also
reduced interactions of RNA polymerase II with LCR
HS2 andtheb-globingene promoter [20]. E-box
motifs are present downstream ofthe transcription
start sites of both theb-globin promoter and HS2, sug-
gesting that USF is important for transcription in both
of these regions in adult erythroid cells [29].
Components of PRC2 are expressed at high levels
in embryonic tissues and are essential for the earliest
stages of vertebrate development. They also have
been found to occupy a special set of developmental
genes in ES cells that must be repressed to maintain
pluripotency and that are poised for activation during
ES cell differentiation [30,31]. As the adult b-globin
gene is repressed during the early stages of develop-
ment and is poised for activation, we reasoned that
PCR2 could be involved in repressing b-globin
expression at the embryonic and fetal stage of devel-
Reducing the activity of Suz12 in K562 cells led to
an increase in b-globingene expression and also a
modest increase in e-globin gene expression (Fig. 4). It
should be noted that the K562 cells were not induced
by hemin, which has been shown to increase the
expression of e- and c-globin gene expression in these
cells. However, the effect of hemin on globin gene
expression in these cells is relatively low [32]. Neverthe-
less, it is possible that the PRC complex represses
globin gene expression in a differentiation and devel-
opmental stage-specific manner. This is consistent with
previous findings demonstrating that the PRC2
complex localizes to developmentally regulated genes
in undifferentiated ES cells [30], and with our own
data demonstrating that Suz12 andTFII-I interact
with the b
-globin promoter during early but not
late stages of EPO-induced ES cell differentiation [20]
(Fig. 5).
Fig. 5. The interaction of Suz12 with theb-globingene promoter decreases with increased b-globingene expression during erythroid differ-
entiation of mouse ES cells. (A) RT-PCR analysis of e- andb-globingene expression during erythroid differentiation of mouse ES cells. RNA
was isolated from ES cells incubated in the presence of EPO for 5 or 12 days, as indicated. The RNA was reverse transcribed and subjected
to RT-PCR using primers specific for the control genes Rex1 and b-actin as well as the embryonic e- and adult b
-globin genes. (B) Quanti-
tative RT-PCR analysis of b
-globin gene expression at days 5 and 12 of erythroid differentiation of mouse ES cells. RNA was isolated from
the cells at the indicated time points after addition of EPO and subjected to quantitative RT-PCR analysis using primers specific for the b
globin gene. (C) Analysis of modified histones, Suz12 andTFII-I interactions with the b
-globin gene promoter at days 5 and 12 of erythroid
differentiation. Cells were collected at the indicated time points and subjected to ChIP analysis using antibodies specific for histone H3 dime-
thylated at K4 (H3K4me2), histone H3 trimethylated at K27 (H3K27me3), Suz12, TFII-Iandthe control IgG. (D) Quantitative analysis of Suz12
interactions with the b
-globin gene promoter at days 5 and 12 of erythroid differentiation. Cells were taken at the indicated time points
and subjected to ChIP with the indicated antibodies. The precipitated DNA was subjected to quantitative PCR using primers specific for the
-globin gene. In the left panel, chromatin was precipitated with antibodies specific for histone H3 dimethylated at K4 (H3K4me2) and
analysed by quantitative PCR using primers specific for LCR element HS2.
Coregulators of USF andTFII-I in erythroid cells V. J. Crusselle-Davis et al.
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Suz12 has previously been shown to be required for
the di- and tri-methylation of H3K27, which are marks
for inactive chromatin [33]. We did not observe high
levels of trimethylated H3K27 associated with the
b-globin gene promoter in K562 cells. However, trime-
thylated H3K27 was present at the b
-globin gene
promoter in early stage EPO-induced ES cell cultures
(day 5) when the b
-globin gene is expressed at low
levels. This modification was absent in day 12 cultures
that express high levels ofthe b
-globin gene
(Fig. 5).
The interactions between TFII-Iand Suz12 in K562
cells are weak. This interaction may be unstable or
transient in nature. In this context, it is interesting to
note that another initiator binding protein, YY1, has
also been shown to directly interact with both HDAC3
and the PRC complex [34,35]. Furthermore, YY1 has
been implicated in the silencing of e-globin gene
expression in adult erythroid cells [36].
Suz12 could also be recruited totheb-globin gene
promoter through the interaction with other DNA
binding proteins involved in repressing the adult glo-
bin gene. One possible candidate is BP1, a homeo-
domain-containing protein, which binds to a negative
regulatory element in theupstreamb-globin gene
region and reduces expression [37,38]. It is not
known how this protein represses b-globin gene
Another corepressor recruited byTFII-Itothe glo-
bin genelocus is HDAC3. TFII-Iand HDAC3 interact
with each other exclusively in K562 cells and not in
MEL cells. It has been observed that TFII-I and
HDAC3 have very similar expression patterns in the
developing mouse embryo [39]. Therefore, the results
presented in the present study, along with the previous
studies, suggest that the transcription activity of TFII-
I may be controlled by HDAC3 during early develop-
ment. Our data demonstrate that TFII-I functions as a
repressor ofb-globingene expression by recruiting
HDAC activity tothe promoter. This is consistent
with observations ofthe acetylation ofthe human
b-globin promoter region being reduced in erythroid
cells with an embryonic phenotype [16,40].
EKLF is present and active in both primitive and
adult erythroid cells but somehow is unable to activate
b-globin gene expression in embryonic erythroid cells
[41]. Perhaps EKLF functions in conjunction with
other factors to activate b-globingene expression and
these factors are not present or active in embryonic
cells. Alternatively, EKLF requires an accessible chro-
matin structure to recruit nucleosome mobilizing activ-
ities tothe promoter. Initial accessibility may be
provided by proteins that recruit histone acetyl or
methyl transferases tothe adult b -globin gene pro-
moter, thereby counteracting the repressive activity of
Experimental procedures
Cell culture
Human erythroleukemia (K562) cells were grown in
RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine
serum and 5% penicillin-streptomycin. Murine erythroleu-
kemia (MEL) cells were grown in RPMI containing 10%
fetal bovine serum and 5% antibiotic-antimycotic. Cells
were grown at 37 °C and maintained at a cell density of
approximately 1–5 · 10
. Mouse ES cells were
cultured and induced to differentiate with EPO as described
by Levings et al. [17].
ChIP, co-immunoprecipitation
Chromatin immunoprecipitation was carried out as
described by Leach et al. [19]. Briefly, cells were washed in
NaCl ⁄ P
, crosslinked using 1% formaldehyde, and
quenched with glycine. After isolation of nuclei and lysis,
the crosslinked chromatin was fragmented by sonication to
average size fragments of 500 bp. Chromatin fragments
were precipitated with specific or nonspecific control (IgG)
antibodies. Antibody ⁄ chromatin fragments were subjected
to several rounds of stringent washing. The DNA was puri-
fied from the chromatin fragments and analyzed by real-
time quantitative PCR using pairs of primers specific for
the murine or human b-globingenelocus as described
by Crusselle-Davis et al. [20] in addition to mouse ec-glo-
bin promoter (upstream: 5¢-ATGACCTGGCTCCACC
3¢); human HS2 (upstream: 5¢-CGCCTTCTGGTTCTGTG
AC-3¢); human c-globin promoter (upstream: 5¢-CCTTCA
GAAATGACCCA-3¢); human HS3 ⁄ 2 (upstream: 5¢-GTG
CACAGCACCACACC-3¢); and human glyceralde-
hyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) promoter
Immunoprecipitation was carried out essentially as
described by Crusselle-Davis et al. [20]. The antibodies used
in the experiments comprised: monomethyl-histone H3
Lys27 07-448, trimethyl-H3 Lys27, Suz12 07-379 (Upstate,
Charlotteville, VA, USA); USF1 (H-86) sc-8983, p300 (N-15)
sc-584, CBP (A-22) sc-369, GAPDH (FL-335) sc-25778
(Santa Cruz Biotechnologies, Santa Cruz, CA, USA);
Suz12 ab12073, TFII-I ab10464 (Abcam, Cambridge, MA,
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USA); and IgG C6409 anti-(chicken IgG); (Sigma,
St Louis, MO, USA).
RNA interference
siGENOME SMART-pool reagents for Suz12
(NM 015355) and siCONTROL nontargeting pool (D-
001810-10-05) were obtained from Dharmacon (Lafayette,
CO, USA) and used for transfection as described by Crus-
selle-Davis et al. [20]. A total of 10
K562 cells were nucleo-
fected with siRNA or mock transfected using an
optimized protocol for K562 cells (Amaxa Biosystems,
Cologne, Germany). Protein and RNA were collected from
transfected K562 cells after 48, 72 and 96 h, as described
previously [20]. Relative expression was determined using
real-time RT-PCR and primers as described by Crusselle-
Davis et al. [20]. In addition, human c-globin primers
(upstream: 5¢-TGAATGTCCAAGATGCTGGA-3¢, down-
stream: 5¢-CATGATGGCAGAGGCAGAG-3¢) were used.
Protein isolation and western blotting
Protein isolation and western blotting was performed as
described by Leach et al. [19]. A total of 20 lg of protein
was loaded onto 7.5% or 5% Ready gels (Bio-Rad, Hercu-
les, CA, USA), electrophoresed, and transferred to nylon
membranes. The detection of proteins on the membranes
was performed using the ECL Plus system as described in
the manufacturer’s instructions (Amersham Pharmacia Bio-
tech, Piscataway, NJ, USA). The primary antibodies used
were the same as those used in the ChIP and immunopre-
cipitation assays in addition to HDAC3 (H-99) sc-11417
(Santa Cruz). The secondary antibodies used were as
described by Crusselle-Davis et al. [20]. The antibodies were
used at concentrations recommended in the manufacturer’s
We are grateful to our colleagues I-Ju Lin, Shermi
Liang, Kunjal Gandhi and JoAnne Andersen for
assistance and stimulating discussions. This work was
supported by grants from the NIH (DK 52356) and
American Heart Association.
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V. J. Crusselle-Davis et al. Coregulators of USF andTFII-I in erythroid cells
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 6065–6073 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 6073
. Recruitment of coregulator complexes to the b-globin gene
locus by TFII-I and upstream stimulatory factor
Valerie J. Crusselle-Davis,. whether USF recruits co-
activators to the b-globin gene locus, we first examined
the recruitment of different coactivators to regions in
the globin gene locus