Báo cáo khoa học: Loss of sense transgene-induced post-transcriptional gene silencing by sequential introduction of the same transgene sequences in tobacco pot
Lossofsensetransgene-inducedpost-transcriptional gene
silencing bysequentialintroductionofthesame transgene
sequences in tobacco
Sayaka Hirai
, Kouta Takahashi
, Tomomi Abiko
and Hiroaki Kodama
1 Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University, Japan
2 Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University, Japan
3 Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University, Japan
Genetic transformation is a powerful tool of improve-
ment of plant physiological traits, and is important to
both basic and applied sciences. Successful expression
of transgenesequences is always desired, and overex-
pression ofthetransgene is usually selected in a popu-
lation of transgenic plants. Thetransgene itself is often
recognized as a sequence of invasive nucleic acids and
triggers RNA silencing [1–4]. RNA silencing, an RNA-
mediated suppression ofgene activity, is a common
phenomenon in most eukaryotic organisms. Sense
transgene-induced post-transcriptionalgene silencing
(S-PTGS) is a representative phenomenon of RNA
silencing targeting thesense transgene, and the
transgene and its homologous endogenous genes are
suppressed simultaneously [5,6]. S-PTGS is usually
observed in a portion of transgenic plants. In S-PTGS
fatty acid desaturase; post-transcriptional
gene silencing; RNA-directed DNA
methylation; threshold; a-linolenic acid
H. Kodama, Graduate School of Horticulture,
Chiba University, 648 Matsudo, Chiba
271-8510, Japan
Fax: +81 43 290 3942
Tel: +81 43 290 3942
E-mail: kodama@faculty.chiba-u.jp
(Received 31 October 2009, revised 23
January 2010, accepted 26 January
RNA silencing is an epigenetic inhibition ofgene expression and is guided
by small interfering RNAs. Sensetransgene-induced post-transcriptional
gene silencing (S-PTGS) occurs in a portion of a transgenic plant popula-
tion. When a sensetransgene encoding a tobacco endoplasmic reticulum
x-3 fatty acid desaturase (NtFAD3) was introduced into tobacco plants,
an S-PTGS line, S44, was obtained. Introductionof another copy of the
NtFAD3 transgene into S44 plants caused a phenotypic change from
S-PTGS to overexpression. Because this change was associated with the
methylation ofthe promoter sequencesofthe transgene, reduced transcrip-
tional activity may abolish S-PTGS and residual transcription ofthe sense
transgene may account for the overexpression. To clarify whether
RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM) can repress the transcriptional
activity ofthe S44 transgene locus, we introduced several RdDM
constructs targeting thetransgene promoter. An RdDM construct harbor-
ing a 200-bp-long fragment of promoter sequences efficiently abrogated the
generation of NtFAD3 small interfering RNAs in S44 plants. Transcription
of thetransgene was partially repressed, but the resulting NtFAD3 mRNAs
successfully accumulated and an overexpressed phenotype was established.
Our results indicate an example in which overexpression ofthetransgene is
established by complex epigenetic interactions among the transgenic loci.
CaMV, cauliflower mosaic virus; ChIP, chromatin immunoprecipitation; CHS, chalcone synthase gene; GFP, green fluorescent protein;
GUS, b-glucuronidase; H3K4me3, histone H3 trimethylated at lysine-4; H3K9me2, histone H3 dimethylated at lysine-9; Nii, tobacco nitrite
reductase gene; Nos, nopaline synthase; nptII, neomycin phosphotransferase II gene; NtFAD3, tobacco endoplasmic reticulum x-3 fatty acid
desaturase; RACE, rapid amplification of 5¢ cDNA ends; RdDM, RNA-directed DNA methylation; RDR6, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase6;
siRNA, small interfering RNA; S-PTGS, sensetransgene-inducedpost-transcriptionalgene silencing; TSP, transcriptional start point.
FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 1695–1703 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS 1695
plants, transcription ofthetransgene may produce
aberrant RNAs with unusual structures, and aberrant
RNAs may promote the recruitment of an RNA-
dependent RNA polymerase6 (RDR6) [7,8]. Aberrance
has been found intransgene mRNAs lacking a cap
structure or a polyA structure, which are generated
from abortive elongation, readthrough of transgene
transcription and ⁄ or a defect in RNA processing. The
genomic insertion manner of transgenes, namely
repeated arrangement and truncated and ⁄ or rear-
ranged transgene copies, may be a cause of synthesis
of aberrant RNAs [9–11]. RDR6 synthesizes a comple-
mentary RNA using aberrant transcripts as a template,
and the resulting dsRNAs are processed into the
21–25-nucleotide-long, small interfering RNAs (called
siRNAs) by DICER-like protein4. The single-stranded
siRNA is incorporated into a multicomponent RNA-
induced silencing complex and guides the endonucleo-
lytic cleavage of transcripts ofthetransgene and
homologous endogenous genes. ARGONAUTE1 is a
main slicer inthe RNA-induced silencing complex
Several reports have described a correlation between
the incidence of S-PTGS and high transgene copy
number [9,14]. For example, three or more copies of
the b-glucuronidase (GUS) transgene and five or more
copies ofthe green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgene
are required to trigger S-PTGS [15,16]. Silencing
induced by an increase intransgene copy number is
associated with the generation oftransgene siRNAs
and, also, DNA methylation inthetransgene locus
[16,17]. These results imply the existence of a threshold
concentration of transcripts for the onset of S-PTGS.
This concept is known as RNA threshold theory
[11,18,19]. At present, the molecular mechanism for
the recruitment of RDR6 protein in RNA threshold
theory still remains unresolved.
Although RNA threshold theory has been recog-
nized as a convincing model for the triggering of
S-PTGS, no study has reported phenotypic changes
from S-PTGS to overexpression ofthe transgene
manipulated bythe modulation of transcriptional
activity. In this article, we report the successful conver-
sion from S-PTGS to overexpression by a decrease in
the transcriptional activity ofthe transgene. When
transcription ofthetransgene was partially repressed
by methylation oftransgene promoter sequences,
siRNAs targeting the coding region ofthe transgene
disappeared and residual transcription ofthe transgene
caused a phenotypic change from S-PTGS to overex-
pression. This result indicates that, at least in this case,
overexpression ofthetransgene is established via com-
plex mechanisms, including RNA silencing.
Recovery from S-PTGS bysequential introduction
of a same-sense transgene sequence
A tobacco microsomal x-3 fatty acid desaturase
(NtFAD3) converts linoleic acid (18:2) to a-linolenic
acid (18:3). A sense transgene, pTF1SIIn, expresses
the NtFAD3 cDNA under the control ofthe El2 pro-
moter [20]. Most transgenic plants showed an overex-
pressed phenotype, namely increased 18:3 content, and
the S24 line was used as a representative of such over-
expressors (Fig. 1A). A cosuppressed line, S44, which
had been transformed with pTF1SIIn, showed a large
reduction ofthe leaf 18:3 level, and accumulation of
Fig. 1. Lossof S-PTGS phenotype in sequentially transformed
plants with NtFAD3 sense and NtFAD3:GUS chimeric sense transg-
enes. (A) Characterization ofthe primary transgenic plants with
pTF1SIIn. The 18:3 level of each representative plant [wild-type
(WT), homozygous S24 and S44 plants] was determined, followed
by the detection of NtFAD3 mRNAs and siRNAs. (B) Characteri-
zation ofthe sequentially transformed plants with pTF1SIIn and
pEx9-GUS-h. The levels of 18:3 in total fatty acids and the amounts
of NtFAD3 mRNA and NtFAD3 siRNA in leaves are shown. A repre-
sentative 18:3 level of each plant is shown. The constitutively
expressed 28S rRNA and 5S rRNA are also shown to assess the
equivalence of RNA loading amounts. (C) Levels of NtFAD3 tran-
scripts in leaf tissues. The presence ofthe NtFAD3:GUS chimeric
construct inthe genome was determined by PCR amplification (a).
The levels of NtFAD3 transcripts originating from the primary
transgene (pTF1SIIn, b), secondary transgene (pEx9-GUS-h, c) and
endogenes (d) were determined by RT-PCR analysis.
Transcriptional regulation in S-PTGS S. Hirai et al.
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NtFAD3 siRNAs [21]. Most NtFAD3 siRNAs were 21
nucleotides in length [21], and the level of 24-nucleo-
tide NtFAD3 siRNAs was low (Fig. 1A). To monitor
the tissue-dependent expression ofthetransgene in
S44 plants, we constructed a plasmid, pEx9-GUS-h, in
which a NtFAD3 cDNA was fused with GUS under
the control ofthe El2 promoter sequence (Fig. S1A,
see Supporting information). pEx9-GUS-h was intro-
duced as a secondary transgene into homozygous S44
plants, and four independent transformants (S44-SH1–
4) were obtained (Fig. S1C). Unfortunately, the resul-
tant fusion protein did not show any activity of either
GUS or NtFAD3 protein in wild-type plants (data not
shown). We found a unique phenotype in S44-SH
lines. After self-pollination, the offspring of three lines
(S44-SH2–4) showed increased 18:3 content in leaves
relative to that ofthe wild-type, and S44-SH1 off-
spring showed nearly thesame 18:3 levels as those of
S44 leaves (Fig. S1D). NtFAD3 mRNAs were detected
at a high level in S44-SH2 leaves, which was associ-
ated with the disappearance of NtFAD3 siRNA
(Fig. 1B). Therefore, the phenotype of S44 was con-
verted from S-PTGS into overexpression of the
NtFAD3 transgenein S44-SH2 plants. In contrast,
NtFAD3 siRNAs were detected in S44-SH1 leaves,
indicating that S-PTGS is maintained. As expected
from the phenotype, expression ofthe NtFAD3 endo-
gene was recovered, and the primary NtFAD3 trans-
gene was highly expressed in S44-SH2 leaves.
Strangely, expression ofthe secondary NtFAD3 trans-
gene (namely NtFAD3::GUS chimeric gene) was lost in
S44-SH2 plants (Fig. 1C). In fact, northern analysis
with the GUS probe showed that NtFAD3::GUS
mRNA weakly accumulated in S44-SH1 plants, but
not in S44-SH2 plants (Fig. S1E).
We investigated the methylation status ofthe El2
promoter sequencesin S44-SH1 and S44-SH2
(Fig. 2). Because the El2 promoter was used in both
primary and secondary transgenes, it was difficult to
discriminate the methylation status of each promoter
sequence by Southern hybridization. The El2
promoter consists of two tandemly repeated enhancer
regions ofthe cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S
promoter [22] (Fig. S1B). Two main fragments, 325
and 476 bp in length, were generated from the El2
promoter sequence after digestion with AccI ⁄ MboI,
and could be visualized using the CaMV 35S
promoter sequence as a probe. These fragments were
detected inthe AccI ⁄ MboI-cut S44-SH1 genome
DNA, but not inthe S44-SH2 genome DNA. An
801-bp-long fragment was generated in S44-SH2
plants, and this fragment was in agreement with
the expected size when the AccI site was methylated.
A similar result was observed by Southern analysis
with HinfI ⁄ MboI, and a larger fragment than
the expected size was generated in S44-SH2 plants
(Fig. 2). This result suggests that transcription of
the NtFAD3 secondary transgene is severely
repressed and transcription ofthe primary NtFAD3
transgene is partially repressed by methylation in El2
promoter sequencesin S44-SH2 plants relative to
S44 plants.
Fig. 2. Methylation status ofthetransgene promoter in the
sequentially transformed plants with NtFAD3 sense and NtFAD3:-
GUS chimeric sense transgenes. (A) Schematic drawing ofthe El2
promoter region. The AccI, HinfI and MboI sites are indicated. The
lengths ofthe predicted restriction fragments are also shown. (B)
Southern blot of HinfI ⁄ MboI- and AccI ⁄ MboI-digested genomic
DNAs. DNAs were isolated from S44-SH1 and S44-SH2 plants, and
hybridized with a probe for the CaMV 35S promoter. The lengths
of the observed bands are given on the left. The dot at 1228 bp
in the left panel is a hybridization artifact. The 893-bp HinfI ⁄ MboI
fragment corresponds to the long fragment including 251, 317 and
325 fragments.
S. Hirai et al. Transcriptional regulation in S-PTGS
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siRNAs targeting the El2 promoter abolish
We examined whether a lowered transcriptional rate of
the primary transgene was associated with the evasion
of S-PTGS. siRNAs targeting the promoter sequences
can direct de novo DNA methylation on the corre-
sponding cytosine residues (RNA-directed DNA meth-
ylation, RdDM), which results in epigenetic silencing
[23–25]. Three distinct RdDM constructs targeting the
El2 promoter were introduced into S44 plants
(Fig. S1A). The regenerated double transformants were
self-pollinated, and the phenotype ofthe resulting
offspring was investigated. pIR-HEAD targets two
tandemly arranged regions ofthe El2 promoter [)743
to )554 and )418 to )219 relative to the transcrip-
tional start point (TSP); Fig. S1B], and was introduced
into a homozygous S44 plant. The resulting six inde-
pendent lines, namely S44-head-1 to S44-head-6, were
obtained (Fig. S2, see Supporting information). The
amount of NtFAD3 mRNA was nearly thesame or
somewhat lower in these S44-head lines than in the
S44 parental line, and NtFAD3 siRNAs existed in
all S44-head lines (Fig. 3A). An RdDM construct,
pIR-TATA, targets the basal region ofthe El2 pro-
moter ()200 to +1; Fig. S1B). Two independent trans-
genic lines, S44-tata-1 and S44-tata-2, were obtained.
The phenotype of these two lines was similar to that
of S44 plants, and NtFAD3 siRNAs were detected
(Fig. 3A). One conspicuous result was obtained by the
introduction of an RdDM construct (pIR-END) that
targets two regions, from )291 to )91 (termed the
END2 region) and from )618 to )419 (termed the
END1 region), ofthe El2 promoter (Fig. S1B). All
seven independent transgenic lines, S44-end-1 to S44-
end-7, consistently showed higher leaf 18:3 content
than wild-type leaves (Fig. S2). A representative line
(S44-end-2) showed an increased amount of NtFAD3
mRNAs in leaves, and also a large decrease in the
NtFAD3 siRNA level (Fig. 3A). These results indicate
that RdDMs targeting two distinct 200-bp-long regions
of the El2 promoter (END1 and END2) are effective
for the evasion of S-PTGS in S44 plants.
When total RNAs prepared from leaf tissues were
used in RT-PCR analysis, the NtFAD3 mRNAs
derived from both transgene and endogenous counter-
parts were detected at a high level in S44-end-2 plants.
In contrast, nuclear nascent transcripts ofthe NtFAD3
transgene could be detected in S44, S44-head and S44-
tata leaves. However, in S44-end-2 leaves, the level was
reduced in comparison with that of S44 plants
(Fig. 3B). Quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis indi-
cated that both transcripts for the NtFAD3 transgene
and endogene showed an increase of about 1.4-fold in
the total RNA fraction of S44-end-2 plants in compari-
son with S44 plants (1.43 ± 0.30 for thetransgene and
1.49 ± 0.30 for the endogene). In contrast, the level of
nuclear transcripts ofthe NtFAD3 transgene was
reduced to 0.75 ± 0.20 of those of S44 plants
(mean ± SD, n = 3). We also analyzed TSP of the
transgene in S44 and S44-end-2 plants bythe rapid
amplification of 5¢ cDNA ends (RACE). The resulting
RACE products amplified from both plants showed a
clear single band after electrophoresis (Fig. S3, see Sup-
porting information), and the 5¢-termini ofthe NtFAD3
transgene cDNAs were distributed inthesame region
of thetransgene sequences, suggesting that the NtFAD3
transgene was transcribed under the control of the
same core promoter in S44 and S44-end plants.
Thus, it is likely that the transcription ofthe primary
NtFAD3 transgene is repressed, even though the steady-
state level of NtFAD3 mRNA was detected at a high
level in leaf tissues in S44-end-2 plants. These results
indicate that the END1 and ⁄ or END2 region ofthe El2
promoter should play an important role in siRNA gen-
eration ofthe downstream NtFAD3 transgene.
Methylation status of END regions ofthe El2
Cumulative methylation in all sequence contexts (CG,
CHG and CHH; H represents A, T or C) in the
Fig. 3. Lossof S-PTGS phenotype bytheintroductionof an RdDM
construct targeting the El2 promoter. (A) Characterization of the
transgenic plants used. The levels of 18:3 in total fatty acids and
the amounts of NtFAD3 mRNA and NtFAD3 siRNA in leaves are
shown. Two descendants of each representative double transfor-
mant were prepared. A representative 18:3 level of each plant is
shown. The equivalence of RNA loading is shown as stated in the
legend to Fig. 1. (B) Levels of NtFAD3 transcripts in leaf tissues.
Total RNA and nuclear RNA were used as templates for RT-PCR.
Transcriptional regulation in S-PTGS S. Hirai et al.
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END1 and END2 regions is shown in Fig. 4. In the
END1 region, most cytosine residues were highly
methylated in both S44 and S44-end plants (Fig. 4A).
The END2 region was hypermethylated in S44-end-2
plants, and almost all cytosine residues were methylat-
ed (Fig. 4B). The RdDM by pIR-END did not affect
the methylation status inthe NtFAD3 coding region in
spite of a large decrease inthe NtFAD3 siRNA level
(Fig. 4C). We also investigated the methylation status
of the END2 region in S24 plants, a successful over-
expressor of pTF1SIIn [21]. The END2 region was
hypomethylated in S24 plants (Fig. S4, see Supporting
information). pIR-END was then introduced into S24
plants, and three of seven transgenic plants showed a
18:3 level similar to that ofthe wild-type. A represen-
tative line (S24-end-4) showed an 18:3 content similar
to that ofthe wild-type, and all sequence contexts in
the END2 region ofthe El2 promoter were heavily
methylated (Fig. S4). Therefore, RdDM by pIR-END
caused efficient methylation inthe END2 region,
which was followed bythe abolishment ofthe over-
expression phenotype in S24 plants.
Cytosine methylation appears to direct changes in
chromatin conformation to the silent chromatin
region. However, the features of histone H3 modifica-
tion at the El2 promoter were essentially thesame in
S44 and S44-end-2 plants (Fig. 4D). The El2 promoter
in S24 plants was associated with histone H3 trimethy-
lated at lysine-4 (H3K4me3), whereas this promoter
was free of histone H3 dimethylated at lysine-9
(H3K9me2). H3K4me3 and H3K9me2 are frequently
found in euchromatin and heterochromatin, respec-
tively [26,27]. In contrast, we detected the existence of
both H3K9me2 and H3K4me3 at the El2 promoter
region in S44 plants. The NtFAD3 siRNAs are defi-
cient in S44-end-2 plants, but thelossof these siRNAs
was not associated with any remarkable changes in
chromatin modification inthe promoter region. In
summary, the END1 and END2 regions were highly
methylated in S44 plants, even though the NtFAD3
transgene was transcribed. After RdDM by pIR-END,
the END2 region was almost completely methylated,
and S-PTGS was compromised.
Release of S-PTGS during sequential
Several reports have described a correlation between
the incidence of S-PTGS and high transgene copy
number [9,14]. Silencing induced by an increase in
transgene copy number is associated with the genera-
tion oftransgene siRNAs and also DNA methylation
in thetransgene locus [16,17]. Unlike these previous
results, the phenotype seen in S44-SH2 plants indicates
that duplication ofthe promoter sequence should trig-
ger phenotypic conversion. Re-introduction of pro-
moter sequences frequently suppresses the expression
of a previously introduced transgene, which is corre-
lated with methylation at the promoter region [28,29].
The increased methylation inthe El2 promoter and the
disappearance ofthe NtFAD3::GUS transcripts in S44-
SH2 plants are in good agreement with these previous
observations. The methylation at the El2 promoter
should coincidently occur in both primary and second-
ary transgenes. In this respect, the transcriptional
activity of a primary transgene should decline even
though its mRNA successfully accumulates by
deficiency of NtFAD3 siRNAs.
The release of S-PTGS has been observed in several
transgenic plants. Petunia C001 transgenic plants pro-
duce white flowers by S-PTGS ofthe chalcone syn-
thase gene (CHS) [9]. The C002 line is obtained
spontaneously inthe offspring of C001, and produces
purple flowers. In C002 plants, cytosine residues at the
transgene promoter are methylated, and transgene
expression is severely inhibited. CHS siRNAs are
absent, and the expression of endogenous CHS genes
Fig. 4. Bisulfite sequence and ChIP analysis ofthe transgene
sequence. (A) Degree of cytosine methylation at the END1 region
of the El2 promoter. (B) Degree of cytosine methylation at the
END2 region ofthe El2 promoter. (C) Degree of cytosine methyla-
tion at the NtFAD3 coding region ofthe transgene. The percent-
ages of methylated cytosines in CpG, CpHpG and CpHpH were
determined in S44 (black bars) and S44-end-2 (grey bars) plants
(A–C). (D) Histone modification in transgenic plants. Chromatin frac-
tions prepared from S44, S44-end-2 and S24 leaves were immuno-
precipitated (IP) using antibodies specific for H3K9me2 and
H3K4me3. IgG was provided by a kit supplier and used as a control
antibody. DNA was then purified from immunoprecipitants and sub-
jected to PCR analysis. Genomic regions for the El2 promoter were
S. Hirai et al. Transcriptional regulation in S-PTGS
FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 1695–1703 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS 1699
is restored in C002 plants [30,31]. Similarly, S-PTGS
of the neomycin phosphotransferase II gene (nptII)is
eliminated during regeneration from in vitro-cultured
cells [32]. Expression ofthetransgene is transcription-
ally silenced by dense methylation ofthe promoter
sequences, and siRNAs for the nptII gene disappear.
When the expression ofthetransgene is almost com-
pletely inhibited by DNA methylation, the generation
of siRNAs should be repressed because ofthe absence
of RDR6 templates. Elimination of S-PTGS is also
observed when expression ofthetransgene is partially
inhibited. S-PTGS ofthetobacco nitrite reductase gene
(Nii) is abolished inthe regenerated plants from
in vitro-cultured tissues [19]. The promoter for the Nii
transgene is methylated in cosuppressed plants, but is
free from methylation in plants escaping S-PTGS.
Curiously, Nii transgene expression is weakened, even
though its transcription is controlled bythe methyla-
tion-free promoter. One ofthe common features of
these plants free from S-PTGS is the attenuated
expression ofthe transgene, and therefore the thresh-
old theory has been proposed as a trigger of S-PTGS.
In this respect, recovery from S-PTGS in S44-SH2
plants may be accounted for bythe threshold theory.
Promoter activity determines the recruitment of
RDR6 on transcripts ofthe NtFAD3 transgene
The introductionof pIR-END into S24 plants induces
a dense methylation and eliminates the overexpression
of the NtFAD3 transgene (Fig. S4). In contrast, the
El2 promoter is highly methylated in S44 plants, and
pIR-END induces only a slight increase in methylation
in S44-end-2 plants. Transcriptional inactivation by
RdDM requires both DNA methylation and histone
modification, especially H3K9me2 [33]. Although
pIR-END does not affect significantly H3K9me2 and
H3K4me3 at the El2 promoter sequences, as seen in
S44-end-2 plants (Fig. 4D), another epigenetic change
in chromatin structure is regulated by RdDM. In S44
plants, there should be a chromatin conformation that
allows active transcription, driven by a densely methy-
lated El2 promoter. This chromatin conformation may
be interfered with byintroductionof pIR-END, and
transcriptional acitivity will be decreased significantly.
Considered together, promoter activity determines the
recognition of downstream NtFAD3 transcripts by
RDR6. However, the initial trigger of recognition of
transgene transcripts by RDR6 is still unknown. The
low transcription may avoid the incidence of irregular
processing of transcripts, or RDR6 may not be able to
recognize such a low quantity oftransgene mRNA in
S44-end plants.
Our results indicate an example in which the trans-
gene is overexpressed as a result ofthe interaction of
RNA silencing. The instability oftransgene expression
has often been observed in offspring and, in some
cases, overexpression and silencingofthetransgene are
segregated. Attention should be paid to the overexpres-
sion ofthetransgene established bythe latent influence
of silencing mechanisms.
Materials and methods
Plasmid construction and plant transformation
The sensetransgene construct, pTF1SIIn, contains NtFAD3
cDNA under the control ofthe El2 sequence. A NtFAD3
cDNA fragment (nucleotide position 52–1035 of GenBank
Acc. No. D26509) was fused to the N-terminus ofthe GUS
gene and inserted into pTF1SIIn to replace the NtFAD3
sequence. Then, a cassette containing a nopaline synthase
(Nos) promoter and hygromycin phosphotransferase B gene
was inserted into the EcoRI site to generate pEx9-GUS-h.
The CaMV 35S promoter of pSH-hp-RDR6 [34] was
replaced with a Nos promoter, and the inverted repeat
sequences were replaced with thesense and antisense frag-
ments ofthe El2 promoter as follows. XbaI and ApaI sites
were added to the 5¢ and 3¢ ends of a partial El2 promoter
fragment by means of PCR with primers harboring these
restriction enzyme sites. Similarly, XhoI and SacI sites were
created at the 5¢ and 3¢ ends ofthe corresponding El2 frag-
ment by PCR. The XbaI–ApaI antisense fragment and
XhoI–SacI sense fragment were inserted into thesame sites
of the RNAi cassette. The target region of each RdDM
construct (pIR-HEAD, pIR-END, pIR-TATA) is described
in the text (Fig. S1). These binary vectors were introduced
into homozygous S44 plants by Agrobacterium-mediated
transformation. pIR-END was also introduced into
homozygous S24 plants. The regenerated, sequentially
transformed plants were self-pollinated, and the hygromy-
cin-resistant offspring were used for further analysis.
Fatty acid analysis
Fatty acid composition was determined as described previ-
ously [35].
RNA gel blot analysis
Total RNA was isolated using TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen,
Carlsbad, CA, USA). Twenty micrograms of total RNAs
were denatured and separated on a 1% agarose gel. Prepa-
ration ofthe blot was performed as described previously
[36]. Blots were hybridized with a digoxigenin-labeled DNA
probe for the NtFAD3 and GUS fragments according to
the manufacturer’s protocol.
Transcriptional regulation in S-PTGS S. Hirai et al.
1700 FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 1695–1703 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS
Small RNA was extracted from leaves as described previ-
ously [37]. Thirty micrograms of small RNA-enriched
nucleic acids were separated on acrylamide gels and trans-
ferred onto nylon membranes. Polyacrylamide gels were
stained by ethidium bromide. The digoxigenin-labeled
NtFAD3 riboprobe (nucleotide position 181–1366) was
hybridized to small RNAs as described previously [38].
Preparation of nuclear RNA
Nuclei were isolated according to the method of van
Blokland et al. [39]. Ten grams of frozen leaves were
ground in liquid nitrogen, suspended in 60 mL of nucleus
isolation buffer A (1.25 m sucrose, 25 mm NaCl, 50 mm
Mes, pH 6.0, 25 mm EDTA, 3% (v ⁄ v) Triton X-100,
25 mm 2-mercaptoethanol, 0.75 mm spermine, 2.5 mm sper-
midine) and filtered through four layers of gauze. The
nuclei were then pelleted by centrifugation for 10 min at
830 g, resuspended in 2 mL of nucleus isolation buffer A
and transferred to Eppendorf tubes. The nuclei were then
precipitated by centrifugation at 400 g for 10 min. Nuclear
RNA was extracted from this crude nucleus fraction using
TRIzol reagent.
RT-PCR analysis
For RT-PCR analysis, total and nuclear RNAs were
treated with DNase I (Nippon Gene, Tokyo, Japan). About
100 ng of DNase-treated RNA was analyzed with a One-
step RT-PCR Kit (Qiagen, Venlo, The Netherlands). The
primers used and the amplified regions are shown in
Table S1 (see Supporting information).
Quantitative RT-PCR
Total and nuclear RNAs were prepared from S44 and
S44-end-2 plants grown at different times. cDNA was syn-
thesized from 1 lg of DNase I-treated RNA with Prime-
script reverse transcriptase (TaKaRa, Kyoto, Japan) and
quantified by a Rotor-Gene Q 2plex system (Qiagen) with
SYBR Green Realtime PCR Master Mix (ToYoBo,
Osaka, Japan). The cycling conditions were as follows:
5 min at 95 °C, followed by 45 cycles of 30 s at 95 °C,
30 s at 55 °C and 60 s at 72 °C. The primers used and the
amplified regions are shown in Table S1. The levels of
NtFAD3 transcripts were normalized to the level of actin
transcripts. The relative values for S44 plants are indicated
in the text.
DNA gel blot analysis
Total DNA was prepared from tobacco leaves as described
previously [40]. Ten micrograms of total DNA were
digested with methylation-sensitive restriction endonucleas-
es AccI and HinfI in combination with a methylation-insen-
sitive enzyme MboI. The digoxigenin-labeled riboprobe
covering a partial CaMV 35S promoter region (nucleotide
position )744 to )94) was prepared. The digested total
DNA was separated by electrophoresis on a 1% agarose
gel and blotted to a positively charged nylon membrane.
Membranes were hybridized with riboprobes at 50 °C.
Visualization of hybridized probes was carried out accord-
ing to the manufacturer’s protocol.
Genomic bisulfite sequencing
Bisulfite treatment was carried out according to Kubota
et al. [41]. Two micrograms of total DNA and 2 lgof
pUC119 cloning plasmid were mixed, and denatured in 2 m
NaOH at 37 °C for 10 min. The mixture was incubated in
a total volume of 500 lL with freshly prepared 3.6 m
sodium bisulfite, 10 mm hydroquinone, pH 5.0, for 22 h.
DNA samples were desalted with a Wizard DNA Clean-up
System (Promega, Madison, WI, USA). NaOH was added
to the desalted DNA solution at a final concentration of
0.3 m. After incubation at 37 °C for 5 min, ammonium ace-
tate was added at a final concentration of 2.7 m and the
DNA was precipitated by ethanol. The primers used and
the amplified regions are shown in Table S2 (see Support-
ing information). PCR products that originated from the
transgene sequences were cloned, and 12–15 individual
clones were sequenced. The effectiveness of bisulfite treat-
ment was monitored by estimating the base substitution
efficiency of pUC119. Fragments of about 243 bp were
amplified from native pUC119 and from bisulfite-treated
pUC119. These PCR fragments were resolved on an SSCP
gel [42] to discriminate between the base-substituted frag-
ments and the native fragments.
The 5¢ region ofthe NtFAD3 transgene cDNAs was ampli-
fied using 5¢ RACE system ver2 or a GeneRacer Kit (Invi-
Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay
The ChIP assay was carried out according to the manufac-
turer’s protocol (EpiQuik Plant ChIP kit; Epigentek,
Brooklyn, NY, USA) using mature leaves. Chromatin sam-
ples were immunoprecipitated with control antibody (IgG;
Epigentek) and antibodies against H3K9me2 and
H3K4me3 (Epigentek). The 470-bp El2 promoter ()434 to
+36 from TSP of El2 promoter) was amplified. Before
PCR was saturated, the PCR products were electrophore-
sed, and detected by Southern hybridization with digoxige-
nin-labeled probes. The primers used are listed in Table S3
(see Supporting information).
S. Hirai et al. Transcriptional regulation in S-PTGS
FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 1695–1703 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS 1701
We wish to thank Dr Takeo Kubota (University of
Yamanashi) for technical advice. We thank Yoshiko
Murohashi and Fumie Fukushima for the production
of double transformants. This research was supported
by Grants-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
(21657012) from the Ministry of Education, Science
and Culture, Japan. S.H. is a recipient of a scholarship
from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
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Supporting information
The following supplementary material is available:
Fig. S1. Transgene constructs and characterization of
the S44-SH transgenic lines.
Fig. S2. Levels of leaf 18:3 in total fatty acids of S44-
head, S44-end and S44-tata plants.
Fig. S3. TSP of transcripts ofthe NtFAD3 transgene
in S44 and S44-end-2 plants.
Fig. S4. RdDM by pIR-END in S24 plants.
Table S1. Primers used in RT-PCR analysis.
Table S2. Primers used in bisulfite sequence analysis.
Table S3. Primers used in ChIP assay.
This supplementary material can be found in the
online version of this article.
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should be addressed to the authors.
S. Hirai et al. Transcriptional regulation in S-PTGS
FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 1695–1703 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS 1703
. Loss of sense transgene- induced post-transcriptional gene
silencing by sequential introduction of the same transgene
sequences in tobacco
Sayaka. January
RNA silencing is an epigenetic inhibition of gene expression and is guided
by small interfering RNAs. Sense transgene- induced post-transcriptional
gene silencing