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Asset Pricing under Asymmetric Information ppt

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Cấu trúc

  • Contents

  • List of figures

  • Preface

  • 1. Information, Equilibrium, and Efficiency Concepts

    • 1.1. Modeling Information

    • 1.2. Rational Expectations Equilibrium and Bayesian Nash Equilibrium

      • 1.2.1. Rational Expectations Equilibrium

      • 1.2.2. Bayesian Nash Equilibrium

    • 1.3. Allocative and Informational Efficiency

  • 2. No-Trade Theorems, Competitive Asset Pricing, Bubbles

    • 2.1. No-Trade Theorems

    • 2.2. Competitive Asset Prices and Market Completeness

      • 2.2.1. Static Two-Period Models

      • 2.2.2. Dynamic Models – Complete Equitization versus Dynamic Completeness

    • 2.3 Bubbles

      • 2.3.1. Growth Bubbles under Symmetric Information

      • 2.3.2. Information Bubbles

  • 3. Classification of Market Microstructure Models

    • 3.1. Simultaneous Demand Schedule Models

      • 3.1.1. Competitive REE

      • 3.1.2. Strategic Share Auctions

    • 3.2. Sequential Move Models

      • 3.2.1. Screening Models á la Glosten

      • 3.2.2. Sequential Trade Models á la Glosten and Milgrom

      • 3.2.3. Kyle-Models and Signaling Models

  • 4. Dynamic Trading Models, Technical Analysis, and the Role of Trading Volume

    • 4.1. Technical Analysis – Inferring Information from Past Prices

      • 4.1.1. Technical Analysis – Evaluating New Information

      • 4.1.2. Technical Analysis about Fundamental Value

    • 4.2. Serial Correlation Induced by Learning and the Infinite Regress Problem

    • 4.3. Competitive Multiperiod Models

    • 4.4. Inferring Information from Trading Volume in a Competitive Market Order Model

    • 4.5. Strategic Multiperiod Market Order Models with a Market Maker

  • 5. Herding and Informational Cascades

    • 5.1. Herding due to Payoff Externalities

    • 5.2. Herding due to Information Externalities

      • 5.2.1. Exogenous Sequencing

      • 5.2.2. Endogenous Sequencing, Real Options, and Strategic Delay

    • 5.3. Reputational Herding and Anti-herding in Reputational Principal–Agent Models

      • 5.3.1. Exogenous Sequencing

      • 5.3.2. Endogenous Sequencing

  • 6. Herding in Finance, Stock Market Crashes, Frenzies, and Bank Runs

    • 6.1. Stock Market Crashes

      • 6.1.1. Crashes in Competitive REE Models

      • 6.1.2. Crashes in Sequential Trade Models

      • 6.1.3. Crashes and Frenzies in Auctions and War of Attrition Games

    • 6.2. Keynes’ Beauty Contest, Investigative Herding, and Limits of Arbitrage

      • 6.2.1. Unwinding due to Short Horizons

      • 6.2.2. Unwinding due to Risk Aversion in Incomplete Markets Settings

      • 6.2.3. Unwinding due to Principal–Agent Problems

    • 6.3. Firms’ Short-Termism

    • 6.4. Bank Runs and Financial Crisis

  • References

  • Index

    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • E

    • F

    • G

    • H

    • I

    • J

    • K

    • L

    • M

    • N

    • O

    • P

    • Q

    • R

    • S

    • T

    • U

    • V

    • W

    • Z

Nội dung

[...]... exchange rates Depending on their information, market participants buy or sell the asset In short, their information affects their trading activity and, thus, the asset price Information flow is, however, not just a one-way street Traders who do not receive a piece of new information are still conscious of the fact that the actions of other traders are driven by their information set Therefore, uninformed... Preface xiii which differences in information alone do not lead to trade A brief introduction of the basics of asset pricing under symmetric information is sketched out in Section 2.2 in order to highlight the complications that can arise under asymmetric information In an asymmetric information setting, it makes a difference whether markets are only “dynamically complete” or complete in the sense of Debreu... intentionally left blank 1 Information, Equilibrium, and Efficiency Concepts Financial markets are driven by news and information The standard asset pricing theory assumes that all market participants possess the same information However, in reality different traders hold different information Some traders might know more than others about the same event or they might hold information related to different... direct statement of the value of the asset Typically one has to make use of other information to figure out the impact of this news on the asset s value Thus, traders with different background information might draw different conclusions from the same public announcement Therefore, financial markets cannot be well understood unless one also examines the asymmetries in the information dispersion and assimilation... inferences from all available information derived from exogenous and endogenous data In particular, they infer information from publicly observable prices 2 Information, Equilibrium, Efficiency In short, investors base their actions on the information conveyed by the price as well as on their private information Specific models which illustrate the relationship between information and price processes... years, the academic literature has taken giant strides towards improving our understanding of the price process of assets This book offers a detailed and up-to-date review of the recent theoretical literature in this area It provides a framework for understanding price processes and emphasizes the informational aspects of asset price dynamics The survey focuses exclusively on models that assume that... process In economies where information is dispersed among many market participants, prices have a dual role They are both: • an index of scarcity or bargaining power, and • a conveyor of information Hayek (1945) was one of the first to look at the price system as a mechanism for communicating information This information affects traders’ expectations about the uncertain value of an asset There are different... the informational efficiency and allocative efficiency concepts to the reader The first section of Chapter 2 provides a more tractable notion of common knowledge and the intuition behind proofs of the different no-trade theorems The no-trade theorems state the specific conditions under Preface xiii which differences in information alone do not lead to trade A brief introduction of the basics of asset pricing. .. Chapters 3 and 4 In Sections 1.1 and 1.2 of this chapter we provide the basic conceptual background for modeling information and understanding the underlying equilibrium concepts Section 1.3 highlights the difference between allocative efficiency and informational efficiency 1.1 Modeling Information If individuals are not fully informed, they cannot distinguish between different states of the world State... induction or by applying the dynamic programming approach Introducing Asymmetric Information in Sequential Move Games In the case of imperfect information, a strategy specifies the actions of a player at any information set at which the agent is supposed to move Players cannot distinguish between different histories contained in the same information set Depending on the proposed candidate equilibrium strategy . conditions under Preface xiii which differences in information alone do not lead to trade. A brief introduction of the basics of asset pricing under symmetric information is. Economics This page intentionally left blank ebook3600.com Asset Pricing under Asymmetric Information Bubbles, Crashes, Technical Analysis, and Herding MARKUS

Ngày đăng: 22/03/2014, 23:20



