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First record of the genus brachyzapus gauld and dubois (hymenoptera ichneumonidae pimplinae) from vietnam, with descriptions of six new species

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This article was downloaded by: [Nhi Thi Pham] On: 26 June 2012, At: 12:31 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Natural History Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tnah20 First record of the genus Brachyzapus Gauld and Dubois (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of six new species Nhi Thi Pham a b c d , Gavin R Broad , Rikio Matsumoto & Wolfgang J Wägele a a Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Adenauerallee 160, Bonn, 53113, Germany b Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Department of Insect Ecology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Hanoi, Viet Nam c The Natural History Museum, Department of Entomology, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, UK d Osaka Museum of Natural History, Nagai Park 1-23, Higashisumiyoshi-ku, Osaka, Japan Available online: 25 Jun 2012 To cite this article: Nhi Thi Pham, Gavin R Broad, Rikio Matsumoto & Wolfgang J Wägele (2012): First record of the genus Brachyzapus Gauld and Dubois (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of six new species, Journal of Natural History, 46:27-28, 1639-1661 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222933.2012.679640 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-andconditions This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 sources The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material Journal of Natural History Vol 46, Nos 27–28, July 2012, 1639–1661 First record of the genus Brachyzapus Gauld and Dubois (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of six new species Nhi Thi Phama,b* , Gavin R Broadc , Rikio Matsumotod and Wolfgang J Wägelea a Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Adenauerallee 160, Bonn, 53113 Germany; Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Department of Insect Ecology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Hanoi, Viet Nam; c The Natural History Museum, Department of Entomology, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, UK; d Osaka Museum of Natural History, Nagai Park 1-23, Higashisumiyoshi-ku, Osaka, Japan b Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 (Received September 2011; final version received 22 March 2012; printed 26 June 2012) Based on a recent collection of ichneumonids from Lao Cai Province, at an elevation above 1500 m above sea level, the genus Brachyzapus Gauld and Dubois, 2006 is reported from Vietnam for the first time and six new species are described: B carinatus sp nov., B convexus sp nov., B duboisi sp nov., B fansipanensis sp nov., B hoanglienensis sp nov and B politus sp nov Notes on distinguishing characters are provided and the new species are included in a tentative key to 12 species of Brachyzapus Three species are formally transferred from Zabrachypus to Brachyzapus: B atripedalis (Sheng, 2001), B nitidus (Hao and Sheng, 2002) and B nonareaeidos (Wang, 1997) are new combinations Keywords: Polysphincta genus-group; Brachyzapus; Zabrachypus; taxonomy Introduction The Polysphincta genus-group (= Polysphinctini sensu Townes, 1969) comprises 22 genera, all known or presumed to be koinobiont ectoparasitoids of spiders (Yu et al 2005; Gauld and Dubois 2006; Palacio et al 2007) Brachyzapus is a small genus belonging to the Polysphincta genus-group, with only three previously included species: Brachyzapus nikkoensis (Uchida 1928) and Brachyzapus tenuiabdominalis (Uchida 1941) from Japan and Russia, and Brachyzapus unicarinatus (Uchida and Momoi 1958) from Russia, Japan, China and Taiwan (Uchida 1928, 1941; Uchida and Momoi 1958; Yu et al 2005; Gauld and Dubois 2006) It was erected to accommodate species previously placed in Zabrachypus, which was not a monophyletic genus (Gauld and Dubois 2006) Brachyzapus can be distinguished from Zabrachypus by the shape of the mandibles (twisted about 60–85◦ ); by the upper ovipositor valve lacking a lateral, triangular, scabrous area basally; and by the fore tarsi, which are much stouter in Zabrachypus Recently, we found specimens of Brachyzapus in a remarkable collection of ichneumonids from a high mountain range of Lao Cai Province, North Vietnam We herein describe six new species and provide a tentative key to the described species of this genus *Corresponding author Email: ptnhi2@yahoo.com ISSN 0022-2933 print/ISSN 1464-5262 online © 2012 Taylor & Francis http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222933.2012.679640 http://www.tandfonline.com 1640 N.T Pham et al Materials and methods Specimens were collected by Malaise trap and hand net during field surveys within the Hoang Lien National Park (NP), Lao Cai Province, from 1997 to 2001 These specimens are deposited in the collections of the Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity Naturalis (RMNH), Leiden, the Netherlands and the Osaka Museum of Natural History (OMNH), Osaka, Japan The morphological terminology follows Gauld (1991) Photographs were taken with a Nikon Digital Camera DXM 1200 via a stereomicroscope with light-box Taxonomy Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 Brachyzapus Gauld and Dubois, 2006 Brachyzapus Gauld and Dubois, 2006: 544 Type-species: Polysphincta tenuiabdominalis Uchida, original designation Diagnosis Eyes with scattered, minute hairs; mandible twisted about 60–85◦ , narrow, upper tooth slightly to distinctly longer than lower; clypeus moderately to strongly convex, separated from face by more or less impressed clypeofacial suture; palpi formula : 4; pronotum with upper part of epomia strong and subvertical; mesoscutum moderately long, with impressed notauli, posterolateral flange of mesoscutum strongly broadened; mesopleuron with epicnemial carina well developed, its upper end remote from anterior margin of pleuron; mesopleural sulcus angled opposite mesepisternal scrobe; submetapleural carina complete; propodeum with at least posterior part of lateral longitudinal carina present, posterior transverse carina strong when complete, propodeal spiracle round, not touching pleural carina; tarsal claws of female moderately long, with high basal lobe; fore wing with 3rs-m entirely absent; hind wing with basal abscissa of M+Cu evenly bowed; distal abscissa of Cu1 present, spectral; metasoma insertion separated from hind coxal cavities by strong sclerotized bridge; first tergite elongate; second tergite usually with weak anterolateral oblique grooves; ovipositor straight or up-curved at tip, slender, awl-like, without basal ventral swelling Gauld and Dubois (2006) provided a key to genera of the Polysphincta-group and all Vietnamese species of Brachyzapus will key easily to Brachyzapus Brachyzapus carinatus sp nov (Figure 1) Material examined Holotype (female) Lao Cai, Sa Pa, 1700 m above sea level (a.s.l.), 30 May 1997, hand net, R Matsumoto leg (OMNH) Diagnosis Inner margins of eyes slightly convergent medially; malar space 0.65 × basal width of mandible; scutellum with lateral carina present basally, laterally with weak transverse Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 Journal of Natural History 1641 Figure Brachyzapus carinatus sp nov holotype female: (A) lateral view; (B) face; (C) dorsal view of head and mesoscutum; (D) dorsal view of scutellum, metascutellum and propodeum; (E) lateral view of mesosoma; (F) wings; (G) dorsal view of tergites 1–3; (H) ovipositor 1642 N.T Pham et al ridges; mesopleuron with epicnemial carina strongly sinuous, mesopleural suture foveolate; propodeum with posterior transverse carina strong, basal and apical stubs of lateromedian longitudinal carina present; first sternite strongly convex, rounded apically Description Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 Body length mm, fore wing 6.3 mm, ovipositor 1.75 mm Head Antenna with more than 17 flagellomeres (apical flagellomeres missing), first flagellomere 1.3 × length of second; diameter of lateral ocellus 0.75 × ocellar– ocular distance; frons impunctate and polished; inner margins of eyes slightly convergent medially; face 1.6 × as high as wide, pubescent, upper margin broadly concave between antennal sockets; clypeus moderately convex, about 0.65 × as high as wide, apical margin thin, emarginate; malar space about 0.65 × basal width of mandible; mandible weakly twisted and narrow, upper tooth longer than lower tooth; occipital carina complete, meeting hypostomal carina about 1.2 × length of mandible basal width from base of mandible Mesosoma Epomia length × basal mandible width, extending from collar to dorsal margin of pronotum; pronotum impunctate and polished laterally, sparsely pubescent dorsally and at collar; mesoscutum moderately densely setose, with notauli deep, convergent at posterior 0.3 in shallow hollow; scutellum strongly convex, pubescent basally, laterally with weak transverse ridges, lateral carina present basally; mesopleuron subpolished, moderately dense hairs dorsally, ventrally scattered hairs, mesopleural suture foveolate, epicnemial carina present on lower 0.6, strongly sinuous; metapleuron convex, bare and polished, pubescent dorsally along pleural carina, submetapleural carina forming small lobe anteriorly, angled about 120◦ posteriorly; metasternum with some transverse ridges emerging from posterior angulation of submetapleural carina; propodeum moderately convex, pubescent laterally, dorsally mostly bare, petiolar area polished, lateromedian longitudinal carina with basal and posterior parts present, lateral longitudinal carina present on apical 0.5, posterior transverse carina strong Legs with mid and hind tibiae slightly swollen sub-basally; fore femur 4.2 ×x as long as wide; hind femur × longer than wide, length 0.83 × tibia, tibia 8.1 × as long as apical width; basitarsus longer than following three tarsomeres combined, 0.33 × length of tibia, 0.45 × tarsus, 2.3 × second tarsomere, fourth tarsomere very short, fifth × as long as third Fore wing with vein Rs&M opposite cu-a, 2rs-m about 0.75 × distance between 2rs-m and 2m-cu, vein cu-a slightly inclivous, vein Cu1a separated from 1m-cu by 1.2 × length of vein Cu1b; hind wing with first abscissa of vein Cu1 about 1.15 × as long as vein cu-a Metasoma Metasoma 1.6 × head and mesosoma combined; tergites with fine punctures, weakly coriaceous; first tergite 2.3 × as long as apical width, dorsolateral carina weakly complete, median longitudinal carina faint before transverse smooth band; second tergite 0.8 × length of first, 1.15 × as long as apical width, basal and apical oblique grooves moderately deep, rhombic area moderately convex; third tergite shorter than second, basal and apical oblique grooves weakly present; first sternite rounded, strongly convex apically; ovipositor straight, length of ovipositor from tip of hypopygium 0.75 × length of hind tibia, tapered to sharp point Journal of Natural History 1643 Colour Black Antenna yellowish brown, clypeus and mandible brown, palpi and tegula yellow; scutellum and post-scutellum reddish; legs yellowish brown, except hind tibia with sub-basal and apical parts slightly darker; wings yellowish, pterostigma and veins yellowish brown; ovipositor reddish Male Unknown Distribution Currently known only from Sa Pa, Lao Cai Province, Northern Vietnam (Figure 7) Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 Ecological note The single specimen was collected in montane evergreen forest at an elevation of 1700 m a.s.l Comparison This new species differs from its congeners by the presence of basal and apical stubs of the lateromedian longitudinal carinae on the propodeum In general appearance, this species resembles B duboisi sp nov except for the presence of extra carinae on the propodeum and the strongly sinuous epicnemial carina ventrally Etymology This species is named after the presence of basal and posterior stubs of the lateromedian longitudinal carinae on the propodeum Brachyzapus convexus sp nov (Figure 2) Material examined Holotype (female) Lao Cai, Hoang Lien NP, Fansipan Mt, 2320 m a.s.l., 24 April to May 2000, Malaise trap, P Q Mai and M T Nguyen leg (RMNH) Diagnosis Inner margins of eyes slightly convergent medially; malar space 0.5 × basal width of mandible; scutellum with lateral carina present basally, laterally with weak transverse ridges; metasternum with two parallel transverse ridges at level of posterior angulation; propodeum with posterior transverse carina strong; metasoma tergites narrow, first tergite without distinct median longitudinal carina; first sternite weakly convex, rounded centrally Description Body length 12.2 mm, fore wing 9.5 mm, ovipositor 2.7 mm Head Antenna with 30 flagellomeres, first flagellomere 1.35 × length of second; diameter of lateral ocellus 1.15 × ocellar–ocular distance; frons impunctate and Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 1644 N.T Pham et al Figure Brachyzapus convexus sp nov holotype female: (A) lateral view; (B) dorsal view of head and mesoscutum; (C) wings; (D) ovipositor; (E) lateral view of mesosoma; (F) dorsal view of tergites 1–2; (G) face; (H) dorsal view of scutellum, metascutellum and propodeum; (I) metasternum and sternite polished; inner margins of eyes slightly convergent medially; face 1.4 × as high as wide, pubescent, upper margin concave between antennal sockets; clypeus strongly convex, about 0.6 × as high as wide, apical margin thin, emarginate; malar space about 0.5 × basal width of mandible; mandible twisted and narrow, upper tooth much longer than lower tooth; occipital carina complete, meeting hypostomal carina about 1.25 × length of mandible basal width from mandible base Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 Journal of Natural History 1645 Mesosoma Epomia length × mandible width, extending from collar to dorsal margin of pronotum; pronotum impunctate and polished laterally, collar pubescent dorsally; mesoscutum densely setose, with notauli deep, convergent at posterior 0.3 in shallow hollow; scutellum strongly convex, pubescent basally, laterally with weak transverse ridges, lateral carina present basally; mesopleuron moderately densely pubescent except median concave area bare and polished, mesopleural suture foveolate, epicnemial carina present on lower 0.6 of mesopleuron; metapleuron convex, bare and polished, pubescent dorsally along pleural carina, submetapleural carina forming small lobe anteriorly, angled posteriorly about 130◦ ; metasternum with two parallel transverse ridges from posterior angulation of submetapleural carina extending about 0.7 distance to median longitudinal groove; propodeum moderately convex, pubescent laterally, dorsally mostly bare, petiolar area polished, lateral longitudinal carina present on apical 0.5, posterior transverse carina strong Legs slender, tibiae slightly swollen sub-basally, fore femur 4.8 × as long as wide; hind femur 5.9 × as long as wide, length 0.8 × tibia, tibia 10 × as long as apical width; basitarsus longer than following three tarsomeres combined, length 0.3 × tibia, 0.45 × tarsus, 2.4 × second tarsomere, fourth tarsomere very short, fifth 1.7 × as long as third Fore wing with vein Rs&M slightly basad of cu-a, 2rs-m about 0.7 × distance between 2rs-m and 2mcu, vein cu-a slightly inclivous, vein Cu1a separated from 1m-cu by 1.3 × length of vein Cu1b; hind wing with first abscissa of vein Cu1 1.2x as long as vein cu-a Metasoma Metasoma × longer than head and mesosoma combined; tergites coriaceous with dense, short hairs, except transverse smooth bands apically and first two tergites polished with scattered hairs; first tergite 2.7 × as long as apical width, median part convex, dorsolateral carina complete, weaker apically, median longitudinal carina indistinct; second tergite 0.85 × length of first tergite, 1.4 × as long as apical width, basal and apical oblique grooves moderately deep, rhombic area moderately convex; third tergite shorter than second tergite, basal and apical oblique grooves weak; first sternite with some transverse ridges basally, weakly convex and rounded centrally; ovipositor slightly up-curved at tip, length from tip of hypopygium 0.75 × length of hind tibia, lower valve slightly swollen medially, tapered to sharp point Colour Black Antenna yellowish brown, clypeus brown, mandible yellowish brown, palpi and tegula yellow; scutellum and post-scutellum reddish; legs reddish brown, except fore and mid coxae yellow, mid and hind trochantellus slightly darker; wings yellowish, pterostigma and veins brownish yellow; metasoma brownish posteriorly; ovipositor reddish Male Unknown Distribution Currently known only from Hoang Lien NP, Fansipan Mountain, Lao Cai Province, North Vietnam (Figure 7) Ecological note The single specimen was collected in montane evergreen forest at an altitude of 2320 m a.s.l 1646 N.T Pham et al Comparison Morphologically, the new species is most similar to Brachyzapus fansipanensis sp nov (see description below) and B nitidus (Hao and Sheng), which all have the posterior transverse carina of the propodeum strong and complete and the first tergite distinctly convex medially, without median longitudinal carinae However, the new species can be distinguished from B nitidus by its entirely brownish yellow antenna, without whitish flagellomeres subapically, and the more elongate first tergite (2.7 × as long as apical width versus 1.75 ×) It differs from B fansipanensis sp nov by the smoother lateral side of the scutellum, metasternum and first sternite Etymology Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 This species is named after its medially convex first tergite Brachyzapus duboisi sp nov (Figure 3) Material examined Holotype (female) Lao Cai, Hoang Lien NP, Fansipan Mt, 2320 m a.s.l., 24 April to 02 May 2000, Malaise trap, P Q Mai and M T Nguyen leg (RMNH) Paratype (two females) one female Lao Cai, Sa Pa, 1700 m a.s.l., 29 May 1997, hand net, R Matsumoto leg (OMNH); one female same locality and collector, 30 May 1997, (OMNH) Diagnosis Inner margins of eyes slightly convergent medially; malar space 0.75 × basal width of mandible; scutellum with lateral carina present basally, laterally with weak transverse ridges; mesopleuron with mesopleural suture foveolate; propodeum with posterior transverse carina strong; first tergite with median longitudinal carina strong to transverse smooth band; first sternite strongly convex, rounded apically Description Body length mm, fore wing 6.2 mm, ovipositor 1.7 mm Head Antenna with 27 flagellomeres, first flagellomere 1.4 × length of second; diameter of lateral ocellus 0.85 × ocellar–ocular distance; frons impunctate and polished; inner margins of eyes slightly convergent medially; face 1.4 × as high as wide, pubescent, upper margin broadly concave between antennal sockets; clypeus moderately convex, about 0.67 × as high as wide, apical margin thin, emarginate; malar space about 0.75 × basal width of mandible; mandible twisted and narrow, upper tooth longer than lower tooth; occipital carina complete, meeting hypostomal carina about 1.5 × length of mandible basal width from base of mandible Mesosoma Epomia length × mandible width, extending from collar to dorsal margin of pronotum; pronotum impunctate and polished laterally, pubescent dorsally; mesoscutum moderately densely setose, with notauli deep, convergent at posterior Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 Journal of Natural History 1647 Figure Brachyzapus duboisi sp nov holotype female: (A) lateral view; (B) dorsal view of head and mesoscutum; (C) lateral view of mesosoma; (D) dorsal view of tergites 1–2; (E) face; (F) ovipositor; (G) wings; (H) dorsal view of scutellum, metascutellum and propodeum Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 1648 N.T Pham et al 0.3 in shallow hollow; scutellum strongly convex, pubescent basally, laterally with weak transverse ridges, lateral carina present basally; mesopleuron subpolished, scattered hairs, mesopleural suture foveolate, epicnemial carina present on lower 0.6; metapleuron convex, bare and polished, pubescent dorsally along pleural carina, submetapleural carina forming small lobe anteriorly, angled about 120◦ posteriorly; metasternum with some parallel transverse ridges from posterior angulation of submetapleural carina nearly to median longitudinal groove; propodeum moderately convex, pubescent laterally, dorsally mostly bare, petiolar area polished, lateral longitudinal carina present on apical 0.5, posterior transverse carina strong Legs with mid and hind tibiae slightly swollen sub-basally; fore femur 3.9 × as long as wide; hind femur × longer than wide, length 0.8 × tibia, tibia 10 × as long as apical width; basitarsus longer than following three tarsomeres combined, 0.3 × length of tibia, 0.45 × tarsus, × second tarsomere, fourth tarsomere very short, fifth × as long as third Fore wing with vein Rs&M slightly basad of cu-a, 2rs-m about 0.8 × distance between 2rs-m and 2m-cu, vein cu-a slightly inclivous, vein Cu1a separated from 1mcu by 1.5 × length of vein Cu1b; hind wing with first abscissa of vein Cu1 as long as vein cu-a Metasoma Metasoma 1.8 × head and mesosoma combined; tergites with fine punctures, except second tergite and apical transverse bands smooth, base of tergite 3–5 weakly coriaceous; first tergite 2.5 × as long as apical width, dorsolateral carina complete, median longitudinal carina strong to transverse smooth band, median part convex; second tergite 0.8 × length of first, 1.15 × as long as apical width, basal and apical oblique grooves moderately deep, rhombic area moderately convex; third tergite shorter than second, basal and apical oblique grooves weakly present; first sternite rounded, strongly convex apically; ovipositor slightly up-curved at tip, length of ovipositor from tip of hypopygium 0.85 × length of hind tibia, lower valve slightly swollen medially, tapered to sharp point Colour Black Antenna yellowish brown, face and clypeus dark brown, mandible yellowish brown, palpi and tegula yellow; scutellum and post-scutellum reddish; legs reddish brown, except hind tibia with sub-basal and apical parts slightly darker; wings hyaline, pterostigma and veins yellowish brown; ovipositor reddish Male Unknown Variation Paratypes with malar space slightly shorter than in holotype (0.6 × mandible basal width versus 0.75 ×), wings more pigmented Distribution Currently known only from Hoang Lien NP, Fansipan Mt, Lao Cai Province, Northern Vietnam (Figure 7) Ecological note The specimens were collected in montane evergreen forest at an elevation of 1700–2320 m a.s.l Journal of Natural History 1649 Comparison This new species is similar to B unicarinatus in the presence of a strong posterior transverse carina on the propodeum and the evenly convex first tergite, with median longitudinal carinae extending nearly to the posterior margin However, this species differs from the latter by its mesopleural suture foveolate over both upper and lower parts and its yellowish-brown antenna, without subapical yellow flagellomeres Etymology This species is named after Jacques Dubois, who, with the late Ian Gauld, described the genus Brachyzapus and did much to delimit monophyletic genera within the Polysphincta-group Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 Brachyzapus fansipanensis sp nov (Figure 4) Material examined Holotype (female) Lao Cai, Hoang Lien NP, Fansipan Mt, 2100 m a.s.l., 22◦ 19’ N, 103◦ 47’ E, 23–26 October 2001, Malaise trap, P Q Mai leg (RMNH) Diagnosis Inner margins of eyes slightly convergent medially; malar space 0.5 × basal width of mandible; scutellum with lateral carina present basally, laterally with strong transverse ridges; mesopleuron with mesopleural suture foveolate, epicnemial carina ventrally strongly sinuous; metasternum dense with transverse ridges; propodeum with posterior transverse carina strong; first tergite without distinct median longitudinal carina, first sternite with transverse ridges on basal 0.4, centrally rounded, weakly convex Description Body length 11 mm, fore wing 9.5 mm, ovipositor 2.6 mm Head Antenna with 27 flagellomeres, first flagellomere 1.4 × length of second; diameter of lateral ocellus 1.15 × ocellar–ocular distance; frons impunctate, polished; inner margins of eyes slightly convergent medially; face 1.4 × as high as wide, pubescent, upper margin broadly concave between antennal sockets; clypeus moderately convex, about 0.6 × as high as wide, apical margin thin, emarginate; malar space about 0.5 × basal width of mandible; mandible twisted, upper tooth much longer than lower tooth; occipital carina complete, meeting hypostomal carina about 1.4x length of mandible basal width from base of mandible Mesosoma Epomia length × basal mandible width, extending from collar to dorsal margin of pronotum; pronotum polished, dorsal part and posterior corner pubescent; mesoscutum convex, moderately densely setose, with notauli deep, convergent at posterior 0.3 in shallow hollow; scutellum strongly convex, pubescent basally, laterally with strong transverse ridges, lateral carina present basally; mesopleuron subpolished, with scattered hairs, mesopleural suture foveolate, epicnemial carina present on lower 0.6, Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 1650 N.T Pham et al Figure Brachyzapus fansipanensis sp nov holotype female: (A) lateral view; (B) face; (C) wings; (D) dorsal view of scutellum, metascutellum and propodeum; (E) dorsal view of tergites 1–2; (F) ovipositor; (G) lateral view of mesosoma; (H) dorsal view of head and mesoscutum; (I) metasternum and sternite Journal of Natural History 1651 Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 ventrally strongly sinuous; metapleuron convex, bare and polished, pubescent dorsally along pleural carina, submetapleural carina forming small lobe anteriorly, posteriorly angled about 120◦ ; metasternum with many strong transverse ridges from above level of posterior angulation onward to middle of hind coxa, almost touching median longitudinal groove; propodeum moderately convex, pubescent laterally, dorsally mostly bare and polished, lateral longitudinal carina present on apical 0.5, posterior transverse carina strong Legs with mid and hind tibiae slightly swollen subbasally; fore femur × as long as wide; hind femur 5.2 × longer than wide, length 0.8 × tibia, tibia 10 × as long as apical width; basitarsus longer than following three tarsomeres combined, length 0.35 × tibia, 0.47 × tarsus, 2.6 × second tarsomere, fourth tarsomere very short, fifth 1.9 × as long as third Fore wing with vein Rs&M slightly basad of cu-a, 2rs-m about 0.7 × distance between 2rs-m and 2m-cu, vein cu-a slightly inclivous, vein Cu1a separated from 1m-cu by 1.5 × length of vein Cu1b; hind wing with first abscissa of vein Cu1 1.15 × longer than vein cu-a Metasoma Metasoma 1.8 × longer than head and mesosoma combined; tergites with fine punctures, except first two tergites polished, base of tergites 3–5 coriaceous; first tergite 2.6 × as long as apical width, median part convex, dorsolateral carina complete, median longitudinal carina indistinct; second tergite 0.75 × length of first tergite, 1.1 × as long as apical width, basal and apical oblique grooves moderately deep, rhombic area moderately convex; third tergite 0.83 × as long as second tergite, basal and apical oblique grooves weak; first sternite with transverse ridges present on 0.4 basally, weakly convex and rounded centrally; ovipositor slightly up-curved at tip, length from tip of hypopygium 0.82 × length of hind tibia, lower valve slightly swollen medially, tapered to sharp point Colour Black Antenna brownish yellow, mandible, palpi and tegula yellow; scutellum and post-scutellum reddish; legs reddish brown, except fore and mid coxae yellow, mid and hind trochantellus slightly darker; wings yellowish, pterostigma and veins brownish yellow; metasoma brown; ovipositor reddish brown Male Unknown Distribution Currently known only from Hoang Lien NP, Fansipan Mt, Lao Cai Province, North Vietnam (Figure 7) Ecological note The single specimen was collected in montane evergreen forest at an altitude of 2100 m a.s.l Comparison In general appearance, the new species is similar to Brachyzapus convexus sp nov.; however, it can be separated from the latter by its metasternum and lateral sides of the scutellum with dense, strong transverse ridges, the finely punctate metasomal tergites, coriaceous only at the bases of tergites, and the first sternite with transverse ridges on the basal 0.4 1652 N.T Pham et al Etymology We name the new species Brachyzapus fansipanensis after the type locality Brachyzapus hoanglienensis sp nov (Figure 5) Material examined Holotype (female) Lao Cai, Hoang Lien NP, 1550 m a.s.l., 22–29 October 1999, Malaise trap, C v Achterberg leg (RMNH) Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 Diagnosis Inner margins of eyes slightly convergent medially; malar space 0.6 × basal width of mandible; scutellum with lateral carina present basally, laterally without transverse ridges; mesopleural suture smooth, not foveolate; legs slender, fore femur 5.8 × as long as width; propodeum with posterior transverse carina strong; first sternite with some oblique ridges basally, strongly convex, rounded apically; body reddish brown Description Body length 7.3 mm, fore wing mm, ovipositor 1.5 mm Head Antenna with 26 flagellomeres, first flagellomere 1.45 × length of second; diameter of lateral ocellus as long as ocellar–ocular distance; frons impunctate, polished; inner margins of eyes slightly convergent medially; face 1.5 × as high as wide, pubescent, upper margin concave between antennal sockets; clypeus moderately convex, about 0.65 × as high as wide, apical margin thin, emarginate; malar space about 0.6 × basal width of mandible; mandible narrow, weakly twisted, upper tooth much longer than lower tooth; occipital carina complete, meeting hypostomal carina about 0.9 × length of mandible basal width from base of mandible Mesosoma Epomia length 1.9 × mandible width, extending from collar nearly to dorsal margin of pronotum; pronotum polished, scattered hairs dorsally; mesoscutum convex, moderately densely setose, with notauli deep, convergent at posterior 0.3 in shallow hollow; scutellum strongly convex, pubescent basally, laterally without transverse ridges, lateral carina present basally; mesopleuron subpolished, pubescent dorsally and ventrally, mesopleural suture not foveolate, epicnemial carina present on lower 0.5; metapleuron convex, bare and polished, pubescent dorsally along pleural carina, submetapleural carina, forming small lobe anteriorly, angled about 120◦ posteriorly; metasternum with some short transverse ridges at level of posterior angulation; propodeum moderately convex, pubescent laterally, dorsally mostly bare and polished, lateral longitudinal carina present on apical 0.4, posterior transverse carina strong Legs slender, mid and hind tibiae slightly swollen sub-basally; fore femur 5.8 × as long as wide; hind femur 6.15 × longer than wide, length 0.8 × tibia, tibia 10 × as long as apical width; basitarsus longer than following three tarsomeres combined, length 0.3 × tibia, 0.45 × tarsus, × second tarsomere, fourth tarsomere very short, fifth 1.9 × as long as third Fore wing with vein Rs&M slightly basad of cu-a, 2rs-m about 0.7 × distance between 2rs-m and 2m-cu, vein cu-a slightly inclivous, vein Cu1a Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 Journal of Natural History 1653 Figure Brachyzapus hoanglienensis sp nov holotype female: (A) lateral view; (B) lateral view of mesosoma; (C) dorsal view of head and mesoscutum; (D) ovipositor; (E) face; (F) dorsal view of scutellum, metascutellum and propodeum; (G) metasternum and sternite 1; (H) dorsal view of tergites 1–3; (I) wings 1654 N.T Pham et al separated from 1m-cu by length of vein Cu1b; hind wing first abscissa of vein Cu1 1.2 × longer than vein cu-a Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 Metasoma Metasoma 1.7 × head and mesosoma combined; tergites with fine punctures, pubescent, base of tergites 3–5 coriaceous; first tergite 2.3 × as long as apical width, dorsolateral carina weakly complete, median longitudinal carina strongly present to oblique groove; second tergite 0.8 × length of first, 1.15 × as long as apical width, basal and apical oblique grooves deep, rhombic area convex and polished; third tergite slightly shorter than second, basal and apical oblique grooves moderately deep, median area convex; first sternite with some oblique ridges basally, strongly convex and rounded apically; ovipositor straight, length from tip of hypopygium 0.75 × length of hind tibia, lower valve slightly swollen medially, tapered to sharp point Colour Reddish brown Antenna brownish yellow, mandible, palpi and tegula yellow; scutellum and post-scutellum reddish; legs reddish, except fore and mid coxae and trochanters yellow, subbasal and apical bands of hind tibia and hind tarsus fuscous; wings hyaline, pterostigma and veins brownish yellow; ovipositor reddish Male Unknown Distribution Currently known only from Hoang Lien NP, Fansipan Mt, Lao Cai Province, North Vietnam (Figure 7) Ecological note The single specimen was collected in montane evergreen forest at an altitude of 1550 m a.s.l Comparison The new species differs from its congeners by its colour pattern and slender legs Moreover, this species can be distinguished from other species of Brachyzapus from Vietnam, as well as B unicarinatus from Russia and northeastern Asia, by its smooth, not foveolate mesopleural suture Etymology The specific epithet refers to the Hoang Lien National Park, the type and only known locality for this new species Brachyzapus politus sp nov (Figure 6) Material examined Holotype (female) Lao Cai, Hoang Lien NP, 1550 m a.s.l., 22–29 October 1999, Malaise trap, C v Achterberg leg (RMNH) Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 Journal of Natural History 1655 Figure Brachyzapus politus sp nov holotype female: (A) lateral view; (B) dorsal view of head and mesoscutum; (C) lateral view of mesosoma; (D) wings; (E) face; (F) dorsal view of scutellum, metascutellum and propodeum; (G) dorsal view of tergites 1–2; (H) ovipositor 1656 N.T Pham et al Diagnosis Inner margins of eyes distinctly convergent ventrally; face narrow, 1.9 × as high as wide, sparsely finely punctate; malar space short, 0.25 × basal width of mandible; notauli present basally, indistinct posteriorly; scutellum with lateral carina strong to middle, without lateral transverse ridges; propodeum dorsally sparsely punctate, laterally with some transverse ridges at level of posterior transverse carina; first sternite convex, angled apically Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 Description Body length mm, fore wing 5.5 mm, ovipositor 1.9 mm Head Antenna with 25 flagellomeres, first flagellomere 1.4 × length of second; diameter of lateral ocellus 1.2 × ocellar–ocular distance; frons impunctate, polished; inner margins of eyes distinctly convergent ventrally; face narrow, 1.9 × as high as wide, subpolished, with very small punctures, upper margin concave between antennal sockets; clypeus strongly convex, about 0.75 × as high as wide, apical margin thin, emarginate; malar space 0.25 × basal width of mandible; mandible weakly twisted, narrow, upper tooth slightly longer than lower tooth; occipital carina complete, meeting hypostomal carina about 1.3 × basal mandible width from base of mandible Mesosoma Epomia length × basal mandible width; pronotum impunctate and polished laterally, punctate and pubescent dorsally; mesoscutum densely setose with notauli moderately deep on basal 0.3, indistinct posteriorly; scutellum strongly convex, pubescent, lateral carina extending to middle; mesopleuron moderately densely setose except posterior concave area near mesopleural suture bare and polished, mesopleural suture foveolate, epicnemial carina present on lower 0.6 of mesopleuron; metapleuron bare and polished medially, pubescent basally, dorsally and apically, submetapleural carina forming small lobe anteriorly and angled about 135◦ posteriorly; metasternum with transverse ridge from posterior angulation of submetapleural carina extending about 0.6 × distance to median longitudinal groove; propodeum moderately convex, pubescent, except dorso-medially and petiolar area polished, posterior stub of lateral longitudinal carina present, several transverse ridges present at level of posterior transverse carina laterally Legs with mid and hind tibiae slightly swollen sub-basally; fore femur 3.4 × as long as wide; hind femur 4.5 × as long as wide, length 0.8 × tibia, tibia × as long as apical width; basitarsus longer than following three segments combined, length 0.33 × tibia, 0.45 × tarsus, × second tarsomere, fourth tarsomere very short, fifth × as long as third Fore wing with vein Rs&M slightly basad of cu-a, 2rs-m about 0.7 × distance between 2rs-m and 2m-cu, vein cu-a slightly inclivous, vein Cu1a separated from 1m-cu by 1.15 × length of vein Cu1b; hind wing with first abscissa of vein Cu1 as long as vein cu-a Metasoma Metasoma × longer than head and mesosoma combined; tergites coriaceous, with scattered short hairs; first tergite 2.3 × as long as apical width, dorsolateral carina complete, median longitudinal carina extending to oblique groove; second tergite 0.9 × length of first tergite, 1.5 × as long as apical width, basal and apical oblique grooves moderately deep, rhombic area moderately convex; third tergite shorter than second, basal and apical oblique grooves weakly present; first sternite with some transverse ridges at base, convex and angled apically; ovipositor straight, length from tip of Journal of Natural History 1657 hypopygium slightly longer than hind tibia, basal half of upper valve slightly swollen, tapered to sharp point Colour Black Antenna yellowish brown, mandible brown, palpi and tegula yellow; legs reddish brown, except fore and mid coxae yellow, hind tibia with sub-basal and apical fuscous bands; wings hyaline, pterostigma and veins brownish yellow; ovipositor reddish brown Male Unknown Distribution Currently known only from Hoang Lien NP, Lao Cai Province, North Vietnam (Figure 7) Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 Ecological notes The single specimen was collected in montane evergreen forest at an elevation of 1550 m a.s.l Comparison Brachyzapus politus sp nov resembles B tenuiabdominalis but it can be distinguished from the latter by its sparsely punctate face, gena and dorsal face of the propodeum; the weakly curved epicnemial carina; its less angled mesopleural suture; the longer median longitudinal carinae of the first tergite, extending to the posterior, transverse smooth band; and the second tergite with distinct, basal, oblique grooves The new species differs from other Vietnamese Brachyzapus species by the notauli present only on the basal 0.3 of the mesoscutum, not meeting in the posterior half; the propodeum with the posterior transverse carina absent; the scutellum and post-scutellum black; and the strong lateral carina of the scutellum, extending to the middle Etymology This species is named after its polished face, gena and dorsal face of the propodeum Discussion The few previously described species of Brachyzapus are known from Russia southwards to central China and Taiwan All the Vietnamese species were found in the Hoang Lien Range, at high elevations near Mount Fansipan (3143 m), the highest peak in the Indochina subregion This is the first record of Brachyzapus for Vietnam and our discoveries extend the known distribution of the genus southwards to the Asian subtropics The diversity of Brachyzapus species in one relatively small highaltitude refuge is surprising but may well reflect a larger fauna in high-altitude areas of the Asian subtropics with poorly known ichneumonid faunas Further collecting is required to fill the distribution gap of Brachyzapus from the high-altitude areas of southern China and other subtropical countries in Asia Judging by the original descriptions (Wang et al 1997; Sheng and Pan 2001; Hao and Sheng 2002), Zabrachypus atripedalis Sheng, 2001, Zabrachypus nitidus Hao and Sheng, 2002 and Zabrachypus nonareaeidos Wang, 1997 from China clearly all belong Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 1658 N.T Pham et al Figure Map showing the type locality of six new species of Brachyzapus Journal of Natural History 1659 in Brachyzapus Brachyzapus atripedalis (Sheng), from Henan Province, Brachyzapus nitidus (Hao and Sheng), from Jilin Province and Brachyzapus nonareaeidos (Wang), from Hubei Province are all new combinations A key to the 12 currently known species of Brachyzapus is given below, extensively modified from Uchida and Momoi (1958) This will only work reliably for females because males are unknown for the species described in this paper As we have not seen material of B atripedalis, B nitidus or B nonareaeidos, our inclusion of these three taxa in the key is tentative Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 Key to the species of Brachyzapus Notaulus less impressed, usually extending to middle of mesoscutum, weakly or not convergent posteriorly (Figure 6B); propodeum with posterior transverse carina entirely absent or weak laterally Notaulus strongly impressed, distinctly convergent posteriorly in shallow hollow (Figures 1C, 2B, 3B, 4H, 5C); propodeum with posterior transverse carina strong, complete (Figures 1D, 2H, 3H, 4D, 5F) Scutellum and postscutellum yellow; metasomal tergites black with narrow posterior transverse yellow bands; propodeum with posterior transverse carina entirely absent [lower tooth of mandible completely behind upper tooth] B nikkoensis Scutellum and postscutellum black; metasomal tergites each with posterior transverse yellow bands not or barely present; propodeum with lateral stub of posterior transverse carina or with some transverse ridges at level of this carina (Figure 6F) 3 Face wider than high; mesoscutum and propodeum covered with white hairs; hind wing with first abscissa of vein Cu1 slightly shorter than vein cu-a; ovipositor sheath 0.5 × hind tibia B nonareaeidos Face higher than wide; mesoscutum and propodeum covered with brown hairs; hind wing with first abscissa of vein Cu1 variable; ovipositor sheath about 0.6–0.8 × hind tibia 4 Malar space longer, about 0.66 × basal width of mandible; scutellum weakly convex, lateral carina present at base B atripedalis Malar space shorter, about 0.3 × basal width of mandible; scutellum strongly convex, lateral carina extending to middle 5 Face, gena and dorsal face of propodeum polished, sparsely punctate (Figures 6E, 6F); mesopleuron with epicnemial carina weakly curved, mesopleural suture weakly angled (Figure 6C); first tergite with median longitudinal carina extending to posterior transverse smooth band; second tergite with distinct basal oblique groove (Figure 6G); hind wing with distal end of veins Rs, M and Cu1 present as traces (Figure 6D) B politus sp nov Face, gena and dorsal face of propodeum densely punctate; mesopleuron with epicnemial carina sinuous; mesopleural suture strongly angled; first tergite with median longitudinal carina not extending to posterior transverse smooth band; second tergite with low basal oblique groove; hind wing with veins Rs, M and Cu1 more or less pigmented B tenuiabdominalis 1660 N.T Pham et al First tergite distinctly convex centrally, without distinct median longitudinal carina (Figures 2F, 4E); first sternite weakly convex medially First tergite evenly convex, with median longitudinal carina extending to middle or nearly to posterior margin (Figures 1G, 3D, 5H); first sternite weakly to strongly convex apically Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 Antenna with subapical flagellomeres (flagellomeres 10–17 or 11–18) whitish; diameter of lateral ocellus about 0.76 × ocellar–ocular distance; first tergite 1.75 × as long as apical width B nitidus Antenna entirely brownish yellow; diameter of lateral ocellus longer than ocellar-ocular distance; first tergite about 2.6–2.7 × as long as apical width 8 Metasternum with only two parallel transverse ridges at level of posterior angulation (Figure 2I); scutellum with weak transverse ridges laterally; second tergite narrow, 1.4 × as long as apical width; first sternite with some transverse ridges at base B convexus sp nov Metasternum with many parallel transverse ridges from above level of posterior angulation to middle of hind coxa (Figure 4I); scutellum with strong transverse ridges laterally; second tergite broader, 1.1 × as long as apical width; first sternite with transverse ridges present on basal 0.4 B fansipanensis sp nov Mesopleural suture smooth, not foveolate (Figure 5B); lateral side of scutellum without transverse ridges (Figure 5F); body reddish brown B hoanglienensis sp nov Mesopleural suture foveolate, at least on upper half; lateral side of scutellum with transverse ridges; body black 10 10 Lower half of mesopleural suture smooth, not foveolate; antenna yellowish brown with subapical flagellomeres whitish B unicarinatus Mesopleural suture foveolate on both upper and lower parts; antenna entirely yellowish brown 11 11 Epicnemial carina strongly sinuous ventrally (Figure 1E); propodeum with basal and apical part of lateromedian longitudinal carina present (Figure 1D) B carinatus sp nov Epicnemial carina less sinuous ventrally (Figure 3C); propodeum with lateromedian longitudinal carina entirely absent B duboisi sp nov Acknowledgements We are grateful to Prof Dr Ing Kees van Achterberg, Mr Rob de Vries and Ms Leonne Vermond (RMNH) for access to the important collection of Ichneumonidae in Naturalis We acknowledge the directorate of the Hoang Lien NP for issuing the relevant permits We thank Prof Dr MaoLing Sheng (Beijing) for providing literature, Dr Eleanor Sterling (New York) and Mr Kevin Koy (Berkeley) for providing the map We would like to thank Dr Hans Ulrich (ZFMK) for suggesting the names for new species This research was partly funded by grants to the first author from the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam (MOET, 322 Programme), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Alexander Koenig Gesellschaft (AKG) The second author’s visit to Naturalis, to work on Vietnamese Ichneumonidae, was funded by the EU’s Synthesys programme Journal of Natural History 1661 Downloaded by [Nhi Thi Pham] at 12:31 26 June 2012 References Gauld ID 1991 The Ichneumonidae of Costa Rica, Mem Am Entomol Inst 47:1–589 Gauld ID, Dubois J 2006 Phylogeny of the Polysphincta group of genera (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae; 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and the second tergite with distinct, basal, oblique grooves The new species differs from other Vietnamese Brachyzapus

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